Surviving 100 Days in RAD 2 but in Hardcore... Did i survive?

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foreign [Music] [Music] welcome to the world of roguelike Adventures and dungeons too this mod pack is a one and all-inclusive pack for those who are hungry Minecrafters it hit a special spot for me so allow me to show you what makes this pack so sick with access to 1500 and more quests a useful shop and a coin system there are many ways to unlock and track your progress with over a hundred different biomes and many many different dimensions you'll never run out of places to visit and Realms to conquer the pack focuses heavily on nomadism giving you the freedom to Traverse the world as you see fit this pack also offers craftable structures so this is pretty much every adventurer's dream come true with many additions to farming and cooking you can also enjoy peaceful days when you're not exploring the dangerous world and for the Wizards out there this pack even offers some magical mods to spice up the old medieval experience generally speaking this back revolves around roguelike experiences adventures and dungeons this is made possible with the crazy amount of different equipment sets trinkets material types different enchantments the RPG skill system and so much more after defeating the Wither the game becomes much more difficult mobs have more health and deal more damage different types of mobs show up and the raids of the undead become much more prominent as well as when you defeat the Ender Dragon the game then goes into the plus plus version meaning that the mobs have even more Health even more damage and there is so much more shiny Loop so you still following right alright let's get into 100 days of Hardcore rad 2. let's get it thank you oh my God come here [Music] and with that we have officially started our rat to 100 days this series is going to be an absolute Banger I can already tell you that it was so much fun playing through this mod pack and as you can see we start off with a pretty good set of items we get an enigmatic amulet which gives us some extra bonuses we started for the starter house and we got this huge GUI of a Westpac in this pack you can see that we have a ton of different things we have New Dimensions we also have a Dodge as you can see here this dodge pretty much means that I can evade mobs and it's really easy to bind it to another key now we also have a progressive difficulty system and Progressive bosses pretty much what it Waters down to is that every time you kill a Wither the Ender Dragon gets stronger when you kill the Wither all of the mobs get stronger and when you kill the ender dragon all of the mobs get even stronger now we start off with a cactusword which basically deals no damage and we have to increase our levels of mining excavation Gathering wood cutting endurance combat and all that good stuff now these experience levels are gained by using the skill now as you can see I cannot use a stone pickaxe yet I first had to increase my mining level a little bit after that it was time to take on this Tower there were a couple of zombies inside and I was able to dispatch them really easily it did take a lot of hits because I'm still using this Cactus sword but as you can see my combat level goes up pretty easily I also get a really cool pop-up and some fireworks now as you can see I need combat level 25 for an iron sword which will take a little bit of time nonetheless I was ready to conquer this Tower kill all the mobs inside and raise my levels we got another combat level and we finished off that zombie as you saw in the introduction this mod pack is focused heavily around nomadism exploring an MMORPG level grinding now the cool thing is that all of these things are what I look for in a mod pack so if you guys are already wanting to play this mod pack right beside me put this video on the side page launch your Minecraft install rat 2 and get to grinding boys because this pack can be a really long one as you can see mobs can also drop some Enchanted Scrolls which give you different Buffs according to what the scroll has inscribed on it this one gave me be energized but I do not know what energized means so I just activated it and I went to town on these mobs I also got some extra combat levels and I was almost done with conquering this Tower night time set pretty fast and during the night I grinded away I think the guys gave me some extra damage as I was dealing three to six damage to these mobs as you also saw I got an extra knowledge of death which means that I have another skill tree to progress in now this skill tree is focused mainly around after you die what happens to your items so it was pretty useless for us there is only one or two skills in that skill tree that are applicable to us and we'll get into that later first I wanted to do some more exploring because as you know this mod pack will have a a ton of different things to find the first thing that I found was a skybase now this base was littered with Mobs absolutely filled so I found myself a high place to be able to kill them safely as you can see they have 100 health and 30 armor points pretty much they're an absolute tank of a unit I almost got ambushed by this guy coming out of the door but I was able to block his passageway easily after that I went down and I gathered up some more Stone and some more wood in order to get set up with a small temporary base I needed to get a couple of chests installed to filter through all of the items that I got from the sky base the rest of the night I pretty much spent grinding away at these mobs because they have so much health they could easily give me a lot of combat levels as you can see we're already progressing towards the 20s and I needed 25 in order to use an iron sword we were getting really close so I could almost ditch away those stone tools I also raised up my archery level a little bit because archery was one of the things we will need in the late late game I got hit a couple of times in order to increase my endurance levels and when the sun came out I wanted to go down and get some more wood I gathered at some coal as well as some extra wood and then we were back in the sky base destroying the spawners these spawners also give a lot of experience which was going to help us to be able to enchant later on I found a big stash of coal and I got some extra experience I blocked off the root of these mobs so they couldn't get to me and I wanted to get more combat experience I mined my way through the Redstone I know it shouldn't be done like the this but it was the only way I had to get to this item spot now these items inside of these chests were actually really good and I got a really good sword it had Slayer and enigmatic resonator which pretty much means I deal more damage to mobs and I have a chance to crit according to the amount of souls I have the knowledge of the death skill tree is what you can see here it gives me extra bonuses to the Scrolls and Potions it gives me a shadow Walker ability which improves my stealth and reduces the area that Mobs Can notice me in and it also has some treasure hunter which pretty much means that I will get more loot from Undead mobs which was really cool so I spent my first point into treasure seeker and I also got one into Shadow Walker the rest of this knowledge of death was not applicable as you saw it applies to my gravestone and we are not planning on dying zero death boys zero deaths that what we're going for I killed the remaining of the mobs and I got a lot of extra levels and I mined up all of the spawners as you can see these mobs can spawn with a variety of different armor sets tools weaponry and shields which makes this fact even more difficult I was thinking to myself if mobs already have a hundred Health right now what will it be at the end of this mod pack I also found this cool heart of the earth which gives me extra experience when I'm doing some Gathering professions and as all of you know who play Mo RPGs when you get bonuses to your experience gains that is some big stuff so I knew this was an endgame item and I know I had to cherish it with all of my life stop you violated the law the moon came out and I was exploring and that's when I got ambushed by this crazy guy with a bow I was really scared for my life here because we were only into the first couple of days and I got ambushed by something very strong this was giving me chills I had the feeling I was going to die here I was dodging bobbing and weaving and I was making way to get away from this mob that's when I fell into a hole and I thought everything was over I got ambushed by a ghost as well but I was able to mine this third block and get away safely the guy with the bow had apparently given up on chasing me which was good news I was able to dispatch of this ghost and I was going to be back on my way to exploring I still had to find a place to set up my base which was the next item on the to-do list but before that I used a life-saving potion and I let myself be attacked by mobs in order to increase my endurance level because we needed 15 levels in order to be able to use iron armor which was also one of the big things that was on my list I had to get set up with the basic necessities of iron tools iron armor and some good weaponry I finally figured out a good spot to put my base down and I didn't notice the dragon in the back and as you'll see later on in the series this Dragon was going to mean a lot of trouble for me I Heckle time choosing which house to make so I chose the sub-aquatic style because it had an outer layer of water protecting it so I was protected against creepers and fire dragons ah but sadly for me that was an ice dragon and that was going to yeah be a real pain in the ass but like I always say ignore your problems until they become too big this is absolutely not life advice but it works for now I first spent some time doing some Gathering I needed to get some wood and some dirt and I used my heart of the earth I crafted my first set of iron armor and I had some magic protection I also found this real cool wandering Trader that was outside of my base and he had some really good trades I was pretty sad I didn't have any emeralds and no diamond boots because otherwise I could make a really good trade with that guy apparently my base also had a mine shaft that was already pre-built which made it really easy to go down to bedrock level to gather up some materials I burned through a couple of pickaxes I got some basic materials some iron Some Coal some random new stuff and I also got some Source gems now surgeons are used for the magic section of this mod pack which I would get into later I first wanted to spend my time Gathering up and building up my strength in order to be able to be protected from the world because we only have one life so we better cherish it I went to bed after a good mining spree and I got the achievement of sweet dreams I made my first set of iron tools and I was feeling really happy the only problem being that I could not use the tools yet the dragon hadn't come out and he wasn't bothering me yet so I still kept on ignoring the problem I should have probably relocated by this time but I was way too lazy to relocate my base again and then I unlocked my first trinket look at that the spider I had a feeling it was gonna be something cool but it was much better than cool I could infinitely climb trees walls and anything that could be climbed like a spider it was insane this was going to make looting like a loot and dash like you know a dine and dash when you go to a restaurant and you don't pay and you run away like I was gonna do that with dungeons I was gonna break in climb the walls get the loot and get out again this is not life advice please don't take me too serious as you can see here on the GUI there was a lot of things that I could claim as well as some quests to give you an option to claim experience in a certain type of profession so I spent my first two quests on getting some Gathering experience in order to unlock my iron tools faster I also got some of this random ride or now this random ride or is as it says gives you a random item when you mine it now please watch The Experience gains from this random ride or 105 mining experience like 60 Gathering XP it's crazy these oars are really good I leveled up three times while mining that stuff I finished up getting my iron set and I was feeling good I felt protected I felt like I could take on the world but I couldn't have been more wrong I slept the night away feeling good about myself and I went out and that's why I got faced by the harsh reality that iron armor doesn't mean I still can almost get one tap back in the mines I was exploring and I found my first named mob that I could take down it was Madame ebloskel the questionable and yeah like the achievement says he wasn't that strong I did however get some pretty good items from him I got a Helm that gave me a lot of extra stats some extra health and more damage reduction during the night time I farmed up some wood and I made my first Diamond Tool a diamond pickaxe but as you can see I need level 14 in gathering in order to use it so we were still quite a ways off I decided it was going to be a good idea to put this efficiency 5 on a shovel in order to extremely maximize my gathering experience but I didn't really think about the durability so you'll see that later I went back into the mines to increase my gathering level and get some more basic materials and I made an iron plated shield now this Shield gives me extra endurance in combat levels which is really good and as you can see I cannot mind way stones so there is only two ways to get extra weight Stones the first way is to craft new wavestones and the second way is to buy them through the shop now I found a really good cheat code in order to get some Gathering experience and that is by mining bookshelves I finished off some of the witches that were inside of this building and as you can see I got a ton of gathering experience and woodcutting experience from this this was going to really speed up the process of getting levels in order to use better tools and I unlocked my second trinket slot the second trinket slot was already 30 levels that I had to pay up for that which is a hefty price when you're just starting out I got some obsidian from this Dwarven Trader and that means I have finally had enough materials to make my enchanting table now enchantments are going to be a thing that really put me above all the rest because there are so many different enchantments in this Modpack it's really cool to see how modpacks have evolved back from eight years ago when I first started playing so I finalized my enchanting table and I tried enchanting my pickaxe which gave me smart ass and I didn't really spend too much time looking up what it does so I can't really tell you what it does I just know it was a good first enchantment alright back in the GUI I finally was able to claim a ton of the quests I also got a potion of the bear Spirit which was really cool and I bought my first waste Stone I had to get at least one way Stone set up in my base so I had a way to teleport back when I was exploring and with that this base was starting to feel like home I had a place to go back to I had a Way Stone and I was finally starting to get a good foothold in this world I then found a bunch of iron tools and some iron as well as a place where villagers clumped up this was a mine shaft and it was a good thing that I brought a bow with me this made me able to dispatch them really easily I used my sword with Slayer and then I got withered for some reason I'm not sure what withered me but it was quite scary I collected a lot of flint and I found my first Underground underwater dungeon now I didn't have any infinite breathing so I wasn't going to mess around with those guys just yet because that could mean instant death I finally raided a graveyard and I didn't realize it but if you break the chest the ghost doesn't spawn and if you don't break the chest the ghost will spawn I increased my knowledge of death and I went back to my base I also learned from my past mod packs and the simple storage mod was installed in this Modpack so that was definitely something I had to set up pretty quickly I slept the night away and I was ready for the next day I first started by claiming some quests and getting some more endurance experience and I got some extra levels as well we were already level 45 now this smart ass enchantment apparently was able to locate ores in exchange for damaging me so I thought of this great idea to damage myself to increase my endurance level but I only got a small portion of experience for the amount of Health it took so that wasn't really worth it then it was finally time to get started on making the simple storage I crafted up the first set of blocks that I needed I crafted The Hub and a ton of chests and I started hooking them up to my network and I finally had my storage Network running I spent about four days by setting up my base because it was waterlogged everything was waterlogged so I also made a auto smelter to improve my smelting after mining sessions and I hooked that up to my network as well which was actually starting to feel good I had an easy way to store all of my stuff I could go mining without really thinking about it and I was able to smelt all of my oars really quickly then I found a giant mine shaft while I was mining and with that I found the magic mirror which was a really really big find this magic mirror allows me to infinitely teleport home whenever I feel the need to it has a small cooldown but this item is really strong in a mod pack that focuses on exploration so I was really happy these days couldn't have started better well I say that but if I would find the knowledge of the ages I would be settled for life I had some spare TNT and I used that to do some TNT mining but it didn't really amount to much so I went back to my base I still had to finish up making my network and I hooked up finally my auto smelter to my network this was really big I also had some extra extraction modules so I know I could use that to place that next to my backpacks so it would suck up all the items from my backpack I also did some enchanting and I got some extra range on my pickaxes which was big and then I found some diamonds the first diamonds of this series look at that while I was mining I also found some gold ore and some more Source gems and this range was pretty crazy on the pickaxe I also gathered up some lapis lazuli and Amber and I unlocked my third trinket the second trinket you saw was a Wither nail pretty much meaning that whenever I hit a mob I will wither them and that's when I found another named mob and this guy was pretty strong luckily he was too tall in order to chase me he had a whip and some ocelot armor which I thought looked really cool I was able to easily take him down with a cheese strap but it was all fine he dropped a common ocelot boots now I wasn't ready to use these boots yet because they would break really easily they were also not better than my iron gear so I decided to skip on them I then found a resonance for pickaxe and I used my magic mirror to get home the next day I got immediately started on checking out what items I could make with sapphire because Sapphire looks pretty cool and it was a little bit stronger than iron I also repaired all of my tools and I mined up some pumpkins thinking this would increase my gathering but it didn't it only amounted to farming then I found a woodland Mansion now these things are filled with strong illagers I raised my levels and then I got struck by this guy in leather armor he dealt a ton of damage so I needed to run away from him and I wanted to look for a much easier dungeon I found another roguelike dungeon and I decided I would conquer this until as far as I could go I found some Enchanted tools I found some ender pearls some cool Loot and there were a ton of mobs which would increase my combat level we were slowly making our way to level 45 in order to use the diamond sword ran across some skeletons with exploding arrows which was really scary so I decided to drink a life-saving potion in order to be able to take them down this potion gives me an insane amount of regeneration and gives me a ton of extra Hearts I definitely needed it as these guys is also poisoned and withered me I killed the guy in the flip-flops and then I wanted to kill all of the remaining skeletons I got hit a ton of times all of my armor took a load of damage and I lost my helmet and now my boots were about to break I did reach another level in archery and two more levels in endurance so this was already a successful run I used my magic mirror to get home and it was still not late enough to sleep so I decided to store all of the stuff away and organize my chest a little bit I wanted to see what ludai had all gotten and then I claimed the quests for making my storage I also submitted some of these monster coins which gave me the ability to get extra experience in a skill that I like and I was back on the grind I repaired all of the armor that had taken an insane amount of damage and then my Anvil broke sadly I made my first Sapphire weapon Now Sapphire was a little bit easier to level 4 than Diamond because I needed five levels so I wanted to enchant the sapphire sword and use that until I was able to use my diamond one I got leech 3 as an enchantment on this sword I also got rampaging and this was a great find and also the leaching gives me a lifesteal which is crazy I also figured out you could make a Paxil which would be my next tool of choice I would skip all the other tools and I would just use the Paxil from now on I also Enchanted the Paxil and then I got a scythe to go as well this Scythe was going to be my weapon of choice until I could use the sapphire one and then I would transfer to the diamond one I made some swords gym blocks and I wanted to check out the trading system and Source gems and levels are required to get a copper coin so that was a really bad deal I didn't test it out my scythe and this Scythe gave slowness to everything that I hit which was crazy a debuff like this can always go a long way I tried looting up this crazy illager structure but I got barraged with arrows and with magic so I went back home and I slept my pain away on the next day I was exploring again and I wanted to go a little bit further than I had been before in the distance I spotted that huge Tower but before that that is portal now there was a crazy black orb in this nether portal and I had never seen it before it is a keystone of Oblivion pretty much it's like your space disposable trash can teleportation device yeah I know it sounds crazy but I decided to leave it in my backpack for now and I would check things out later I completely forgot to check out the space trash can later but it's fine I never use a trash can anyway I started killing all the illagers one by one but there were so many of them the slowness made it really easy to capture them off guard but I knew that I needed to climb that Tower if I wanted to get that loot I was really scared what was going to be up at the top of this Tower because the normal mobs the for answers were already pretty strong I got another combat level and we were starting to look good on our damage we already had 74 extra bonus damage after a while I decided it was time to climb the side of this Tower and my spider trinket made it super easy to get around quickly when I arrived at the top of the tower I found the illager king and this guy looks really menacing I figured out that I could mine my way to the chest that he was guarding and I wanted to see what loot was inside it had to be something really good right and oh my God look at that there is enchanted diamond things golden apples diamonds emeralds Enchanted bows man this stuff is good and then I almost died [Music] look at that this guy almost completely one shot me I knew it was time to leave I wasn't gonna stick around and get killed by that villager King so I made a waypoint in case I wanted to come back and kill this guy when I was a little bit stronger and then I checked out the loot that I had gotten all of these bows were enchanted with low level enchants but if I could combine them it could mean that I get a really strong bow I spend the rest of the night killing some random mobs trying to get some more enchanted books because I was still searching for that knowledge of the ages then I got blown up by a creeper while it was setting a new waste Stone and I found a Portal guide these guys are pretty cool they allow me to go to the blue skies Dimension which is a really cool Dimension which can give you some extra permanent Buffs in the form of a certain type of trinket after you kill a boss I wanted to take this dimension on at some point but I didn't feel like I was ready just yet because Overworld armor and equipment and tools are much much more weaker in that Dimension back at home I stored away all of the loot that I had gotten and I went to bed after waking up I found that there was a Caster outside of my base so I made quick work of him and then I went on a boat trip I wanted to explore in some more obscure directions that I haven't been in before and then I found these fish zombies and these guys actually look pretty funny they also take a lot of hits to kill damn after mining the spawner I decided to check out this shipwreck that was outside and it only had some fish I found a weird Monument with a chest inside and some drowned zombies around it so it could be that there was some really good loot inside but sadly for us it wasn't I then found a beached a boat and these guys were not messing around they had some type of bleeding arrow on their crossbows so I wanted to loot the chest and I wanted to kill sadly I got noticed and there were a ton of skeletons which were also enhanced that were trying to kill me but not to fear I had some golden apples on me and I had a scythe and a shield that was all I needed the skeletons started shooting each other which made it a lot easier for me to kill them and then I used my efficiency 5 iron shovel to get my gathering experience up and before I knew it I was already halfway on the durability that's why I said putting efficiency 5 on the iron shovel was a bad idea the next day I was exploring and I wanted to find something really cool I knew there were some structures that I hadn't found yet but I couldn't find them today either I claimed some quests and I figured out what I could all do with some materials after that I started scrapping some of the swords that I had found and I put it on my Sapphire sword because we were really close only one and a half levels away I found that another library and this gave me a ton of extra Gathering experience and you already know I'm rocking that heart of the earth and look at that Gathering experience go we got so many levels there was also another roguelike dungeon nearby so I decided to hit that up as well and I got an angel's blessing in this it accelerates you in a certain distance as an active ability and you are immune to Falling collision damage 50 chance to deflect incoming projectiles my projectiles are accelerated greatly but I am vulnerable to withering and voiding the void damage is not a big deal the withering damage also not to have a 50 chance to deflect any incoming projectile is huge I equipped it and I was immediately starting to go ham I ran across another named mob and this guy would leave me scared and shivering in my boots I set up a little barrier in order to be able to kill him easily but I was dealing barely any damage he also got my attack speed really low which means that I could only deal some Hefty damage every few seconds my bow was also not doing much damage and not giving me any experience so I decided that there was only one thing left to do and that was speed him to death it took so long to kill him but after he was defeated I got some pretty cool stuff I got a wood Cleaver of Lights of latent magic which had deep wounds and pain cycle I also got a really cool spirit that deals damage to myself which amplifies the damage ideal to another mob I think this is a pretty cool mechanic if you combine this with a leech or with a lifesteal that weapon could become really overpowered after mining the spawners I Advanced deeper into the roguelike dungeon and things were starting to look pretty scary I arrived at the hellish floor and these mobs were starting to become really strong they had Diamond gear and they were shooting me from all over the place poisoning me withering me giving me slowness and weakness and bleeding it was a wild ride but I knew that the loot inside this layer was really worth it the wither skeletons were my biggest enemy as I was now vulnerable to withering I drank another life-saving potion because I wanted to make this work we had also already reached level 40 so I was Now using the sapphire sword with leech and things were starting to look good my armor was taking a lot of damage but that didn't matter to me I was determined to get the biggest loot that was possible in this place because you can get some really strong enchanted books and Enchanted gear all my armor decided to break down so I knew it was time to leave this place I didn't have any spares so I had to return home I stored away all of the stuff and it had been a really good day of grinding I repaired my shield and my tools as well as I tried to repair some of my armor but I lost a lot of levels in the process sadly next I decided to try out how the salvaging system works pretty much you take a smithing table an item that can be salvaged and you shift right click on the smithing table certain items have a much higher chance to be salvaged into their lower forms and then it was time to create a spawning device this would summon the Dame for tuna and it was actually pretty cheap to craft only one diamond for gold and some Netherrack and it gave me some quests you could also make some pretty cool gear with this thing so I spawned it and it could go through walls I also didn't know why I spawned it inside of my face but hey we're here now so I better make the most of it and this thing started shooting all kinds of random magic so I wanted to take this fight outside luckily my shield could block the magic and this guy was not knowing what he was messing with I took out the boat and I started shooting him down and this guy had a lot of Health he had 400 health so I knew I had to get in close and use my sword to chip away at his health and this was doing some real damage luckily I still had the extra hearts for my life-saving potion and I was able to just go in I raised my combat level by one during the fight and then some weird Snappy thingies decided to show up which was really cool I didn't know if it was my Sapphire sword or the guy and after I killed him I got the achievement of jackpot he dropped some enchanted books and a fortune device I wasn't sure what he dropped but I realized quickly that I could make an ace of iron with it which sometimes negates incoming damage which was huge this was a huge Relic I immediately equipped it and we were starting to look really good I also achieved my first 200 total levels after achieving my first 200 levels it was time to mess around a little bit with the settings so I was messing around with the settings of the MMORPG mod you can fine tune this menu as much as you like which was really cool after that I hit one of the illager structures this place was absolutely massive there were Enchanted villagers all over the vindicators had a hundred health and a lot of armor so I wanted to skip this place just for the time being because I knew I was gonna get one shot I then found an illusioner and these guys are real trouble they can split up in different clones that you cannot hit so you have to kill the main one for a little bit of exploration I found a boss the ferocious rotnot and I was not dealing with that guy because I saw from other people playing this Modpack that he can pretty much one shot you and I was not gonna have that during the night time I was trying to enhance my endurance level a little bit more but my bone armor was keeping me from Gaining levels I also got a new artifact which is well a new trinket which is a golden swatter and it one hit kills silverfish which is pretty cool after that I hit the dungeons I needed to get a bunch of enchanted books and a lot more gear I also wanted to increase my levels so I could get more trinket slots and I could start enchanting my Sapphire sword was putting in work and I got a pretty flower after killing a bunch of zombies and almost getting blown to Smithereens I delved deeper into the dungeon as you go deeper into these dungeons the loot also starts to get better which is a really good thing I got a new trinket slot and we were back to level one now I equipped the trinket creepo before I found this really cool door I really wanted to take this door home with me but I couldn't mind it sadly after that I found a new type of dungeon and I got a butcher's Cleaver trinket which was really cool I also leveled up my archery a little bit and then I found Alton I found Elton John hey guys look at this he had a ton of Health but I was able to chip away quickly at this huge health bar after killing him I got some pretty cool loot I got some new kicks and then I was checking out the nether portal mechanics so in this mod pack the nether portal doesn't work the same you need to find a generated nether portal which holds some type of liquid that you can pick up with a bucket and when you are inside the nether you have to take Gold Blocks with you in order to activate a beacon that gets you back home from day 23 to day 25 I was gathering up as much experience and loot as possible in the Dungeons and I just steamrolled everything I found a couple new artifacts I found some cool enchanted books and as you can see sometimes I had to head home because it was getting a little too gnarly back at home I also started claiming some quests and I found out I can get spawn eggs for silver coins which means that I can pretty much build farms Animal Farms I also level up my archery until Level 17 and I was able to fly yeah apparently when you get some type of scroll you can enable flight which allowed me to go to this illager place and I thought this place was going to be stacked with loot and it is it holds a lot of iron and gold a lot of Enchanted stuff and so many emeralds look at that I got another totem of undying and I thought this was the moment to start killing the dragon outside of my base and oh boy I could not have been more wrong I was able to put in some damage and then all of my armor broke and I almost died I was starting to feel the pressure from this Dragon I had two totems of undying so I was pretty stacked but I didn't want to risk it for the biscuit I found another named mob and I wanted to get his loot I was aiming for that ancient loot man and sadly I didn't get it I did get some late magic ones and then I found another named mob and this one held a uncommon chest plate and then it was back to the dragon I wanted to kill this thing so I was going ham and I thought I could really get it and oh my God it absolutely shredded my health bar my two totems of undying also broke and I was feeling the pressure this was really close I had two and a half hearts remaining if I dropped below half a heart I would die the world would be over I went home and I had to go to bed it it was going to take me at least eight nights until I had recovered all of my health it's even going to be longer it's like 12 nights oh boy I was starting to get really scared by that Dragon because if it raids me while I'm sleeping and it destroys my base I am done the next day I did some villager trading which also unlocked the piggy trinket now the reason why I'm doing the villager trading is because I had too many emeralds I needed a bunch of wood and trading actually gives you a ton of experience I was also looking for a librarian who could allow me to get some really powerful books but he didn't have any of those traits so the next item on the list was Finding or making rather said some pre-generated structure I did some enchanting and I got protection 4 on my boots and I got protect out prediction projectile protection projectile protection 4 on the leggings I also figured out that I needed to make smooth Stone a bunch of logs I needed to make some lanterns in order to get a warehouse or a house now soft stone is made by combining four stone and I was looking at the diamond Hammer before the dragon attacked my base this was one of the moments in this series where my heart absolutely stopped I was getting really scared I went outside and I almost died again so it's really nice um when I'm exploring I almost get killed and when I'm at home there's a dragon trying to kill me I am absolutely stressing right now there is literally nothing I can do I cannot go outside I cannot go in my base I need to get out of here like that's the only option I have I need to relocate my base somewhere where there aren't dragons and oh man I'm stressing right now because my base was just just set up we were just starting to thrive so I finally made two houses I got the third house from my chest and I made a medium house now the next thing I needed to do was find a suitable location and I had this Village which had a very open space right next to it so I thought this is perfect I'll make an earthern home that goes underneath the ground so I'm safe from all dangers above ground and then I can just rebuild my base make a storage facility make an auto smelter I have a mine downstairs I can set up the nether portal I can set up a library an enchanting room it's all going to be okay so I bought a Way Stone and I officially made this place my house well house number two so I spent day 27 to 30 moving all this stuff from one base to another base I made a ton of extra backpacks and then it was just a matter of rinse and repeat put stuff from my storage system into my backpacks and then move it to the other base after filling up all the backpacks I made my first trip to the new base I set up the storage facility in order to have my simple storage because man it is such a luxury I love playing mod packs with the simple storage mod now shout out to that one guy from Fantasy Realm that told me about it because I was a doofus back then and after moving all of my stuff I was finally going to have some peace of mind I could gather my thoughts I could just explore enjoy the mod pack without being afraid of dying every five seconds I set up the auto smeltery and I hooked it up to my storage system as well as I put some extra import nodes right next to it so I could place my backpacks and it would just suck up all the items after sleeping I started making my enchanting room day 31 started off great I had a full bookshelf which allowed me to do some level 30 and chance I accidentally made way too much golden shovels which I Enchanted all of them I thought this was going to be the big brain play to go and mine some sand with efficiency one gold shovels because you can instabrate them but as you will probably know the amount of levels you need is much more than the amount of shovels that I could possibly make in enchant I would have to have like an Unbreaking shovel or something like an ancient shovel with them breaking and then put efficiency 5 on it I think that could work anyway I found this wandering Trader and I got a mage companion from him so I have a lantern in my active slots that I can activate and it summons a mage after having these Mages float around a little bit and admiring them I started mining the sand now with efficiency one the Sam does insta break so that is pretty good I do get a bit of experience but I burned through this the shovels quite fast actually so it was a good idea on paper until I actually did it after that sad adventure of that shoveling I found a harpy with a shield that was enchanted I also got raided by some stymphalian birds which really rained down hell upon me and as you can see in the top left corner we are getting pretty close to level 50 combat I almost died again and then it was enough for me and I was back home because we only had one and a half hearts remaining which is of course really nice so I slept and I regained my health the day after a couple days after that I decided to hit the mines and I wanted to get well just spend my days mining gather up some more materials get some extra levels from the mining before I could finally regain all of my health because yeah let's let's not forget if I die the world gets deleted so I really don't want that to happen I then finally made a clock which made it easy to track time when I was downstairs in the mines and I expanded my storage facility because uh for some reason this mod pack gives you so much loot that it is impossible to just store it all away I already had to expand it twice and we're gonna have to keep expanding it I really wish you could hook up some like giant just like obsidian chests or glass chests you know from like the Crazy Craft and stuff I really wish you could hook those type of chests up to the storage system that would be really cool after expanding I figured out there's a class system and I really wish I had known this back when I started so you can pretty much start out with some basic materials you can then exchange levels for a Mark that Mark you can exchange for class specific gear which is really cool it adds like another RPG element I also then figured out you could upgrade your backpacks to make them bigger which is also something I didn't know but it's really cool because you can also put upgrades in your backpack and one of the upgrades that I would be focusing on getting is the magnet upgrade which pretty much items you pick up will be automatically put in your backpack which is insane there's another backpack upgrade that I was interested in but I kind of forgot later on in the series and that is the auto feeding upgrade pretty much if you have food in your backpack your character will automatically eat when you get hungry and then I found my first nether portal there was a named mob above the nether portal so I first wanted to take him on and then I was going to claim my bucket of dimensional fluid the named mob was nowhere to be found which was kinda scary so after a little bit of digging I found him in a cave nearby I mean say what you want but that guy has a sword and will probably one shot me so I'ma play it safe and imma snipe him from afar which was the right thing to do before you all go on saying I'm a this is the right thing to do I don't want to delete my world this is the first mod pack that I got my first world and we're still playing in it I did get a really cool helmet that had extra armor as well but I needed level 40 endurance to wear it of course I unlocked a lot of new Trinkets and I was going to see which setup would be the best for my trinket usage I then got one of the coolest trinkets you can get the luck coin now the luck coin is a trinket that will permanently give you a luck effect which is huge it makes Loop better drop tables better it is insane I then figured out that there is an altar of the sea now an altar of the sea pretty much what it does is you put four items or enchanted books into the altar you spend a ton of levels that it automatically absorbs from you and then it will upgrade whatever enchantments are on the four items and combine them into one book which seemed on paper like an insane thing to build which is why I really wanted it I then found a c structure with a loot chest and it had an Unholy Grail now the instructions on this Grill are whatever you do do not drink from this I mean it's pretty obvious but something inside of me really wanted to see what would happen I mean if it was a damaging effect that we could um I mean abuse it for our endurance leveling I mean I wouldn't mind that later on I hit one of those vessels that were out in the sea and I got visited by a goblin Trader and these guys usually have pretty good trades but this guy was absolute ass he just had some silver coins some copper coins some Gunpowder and some upgrading of enchantments oh that was a pretty good trade he had random ride ore which increases my Mining and Gathering by a shitload So I placed down all of these random ride ores and look at my gathering it is at 29 30 right now and we're still mining we're still mining 29.50 29.60 we're still going do we get the level up do we get the level up do we get the level up let's go we got it after that I did some target practice on a cyclops outside which drastically increased my archery level and then I went to bed Day 36 had finally broken in I am made a name tag for the goblin Trader and uh yeah I think that fits pretty well actually yeah please don't sue me as one gold swarmed with drowned mobs and I had the feeling one of them had a trident but I wasn't able to locate him because I still really wanted that trident and I got some amphibian boots this is a big find amphibian boots are insane I then figured out you could do infusion enchanting on bookshelves to make them even more powerful problem being you need 45 levels to infuse a bookshelf and you need a ton a ton of materials you need prismarine bricks you need a puffer fish you need a potion and then you need to infuse it I hit up another room nether portal and I had some Enchanted stuff and with the roses with the Roses were pretty cool because I could make a certain type of farm with it but I absolutely forgot about it like a ton of stuff in this mod pack I hit up another Tome Tower and lo and behold we got a reinforced netherride chestplate of latent magic of tenacity and it is ancient with extra armor toughness oh this thing is nasty this thing is absolutely nasty I did need endurance level 60 for that so we were a little over halfway there as when gold was chilling in my base and we started to finally trade a little bit more I then unlocked an ice Shard trinket by sniping something from really far and there was another dummy for practice and another practice I mean archery is a pretty big skill I then scrapped a ton of bows and put it on my nocturnal boat that I got from that one named mop now I finally found a really good boat that I wanted to stack up completely and then it was time for another flying ship I had gotten so much more powerful I was wielding diamond swords and I had a really good bow so I felt confident that I could take on this dungeon easily I mean it was still really scary because these guys set you on fire and I have magma slimes that spawn after they die but all in all I gotta say it went pretty well we were able to just take on this dungeon in the normal way without having to block myself off and everything so that was nice I got some extra experience in endurance and an archery and then an army spawned if you look in the chat an undead Army spawned which means that there is a ton of Undead that are trying to kill me outside so what is the best way to deal with this if there is an army I'll say which army man that sounded really cringe anyway I took on the whole Army and it was going to be really easy because these were just some skeletons and zombies I mean nothing could go wrong right well a cyclops joined and it started to get a little bit hairy because there were way too many mobs I summoned my Mage and we were we were fighting the good fight we were going we were going ham after defeating all the mobs the Cyclops destroyed pretty much all the trees in their near vicinity and I got a loot bag an undead Army loot bag now I was really curious to see what was going to be inside of this loot bag so when I got back home I first slipped away all the tiredness and then it was time to open the loot pack and I got some flesh some bones some cloth emeralds and that was pretty much it so nothing too crazy I also made some sticky pistons in order to make the pickup upgrade for my backpack which allowed me to make a backpack pick up all the items that I pick up which was really really useful unless you break your base then it's not really useful I also spent some time exploring the oceans I was still really scared because I could get attacked by some random sea serpents but I had my magic mirror and I was feeling pretty okay there is also a title system in this mod pack as you can see I just gave myself a new title and I found a pyramid which held some gold and the lava trap really neat I broke in from the top because usually at the top that's where the sarcophagus is and I wanted to see what loot I could get and oh boy I found the Notch Apple that is big stuff that is really big stuff back at home asthma gold was still chilling and I went to bed day 39 was upon us on day 39 I did some basic exploration in the early morning I then went for a little swim because I had to increase my swimming level to five in order to use the amphibian boots and I found some extra prison Marine shards very nice I then got seduced by a siren who wanted none of the smoke because I slashed her down with my diamond sword and I eluded up another structure this was a Water Pyramid now in the meantime I had gotten a trinket which gives me infinite water breathing which is really good I also got my first spell book I think Bailey's Divine rocket and I finally made the sea altar which would allow me to get more enchanted books and stronger ones I went to bed and on day 40 I found another Tome Tower this was big I could hit a bit man can't have in this mod pack I did find a python however now this was in a really cool biome that was enormous these mountains were enormous and I wasn't sure if the python was something that's really strong or not but I decided to first bow it down before I would fight it head-on I also figured out that there's a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of those Vines which I really needed then I made the sea altar and after placing it down I gathered up four Enchanted boats I placed them all in the respective corners and it sucked away all of my levels and apparently it needs a lot more than 34 levels in order to start making the new enchanted book which was kind of a bummer I think that is a really really bad mechanic because it takes a ton of experience and then I got ambushed by a sea serpent which I wanted none of so I teleported back home and that was enough scary stuff for me I was going to round off today to store away my stuff and go to bed after going to bed it was finally time for day 41. and I was really excited I started to understand the shop system a lot more which allowed me to make some interesting traits using copper I got a ton of blue boxes as you can see here I just claimed all of them sadly there is no claim all button which well made me have to do this process one by one and these loot crates can hold the various amount of items as well as uh sometimes not open apparently I did get a cool shulker helmet from this one which levitates me on command which I thought was pretty cool I then put some extra fuel into my furnaces and I put some levels in the altar after that it was time for some dungeoneering and I found the dungeon which hyper spawned these skeletons which allowed for some really great experience farming and I also got some additional monster coins which is really cool these monster cool coins hold some real Great Value in the shop I got a ton of Enchanted stuff from these mobs apparently I had broken all of my anvils so I quickly had to make some extra it had been enough grinding for today I leveled up a lot in combat and endurance and I went to bed what is better than flying with like a sunrise like this looks really cool I was also scouting for some underwater structures and I did find an ocean Temple which is really good this holds the guardian boss and I was interested to see what items this boss holds in this mod pack so I spend countless amount of time looking for this dude and eventually I found him he had a ton of Health the Elder Guardian had 200 health and he did a ton of damage this guy hit like an absolute truck so I cheese him by bowing him down underwater and I claimed all of his stuff I also leveled up my archery which was pretty cool after claiming the loot bag I got a couple of different items I got some shiny skills a water bottle some fish and some different types of prismary I put the remaining levels into my Altar and I sword away all my stuff during the day I also found another ruined nether portal and a bunch of TNT this was located at one of those illager mines and I gotta say this outstanding acid looks pretty cool it has Slayer 4 and Sage's blessing for which are some really strong enchantments sadly it's a wooden sword I was exploring the illiger mines until I noticed that these guys were starting to come in from everywhere so I wanted to make a quick Escape because I was not gonna deal with that I also got around to finding another king now as you remember this place holds an insane amount of Enchanted Loot and diamonds I wanted to explore the insides as well and I use my Mage in order to gun them down because I wasn't gonna do the Dirty Work later I fell down and I had to do the Dirty Work problem being that these guys do actually hit pretty hard even though I'm in full iron Enchanted armor these guys are no joke the cool thing being that on these layers there are pretty much Brewing aisles and they have potions and a ton of Brewing materials I then went up a floor and there was an enchantment table and a ton of chests but these mobs that get spawned deal a crazy amount of damage there is also this bleeding effect and I was dying rapidly I had to get out of this place I was on half a heart and I was not gonna lose the other hearts that I have so I went home I ate up I slept up and I wanted to explore the King's Tower later on when I was a little bit strong I also noticed that my book was finally ready and I got well let's just Chuck that away and uh never think about that again I thought if I put some stronger enchantments in then I might get a better outcome so I put my strong Sapphire sword in with some other Diamond enchanted swords now I was hoping that this would do the trick and I could claim an insane book later on later on a beach I found a sea serpent and this guy was hungry for my blood he jumped up and got onto the land and I was starting to panic this guy was no joke he deals a ton of damage he was a pretty chunky boy so I bowed him down because the sea serpent on land is pretty useless and I actually got an achievement see not a problem we got our first sea serpent kill which was awesome I cannot use the tide Guardian armor set yet because I think I need endurance 45 for you which I am still quite a ways off I also farmed up another Library giving me a ton of gathering and woodcutting experience which was really nice and then I explored a spider dungeon this place seemed pretty scary I'm not gonna lie but there was a name in The Mob and I was able to farm off some good archery experience this guy was a menace fret the doominator 265 health and dual wielding a sword and a sickle now that guy looks nasty he dropped some pretty cool here though I got a Fred's Ironclad Rusty cap which was actually a lot stronger than my helmet problem being that I didn't have any mending so I didn't want to break the helmet just yet I also found a pretty big structure I thought this was like some type of dungeon and there were piglens in mushroom gear which I wasn't sure what to think about it but they dealt a ton of damage but it was no problem for me because I had my spider boots and I was able to climb Ever After looting up that mushroom dungeon I decided to hit a crypt in order to farm some extra combat experience and then I got attacked by a dragon and that was a scary situation I didn't even know the dragon was out there until it started burning the whole Crypt down I also claimed a couple of extra quests and I raised my endurance levels and we hit a big milestone we hit endurance 40 which unlocked a ton of new stuff for me I also decided to try and drink some of those potions that are harmful in order to raise my maximum endurance level but that didn't really do much so the next item on the list was opening the Pearl Gates now with mob drops and in the Pro you can make a gate that spawns a specific type of mob the mobs come in waves and after five waves you get a total Loop bonus based on the mob type so for example from the spider portal I would get a ton of string and spider eyes at the end when the gate is finally closed as you can see here after each wave you also claim some of the materials and the mobs do get really strong which eat with each wave as you can see these Fighters have 74 Health that's pretty strong there was also an invisible spider which was quite scary I got another endurance level so it was really worth it and the spider gate was clear look at all that fancy Loot and experience after that juicy Adventure I had to rest up a little bit before diving straight into the next day I claimed a ton of quests and I opened another gate this time a zombie gate after that I also decided to take on a skeleton gate ah but this gate was a little bit more difficult I also claimed a really cool Loot Crate which gave me a midnight robe it gives me 15 bonus movement speed in the night and it hides me when I'm sneaking when it's dark so that is really cool I also wanted to get into the runic the runic items because these would allow me to repair my artifacts I also was figuring out what I could do with the heart of the earth and you could upgrade it into some pretty cool stuff the recipes were quite expensive but I was able to make a charm of the treasure hunter before my whole screen glitched out and showed every single artifact that is in my possession I decided to take off the Hasty enigmatic amulet and replace it with the treasure hunter Ruth brooch Bruce then I dragged the Unholy Grill and my God look at those effects it is definitely Unholy I also figured out that there is a ton of different bookshelves you can make each bookshelf adds a new bonus effect or would an increase or decrease your Eterna and your other stats allowing you to put different enchantments onto your stuff I then enhanced my Trident with a wrath 5 and I wanted to see if I could submit my mark for my class Quest but I needed to submit the levels and then I could claim the the mark after claiming the mark and turning it in you can get class specific gear and Potions which is really cool after my class adventure I went to bed and when I woke up I was feeling fresh and ready to take on the next day during this day I placed down my bucket or I tried to but apparently it needs to be placed down at the bottom layer like at Bedrock level then I could finally go to the nether so I made a small incision into my wall and I placed down the bucket of dimensional fluid after sitting in this pool chilling in my jacuzzi I went to the nether hell's Gates had opened I wasn't sure if I was ready for this place just yet but I was feeling pretty confident I still had my magic mirror in case everything would go wrong the mobs in this place look pretty cool and the loot you get from these dungeons is nice look at this a lot of enchantments a lot of Enchanted gear and some extra basic loot I claimed some Basalt because in my previous Adventures I had had real trouble with finding a Basalt biome but this time I found it pretty much instantly after a little bit of exploring I went home and I started making all of the artifact repairing stuff I also claimed another Loot Crate and just gave me a potion of life which is really good I then figured out I could make some pretty cool pre-generated structures by crafting the recipes were incredibly expensive however so without further Ado I got started on making all of the stuff and I was able to make five of the nine pieces or eight pieces of the lanterns I got some extra pieces of lantern and I was finally able to make one coil now I needed to have double the materials because I needed two coils in order to make my warehouse so the first things first I made an Ender Chest because that can be used in other dimensions and I started making compressed Stone now compressed stone is pretty expensive after feeling a little bit down because of the expensiveness I went to sleep and the next day I opened another gate had this smart idea of making a type of mob farm that could increase my endurance Levels by having the gates spawn them on top of me but it wasn't really that smart of an idea because I forgot that my armor will take a ton of damage so by the time I was done farming my endurance levels all of my armor had practically broken literally all of it my chest plate was the only piece remaining my endurance level was up pretty high though we were already at 44. and that's when I figured out if you don't irrigate fast enough the gate will get destroyed it was an interesting experience I learned a lot of new stuff today about the gates and about the experience system I placed my backpacks with loot into my extractors and I donned on some new iron gear I also started making some fences because I wanted to get a passive mob farm because I had those two sheep eggs remaining I figured out that if I could make a sheep farm I would have infinite wool so I cleared out an area and I started placing my fence posts down after filling in the holes that were left from some destruction I had finally secured a spot for my sheep to live in peace then it was time to introduce my two new additions to the base I lit up the place around my sheep farm because I did not want the mobs to get blown up and then it was enough day 50 had broken upon us I actually did some farming yeah you saw that right I did some farming and I bone milled the hell out of it because I wanted to see if farming would work with bone meal but that didn't seem to be the case I then let my two sheep do the birds and the bees and there was a small sheep now which is uh yeah it bro just spawned in I also upgraded my backpacks to the gold level and I upgraded two of them to Diamond then I found another spider dungeon now these places are pretty annoying because everything poisons you and everything slows you but I thought it was gonna be worth it if I could find some real cool loot using my Trident I was able to take down little guys really easily because that wrath 5 was doing work there was something that pretty much hit my whole hitbox of hell and I wasn't sure what it was but I was so glad I had my magic mirror I also got like this type of buried treasure map but I was having some real trouble finding it it took me all the way until night time for me to find this Buried Treasure and there it was the buried treasure and oh look at that how hard to see I also got some random materials but the harder to see was the biggest find I would have Sunrise came and day 51 broken I also grabbed some wheat in order to breed my sheep again but they were not willing to take the wheat so no extra sheep were made this day I then kind of forgot I had a bad Omen effect and a raid started right next to my base this was the start of an era of War because these raids are no joke they start out pretty okay but everybody has gear has different armors as weaponry and even later you'll see that a king joins the battle this Golem took an absolute beating before he was finally put the rest and everything was starting to get crowded different types of mobs that I'd never seen spawned there was also this big Rhino who was just charging at me every once in a while it was starting to look hairy I had the feeling I was gonna lose my place this squad Golem took an absolute lifetime to kill and then I found that there was a king who was trapped in some blocks I was really happy that this King did not make his way out of this hole because otherwise I would have been in big trouble but for now my mate shot him down and I stabbed him to them and the King had been slain but that did not Mark the end of this raid just yet their King was down and they were feeling more ferocious than ever the mob started spawning in different types of goons and the battle kept going day and night I had already fought and even some name mobs joined the battle which almost killed it was not looking too good the next day I even unlocked some new weapons because my archery level had gone up so much and that's when disaster absolutely struck the raid was going on and an undead Army happened to spawn as well this was getting way too crazy for me there were two different armies trying to kill me and take away my home but I was having none of it I was going to fight back until the very last moment I had dawned myself with full diamond armor and I was going hard everything was fighting each other mobs were starting to kill each other off my endurance went up another level and these vexes had Shields and weaponry as well as if things could not get worse there was another named mob right outside of my base luckily I could take him down very easily because he was really slow but that didn't mean that the fight was over Sunrise came on the third day of war and I was still going at it these guys were going to give me no rest and so I battled on for ages finally after a long fought battle I had ended up Victorious I slept all the pain from the war away and all my armor was broken I had to take a moment and just relax for a while I wanted to see if I could make some new structures because that sounded like a real good time I also hit up a dungeon in order to just get some extra materials and later on I found a cool structure when I arrived at the structure I got the notification we lived together so I thought that was pretty fun I did get bowed down quite a lot and my armor was really starting to hurt but I had a good feeling about the loot that was gonna be in this place I thought it was gonna be worth it and when I finally slayed all the mobs I realized that it was actually really worth it I got some real cool stuff some Diamond Enchanted tools and armor a couple of backpacks Enchanted tomes with experience yeah it was overall a really good haul I decided to take on the lower floors of the dungeon as well because they would have some more basic materials that I would need constantly my Violet Angel's blessing was acting up because sometimes I did get shot with arrows and in the meantime I found a Hydra now these things are pretty strong and I heard only fireworks against them but seeing as I don't have any fire weapons oh and or enchantments that wasn't really enough the reason being that this thing is so hard to kill is the lower Health it has the bigger the Regeneration and it's shredded absolutely through my armor I almost killed him but his regeneration was just too strong I always got so close but before I could get in my armor completely broke down so his damage was too much I then swam around a little bit trying to claim some of the random loot that was in this underwater dungeon and I found a really cool pre-generated structure look at this it was just in the side of the underwater Mountain pretty cool huh I then also found some real really cool thing a heart of the Golem and I realized I could mine this structure in order to make my aquatic bookshelves so for the next couple of good minutes I mined everything I could I tried to mine as many of the blocks as possible so I would never have to go see mining again and then I returned to the famed King's Tower I wanted to claim the loot that was in this place I was going to get paid or I was going to die that were the only two options so after climbing the wall I broke inside and I bowed down the king also placed my Mage down in order for him to deal some extra damage so I gave him a slight punch and he got activated when he saw the king he started going ham but he got immediately one shot by the king so the next item on the list was putting away Stone down getting a ton of arrows going back to the king's base and just snipe him down cheese the cheese strats boys although it is a bit cheap to kill this guy like this it is totally worth it and then I claimed all of the loot that was inside if you don't know in this mod pack there is a certain type of Enchanted bookshelf that is called an enchantment Library if I disenchant all of these books I can add all the enchantments into my library and that way I don't have to combine books anymore and I can just make level 5 enchants from all the smaller enchants that I've found so that was one of the things I really wanted to work towards during this series but it would require a lot of levels I think in total it requires four infused hell shells which means I have to have four times 45 levels to infuse the bookshelves in the meantime I upgraded my bookshelves to those aquatic ones the seashells and I started replacing them in my enchanting table room and I gotta say they look pretty they look pretty cool they look pretty cool also got a enchantment that is Fortune too but sadly I did not have the levels for it so firstly I made a diamond Scythe because I think these things look really sick and then I started making my mob farm there was something about mob Farms that I've always liked and in this mod pack raising my level with a mod with a mob grinder would be insanely good I've never been good at making these but I've always tried and if you think about the portals the mob portals I thought I could put a mob portal inside of this in each quarter and it would just keep pouring out enemies so that's why I placed water in all corners of this place so I could just Farm the mobs that way during the night I also put a mending enchantment on my boat and I wanted to increase the durability of it so I went around holding my bow in my offhand and killing a ton of mobs this Scythe was really powerful I also found an illager encampment and I knew these places have a ton of emeralds so that was going to be a really nice haul emeralds enchantment bottles hopefully some true Enchanted here things were starting to get pretty hairy really quickly though because as soon as I entered the building all these guys started pouring in so I had to make quick work of them in order to be able to make my Escape now this place was absolutely filled with loot so I didn't want to leave empty-handed after I found that real big stash of experience bottles and emeralds my armor was taken in absolute beating and in this building I got kind of scared there were illagers everywhere on the bottom floor they had special arrows and I got down to a lot of hearts they chipped away at my house really badly but nonetheless I secured the loot and I used all of the experience bottles just look at all that juicy experience my goodness I also made a stone cutting table and I was able to turn my emeralds into rough emeralds with these rough emeralds I would be able to create a certain Emerald type that would allow me to make armor with it which was really cool so I crafted Stacks upon Stacks upon these rough cut emeralds and I put them together to make the emeraldite shards now with the emeraldite shards I could also make an emerald Apple now these apples are like the god apples but they're craftable later that day I also did some trading with some illagers and I spend a good amount of time looking for ender pearls because I wanted to make more of those Gates that could allow me to kill the mobs and get their loot so I kept trading but nothing really happened later while trading I decided to check a little bit more upon the quest system and I secured myself for it ender pearls so I was able to make a couple of more gates and I was ready to go I didn't think about making an Enderman gate sadly but I first wanted to try out my mob farm and see how efficient it was So I placed a gate inside I made my way outside and then I sat myself on the farmer's base and this was working pretty efficiently the mobs couldn't see me and I could just whack away at them so these were gonna be easy monster coins and easy mob drops they also give quite a bit of experience which was really nice later I decided to also increase the repairing of my boat because my bow was starting to get a little bit low so after another git I was able to fully repair my bow which was awesome and in the later stages of these Gates as you can see the mobs start to become really strong and that's when an undead Army also happened to come around but that didn't stop me from farming these zombies because I was putting in some good work and as you can see they take a ton of hits back in my base I was soaring around my special backpack in this backpack I was going to keep all of the good enchantments that I wanted to put on my final gear I slept and then I explored a little bit more into the world and I took on some structures that were not that hostile now I didn't notice it yet but these things spawn a ton of silverfish and they actually deal quite a bit of damage which surprised me because I was in full iron armor so I just bowed down all of the silverfish and that's when I found a tier V Lightning Dragon so I pulled out the bow and I was ready to kill him or at least I thought I was ready to kill him but I definitely was not ready yet so I made a note on my map saying that there was a tier 5 Dragon and then I explored the mountains a little bit more I did find a Giant floating ship that had a lot of shimmers going on as well as another Tome Tower so after I hit up the Tome Tower I wanted to see what was up with this sky base because I knew there had to be some good loot in here but with good loot comes great danger and I didn't really notice it when I was fighting these mobs I mean look at this place it is absolutely menacing after wiggling my way around this base I was finally able to open one of the chests and I got a keystone of Oblivion which pretty much acts like a spatial spatial trash can you could say I also expanded my base storage system and I was checking out all the Buffs of the emerald Apple because I still wanted to kill a couple of dragons and I was hoping these apples would allow me to do so so I went back to my original base and I was going to try to slay my first dragon so the battle was on I had my boat and I knew I could take this guy down because the emerald Apple gave me a ton of regeneration and resistance I leveled up my archery but I was feeling the pressure of this Dragon I had to drink another life-saving potion because I wanted to go ham my armor started breaking and I only had two pieces remaining I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to take down this Dragon but after a while I finally did so and I unlocked a new skill called dragon slaying so you have to kill dragons in order to raise this skill and to my surprise the dragon weapons and Armory require you to have a certain dragon slaying skill so I looted up all of the blood from this dragon as well as its scales and its bones and my first dragon stuff was in I also rated an illager Mansion which gave me a lot of black wool and then I farmed up a little bit more archery experience because if I was gonna slay dragons a good archery level was going to be the way to go I have a ton of archery experience I was ready to move on to the next thing and the next thing being that I was going to explore a little bit more I also found this really cool Ravine which had a ton of dungeons inside which was really awesome I also found another named mob and this guy was enhanced so he was a real danger to me he had 30 armor points and an astonishing 900 health [Music] and he gave me a pretty cool Greaves these were Enchanted and they were enhanced with some rare affixes so it adds Sage's blessing and all that other good stuff I also got another item which makes me faster when it's dark and you can just see me zip around the map like this it was awesome it's always cool when you get something that gives you extra bonus movement speed I mean look at me just zooming past all the mobs and then I found another named mob now I thought I was going to be able to get some easy gear from this guy but there was something that kept on blinding me which was kinda scary I think it was this guy this forgotten after killing the forgotten I was ready to claim my new named mob so when I finally found him it appeared Nora dropped some good stuff I got some steel shoes of tenacity which give me extra health and some extra damage the armor on it is quite bad however but it is a cool item to have later I found this guy with this magical clothing and a bow that shoots fire arrows now I was a little bit scared because Jimmy was dealing some real damage and he gave me a ton of debuffs I mean just look at how much damage he's dealing so I really have to be careful about this one I tried to reposition myself I ate an emerald apple and I was ready to go in again Jimmy was gonna stand no chance against me I wanted to get him to see if he dropped some crazy gear and he dropped an uncommon item so all that battling and almost dying just gave me an uncommon luckily I did find another guy and Lauren was going to give me some new good stuff sadly for me Lauren didn't give me that crazy items like it wasn't anything Mythic or crazy legendary but hey it was something later on I also found the skeleton base now this skeleton base had a ton of mobs that were already enhanced just waiting for me to get inside these guys were going to try to kill me but I was getting stronger each day and I was able to take these guys on easy I also found a pretty cool map that I didn't know what it does and I fought another dragon now this guy was a little bit easier to deal with until he started spewing fire which was really scary so I tried to get into the water to evade him but that was not working so I tried to get away and I lost a ton of Health as you can see here I explored the Lavender Fields deep into the night and I was moving like crazy have you ever seen somebody move like this I bet you haven't after the Lavender Fields it was the snowy mountains and I found some ice creepers now I should really be careful with this health remaining because well if I die the whole world gets deleted so I went to bed really quickly and I wanted to restore my health but I just didn't make it in time and the day had already started so I mined up some bookshelves in order to raise my gathering experience and we were back on the way regaining health and conquering dungeons just the way I like it after that it was finally time to conquer this ice dungeon I thought this was a mid-tier kind of dungeon I also found one of these dread dungeons type of thing you can't mine the outside but you need to kill liches in order to get keys after that I found another illeger structure now I thought that this structure would hold hold some really good loot because it was heavily guarded by pillagers also there was this black Iron Golem but it was pretty easy to take it down in the middle there was an obsidian structure and there were spawners all around it and chests in the middle which held a ton of basic resources metals and Enchanted gear as well as some holy water which is really cool I collected all of the loot and then I raided another Tome Tower this time it gave me a pretty good ancient iron chest plate which was insane this thing gave some extra health and extra defense I then slept and I felt revitalized I ate a emerald apple and I was back to killing the dragon equipped with the holy water I was ready to go ham this Dragon was not gonna stand the chance he still had a lot of Health but I was feeling confident and I was feeling kinda cocky I'm not gonna lie I wanted to get my dragon slaying leveled up so I could finally use dragon bone items I found a safe spot to Bow this guy down from but I was feeling a little bit scared so I returned again and I finished him off and with that we had slain another Dragon my dragon slayer level was up to 1.77 so we were getting really close to level two after collecting all the materials I made my first set of dragon scale armor so with the dragon scale leggings and a flame dragon bone sword I was feeling great now this weapon needed dragon slayer 7 so I still had a long ways to go I rated another cool structure this time it was an ice pyramid but it kind of blew up before I was able to get the loot I wasn't feeling discouraged so I went right back to exploring from Day 70 to 75 I spent a long time trying to conquer Dungeons and getting a ton of experience I needed to get more trinket slots I needed to enhance more gear and I needed to get a ton of different enchanted books I was also using and messing around with a little bit of these bombs and they were really fun to use it also increased my magic these mobs were an absolute Menace however because they had a ton of health and they were just ganging up on me setting me on fire poisoning me but I used another bomb and everything was great I also rated the lower levels of one of those roguelike Dungeons and man the loot in here is pretty good I found golden coins enchanted diamond beard and some really strong artifacts like you see here I now have a Thunder Staff which I can use to just Thunder everything down like Zeus these lower levels however were very very dangerous they held a ton of Ender Pearls which was really good in order to use to make the new mob portals but I also had to deal with all of the mobs with different gear for example you could see the zombie here he has an a sword he has some really strong armor but it seems like they drop trinkets so the higher or stronger mob is the more chance they have to drop a trinket maybe now I was finally able to get another book love hold up and I was hoping for something really overpowered because I put four really good books in so I was hoping that that with 40 levels would give me some strong stuff I also got a choice reward for an artifact so you know I had to get the Golem kit the Iron Golem is just too strong man come on I also made some Eyes of Ender and I wanted to start looking for the end portal because the end portal was a really big thing in this mod pack after many tries with my two eyes I finally reached a destination which I thought could be potentially close so I put a furthest point on my map so I knew where I had to start off again if I had some new eyes offender I also started opening the Buddy packs because if you open enough buddy packs and you complete the collection you can actually get permanent bonuses like speed and haste and strength so that was definitely something I had to get into in the nether I was trying to explore a little bit more while mining quartz on the way getting some fire resistance and then swimming around lava pool and raiding some piglet dungeons nothing too crazy happened here I don't think the nether is that stacked with stuff but it is really stacked with Mobs however but these piglets stood no chance I also leveled up in my archery to level 40 which was big I had a total of 80 bonus damage in archery I also got a cool new bow of the lost souls and some more enchant stuff back in the Overworld I was still exploring looking for some new stuff after a while I found another Hydra and I thought I could take this guy down but I was let down once again the damage that these guys deal is insane I did however get some more archery experience which was really nice after a while I got dropped into a lava lake right next to an illegal town and I wanted to take my revenge I was going to take all of them down using my Mage and my new diamond sword inside of the image Tower I was raiding pillaging and looting I was becoming the Pillager inside I found a burst Gilbo which looked pretty cool and a lifesteal aura so it passively increased my lifesteals effect I also found of my first Vitae armor piece which increases my health I also repaired all of my armor which was really expensive by the way and then I slept the night away a quick note for everybody I am sorry that the audio is current currently gone from the gameplay but my file got corrupted for these 10 days and I was trying to fix it ASAP but it did not really work so for now until day 82 we'll have to do it with no gameplay audio so you just get to enjoy my voice Alright I was figuring out if the MMORPG had some hidden skills that I could benefit from but it didn't seem to be that way so I went to raid Las Vegas now this place is swarming with Mobs that have hover a hundred Health which is insane and they throw fire bombs so I thought I'd bomb them back but that didn't really do any damage but my main goal in trying to raid Las Vegas was going up to the top floor and raiding all of those membranes from the Phantoms that was my number one priority also because the chests at the top of this dungeon have some really good stuff so I found my first Phantom and this guy was enhanced my iron golem actually started to kill me instead of the name mob that I was trying to fight so that's that's really cool William the manly I bet he dropped some real good stuff and I was mistaken like always these name mobs do not give me good I did find some extra experience some buddy packs and some random mycellaneous stuff so I put them all in my backpack and I was going to store them in my storage system I also got a lost page of necros that was pretty cool back at home I wanted to finally enchant that special chest plate and I got a Sage's blessing on it so it gives me extra experience I then used up all the remaining experience bottles that I found in my adventures and we were starting to look pretty good but I stumbled across another problem I had to expand my storage system yet again I think I've already hooked up more than 50 chests to this system so it is really crazy that it's already filled up this mod pack is so packed with stuff it is amazing it's like every hoarder's dream I mean come on later I was enchanting some level one bows in order to scrap them into books and then combining them I also made a soul fire campfire so I could dissect the Mythic affix from one of the items and make a Mythic affix book so I could stack the Mythic affixes I then found them Windmill and my game was getting a little bit buggy the good thing being that my iron golem was putting in work and I looted up a bunch of emeralds there was also a lot of gold and a lot of iron some food so this place was really good Sunrise came and it was finally day 80. we're getting to the end of this series guys so if you want if you liked the series so far please go ahead like And subscribe tell your thoughts down below and tell me what mod pack you want to see me play next I am still looking out for new mod packs I know bastilla dropped some new dope there is a Dark Souls MMORPG kind of pack I really want to get into that but we'll see what happens next for now imma just try to complete these 100 days without dying so I hope we can do it all right back to the video I was inside one of the illager structures and I was getting raided by these vexes now these vexes are an annoying piece of to deal with because they are so small fly so fast and deal a lot of damage I did however get to another obsidian stash and I know these places have a ton of materials inside of them so this is the perfect thing to loot whenever you are early game mid game or late game the wood the gold the iron it is amazing after that I wanted to diverge a little bit more into some different weaponry and I made a two-handed diamond sword which I wanted to fully enchant and after fully enchanting it I looked pretty cool wielding a dual-handed sword in one hand is always a cool thing to do I did have to get rid of my shield but I thought that was going to be no problem I also rate another illager mine and this held a lot of coal gravel and stone which was really good back in the desert I also rated up another Temple another pyramid I killed a ton of illagers and raided up the structure again I was trying to speedrun looting as many structures as possible because I wanted to get some op gear and that's when I found something that I really shouldn't have found I found the Iron Maiden structure now this structure is written in red because it is super difficult there are so many mobs everywhere there are netherite mobs there is Phantoms with skeletons that have super strong bows on them witches are spawning everywhere people have dragon gear it was insane it is a ginormous mate and I I got completely lost I also didn't know how I could loot up the so I just caved myself in and tried to loot up the place that way which worked somewhat but I didn't get to the really good loot just yet I think I had to get the spawners and oh yeah there it is a combo star five that is a really good enchantment I wanted to loot up as much as possible before my golden apples would run out because this place is absolutely packed there are so many mobs and my void Dodge was not doing many good so I teleported home and I saw that my helmet broke so that was another protection three or four piece that I just lost I was feeling sad and I needed to sleep this pain away and hey look at that we got sound again so when we have the sound again we go exploring and I accidentally killed this Goblin Trader which spawned another one I then got around to loading up another obsidian structure and I killed another Python and these were a little bit more difficult to kill than I thought back above ground my void Dodge did me good and I was exploring again I made it to the Pine Meadows and I looted up another ruined nether portal this one had a Ghost Skin Talisman which is really good it does lower my attack speed by 50 but it makes me impervious to all arrows and with that spider I leveled up my combats at 58. during the night a lot of mob spawned and I got an Oxalis trinket which was really cool I had to get away from this place because there were too many mobs spawning I then killed another Python and I found a Jungle Pyramid which was really really sad part being that they spawned a ton of silverfish and my Ford Dodge pushed me into one of the dungeons nearby but I did find another named mob so this was my chance to get some really good loot Mr zaplin wasn't that all too strong so I could just easily finish him off with my sword I also got the cloud drinking unlocking another heart of the Earth was really good and in the morning time I found a village it was a nice break chilling around in this Village before I loaded up another dungeon and and I got a Notch Apple which was good stuff I also found another named mop I thought but this was just a normal dungeon no named mobs in sight and then it was time for dragon slaying I wanted to increase my dragon slaying level so I drank the life-saving potion and went straight for this guy's head I had the giant diamond sword which was putting in absolute work the life-saving potion was also keeping me from dropping below a little tula's health and I drank another one my helmet was taking some heavy damage however this was a battle of endurance this guy had so much health that I really needed to mix and match how my armor would survive if my boots would also break the damage I would receive would be too great but nonetheless I finished off the Dragon and it was good and I thought it spawned a friendly dragon I don't know why but this Dragon started attacking me even though his health bar was green so there was nothing else to do but kill this dragon as well it is the Wrath enchantment I believe on my sword that will make it so if a mob dies by my sword it can spawn the same mob again and lo and behold it did it again with this dragon and if you didn't believe me the first time it did it again so I also unlocked the serpent tooth drinking and my armor was breaking fast but I could not let this opportunity slide to get this many dragons in one time so I drank another life-saving potion and I was going to go in again and I was trying to loot up all these dragons because the dragon scales and the dragon bones were really valuable and I had this other Dragon glaring at me I knew he wanted to smoke so I whipped out the old Betsy and I was gonna go to town but first I wanted to load up all the dragons after looting up all the dragons it was time I went back home because look at my armor I was not gonna fight a dragon with only two pieces of armor come on who am I kidding after repairing my chest plate and my boots and my leggings it was time to make a dragon bone sword now it also gives extra bonus to Dragon sling but the sad part is you cannot dual wield so there is no 50 bonus that I'm able to get sadly I thought I could break the system a little bit back in the dungeons I was going at it one more time there was another dungeon and I got teleported down to the bottom I was really happy that I got the creeper trinket on me because that could have ended very badly I was using the dragon bone sword and I looted up this last floor which holds all the best gear in this dungeon I also put some Spartan equip equipment enchantments on my shield which makes it that my sword does a ton more damage when it's equipped with a shield I also found a protection for armor piece and then back at home I finally opened an Enderman portal and okay pause I know what you're saying it's raining it's stupid you're absolutely right yeah that's what happens when you open an Ender Portal in the rain yeah I'm really stupid for this one but not the threat I had a ton of Ender Pearls and a ton of coins and I was a man on a mission so without further Ado we'll skip the coin process because this is just a process that takes way too long they should have a submit all button come on let's be honest I opened a ton of treasure chests which gave me all and then I extracted the lifesteal epics which I put on my dragon sword and it was starting to become a weapon of mass destruction I also repaired all of my artifacts and then I found this guy the Ferocious raw knot it was finally time to kill this boss he is kinda scary but I thought I was going to be able to kill him easily dodging the giant Cleaver after he smashes you hit his back smash down and kill him it was pretty easy I could kill him in three hits but nonetheless it was really cool because I finally got his gear and then I also killed the mermix queen now the marks Queen was a pretty easy kill and it got me some extra loop after that I did a little bit more cave diving and dungeon exploring and I went to one of the roguelike dungeons a little bit lower I was having some real frame rate issues so I decided to turn down my render distance and reload my world after that we were back to grinding and I was using my thunderstorm and killing everything in here vicinity this double diamond sword was putting in absolute work and I also killed a hundred Strays in this dungeon already which was really nice my void Dodge teleported me outside and I was looking for a lot more named mobs because these guys were going to oh oh that's when I found the end dungeon I finally found my stronghold now it was pure chance because I was just exploring a little bit and then I needed to find enough coins to get a Way Stone and put the way Stone next to the portal now the real cool thing about these end dungeons or the strongholds is that if you have a blank key fragment you can use that fragment on an end portal frame and you can get dungeon keys so there is a whole system of pre-generated dungeons you can spawn in your own base which is really good those dungeons hold a lot of Enchanted gear a lot of high level books and some overall good loot they also scale in difficulty so I made a waypoint that I know where my end portal is and I needed to return home to farm up some ender pearls so the first thing I did was Farm up some of these Enderman portals these are going to be a great way to Source some ender pearls because after I complete the portal I will get a bonus of Ender Pearls after farming up some ender pearls and it was finally ready to check out what all that noise on top of my mob farm was and apparently something placed a spawner there which was weird I also spawned one of the spawnable bosses this one was a skeleton fish in the sky now this guy looked a little bit menacing he also had a lot of help and he shot exploding orbs so I wasn't really sure how to deal with him and I first started bowing him down I wanted to get his health down and I thought he would work like a Wither where if he drops down to a certain help he will start coming towards me in melee range sadly this was not the case so I just had to keep bowing him down it was as easy as that my knowledge of death increased and I got an achievement for strong Undead now I needed to figure out what I would make with this guy's drops first my void Dodge teleported me back into the Dungeons and then I checked out what I can make I also made some emeraldi leggings and then I found out I could make these bone makers which give me plus two attack damage and I can put it in a hand slot after that I made the soul Bell or haunted Bell this would spawn the third and final spawnable boss and this guy was enchanted with two stars so this guy was pretty crazy he had an orange health bar and he had a thousand health so this was a real boss he shot all of these weird Bell type things that deal a lot of damage and I needed to make sure I kept on dodging him my sword was putting in a lot of work dealing 44 damage a hit and then I used my boat to take off a little bit more Health this guy was going to start spewing a lot more bells and it was starting to get a little bit crazy my void Dodge teleported me under the base and that's when I got trapped by his CC this guy was able to stun me in place and that was a real death wish if I stayed in there finally he made his way into my mob farm and that's where I was able to finish him off because I could just easily kite him and kill him that way the last couple of hits were dealt and the fight was back at my base I decided to craft another one and kill him one more time I also claimed all of the quest experience and then I made a lexicon a book of the monsters there wasn't really anything from The Haunted Bell that I could make that was interesting so I wanted to focus a little bit more on the end game so having formed up a lot of Enderman and getting more ice vendor it was finally time to return to the end portal I had enough ender pearls well Eyes of Ender to open the gates to the end we were going to fight the Ender Dragon in these 100 days so I went to my Waypoint and I started digging straight down I also bought a wastestone from the shop and I was going to place it next to the portal first I had to kill this cowgirl then I placed all of the ice vendor and the portal was opened I placed my waist Zone down and I called it end portal and now I wanted to First figure out how those pre-generated dungeons work so I got some blank keys I went back to the end portal and I used the key on an end portal which gave me the achievement for seeking the first Adventure I had to make a structure like this with the acquired blocks in order to be able to open the dungeon so I cleared a little bit of space in my base and I started crafting the structure after crafting the structure I was not able to open the portal until I put the key in the top and there we go my first pre-generated dungeon had been spawned now in this dungeon there are a lot of different puzzles and traps that are hidden in plain sight as you can see here I will open the chest get a crown portal block and everything blows up so it is my theme now the portal the crown portal block as you see this is a block that is used in order to upgrade my portal so I can go into more difficult Dungeons and of higher Rarity now I was really lucky to already find one in the first dungeon I wanted because you only need to and you can already start getting more and more loot as you can see these chests in the common dungeons even drop gas tears which is really big I first fought off a Vindicator and I wanted to press the button again because I thought it would give me Loot and I was right this gives me a chest which had wild rage and I'm breaking three so the common dungeons already have a ton of good stuff clearing these dungeons were pretty easy because my gear was starting to get pretty good on day 88 and I was having some difficulties trying to figure out the puzzles it's not always that easy especially when you have Floyd Dodge and you get teleported above your dungeon so I was was really happy that I have a magic mirror to get back home because otherwise I don't know what I would do because you cannot break inside back in the dungeon I also got a book that said that these dungeons are a good place to find Loop sadly I wasn't able to take those Diamond gears I made my way to the end of this dungeon and there was another portal key so I got an uncommon dimensional portal sadly I could not mind those Crown portal blocks the rest of day 89 I also spent going into the dungeons claiming more Quests for killing mobs and then trying to loot more stuff I was looking for that second Crown portal key because I really really wanted to be able to go into higher difficulty dungeons I felt ready then I did a lot of gaming some hardcore gamer moments with this Minecart and then I met some Traders there is apparently also mazes in this dungeon and then it was time to go back to the Overworld I needed to take a small little break from the dungeoneering just us to take a breath of fresh air and I wanted to do that by killing the Wither sadly you cannot spawn the Wither in the Overworld which was really weird so we had to go back to the nether in order to spawn that wither I also Enchanted all of my gear with protection 3 and reinforced which was really good and then it was time we were going to the nether I wanted to spawn the Wither in order to upgrade my game to the next level now I wasn't really thinking this plan through because I didn't think about that the Wither could be enhanced as well and this guy was enhanced you'll see in just a second I thought I was completely prepared I ate a golden apple and then this guy spawned but he had a thousand health and he had regeneration also my bow was barely dealing any damage which was kind of scary but as you can see in the top left corner this guy was regenerating all of the health really quickly and I was taking rapid damage to the durability of my armor my archery did level up a little bit but still my damage was not nothing compares to his regeneration so sadly I had to decide to dip out and kill the Wither another time it kind of got me down a little bit we were at day 90 91 and I couldn't kill the Wither so I had to go back to the dungeoneering in order to get some better gear because I wanted to get a power 5 Boat after a while I got my second portal block and I was able to upgrade my portal and there we go The Uncommon Portal had been finished oh these puzzles were a little bit more difficult and you know you know I kind of go monkey brain go I did not want to do the puzzling I just wanted to kill and loot because that's that's why we play mod packs right come on I found a cake it was suspicious like a trap and then I found another key which was really cool the rooms were starting to get bigger and the mobs were starting to get stronger but I didn't mind because this meant extra experience I also fought some Elementals and snipers and back at home I stashed all of the gear I took out some life-saving potions in order to go for the next thing I was starting to prepare to go to the end I opened a lot of more buddy packs because I really wanted to get that speed bonus which would be insane so I started putting everything in my body card binder and it looked like I was going to complete the set pretty easy but I was let down because I did not complete the set I was still missing a couple of cards back in the nether I also found out that there is a dungeon like this there is drop bears and different types of Elementals and the gas look well weird I was exploring a little bit more until I found a Bastion now a Bastion is really good for golden blocks and some Enchanted gear so the first thing I did of course was get those gold blocks you know I want that money baby after getting all of the gold it was time to Dibble I needed to find the chest ASAP and get the hell out of this place and I actually found the chest and it had a lodestone and a couple of Enchanted items nothing too crazy the Swiss for the 3 was pretty nice which gives me a speed bonus and I claimed the Quest for a lodestone you could make a hypogeal Imperium with it which I have no idea what it does after claiming all of the experience that I had and Gathering more Goblin Traders apparently it was time to infuse a bookshelf I had made my first infused bookshelf which was really big I could make a crystalline sea Shelf with this but I instead made a hard forged seashell this this recipe was pretty expensive I gotta say but this meant my enchantments would be even better I couldn't stand up until Level 49 which was really good and that's when I found a vitai 5 on my boots which was Major then I spent a good time looting up some more pre-generated dungeons because I wanted to find that power five I almost got trapped by these piglens who had set up gravel all around them in order to get my ass but it was impossible for them to Trump me because I was Stronger back at home I was enchanting my Emerald leggings and I got some pretty strong gear going right now as you can see on my armor bar we are almost at one and a half armor bars and we are on our third health bar I wanted to see if I could enchant some gold gear because normally in modpack's gold gear has a higher enchant ability I could scrap those enchantments for books and then combine them or put them on my new gear the only thing I didn't realize is that it is incredibly expensive but nonetheless after enchanting everything I was feeling stronger than before I repaired all of my armor and we were back in the nether I also found a nether pyramid which was really cool I mean just look at these these things they look so aesthetic and normally the gear should be better as well but first take out the Trap there is always a trap underneath these and you do not want to get blown up I got a Phalanx 2 which is pretty okay and then these items had some crazy enchantments leech 3 knockback Slayer it was amazing I also found these weird Black Stone dwarfs now I looted up this place but it didn't seem like there was anything too crazy inside of them I I also found another big news because these usually hold some pretty good stuff and that's when I found a spellstone now this is pretty cool because it gives me a lot of passive abilities immune to fire temporary immunity lava burns Those Who attack you heavily improved Vision in lava and any status effect applied to you will tick down twice as fast so it is really strong like this is this is the nether the nether Relic after that I also found some magma Walkers and some random artifacts and I gotta say this run to the nether was really good I put my backpacks in my extractors and as you can see I also got some monster coins some dragon's breath and I also got a lot of enchanted books so we were finally starting to have a good run we were getting steadily our XP up we were getting our enchantments up and we were getting artifacts in order to boost ourselves I wanted to take off the leech and put it on my dragon sword now this sword was starting to get really strong I was feeling ready to take on the Ender Dragon we were right now on anywhere between day 97 and 99. so it was getting really close we had just two more days to kill the Ender Dragon so after saving up all of my life-saving potions I was finally ready to make an end to this first 100 days in the end I found a ton of Enderman and the pillars looked a little bit different now I wasn't gonna waste any time I immediately jumped straight up and using my spider drink it I was able to climb up these towers easily now I had to make sure that I didn't blow myself up so I did the towers one by one by jumping off and shooting the crystal everything was going pretty smooth and then all the towers were finally done well I missed that last one but let's not talk about that it's a minor detail I also leveled up my magic which was pretty cool then all the towers were finished and all we had left to do was kill the Ender Dragon but this Dragon wasn't too keen on going down easily he wanted to have a proper fight but my bow was dealing an amazing amount of damage and I was able to first chip away his health until he went to the middle and I was going to go in with my dragon slaying sword I needed to make sure that he spewed some fire and that I could get some dragon's breath as well and that's when I realized the dragon's breath was on the ground so I collected all of the bottles I had in my inventory I just collected up everything I mean he could never have enough dragon's birth right so I filled up a stack and a half of dragon's breath and then I wanted to finish off the strike the fight was easier than I expected if the dragon was enchanted or it had like legendary affix this would have been a real real big fight but in the next 100 days we could always try to revive the dragon enough times to get a legendary dragon I mean that sounds pretty good that would drop like a ton of experience right after shooting up a little bit more this Dragon was full of holes and was ready to go down just a couple more shots left to end this Dragon would be toast it wasn't exactly easy to finish this guy off but I had a strategy I would climb on top of one of the towers and then I would shoot him down from the sky there was also another Crystal which gave him some extra help but I wasn't able to locate it so I decided to just finish him off as fast as possible and there we go Master mode had been unlocked we killed the Ender Dragon so the world's starting to become a lot more difficult it had been a real journey these 100 days I collected up all of the experience and the drops from the Ender Dragon and the Egg I would claim later as I didn't have a torch with you having this much experience meant that I could actually Infuse a lot of shelves and make that magic Library as well that's what I realized I claimed up some End Stone as a souvenir and I wanted to go home and claim that bag now in this bag was a couple of different items these were all and treasures exactly back at home I checked out what I could all make with these and treasures and it wasn't really anything that was too interesting immediately with the ender dragon scales I could make a black dragon scale I could make a special type of mirror and it grants me immunity to withering which is quite good actually I also made a couple of end shelves because I thought they looked really cool but they weren't that interesting to use to be honest I scrapped all of the normal bookshelves and replaced them with end shelves and my enchanting table was starting to look pretty beefy because if I wanted to enchant now I could go all the way up to level 80. after that I needed to make a couple of Hell shells so first I smelted down some Netherrack and I wanted to make the library because the enchantment library is I wouldn't say overpowered but it is incredibly strong you can just Chuck in all of your enchanted books and you can take out any level of enchantment in book form you want so if I put in 20 Level 1 sharpness I can get a level 5 sharpness book out of it without having to spend all the levels on it which is insane this will make 200 days so much easier I first had to infuse four L shelves this was really pricey but with a little bit of luck I was going to be able to get this Library this library was going to put myself in a really good position and we were almost at the end of our 100 days so it was one of the things that was really on my bucket list I made the last Eye of Ender and I was going to be ready to make it I was so stoked to make this thing this is like something I've always dreamed of in a mod pack to have like an enchantment Library it is such a cool mechanic after finishing up that Eye of Ender it was time to put together all of the things I made my last Ender Chest I put the enchantment table in my four infused bookshelves and my four ender chests and it was done the library was finished I placed down my sea shelves again and my end shells and that it was time to put my library down and look at this this interface is so cool I took out all of my enchanted books because I needed to put everything inside and as you can see this thing is pretty overpowered and it has a ton of storage look at that so I can pick and choose any enchantment I want I can enchant as many books as I want and just put them all inside of that Library also if you have multiple enchantments on a book it will put in all the enchantment separately which is insane back in the end I wanted to explore a little bit more I needed to get an elytra I definitely needed to get an electron so after trying a little bit to get inside of this end City portal I was finally able to make it the remote Gateway had been opened and we were in the end cities dimension now this looked an awful lot like Fantasy Realm and but I saw a giant Phantom on top of the world and I wanted to see what that was it seemed like there was some really good loot inside so using all my artifacts my flying book my levitation and my angel's blessing I was able to just shoot my way straight up the enormous Phantom had been reached now these Phantoms looked a little bit different than what I was used to they also gave me levitation which was really weird I wasn't sure what these guys were they looked like the color of a shulker boss and they're an ant keeper sure what that meant I did see two fat chests on top of this giant game so I wanted to loot up the chest instantly and oh boy look at that enchanted books ender pearls and diamonds I mean who doesn't get Happy from them after a while I also heard some really strange noises and it looked like there was some kind of mutant Enderman nearby and lo and behold look at those guys they look menacing so there was a blasting and there was that giant thing that I saw but I didn't find it again I was confused these things look menacing those blastlings stood no chance against me and the normal Enderman of course also didn't stand any chance it was pretty cool to see some variations in Enderman in the end Dimension I also looted up what looked like a stranded spacecraft and I found an ifrid's blessing five as well as a lot more in the pearls I mined up some of the local blocks to have as a souvenir or maybe if they are needed for crafting recipe and then I saw a giant Island which I wanted to check out it was however really difficult to get up there but after a little bit of trial and error I was able to make my way up and this looks like some type of Crater from a meteor there was also random ores in the middle of it and a lot of new Enderman this was a watch link these guys were watching this place I guess but not the threat I was able to kill them easily and get those oars I felt like this could be really good league night everybody's gonna make ligma jokes but don't this is ligmaites not ligma get it right after arriving in the Umbra Valley I found some pretty cool stones and it was pretty cool because it looked like some type of ore but it wasn't I also got attacked by another strange enemy and after that I found an end Shard after destroying this block all nearby Enderman will attack you which was pretty crazy it looked like this was some real strong metal or some strong yeah like the advancement says I am confusion it was really weird I did however in the process scrap my chest plate and I almost got tapped by those Endermen so back at home I stored away all of my findings that I got from the entities and I checked out what that n Shard could make now with that and Shard you can make an End Ingot and with that and Ingot you can enhance some gear now an end sword is pretty strong because it has nine attack damage and it only requires level 36 so you can make an Ender right sword and then lower the level for the combat rating if you infuse it with an ending it and with that we had completed our 100 days of Hardcore rad 2. man what a video I really hope you guys like this video it was a ton of fun for me to make it took a long time to make holy but it was a lot of fun the channel is growing steadily we've reached a thousand Subs I'm really happy and I hope you guys this day has been going well leave it down in the comments all right guys see you in the next one peace out foreign [Music]
Channel: ElAbro
Views: 66,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore, hardcoreminecraft, 100days, fantasyrealm, fantasy, gaming, medieval, dragons, minecraftmedieval, minecraftdragons, iceandfire, dungeonminecraft, 100daysminecraft, 100daysmedieval, rad, rad2
Id: MWj10rqdflk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 55sec (7795 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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