Titanic Sub Tourism Expedition - Exclusive Footage (My Personal Experience)

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with the whole world watching the rescue efforts of the missing submarine around the Titanic I thought I'd share my experience of Mission 3 just a few weeks ago and if my dive wasn't canceled it could have been me inside that submarine today this is a picture taken of stock and rush and I the owner of Ocean Gate Expeditions as I was weighing in for our sub dive for the day in my hands I have a chocolate chip cookie two peanut butter jelly sandwiches and of course my camera equipment so I can record and document my experience in the submersible what you're about to watch is footage from Mission 3 days before the submersible went missing on Mission 5. it has taken place on the exact same ship and I was also in the exact same submersible that is missing today all the footage you're watching is either filmed by me or my beautiful girlfriend Kendall who joined me for this adventure for more behind the scenes footage make sure you check out her social media I'll have links to that in the description below let's start off this video as I originally intended please keep in mind there's a lot of smiles and a lot of laughs we honestly had no idea what would happen in the days to come so without further Ado let's start things off at my hometown of Columbus Georgia where we had a quick drive to Atlanta Georgia where we hopped on our first flight and landed in Toronto got the big camera got my pillow and we are ready to go for an amazing adventure a once in a lifetime Adventure Kendall you ready yep all right now we just gotta make it through security hopefully I didn't leave anything better once we made it to Toronto we had to hop on another flight to St John's Newfoundland and once arrived we checked in at our hotel we got super lucky and had one of the most breathtaking views at this hotel so we just made it to the hotel 327 check out these hotel rooms I've actually never seen anything like this before all right KJ take it away first time check that out I think we have a good view oh my God dang yeah we have a good view oh that's the best hotel I've ever had in my life oh my God look at this oh my oh my goodness oh my goodness wow okay ready hey guys this is unreal yeah did yourself picking this room geez how do we get so lucky look at that so I guess all the boats and everything go out that way and I think that's the way we're going to go see the Titanic so while in Newfoundland we had the day to ourselves Kendall and I got some amazing food and we ended up going to a local florist shop so we can get a reef made in memory of everyone who lost their lives on the Titanic y'all have a good day nice to meet you Christina [Music] all right we got the Reed the memorial for everyone on the Titanic I'm so excited she's excited about the project everything's gonna be organic so it's gonna be beautiful I'm gonna show you that later on come on so Christina's the lady you remember who made The Reef I'm so excited oh my gosh it's pretty much dang look at that that looks like something you would see in the ocean with all the oh my gosh there's seashells and Driftwood oh my gosh I'm speechless thank you bud I appreciate you Christina thank you so much that means a lot to me that is so pretty Christina thank you so much if you want to check out her website I'll have that in the description below this is so beautiful and she has all types of different flowers so if you're local check her out and if you're not local still check her out and tell her Jake sends you shortly after this we decided to lay down for the night but as morning dawn we were eagerly excited to get on the ship for the next nine days to start our Expedition towards the Titanic we're about to board this ship on our nine-day Excursion to the Titanic where we're going to be taking a submarine to the bottom of the ocean all right we just made it on the boat I'm so excited a little bit nervous everyone's working right now I'm gonna get out of everyone's way and then if they need my help I'll help obviously welcome come on in so this is our room for the next few nights it's sweet huh check it out got a double bunk bed I claimed the top one Kindle's got the bottom one I've got to be a little quiet like I said there's people sleeping got a couch all our camera gear clothes all the stuff we need and I even brought my pillow from home and I brought a tiny pillow just in case I want to bring it in the submarine because I heard it could take up to 14 hours to get back to the surface so yeah I'm definitely bringing a little pillow but yeah check it out look got a little sink a closet oh here open our window here well yeah we have a beautiful view couch a sink a mirror our showers and laundry and kitchen all over the ship so this is just our little personal space it's honestly everything we need you know we feel very comfortable right now you know they're getting all the submarine stuff all ready to go they're hooking that up so we can tow out and make our way to the Titanic so I'm gonna sneak to the kitchen grab myself a cookie and we'll just kind of figure out what we want to do come on literally it's like we have nothing to do for the next couple days on the ship unless someone tells us something to do so right across from my room was a man named pH he was one of the people inside the submersible and sadly as I'm recording this video I have just learned that they have passed away if I know the way to go we gotta go this way right and do we go out or do we go this way okay we'll go this way oh look here's what one of the bathrooms look like check it out so a little shower here a toilet here yep that's just one there's a bunch this is a cool room let me show you guys this one so here at Ocean Gate Expeditions we have a few meetings in here and there's also a bigger meeting room but what's really special is this right here check it out so a guy named pH actually took this photo of the Titanic so you have the first half of the ship here the second half over here this is all the debris and I mean just it's just ridiculous looking it's crazy it's a lot bigger than I thought I thought you know it's all kind of confined but it's really far apart so I guess for reference this little dot right here would be somewhat like what our submarine would look like underwater and then in comparison to the big ship and again this is half and then that's the other halfway over there but yeah pH actually took that photo I want to try to get pH to let me have that file so I can print out something and put it in my house because that is really really neat later on in the trip I decided to ask pH if I could have that file so I could print it out for my home I thought that would be really neat and on top of that I asked if I could have a signature this is his signature and I believe it could be his very last signature that he ever did I didn't know pH for a long time but he was a great friend to me for the time that I knew him and I really appreciate that I'll cherish this signature and then also one of your photos that I'll hang in my house for my life definitely want one of those in the house I'm not going to get pH to sign that or something all right to the right where's the cookies to the right this way all right come on dang it smells like barbecue down here boy I'm so confused right now which way is it left okay oh that is the left I'm going this way ah here we go check it out so here's something delicious snacks got some cookies grabbing one right now we got this sugar cookie oh yeah so pretty much we're set for the whole time anything we need we have and uh thank you guys so much for all your help you guys care about being in a video so y'all the chefs right hey hey y'all thank you guys so much for breakfast it was amazing and uh these people will make life just awesome here thank you guys so much I got my cookie I might leave it too all right well I'll show you guys the next coolest thing I find it got a little hair because I didn't leave with just one I got two but um smells amazing so I think we're kicking off the dock right we're leaving let me go show you guys which way we going to let this way we're going this way check it out got a lot of people working on the submarine it looks like the platform is now at the angle that they would like it got some divers out there maybe they're going to double check make sure everything's secure only place in the world where you can go dive on the Titanic right here in St John's Newfoundland Canada here with Ocean Gate I am so excited to be here super nervous so the boat just turned on we're headed out I'm so excited just went away from Land that's the last time I'm gonna see it for a long time but it's crazy like I mentioned in the beginning of the video there's going to be a lot of laughs a lot of smiles a lot of jokes please keep in mind we're all just trying to have a good time and I had no idea what the future had in store for everyone try my very best to give you the most authentic video that I had originally planned but still removing a few things that's not appropriate these people are great people and they treated me very nicely and I just want to make sure everyone knows I'm being respectful I just want to show you what happened behind the scenes with me and my girlfriend and we're just trying to have a good time and keep it light but also I'm going to show you some clips throughout the video that gets a little heavier Ocean Gate Expeditions brings a flag for every Mission again we were on mission three so here I am signing the flag I'm not going to show you everyone signing a flag of course and then also here's a shot of Stockton the owner of ocean Expeditions signing a flag and also here's a shot of pH sounding a flag both Stockton NPH passed away in the submersible just recently on Mission 5 but these are two out of the five people who passed away [Applause] the right hand corner we have Loch Ness 1976. signed by Emery Ballard David Jubilee Richard Savage who took part this flag was at their origins of the search for Titanic that was eventually successful in 1985 you're looking at a piece of Titanic history here folks Jennifer's Amazon as well Jennifer was a another she was the first woman to die so you can have a close-up it is later but that to me was mind-blowing that that came back appropriate time so this is Rory and he was explaining this flag was actually flown the very first time they located the Titanic after it sung and since they discovered the missing Titanic it had not been over the Titanic since then so this is the first time this flag has been over the site since it's been discovered so of course had to take a picture of that I thought that was pretty neat shortly after signing a flag I was told that we were headed to a nearby Cove so we can do some work on the submarine before heading out to the Titanic site once you're out in the middle of the ocean around the Titanic the waves can get pretty big and based upon the weather that we are forecast it did not look good so we're gonna stay sheltered for a while fix the things they need to fix and then go from there there's a total of five missions we're mission number three but the first two missions they weren't able to dive down on the Titanic due to weather conditions and also the Titan the submarine I guess something happened when they were Towing it back a ghost net got wrapped around it broke a lot of stuff they're just double checking everything right now making sure everything's safe so when we do that big deep dive you know every you know our odds are in our favor that's for sure so it's awesome though beautiful land we're in like a big Bay no one has gotten seasick yet we've been on our medication that the doctors prescribed us here on the boat but it has made us super super tired so I feel like I just cannot keep my eyes open nine times out of ten throughout the whole day so today is my last day taking a seasickness medicine we'll see if that's gonna either help my situation or worse in it but yeah we're hanging in there we're just gonna watch these guys do their thing they'll come back up and then I think tomorrow we're heading off to the Titanic and I am so excited yeah so just the plan for today was to do an engineering dive a test dive to check out some of the systems first a controlled dive so we have the sub on the platform go underwater everything checked out the sub to leave the platform and go for a short dive here kind of close to shore we got part way through that process everybody was loaded in the sub domes closed everybody's ready to go and one of the computers we've got two spheres two computers that control a lot of the thrusters and one of them was acting up a little bit I was offline they restarted it came back online but some of the functionality wasn't exactly as we'd hoped that coupled with some winds a little choppy Seas we decided to scrub the dive for today we're getting everybody back on board some of the teams still out there on the platform investigating that computer system we'll debrief about it here in a couple hours and kind of reset and try again tomorrow so it just didn't seem quite right to put it bluntly and that's why I called it but most because we've got to find out what this control problem is that's sort of important controlling the sub it's up there with life support and so we'll be working tonight on that and if anybody would like to help out we're going to do we're going to charge up the platform as well so we'll do the low pressure error we're going to go swap the pods and see if we can follow the problem to diagnose where it is we have spare control pods they're not the easiest things to change so we'd have to pull the sub alongside and have the ship lift them and you know Kyle Community a little let's get a little run down here yeah this Orange two halves there there the sphere there's one on either side they're the brains so inside the Pod are motor controllers a switch some power supplies some relays and so it gets data from the sub and it was not um consistently communicating so it worked a lot and then all of a sudden it stopped wanting to talk that could be a wiring problem um it could also be a problem with the one of the switches or components inside there or wiring related to that these things we've been using them now for three years so they've been pretty durable but you never know so we'll be spending much of the evening working on that if anyone would like to be out on the platform raise their hand and come on up or talk to me afterwards but maybe you know we can we can run some shifts out there the the you know your guess is as best as mine I'm not too sure exactly if this is the main reason why the tragic incident happened and everyone lost their lives you know it could have been anything long story short every day they did have some problems and we tried to fix every little thing to make sure everything was perfect for our opportunity to dive on the Titanic it seems weird now but at the time it just seemed like an everyday thing in my opinion but you know we geared up for the night and we are ready to help this particular night it was freezing cold so I had some extra gear on looking a little bit crazy but I was out there trying my best to help out with anything they needed all right we're gonna go help out with the submarine right now I don't know exactly what we're doing this is my warmest beanie I look like a robber but it's all good it's all about being warm right yeah y'all watch your pockets I'm coming for you change the vibe no I think it is promise what do you mean it's all about being warm I think you should take it off so right now we're trying to grab some gear maybe a warmer jacket some waterproof boots how do I look show the world final product [Music] all right submarine's coming in quickly a lot faster than we anticipated KJ how was that all right there she is right there oh go ahead go ahead all right she's throwing out another rope boom all right so take a look so there's a Titan submarine getting pulled alongside the ship they're doing some maintenance right now on the Titan they want to bring it alongside the ship that's why they're doing that right now there's the owner right there he's gonna put the booze alongside on top so it doesn't get banged up but look at this y'all so we had a small window of opportunity for good enough weather to potentially dive on the Titanic so in the middle of night we started heading towards the Titanic and I'll tell you right now the weather was a bit rough throughout the next few days the team worked on the submarine and I also worked on a few videos to share on my YouTube channel the waves are so big though I could not concentrate because it was throwing us all across the room so I had to close my laptop shortly after and think of something else to do show s how many years cheers all right once arrived on the Titanic site I decided to collect some water samples I like to do stuff like this for souvenirs for my family to most people it's just water but to me it's a piece of memory and it's just kind of a cool souvenir in my opinion so yeah here I was throwing a bucket over the edge collecting some water and my original plan was to give one away to a subscriber I can still do that if you would like one feel free to leave a comment it's not like a big giveaway or anything like that I'm not trying to get anyone to like this video or subscribe or anything like that I'm just that was my original plan was to give away one to my subscribers so if you want one feel free to leave a comment and maybe I'll choose you after collecting the water samples for my family it was time to toss our Reef in the ocean and say a few words for everyone who lost their lives on the Titanic so Ken and I had a great time on this trip we didn't get to dive this time but we had so much fun we got this beautiful Reef that we want to you know toss off the boat in memory of everyone who lost their lives on the Titanic super pretty the artist did an amazing job but I'm excited to toss it in the water you ready to go in here hold it over I'm just gonna drop I was trying to get it three two one so we waited over the Titanic site for a couple days and lo and behold the weather did not clear up it got worse and worse and Stockton decided to call it you know it's crazy to think but if the weather cleared up and the conditions were perfect and Stockton looked over at me and said there's a spot in the submarine do you want to go looking back I would have done it I would have been in that submarine and my fate could have been just like the five who lost their lives just recently on mission five when we made our way in weather cleared up and stalked and asked me if I wanted to join him on the test dive the test dive would consist of dropping down to about 3000 feet deep I told Mr Stockton I would love to join him on this opportunity and I went for it so here we are like I said at the beginning of the video I'm weighing myself with everything I'm bringing inside the submersible I've got a couple PB J sandwiches a cookie and my camera gear and I also brought my small pillow of course so I was geared up ready to go for a 3000 foot test dive I was pretty nervous but really excited I packed you three cookies did you already eat two I ate two of the PB J's and two cookies so I have one cookie left so all you have is one cookie yeah all the gear on ready for the transfer to the submarine I'm a little nervous just told that I was going in I was dead last and someone gave me their spot because they're actually coming back out to go on the Titanic and you know I'm not gonna say no and I'll tell you guys if you're a little uh claustrophobic this is not the sport for you you ready all right I gotta go I love you guys hey have fun thank you guys all right bye y'all bye you're getting nervous I've already been nervous I think the anxiety comes from when you go in the submarine someone on the outside literally bolts you shut scary serious how this submarine works you get inside the front hatch and it closed the Dome and they literally bolt you shut so there's no way of escaping there's no quick hatch to open if water comes in you know see that camera thank you buddy wait wait wait it'll come for you there you go there's a submarine right back there the platform congratulations okay ready we're on a platform right now about to get inside the submarine it's getting real geez I'm a little nervous now boys thank you yep hey y'all hey [Music] all right we're inside the submarine right now got the owner right back there Stockton hopefully we don't have to use that have you ever had any water leaking in the crap then they'll put a vacuum on yeah all right all right guys we're sealed we're in here all right all right we're inside and sealed in the submarine I'm excited first time in a submarine it looks really cool in here too Saga I like what you did with the place did you see him I bought it yeah keep in mind what you're looking at right now is the exact same submersible that imploded and killed five people and also any footage you see is Stockton of course you know he's passed away by now [Music] oh no Titan is ready for dive stock is like hold on everybody I guess we're about to go head first like this here we go oh we're going right now watch out for the toilet yeah yeah we're doing it oh my God we are all upside down and now you guys need it we're underwater so we're officially underwater in a submarine right now 33 feet I believe right is he saying we are unlocked or are we ready yes say give me an okay give it up in the dome so what does that mean uh he's gonna go pull the mechanical lock and we're gonna see how the pneumatic lock is doing there's a chance we'll pop off still no pins from the top side and Stockton what are you using to control the submarine dead you're locked in okay yeah okay yeah that means they're probably gonna bring us up yeah you know because we've had no comms for for a while so you know I had to eat my last cookie this is a pretty the vertical he's getting aggressive on us that was a good blow huh where are we rolling okay go left left right now be good if you want to go to school when we break the surface yeah oh nice job Kyle yeah yeah the Kyle a nice one man I don't know exactly the game plan for this particular dive we never left a platform if the fog didn't roll in and cancel the dive who knows maybe we would have left that platform and maybe we would have imploded I can tell you right now I feel like I dodged the bullet but I also feel very bad for the families who lost loved ones like I said before I didn't know these people too well but they treated me very nicely and I lost a few friends as well if you're chasing big dreams and pushing your limits obviously dangerous things can happen and you know can be fatal in this case scenario five people lost their life in this exact same submersible that I was gonna go down in the Titanic in I think this is a big reminder not only to myself but everyone that life is very precious and it can go away very quickly like I said if the weather permitted and it was beautiful out and Stockton asked me if I wanted a spot in that submarine I would have said yes and it could have been me so I'm very thankful that I'm here today but at the end of the day I just want to say I had an unbelievable experience for me mission three I met some incredible people I'm taking home memories that I would hold dear to my heart for the rest of my life these people were very nice to me and I'm very grateful I wish I could go back in time and and just you know like tell them not to do it but you know this is this is real life if I could be of help to any other family members who lost someone please email me and I would love to hop on a phone call talk to you it doesn't matter just uh if there's anything I can do please let me know
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 9,841,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: missing submarine, travel vlog, missing sub, titanic sub, oceangate, oceangate expiditons, breaking news, missing titanic sub, missing submersible, titan, titanic, titanic tour, titanic submarine, titanic submarine missing, titanic news sub missing, canada, rescue mission, submersible, submarine, sub, missing, stockon rush, rescue, coast quard, atlantic ocean, tourist sub, debri found, sub update, st john's, newfoundland, toursm, Paul Henri Nargeolet, world news, sub implosion
Id: O-8U08yJlb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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