Gummy Food Vs Real Food Challenge

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today we're eating real food versus gummy food for 24 hours I really want a real breakfast and no gummy food come on oh yeah oh yeah it was like I get to just if I get real food or gummy food since I picked up breakfast food and whoever wins the most challenges today gets to slide the other person at the end of the day so it looks like Matt's gonna get slime come on breakfast so I kayaking the real food which means Mac you have to eat the gummy food I love breakfast are you kidding me you ready and voila oh my gosh let's say we have a waffle and bacon and eggs yeah we got all this stuff no no you get yours I have a gummy waffle a gummy egg sunny side up and two amazing strips of bacon I think she likes that one you want that one please no you're gonna have waffles oh look at this this is my favorite meal of the day baby do you want to try something no Matt this is the challenge okay A little bite here this waffle is delicious does it hit the spot for breakfast there's any no spots right now it doesn't even taste like a waffle come on man if I keep winning these challenges Matt you are getting slime honestly I kind of want to try the bacon I'll trade you a bacon for a bacon yes [Music] the first one to cover their entire canvas with paint wins but first we need to slip up this slip and slide on your mark get set go go you're not going very fast I'm covering up a tank I need more I got a strategy strategy is to lose I'm Joey that's okay I got this here we go almost done no I'm almost done oh I think I'm gonna win here we go I got this and come please that is how you paint slot okay I'm choosing this meal okay since I won that last challenge I get to pick the next meal and I'm choosing a snack I'm hungry but it's Lunchable my how the tables have turned Oh Brother since I won I'm gonna eat the real lunchable but you know what I like the gummy Lunchables and I'm actually really excited about this damn game I've never seen gummy Lunchables before but baby you cannot which means you have to sit on Dad's deliver here Danny is only eating the real food today she's not quite old enough maybe when she's two or something what yours came with a Capri Sun this is the first time Sadie's ever had a Capri Sun are you thirsty zadie you want some juice um of course it's a lot of sugar for a baby so just give her a little sip yeah but it came from a Lunchable so it has to be good for you he goes outside [Music] she's not used to that much sugar quick taste and she's bad just for the video zadie Gummy food versus real food I don't think I'm gonna be able to get it I did not know Capri Sun was in there I would not have given it okay she's good she's good she's just going for this okay okay went to the snack pack Lunchables get this small why is my gummy lunchable bigger than yours okay and damn fam let us know if you have ever gotten any of these gummies before it went right for the cheese I knew it oh my gosh oh no no no it was 80. I think he's going for the cookie wait I don't even get a cookie you wanna eat a cracker okay let me know what you think so I think this is supposed to be the cracker this is like the jack cheese this is the cheddar cheese I think the pink is supposed to be neat but if it's this pink of meat it's probably raw so we're doing it with a gummy though wow this is so thick I used to do this with Lunchables and try to fit the whole thing in my mouth and stack it as high as I could zadie put back the cracker and now has the cookie she likes to test things out first if she likes it then she goes in deep oh yes she likes it this one is pretty good okay I'm gonna go with the ultimate Lunchables sandwich I got cracker on the bottom ham and cheese in the middle and chocolate chip cookie on top ew no and people don't do that why else would they put them all four together exactly can you say yummy can you say slime slime that's what mom's gonna get in this video chocolate there are four different brands of chocolate milk but only one was made with zamfam hot chocolate we're each gonna sip them and have to decide which one it is this is gonna be difficult because they're all probably awesome um it's not gonna be hard the only the damn fam one is gonna be good okay that one's a little chunky residual effects in the straw that kind of tastes Bland okay all right Matt I'm gonna let you go before I make my decision all right bring in the new straws nope I think it's your straws that's what I went first oh come on did you drink all of these I'm just deciding if I should get a gummy or a regular did you drink all these not those ones I didn't drink all of that one I'm not gonna say which one I drink the most of um a taste to it okay okay Matt you go first which one do you think is the zamfam hot chocolate chocolate milk okay well some of these are super sauce it's down to these two right here see they're gonna be the yellow or the purple what do you think I think it's the purple there's no way the same fam hot chocolate taste that good well I am going with the yellow I feel like that one was just like too sweet in a weird way and I loved this one and I feel like I know my hot chocolate so let's see who won looks like I'm picking my meal no man come on how do you not chocolate day oh well looks like you're not eating the food you want this meal yeah wow look at this scoreboard now I just won two Matt has only one one I'm one step closer two slimy and him zamfam comment below I want Matt's slime your team Rebecca hey I just don't want the gummy anymore don't say slimes Eddie I won and I am not gonna tell you which one I picked until you see it okay which one do you think Mom got ready three two one a real Burger I'm sorry I wanted to try this gummy hamburger it looks so cute and these are french fries how cute is this see it is in french fry real french fry land right now this is a it's not chewier cheers you didn't have too many french fries right portion control our dad's gonna try the real Burgers honestly it looks a little bit more sauce than the fake burger no boy is it impossible I have no idea you know what I just realized my burger is plastic on the bottom like it's not a full burger like the bottom is just some lettuce whoa okay I'm trying to eat this but this is not very filling for lunch I've had gummies twice thank God I had a good delicious breakfast the tomatoes are actually gummy bears here's the I'll let you have one of these you won't be able to suck this yeah you can't chew it though so you won't be able to um is there french fries no here you go mom made the right choice this is delicious huh all right well Zade it looks like Mom and Dad are gonna do another challenge that Mom is obviously gonna win this is the rubber ducky challenge behind us is a pool full of rubber duckies we have five seconds to turn around look and guess how many are inside on your mark but okay nice all right turn around all right I have 111 rubber duckies I went with 135 because I'm eating this meal no way I need some substance okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen forty fifty sixty as long as it gets to 111 I'm fine 70 80. oh this is it 90. 100. remember whoever is the closest win 100 and 102 345 seven eight nine ten one hundred and eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen and twenty okay as long as I'm closer I can still 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 . I already won 4 45 46 47 48 135 is the closest and I get to pick the next meal it's time for a little pizza dinner who won this challenge it's not fair you're getting slime for sure do you see Mom slime yes for dinner we are gonna have pizza and I won this last challenge which means I get to pick which one I want I wonder which one you're gonna pick Matt this is my third time getting gummy I should have just gone with the real food when I won oh hello yeah Matt you know that now the score is tied it's all gonna come down to this last challenge but first let's Feast it's not a thief but honestly the pizza is pretty good I don't hate it I almost forgot Zade zamfam we have a ton of new merch at there are headbands daddy you want to put the headband on look mom's wearing it too do you like it look at these sleep mask you can get all of it at should I put this on zadie like this sleep mask and we have dogs which are almost sold out so make sure to get them listen join a little piece over here let's see how Sadie likes pizza today you wanna try some pizza oh the glasses came off zadie does Have Eyes is it good want more Sadie has had a burger Pizza waffle she's living the good life huh do you like it yeah it's been a long day today same day gummy food versus real food for 24 hours is super exhausting you're gonna need those sunglasses when I slam your dad because you don't want it to get on you oh look at these pins they can go on your back to school backpacks I think they are really cute which one's your favorite zadie do you like the heart the palm tree or the zamfam one so I'm a little confused let me know which one is your favorite well it's all coming down in this last challenge Rebecca whoever loses this one has to get slimes this is the try not to laugh tortilla slap Challenge and since the score is tied whoever wins this not only gets the pick the next meal but also get the Slime the other person and that's gonna be me so I mean you you're going down oh really yeah good luck well I don't laugh at anything foreign [Music] [Music] who said you could slap me that hard I got Mark I didn't say how hard come on should I go with regular food or should I go with Gummy food that's the big question come on back oh yeah look at this let me count it out one two three which means I'm the overall win but guess what after we eat this food Matt's getting slime oh no Matt are you ready for your last and final meal before you get slime bring it on what do I have you're a big talker but you're not a big eater because the only thing you're eating is the gummy cupcake come on Daddy look at our cupcake dessert should not feel like this I don't need that lady it fell a little bit but this is a cupcake that's actually a blueberry muffin zadie do you want a little bit oh my gosh yep who you you're a mama's girl aren't you now she might look like Matt but yes wow is that good I'm so happy that Mom won this round oh gosh don't lose a tooth that does not look chewy Matt you should be careful if you can't bite it don't don't do it with it awesome tastes pretty good it was stuck in my tooth that does not seem healthy not at all Matt you what what if I buy you some flowers I love flowers [Music] see right now I can buy my own flowers just like Miley Cyrus click and watch this video right here before I get cleaned up and subscribe
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 2,368,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PkZ3Wlrtytg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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