Amazing Inventions That Are On Another Level

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the world slows down for no one so you'd better keep up that's why we're inviting you to dive into the world of Amazing Inventions right now you just can't miss the opportunity to check out these game-changing creations that are being made right in your backyard but remember in this ever-changing world there's one thing that remains constant our heartfelt appreciation for your subscription and the chime of that notification Bell when it comes to emergency stops this barrier is second to none [Music] like this video if you thought this would make a cool fast and furious scene too these fire drones are definitely on a whole other level this is groundbreaking stuff people say goodbye to being late because now you can roll up to any spot in no time with your inflatable scooter in a backpack thank you this robot is the definition of zero limits [Music] [Music] it simply cannot be stopped no doubt about it guys believe it or not but we live in a mind-blowing world where delivery takes just 30 seconds [Music] [Music] relaxing at work is easy when you have the chairless chair in Your Arsenal [Music] please the mesmerizing mobility of this loader makes it look like it's dancing [Music] this is a total Game Changer that makes driving safer and much more comfortable get ready for the ultimate mouse that will revolutionize the way you work [Music] [Music] this mode of transportation looks like something out of Hogwarts well either that or a retro tractor tell us what you think in the comments you don't have to waste precious Time parking anymore a smart robot will do it for you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] with an ai-powered Shepherd dog not a single sheep will be lost just wait in a couple more years we'll be strolling across the water like it's nothing [Music] foreign [Music] this Ford seat is straight fire [Music] with such a powerful washing station germs just don't stand a chance surfing huge 360 degree waves is always an option thanks to this large bouncing buoy prepare to have your mind completely blown by the world's first virtual reality laptop thank you [Music] this massive mech suit may seem like a prop from a sci-fi flick but it's actually a legend robot that makes a person 50 times stronger [Music] I love how this thing changes shape and becomes a piece of Creative Furniture in your home foreign tracks on this vehicle that allow it to move at speeds of over 37 kilometers per hour take a look at this unique way to get around that provides a smooth gliding ride [Music] witness the sheer power of the skywall cannon for accurately targeting and neutralizing drones [Music] thank you this small but powerful Pusher can easily move Vehicles weighing up to nine tons foreign s don't care enough about the environment this Innovative robot boat is taking over the job [Music] No More Mess guaranteed just pure sound when this state-of-the-art technology takes on the task of cleaning your ears the urban circus needs just 0.08 seconds to protect you from a fall [Music] admitted a jetpack is the first thing you want to try out yourself isn't it [Music] stay cozy even in Alaska [Music] this extreme shelter's Innovative Pockets collect snow for insulation while the inner lining retains body heat for just 15 a year Japanese citizens can store their bikes to Safe space in their garage foreign [Music] -based magic that creates stunning 3D Holograms take a look at the world's first flying car I'm speechless stay stylish and safe all night long with the smart helmet Elevate yourself to superhero status with boots that allow you to overcome human limitations with every step foreign for all your agricultural needs it's really mind-blowing this solar panel is equipped with solar tracking technology resulting in forty percent more energy output [Music] thank you a Hopping Four City Transformer cars can fit in the space typically taken up by a single vehicle [Music] this guy would fit in perfectly in a modern ballet this form of Transport looks like it's guaranteed to make you feel like a spider [Music] the powerful air core turbine is guaranteed to put out fires with significantly less water consumption [Music] this machine is undoubtedly Fearless when it comes to extreme off-roading [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] thanks to self-planting seeds sowing hard to reach places and reforestation after fires is now a possibility [Music] conquer snowy terrain by easily converting your old bike into a snowmobile with the s-trex no bike conversion kit another invention that you definitely want to have at home click the like button if I'm right [Music] only a true genius could fit an umbrella in a backpack making it a game changer for a hands-free convenience introducing a self-propelled robotic snake that performs 24 7's underwater maintenance thank you immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind driving experience with the fully electric Neutron motorcycle wow it only takes a couple of seconds to set up an entire rice Plantation check out the most effective electric toothbrush ever foreign [Music] didn't your mom ever tell you it's not nice to look in Windows imagine soaring through the sky with 18 independent rotors propelling your mini helicopter up to 67 kilometers per hour Bliss [Music] finally your best friend doesn't have to sleep on the floor anymore when they come to visit you thank you [Music] Dynamic shape display technology allows users to interact with digital information in a tactile way take a look at the remarkable development of origami Wheels foreign these portable robots are the key to Amazon's popular [Music] exploring the world from the comfort of your favorite recliner totally doable [Music] fall asleep anywhere with this ridiculously comfortable pillow [Music] thank you even the most impeccable ironing skills can't compete with this ironing cabinet [Music] prepare to be amazed by a Wonder of Technology the world's first underwater jet pack [Music] your portable laser keyboard to your phone and get the job done anywhere anytime with ease [Music] foreign all you have to do is shake your pocket power generator to charge your phone anywhere even in the forest check out this cool six-legged robot crab designed to patrol the coast from the sea floor improve your health in the city with responsive cushioning in your shoes thank you and these allow you to walk at running speed without changing anything mind-blowing attention students this robot will become your best friend when it writes all your notes in your handwriting foreign as fast as an amphibian with these effective silicone membranes [Music] [Music] you'll forget that this incredible backpack in motion is even on your shoulders [Music] your working day will end almost as soon as it begins when your partner can cruise at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour foreign magnetic robotic instruments have revolutionized surgery by easily maneuvering through narrow catheters and expanding inside the body for precise procedures thank you [Music] this is truly an indispensable armchair for people with reduced Mobility because it frees up their hands for more Independence this stylish transparent dressing room will never not make you blush [Music] check out this powerful water jet system designed to protect against Pirates [Music] [Music] oh wow the mirror Fire Starting technique has finally been patented [Music] Marvel at this astonishing 17-ton Titan [Music] and this invention will resonate with those of you who are always in need of some extra fingers [Music] when you roller skate with an electric conveyor belt the wind is always at your back [Music] the speed of this maneuverable buoy is sure to make every rescue a success no time for shopping say hello to the future with a robotic store at your command [Music] thank you [Music] get ready here's the world's first backpack that allows you to instantly retrieve items without having to take it off wow a trailer that rotates 180 degrees is definitely something new [Music] [Music] even as an adult I can't help but want to play with this modular transforming robot [Music] just imagine these powerful buoys use the power of ocean waves to provide energy for the entire city thank you [Music] experience the future with a mind-controlled prosthesis that can perfectly mimic a missing arm [Music] foreign plus it's incredibly durable [Music] [Music] get inspired by the opportunity to maximize your living space in a redesigned home trailer [Music] thank you [Music] just 30 seconds and your car is protected from Nature's little surprises [Music] with the power of Laser Technology walls can be effortlessly transformed to look brand new in an instant thank you [Music] I am absolutely thrilled by this one-of-a-kind racing track with pedal-powered aerodynamic pods raking has never been so efficient [Music] good [Music] morning [Music] let's explore a revolutionary material that provides total protection against sharp objects [Music] this guy right here he's the one who's always employee of the month check out this Irreplaceable all-terrain Beast [Music] [Music] I swear this is the most ingenious watering invention ever [Music] Sheen eliminates the risk for people working in inaccessible or dangerous places thank you get ready to experience something truly astonishing optimize your workflow with vision enabled AI [Music] do you find this transportation of the future as mind-blowing as I do [Music] that amazing moment will wrap up today's video but before we go take a moment to tell us in the comments which invention blew your mind the most we'd love to hear from you and remember to smash that like button and subscribe for more stay tuned and we'll catch you next time all right [Music]
Channel: Trending Machine
Views: 4,045,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazing inventions that are on another level, inventions, gadgets, another level, amazing inventions at home, inventions you must have, amazing inventions you must see, new gadgets, smart gadgets, home gadgets, most satisfying machines and ingenious tools, tools, next level, ingenious tools, Trending Machine, smart tools, new and smart tools techniques that's must have at workshop, satisfying process, satisfying, diy tools, latest gadgets, inventions that changed the world
Id: xLHHV8cfkVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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