S.W.A.T: Coven of Killers (FULL EPISODE) | Rapid Response

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[Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] you make it look good doc real [Music] [Applause] good good morning Sergeant time for my morning rounds Dr Gordon good morning see we have a new nurse always nice to have a new [Music] nurse okay hey where are the keys to prison W right here get the cop put him on the dock come on move [Applause] [Music] over they're gun look I told you they'd never be able to hold me didn't I huh now if any of you creeps try to follow us you you're going to get this you got that come on let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] move [Music] you recognize the song how could I not that was our first day I bribe the orchestra weeks pay to keep on playing it happy anniversary [Music] darnie happy anniversary well Dan I love my gift that's only a down payment tonight I'm whining and dining you at a ridiculously expensive restaurant can we afford it with inflation we can't afford to eat here thank you for my gift too I haven't given you your gift yet oh yeah you gave me 10 years of your life that's a lot to waste on a guy who spends too much time at work and not enough at home got the wrong suspect Lieutenant I haven't wasted a minute am I allowed to get up no way okay fellas do your thing oh no happy Anniversary Mom we cooked it ourselves almost boys this is a culinary Masterpiece except for the egg yolks they're sort on on the Well Done side what Kevin means is they're as hard as concrete okay you two chefs now you're going to be late for school terrific hit it thank you fellas when you see the kitchen hello yeah speaking how long ago yeah all right I'll be right there sorry I got to go am I allowed to ask why you're allowed to ask why but you won't like the answer Joey Hopper just broke out of County General one officer's dead and another's wounded see you [Music] since the history of these escapes is one of extreme violence we've been called in to take over from the top now that every Escape Route from the city has been buttoned up swatt's job is to conduct a sweep so thorough that not even a puff of smoke can slip through those poop sheets that I've just passed out contain all our available information on Hopper and gangs and they're as dangerous and depraved as ever for the benefit of newcomers Deputy da Roger Forbes who prosecuted the hopper case last year will give us some background and insight Roger well simply put this was the most heest crime ever perpetrated in this city the news media dubbed Hopper and the so-called family the butcher Brigade and they earned the title by slaughtering nine helpless people at a Christmas party armed with bayonets and machetes they just walked in and started hacking now it turned out that this was just the first of many such executions they planned don't ask me why the answers are hidden somewhere in the recesses of Joey Hopper's Twisted mind the man is obviously a psychotic but he's legally sane because he can tell the difference between right and wrong the hopper family is made up of alienated youths who look upon their leader as a Moses but instead of leading them out of bond he takes them into a mind-bending netherworld of group acid trips witchcraft psychedelic Satanism and reverse exorcism Hopper doesn't cast demons out he implants them don't make the Fatal mistake of underestimating him thank you a doctor and a nurse at County General and just made positive IDs on the two gunmen who busted Hopper out Arley P Warren and Craig B Houston their female accompl is still a question mark we'll have a um we'll have a composite sketch on her later there any questions okay sir how many members are there in Hopper's family most of them drifted away after Hopper went to prison six or seven hardcore disciples hung in Warren and Houston the two gunmen I just spoke of they took over in Hopper's absence and may have recruited some new members since sir how come this war and Houston weren't prosecuted with the others but they were a lawyer paid for by an underground newspaper The Voice sprung them on IL legal technicality same lawyer was trying to get Hopper out on appeal 3 days ago when the judge ruled against Hopper he made a run for it and the bay shot him and that's why he was in County General instead of San Quenton now check your street sources pick up any information you can on Hopper or any member of Hopper's family but leave that newspaper office alone I'll check Collins myself what makes you think I know Joey Hopper's whereabouts because he's your meal ticket C Collins you and this alleged newspaper have been exploiting that butcher into a folk hero over the past 2 years underground papers have a responsibility to air unpopular points of I'm not a senate committee so let's dispense with the platitudes all right Lieutenant Hopper is good business I give the readers exactly what they want you give them garbage here read it pal one more time where is Hopper sorry lieutenant I just tuned you out Collins you know what I like about you what nothing absolutely [Music] nothing so what do you think Joe hey Ollie this is nice I mean this is is really nice it's Beau I thought you'd like it Jo you know Joy we've been stor up goodies just like squirrels that's right actually joyy we uh sort of borrowed this stuff from the National Guard Army did you get a receipt hey Joey we got enough supplies for about 6 months here hey you know you guys you really did good I mean that you did good and everybody out I want to talk to ear here okay Joey what's bugging you well what's with the new chick where did you find her oh Janie she's my new old lady man well what happened to um Pam oh joy she was a real dumb broad I me I know she was dumbb but what happened to her she got strung out on horse so I dumped her but Janie you want to know something that chick volunteered to help bust you out of jail man she volunteered 13 months somebody's got to pay for it who's first how about the Deputy da who prosecuted you persecuted yeah yeah Forbes first and then after him after him Super Pig Yeah harelson deserves a little visit yeah then then after they're out of the way we're just going to carve our way right through the entire jury that's what we're going to do the whole jury hey hey hey wait a second J wait a second you said we were going to Mexico man Mexico yeah you said we were going to Mexico H don't you understand we got to purify this town and then Mexico you [Applause] know [Music] well all right I mean that is terrific don't hassle me D what a nice Italian cop hustle an artist what do you want I miss you Pam the only reason I hated leaving Narco was you like you to meet TJ McCabe he's a health food freak he'll die before age 30 of pasta deficiency hello Pam where can we find Arley Warren come on TJ H cut the John Wayne bit sometimes he comes on like Dirty Harry where's Warren I don't know your old lady was we split 2 months ago look Pam let's not kind each other okay we know Arley kicked you out and we know why look Dom give me a break I'm really trying to put down hey I know you are no sweat all we want is our [Music] well I can't help you honest you want to go in for alen oh look partner you see that great looking sculpture over there the nude how about checking out the price for me check it yourself look you know us Italians can't count I say we take her in you check the price we'll talk about come on TJ one time do it my way [Music] ah TJ's a good C the only problem is he lets it interfere with his work Pam how much habit have you got it's way down D I'm cleaning up really fast Pam do you know where Arley is I really don't honest well hang if you need a bullet to bite on [Music] holler ciao we taking a around no not now why not trust me when she's ready she'll come to us trust [Music] me and I will lift up my hand to Satan proclaiming that vengeance shall be mine my sword shall devour flesh gutters will run red with the blood of my enemies Rejoice for death is at hand and you are powerless to stop it that's good Jo you okay give me the tape Janie what do you want me to do well all's going to wipe the prince off aren't you going to and then look I want you to have nor delivered to our friend Haroldson and uh and tell them Joey s it yeah that's it tell him Joey s it and have him delivered just a couple of minutes before 8 tonight tell Joy standing a couple of minutes before you got it Joy B [Music] should hey [Music] Joy you know what you said on the first part of that tape you really going to do that what you going to do that I going to do one I just said on the first part of the day am I [Music] really look har you really want to confess there's a Catholic church around the corner tell a padria sent I'm not a Catholic what are I'm a murderer I killed that cop help him Joey what's his name escape from the hospital okay Harry you killed the cop right what caliber was the gun 38 uh well where did you see him nice try better luck next time Harry right this way it's way past your bedtime Harry so long bye you saw a hopper at Fourth and Oak uh two hours ago right we'll run it down thanks for call you've now placed Hopper at 23rd in Fremont fourth in Oak and the matter horn ride at Disneyland it figures you still think we should have pulled Pam Morgan in now the lieutenant says you've got good instincts when it comes to junkies well you go to school with them you grow up with them you attend their funerals you get to know where they're coming from where's Pam coming from hell it's going to get a lot hotter before it gets any cooler as soon as she finds out that she can't put down by herself I'm G to hear from her maybe I got 10 bucks that says so I'm betting's illegal not unless a cop catches you you got anything lots of leads all dead ends homicide's on the way in with two more of Hopper's ex disciples you know what that'll get us oh jeez I've been so busy I almost forgot hey you guys from us to you and Betty happy anniversary I don't know what to say I don't believe it the lieutenant doesn't know what to say hello yeah thanks for you lieutenant hello okay thank you so the desk sergeant tape just arrived from Joey Hopper I'll go get [Music] it [Music] you speak of freedom but you deny it to us because we dare to be different those who have persecuted us must be punished I am the appointed angel of death and as you hear my voice Deputy district attorney Roger Forbes is being executed in accordance with Satan's commandment dispatch unit to forb his apartment code three I'll try to raise him on the telephone come on come on hello that you harelson Hopper just one minute I'll have him paid sir it's your number one fan Joey too late Lieutenant Haroldson uh sir yeah I uh I already did my number you listen to me Hopper no no no you listen to me pig forbs was just a trial run yeah and you start looking over your shoulder man because I'm coming after you next [Music] [Music] who's making funeral arrangements Roger's sister's flying in from Tucson why do you have to go back Dan now what kind of question is that it's the kind of question any woman would ask her husband who's next in line to be murdered I don't see why you can't pull out take the family away for a few days until it blows over make sure that you and the kids stay inside at all times times if you need anything from the store tell the officer outside will you be home for dinner it's doubtful this anniversary cake even a phantom has to eat [Music] well good morning everything is cool just itching a ride to work where's your car wife had to use it what happened to her car a daughter needed it your daughter's 11 years old oh about that I got a feeling you're riding shotgun on me come on man what I lie to you you're protecting me from Joey Hopper any law against it not a one old [Music] friend I was confused last night the gun I used to kill that cop wasn't a 38 okay Harry what caliber was it I don't have to tell you anything after I talked to my lawyer go ahead Read Me My Rights Harry if you're not out of here in 3 seconds I'm going to call your wife Pig hey harry take your business over to Valley division we're busy well Lieutenant the valley division sent me over here bar you heard him split pigs lieutenant Street uh sir the um three of us have been talking me D and TJ and sir we think we're wasting valuable time tracking down phony leads and interviewing weirdos like Harry while we're sitting around spitting our Wheels Hoppers hold it just hold it okay LCA front center now for your information nobody is spinning their wheels every unit in this town has a top priority on finding Hopper and nobody repeat nobody is more interested in finding him than I am Roger Forbes was my friend when you three hot shots were still wondering which end of the crayon was up now the fact that my friend was brutally murdered makes me want to do a lot of things all of which are impractical against regulations are both 95% of police work is dull boring and repetitious we interview weirdos and run down phony leads because we need need valuable information what we don't do is race out and start shooting up houses in hopes that a joy Hopper will pop up out of the woodwork now I suggest that you guys get back to your desk and start looking for that one valuable piece of information that we need came down pretty hard well that's what they get for saying what I've been thinking what they were really saying is they care we all care you're not reading me they care about what happens to you I guess I blew it with those guys no way give me Ros Collins file I'd like to study it again better [Music] police termed last night's murder one of the most daring in annal the tape was being played in police headquarters while the actual slay was in progress Hopper and an accomplice believed to be Arley Warren what entered the 50-year-old bachelor's apartment by sliding down a rope and entering through a window all right it's enough it's enough what do you mean Joey you got rave reviews man and now for the Encore harlson when good night how you going to pull it off find something pretty remote seems Ross Collins did have a wife she died in childwood in 1954 no mention of the child though maybe it was stillborn check Vital Statistics will it jackpot Pam Morgan is [Music] upstairs [Applause] I thought I could get down myself please help me Dom all the help you need but first you got to play the game I don't have much give us what you have Pam Arley he's got another old lady her her her name is Janie Janie what Collins I think it's any relation to Ross Collins at the newspaper I don't know I don't know could be Lieutenant Vital Statistics say Collins has a 21-year-old daughter jennyan if you guys don't stop harassing me I'm going to get my own court order and make you stop it is this your daughter why do you want to know because the girl in that composite sketch helped bust Joey Hopper out of County General well that's ridiculous my daughter's attending college up north convince us both Carol get me uh Dr Williams I think it is the dean up at Jan's College yes make that urgent thank you Jane would never get involved with a bunch like that what's the matter with you she's going to be a teacher kids just love that girl and she loves them too no Lieutenant you are way off base on this one H there's just no way Jane could be involved in that at all be ridiculous H yes oh fine thank you I got it uh Dr Williams yes this is Jane Collins's father I thought I'd call up and ask how she's been doing this uh this no Jane an Collins right no I'd be glad to they're uh they're checking you know a lot of students sir she what how long ago was that I see no no thank you when did she drop out he said 3 weeks ago well I'm I must have talked to her in the last 3 weeks I'm sure I remember that uh Collins I need Hopper's address an address Collins even if I knew it do you think I'd give it to you why so you and your squad could go out there and murder my daughter you're beginning to believe your own garbage that folk hero you've been nominating for Saint Hood butchered 11 innocent people talk to me man no way I'll read you your rights in the car what I mean you can't bust me I just did suspicion of harboring a [Music] fug hey D hey what's the matter Bad scene with Collins yeah he just wouldn't open up oh maybe he doesn't know where Hopper is well right now he's the only game in town where are the others you send them home had the poor rank on and make them go it looks like you can use some z's too later right now we're due at Sunset Precinct they just brought in two more of Hopper's family H they'll be like all arrest nothing worth a try let's [Music] [Music] go hold [Music] it I've got to take your car in for a servicing Lieutenant according to motor pool records is 400 Mi overdue but I need it Willis we're on 24-hour alert but regulations okay you win which unit can I take ocean 6 I just brought her back she's tuned all gased up service ready to go man I thought you had retired next month you're going to miss me we're certainly going to try [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the answer is no Chief you can't be serious about taking me off this case I've already got two funerals to attend I don't need a third I have no intention of getting myself iced except for a fluke you and deacon would have been killed last night you've got sick leave coming all I'm suggesting is that you take it until things quiet down don't turn me into a gilding Willis was due for retirement instead he was wasted by an under the hood bomb that was meant for me I owe that man and his family your ego's in the way you're damn right it is once I start retreating from The Joy Hoppers of this world where am I where are we every cop is vulnerable to a gun we all know that but we can't give the Streets back to murdering creeps like Joey Hopper Where Do We Stand Ross Collins is all I've got who may or may not know where Hoppers hold up that's right and if I can't prove he does know I have to cut him loose well you'll never find your proof hanging around here Hondo remember what I said about funerals be careful one way or another I'm going to this Bunch if you give me an address now you're free to go but if I have to get it the hard way how can I give you something I haven't got Lieutenant why did Janie do this to me why why did you do it to her me you what do you expect from a girl whose father spews out 50,000 words of hate daily a Mother Superior I didn't tell her to join Hopper you published a newspaper telling Janie and thousands of young people like her that Hopper was Mr wonderful you sold your readers a phony dream and your own daughter bought it I just don't want to see my daughter killed neither do I but unless you help us she's as good as dead right now you know how that butcher gets converts drugs all they want once they've blown their minds he programs them into satanic slaves and Killers now do you want that for your daughter what guarantees have I got that she won't be just simply killed we'll do everything we can deep down I think you know that I think I know where they might be it's an old house Hopper's grandparents once owned it write down the address I'll have one of our men bring you out to the location you did the right thing all right let's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] roll [Music] this is Lieutenant haros Olympic SWAT Commander this is top priority patch me through to all black and whites in the area of 18th and [Music] [Applause] War this Lieutenant Harold and we have a probable location on Joey Hof stand by for additional [Music] information w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] w Deacon just got it out and give me the whole picture Cade find yourself a high spot Street you check the perimeter here and Luka take a couple of these officers and interview the neighbors see all right I'll have like a hamburger and just some juice thank you very much y [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I make three entrances front side and back did you get a look inside negative grapes are drawn signs of life though fresh garbage outb Lieutenant neighbors report five to seven persons inside the house two females this looks like it Ridge I want you and your men to establish a 360° perimeter from this command post my team will make the assault consider it done there's a shed across from the house I figure that's my best perch go Deacon I want you to take the rear door Luca you take the van check on that black and white bringing in pet Street you take the far side front door [Music] right [Music] [Music] w [Music] Collins will be here in 60 seconds Lieutenant bring him up when I signal you got you is everybody in place all said in place Lieutenant ready [Music] Lieutenant occupants inside the house at 14 East wallet [Music] Drive Lieutenant Harrison of the police department you are ordered to come outside with your hands in the air this is the police come outside with your hands up [Music] we know you're in there Hopper no one will be harmed if you come outside with your hands [Music] up it's my answer Haron hold your positions do not return fire Hopper Ros Collins is here he wants to talk to you Tom bring Collins in and bring in gas in case we need it right sir okay Mr Collins let's go keep [Music] low [Music] thank you hopper Hopper this is Ross Collins I beg you to surrender it's all over Hopper Lieutenant harlson has promised that no one will be harmed if you just come out with your hands in the air Jane Jane if you can hear me try to convince him to surrender I promise the finest legal aid possible for everybody there Hopper I'm pleading with you as a father Hopper if you won't surrender yourself at least let Jane walk out of that house I love my daughter oer I need her she's all I've got please God let her go hly get in here I want to know why why you didn't tell me she's Colin's daughter I would have told you Joy if I knew hey Joy and I never told him I mean he didn't even know Jo I had to prove my worth first your worth you're worse to to him to my father your old man's are plastic nothing he believes in money not [Music] us come on Ollie let's go spill some more Pig [Music] blood [Music] [Music] I'm sorry stay down low LCA to your guas from the front right [Music] in position Lieutenant all right we're waiting for Lucas to your guas we'll see what [Music] [Applause] happens [Applause] all right open [Applause] fire I'm hereit Joy hold your fire man let's go hey hey what are you doing went there in front of me I got a chance he what about me Joey survival of the Fest Holly oh oh come on [Music] take P I want a 10-minute head shot in that truck CU what she's dead let's talk about that girl Hopper no my top house I want some [Music] action gave your go you got a green light on Hopper but let you know when Lieutenant can you get him to move a little bit to his right he not clear yet I'll try Hopper I'm clearing the area now let's talk about that girl [Music] you okay can we take him Lieutenant negative negative hold your fire we may be home [Music] free they're moving out all right B come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in here's 10 more at least where are you and how's the weather I was thinking about Ross Collins and his daughter what's going to happen to [Music] them um suspended sentence Janie will probably get out in here too on parole s that could have been worse she could have gotten killed along with Opera no I mean it's sad when parents lose touch with their children could have been any child ours included I don't see them enough [Music] are you thinking what I'm [Music] thinking put your mind later are you ready to [Music] order uh we're canceling our reservation something is from miss you and no everything is perfect but I don't understand uh my husband is a um is a police officer and uh he's just gotten a very important call really important [Music] call
Channel: Rapid Response
Views: 19,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eVd1y9hrDZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 57sec (2997 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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