I Tested Viral Animal Carving Table

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I have no clue what I'm doing Tyler I think you're ready sometimes you catch your teeth on fire so a few weeks ago I promised you guys I was going to attempt this insanely gorgeous alligator carved table thing and now we're here before I dive into anything though I do have a few apprehensions first and foremost I don't know how to chainsaw carve period I do know how to power carve though so I do think I can still tackle this two chainsaw Carvers tend to use wet materials or like not Kiln dry stuff then they're mostly making displays sculptures so when things shrink and crack it's not a huge deal but I make furniture and I don't want any of that to happen so I've got to figure out how to make that mess not exist with this piece three I do know how to power carve like I said but I don't know if my skill sets are anywhere close to being able to do something as intricate and detailed to establish my plan I actually Dove deep back into the creator of this tick tocks Instagram page he goes by the Dow not to be confused with the legendary the dude and I think I've watched every single video on this dude's page I even reached out to him we had an incredible conversation after fostering what might be my most blossoming friendship to go forth here in 2023 I had to study what this guy was about because like you guys I don't actually know everything and sometimes you just gotta learn so I found it super interesting he takes stuff straight off of the mill Cuts parts off and then has this like really cool router jig that goes around and roughly cuts the shape this doesn't solve the problem we talked about earlier though with the wood being wet and potentially shrinking exploding and not being usable as a piece of furniture so I continued to go down the rabbit hole on his page and I found this and this is one of his gator sculptures on a slab of Walnut with a white wood used for the sculpture but the kicker he used the lamination as it says here in the description and I think this is going to be the best route for me to try and mimic it so first things first I gotta get a slab and I gotta get a slab flat oh good we could just use this piece for my house I could take that and repurpose it and it is coffee table size which I'm definitely going to test coffee table because gonna sucker up I don't have to deal with all the oh issues of wasting a massive slab of Walnut so CNC we're gonna flatten the sucker on the CNC it has a huge cup here typically I would uh do the cup up because then I get two points of contact on the bed this has such an extreme Live Edge on it that I can't keep the slab itself from like jostling around so I'm gonna try it this way and um see if we can hold this sucker down we'll take more material off here in that side and then I uh we'll be able to flip it and hopefully it holds itself up if you're doing this you can do this by hand or if you want to flatten a slab I mean it's not that hard also if you're in the Pittsburgh area I'll flatten it for you just email the email down below we've got this slab Slayer bit by rip Industries we've been using this thing for a couple weeks now it's it's amazing no affiliation not paying me if you're in the market and you want to do slabs and epoxy flattening sick especially yeah epoxy is so much better this is off the countertop of my bar if you haven't seen that video you're missing out because it's awesome now cut this sucker down then we'll start laying out what I think will be the object I'm gonna carve don't know if I'm gonna do a gator it seems pretty damn hard we're starting small relax the alligator has a ton of scales and a lot of time consuming small details that I think I want to build up to with my skill set so to start I think I want to do a shark it's going to have a little bit smoother and I also think it'll look pretty rad we'll be able to get some features here we've got to do a lamination so my thought is not just any shark not a great white but a Megalodon obviously and I think for this if we could do something like where like you have the tail fin coming out in this area right and that would stick up and then we do something up here that would be like the back of the shark with its dorsal fin and then the head would sit pretty much up here somewhere around there and be like breaching out of the water I can then carve the head and then have the back and like the head would be kind of tilted up here so I'm going to use this to cut some blocks and glue some stuff up so we can laminate it down and then get to carve in this sucker I that's my best guess on how to go next so join me so I've got a couple chunks of Basswood here Basswood carves really nice so we're gonna try it all I'm gonna do is glue up a couple blocks and just kind of lay them on there see how it goes I apologize this might get tricky to film so what I'm trying to do here like I've never done this before so I truly don't know what I'm doing but if the shark head could have some shape like this and then come down and then its mouth will come back inside to the wood so we want the mouth to be in the wood the phone that we had like a 3D model of a shark I guess I don't have to be perfect here quite yet can I get something like that to start about there I'm going to cut this like right here that should give me plenty and I can use this for the next part way more talented people than me out there doing this crap I want the back to like kind of crest and then into the fin and the fin coming back into the water does it give me some fin the hard part's going to be making all this proportional right I think that's enough thin Tyler I'd say so looks like a good fin good because this one is just going to be the top of it is just going to be this like this fin popping out and then the head of the shark because the heads they kind of square or is it pointed ah they're definitely pointy so something like that so if you look at it from this way it's kind of cool I see the vision do you see the vision I guess we just send it you know if it's this close to the surface there would totally be ripples in the water right look how complicated this is and I'm doing like the most basic shapes like this is going to get complex but these are pretty basic and this dude is an alligator with every scale just incredibly talented dude so this is going to be hard this is going to be really hard but I'm gonna glue these blocks up individually I'll let those sit and then we'll get those glued onto the slab before we start carving oh you know what I just caught this if we look here there's this seam in the wood it would be awesome if the body if he was kind of going with it okay I like it Picasso that's a lot of glue like the point of using like the L or the angle was to like get some Flex out of it but it seem to be monitoring thank you it's actually a pretty smart idea I can't bring the middle down bring the part inside up um it's squirrely but it should work long grain on Long grains So in theory the glue joint should be stronger so this is our Megalodon his mouth opens and close that Megalodon came with this which is going to be how we're going to lay out the drawing for my table here wherever we were like we should get a model so I can like model off of the model and that's our guide what are we naming the students I think he looks like a stew to me stew very sophisticated gentleman flavor saver [Music] I think this is like an attestment to how good that dude is that did this I don't know what we're doing this is gonna be way more difficult than I thought I have no idea how I'm going to get this to look the way that is there's so many damn shapes and stuff that are going into it I'm baffled let's go test the back fin start there backfin test can we all agree yes let's go so it's it's super nice out so we're gonna carve out here so I can get some sawdust not in my shop but I do got to put on my spacesuit so I can't talk to you guys for a minute I'm gonna get started on this I'm gonna figure out a way to like remove the bulk of the material and see if I can shape that at all so let's rip that part's going to be a lot harder to get into than I thought initially so we got that going [Music] I don't know what the Dow uses for his stuff but we're gonna try carving a little bit more of the details over here with this this is a burr on a die grinder I really like these because they let you get into some of the more difficult Parts as well as they allow you to sort of refine the shapes a lot better I think the rest of it I can shape I mean the way it's going into the water I think is super solid this thing's going to be sick I am so friggin amped brilliant idea Dao brilliant all right mob we are back outside it's the morning it is bright as hell so we threw a tent up what I'm working on right now is this section here like in this area here that's all that we're trying to get done is just this part shouldn't be insanely difficult fingers crossed I say that now but we'll see what it looks like once I get into it now all there is to do is to shut up and work let's go [Music] we got a bunch of material hogged out here I'm actually going to flip it and kind of work from the other side because I'm right-handed and I can't work across the table I'm super concerned though on how I'm gonna get like a nice little like round back part to come up with it I'm gonna address I'm gonna tackle something I am kind of become more confident in with like to just getting this rough shape of the fin out and then I'll come back to that part thank you [Music] you like it what do you think Stu agreed the transition line into the wood kind of like back in this part I think is is really important to show that it's like under the wood coming out do you guys see this it's a little hook right here now I'm gonna try that why not so Cuts all makes this little rasp and I think I just do this a million times it might get us there I'm pretty pumped it's a good change of pace I really do like power carving you're like bringing something to life that typically wouldn't exist so this is pretty cool it's a Dremel with an extension on it so I can just use this little tool and get in there for some details [Music] it's looking cool what do you think now it's just time for the hardest part wouldn't that be cannibalism sharks definitely need other sharks but now what we're getting into is the shape of the head here my intention initially was to have like the mouth showing on you can see it over here somewhere I'm gonna start from the top down and see what that looks like proportionally because I may have screwed up on like how much is coming in and out of the water and I may only need to be able to do like the head popping out of the water instead of the mouth I'm gonna try to do the mouth though I think that would be super Super Rad Ron Swanson please give me the gumption in order to conquer this ridiculous task at hand as sawdust will be spewed Souls could potentially be crushed and my ego could be destroyed I don't know if any of that's good or bad but bacon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and it did actually indents a little bit at the nose to get that indent it's going to be here in this this part like Narrows as it comes down and that comes up to here I'm just going to go slow if I go slow I should be good well at least better but I want to go fast I want to go fast [Music] so everything overheated we had to take a break so I readjusted the table so I could get a little bit of a better leverage on it I'm super duper concerned with the nose and I'm going to kind of work my way down here with this Burr I think it should give me the ability to kind of get the shaping that I want I don't know we're getting to like the part that I have very minimal confidence in but at the end of the day it's just wood and I'm capable of it so I'm not gonna let it kick my ass I'm gonna I'm just gonna punch it straight in the face [Music] thank you [Music] I have no clue what I'm doing Tyler I think you're ready yes [Music] foreign [Music] I was able to get that break down there to show some of the Walnut which is pretty rad so I'm going to come back in now that I have a little more space with this that and this should allow me to get an undercut down here and then establish a little an area for the teeth yep no freaking clue what I'm doing Tyler but we're doing it I think it's looking pretty rad we're making Headway I'm pretty proud of what we've got here so far it's looking pretty good yeah a little bit of an undercut here and I'm just going to come in I'm gonna try to make some teeth I don't think I'll be able to get as detailed as like stew is I don't know if I don't have the tools I don't even know how to do it I don't even know where I'm at right now but all that being said I think this slightly resembles a shark and that would probably lead to what I would like to say is an impromptu baby shark dance party with my daughter okay let's carved [Music] [Music] if I could do much better than that on the teeth these top ones are going to be tough I did give myself a little bit of a lift there so we've moved back inside so I can get some better leverage being able to move my table here and I'm going to try and Tackle these teeth you're looking pretty rad on this bottom row I was able to get two rows in there because sharks have like however many rows of teeth the top one I was able to get a back cut in there but I'm really really concerned with being able to actually make these teeth look like teeth and if you look at Stu's mouth it goes back inside and that's kind of the look I was trying to go for but boy is that hard foreign [Music] those look like teeth try to establish this lip a little bit better I don't know what freaking tool I'm gonna use for that [Music] I got a little gum line I kind of like it it's got some snakish Vibes going on right now which I don't love I'm gonna hit it with like I'm gonna just try to remove a bunch of material with the sander see if I like it from there I don't want to go like crazy with material removal with like one of the cuts all discs because I feel like I'm getting to that point where like a mistake could be detrimental and I'm a little bit scared let's see how this goes [Music] looks less snaky because we look here his eye is like it's like a flat spot that like runs back so I'm trying to emulate that and you can't really see it in their Shadow but trying to create that flat spot again because his eyes actually like back here I need to just smooth that down I think I don't know Tyler that's okay [Music] it's looking sick that was what it needed it so much more shark-like a lot more Sharky right you like the teeth oh yeah oh you got two rows damn Picasso over here yeah this is looking so much closer to a shark I think it gives me the confidence now to start working on a couple more details like eyeballs are you just gonna leave him one color are you thinking of doing like I don't know I was thinking about leaving it two-tones you know did I get a little nostrils [Music] I think it just needs that little front part [Music] too big [Music] yeah yeah so here's what I'm thinking like if you watch BM sculptures Blake has like an eye cutter right and it'll just cut the shape of the eye into the thing I don't have that so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna I'm gonna try to go around the outside here okay and then fade it out slightly and I should be able to come in and get some depth there so like we don't have a good example here but the eye is actually bulging and we don't have the ability to do that so I'm gonna try to like almost back cut it I think and then I'll go back in and try to like round it over a little bit we'll see looks like an eyeball it's not the best but it's not the worst now let's see if I can do it again carve a pocket like around here right so it looks more like that also looks like the nostrils are down further and his nose like but this guy's nose is pointy and his nostrils are down here you're telling me all sharks aren't shaped the same damn it what point that guy is it would have thought this is so hard it's all artistic representation though yeah I guess so it's not gonna bother the crap out of me it doesn't look right this guys are like right here they all look different so like I think it's they do all right let's carve a puddle [Music] [Applause] hey let's talk I think I'm gonna try a few things here with the torch first I was also wondering if it like makes sense to like darken some of this let's try this torch all right let's see what that looks like [Music] foreign [Music] foreign new sometimes you catch your teeth on fire [Music] watch your life it's not my best but it doesn't suck right and it's going to pop when we get finished off and now my friends let us spray God [Music] I gotta say this thing it looks it looks pretty awesome after we got some finish on it the wood itself had some really cool Rays over here which ended up playing really well into it I think the carving of the water makes the piece for me in person you can really see some depth it's really really a cool effect on here I think the scale of the shark was a little off that's on my end as well as we had some issues like catching the teeth on fire here but with more practice and more preparation I think I can get better at stuff like this moving forward and I mentioned earlier in the video that I watched all of the Dows videos I might have elaborated on the truth there a little bit I watched a ton of it and I somehow missed this epic video right here we're the dude literally builds the most incredible shark table in the history of the world I want to know if you guys think I should try tackling this again using that for guidance because that thing is insane leave a comment down below and if you want to see me build some more epic stuff I got a whole playlist right here
Channel: John Malecki
Views: 1,320,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Malecki, John Malecki Builds, Woodworking, How To, how to make, wood carving, wood carving asmr, wood carving videos, wood carving tutorial, woodworking for beginners, woodworking tips, alligator, shark, shark carving, shark table, alligator table, the Dew, the dooo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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