Swamp Thing: The Ultimate Lemon Lime Bowl!

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hey it's Ken from MoonPie Creations.  Today we use a mold from TotalBoat   and some Burl from worldwide  Burl to make a bowl [Music] The first thing I need to do is spray the  silicone mold with some release agents   make sure you get the right stuff I made this mallet  from a runner off of a pallet about 10 years ago   It's in really great shape. I'm going to use it  and a chisel and a few other things to get all   the dirt and grime and most importantly the  bark off of this Burl right here as I've said   in the past you've got to have all the bark and  dirt removed for a good adhesion with the resin worldwide Burrell does a pretty good job of  getting all the bark off of these barrels   I think they use a pressure washer or  something but there are some inclusions   and some voids that still have some bark  in them and you got to clean that up so the mold's about 13 inches across so I'm going  to need two pieces from this Burl don't worry I   won't throw away what's left I'll use it in some  other project or make some pen blanks out of it or   something and everything goes to use nothing goes  to waste next thing I do is take it over to the   14 inch bandsaw I'm gonna go ahead and cut these  out as close to the lines as possible both pieces once these are cut out I'm going to head back  over to my mold and I'm going to place them in   there and then I was going to start off with just  a light green for this but then I had to change my   plans as I poured the resin in and you'll see why  what I didn't show off screen is me deciding how   much resin I would need by measuring the length  the average of the width and the depth of it so I   came out to a certain specific amount and again  you'll see that I miscalculated and didn't do   nothing I've noticed that the let's resin colors  change color over time with the total bow now that   it's all mixed up it's time to pour so without  any further Ado let's get this thing poured this is thick set fathom but even with  using that you don't want to bring your   resin up too high and dump it in too fast  and pour slow because if not bubbles will   form but luckily with fathom the bubbles kind  of come out and you'll notice right there that   my pieces are starting to float so I'll need  to grab a couple of weights to put on there now that I got the weights on there I  decide I need some swirls or some kind   of something to break it up like it's a  kind of a marsh land or something like   that so I take this green forest green  and mixed it with some other colors I   think some interference blue and I start  pouring it along the sides right here I ended up having to do one more pour but the  resin was a slightly different color than this   and that's what happens when you use two pores  but I think it comes out pretty good in the end foreign here is I use the most elaborate and  most ridiculous way to find center on this piece as I'm editing the video I think  it took me longer to find center   and put this face plate on than it  did to turn the whole entire project drilling these pieces is important and  that'll help you not get any cracks   but watch it that pull the drill bit out  you see a puff I'm not really sure what   that is it happens when I hit the resin  you pull out now a drill bit once I get it up on the lathe I'm going to pull  the tail stock forward because you know these   screws aren't very long and I'm kind of placed I  can fly now this is just a safety precaution here   now that I've got it up on the lathe  and it's fairly balanced I've got it   going about 15 or 1600 RPM I'm using my 3/8" gouge to go ahead and get it round this Maple Burl was extremely  hard to cut I kept on having to sharpen   my gouge and it just was a struggle  what you see me doing here is trying   to establish a curve at the bottom I'm  going to go for somewhat of an OGEE Style so it just occurred to me you may  not know what an OGEE style is so   I'll go ahead and throw a picture up  on this the top of the screen here on   the right that'll show you what it's  going to look like the profile of it I'm starting to shape the bottom of the bowl   I'll establish a Tenon and then  I'll be able to flip it around I use the detail tool just to  establish the tendency I just   want you guys to see that Burl  look at that that is beautiful Maple burrow the other white meat you'll notice  I'm still using that 3/8 gouge that is   my favorite tool to use and I'm starting to  establish that OGEE look that I showed you earlier if you've seen any of my videos I normally use a  forstner bit to hog out the center of the bowl   and then start peeling away from there don't  ask me why I didn't on this one I just didn't   want to take a chance of putting the forstner  bit through the bottom of this one I was really   starting to struggle cutting this hard maple  here so what I did is I grabbed my woodpecker   carbide cutter and you see I'm doing it right  there but the insert's a little bit dull so I'm   going to stop in a few minutes and I'm going to  change that insert out and it'll cut a lot better I went ahead and slowed this part down just so you  can see how much better it cuts you can see that   streaming off the resins and ribbons and so is  the wood so that's a much better cut right there   although I changed out the insert The Cutting  was still really slow going so what I'm going   to do is I'm going to skip forward a  little bit where I've already hogged   out most of it and we'll continue from there  I struggled with the bowl for about 20 minutes   late last night and then I came in this  morning and started hogging it back out believe it or not about this time I'm starting  to see the light at the end of the tunnel and   I've gotten it down to a good thickness and  it's even a little bit easier to cut now now we're on the final stretches of  getting this bowl shaped correctly   I'm going to do some final touch-ups  with the carbide and then I'm going to   switch over and use a one inch round nose  negative scraper to finish out the bottom this tool is going to help me get any  of the uneven ridges out of the bottom   just when I thought I was ready to start  finishing I realized there's a couple   of cracks and voids in there that I  need to fill with some starbond CA   and this is where the nightmare of the lemon lime  bowl starts. I sand this thing up to about 800   grit took about an hour and 45 minutes or so I do  some sanding sealer on this and then I let it dry   and right after that my camera went out so it  did not catch me doing the Finish but it didn't   come out very well had streaks and all that  in it so I sanded it all off right here and   I decided to do a resin finish thinking  that that would be the great thing to do   I put on the first coat and it really dimpled out  and spread away from the wood so I'm not really   sure what happened sanded it down a little bit  put a second coat on and it didn't take either   so what did I do I decided to take it all down and  do an OB shine finish again to see if that works   spoiler alert it doesn't comes out streaking  and just looking horrible again so I decided   to take it all down again and this is me using  Acks paste to sand the wood really well at this   point I'm not sure what I was thinking I put more  sanding sealer on there in preparation of putting   another finish on and I end up sanding it all  down and then I have to hand sand again getting   all the marks out of it after cleaning it I go  ahead and I decide on using the totalboat honey   this is a really easy finish to  use you put it on you leave it on   and then you take it off in about  15 minutes and then let it harden man you can't tell me that's not sexy look at  that burl that's some beautiful wood right there   after the total boat honey I used wax from  Acks and it really made the sheen pop out   now I know you thought we were done but we still  have the back of the bowl to do and we're going   to use the cole jaws we've got the extenders  on there this bowl reaches about 11.5 inches okay now that I've got this turned around I need  to whittle away at this tenon right here I'm gonna   use this mini negative carbide scraper that was  the only one I had sharp so I'm using it I could   use my 3/8" gouge but it was chipping away the  resin and I really didn't want to deal with that you'll notice that I keep stopping it and checking  it and this is just to make sure that I don't go   too far and go through the bowl it's fairly thin  right now it's a little bit over a an 1/8"  thick and I want to keep it that way as I  pulled back the tail stock and got the little nub   off of there I ended up stopping the lathe and  checking it out after that and I found a little   crack in the bottom that is probably because it  was inside the wood and Burl splits you can see me   messing with it right there I'm checking to see  how thin the bottom is also I've noticed that   starbond is very versatile I use it for cracks  filling voids I even use it to glue stuff together   in the shop. I really enjoy this stuff they've  been a long time supporter of the channel too   I decided to put it back up on the Lathe  for one last pass and this is always where   the destructiveness happens where I get  attached to something like that but this   one worked well so I went ahead and moved on  to sanding sanded this thing up to about 800 I noticed a little bit of tear out so I'm  going to add some sanding sealer that helps   pop the grain up and then I'm going to  re-sand it from 80 all the way to 800. when sanding I sand from 400 to 800 by hand  to make sure I get out all the swirls and the   marks in the resin and the wood after sanding I  go ahead and hit it with the totalboat honey   I hit it with some acks wax and then Boom!  I am done and this one is in the books all right here's the bowl I call it the swamp as  it's lighter on the top and then gets down and   it comes down to that greenish color see if  you can get a good good look at that there   see the difference in the  color I'm not sure I like it   it was an expensive bowl to make this burl was  about a hundred dollars and I used about I   don't know about 50 or 60 dollars worth of   resin totalboat resin in fact and this bowl   is a maple burl. at the bottom I was afraid it was  going to get too thin but it's not too thin   I'm gonna put this up on my Etsy site if any of  you are interested. I'll put the link below I did   not put my logo on it I'm sorry I didn't want  to try that and mess it up    totalboat sent me something in the  mail they sent me this right here which is   a mold silicone mold and they wanted me to try  it out and I'm gonna have to tell you I really   enjoyed this I did ask them if they had ones  that were maybe taller about six inches instead of   Three this thing's about three inches by I think  20 about 12 or 13. have to measure them okay 14 all the way across so about almost 13  inches inside yep 13 inches inside but this   thing it's really high quality well made and  it really doesn't cost that much I'll put a link   down... am I over here...like this...what's going on  here? okay let me scoot over and do this over again it's very high quality I like  it I'll use it again for something I might make my   clocks in these okay I'm gonna put the link for  these down below. you may have been wondering   where I've been at I haven't really been putting  out videos I've been taking a lot of my older   videos making them into shorts but I got promoted  at work and it is taking up a lot of time and I'm   doing a certification course that's about a year  long and I'm almost done with it. that's taking a   lot of time and I'm spending a lot of time with  family. what does this mean for this channel?  I don't know. I think I'll be doing some other things  than turning this bowl right here sat on my Lathe   for damn near two and a half months I haven't  had the time nor the gumption to get out here   and turn something uh that coupled with the way  that YouTube's doing my channel by not letting   me get any uh subscribers I keep hitting over 73,000 they'll take away 200 500 600 subscribers I'll   get a good video and I'll get a whole bunch of  subscribers from that video and they'll take them   away right away and then tell me it's not them uh  Shadow banning's been thrown at them and they get   all upset but I don't know what's going on with  the channel I know that I may be doing some   different videos here you've seen that I've done  the review videos well I've got a couple of   non-turning videos that I want to do let me know  down in the description if you're okay with that   I mean I know I've done some in the past and I've  never asked but I've got some that I do want to do   and I think they'll be kind of cool I'm gonna  like take and make I've got this big old I'll   put a picture of this cookie here I got this  about five years ago Leanne help me put it in   the truck uh this tree fell on a friend's car of  hers and I made them a bowl out of part of that   tree but this I want to make a coffee table out  of so tell me if you're interested in seeing that   also tell me what you thought about the  narration in this video instead of just plain   woodworking all right all right well I appreciate  you stopping by if you could hit that Thumbs Up   Button share the video if you if you want  to if you know that's all right too and if   you think I deserve it hit that subscribe  button down there if not that's okay too   and uh I just appreciate you watching my  video and until next video deco [Music]
Channel: Ken Moon
Views: 8,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resin casting, wood turning, total boat epoxy resin, resin, honeycomb aluminum and resin, honeycomb resin, bowl, oak, turning, laguna 1836, lathe, turner, turned bowl, pen blanks, wood, burl, turning bowls, mpc, moonpie creations, ken moon, how to, how-to, diy, shop project, bowl fix, incredible bowl, hand made, hand crafted, working with resin, working with resin in art, tatoal boat, Resin Art, resin shavings, resin in resin, casting, resin bowl, Epoxy bowl
Id: ku1sMzMAtfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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