I Built a SECRET ROOM to Hide From My Mom! ft/ Rebecca Zamolo

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so this is an actual secret room and today I'll be building one for my family to hide from our friend Rebecca zamal but the problem is my husband thinks that secret rooms don't actually work in real life honey there's no way these secret rooms actually work we'd be found instantly so to settle this I'm getting a team of professionals to help build the world's most hidden secret room and at the end of the day we'll see if Rebecca is able to find us hi hi Daddy are you ready yeah let's get the party started are you okay what okay so here is the plan operation Harry Potter oh wait let me make this it's not funny the goal is to protect the family so I sketched out the secret room and it'll be right here all throughout this outer lining right here there's going to be a wall it's going to be soundproof bullet proof everything proof it's insane but but if you put a door they're going to know because there's not going to be be a door you know why cuz I got a decoy painting that's actually going to let us in to the secret room so it's going to look perfect nobody's going to suspect so we don't me a door to like open the door no welcome in guys this is exciting hey team let's put everything in the living room area hello honey do you understand how many things can go wrong yeah look the color of the paint is going to be different oh see look at that it's the same color as the wall is it actually the same color as the wall we match your paint see I got professional doesn't even fit I'm okay it fits okay guys I'm about to call Rebecca and Matt to see how long they need to get here before they have to come and find us hi hi Rebecca hey what's up but yo this room is going to look sick I actually think you're not going to be able to find us no way I am definitely going to be able to find you I've done secret rooms and I've never lost it hide and seek how long do you guys need 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. I'm going to be there at 8:00 p.m. aala we have like 6 hours guys we only have 6 hours I'll see you at 8:00 p.m. no I'll see you at 8:00 p.m. goodbye and as the construction team continued to build the room I wanted to take inspiration from an existing secret room so now we're here at this weird house with three insanely hidden rooms so I'm going to take notes while M and my husband try to find them all you guys have 5 minutes there's actually a secret door in here I'm not not kidding you actually have to find it oh the only door that that door maybe yeah I think it's here but is it there oh no it's not there baby maybe they're behind it's behind yeah that was a good idea I was thinking about that too okay wait wait I have an idea ow that's the only door I saw dad hurry up time is ticking okay there's no door here look you saw that the rails in this wall gave it away so definitely a tip not to do that now room number two we don't have a lot of time find the hidden room you che check check under could it be under could there be stairs in the ceiling okay yeah that's what they do honey you're going to break this house that's how oh there's a window it's a window time is ticking oh wait wait is it moving maybe oh y hey check check the other one check the other one is it there oh my God we found it oh W easy peasy you're not going to find the last one y you literally have 2 minutes oh my God okay maybe maybe this one check this one this one okay no no no there's nothing here let's go out there how much time do we we have hurry up you got a minute literally it's probably behind me I think it's actually behind here yes I think it's behind how do you push it it doesn't push no I see something in there yeah but how do you open ITA in movies usually how do bookshelves open maybe you clap okay clap open S me oh yeah no wait wait there's probably a button here here hone you literally have like 25 seconds quickly I know my not opening usually there's like a handle or something that you pull out D I think it's you literally have 10 seconds good job this is crazy although I lost I took a lot of notes so I'm going to make the best secret room ever so I ordered some of the most expensive spy gear on the internet to help us build the secret room this is the most expensive box so we're going to open this at the very end okay so we'll put it outside okay so should we open let's open this first oh okay I I have to right oh sorry okay so guys I'm going to open this are you ready yeah all right it's open it's what the a teddy bear wait what this isn't just any teddy bear do you see what I see what do you notice there's a camera there's a camera in the eye I used to see this in like movies like Toy Story I saw that before this is cool like they'll think it's like Noah's maybe we put this on the couch and it'll watch Rebecca's every move okay let go hide it go hide It Goodbye Mr teddy bear you will stay here with the plan oh let's rate this one to 10 what do you think it's a good one it's a good I'm going to rate it at eight out of 10 I agree I say 8 out of 10 too but I can't wait for the most expensive box and this one this one okay okay are you guys ready wait wait what does it say top oh that means we should open it from the top oh this looks dangerous I'm scared it has red so I think it's going to be pretty good to spy on that wait let me try to wait no don't shake it what is it hold on oh that's scared me what oh my God oh my God hold on T this is um wait there's a Tre under here wait wait wait what is this there's like something in there it has like a key oh I see what this is you can literally hide so many things in here like money candy you could even put like spare car keys and it comes with a lock you put the plant back and nobody will ever know okay what would you rate that one I rated like an 8 out of 10 again I think so that's pretty cool what I'm most excited about is this last box yeah what do you think is in it I don't know well that's the most expensive one so it must be really good they can let us down this time box number three which one should we open this one all right just patience here oh yeah let's see what is it what Ma what I think I know what this is what this is done invisibility Shield I can't even see you now you see me yes and now you don't wow Isn't that cool oh I can see a little bit do you think it'll work to have us like hide frombe because if you're wearing this I can see a little bit of the pink I'll give this like a s out of 10 to be honest I don't know if this is going to help us in the secret room because I'm already in a room I'm going to give this a 5 out of 10 I just want to know what's in that expensive box like it's I think it's going to be like $10,000 okay next package let's see what it is oh what is that x-ray vision wait wait wait wait we got to take a look at this how is this going to help us wait let's open actually put these x-ray vision goggles on to see through walls wait I want to see is it real no just red it's fake just red no way did we get ripped off let me see yo what you can't see nothing I want my money back that was like ative 10 out of 10 rating I I'll rate it like every out of 10 because I want to wait for an expensive one and it's time for okay now it's time wait wait we're giving away a lot of cool stuff all you have to do is subscribe to the channel and comment done and we will send you the gift wherever you are around the world oh this is kind of easy wait is it heavy with be careful it's just so expensive we don't want to break whatever's in here what the what wait wait a minute what is this hold on hold on hold on you guys if this is so expensive it better be really good oh my God these are like night vision goggles we can literally see everything in the dark okay wait we want to test this in the dark so turn off the lights it's okay mommy can you see me yeah this is so cool hi hi do this do pie [Music] sign yo this is sick and after choosing what Spy Gear to use let's go check the progress on the room my God look at that oh my God this is never this is actually so spacious too D this is crazy look it goes all the way in look so are you guys going to close this whole area right oh yeah we got one more wall to go right here oh my God and this right here is the hole where the painting is going to go let me show you wait let me show you guys the pain this is look at that it's going to go right here like this they even drilled in look look look come see they drilled this in so that it opens guys this is coming along really well look at this you can't even tell it's the same exact shade as the rest of the walls in this house it's even the same texture as the house look at that I'm going to make sure nobody's going to be able to find this in this room so now we're here at Target to deck out the secret room and we're going to buy everything on this Hideout Essentials list that I found online okay hold on for a set of things we need to get our snacks so we need this okay peanut butter what all these I like there's no bathroom in the room I'll get a porta potty ew this is chocolate rice cake you're boring okay come on come on look get us some candy inside there okay now let's get Electronics okay honey you need strip lights yeah oh good idea yeah this is I know how to do these things but it can't be like too bright so like it doesn't seep through the wall or something oh you're thinking everything's through I see yeah okay we just need a TV now T it's going to be used for the security cameras we're going to see all the surveillance throughout the house to track what us every move when she's looking for us we're here at the furniture place we need like it also to look nice aesthetically maybe this pillow actually like in case no one falls asleep honey you're making a secret room to hide not a new house to hide but also you don't want to be in a dark creepy scary room you want it to feel beautiful with lights and cozy yeah and after completing the shopping list it was time to decorate the room t and the outside is completely done okay we got these cute pillows my favorite color here you go carter think fast Joel all right of course I didn't forget the snacks I knew I wanted to be a little healthy but I thought you know sometimes when there's a thief in your house you might want to just you know Munch to forget that team work Makes the Dream work all right pivot pivot oh oh be careful be careful is this is is it going to Pivot right I don't know it see it might be a little too long um okay just careful with the wall we don't want to make it look like you know suspect it's we're hitting the wall back here no yeah that's the real wall you better not Carter [Music] yes yay here we got the security system TV and we got a rug for Aesthetics and coziness okay we got of course a lamp I can forget it we got the hot lime bling oh wow okay let me see how this is going to work that's good and we have all these soundproofing panels to keep the noise [Music] in and as my team finishes up the room I had one last step in my plan one of the hardest parts about hiding in a secret room with two kids is having to keep them completely quiet we want to make sure the kids don't blow our cover while hiding from RE so we're going to play the do not move [Music] challenge one thing in the secret room that you're going to have is a lot of candy so you guys can't move for the next 5 minutes say a fro okay who does that okay guys don't fall for it good job move Noah you can do it free don't lose don't lose you're going to win good job good job good job freeze okay move Daddy I need to open this for me up uh okay freeze guys you're doing good don't fall for the candy don't move hey wow Mo no you're he's trying to trick you I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll open it for you K dude you're going to be so found by Rebecca she's going to find you in 10 minutes oh my l no I L I got remember if mil doesn't win now you're getting a punishment Ma just 2 minutes left I will give you all the candy in the world okay you could have this right here okay move please you could do it Mila I believe in you buddy you're you lost no i s down okay Mimi this is an opened one do you want it do you want don't fall for literally 45 seconds left you can do it I will give you more than that a you're so cute okay uh bo 20 seconds MIM you can do it don't don't don't me you're Frozen just just stay frozen e okay move freeze Mimi don't move you can do it 10 9 8 7 okay you can move good job you can move wow okay guys so the room's all finished and Rebecca and Matt will be here in 15 minutes but first have Anis and Mila blindfolded and they're about to see the reveal of the room are you ready you guys are going to be shocked honey I don't know where I'm walking now okay hold on just follow my voice I'm scared okay dude if I fall you won't fall okay guys hold the rail what is it all right you got it mil here's one step ready one okay almost there Mommy okay are you guys ready going to suck all right in three two one take off your blindfolds oh my god dude this is actually y doesn't it look real wow you can't even tell that the wall is so is this here mommy this is not even a door this is just painting how it says the door actually how does it open impressive huh okay wait don't break it how does it open where the doors [Music] open oh oh my God all right come on in to my secret room daddy oh my so the minute you walk in you're going to notice the beautiful pink fluffy carpet it's so cozy and then you have this look at the feel look up oh my God you have the beautiful dreamy clouds that light up in the dark we have custom flower wallpaper neon flower lights and mirrors so you could look at yourself make sure you're not getting old you know being stuck in here and here we have a fullon snack station with everything you could possibly need from candies cookies gummies and even dried mangoes M&M's Cheerios Skittles nut and best of all soundproof foam for the walls so you can definitely not hear us in here I'm not going to lie it's actually crazy and this is still and it's and then drinks of course cuz we're going to get thirsty from all that talking oh my God is there a fridge in here yep all the favorite drinks there's this phone that can call any time for emergencies dude I actually can't believe how big this actually is I was surprised all this fit crazy look at the lights and of all look at this we got fullon security camera set up all over the house so we can monitor any Intruder that's to come I'm starting to maybe maybe believe that Rebecca won't find us today and I know they're literally 3 minutes away I love this place I just want to eat the candy not going to lie this is very very very impressive and after building the room from scratch and fully designing it myself it was time for the Moment of Truth hi guys hey how are you okay so long story short I built a secret room and you guys have 10 minutes to find us and if you find us you get a mystery prize let's go okay so stay out here count till 30 and then come on in okay don't cheat okay okay 1 2 2 3 4 5 no here no no no it's here 11 12 13 14 15 oh my God they're coming they're coming they're coming oh my [Music] God 27 28 29 okay ready or not here we come okay okay I have a feeling the secret room is upstairs I say we checked that first okay let's go remember I have 10 minutes mystery prize PE why you walking L up there guys look at this all the camer are here honey they literally bypassed this nobody would think in their mind that something would be under the stairs promise you they're not going to find the door for it what do you want to out I open the door for Rebecca no you can't open for Rebecca this is like a house tour too you guys I haven't gotten to see all the decor look at that okay stay focused that piano is gorgeous though okay I thought I heard him I thought we were going this way I have a surprise for them behind that door do not enter this is not a secret room okay look there's a core tell me this wasn't genius dude I can't believe that they're actually not find i i in the room if it a secret room I have a sign like this this is definitely a secret two one got you got no come on oh wow hey he she fell oh my God back help me come on are you kidding me oh have to clear this whole place okay um ow Matt I told you the come to Rebecca be quiet okay here this room this room right here this one okay we really want that mystery prize ooh this room's pretty secret room oh a door cabinet cabinet that's a bathroom least there's poopery in there closet I've seen people make secret rooms in covers back back back Matt Focus working on my abs no not right now why is he working out his abs like you guys have 8 minutes left find us what what does this thing 9 minutes that's wait w wo wo wo wo wo 3 can we take this with you oh good go furnace it's not a secret room okay told you they're not going to find us actually it's impossible can I be quiet I'm sorry sorry you're right we do here you they're in mil's room they're in's room there's mil's room okay if I were a kid I would want a secret room maybe it's in her closet hey guys 7 minutes left seven how come on come on come on come on you're going under to the bed remember all that training we did earlier I feel like Noah's going to blow our cover no it's not here we got to move faster back we have to move faster run the corner okay a oh man that is terrifying wait behind you oh come on it's a Jordan matter oh no no no look door Secret Door Secret Door that's the decoy I made watch out watch out watch out watch out give me some oh my God broke the door M broke the door he him with the PE he's going to Noah's room it's not in there this must be Noah's room ball pit oh my God oh my God oh my God we're running out of time oh it's getting potty trained mil do you think they're going to find us hurry maybe check downstairs do you see anything did we miss something okay hold on where would it be where would it be sh still going down they're coming down okay sometimes paintings wait back back no secret room would it be outside right it would be inside you do the garage wait what if we offer MAA candy MAA Noah if you guys make a noise right now give candy I want to get I we have much better candy here they taking forever we just get some snacks I hold on I feel like we're getting closer look at they like hit this some out mat we're going to run out of time I'm going in the garage oh I can't believe they they're taking that much time you guys have five minutes back what office just a bunch of shoes I heard somebody okay I have seen couches that AB SE CL guys they will win this Myster chist if they find us here I know they're going to find this they're going I promise you they're I promise okay Matt we were being nice we're running out of time smells like candles in here what are you doing I'm just checking the rug I don't know if it's a real rug they're destroying the house how rude of that what if it's like oh my gosh it's like one of those things that's like hidden under the stairs or something it has to be somewhere close okay there R back to the living room what if it's it's in the stairs look at I see one they like lift up the stairs come on do it they're right here no this feels this feel it's kind of hollow right here what is this room this feels Hollow does it this feels [Music] Hollow this feels Hollow something's here but how do we get in do you think there's a what if it's behind this painting here try it try it three two it doesn't move does it move no no way oh my God well honey you lost and they get their mystery prize see what it is three 2 one this is for Zade a this is the first time I lose so I'll give this one to you whatever
Channel: The Anazala Family
Views: 11,313,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Secret Room, Secret, room, hide from my mom, hide and seek, rebecca zamolo, I built a secret room to hide from my mom, hidden room, hidden, hidden secret room, challange, Jordan Matter, Salish Matter, salish, jordan, anazala, anazala family, daughter, my daughter, family, Brent Rivera, lexi rivera, Challenge, patience, Anazala vlogs, the anazala family, royalty family, Ace Family, mila, reaction, emotional, challanges, hide & seek, building, room transformation, i built a secret room
Id: vD3ce_VQLsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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