Swagger Souls Best Of 4

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I'm being saved somebody he kind of you might have a stake in it yeah oh I kind of meant to have the stretch Nikki right now yeah it's which thought Awards who would win who's your favorite Twitter one Greek god X critic God hey what's the attitude buddy this guy's so [ __ ] slow there's something so funny about seeing the tanks oh hey swagger Hey so I've been thinking a lot about [ __ ] you lately means you're not getting properly I've just been thinking about it like I've been thinking about it in like terms of a prop like for improv comedy for one can apply a fleshlight is what you're saying I was saying like creative ways to make women laugh using their labia swagger do you own a flashlight no I don't I mean I should get 1 you will be easier to nut yeah yeah that's what I was thinking because I need I need to train myself to nut inside of real women is it in my hand yeah I just need a nut inside of a woman really just maybe one [Laughter] just even being inside of want to be cool really yeah what's that smell anchovies so my name is Fitz and I'm here to say that doing drugs is my beat went away [ __ ] don't worry my friend I hide the graveyard man we get this win ok I'm sorry sir oh my god do not stop talking man shut up I'm sorry I try get women but [ __ ] man you [ __ ] me off bro like how Rach says he's concentrating on the game but he's four and six so with that I'm so [ __ ] up right now dude why why you're high yeah very I'm gonna rub my tip on your side like that you like that no I kind of tickles my tip is actually inside you right now you think way trap is one yet the porn stars complain about if they get paid more than male porn stars whose [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] I don't know you think what about my jury in a lot what about my dreaming all day that's pretty good Fitz look at me you really looking [ __ ] [ __ ] up I absolutely am ready to [ __ ] [ __ ] up yeah I really am love this game it's so much fun I love getting burned by Moe teammates molly's it's a [ __ ] special date day that people filled with hate oh my god it's so damn special days on 9/11 what a shitty birthday hey it's your birthday overshadowed by national tragedy isn't that crazy look at it but yeah I mean it means that themed birthday parties are way easier but I see what you some great content going on a chart ler why were the people in the twin towers upset because it's my dad's birthday dude let's play tic-tac-toe prove it how bad I am ready yeah I'll be two dots okay okay I'll be K dot all right let's uh let's go on a tour of the city okay I'm gonna take you on a little chickie Thor here as you can see behind us this complete devastation oh yeah complete devastation the fail run away this whole place is abandoned used to be a place where children can play in the park and get weed in the Fenland no more that it's completely decimated come over to the left here you can see a fence I destroyed it I don't give a [ __ ] there's some cars no one came over someone's car and don't be here there's a statue - it's gonna look at my name is a wage gap down the wild this is what the feminists have been complaining about this whole time this guy yeah everybody's just freaking out over an Asian guy named woggie I don't know why everyone hate me honest a man hard worker why is it so Ashley it's Ames Lee's long-lost brother Asian Lee Shane to walky walky [ __ ] man it's right here do you know what lexi you've you've done enough you have you have done enough you have done enough that's this is so epic fits all the flank the flank this is tat oh you're up on the high ground as well this is so epically tactical I hit him perfect all my days this is absolute chaos you gotta hit him hit him yeah nice or this to this to this to Oh critical hit with my girlfriend spread so I learnt the recoil pattern memorizing the recoil pattern to your own [ __ ] yeah learn the spray pattern pure dick so that when you're drunk it in the morning you're trying to piss in the toilet you can like counter the spray pattern wanna smack me back don't let this one domestic house pop it up from the get-go dude you're worse like guy you take the knife and you just go like we have the same we have the same knife I know it's a bad time get I really want to suck some dick you guys all look at me just jump it's a [ __ ] don't worry Chad I'll protect you [Laughter] [Music] alright a pair that everyone here is black we need a chicken to bus you're gonna need a lot of chicken for that party to ond black so it's rather bring everyone here is got bad taste it's almost as though they're not from that race I'm gripping you're done yeah yeah you're running with my hands it's down to me in the 1v3 on this [ __ ] cruise moving up slowly is something in his hands something in his hands something his hands who survived over this boy yeah I'm assuming you're a trader over you are using the this communication a little bit too much yeah okay yeah I'll find you talk to you in person over Fitz what is the tank home a little colorful ball of joy what's yours I just know I I meant because I want to get in the same one I think it's an Avox a mix 12t do you know what oh it's it's friend oh okay yeah it's a French boy all right I'm gonna get in the French boy too let's all get little French boys now going artillery okay I got to pump shotguns and a dream and my dream is to get three pump shotguns can anyone make that dream come true imagine having three pump shotguns like you you shoot one put it down on the ground grab another shoot the other put it down to the ground grab the other shoot the other and then you pump them all and then repeat that be it really be a really inefficient way to use three pump shotguns really you should just use one shotgun until it's empty and then switch to the next one yeah instead of shooting all of them in a row and then cocking them to repeat the process yeah I'm glad that we cover this totally redundant idea hey I'm a man of efficiency right and I also like to sell problems so if I have three shotguns I want to be prepared yeah yeah buddy this motor shotgun of course you are okay got it I'm the Shogun's trash now nobody asked me I wanna be chairman I am already German what about Italy I'm already Italy I'll be nazi nerf Nazi yeah hey kugo nice to meet you I'm swagger I'm Way more eccentric than I was a couple of months ago I think I'm gone off the deep end how come I don't know I think I did a lot of drugs and has changed my personality dude guess what I tried once I came to Seattle Oh acid oh boy bro I got shrooms PCP DMT I had never had weed before before baby I went in and I was like I don't know what anything is give me one of everything oh how how was your new experience dude different experiences every time it was so weird yeah that's that's drugs did you have a good time did you did you enjoy that a great time sometimes they didn't have so you have any really bad times yeah I have a really bad night you know technically from a psychological perspective I would be classified as a chronic marijuana abusing which really just makes being a STONER sound way more [ __ ] up yeah chronic marijuana abuse it's when you smoke weed everyday' aka you're a [ __ ] G in that bball court [ __ ] Duncan on hoes puttin us Duncan on hoes I'm shooting them [ __ ] on the street with my a kay Draco Oh easy gun and these [ __ ] can't handle my Cajun heat from down south of my brother hello you're you're actually the detective uh-huh and I got a serious suspicion ah you you are correct there's actually really nothing to do here right crazy yeah there's an [ __ ] weird [ __ ] [ __ ] running up over here right now would you like to come inside what's your story are you doing um there's this guy right oh yeah and is there anything else about this guy that'd be something going on over here [Applause] oh sorry what no get the wrong number wait no yet you have the right number wait who no I think you have the wrong number wait wait no no it's no yeah this is the right number hey hey wait a minute I got a phone call the wrong number and a guy named Lucky now we got a guy named wrong number [ __ ] [ __ ] you owe me for trying to sneak what are you [ __ ] you opening your mouth Jesus Christ I just like to point out that we would have won that had I not been stand back yes please get shanked by my own teammate oh [ __ ] I'm sorry I didn't know it started I'm sorry oh good job miss your second shade you're wrong you should put the [ __ ] knife down put down the knife I just put down the knife thank you alright it's just funny though she's a pretty [ __ ] diva tickle hey and welcome to my crib so guys we got a nice big stairwell here it's super awesome and upstairs if you can see we have a card installation right here totally sick everyone up against the wall everyone guns on your hips everyone's on your chest worthy it says innocent of my wrist getting into the wall / no no it's on your bank you put on your back like this yeah you can put on your hip it's better to put it on the hip you it is actually on so you can put on your right hip you just you literally just threw it away just flung it away oh you got it just defuse it just diffuses your fine against all odds we [ __ ] blue is blue his [ __ ] and balls all over the green screen so we can't really chroma I can't really chroma key anything in there yeah but it's different greens it's like in the key correctly a vice turn the light angle to whites on it that's not a green over that different oh you're such a weakling such a [ __ ] [ __ ] terrible who put you on this production company buys you Amish it worthless this is why unions don't work if you can't move the light you're gonna see I can just stick supported what the [ __ ] I was killed by renamed user 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 that bastard look at lasagna sauna it's like the French Sheldon muzzled go holy huh set are you recording says Osama bin Laden in his cave you're out he knew your name alright where are we dropping boys we're already on the ground ok alright yep Ron gay owned with facts ok alright bye so you are a young man recently diagnosed with AIDS and you find out that the only cure to AIDS is locked within a bullet inside of your gun and the only way to administer it is to put it directly into your brain all right ready 3 2 1 action I'm not sure he's being AIDS enough you're not being AIDS you know could we take it from the top action Oh [Laughter] Oh it's disappeared amazing holy [ __ ] it was such a such a bad [ __ ] actor has arrived okay so here's the scene van is your mom and your dad they both died tragically I at your own hands but you blacked out and found out that you yourself had actually murdered them go sit center stage and then that give me your performance all right here we go hey Nick can you come here Oh James keys still in here but he's definitely y'all don't worry we'll talk a brave boy he's like Anne Frank wait the [ __ ] did you confuse Helen Keller with Anne Frank [Laughter] what's your favorite time the chick I personally prefer some good old salt and VIN vinegar oh you know it's funny about that I didn't even like mean to say the n-word I just was like finishing your sentence you actually got me you actually [ __ ] caught me I say cracky stuff of evidence not racist that's harmony whoa but he did say the n-word before I said [Laughter] hey guys look I'm just gonna take one for the team I'm really so [ __ ] [Applause]
Channel: Jomar1001001
Views: 324,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best of swaggersouls, swaggersouls funny moments
Id: OIBv0MR27Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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