Surviving Every Girl Scout Level with Daughter ft/ Anazala Family

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today I'm surviving every level of Girl Scouts and if I can get four of the six badges then Zade will become a Girl [Music] Scout or Z's going to learn how to ride motorcycles she is way too young to learn to ride motorcycles I learned when I was her age and I turned out great debatable I can't let that happen which is why I'm starting off easy with level one Daisy Scouts a little less talking a little bit more working if you want to get that outdoor art making badge to get my first badge I just need to create the the best piece of art to win and this should be easy cuz they're kids and now you got 1 minute 1 minute but they've already had time to start tick Tok Tik Tok can I borrow some paint no I blended these paints to make the most scientifically correct tree color okay I guess I'll just use some of these back off these are for my reath I might need to go look for Supply Zam bet I can do something with these rocks and the stick stick stick I don't know what I'm going to do zamfam but they're kids I can totally win this look out J come in on it you got 30 seconds left get to work Rebecca man that troop leader is tough my mom is only like that because her dad left her when she was young she had to be tough wait she's your mom I can't get distracted I have to win this and for the winning touch 3 2 1 time let's see those art pieces ladies I feel good about this Zam fam I call it a walk in the woods it's wonderful how did she do that in 5 minutes this wreath could be the accessory of the Season she literally built a wreath beautiful Julie and Rebecca show us that uh well I call this the bundle of nature Rebecca I call that a bundle of failure girl you got your badges Rebecca you did not I didn't get my first badge that's supposed to be the easiest level level two is brownies and to get the cookie badge I have to sell 100 boxes of cookies in 2 hours but I'm confident I'm going to get this badge because I've got Arya here to help me Rebecca I'm not good at selling I haven't sold any boxes all right your time starts now okay you haven't sold any yet look someone's coming just ask them to get some cookies excuse me do you want to buy some cookies how much there um there never mind Arya why didn't you just tell them how much it was I'm sorry I get nervous when people come up to me that's okay you know what you just have to build your confidence if you're nervous when people come up to you why don't you just go up to someone look there's that old man sitting at the park ask him if he wants some cookies I can't why cuz you're shy no he's actually a millionaire and he's really grumpy and mean he won't buy anything from anyone he won't until now look I'll go with you come on zamfam if he is a millionaire he could buy all of the boxes at once and i' get my badge instantly okay Arya you've got this just be confident um excuse me would you like to buy some cookies go away okay okay listen I'll take care of him just keep selling over there okay this guy is clearly grouchy excuse me sir you look very nice today I was wondering if you'd like to buy some cookies for the Girl Scouts of America it's a great organization and the cookies are delicious I hate Girl Scouts you're not getting a penny out of me why do you hate Girl Scouts let me show you something uh what's this that's my little girl she was a brownie just like you only much younger my wife took her away from me and I I haven't seen her since get away leave me alone leave me alone okay yeah yeah no no problem zamfam there is no way he's going to buy Girl Scout cookies it reminds him of his long lost daughter but I need to sell 100 boxes which means I need to sell to a lot of other customers Arya you were right that rich guy is not buying any of of our cookies which means we need to come up with something to get everyone else's attention like what like this a cookie costum exactly I'll take care of bringing in the customers you just make sure you get the money okay okay see you okay I S Girl Scout cookies are the best get some hair how much for two boxes ARA can help you with that that'll be $12 please thank you our first two boxes Arya only 98 to go you want some dosy do you want some Thin men you want some caramal Del light get your cookies zfm it's working we're selling boxes and Arya is getting our confidence I am definitely going to be able to earn this bag oh no Rebecca's selling a lot more cookies than I thought she would I need to do something about this I can't believe this Arya we only have to sell 35 more boxes and then you can get your cookie batch hey you want a Girl Scout cookie yeah can I please get four boxes yes you can that will be $224 actually ma'am it's on the house what really for free wait you supposed to buy cookies from us sorry brownies I can't turn down free cookies fantas it come back for more I got a lot Matt what are you doing you look ridiculous and you can't give out free Girl Scout cookies I look ridiculous you look like a cookie well I'm trying to sell a 100 so I can get my badge you're only doing this because you don't want Z to be a girl scout I don't know what you're talking about but it looks like you're going to have to come up with a new strategy if you're going to sell 100 boxes of cookies good luck free cookies I got a ton what are we going to do he's right we should switch things up I know a YouTube family that loves Girl Scout cookies okay I'll take the rest of them just try to sell 10 and don't let Matt bully you girl power you got this I'll be back good luck so I'm here at the Anala family's house and all you have to do is get them to buy 25 Girl Scout boxes and I'll be good and I can head back this should be easy they love cookies hey oh wow hi guys how are you I'm just your fellow brownie selling Girl Scout cookies 25 boxes I'd love to support but actually we're trying to get M to not eat too much sweet so but mommy please I have to pass this level I have to sell 100 boxes I just need you guys to buy 25 it's so easy you don't even have to eat them now 25 how much going to do $6 a box I have a piggy bank you have a piggy bank M let $150 you think you have that much in your piggy bank 15 I don't even have that mil what were you saving up for with your piggy bank slimes I keep slime in my car what if I make slime with you and then you give me the money in your piggy bank I I just think maybe the money she was saving was more for the Slime for the Slime I will make it happen okay I'll meet you guys inside I'll get some slime supplies be right back samam this is perfect all I have to do is make slime with Ma and I always keep slime supplies in my car she'll have enough to buy all of the boxes but I got to hurry so I got to get get those supplies coming in okay Ma can I see your piggy bank yes no offense I just want to make sure oh you do have a lot of money in there yeah it's been a while she's been saving up for some time it's slime time right now and just remember not only are you going to get slime you're going to get cookies is that worth 150 bucks don't forget you also get the cookies okay okay that's good that's good okay start mixing wo look at that not trying to rush you guys but I left a brownie back in the camp and I hope that the brownie is selling cookies too cookies Girls Scout cookies oh boooo little Daisy it doesn't look like you're selling any cookies now that Rebecca's gone do you want one of mine here you go enjoy free cookies did he just call me a daisy I'm a [Music] brownie put it w all of it make it r are you sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah wait I wonder if we can make a bubble a slime bubble let's do it three 2 1 you did it this is everything I have and you decided are you sure to give it to Rebecca for the Girl Scout cookie and the Slime and the Slime here all right moment of truth I hope I have $150 all right ready three 2 1 oh my gosh okay count that out 20 40 60 80 85 95 96 97 98 99 100 10 1 2 3 4 105 110 oh uh okay there there's some change in there we might be oh no I definitely need $150 to sell the 25 boxes you know maybe it's not meant to be this is a sign no no no no no this is a sign that she shouldn't be eating sweets anyways so this isn't enough can you pay for the difference come on on a Friday night you with your friends and you want something sweet how much more do you need I don't know like $30 can you add this up for me okay I'll start my diet next week yes okay okay there's $10 right here so $30 and I'll let mea keep the change so you need 30 yes 30 thank you guys thank you so much I have to get back enjoy the cookies Zam famam I did it I sold 25 boxes hopefully Arya sold 10 and I can pass browny bye guys bye ARA I did it I sold 25 boxes to the anasala family did you sell 10 I only sold five that's okay you still sold five what happened to Matt all right brownies 10 minutes to go and you are still five boxes short but it's not fair there's no one else here to sell to not 9 minutes and 30 seconds wait Z fam did you see that on her wrist I think I've seen that bracelet before Arya just play along with I have a plan okay um troop leader Bridget we wanted to let you know that there's actually a man at the table over there sitting and he wants to make a huge donation to the Girl Scouts but he just need to talk to you first donation why don't you just say something Rebecca that guy hates Girl Scouts he'll never donate to us just trust me Arya I have a plan we are going to sell those last five boxes I hope this works why do you people keep bothering me I said to them I'm telling you right now just don't bother me anymore I'm not giving a penny to that terrible organization well excuse me but I was told that you were sorry about that I actually wanted to ask you Bridget a quick question where did you get your bracelet what does that have to do with anything look if you must know I got it when I was a little girl when I was in the brownies from my father it was the only thing he ever gave me before he left um sir I noticed that photo you had of your daughter and she had red hair why do you have that that's me that's not my photo it's his photo did you say hey Miss Brit you're my daughter I wrote you a million letters I I have them right here then they all came back un open mom said that you live it it's complicated uh uh the main thing is how about you again my so oh darl samum this is so emotional I was not expecting this at all I reunited a dad with their long lost daughter sorry to break up the moment but we still have five more boxes to sell oh yeah I need to get my badge I know this is an awkward time but we have five more boxes we need to sell would you be able to buy them yes take this keep the change we did it SF I sold 100 boxes and got my cookie bag thanks Arya yeah oh yeah this is level three of Girl Scouts which means I'm a junior and I have to get my animal habitat badge well that is a bright and beautiful Bowl you have there for Goldie and it does look like gas Don is soaking up that L those Girl Scouts made those now Rebecca I am expecting you to have just as much of an excellent habitat for your dog I promise you will not be disappointed dog I've always wanted a dog that thing better be potty trained I ain't cleaning up no accident of course he's potty trained most of the time well you better hurry up cuz you've got 10 minutes left Rebecca 10 minutes I'll be back delivery a hey there buddy so I need to build this dogghouse fast so I can win this bag let's see this might be harder than I [Music] thought time is up perfect because my habitat for my dog is done voila this dog house has grass in case the dog wants to go it's got lighting because my dog is a little bit Moody and finally it has a white picket fence because what dog or human doesn't love a white picket fence so what do you think very impressive so can I have my badge now not so fast you know Blackjack has to like his home in order for you to get this badge fine I'll get him hey where'd he go where'd he go help my dog is missing what is going on my dog was dognapped and all of you are suspects troop leader Bridget was upstairs with me leaving the two Girl Scouts the janitor and the delivery person as the only people here who could have taken my dog I got a ton of more deliveries to do can I please go not until I find my dog everyone head over there for the first challenge go hello my dog is missing this is musical chairs but with dog leashes if you don't grab a dog leash When the Music Stops you are out music Starts [Music] Now Blackjack is quick which means whoever took him has quick reflexes so whoever wins this challenge could be the [Music] dognapper oh delivery person it looks like you're out can I go back to my truck now no at least not yet and then there were three let the music begin okay zamfam who do you think it is one of them took Blackjack and I need to figure out who it is so I can get my dog back looks like you're out Girl Scout head over there there's only one leash left and janitor it was you wasn't it no I mean it's true I didn't want to clean up its accident but that doesn't mean I take the dog well we'll see how FAS your reflexes are music starts [Music] now oh some Girl Scout it looks like you won the challenge I always do and I'm I'm one step closer to solving my case well then who did it I need to get back to judging those animal habitats I'm not sure exactly who it is but I know who it isn't deliver person your reflexes are way too slow to have taken Blackjack you can leave thank you everyone else on to the next challenge okay Zam I lied I don't have another challenge in mind but I'm back at the crime scene so I can look for any clues you guys see anything at all blood Blackjack must have bit whoever took him and they didn't scream I think I have an idea for the next challenge before we move on to the next challenge does anyone want some gum sure okay good oh my god do you want some no no are you sure what was that it's not actually gum it's shock gum now everyone move on to round two whoever dog na blackjack did not scream so I want to see who can handle the pain without screaming now that you're all blindfolded you're going to be walking on something and I'm not going to tell you what it is you're first before you go I'm sorry about your dog I've always wanted a dog my parents wouldn't let me cuz they were afraid I'd lose it okay stop talking start walking ow ow ow ow ow oh God what is she stepping on what is that suck it up princess what are they ow ow ow ow interesting you did a little scream but would you do that with a dog bite now it's your turn Girl Scout number two no reaction nothing nothing let me know when the challenge begins next okay janitor time to face your fear oh God this worse than getting bit by a dog what bit by a dog you been bit by a dog oh God oh God oh pain so far everyone has screamed so I'm going to need another round so I can eliminate someone from being a suspect this is don't let your chicken scream whoever chicken screams the loudest loses all right girl scout nothing let's try this one this is only round one well that was easy now it's time to go a little bit harder impressive let's see how it goes for you you're lucky you have pants on I need to know a clear loser okay okay keep the chickens down okay you know what I am done with this challenge you can take the chickens out you might have wanted a dog but you scream the loudest and I know whoever took blackjack did not scream at all so you can leave have you solved this case yet I just need one more challenge whoever took Blackjack has great hand ey coordination so this is the darts challenge each of you will get three darts whoever gets the most points wins I put the most amount of points on Blackjack because who's ever willing to pop a balloon with him is ruthless enough to take him yes they both pop balloons but the janitor has more points really though I'm looking for who's going for the balloon with Blackjack next round yes beat that janitor ah but I still got more points than you this is the last and final round it all comes down to this you know it's got to be that janitor a Girl Scout would never hurt a dog I got this yeah I won the challenge well the challenge isn't quite over yet hit [Music] it stop stop I didn't do it I didn't do it you're right you didn't do it but a Girl Scout would never a Girl Scout would never because you Bridget Troth leader you're the one who kidnapped Blackjack oh that is ridiculous I was upstairs with you but Blackjack went missing before that you are the only one that did not scream when you got hit by water balloons which means you can handle pain and the Band-Aid you have this Band-Aid because you were bit by Blackjack it wasn't there when I entered in the beginning of the challenge but it was there when you came back to see the dogghouse you called my dog Blackjack when you came in but I never mentioned blackjack's name okay okay okay I did it but why did you do it because it was never about getting your animal habitat badge it was about getting your detective badge and you passed what about Blackjack he's in my office safe and sound I beat the Junior's level and got my badge and I'm one step closer to Z becoming a Girl Scout uh but can I at least show Blackjack his dog house I worked really hard on that you did and he yes thank you now I got to clean up this mess yes I'm so glad I got you back now check check out your new home what do you think I think he likes this Sam fam I didn't get another bad but this was worth it Rebecca you are AET now so in order to get that badge you will have to spend a night without technology like no technology yes and it shouldn't be that hard just a Bluetooth though e it no and good luck with that me oh my God give it back stop it leave me Al I'm not sharing a tent with you fine then hi I come girls what's going on boys or what's going on well we're in the wilderness and there are no boys here what do you mean the boys are over there what let's go it's a boys C let's go the Boy Scouts are here they seem pretty obnoxious hey look hey look hey it's a girl stand I can't believe you dated both of them at the same time what's he saying samam fam I can't hear speaking of the girls I got an idea let's go okay well I can't worry about them I need to get this badge so I can make S A Girl Scout let me in you guys I've had enough of you I don't understand why you're like this okay you guys listen if we want to survive in the wilderness we're going to have to work together I'm not going to work with someone I don't even trust or someone who's just jealous I'm not jealous you are too okay okay okay I know you might not necessarily like each other but I'm just asking you to get along for one night please so that my daughter can become a Girl Scout is that too much to ask the girlss are going to be so hungry without any food fine with me but can we at least get food I'm hungry wait what was that was probably my stomach cuz I'm hungry no I heard something you guys I think a bear might have come where's the cooler where's the food it's gone you probably stole it just like you stole my my boyfriend he told me you two weren't even together we've been dating for 3 months wait you two girls were dating the same guy you mean Chad Boy Scout Chad yeah but I was actually dating him that's not what he said when we went on a date when did you go on a date with him Friday the 10th Chad said that he was visiting his sick Grandma then it looks like Chad was dating you but he didn't tell you that he was and then he lied to you so he could go on a date with her he's been playing both of you guys the problem is not your friendship the problem is is Chad and I bet they're the ones that took our food the boys over there I'm so sorry I would have never went on a date with him if I knew you guys were together I'm sorry too I should have realized sooner that Chad was causing all these problems can you guys make up and be friends again okay good now that you guys are getting along do you want to give a little payback to Chad okay you guys the boys are asleep payback time I did take our food told you [Music] okay do it again guys what the why did you do that to me I didn't it was the girls oh they are not going to get away with it that was so good finally some payback on Chad yeah I agree and now you know friendship is way more important than boys it's time to bug the girls oh yeah but you guys it's not over because now it's time for water balloons they're going to be so mad it's four get the water blue you soaked all our food you mean our food Chad this is all your fault you tried to put these two girls against each other by dating them both at the same time you're right I'm sorry you're sorry yeah I just never had a role model to teach me his dad left him when he was two okay look both of our tents are soaking wet and we have no food why don't we just make a truce Girl Scouts and boy Scouts and I order all some pizza I like pizza I guess that's fine okay fine cheese or pepperoni pepperoni cheese pepperoni okay we'll order a few woo Pizza Time oh I'm so hungry let's do it oh my gosh save me a piece come on I can't believe we're eating pizza for breakfast pizza for breakfast yeah look the sun's coming up wait that means I passed I got my B I got my let's go actually you didn't what that's pizza and look at here you had one rule no technology but I got everyone to get along sorry Rebecca you fail that means I don't get my badge I'm a senior Girl Scout now and I need to win the science of style badge and in order to do that you'll have to transform this girl so she'll get asked out on a date oh and Mom says I have a beautiful soul and I am going to bring that out so who needs to ask her out on a date ham [Music] but Brad's so cool and popular he'll never go out with a girl like me yes he will I'll make sure of it to get this badge you have to give her confidence style and the ability to speak up if you don't get all three Rebecca you fail good luck okay let's see what I'm working with oh you have gum in your hair okay listen I need you to go ask Brad out on a date what part of building your confidence is for you to step out of your comfort zone so just ask him out be confident if you say so going be be easy I need to get this badge fast I cannot lose any more badges or Matt is going to have Zade riding a motorcycle hi Brad hey weird scary girl you're in my selfie I'll stand over here um I I I I was wondering if um maybe you'd want to go on a date with me do you need your glasses checked because I'm a 10 and you're like a negative 10 oh I mean like if you were the last girl on earth I still wouldn't date you yeah Sam famam do you hear how he's talking to her your face is horrifying I bet you don't have to dress up for Halloween that's just like oh my gosh there's no way I can let him talk to her like this you know [Music] what good my we're burning from looking at her anyways why did you let him talk to you like that I don't speak to guys I don't know how to talk to them okay well you're going to change that and you're going to practice on me you don't look like a guy I have experience with this wait one second yo what's up my name is Max Rebecca this isn't going to work what yes yes just pretend I'm Brad I'm taking selfies uh will you go out with me you talking to me for I that out no no you need to stand up for yourself say something back what am I supposed to say say something like did I invite you to my barbecue because you all up in my grill and then like Flex be like what this is you still need confidence and you need to learn to speak up for yourself but maybe if we just switch up your style it'll help I think we need to give you a makeover let's start with your hair oh oh maybe we do hair last what's this that's mascara where does it go you don't know what mascar is my parents don't let me wear makeup okay let's start let me see this okay oh oh yep yeah we uh might need to make two of those how do you feel about wax uh that's a lot of hair [Music] I present to you a princess I look so pretty what's on the inside is on the outside and with a little bit more training I'm confident that I'm going to be able to get that badge THS up Rebecca is she ready for her final test I hope zamfam I'm so nervous right now I mean now she is beautiful on the inside and out but I don't know if she has the confidence or the ability to stand up for herself 99 100 uh Brad I'd like to introduce you to princess I am Brad I really like your face it makes you beautiful confidence okay you got this samf it's working he's totally into her now he just needs to ask her out are you going to stand there all day and talk or you going to ask me out oh um it would be cool if you like pre later maybe we could go out he asked her out which means I'm going to get my bag not so fast she has confidence she has style but she still has not spoken up for herself what so what do you think I don't think I will no what am I not your type I mean I'm literally hot and popular yeah but I like guys who are kind people even if they're not hot you're turning me down do you know who I am yeah I'm out of your league and I'm attending you're like a negative 10 and you can keep your girl cuz I'm not a barbue what that's not what I meant when I said that princess you did so Rebecca you have got your science of style badge I did it which means all I have to do is do this next one and then zadee can become a Girl Scout yay this is my last and final level I am an ambassador and if I want to win the coaching badge I have to lead my girls to Victory oh yeah who's our competition [Applause] Matt what are you doing here I'm making sure my daughter rides motorcycles and never becomes a Girl Scout she's going to be a girl scout all right you two enough first challenge tug of war okay girls remember the plan as soon as the boys start pulling us in you need to loosen your grip of the rope and then pull as hard as you can do you think it's going to work it better otherwise we're going to be soaked we've got this Girl Scouts on three 1 2 3 girl scoutout okay what's the plan the plan is there is no plan we're stronger than them just pull them into the water for the motorcycle all right coaches get your teams in position 3 2 pull we're doing it we're doing it guys pull hard got him hey girl on the count of three loosen your grip then pull really [Music] pull one step closer to making z a Girl Scout come on how did we lose that next challenge the first team to start a fire wins begin okay so how do you start a fire are you serious you should have learned this in junior Scout I only got my detective badge okay oh I think it's working oh wait no that's just dirt ah it's not working I really need this fire and freezing from the pool is it like 75° hey he just chill act like you're making a fire I got this un chill come on you guys we have to beat the boys otherwise zie might not be able to become a Girl Scout the caveman did this how hard can it be how did they do that boys win this round let's head over for our final challenge yes Zam fam the boys and girls are tight now which means this next round will determine if zadee gets to be a Girl Scout or not no idea how they won that last challenge this challenge is a test of endurance last to leave the hot tub wins there's no way the girls are leaving this hot tub the boys are here to stay I don't know you're talking about all we're going to make this interesting and we're going to start with the hot sauce challenge come get it come on hey if this means Z becomes a Girl Scout I'll do it drink up girls here we go oh it's spicy too hot oh you okay I love it oh he's out come on oh my God why'd he get out man winning this is going to be a lot easier than I thought so what are you guys going to do once we win oh we're probably going to be riding motorcycles cuz we're never losing I hope the motorcycle can be returned cuz there's no it's fake is that why he got out so he can prank us well very funny there's still two of us and there is no way either of us are leaving so take your snake and we're going to enjoy this hot tub why do you want say to be a girl scout anyways I mean have I not showed you why I went through all the levels just going to Slither on over here s stay focused all they're trying to do is distract us so we'll get out personally it's getting so hot in here all I can think about is our past what speaking to proba we could get some hot cakes down the road no no no we're definitely staying me and you a big fat stack of pancakes he's just joking he's distracting you he just wants you to get out okay fine let's go what no no sorry Liz really that was a trick nice job did it you're staying right staying the night later I'll be back hey come on is she said yes well I guess that backfired now it's just me and you this wife right here is not leaving I is all I need I'm never leaving okay then I guess we're just going to stay here all night until I can convince you that Zade should be a Girl Scout I'm willing to spend the night in this thing because zade's going to ride a motorcycle no that is not safe Matt just cuz you rode one when you were 3 years old doesn't mean zie should she should have the same things I had should be a Girl Scout can you just get out you're not even good at Hot Tubs you hate being in them you feel lightheaded most of the time you're right actually I feel good Matt are you okay yeah yeah Matt are you sure Matt Matt hey Matt Matt Matt Matt Matt you're okay I'm also still in the hot tub it looks like I just won the challenge what yes that's not fair I thought something happened to you yes Z going to ride a motorcycle I'm sorry Rebecca but you lost this challenge no but hey I have a special announcement to make every year I give away a special badge it's called the Girl Scout Way badge and I'm giving it to you because you save the life wait that means that this is my fourth BGE zie gets to be a girl scout no this not how this works that's what you get for cheating Matt come on Zade you are going to look love being a Girl Scout and you're going to also love Girl Scout cookies cookies are way better than riding motorcycles cookies cheers Girl Scout M they're really good yummy yummy yes she's learning
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 4,408,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surviving, every, level, girl scouts, daughter, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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