S.W.A.T: Jungle War (FULL EPISODE) | Rapid Response

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[Music] [Applause] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] oh nice and quiet sure glad all these rich people got somewhere to go on a Sunday yeah hey are you sure you're all right yeah sure don't worry about me look I just hope you got this place cased right so you come out of there with a nice big payday for us relax it's wired today's the servants day off the old lady's visiting relatives there's no one in there except all those goodies you just make sure you take care of your end going I keep the engine running I hit the horn Too Short too long if I see any any fuzz coming now what can I [Music] [Applause] blow [Music] CAU you guys in a blitz L pass off in the flat here and we're going to get a touchdown don't you kids have no respect for elders touchdown now we got you 28 to nothing yeah we give look take this thing put in the bedroom help your mother in the kitchen hey Hondo hey Bo how you doing great great H just great afraid you might not make it when did I ever miss a party how you fellas deck you remember Bo PR sure I do how's my main man's main man oh hanging in there say how you over at Sunset well ever since this banana got me in swat training I haven't had time to clean my teeth from the reports I've seen you hit nothing but homers well they're getting ready to assign me but listen deck how about you retiring I was his head Scout and N so long to be funny for me working for anybody else sorry the job's taken how about a beer you got a beer yeah hit the kitchen make yourself home sir sir okay okay well come on spanks I know that look why it's nothing don't nothing me what's up just some gossip from the guys at Sunset about Bo I I can say it's nothing what kind of Gossip well I hear he's some kind of cowboy good the best but maybe too much Cowboy his way or no way look don't worry about it Bo he's a good man he'll fall in line come on let's hit that birthday cake let's go let's Go's the [Applause] little look all you got to do is open the safe and I'll be out here like a shot well isn't this what we call a Mexican standoff look Mrs Dennis I'm not kidding around now I don't want to have to hurt you you aren't even supposed to be here today no no my nephew is supposed to come take me out today but he called and said he was sick I think he's just sick and tired of a rich old ant staying alive longer than he thinks he should you've got your problems and I've got mine but it can still work out okay for both of us open the [Music] [Applause] save [Music] hello yeah okay Street you get the team moving deck and I roll from here right de we got to go hostage situation old lady in the house I no wipe it all that birthday cick while we're going I'll open all my presents now and wait till you get back to lay open yours hey Ando yeah all right you can come but you stay out of the way you won't even know I'm there de would change as we roll B you can drive yes sir sure it doesn't get any easier does it if it did we'd all probably go stir Happy from the peace and quiet okay you had to do it didn't you well it's never what arms are for got to pull the trigger and BR your head off you old dingbat what are you trying to save some lousy diamonds that are insured anyway all you've done is just get us both killed that's [Music] up har Olympic SWAT what have you got the old lady's still inside one guy with the guns in there with her just one nearly outside man that's what he says residents evacuated all the houses are clean how'd you get the call silent burgler alarm got triggered just you and your friend in there huh yeah I already told him that what's your friend's name difference does that make look you got a hostage in there if we don't get her out alive you and your friend are going to face murder charges not me Jack I'm out here with you guys you tell that to your lawyer the law says you buy accessory to murder one now what's his name Barnes Brian Barnes Brian Barnes get it on the wire what's he carrying uh 38 is that all what kind of 38 I don't know what do you want a brand name is it snub nose or long barrel I a regular 38 I don't measure barrels guy's got a 38 6in Barrel that's effective up to 25 to 50 yards TJ I want you up there Street you and LC will work your way around get a fix on the back anything I can do yeah just stay out of the way buddy you know on the job training just stay out of the way and watch got [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] not bad our friend Barons has got a couple of robbery Falls nothing too big no assault or heavy weapon stuff looks like we got a pretty good shot at talking them out start talking let's get back to that birthday cake Lieutenant we're in position all right hold it till I give you a go I ground position secureity Lieutenant it's a pretty hairy shot but I can make it if I have to with any luck you may not have to we're going to try to talk him out that doesn't work look lay in some tear gas if that still doesn't work then it's your ball game but wait till I give you a go all right BS this is Lieutenant Harrison wcpd the building you're in is completely surrounded by police officers so there's no point in any further resistance now the best thing that you can do for yourself and everyone concerned is to throw down your gun and come out with your hands in the air now please listen to him shut up hey look I don't want to hurt anyone but I got an old lady in here and if you make me I'll waste her right here on the spot do you understand lawence that's a bad move I've got your WAP sheet here a few Falls there's nothing that says you're ready to buy murder one I'm telling you I'll kill her if you don't back off and let me out of here Jak I still don't think he's ready to start shooting try to work your way in from that sidey guard get as close as you can bar if you and I could just talk things would go a whole lot better for everyone concerned right now you're looking at one to five to but if you [Music] great Loa [Music] move [Music] freeze are you all right oh God well congratulations Cowboy he's dead you didn't have to come in shooting we had the situation under control I had to he was going to kill a hostage I had to nail [Music] him dick sorry Ando get an ambulance fast [Music] PE hold on Buddy hold on hold [Music] on I'm sorry h I know how terrible he must feel getting shot at an occupational hazard I guess we all put it on the line every day but it still hurts when it's a friend like [Music] de I don't know anything yet he's still in there Cleo this shouldn't have happened we should have spent more time trying to talk that guy out of there it's my fault I'm sorry no no it's just a part of the job like he's always [Music] saying Lieutenant harelson telephone harelson yeah how's he doing Lieutenant we don't know anything yet he's still in there I'll let you know when we know something thanks Lieutenant looks like she's not buying what you're selling I might be in the market maybe some other [Music] time they still working on it man that's a long time on the table the whole dumb thing is so ridiculous Deacon get shot and a to bitth hood like Barnes gets wasted I mean you think that guy PR would have been cooler that he would have known better I mean you second to Hondo and N we're a long way from n you know I was just thinking all the yells and all the protests when we have to use our weapons wonder if anybody's keeping count when one of our guys gets [Music] burned [Music] we've done everything we can for the time being if he comes out of the coma there's a chance he's strong very strong most men would have been dead [Music] doctor if he needs blood wear the same type that's been taken care of isn't there anything I can do yes you can [Music] pray he knew how much I prayed they ought to put out a manual for us I know what you're going through I've been here a thousand times in my mind every time the phone rings and you [Music] roll just checking on the children [Music] Dan I'd like to stay with her I know tell her not to worry the kids will bunk over with [Music] us [Music] hey uh bartender let me have a BB in the water and make it a double and uh let keep it coming till the bread runs out okay did you look at him you think he just won the Congressional Metal of Honor or something I've seen that smile before and a guy with a late date with Raquel W you know looking as happy as he does you think he'd just come up with both okay [Music] hey beautiful well I know it's not Christmas and it certainly is a new year so um must be somebody's birthday come on bu a drink I'll tell you what the occasion is okay what do you have champagne cocktail Mr Bartender champagne cocktail for the lady and keep them coming till her cup run over let me tell you something honey today has been an out of sight day I mean Lady Luck has finally smiled and everything's coming up roses it's great I mean just great I'm going to be reunited with my old buddy again and that's why I'm celebrating okay Bottoms [Music] Up hey friend you're hustling my chick why don't you just leave okay bust your head boy hold it are youing call the police hey hey cool it cool it mister it's my me we had a rough day today heavy shootout tell him fellas we almost lost a guy of shootout me I make it through the night my head's been all out of shape but I don't know what I'm doing hey hey oh buddy come here come here you'll be all right you'll be all right I tell you what I'm going to do I'm going to buy a new shirt okay here a few drinks okay few drinks champag cocktail yeah I have a few of them honey you're going to be all right old buddy what a coincidence seeing you guys here I had no idea this was your hangout see it was sure tough about old he getting it that way wasn't it I certainly hope he he makes it he's got to make it don't worry about it Pritchard he will yes sir he will you bet you he will well I get what you want fellas see you later okay right on brothers that guy has got to be bananas maybe not yet but he's on his way [Music] please Deacon come back to us please I need you so much Deacon please [Music] clear [Music] you let those do right let brief [Music] day [Music] Ando hi Bo I just heard about Deacon can't tell you how relieved I am to find out he's going to make it yeah no more than the rest of us hundo can I talk to you sure come on in thank you well uh Hondo you know that I'm not much at asking for favors and uh well I can't say please very well but what I'm trying to say is that well what I'm trying to say is that uh I finished my SWAT training you can check on how I did now I know I I could never fill old deck's shoes even for the short time he'll be in the hospital but uh what I'm trying to say is I'm asking to be assigned to replace him until he can return to duty well we uh worked together great in N remember yeah I remember but that was Another Place Another Time Bo yep don't I know it I mean what do you think I've been taking all the SWAT training for burying myself in it please Hondo I know this is a big favor I'm asking big but it's important it's really important to me okay okay you got it gentlemen Richard's coming in on temporary assignment he's going to fill in for Deacon and Scott position [Music] Street's clear I'm at the head of the alley waiting for you I get [Music] [Applause] moving [Applause] okay that's enough kill it gather around everybody man those guys were really dug in I couldn't spot a hair out of place when I was moving in good thing was only a dry run it's just what I was thinking all right we made a few mistakes today but here in a practice session is where we're supposed to make them and here is where we also make sure we correct them Bo you're Scout you make a mistake and one or more of us are going to pay for it Shu Ando you know when that bell rings for real I'm going to show you you got to show me now yes sir Hondo anything you say first of all you missed those guys because you weren't thinking about them you were thinking about yourself making it to the end of that that alley you do that in an actual operation could be none of us make it to the end of the alley next time you come into a situation like this I want your mind going thinking all the time about where you'd be hiding if you were them and most of all about the safety of the team I got it Hondo it's like that time in there remember when we were and more important Bo you're at Point you're not only Scout ahead but you cover each one of us as we move up and you don't move out until all of us are safely in position if you got that I got it okay take new positions we're going from the top yes sir I'll be luck out and get a hot dog like priter at point I don't know maybe we can trade him to Sunset SWAT for a short stop and we better start trading fast hey deck well old buddy how goes it making it I can't tell you how really how sorry I am to see you racked up like this we Len not Jive each other all right Deacon right on brother Deacon right on I mean we shouldn't play games with each other should we well this is how it is you don't fit with Ono I'm taking your spot in the team now I want you to lie here follow the doctor's orders get well real soon but remember this and understand it there's no room for you when you get out of here okay hey boy hey Hondo dick how you feeling coming along oh he's doing better than that I just talked to the doctors they say he's going to be up and around and better in no time at all well that's great great it's just great yeah well I uh I just came by to chew the fat with him let the big man know I was just subbing in you know kind of keeping his spot on the team warm for him well I got to make tracks I got to meet the guys at the range right on deep later Bo well I'm glad you're feeling better hanging in you know yeah I know deck what's going down between you and Bo nothing the air is are thick in here you could cut it with a knife you on the street as always Ando I'd watch that guy he's bad news should have come up front before now but had some soul search into doing my own wanted to make sure what I was feeling for him wasn't just that old cat and dog thing that some people have toward each other it's not what is it then H just watch him yeah [Music] [Music] hi I'm sorry Den's going to be a little late you would not believe the lines of the market you think that food was going out of style did you go to the hospital did you see d was he is he all right how is he he's okay just okay he's fine a little anxious about getting back on the job it's worried about the [Music] squad [Music] harelson yeah right all right keep him ringed with Black and Whites but don't move in on him we're rolling right now hostage situation in one of those mom and pop stores a junkie named Simpson could get Harry let's [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] Min is a Justin Pritchard go ahead take a few deep breaths you're really pumping aren't you pal that's why we're here that's what it's all about DJ in position Lieutenant Luca I'm in position Lieutenant B straight ready and raring to go all right you hold it there till I give a [Music] go Mr Simpson this is Lieutenant harelson of the wcpd we'd appreciate it if you could help us settle this whole thing without anyone getting hurt listen you cops out there you just better stop what you're doing okay cuz cuz if you don't let me out of here right now this old man's going to buy it please Mr Simpson we realize that you need psychiatric attention and all we're trying to do is to see that you get the help that you need I'll kill him I swear to God I'll kill [Music] him oh [Music] stop [Music] all right LCA get an ambulance when are you going to stop hot dog hey how'd it do it pal any I can see the guy was freaking out you didn't have to do anything Lieutenant talks guys like this out a couple of times a week when I have to shoot that means nothing else Works nothing Cool It DJ you okay yeah I'm okay hey old buddy you want to see me yes it's an outo listen why don't we uh get us to a bar sto and let me buy us a brew cuz it's so official in here well Bo that's just the way I want to keep it official we go back a long way Bo I'm not going to keep you dangling I'm cutting you [Music] loose your what I'm getting another replacement in until Deacon's ready to come back on duty come on Hondo you're kidding you got to be kidding you're not Hondo you you can't do this to me consider it done no wait a minute I saved your life me Bo Richard I saved your life in them you owe me wrong I used to owe you right now I owe my team we depend on each other we save people's lives every day and our own too you don't fit in BO that doesn't work on a SWAT team I'm sorry I wish you could have made the adjustment it worked in N didn't it didn't it I told you that was a long time ago I know what it is MHM I know it's happening again isn't it because I'm number one I'm better than you and you know it and we know it we both know it huh and that's what's bugging you I mean you were worried in N that I was going to take your job away and now you're worried about the same thing happening here right let me tell you something I'm sick and tired of you hogging the show and I'm going to show you I'm going to show [Music] you [Music] what are you going to put in that Fitness report the truth I ask what you're going to write there you're going to write what I have to write you're no good at Teamwork Bo and that's what a SWAT team survives on I won't have you endangering other people's lives well I can't have you endangering my life I'm telling you that I'm telling you I'm sorry Bo you don't have any choice in the matter [Music] okay I'm coming oh wow dad isn't here I know Betty Betty I got to talk to you you got to help me well of course if I can you kick K me off the team H kick me off the team B I don't ever get into this if Dan felt he had a reason no reason no reason that's all I ever wanted to be with him and I'm as good as he is I'm better I'm going to have it out with him I am once and for all between him and me once and for all B please shut up you I didn't mean to hurt you but Betty you've got to do what I tell you to do you understand I come on I didn't mean to hurt you come on you got to come with me let's let's stay here we'll call Dad no we'll call Hondo when I tell you to call him please Betty I don't want to hurt you come on I do what I say I don't want to hurt [Music] you harelson Dan bet Betty what's wrong Dan I'm I'm here with Bo he's very upset I'm not I'm not upset I just want to settle something between us once and for all that's what I'm going to do oh you listen to me no you listen to me Hondo you listen good we're going to have it out between us I'm at a warehouse at 18th in Alam we're waiting for you you tell him to get here tell him tell him Dan listen to me very carefully now I know this isn't going to be easy to do but try to keep as calm as you can talk nice and easy to him and don't do or say anything that would get him any wilder than he is this is Lieutenant harelson Olympic SWAT we have a hostage situation a female victim is being held at 18th and Alam route Black and Whites to seal off the area and roll Sunset SWAT to affect perimeter control around the warehouse at that location gentlemen we have a hostage situation it's B priter sounds like he's flipped he's holding [Music] [Applause] Betty [Music] theab I want you to get up on the roof and try to find a way in if you can take a Vantage Point High in the rafters if I give you a go I want you to take the best shot you can you heard what I said take the best shot that you can just like always Street I want you to cover from here Luka work your way around to the back and cover the back door I'm going to try to talk him out if I can't you men know what to do in a hostage situation bring him out alive but no one gets away with a hostage the lieutenant Betty's in there the same rules apply for everyone Drive 19 get [Music] moving Bo you hear me yeah I can hear you Hondo old buddy I can't tell you how glad I am that you accepted my invitation I didn't have much Choice did I nope you [Music] didn't oh let Betty out of here whatever this is all about it's between you and me you bet you strictly between you and me trouble with you old buddy is you got a short memory you forget how it used to be you and me we were a team huh we a combination you took all the credit for being number one when it really should have been me when it comes down to being a top dog old buddy it's me I'm going to show you now it's me I'm top dog always always always oh please let Betty get out of here then when she's off somewhere you and I can talk just the two of us just the way it used to be just the two of us huh n can never be that way can never be the way it used to be not with the rest of the team not with deck and the other guys talking bad about me behind my back poisoning you against me but I'm going to show you I'm going to show all of you oh this is between the two of us let Betty off safe somewhere first sure old buddy sure that's okay with me why don't you just move ahead and untie huh but it's like that night in N remember we had AC cross the mine field everybody zeroed in on us all the time you remember huh sure old buddy you can cut her loose cut her loose but you got to cross that Minefield first [Music] first [Music] whoa hundo baby that was dumb a dumb noise gave you away do it right Bo you want me take me are you gut starved you call it baby anything you want all right let's get rid of these guns let's get it on tell me when baby on a count of three 1 2 [Music] 3 d [Applause] he all right come and get [Music] him [Music] allow me a job again such a a tough life don't not see enough of you guys on the job can't you dudes give a guy a break doc said if I keep looking at your ugly faces in my condition I was going to have a [Laughter] relapse uh oh de it's time for your [Music] [Laughter] shot this is SNY there you are Sergeant since you me here can't get along without me I think I'm going to hold out for more than just old piece of cake oh well funny I should' mention that we knew you'd that way in which [Music] case
Channel: Rapid Response
Views: 8,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: doJ6tFN4etE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 54sec (2934 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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