S.W.A.T: Hit Men (FULL EPISODE) | Rapid Response

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh mommy you promised ah okay okay I look but that's all of course I love you okay I'll call you later goodbye you know if Italian mothers aren't feeding you they're trying to get you married what happened to that last girl she picked out for you it would have taken me Joe Green and the rest of the stila's defense just to get her heels off the the ground well well Vincent Richie is going to testify before a senate committee oh yeah I busted a couple of his wholesalers when I was on Vice he was back on the streets before I could finish my report what was his action Richie had a piece of everything here put that in the fire you know I grabbed these guys pushing to 11-year-old kids real Charmers locally he had a corner an extortion and union busting and illegal gambling and prostitution anything else that had turn a crooked dollar finally they nail him on income tax evasion wait a second uh Richie is not your upstanding uh public-minded citizen who testifies before Senate committees the word is that a couple of his former friends tried to take him out in a prison exercise yard he's got the idea a contract is out on him so he's going to sing his heart out that's in carck there is he high enough up to hurt oh yeah if he really decides to talk it' put a very big dent in the local operation does it say how they're moving doesn't say you ought to make him walk give the first crack to his 11-year-old customers to the parents of his 11-year-old [Music] customers I netive done at this [Music] time check this negative Mission 3 104 28 [Music] 14 Norther Flor FL 107 and find in Franklin have a serious 586 here [Music] [Music] somebody screwed up I wouldn't phrase it exactly that way One Cop Dead one wounded two civilians Dead one wounded he's not talking Vincent Richie in an emergency hospital how would you phrase it Mr Warren Lieutenant I am a prosecutor I am not in charge of security a dead Vincent Richie ain't going to bring many tears he will to me alive he'll name names give details tell us who is responsible for what he can break their back now look the it we thought it was the best thing to do to sneak him into town you were wrong obviously why wasn't SWAT call then we were developed to handle situations just like this we train day after day we train now why do you think we do that Mr Warren for the exercise Lieutenant Haron Vincent Richie is alive and I have been authorized to turn his his future safety over to you some future however it is my personal opinion that they will not make another attempt Mr prosecutor your personal opinion [Music] stinks [Music] what the hell got him so mad I do not intend to have the orderly routine interrupted is that clear you're coming through loud and clear Miss Marlo Lieutenant harelson yes I'm Howard reing the hospital's administrator I see you've met nurse Milo yes we were just discussing priorities and Mr reading will you inform the officer who is in charge of this floor well nurse the way I see it we'll be as unobtrusive as possible but Vincent Richie's safety is our responsibility and the rest of the patients are mine I'm sure you two will be able to work it out together you'll hardly know we're here miss Marlo I presume there will be a good deal of sh shooting I hope not then why did you bring all the guns I told you it work out lucer your assignment is to stay with Vincent Richie and don't leave him for a second yes sir Street I want you to cover that far staircase right de I've ordered special IDs printed up for anyone who has to be in this wing of the hospital if they they don't have one they don't get off that elevator TJ I want you to reassign those uniform cops to the entrances they know the procedure got it look I'll be with reading to set up a temporary headquarters and look over the hospital FL [Music] [Applause] fight it's all right down Richie's daughter who are you I'm uh Dominic Luca your father's roommate is that supposed to be humorous Mr Luca I guess it came out wrong they're operating on him tomorrow now I give you my word he's not going to walk out of here I'm here to protect him harass him you mean have any way you want I want to be alone with you Mr Luca well go ahead just make believe I'm not here that won't be hard good daddy we don't want you here and we don't need you here you don't have a choice oh that's how protected he was look at him I've seen him before you don't know this man lady I know your father inside out I know what he did to send you to that fancy Eastern College to buy that $155,000 car in those $400 dresses all you know are the lies that they print in the papers I saw his pushes turn 11-year-old kids on the horse I saw 15-year-old girls hustling in the streets for 2 years to feed a $100 a day habit I picked up men with their knees broken because they wouldn't line his pockets well maybe you don't know how he paid for your Dolce Vita but I do and it's something you don't ever [Music] forget what are these right here those are fire doors look is Mr Richie really in that much Jeopardy I mean after all I've never even heard of him his testimony is going to cost the organization a million dollars a day and the men who run it the rest of their lives they want him they don't care who they take along the way was badly planned and badly executed you said to use out of town to I said to use the best showe they hit him three times Mr but alive I'll get him you got my word now listen to me Joe I'm not a man who understands failure I know that Mr trainer Vincent Richie is a dangerous man if he testifies he can bring us all down Richie is not going to leave that hospital alive I guarantee it SWAT is now in charge of security so they cops oh oh no they're the best cops Joe and I'd rather you didn't underrate them it's a Gamble and I don't like the odds Richie is not going to live the test ify I want information it's a big hospital find out who we own right Mr trainer I'm going to have that information for you in an hour the secret to a successful deal is to know what the opposition is going to do before he knows it right Mr trainer anything else same as before Joe I want Vincent Richie dead right Mr trainer [Music] fredie I to come alone Leo all you had to do is call a I know kid I know it just said my my phone was out of order now you and I going to have a nice little talk Leo I I I I know that I owe you but don't interrupt now bookmaking is a well it's a business it's not like in the old days I mean we don't use Muscle anymore today we want our clients to be happy yeah Freddy Freddy you look at me when I'm talking H yeah well in the old days if a guy couldn't come up with the bread that he owed he get belted around things have changed let me see you're on the hook for 390 in bets plus another 200 in interest how are you going to pay off time Leo just a a little more time hey hey Freddy would you would you like some water sure you would M slow slow don't choke yourself feel better good now Fredy I got a proposition for you and if you accept all your debts are off the books and you clear 200 well Leo honister I couldn't do anything like you know oh Fred Freddy would I ask you to do a thing like that come on course not information all I want is a little information what could I tell you well a guy I know is sick he's a he's kind of an old friend so I want to make sure that he gets the best of care that's all well I want to know everything about him you know like uh who he sees who goes into his room if they ever move him oh that that's easy my friend's name is Vincent Richie [Music] oh something bothering you Freddy no no no sir good okay take him back to the hospital hey hey hey take it easy tly man's a friend he works for me [Music] friend okay beautiful you got my private number yeah yes sir yes sir [Music] sponge right section hold it yes sir which way you hit it I have to get some [Music] supplies [Music] can I get you some more coffee no thank you you know he's got the best team of doctors in town I know the price is 8 to5 in his favor you make it sound like a prize fight that's my father on that table it's his life it's not a game Miss Richie I wasn't being flip I was just using a figure of speech yeah I know I'm sorry I don't know why I'm snapping at you I'm the only one around I'm always defending him look maybe maybe part of what they said was true but not all of it yes ma'am Dominic that is your name isn't it what do you really think the odds are truth yeah 65 pick them it's not too good is it look I said I know you're old man and I do he's tough he won't quit he'll fight when I was little whenever he came home he always had something for me a candy bar a toy chewing gum how can you hate a man like that I just wish he treated other kids that [Music] way wrap it [Music] up [Music] this Dr woodmon uh we just finished patient's name is Richie Vincent uh we lost him yeah don't anybody walk off this stuff [Music] okay hello Leo yeah it's me Freddy he didn't didn't make it what do you mean he didn't make it spell it out Richie died on the table all right good be talking to you [Music] kid come in I wanted to make sure you were alone there's an 11% drop in gambling Joe I don't like the trend I got some good news Richie died on the table well that was thoughtful of Vincent I presume your contacts saw the body hey call Leo from outside the operating room did he see the body according to Leo we heard the doctor said we lost him that is not an answer to my question I guess the answer is no get the word to Leo have his contact report that he saw a dead Vincent Richie with his own eyes but fleo says he heard the doctor right Mr trainer hi Freddy how can you stand it down here art what's not Al like good pay nobody on your back and the customers are nice and quiet place gives me the creeps what can I do for you it's my aunt I had two and they lost one oh I'm sorry but it happens it isn't against the rules is it I mean if I take one last look no I think it's all right what's her name Evelyn Russell oh yeah uh alone hard you know what I mean 27 thank you [Music] [Music] take the position hands against the wall talk I'm I'm I'm just an orderly my aunt died and don't lie to me my friend has a very short fuse you were checking to see if Vincent Richie was in that box who Vincent Richie I got a right to see a lawyer I know he's got a point you listen to me there was a shootout yesterday afternoon One Cop dead and one was wounded charge is going to be accessory to commit murder I don't know anything about that one last time I did check and see if Vincent Richie was really dead who wants to know Leo Kowski the bookmaker I'm on the hook for almost 600 all you had to do was to make sure the men was dead I supposed to report on everything about Richie I mean and the hospital blueprints I borrowed a set from the store room you delivered them to Kowski I don't know why I wanted him though honest I don't sure Bome I'm going to visit [Music] karaski was a setup alousi setup and hel Leo's contact he spilled his guts so Richie is still alive Vincent Richie has done being lucky and now first things first now Leo's contact reported directly to him so he knows nothing about us right on the other hand Leo could lead the police right into this office I'll take care of him Mr trainer [Music] how long you've been here Nate about 6 minutes anybody go out or in no did your men do a survey yeah there's an exit on the other side it's covered the door around the corner is covered I got a man on the roof all right alert your people we're going in right all right we're moving in hold your [Music] [Applause] [Music] positions [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] how could they've gotten to him before you did who knows how many eyes and ear they have in this Hospital hospital that's not saying too much for our security deep between patients visitors and Hospital staff there got to be at least a couple hundred possible leaks that we got to figure they get information almost as fast as we do which means that we both know he's still got one bullet in them what we don't know is when they're going to take it out man this could become a way of life well they got to have one thing figured what's that if they can't get Vincent Richie to the investigating committee they can always bring the investigating committee here that's a comforting thought congressmen AIDS reporters I know we'd need an army to protect them de be a hood for a minute think of their way for me the longer he stays on this floor the more dangerous he becomes and since I don't care who I waste I'll hit him as soon as possible here here and here Richie a SWAT man in the room 24 hours a day another one here here here and one constantly on the move if I was on that floor I'd take care of him getting you to the floor is no problem getting you to Richie's room is yeah once I was on that floor Joe please don't underestimate me or SWAT they'll nail you before you get within 100 ft of Richie's room I figure six men Joe will you pay attention this man can hold that door against a dozen men this man can be taken but this man the backup man will cut you to ribbons and this man the Rover well he can position himself to get your team in a crossfire I pay guys to take chances well I pay them to succeed and according to you don't even have a chance not here [Applause] but you can take him right here at the operating room no way no I don't see how Mr trainer and neither will they Joe Dominic do you like what you do sure you like holding a gun if you mean to like killing people the answer is no that's not my job what is your job keeping people alive including my father as much as you dislike him right on both counts I I should hate you I can't figure out why I don't you and I feel the same way maybe it's because I figure you don't have anything to do with what he is he's my father all right let's not go through that again we don't seem to be able to avoid it do we haven't you ever judged someone without really knowing them too often well I made that mistake with you well you're no more guilty than I am look we spent a lot of time together and you haven't left his side now if you love him that much well maybe there's something you know I never saw well that's quite an admission I maybe I'm getting soft or uh maybe I never met anyone like you before you're not going to use a line like that you couldn't oh how about the line you used if only you weren't a cop did I say that yeah and I think you meant it I did look this isn't going to last forever I mean this assignment so maybe uh later we can see each other maybe what's so funny I was just thinking what wait till my mother gets a look at [Laughter] [Music] you how do things look fine let's hope it stays that way sorry dark how many times do I have to tell you to knock I forgot that'll make some hotap how is he doctor well he about as well as can be expected oh if I hear that expression one more time well we've been trying to find a new one for years Miss Richie we're going to have to um operate again yes I know immediately why when the bullet is shifted If It Moves again we won't be able to get it out in time is he strong enough his life signs are even better than could be expected uh doc I don't like to interrupt but have you told Lieutenant harlson no I am I hadn't thought of it well he doesn't like surprises and I have an idea this is going to be some surprise when my team's already scrubbing up doctor I've got strategy to map out I've got extra men to assign I've got to figure out what moves they're going to make we've got maybe an hour an hour and a half can't you delay it for an hour Sor or switch operating rooms doctor I'm not ready well I'm not ready either Lieutenant but we both better be if Vincent Richie is going to live deep everybody but Luca on the double to the headquarters [Music] room they're sending up officers from the floor below what's up they're going to operate in exactly 1 hour and 30 minutes I sure don't like these last minute moves before we're on the operating floor know it's happening so fast maybe they haven't got the word if we've got it they've got it problem is what are we going to do the problem is what are they going to [Music] do right thanks your boys ready in my office get [Music] them now listen and listen carefully the IDS right you were picked because you resemble each of the people described on these IDs I made a dry run yesterday you'll be checked and double checked how about the weapons they're going to grab us in a second they'll be there don't worry about it these IDs now how close to the real thing are they they are the real thing just listen for a second will you pe what's the name on yours Corona Gerald he's off duty till tomorrow night you're being paid big money to get a job done an important job if you blow it there won't be any place for you to hide all right I got my key ke men at all the entrances uniform cops are patrolling the corridors next 3 hours are going to be critical what about ambulances emergency cases there's no way to stop them I've got a special detail to handle that you sure they're going to go for him today when Richie's stationary he's a hard hit but I've got to move him out of his room down a corer up two floors down another corer in and out of an operating room into a recovery room back down another caror does that answer your question yeah they'll go from today [Music] can I see some identification [Music] please open the back oh it's open just dropping off some [Music] laundry all right you go through thanks [Music] I [Music] mess see your ID sir what's going on nothing sir would you mind opening the bag I find out what's going on just checking in you know we have a security problem today sir thank you Doctor you can go in would you please wear your ID at all times [Music] sure [Music] is [Music] second [Music] you're right thank [Music] you [Music] how's it going no sweat so fine you [Music] mean everything all right right on schedule [Music] that's close enough Lieutenant any last minute substitutes no just my regular team what about the anesthesiologist he's my brother now unless you'd like him to die neglect please he's all [Music] yours [Music] sponge let's go easy easy easy there [Music] does told you to wait downstairs I couldn't well look you just can't hang around here in the hall why don't you go down there to your right it's the recovery room have you had any word yet no not yet it's too soon he'll make it he'll make it I appreciate everything you've done I'll let you buy me dinner I'll make you dinner you can cook you're asking an Italian girl something like that I'll furnish the wine okay okay write down there you're right it's the recovery room you'll be the first to see them I [Music] promise all right I'll give instructions later right Hy minut it how long a recovery period oh a week maybe 10 days depends on how he responds 10 days my men will be delighted it's Hospital food's killing him serves him right all right how'd it go came through fine we're bringing him out hold it I want you to keep your people in there until I give them a release well Lieutenant they need a break they're beat we have two more operations scheduled just keep them in there doctor you understand let's go hold this [Applause] take them freeze upun you okay yeah in case anybody wants an endorsement the vest Works drop to your knees put your hands behind your head and interlock your fingers who is he Joe Stevens he's Syndicate Five Guys they must have been crazy man they were dumb they didn't have a chance our backup plan would have worked even if they had thrown more at us if we have a backup plan so do they [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's your father my father the family is my father that's a man who sent me money who are you what are you an animal oh I hate him him every time I needed him he was too busy and now he's trying to destroy the family the people who really loved me love what do you know about love you're worse than he is even he deserved better than you why can't you understand the family is everything to me they're the ones who took care of me well how are they going to take care of you now [Music] let's go okay he's still your assign why don't you understand that man's a stranger to me I don't even know him I did what I did for the people who love me first time in my life I didn't look for an [Music] angle and I got taken all right let's [Music] [Music] go good morning yeah how about i c a coffee no thanks how about a donut just got a fresh one from the Roach Coach yeah it doesn't even have tooth marks on it look thanks guys but I don't want any coffee I don't want any donuts and I don't want anything okay okay so what's bugging you you know if an Italian landed on Mars it would be on page five we nail some lousy bookmaker whose name just happens to end in a vowel page one what about Michelangelo Da Vinci fmy Marone you guys always have to see the bright side of everything just got a report from the prosecutor Richie named names even we hadn't heard of I bet you they all end in vows trainer Brown Wilson Rogers Caputo T nothing's going to cheer him up what about the girl Lieutenant they're charging it with attempted murder you know I never met a girl that didn't spell trouble no matter how you read him you end up a loser so become a monk thanks Luca hi Mama everything's fine the girl I told you about well I'm afraid there's a little problem no no no no no she's Italian I bring her up this weekend I don't think that's possible mama when in about 20 years yeah goodbye it's going to be a long time before I get taken again I'm betting 8:00 tonight you're off duty at 7: aren't [Music] [Applause] you that
Channel: Rapid Response
Views: 32,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rapid Response, SWAT team, Senate hearing, TV series, WCPD, adrenaline rush, crime prevention, dangerous missions, gunfight, intense action, law enforcement, law enforcement drama, mobster assassination, police tactics, special forces, tactical operations, undercover operation
Id: 9Vv4ZaH__w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 40sec (2980 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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