Swallowfield Chapel Sunday Service - October 3, 2021

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wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] welcome to swallow field chapel we are delighted to have you and certainly there's no better place to be than to be worshiping at swallowfield chapel in the presence of the lord and in the presence of each other [Music] today is mission sunday god has only one son and he was a physician and he was a missionary and we were his disciples we have this wonderful privilege of going out into our families into our communities into jamaica and the world by extension to tell them about the good news of our lord jesus christ we're we will definitely be hearing from the word of god and the speaker will be mr david jacobs he's from the trinity bible institute and he's going to be speaking on mobilization hashtag mobilization and this promises to be a very inspiring message and how we as god's children can mobilize ourselves and going out there in these pandemic times to bring the good news of salvation our dear sister rose will be joining us later to talk about prison ministry because it's all about best practices because we are god's hands and feet and we definitely will need to be going out and bringing the message of salvation to persons who are so in need of hearing this good news especially in these times [Music] please remember to subscribe to our youtube channel and be sure to invite family and friends to tune in to our service let us continue now in giving worship to our lord and our savior amen good morning church family please stand at home stick with us let's declare how great our god is our god is awesome he reigns on high and it's such a privilege to be alive today so let's just sing out and give god all the glory amen [Music] [Music] our god is great and glorious we put our trust in your name jesus able to save and deliver us we put our hope in your name jesus sing blessing and honor all of the praise is yours yours forever oh my god [Music] [Music] and our god is mighty our god is mighty and marvelous we put our trust in your name put our trust in your name jesus there's nothing to fear there's nothing to fear with us [Music] jesus of the praise is yours forever [Music] our god is in control and nothing's impossible cause our god he reigns forever our god is in control steadfast unmovable nothing's impossible our gods forever god our god is [Music] hallelujah [Applause] is nothing's impossible is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] prison ministry team is represented by nicola panton and myself today and we salute swallowfield mission sunday the team is truly thankful to our god and father for allowing us to share his love and word in correctional facilities for over two decades and particularly during covet 19. [Music] our desire is to be and to make disciples of our lord jesus christ to proclaim freedom for the captives and the release from darkness for the prisoners until the lord returns yes kobe has had an impact on churches and the ministry the social distancing protocols have resulted in the termination of visits at metcalfe and rio cobre in spanish town to kovid the team would visit and have the opportunity of face-to-face ministry of the word opportunities for discipleship teams to minister to believers life coaching sessions the distribution of care packages christian literature bibles and also importantly providing practical advice and to those who are scheduled to leave late in 2018 through a series of what we call god incidences the ministry expanded from two juvenile facilities to include kingston's central lockup the largest jail in the country where the number of persons range from 180 to 220 men per week we give thanks that changes at the inspectorate level have not negatively impacted the ministry at kingston central we were actually granted access which literally means being locked in to minister one floor per saturday per month postcovid however there have been changes correctional facilities ministry has seized the ministry of love through the distribution of care packages however continues and so does the ministry at kingston central we hasten to state that the social distancing protocols are being observed ministry is facilitated via the use of mics and speaker boxes on the property coincidence or guard incidents the date and time for delivery of food changed and as a consequence our visits now coincide with the visit of visits of relatives of the inmates consequence more persons can and actually do participate in the singing and the worship and more importantly they hear the word of god and they receive christian literature covey changes yes we do miss the more frequent face-to-face opportunities for growth in the lord as a team beach trips team building sessions social cake sales christmas purchases production lines of members and their children and grandchildren christmas dinners and concert with awards and items by god's musicians of the caliber of ian spencer and mark johnson give god thanks for them we are a ministry that have a lot to give god thanks for we thank him for the team current and past members and we thank him for those who will come we thank the leadership of the church it provides ongoing mentoring spiritual and financial support i'll take the opportunity to mention brother kevin of blessed memory who always ensure the timely distribution of funds for the purchase of care packages which is still done during covid we thank members and friends who have donated care items and cash gifts to the church for those who join us for visits and for the prayer support we are thankful for god to god for the poor's coveted pm intercessory prayer lines and we have an active whatsapp group and yes prayer sessions in solar field chapel prairie garden the lord has commanded us to go to reach the unsaved and to minister to those in physical and spiritual captivity online services in correctional facilities are not currently possible due to infrastructure and security issues but we continue to pray the fields are ripe for the harvest even with kovit so we crave your continued support and we also ask that you contact the church office in this regard join us and serve join us and develop a love for evangelism intercessory prayers join us so that the lord will say to you one day when i was in prison you visited me there is no greater honor than to submit to the lord and to labor in his vineyards at this time we'll share a testimony from nikki a team member on her experience in serving in the ministry good morning brothers and sisters we have just heard from our prison ministry leader sister rose and now i'll share my testimony with you why i love serving in prison mystery in matthew 28 verse 19 jesus commands us to go for and make discipleship of all nations the fact that i raised three sons in the inner city community in this inner city community propelled me into mentoring and thereafter encouraged me to become a part of this ministry it's just a joy to know that i can communicate with the inmates no matter what their age and at the end of each service many of them are calling out to you to write down their names relating to their different issues and court dates for prayers the experience is awesome especially when they have decided to seriously commit their lives to god i also love this ministry because of the retreats we have times of refreshing and laughter with our own members we get to encourage one another pray with one another and understand each other better especially when we haven't seen some of us during our visits to the different penile institutions throughout the year i join our sister rose in encouraging persons to serve in this ministry because prison ministry is a mission field you can be involved in without having to go halfway around the world you don't have to be a super talented teacher singer or preacher you just need to be willing to be used by god amen [Music] let us pray dear god and heavenly father we just come before your presence with thanksgiving we thank you for this day that you have made and we choose to rejoice and be glad in it we thank you for this sunday missions sunday we give you the glory the honor and the praise lord for sending jesus and anointing and appointing and empowering those who have accepted him as lord and savior to send the good news of the gospel throughout the world lord as we stand there before you there are so many issues challenges that face us but we take comfort that you are god almighty there is none like you you are the god who is able to do the impossible indeed lord we use our anthem to say eternal father bless our land guide us with thy mighty hand we pray for our leaders lord our spiritual leaders our leaders in government ngos we pray for leaders in the classroom lord lord it is now that we need you more than ever and we pray lord that all of jamaica all of the peoples in the world will recognize that you lord jesus are the answer we place every person who is ill before you right now lord lord whatever the sickness is lord you are our jehovah rapha we pray for those who have covered 19 we pray for those who are suffering with challenges related to diabetes hypertension lord you know the list but you are god and you are able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever ask dream or imagine lord covid has significantly increased the level of grief loss pain not only in jamaica lord we place ourselves before you lord because we as the body of christ have lost members we are grateful however lord that because of the hope that we have in you we do not need to mourn as persons who do not have a hope but we pray for other persons especially unbelievers lord who may not be experiencing your joy your comfort your peace we pray father of comfort and the god of all compassion that you will wrap your arms around them you know what it is like to suffer pain and loss and even death lord so we place all our supplications before you the king of kings and the lord of lords and lord we pray that even on this mission sunday in spite of the death in spite of grief and loss that today we will go away knowing that there is a hope and that your commandment one of your commandments to us lord is to go forth go and preach the message the good news of the gospel to each and every person whether it's our neighbor next door overseas we pray lord that the spirit of the missionary will arise in each and every one of us each of us can testify of your goodness your mercy your faithfulness lord so lord in spite of all the challenges there is so much to rejoice and give hope for so we give you the glory we give you the honor we give you the praise you deserve it all and we pray all this in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth amen [Music] [Music] that's just the way it is [Music] [Music] that's just [Applause] [Applause] you are not alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the only god [Music] we [Music] that's just the way it is you are who you are that's who you are [Music] hallelujah [Music] he's coming on the clouds kings and kingdoms will bow down [Music] and every chain will break as broken hearts declare his praise [Music] and our god is the lamb [Music] is [Music] [Music] for the sins of the world his blood breaks [Music] who can stop the lord [Music] [Music] who can stop the lord almighty [Music] [Music] for the sins of the world his blood praise and change [Music] [Music] [Music] responding to covet 19 medical and spiritual perspectives a panel discussion part two with professor brendan bain community health and infectious diseases specialist dr charles royce consultant surgeon and dr marlon winnett pastor and theologian that's today at 6 p.m via zoom click the link in the description below to join please send your questions in advance to info swallowfieldchapel.org or type it in the live chat during the discussion [Music] one day the curtain will close on your life and the credits will roll but if your story is a part of his story then it is a part of one that will go on forever follow me he said and i will make you a fisher of men when you accepted the call to follow jesus you de facto accepted the call to missions the question is no longer if you are called the question now is only where and how you are called [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the doors are open unprecedented opportunities abound right now for the spread of the gospel among people who've never heard it [Music] hello everyone at swallow field chapel there in kingston good morning it's so great to be with you all today and thanks so much for this opportunity to share with you a little bit uh my name is dave jacob and i'm the founder and the director of the center for missionary mobilization and retention which is housed right here at trinity bible college and graduate school in ellendale north dakota so it's great that we can be together here today and uh just by way of introduction my family and i served on the mission field in a sensitive country in northern asia for many years and now i serve here at trinity bible college and graduate school as the chair of the missions department and the director of this center for missionary mobilization and res and retention and again it's just a joy i love what i do i've been married for uh 26 years and we've got five kids that we homeschool and so uh two of them are out of the house and god's just been so good to us and and we're so thankful for him well i wanna share with you a story it happens to involve one of our children uh we were living in this sensitive country in northern asia when uh you know how kids they outgrow shoes pretty fast and so we were going to the shoe store to buy some shoes and uh while we were while we were there i've forgotten that it was indeed a school day and my son was not in school i had taken him to get a new pair of shoes and the lady there selling shoes said why isn't he in school and i explained that that we homeschool because uh one of the reasons was that we want to teach our kids the bible and i said the bible in this asian language and she said you want to teach your kids the what she had never heard of this word before in her language and yet here she was just about a block away from the the official government-sanctioned church in this country and yet had never heard the word bible in her own language and so i had to explain that this is the holy book of the christians and i was able to share the gospel with her and i was so burdened that day so moved by here she is just so close to the church and yet has never heard before and so many millions like her all around the world and so i was burdened for more missionaries my heart and passion is to send more missionaries around the world and to help keep them healthy and thriving on the mission field and so what a joy it is to be partnering with the lord in this area and so today we're going to be talking about four ways that we can prepare to mobilize we're going to be looking at the mind the body and the spirit today as we prepare to mobilize and maybe you're new to mobilization maybe you're not even sure what that is we'll define that in a little bit or maybe you've been around the mobilization ministry for quite some time and hopefully this will be a good a good refresher to remind us of some of the foundational things that we need to have in place in order to mobilize god's people all around the world to share his love with so many who have never heard before so the first thing that we're going to do today is define mobilization what does it mean to really mobilize someone now this is a valid ministry we're going to dig into this a little bit more but just so that we're on the same page today just so that we understand exactly what i'm talking about when i refer to mobilization and that is activating god's people toward their unique role in the great commission endeavor i'll repeat that mobilization is activating god's people toward their unique role in the great commission task did you know that every believer has a role to play in the great commission everybody should be involved in helping to spread god's love and his message of salvation to every people group in the entire world this is the body of christ working together this is part of how we can prepare the body to mobilize we're talking about the body of christ you and me are the body of christ we're his hands and feet on this earth now and it we get the privilege every one of us if you confess jesus as your lord and savior and you serve him we have the privilege of partnering with god and the holy spirit to spread his love around the world so it's really important that we understand missions is not just for missionaries sometimes we think that that missions is just for missionaries but in fact missions is for all believers now that doesn't mean that everyone is a missionary so understand the distinctions here between missions and a missionary not everyone is a missionary and yet everyone should partner together in the missions endeavor and mobilization is activating god's people and we're going to dig into that and look into that a little bit more so a missionary is someone who crosses cultural boundaries to share the gospel to evangelize to make disciples and so not every one of us cross-cultural boundaries in order to make disciples of all nations and yet we all need to be involved so everyone has a role to play some people uh go they're the feet right they are the missionaries who go others uh help send they stay back and they help send more missionaries to the field oftentimes this is by giving of finances perhaps uh and still others mobilize and that's what we're going to be looking at today the ministry of mobilization others teach about missions maybe it's in an informal setting as you're teaching your children at home about missions or perhaps it's in more of a formal setting like a sunday school class or a bible study uh or or like me you're you're a teacher you teach the bible or you're a pastor and you can teach mission so there's lots of roles to play in the missions endeavor as we work together to spread god's fame over all the earth and so just a few definitions before we get started today that helps us to understand what mobilization is what missions is and our unique role in it everyone has a part to play and who then specifically is a missionary these are important distinctions and so today we're going to be looking at four ways to prepare to mobilize these are really the foundations of mobilization we could call them the building blocks of mobilization as we prepare ourselves to mobilize people to activate people towards their unique role in the great commission endeavor and so i've got four ways they all start with the letter b to help us understand and to remember them here today so the the the building blocks of mobilization here we go the first one is the biblical basis and if you've got your bible i hope you do we're going to be looking up several scriptures here in the word so go ahead and grab your bible if you need to need to take a pause here and grab your bible and maybe a notepad that you can write down some notes as we learned together today the biblical basis did you know that there is one story to the bible of course there's lots of stories in the bible obviously but there is one overarching story in the bible what we call the grand narrative or sometimes it's called the meta narrative of scripture and basically what we're talking about is there's one main theme there's one main story that runs through the bible from genesis to revelation and that is the redemption of humankind the redemption of men and women living in different people groups around the world and so we are going to start in genesis today did you know that missions starts in genesis so grab your bible turn to genesis 1 the very first chapter right after god created adam and eve right after he created mankind in his own image we're going to look at verse 28 genesis 1 28 god blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase in number fill the earth and subdue it and so right here from the very beginning god wanted his children to be fruitful and to multiply and to fill every part of the planet it's very important that we understand this we'll look at a few other verses in genesis to really help us understand how serious god is about this command he wants the entire earth filled with his people and that means that missionaries need to go in order for missionaries to go they need to be mobilized they need to be activated towards going to those places and so uh right here it's in genesis we see missions that it's god's will his command that he wants his people scattered all over the face of the planet sharing his love with everyone else and so that's the first thing and now we're not obviously we don't have enough time to go through the entire bible that would take us several months of study wouldn't it to go through the entire bible but we are going to look at some significant and maybe some seemingly insignificant passages of scripture here so we're still under the biblical basis here we're going to flip over to genesis 9 now this is after the flood so as you know the the kind of creation and genesis story mankind uh grew so wicked that god said well we're gonna start over and he's gonna flood the earth and so he told noah to build a big boat and noah and his wife and his sons and a whole bunch of animals got into the ark and and so here we are after the flood has receded and in genesis 9 verse 1 take a look at this god bless noah and his sons saying to them be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth isn't that amazing we just heard that in genesis 1. and here when god starts over again he gives the very same command and if you didn't think god was serious look at genesis 9 7 he repeats it to noah and his sons he says as for you be fruitful and increase in number multiply on the earth and increase upon it so god is very serious about this command to go into all the world we see that of course in the new testament but mission starts right here in genesis we read it in genesis 1 28 and now at kind of the second creation of man here in a sense in genesis 9 verses 1 and verses 7. and then one more scripture in genesis 12 and uh that is verse three it's the abrahamic covenant the covenant that god made with abraham this is the very beginning of the nation of israel god has is is about to create a people for himself that's a big theme in the old testament the choosing of the nation of israel and here in verse 3 god tells abram i will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you i will curse and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you all peoples anytime you read that all peoples with a s on the end often times that's referring to ethnicities sometimes it's called nations and when we see nations throughout the bible not it's not always referring to geographical areas or nation states or territories but it's referring to ethnicities we'll look at that here in a little bit but isn't it amazing here in genesis that through abram through calling abram to be the father of israel that god is choosing him he's blessing him with the blessing of what we know now today as our salvation uh and we're still blessed because of this we're blessed with the joy of our salvation aren't we that all peoples every ethnicity on earth will be blessed we all have the opportunity all of us that have heard anyway have the opportunity to accept jesus as our lord and savior and that's the biggest blessing that we could ever have or desire or need and so here we see the missions theme continue in the choosing of israel the setting up getting ready to choose that nation and so we're going to flip over to first kings we've got several more scripture passages to read here as we do a quick overview of the grand narrative of scripture the overarching story in the bible first kings and it's chapter eight take a look at this this is king solomon's prayer we talked about the choosing of israel now israel has a king it's king solomon and he's dedicating the temple this is where uh god the temple of the lord right this is where israel's god where his name is made famous where jehovah is made famous and so this is a very very significant day in the history of israel and and so for them as a nation for them as a people it is a really really important day and so everyone is here all of israel has gathered together all the leaders and um and here solomon is praying the prayer of dedication and take a look at what he prays here in 1st kings 41 uh first kings chapter 8 41 through 43 first kings chapter 8 41 through 43 this is in the middle of king solomon's prayer as for the foreigner who does not belong to your people israel but has come from a distant land because of your name for men will hear of your great name and your mighty hand and your outstretched arm when he comes and prays toward this temple then god hear from heaven your dwelling place and do whatever the foreigner asks of you so that all the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear you as do your own people israel do you see here king solomon's heart was that all the ethnicities around the world that all peoples of the earth may know god and may fear him here it is israel's biggest day of their entire existence the dedication of the temple and king solomon is praying for foreigners he's praying for generations yet to come that when they come to that temple that god will answer their prayer and put his power on display so that they will know that the jehovah is the one true god and that they would then go back to their people and share about the most powerful god in the world and so king solomon and the nation of israel was chosen to be a light and to be a blessing and to spread god's fame through the peoples all around the world that's first kings eight now let's go to psalm 67 this is one of my favorite psalms again a really quick overview of the grand narrative of of scripture missions throughout the bible as it begins in genesis and and uh we're skipping around again we don't have a lot of time to go through the entire book today but you can make a great study of this isn't that so psalm 67 verses 1 through 5 may god be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us why why does why does the the psalmist write this verse 2 may your ways be known on earth may your salvation be known among all nations may the peoples praise you o god may all the peoples praise you may you be god may you be praised from every single creation on this earth and we see it again in verse 5 here of psalm 67 may the peoples praise you o god may all the peoples praise you and so we see many psalms throughout the entire book i once did a study where i read every psalm and i wrote down every scripture that had to do with nations and and uh had to do with spreading god's fame on the earth and it's just dozens of psalms here that do that and so we'll flip now to the new testament i just got a few more verses here these you're probably a little more familiar with but matthew 28 19-20 says all authority has been given on earth has been given to me jesus said therefore go and make disciples of all nations of all people groups and baptizing them in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit and teaching them to obey everything that i have taught you and surely jesus said he's with us until the end of the age there's a lot in here but the bible talks about making disciples of all nations the greek here is pantata ethnic making disciples of all ethnicities we would say all people groups and you know we've never done that this is the only command of jesus that's never been obeyed in two thousand years to go and make disciples of all people groups and so that's why the ministry of mobilization is so important that we help people understand this and knowing this grand narrative of scripture missions as it flows throughout the bible is one way that we can help prepare ourselves and help prepare others to mobilize missionaries to the field and to mobilize others towards their unique role in the great commission as we continue on our journey through the scriptures here let's go to acts 1 8 perhaps another verse that you are familiar with but you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in jerusalem judea samaria and to the ends of the earth doesn't this echo genesis 1 28 that we will be god's witnesses to the ends of the earth all over the place to scatter and to fill the earth it does echo acts 1 28 is this theme continuing that god wants his people scattered he wants us to go and to share his love with others and then finally well there's a lot more missions throughout the new testament with paul and uh everything and we're going to go to the end of the book in revelation 9. i'm sorry revelation 7 in verse 9 revelation 7 verse 9 we know that one day missions will come to an end because of this verse after this i looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count from every nation every tribe every people and language standing before the throne and in front of the lamb and worshiping our god and that is what we want we want god to be worshipped by every people group on the face of the earth and we know that it eventually happens but god chooses to partner with us he chooses to partner with you and me to be a part of this great commission endeavor this joy of spreading his fame all around the world so that this will happen soon so that one day soon god will get the worship that he deserves that god will be worshipped by every tongue tribe nation and people oh i can't wait for that day and so this is the end goal of missions and once this happens missions will cease to exist but until then until god is worshiped by every tongue tribe and nation we press on we press on to get this gospel to get god's fame scattered all over the earth to fill the earth with the fame of our lord and so the very very first thing as we prepare to mobilize is to understand the biblical basis of missions throughout the scripture the second thing that's important for us to uh to know and to be involved with as we prepare to mobilize is to bow in prayer number one the biblical basis number two to bow in prayer prayer in the mobilization ministry is absolutely vital we know that it is god who calls missionaries it is god who calls and guides you and me in our unique roles in the great commission and so uh we'll flip to luke 10 and uh this is just a a great portion of scripture here luke 10 and verse 2 where jesus says the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few there's not very many ask the lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers into his harvest fields and then verse three starts with this go i love that don't you love that uh you know it's one thing to you sometimes like me you pray and you're not sure if god will answer the prayer that you're praying uh this is a prayer that jesus told us to ask and if we ask it he will be faithful to answer it how exciting that we can pray for more laborers to work in the harvest fields they are ripe well yes there's harvest fields that are pretty difficult out there but so many of them are ripe under harvest if there were just workers and so as we prepare our spirits to mobilize this is a vital point that we spend time bowing in prayer on our knees and and we just read acts 1 8. you know what the disciples were doing there they were they were waving in jerusalem weren't they they were waiting in the upper room in acts 1 8 we're going to revisit that passage and so jesus said don't leave jerusalem but wait for the gift my father has promised you and so there they were in jerusalem they were praying and they were fasting and the holy spirit came in acts 2 the holy spirit fell as they were worshiping and praying and so bowing in prayer and praying for uh from missionaries praying for unreached people praying for ourselves as we prepare to mobilize others praying that god would indeed enable us and help us to mobilize so that he can send out more laborers into his harvest field and let me just give you a couple resources just just to really make this practical joshua project is a great website where you can go and research the unreached peoples of the world joshuaproject.net is where you can go and they've got an app that you can even download on your phones called the unreached people group of the day and so you open it up and it's got an unreached people group that particular day and you can spend just about a minute is all it takes to read a little bit about that people group and where they're located and then spend some time praying for them and what i really like about the app is that it shows you how many people are on the app at that exact moment praying for the unreached so you're joining hundreds sometimes there's thousands on there that we are interceding together for these unreached and so i once had a friend that i went to college with and his name was tim and he started praying for muslim people groups in the city that we lived in we had a large population of somalis where i was living and he would go every f friday and he would pray and pray for muslims and after several months he really got a burden to do a little bit more than pray and so over the course of several years he was mobilized and now he's a missionary in a in a sensitive country in north africa ministering to muslims and just doing an incredible job so not only does prayer mobilize but it helps prepare us for mobilization so that's number two bowing in prayer number three is to be aware of your audience you know we talk in mission circles about i don't know if you've heard the word contextualization it's a fancy word for helping someone to understand a certain concept you know people with different world views sometimes when we talk to them they they interpret us differently well so missionary study how do we contextualize the gospel in a way that we can help our hearers understand what we're talking about and it's the same way with the task of mobilization we have to be aware of the audience that we are mobilizing are we talking to gen z a young person or are we talking to a boomer they think about missions a little bit differently and so uh it's important that as we prepare to mobilize that we understand some of the characteristics of the younger generations and you may feel sometimes like i do that i i don't really relate to the younger generations very well but the more that i study them the more that i hang out with them and learn from them i'm getting to know them and you know one of the things that i found out about gen z and millennials specifically is they want to change the world they have this desire this passion to make the world a better place and so as we talk as we mobilize and talk with them about their unique role in the missions task it is important that we understand that they they do want to change the world secondly they're very entrepreneurial young people want to start their own businesses they want to invent they want to create and so how can we help them dream about what their uh talents could do for the kingdom of god in uh in in the world of missions and finally another thing that is specific to gen z and to millennials as well is that they're very passionate about social justice issues and so as we talk to them about many of the injustices around the world that would help them to really understand what their role is and how to find that in there maybe they've got a passion for helping to provide water clean water in places where it doesn't exist these are the kind of ministries or business as mission we have a lot of missionaries a lot of young missionaries that are going now and they're starting businesses and they're using that as a platform to share the gospel and so it really helps us to understand these characteristics so be aware of your audience and learn about the younger generations and those that you are working to mobilize and number four i want to talk to you about some basic best practices in mobilization and the first one is that we've got to stay healthy we've got to stay spiritually healthy mentally healthy emotionally and physically healthy you know i don't know about you but i have a garden where i like to grow food and every year i plant green beans and this year we didn't have a lot of rain and so my beans came up and they're producing but they look pretty dry and i think a deer maybe somebody came along and some critter came along and chewed on some plants and so they're not growing very well well they're only about this tall and so we are getting some beans but nothing like last year last year it would take me hours and hours to pick beans and i had a big bucket full of beans one evening i remember after about an hour or two of picking beans and the plants were just big and flourishing and green and you know what that's the same with our spiritual lives when we are healthy both spiritually emotionally physically we can produce more fruit and isn't that what we want for god's kingdom we want to be fruitful people we want to hear well done good and faithful servant we want to be clean vessels that god can use to spread his fame around the world and so it's very important that we are healthy spiritually that we're growing in our own spiritual walk that we are healthy mentally and emotionally and physically so that we can mobilize another best practice basic best practice of mobilization is to learn all that you can about mobilization there's books there's websites and all sorts of ways that you can learn about the ministry of mobilization so keep learning keep learning about missions uh keep keep studying god's word and that grand narrative of scripture that we looked at earlier uh immobilizer should inspire and educate your job as a mobilizer is to inspire others that your passion for the nations would rub off on them and that you would educate them and so part of this is mentoring and discipling those that you are mobilizing when we talk about mobilization we're really talking about discipleship we're talking about discipling people towards their role in their their specific job or task in god's kingdom and so young people especially need mentors in their lives to help them overcome fear and doubt another best practice is to expose them to as many missionaries as possible you know missionaries are great mobilizers and the more we expose our young people to missionaries the the more they become real to them and again so many young people have a lot of questions they have a lot of doubts about how does this work how what about my family and what about finances and uh you know how how do we go about learning language and all that the more we can expose our young people to missionaries the better and so maybe you would have an opportunity to lead a short-term trip maybe part of what you can do is help to build the mission's culture at your church by leading a admissions team or teaching a sunday school class on missions these are all basic best practices of mobilization and so as we conclude today as we prepare to mobilize we prepare physically spiritually emotionally mind body and spirit these basic foundations of missions mobilization that we understand the biblical basis for missions that that we bow in prayer say oh god enable us help us to mobilize the next generation of missionaries around the world to fill the earth with them and number three that we should be aware of our audience who are we talking to how do we how do we shape this mission's narrative this mission's message to a young person or to maybe someone who's retired that wants to spend their older years on the mission field and then finally some basic best practices of mobilization and i want to close with this story we had a pastor friend of ours that i just i was leading a short-term trip to the sensitive country where we lived for many years and uh and i asked him i said pastor would you want to come with me on this trip and he ended up he said i think that'd be great so we went together with uh a great group of young people and while we were there god spoke to him and uh he is now on the mission field we've got a new pastor in our church and he's now on the mission field in a sensitive country working with iranian people sharing the gospel to muslims because of some of these basic best practices and and some conversations and taking them on a trip all these things we don't want to manipulate people into going to the field but we do want to help people understand that missions is not just for missionary missionaries everyone has a role to play in the great commission you have an important role i have an important role and it's the body of christ working together until we see that revelation 7 9 scripture come to fruition that that jesus is finally worshiped by every tongue tribe people and nation well thank you so much for joining me today and allowing me to share god bless you and may you continue to be a blessing to everyone there everyone there and everyone there in kingston jamaica and everyone there around the world god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i will trust in you alone [Music] i will follow you here all i need is i will follow you [Music] [Music] everlasting [Music] [Music] joy and i will follow where you go i'll go where you stay i'll stay when you move i'll move i will follow you who you love i love [Music] when you i will follow you [Music] as we reflect on the message from our dear brother jacobs sister rose what has jumped out at you [Music] well i need to just say it was really an inspiring word in terms of practical information to prepare us as the body of christ for work in god's missions field and he spoke about the unique role that each of us has to play and it's a wonderful reminder that god doesn't work by accident he has given us his spiritual gifts he has given us our heart our passions he has given us abilities capabilities he has also given us our personality which is unique to each and every one of us and what we bring to the table for our parents is our experience how can we use our how willing are we to use our experience to do the work that the lord has placed on the earth for us so that was the first thing that jumped out at me and also another thing was just the importance of knowing the audience he also spoke about missions being defined by cross-cultural [Music] issues or defined by cross-cultural issues and it does not necessarily mean that we have to go overseas right here in jamaica there are many cross-cultural issues and we see that every day or every week when we go out you go into an city in a city to minister and you your language has to change your style of dress has to change because the key thing is what do you need to do to minister the world literally for us to die so that the word of god can stand out and change and transform lives and hearts and that is amazing sister rose because i am excited about that because you know one great christian gentleman one says god is not interested in our ability what he's more interested in is our availability and that is exactly what mobilization is about and i can tell you for years swallow field chapel we have been involved very much in our community making an impact in our community we have a residential community pastor that deals with solar field mountain view and they are joining um areas around solar field and not only are we involved involved in that but we have an outreach to shiloh in maypen where a monthly visit is made every second sunday and also every first sunday a visit is also paid to um calvary gospel chapel in sentan and these outreaches provides us with an excellent opportunity to get up and go because there is no greater service than to be in the service of our lord and savior well said brother terence and if we ever have any doubt as to whether or not we should be going one of the first points that was underscored in the message was the biblical basis starting from the book of genesis where the lord ah commanded man to be to multiply and spread out and because of sin it now means that by god's redemption plan missionaries need to go to find everyone who has been spread out across the world absolutely and in these pandemic times that we are navigating when persons are experiencing tragedies after tragedies we have this wonderful privilege of going to these persons going to our families going into our communities going into jamaica the caribbean and the world and saying to these persons you don't have to die in your sins and trespasses you can have jesus christ as your lord and savior well said brother terrence there is no greater joy than serving in the vineyards of our lord and savior jesus christ awesome we have been reminded on the importance of mobilization we have been reminded today in a very clear way that we need to be on a mission for our lord jesus christ when he was here and heard he was on a mission for us now we need to be on a mission for him and we have the comfort of knowing that as we go on the mission for him is with us at all times can we raise our hands for the blessing and now may the lord bless you and may the lord keep you and may the lord cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and grant you his peace and above all the motivation to go and spread the good news of salvation both now and forever amen thank you so much for joining us today for sharing in fellowship with god and with each other may you have a blessed week thank you very much to receive personal confidential prayer call email or text whatsapp or call us today up to 11 30 am at 876-521-9437 or you can email your requests to prayer at swallowfieldchapel.org or text your request to 876-395-7694 visiting with us for the first time welcome we invite you to complete the contact card in the link below to connect with us god bless you thank you for giving in these troubled times we invite you to continue to give as the lord enables you and as he leads you so that you can continue to support our ministries and those in special need and here are a few convenient ways to do so you may deposit your tithes and offerings in the dropbox at the church office at number seven mondays to fridays from 9am to p.m ties and offerings can also be done by direct online deposit to our solar field chapel bns new kingston current account the account number is 804-161 branch number 50575 or you can log on to swallowfieldchapel.org and click give to make your direct online contribution financial contributions for food care packages should be so indicated youth reaching youth yry celebrates its 20th anniversary with an inspiring dramatic presentation of sour grapes friday october 22 at 7 pm jamaica time support yry on its mission to advance the holistic development of our young people click on the link in the description below to purchase your tickets today responding to covet 19 medical and spiritual perspectives a panel discussion part two with professor brendan bain community health and infectious diseases specialist dr charles royce consultant surgeon and dr marlon winnett pastor and theologian that's today at 6 pm via zoom click the link in the description below to join please send your questions in advance to info swallow fields chapel dot org or type it in the live chat during the discussion [Music] so [Applause] have you downloaded our new church center app download today for all your swallow field shopping needs see the description below for the link to download want to become a member of solidfield chapel submit your application by october 13 using the link below and someone will contact you soon after whether you want to grow in loving relationship with god and each other through connect groups or you want to get equipped through sound teaching or ace classes there is a discipleship group for you join any of our variety of small group sessions available by visiting swallowfieldchapel.churchcenter.com or you can download and use our new app remember life is better connected do you have a heart and a passion for teaching the word of god to the next generation then we need to hear from you contact catherine priston at swallofieldschapel.org or youth at swolfieschapel.org today sunday school teachers and technical support volunteers needed sunday school is back in session virtually each sunday morning at 8. parents click the link in the description below to register young adults check out meetup mondays at 8pm via ig live and small group on wednesdays via zoom also at 8pm follow and share at letsmeetupja on instagram join us for believers meeting every thursday at 6 pm check the description below for the link to share and join via zoom stay tuned ladies join arise every friday except third friday of each month via zoom at 6 30 pm come share in the new series on health and well-being titled be well stay well don't miss it teens this is for you crossroad each saturday at 6 30 pm check us out on ig at crossroad jamaica and remember all are welcome to join every weekday morning and on saturdays for online prayer meeting from 6 30 to 7 30. click and share the link in the description below remember to share the link to our services with family and friends at home or abroad and subscribe to our youtube channel for the links to these and other activities visit our website swallowfieldchapel.org announcements please be reminded that the government of jamaica has declared each sunday up to october 28 2021 no movement days in light of this there will be no in-person services on sunday until further advised we invite you to continue to join us virtually for online services every sunday at 9am via our youtube channel and here's a reminder to stay safe wear your mask wash your hands regularly sanitize and maintain physical distance may god bless you and keep you always [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Swallowfield Chapel
Views: 2,067
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: zSw7BOLuj_E
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Length: 94min 53sec (5693 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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