Swallowfield Chapel Sunday Service - September 5, 2021

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hi everyone welcome to solar field chatu we're glad you could join us my name is dario ferguson our speaker today is pastor david and the title of his message is love and loyalty please remember to share the link with your family and friends and subscribe to our youtube channel may god bless you as we worship together good morning swallow field chapel how are you doing this morning where are we tuning in from if it's the living room the bedroom the kitchen the dining room i'm gonna ask you to just stand to your feet and join the three of us as we give god some pray from this good one here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] to see [Music] we see you high [Music] pour out your power and love holy holy lord [Music] yes [Music] i is it's [Music] [Applause] holy holy holy [Music] for you oh [Music] is oh [Music] yes [Music] yes god we want to see you high and lifted up like you deserve to be because you are our god our king our savior forever and ever give thanks to the lord our god and king his love and yours forever before he is good he is above all things forever give thanks to the lord our god and king his love enjoys forever for he is good he is above all sing praise sing praise forever god is faithful and forever god is strong forever god is with us forever forever forever [Music] that's been reborn forever forever forever god is faithful forever god is faithful and forever god is strong forever god is with us forever forever forever his love endures forever [Music] forever [Music] the savior is forever god is faithful [Music] cause forever god is with us forever forever forever god is faithful forever god is strong forever god is with us forever forever forever [Music] forever forever forever forever let us pray heavenly father thank you for who you are you are an awesome god you are a gracious god you are a merciful father you are a friend your provider protector healer comforter lord you know and you see exactly what is happening right now there are a number of persons who are hurting lord you give and you take away but lord we say be magnified in the midst of this all for the persons who are grieving mighty god lord i ask that you will just be there comfortable right now almighty god i ask that peace will reign within their households mighty god heavenly father i ask you to really touch their hearts and their souls exactly where they need it right now lord it is painful it is painful to see the pain and the hurt that is going on everywhere almighty god but we still say that you remain the same mighty god lord we ask that even as as christians as people in general lord help us heavenly father to be able to discern to see to hear and to know when there are persons who are lonely when they're persons who are depressed when they're persons that just need your hand that just need a touch and a glimpse of you help us to remember that we are a reflection of you christ so heavenly father help us to step away from our pride heavenly father and allah that you just reign through us and just be magnified through us and for persons to be able to feel and touch your love to just experience your love through us lord lord we pray for the matter of the fact that there is this violence that does infiltrate our land mighty god we we speak against it with authority lord we say heavenly father that you will just go into these communities move into these communities into these hearts almighty god that that there will be a matter of forgiveness that there will be a matter of reconciliation that hearts will thus be softened mighty god and that lives will just be changed mighty god because persons will decide to just hand over and give their hearts to you lord i pray for the nation right now or leaders or leaders heavenly father who just need guidance who need wisdom lord let them not be acting out of flesh in the things that they saying the things that they do lord allow them to be guided by you with all the protocols with all the measures that are put in place mighty god let your will be done heavenly father let all your will be done lord i pray for peace peace over this land especially in the hospitals right now lord strengthen the nurses the nurse the nurses oh god strengthen the the doctors mighty god give them wisdom in everything that they are doing lord give them strength even especially physically not just emotionally mighty god lord we thank you for the oxygen that is knowing jamaica lord but preserve it preserve it like like never before that we wouldn't even have to to ask for any more allow the protocols that are put in place that they that they are effective and that there will be a shift and there will be a change lord even in the education system right now schools are about to start almighty god lord i pray that there will be a bridge that is just built between this educational gap right now lord lord thank you thank you thank you thank you that you hear us because you desire relationship with us and we call you friend and we call you father and you are not blind to the things that are happening so lord we ask you to act and we thank you in advance for acting in jesus name i pray amen [Music] hide me now under your wings cover me within your mighty hand when the oceans arise and thunders roar i will soar with you above the sun [Music] i will be still know you my god [Music] hide me down under your wings cover me within your mighty hands when [Music] i will soar with you above the storm father you i will be still know you are gone find rest my [Music] soul alone [Music] [Music] [Music] i will be still know you are gone is i will be still [Music] today's scripture reading is taken from matthew 6 verse 19 to 24. do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where moths and vermin destroy and where thieves break in and steal but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moths and vermin do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there your heart will be also the eye is the lump of the body if your eyes are healthy your whole body will be full of light but if your eyes are unhealthy your whole body will be full of darkness if then the light within you is darkness how great is that darkness no one can serve two masters either you will hate the one and love the other or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve both god and money this is the word of the lord greetings we are again in lockdown physical outlook but the good news is that the gospel of jesus christ is unchained and therefore can transform our lives notwithstanding or being physically not present together it's my joy to be able to share god's word with us again today and we have been exploring since february the teachings of jesus popularly known as the sermon on the mount it's found in matthew 5 through the 7th and we took breaks on the sermon from time to time and in august we gave particular focus to the theme of hope that was a powerful series and i want to thank all who ministered in august or preachers and all who were seen and unseen who served us well we thank god for his word today we return to jesus's teachings from this famous sermon and at the outset of his ministry jesus said these powerful words and we they were worth repeating he says repent for the kingdom of heaven is near matthew 4 17 and the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of god means the rule of god and jesus declared that a superior king and kingdom was now on the scene to which every human being must give allegiance above every other so-called power and jesus announced himself as a king of god's superior kingdom and god's kingdom has its own ethics its values its politics and social economic arrangements and jesus shared concerning these matters in his sermon and he called people you and me to repentance as me means of entering his kingdom repentance meant to give up allegiance to all other rulers including to your own self and to submit totally to jesus's rule and authority you know as jesus preached crowds followed him and a crowd comprised committed followers of jesus they are disciples as well as what we call in jamaica organists you know fans who are in it for what they could get from him the crowds also included the religious elite they were bent on getting rid of jesus and i would pause to ask you to consider which one are you you know in today's text jesus outlines further for us what is required of his committed followers and he makes it plain that serving him when you say we are going to serve him it implicates how we deal with money or material possessions and resources how we view the world our outlook and ultimately helps us to see that how we live our lives really turns on who is our master in other words issues of love and loyalty hence the title of today's message and jesus presents to us two treasuries two perspectives and two masters and he calls us to make a choice among these jesus gives us no third option as we'd say in jamaica jamaica it's eida or ida and i want to submit that unless we intentionally and deliberately make the right choice to follow jesus and to initially pursue him we will naturally make wrong choices we'll invest in the wrong treasury we'll adopt the wrong perspective on life and we'll serve the wrong masters let us look at the two treasuries and ask ourselves the question where is your treasure and let's see if we can identify this these treasuries from our text it says in verses 19 and 20 the following do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal but storm for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal so there's a treasury on earth and there's a treasury in heaven and i want to ask you the question what is your treasure i want you to do a simple test you know aw toaster ask some questions i'm going to ask them of you what do you value most in other words what is number one in your life you can't have two number ones what would you most hate to lose and what do your thoughts turn to most frequently when you are free to think of anything you will and then i want you to ask ask and answer the question of you what gives you the greatest pleasure in life i believe that for many of us we would perhaps list people and relationships as treasures however i believe that if we were brutally honest some of us would say money and possessions and those would be the things we value most and even ourselves i want to suggest that if a relationship with god through his son jesus christ is not the single most important thing in your life above everything and everyone else that from jesus's perspective you are in big big trouble you know in our text jesus says do not lay up or store up treasures on earth but he says store up treasures in heaven and the question is what does jesus mean by this what what was he prohibiting i want to answer that question by firstly saying what he was not prohibiting firstly as john start points so jesus is not placing a ban on material possessions in themselves you know nowhere in scripture is it taught that to have private property is sinful indeed many godly biblical characters were quite wealthy secondly saving for our energy internet expression it is not forbidden to christians or it's not forbidden to own stocks or bonds or shares or insurance policies and real estate and so on in fact on the contrary the scripture praises the ant for storing in the summer the food it will need for the winter and instructs us learn from the answer the scripture also says that the believer who fails to look after his own family is worse than an infidel an unbeliever thirdly as john start points out we are not to despise the good things god has given us to enjoy god has given us of his bounty for our blessing and enjoyment or god is not a stingy mean god and in ephesia i'm sorry in first timothy 4 verses 3 and 4 the apostle paul speaks for example of persons who forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods which god says i have created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth and paul says in 1 timothy 4 and verse 4 he says this for everything god created is good and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving because it is consecrated by the word of god and the prayer so having said all of that what then is jesus prohibiting i want to suggest that jesus is prohibiting this selfish accumulation of good ceremony notice the words do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth jesus is prohibiting selfish arrogant extravagant and luxurious wasteful living as one writer says the hard-heartedness which does not feel the the colossal need of the world's underprivileged people he's prohibiting the foolish idea that a man's net worth or value is based on the abundance of his or her material positions you know the apostle paul writing to timothy said this command those he says who are rich in this present world he says no but arrogant now put your hope in wealth which is so uncertain but to put their hope in god who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment that's first timothy 6 and verse 17. so jesus is prohibiting putting our hope in in wealth or covetousness as we say jamaica red eye living like misers who hoard tight like titus and like materialists who always want more and will do anything to get it so that we can be as we say powerful the truth is that this is the philosophy the normal way of the world and that philosophy has sadly infiltrated even the church as such corrupt preachers and i speak frankly here have cleverly spiritualized greed and materialism under the cloak of a prosperity gospel which says that the standard by which we judge our spirituality our goodness is measured by our material blessings and some preachers start the truth all they talk about money and giving and they manipulate people to take money from them in the name of god for their ministries without any accountability and sadly many leave extravagant and luxurious lifestyles on the backs of the poor abusing the gospel for financial gain and they are just like the world materialistic and covetous laying up treasures on earth am i coming true and jesus points to the futility of this selfish lifestyle he says mutts and rust destroy thieves breaking and steel if jesus were here today he he would go on and say fires consume look at what is happening in our world floods and hurricanes there are economic meltdowns investments can go solve pandemics destroy and we could go on and on and even if our wealth escapes mutts and roasts and thieves the bible teaches that ultimately all that we have on earth will be consumed by fire as such if our investments are only for this life and listen carefully if our investments are only for this life we are going to have a rude awakening because either it will pass away or you will die and you can't take it with you i've conducted many funerals i've never seen a soul take anything with them you know they gave us a taste of this lesson when the bottom of our favorite shoes drop off in big big public after not wearing it for a while that was not me but my wife can talk about that it dry rot kovit has also taught us that there's a lot we thought we needed that we can actually do without learn these lessons well and make wise decisions i want you to notice that jesus did not say we should not store of treasures he's in fact commanding us he says you store of treasures but in other words god wants us to have an investment mentality he's however saying invest in the right place so that it has eternal value not just temporary value and so you asked me then how do we invest wisely how can i store up treasures in heaven well in answering that question we must firstly answer what is true wealth and on this here jesus's words in matthew 13 44 jesus says the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field when a man found it he hid it again and then in his joy went and saw all he had and all the fear the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of god is the greatest treasure of all it has it is an immeasurable unquantifiable treasure a man will therefore sell everything to get this treasure and as i said earlier the kingdom of god is the rule of god and so to have this treasure therefore means that we will be submitted to the king of the kingdom of heaven in other words let me make it plain the greatest treasure is jesus christ himself if you know that he can say hallelujah in your house it's jesus christ a vibrant relationship with the king of kings and lord of lords is the greatest treasure a man woman boy or girl can have in this life and in the life to come hallelujah but the truth is the choice to follow jesus is not an easy one and it really challenges us at the very core of our beings you know in luke 18 we are told the story of a rich young ruler who came to jesus and asked master what must i do to inherit eternal life jesus reminded him of all the commandments all of which the ruler said he had kept since he was a boy and when jesus heard this he said to the young man you still lack wanting and hear jesus no by jesus something else he says sell everything you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven then come follow me and the scripture says that when he heard this he became very sad because he was a man of great wealth and jesus looked at him and said how hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of god that's luke 18 18 to 30 for the whole story the young man's wealth was more important to him than eternal life he therefore gained the world but lost its soul and can i ask you the question what are who is it that you have in your life which you are clinging to as more valuable than following king jesus contrast that story with that of the apostle paul who did a comparative analysis of his human accomplishments with knowing jesus christ you know paul had ethnic religious and social pedigree in today's world he would have had perhaps several doctoral degrees he spoke several languages and as a jew was also a citizen of the ruling empire rome he describes himself as a hebrew of hebrew in regard to the law he was a pharisee he was from the ruling religious sect as for zeal he persecuted for the church this is what he's telling us as for legalistic righteousness he says i was faultless but paul goes on in philippians 3 to say the following he says but whatever what's the my prophet i now consider lust for the sake of christ what is more i consider everything everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing christ jesus my lord for whose sake i have lost everything and paul says i consider them rubbish like dong that i may gain christ philippians 3 7 to 11. you know i can identify in a small measure with paul i've known i'm understanding a bit of my own story the privilege of a good family and education have several degrees has admitted to what is described as a noble profession of law worked in the attorney general chambers on the outstanding legal luminaries and benefited from their expertise i became an associate in a leading law firm and a partner and head of his litigation department i have plenty i could boast about in terms of success in cases and other accolades i know what it is to have some money some money and to be able to own things the world values to eat at good restaurants i know what it is to excel i have a wonderful wife a medical doctor bright daughters wonderful sons-in-law grandchildren and some good contacts in the world i'm being honest but you know like paul i cannot boast in these things because none of these is remotely comparable to the excellence of knowing christ jesus my lord none of these is comparable to the privilege of being able to serve him in glad obedience you know in 1999 yes 1999 my commitment to christ was put to the test as the lord called me to leave my law practice and offer to serve this community of faith as pastor i remember leaving church this sunday and going home and sharing this with brenda who affirmed the call it meant for us a change of lifestyle i remember sharing this with my managing partner you know at the firm at the time i remember the kind of quizzical look on his face as he tried to keep a straight face as i shared that i would not be with the firm long term because of this call of god tony my managing partner however was supportive and i have given my life in service for the sake of the kingdom as pastor of swallow field chapel for the last 20 years now the truth is god could have continued to use me as a full-time legal practitioner in a full-time law practice but he had other plans for my life and this is my testimony that the excellence of knowing christ and being obedient to his call has provided me with the greatest fulfillment and satisfaction in life nunes can compare with knowing christ not my wife or family not people not sex or money nothing compares with knowing and living for jesus christ it is an awesome responsibility and privilege to live in love and loyalty to jesus and another person say it is better faith than to because even me telling you you never understand until you jump unite you never experience it for yourself and so we lay up treasures in heaven then when we live in total submission and obedience to christ and grow to be just like him like jesus and paul says that there are three things that will abide forever he says it's what faith hope and love our spiritual fruitfulness an increase in these in our lives therefore is laying of treasures in heaven for eternity and this makes perfect sense since all i believe i will take to the next life you know we're not taking any other positions you know we're taking ourselves no wonder paul's passion even at the close of his life he says that i may know him that i may know christ philippians 3 verse 10. but we must move on in light of the context of the passage we live treasures in heaven also when we use our earthly resources to advance the cause of the kingdom of god in the world and this may mean foregoing some earthly treasures you know paul told timothy to command the rich with these words he says command them that's a rich to do good to be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share in this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life that's first timothy 6 verses 18 to 19. now paul is not saying we can't buy or earn our salvation because sometimes people say yeah mama go give and then somehow give you some bronier points to go to heaven no sunken or sings in ephesians 2 8 9 it says it is by grace we have been saved through faith and this not for more says it's the gift of god not by work so no one can boast what paul is however indicating is that the person truly transformed by faith in jesus christ we live a generous life paul also spoke about the philippians financial giving and he says the following in philippians 4 and verse 17 he says not that i'm looking for a gift but i'm looking for what may be credited to your account in other words god keeps an account as it were in heaven open for us and every gift given for his glory is a deposit in that account can i ask you the question how is your account looking we are eternal beneficiaries of our giving for the cause of the kingdom in luke i related record of jesus's teaching on this said subject of laying of treasures luke puts it this way this is what jesus says he says sell your possessions and give to the poor provide person some translation and say money bills for yourselves that you will not wear out a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted where no thief comes near and no moths destroyed that's luke 12 33 this passage makes it plain that we may live treasure in heaven by giving to the poor the luke passage adds another dimension to the treasure we lay up in heaven it will not be exhausted in other words we'll have it for our benefit in the new creation life to come the treasures of earth wear out and have to be replaced but the treasures of heaven last forever in a state of the highest quality what an investment and jesus goes on in our text to state that where your treasure is there your heart will be also that's verse 21. but notice that the passage did not say where your heart is your treasure will be uh also in other words jesus unmask what drives motivates and dominates our lives by reference to what we spend our money or our resources on what we do with our possession indicates what's in our hearts can i say it again what we do with our possession indicates what's in our hearts the acid test of knowing what is in my heart is to look at my checkbook my credit card statement and receipts for expenditure for young people you get our loans and launch money what do you spend our money on apart from the necessities for all of us the question comes on what do we spend our lives and resources i find randy alcorn very helpful here when he states he says this he says what we do with our money doesn't simply indicate where our heart is according to jesus it determines where our heart goes and i want to suggest that if you want to develop a heart for anything invest your heart earn resources and money in that thing if you say you are concerned about the welfare education of children for example put your money there and i guarantee you that you will see your interests and heart for children grow exponentially if you want to develop a heart for mission or to give to i would suggest give to specific missionary or missionary enterprises why because your heart follows your treasure and i want to quote al-qaeda on this i find this very helpful he says my heart isn't in all the things of god some of us may be saying it is it because your treasure isn't in the things of god put your resources your assets your money and possessions your time and talents and energies into the things of god as surely as a compass neither follows north your heart will follow your treasure money leads hearts follow it's not a powerful quote so so far we have looked at through two treasures now we're not talk a little bit about two perspectives and the big question for us is what is your world view in these two perspectives look at our text in verses 22 to 23 jesus says that i is the lamp of the body if your eyes are good your whole body will be full of light but if your eyes are bad your whole body will be full of darkness jesus is here using the metaphor that kind of word picture of physical vision to teach about the importance of perspective or vision which is how we see or view things and life in general our world view will determine how we live our lives and the quality of our lives as such if through the lens you use to interpret your world you believe that what we have here and know in this life is the be all and end all of life then we will live our lives to gain all that we can on this side of eternity without an eternal perspective we will make wrong choices and decisions in life and it will need to to ruin i found this quotation from jd rockefeller very instructive big wealthy manny says the poorest man i know is the man who has nothing but money you see the acquisition of wealth is an illusion for meeting the greatest needs of humanity there are needs for meaning and love and peace and joy and fulfillment in life absolutely experimented with everything and he says it's like grasping after the wind all is vanity as disciples of jesus we must have an eternal perspective and we understand that this life is but a dot as it were on the continuum of eternity it's the preface to the book it's the prelude before the main event it's a tune up before the grand symphony as we look forward to the full revelation or manifestation of the kingdom of god we live anticipating the reigning with christ in resurrected bodies this is not it in the new heaven and earth which will be emerged in the life to calm this life is an important passing passage to the new creation on the god do you believe it it's an important phase of our lives but this is not our final destination as disciples of jesus christ as such we live as people bearing dual citizenship we live in preparation for the next life and in a way which will put us in good stead for what is to come we live as pilgrims in this world knowing that how we live here will impact our status and rewards in the next life will therefore seek first the rule of god the kingdom of god and his righteous ideals will advance god's kingdom in the world which is about humanity's good we are therefore not so heavenly minded that we have no earthly use quite the contrary because we are heavenly minded we work to bring the ideals of heaven on earth and that is why in the lord's prayer the lord said taught us to pray thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven it means we'll therefore stand and resist corruption and poverty alleviating poverty and all dehumanizing influences and systems and structures because they are in opposition to god's kingdom ideas we will instead promote god's well-being his shalom for humanity and for the environment we i believe should therefore lament the upsurge in covet cases and debts after a significant period of containment this spike in my opinion was facilitated by policies which were misguided and not focused on that which the kingdom of god values which is human life and the welfare especially of the weak and vulnerable short-sighted forays into dream weekends and other unwise ventures for the sake of money have plunged us into a nightmare of debts and loss our hospitals healthcare system workers educational system businesses which were abounding adversely affected and compromised why what worldview shaped our thinking and decisions with god's eternal perspective we will serve as god's ministers of reconciliation and healing in our world we do not get consumed with what we'll eat and drink and fretting about tomorrow we'll live a worry-free life which we'll speak about in the days to come you see with an eternal perspective we live with a sense of freedom in giving and not hoarding holding on to earthly position possessions we live light relieve that as it were an open hand to do god's bidding with our or should i say god's money his possessions material resources gifts abilities time indeed all of our fairy lives so far i've highlighted two treasuries and two perspective and jesus now goes as it were for the jugular and he unmasked what really is at the root of our life investments and worldviews at bottom line the issue is our love and loyalty there are two masters and we must choose one and the question for you is where is your love and loyalty where is your love and lord notice what jesus does not say he does not say that it is difficult to serve god and money he says it is impossible either you will serve god or the other we'll either hate one and love the other or love one and hate the other big question what drives and motivates you let me put it as a statement what drives and motivates you is your god jesus is clear that the throne of our hearts can only have one king we have to decide will it be money possessions or a person or even you or will we yield the throne of our hearts to the king of kings and lord of lords will we lovingly submit to his rule and authority will we commit to grow in godly character and giving our resources as he directs for the advance of his kingdom there's no halfway house we have to make up a man jesus is warning us against idolatry he's saying beware of materialism and the truth is that many believers have gone off track because money and this pursuit have become our god and so that kind of fervency for the things of the kingdom of wind because we have been bent on acquiring more and more things of keeping up as it were with high society of being on the cutting edge of fashion and possessions and jesus is saying that when money dominates our lives it is our god it is our master god can only be served with an entire and exclusive devotion it's all are not no nominal christianity christianity name only no in between no god and something are someone else god demands this simply because he's god he says i am the lord that is my name my glory i give to no other isaiah 42 and verse 8. and if we attempt to serve god otherwise than by giving him our total love and loyalty we are deluded and committing idolatry god is not interested in fans or wagonist or religious platitudes he demands the throne of my heart and yours and today as john start indicates we have a choice it's a choice between the creator and the creature between the glorious personal god and a miserable thing which will pass away called money it's between worship and idolatry we have a choice to invest no for eternity and for that which is of inestimable value and lasting value versus what is passing away life is temporary and short and we should seize the days of our lives to invest wisely for eternity and i'm not saying this lightly but with a deep and weighty sense of urgency and i must confess a lot of pain highlighted by the death of four members of our swallow family who passed this week yes i did say that for four of our own tour senior saints who succumbed to coving mrs rodriguez otherwise known as miss cherry you know she served us joyfully and faithfully in our soup kitchen she served in intercession and in many other ways the other was miss lin they were bought from the swallow community and miss lynch showed me with generosity i actually knew her since i was a boy living in swaloville the third person is sanjay spence a 24 years old former student at yryo a vibrant and enthusiastic youth leader he had a brain tumor jay is one of twins his his twin brother sandro they would perform for us from time to time powerfully and they would share the gospel the fourth is my our dear sister and friend avril billy every little hospitality cluster served as care group leader and so so much more i'm grateful that god loaned them to us and each of these swallows in their own way laid up treasures in heaven and we look forward and look forward to seeing them again at the resurrection because this life is not the end of everything we want a pause to just express condolences to their families and to pray for god's peace and comfort to all who mourn their debts reinforce that the time is now to invest meaningfully in this life and for eternity and i want to challenge you challenge myself to invest in the treasury of heaven by growing to be like christ and lovingly serving and giving as he commands he challenges us and i want to challenge you to embrace the person his perspective on life a biblical worldview an eternal perspective and to give jesus your love and loyalty as king and master of your heart and life because at the end of the day it is all about who will have your love and loyalty and only jesus deserves that place in our hearts may invite you to join me in prayer as we close there are some of us who don't know this jesus of womb i speak today and by his spirit he has convicted you of sin and righteousness and judgment and you want to commit your life to him if that's you i'm going to invite you to pray with me from your heart to the lord inviting him to be your king and leader please pray with me heavenly father thank you for speaking to me today i acknowledge that i am a sinner outside of your kingdom i repent of my sin i turn from sin and every other loyalty and i invite you lord jesus to be the king and leader of my life fill me with your spirit and give me power to live for you from this day forward amen let us continue in prayer as i pray for believers let's make this your own prayer as i lift up prayers to the lord lord i realize that i have been making bad investments with the money the time abilities and other resources you have given to me we confess this lord forgive me for pouring my life into making an accumulating wealth for myself instead of into building your kingdom i admit that my heart has followed my investments into earthly treasures and today lord i repent and commit to giving all i have and am to building your kingdom and to developing a growing relationship with you rescue me lord rescue us from the deception that joy and fulfillment can be found in anything other than pleasing you help me to maintain your perspective on life and to represent your kingdom your values and practices here on earth please cleanse me lord from greed and idolatry and materialism and envy and selfishness and pride and today lord we say please fill me fill us with your holy spirit and give us the power to love and serve the only true master king jesus lord we worship you as our greatest treasure for which we will give up all to receive i pray lord in jesus name amen and amen our brother ian spencer is going to be ministering to us in song at this time after which i will share our benediction [Music] the ever moving hands of time hurry to eternity [Music] few there be who are wise and make sure their destiny lay up for yourselves treasures that will last don't you be misled oh you see will pass tick tick tock goes the clock round and round it goes whether you believe or not there's a countdown for your soul lay up for yourself treasures that will last don't you be misled oh you see you will pass lay up for yourselves treasures that will last all you see will pass [Music] suddenly when you least expect life gives way to death take heed my friend don't you forget your appointment has been said lay up for yourself treasures that will last don't you be misled oh we see will pass slay for yourselves [Music] treasures that will last do you be misled oh you see all the past oh [Music] will pass [Music] we thank our brother ian for that very powerful song i want to encourage you that if you have opened your heart to the lord jesus today please call us at the numbers indicated on the screen after the service or if you need prayer please reach out to us we are here to help each other on the journey of following our lord and savior jesus christ let us now share our benediction now may the god of peace who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our lord jesus that great shepherd of the sheep may he equip you with everything good for doing his will and may he work in us what is pleasing to him through jesus christ to whom be glory forever and ever and god's people said amen and amen god bless you to receive personal confidential prayer call email or text whatsapp or call us today at 11 30 am at 876-521-9437 or 876-877-9794 and 876 371-0898 for men only or email your request to prayer at swallowfieldchapel.org or by text at 876-395-7694 please be reminded that the government of jamaica has declared sunday september 5 12 and 19 no movement days in light of this there will be no in-person services on those days we invite you to continue to join us virtually for our online services every sunday at 9am via our youtube channel visiting with us for the first time welcome we invite you to complete the contact card in the link below to connect with us god bless you thank you for giving in these troubled times we invite you to continue to give as the lord enables you to support our ministries and those in special need here are a few convenient ways to do so you may deposit your tides and offerings in the dropbox at the church office at number 7 mondays to fridays from 9 a.m to 3 p.m tides and offerings can also be done by direct online deposit to our swallow field chapel bns new kingston current account number 804 161 branch number 50575 or you can log on to swallowfieldchapel.org and click give to make your direct online contribution financial contributions for food care packages should be so indicated the children's ministry presents a parenting seminar on the topic navigating or digital world today september 5 at 3 p.m via zoom all parents are welcome click the link in the description below to register and join young adults meetup is back monday september 6th at 8 pm follow and share at let's meet ja on instagram join us for believers meeting every thursday at 6 pm check the description below for the link to share and join via zoom stay tuned the divorce care group providing hope and healing for separated and divorced persons resumes virtually on september 7 and 8 at 7 pm click the link in the description below to register to join this confidential support group yo teams crossroads been back i'm telling you we're coming back with new things as a matter of fact this september is new series stretch and it focuses on our spiritual habits if you did not know we start at 6 30 pm this time every saturday come online socialize and learn more about god come visit us and if you're new follow our instagram page crossroads jamaica [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i will be there with you [Music] small groups will resume soon please check your emails for registration details by next week and remember all are welcome to join us every weekday morning and on saturdays for our online prayer meeting from 6 30 to 7 30. click and share the link in the description below help us fund our youth reaching youth yry programs by ordering a pan of fish monday to friday what's up or call 876-427-1349 or the church office foster a child today under the child foster care program for more information email flmfostacare gmail.com or call 876-816-0889 remember to share the link to our services with family and friends at home and abroad and subscribe to our youtube channel for the links to these and other activities visit our website swallowfieldchapel.org forward slash announcements here's a reminder to stay safe wear your mask wash hands regularly sanitize and maintain physical distance may god bless you and keep you always [Music] lay up for yourself treasures that will last don't you be misled oh you see you will pass up for yourselves treasures that will last don't you be misled [Music] will pass [Music] suddenly when you least expect life gives way to death take heed my friend don't you forget you're appointment has been said lay up for yourself treasures that will last don't you be misled oh you see will pass [Music] do you be misled oh you see all the pasts [Music] [Music] all you see [Music] will pass [Music] you
Channel: Swallowfield Chapel
Views: 2,870
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 41sec (4181 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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