I spent 1,000 days in survival Minecraft [Full Movie] 🐧

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we officially reached 1 000 days in this Minecraft survival world and to celebrate this crazy achievement I'm going to play all of the episodes from Day Zero all the way to day 1000 and if you don't want to watch the entire video you can put it on in the background while you're doing chores studying or homework because it helps me out a bunch anyways thank you guys so much for all the love and support and enjoy this full movie of my Minecraft survival world from day Zero all the way to day 1000. and here we go um this is where we spawned I'm actually I actually like this spawn I was hoping to be on a mountain uh so this works out perfectly I have a really nice idea for a village I want to make on top of this mountain um and I think this mountain looks perfect already for this oh and there's a village oh perfect this is going already too well look at this big old Ravine is this a ravine or is just a big old cave I think it's just a cave ow wow well we're gonna be exploring that is that a dungeon oh my god oh it's too good it's too good okay we gotta get out of here look at the little bunnies oh my God they're so tiny any chest I'm taking this bed nice white bed it's mine thank you yellow bed actually yellow bed is cooler I agree I agree already about to get a bunch of bread so we're gonna be fine what is it foreign staring at his chimney like that what a weirdo anything else oh yes nice some bread some potatoes first tree of the world wow all right we'll make a crafting table and we're gonna turn all of this wheat into delicious yummy bread okay villagers thank you I'm gonna go mining now I'll be back to steal more probably I mean borrow definitely borrow is this dungeon it's right here the dungeon is like right here now you guys are gonna burn to the sunlight yeah it doesn't feel so good does it come here come here zombies okay yeah let's go okay is there any more is that it did I win I think we won we'd love to see it more iron I already have five iron and some string and a saddle you love to see it we're doing great we'll just mine down into the cave and then we can walk up and down from there and get a bunch of things it's gonna be great it's gonna be so crazy only that we found water perfect leads us right to an elevator let me come on let me go down come on there we go yes we have an elephant right next to some coal oh it's just it's just too good look how big this cave is oh we're gonna be in here we're gonna be here for hours I can get I can spend years in this cave look at all this iron too this isn't the best Minecraft house you've ever seen I don't I don't know what is look how nice it is it's beautiful we're sleeping now I think this spot right here is gonna be perfect for the idea I have it's a nice little Valley right here this little oh it's gonna be so good now we can make a shield because I'm a coward and I have to hide behind a shield I'll admit it I'll admit it not many will but I will and then we'll use three more and we'll make a pickaxe because I'm a miner not by age I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared we're gonna do it we're going for it zombie where you going whoa hello skele man get out of here get out of here we're fine everything's fine I'm not even scared actually I'm not scared at all I'm not scared at all everything's fine I'm not panicking at all look at this oh my gosh we found an abandoned mine shaft what is happening this is the best Minecraft Minecraft this is the best Minecraft that's that's all I can say it's the best Minecraft I have so much food now it's actually not even funny I'm not even laughing about it well this is where I spend the next six hours of my life so we're gonna be here for a while I could just feel it wow that's a lot of zombies hello stay back stay back I'm grabbing this Emerald now hello creeper oh you dumb dumb why'd you blow up I wasn't even near you fun dungeon okay this is mine now this is my second home okay I am back after a very successful mining trip I love Spruce Wood I use it for pretty much every build at this point and I need it again so that's the next challenge is finding uh a spruce Forest somewhere that guy's still on the he's still staring at the chimney he's contemplating life I think I don't know what he's doing up there this is a really cool Village though I love how it's on the side of this Cliff right here it goes into this little like Valley area this is super cool we have to do something with this Village one day that'll be for a later episode but Commander Nate you never get past three episodes on all of your series I'm a new man now I'm a changed a man it definitely wasn't a short trip but we did find spruce so we're gonna take this home so I went ahead and I filled in some of this dirt right here I want to make we're gonna make our first little building here it's more of a Hut but you'll see this is gonna be very simple we're gonna take dirt we're gonna go here and we'll go about one two three four five six seven eight in the middle and one two three four five six seven eight hmm that's kind of big we'll go in more two more maybe something like that and then we're just gonna take this dirt we're gonna bring it up this way and we need more dirt so we're gonna take this it's gonna go this way we'll make it's gonna be uh it's gonna be pretty much a dirt pyramid in a way um except it's not a pyramid um so that was a really bad example all right now we have this nice dirt triangle and I'm done with the build this is my house it's beautiful um no that's that's not my house um now I'm gonna take I have a bunch of this Spruce Wood I'm going to turn some of it into planks and we'll take the planks and actually we need to figure out how big we want the doors to be first so we'll bring the wooden what is this one one two three four one two three four yeah that'll be good for the door and then we're gonna take some of the um logs here and we're just gonna place them in random spots because it's gonna give it it's gonna make it look better uh it's gonna give it texture I wanna I want these giant like giant doors here we want it that big for sure we'll do that and then we'll have it going I mean you can't really see the vision yet because there's the doors aren't enough but it's gonna be great we need more Spruce Wood did my tree my spruce trees are gone and I don't see any saplings anywhere are you kidding me well guys looks like we have to go all the way back and get more do you believe the Sheep do you believe this game hates me gosh dang it okay we'll go on a long trip again let me grab my stupid boat I'm just sick and tired of this stupid game this game makes me so angry I hate this hate this stupid game we oh that was so fun oh my gosh I'm having a blast oh my gosh oh oh fine everything's fine so we can do this bam and then I'm thinking if we put this at the top of it come on if I can reach there we go maybe just to give it a little bit of I'm thinking okay this will be dope I think the door's too tall we'll bring it down one yeah yeah we'll go back to that I think that's gonna be a little better to do it the same on this side okay okay and then we can go ahead and add a little more design grab some signs and we can just do that what if we put them like this going all the way up it would that be cool I'm gonna need more yeah I think that's nice I didn't actually kind of add some detail I like that what if we did this remove these grab them turn these like this and then grab that one maybe actually we can we'll put down like that and then we could do this and then break down right there we can put a window there or something and we do that and on this side do that does that even connect technically doesn't but what if we do with that does that look does that look cool hmm you know what I like it we're keeping that we're keeping that I think if we just put this on on random spots like I can just do one right here and it just adds like I don't know just add some detail to it might as well just do that I like that and then for the inside um I don't know if I want the roof to also be Spruce I think it'd be better if I change it up and do oak so if I can grab I don't really have much Oak left but I want to just do stairs if we do stairs all the way up um and then if we oh I'm running low on Oak but then we could take maybe oak logs and have them going down from the center to look like supports but we definitely need to move this dirt back a little bit so I'm gonna get working on that [Music] okay now that's looking a lot better I like the roof in here um and then I had an idea for I think it'd be better if we take some of this Cobblestone I'll turn it into some stairs too but if we replace this bottom layer right here with my shovel and we take some cobblestone I think having just a little bit of cobblestone at the bottom can look a lot better there we go yeah just that little bit right there actually helps a lot and I really like the look of that so I moved everything from over where my old little house was where the dungeon was and moved all the way to here we have all the chests in here eventually I'm gonna label them um so then actually it's all organized and stuff for the very first time and now we can bring this path I'm gonna head over this way and then we're gonna make another one of these but it's probably going to be a little smaller and more for a house we'll have to get mossy cobblestone eventually so we could you know make it look a little better also I hear tons of enemies below me and it's driving me insane what is hap what is down here oh my gosh that's where this is coming from oh wow hello oh no oh oh there's a whole cave under here we'll deal with that later we'll also do the same thing so we'll put these here because I did like I did like the look of that then this little design here on the top and I think this will and we'll add another one over on this side there hit it with that hit it with that and that and then we have a nice little thing nice I am loving the way this looks I think this is super cool I love this little build I have going on here but I'm gonna get more in here probably do like a quick time lapse or something of me building and then over there we're gonna do a nice farm and then we'll get uh we'll get right back to you and we'll see uh where we are after that so let's go [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] and now with all that done it is finally a little village we have the storage room these two houses which is just full of dirt at the moment and this one is full of air we'll get there soon we got a nice Fountain I'm not sure I like it too much I'm I think I'm gonna change it eventually make it look a little better and then we have a nice custom tree this was my first time actually making a custom uh spruce tree and I don't think it's terrible uh for the first time it's not the best but it's not bad so I'm gonna go with it we also have this building which is going to be for the mining um if you go in here it drops right I mean it's kind of a steep drop you can't really you would die but eventually I'll make it I'll make it go down there somehow then finally we have this nice flower field I was gonna go with wheat but I was like it'd be so much better to have flowers because if you look everywhere on the mountain there's there's these yellow flowers sounds like it'd be super cool to have a giant flower field so we got pink ones yellow ones blue ones all the good stuff and I think it looks really cool uh but eventually we're gonna get a path going this way it'll go up this way and we'll get it going back up towards this Village but this is The Village I'm really happy with it I think it looks great the only thing I really want to do is well obviously finish the insides of these but I also want there's just something missing about it it still doesn't feel I don't know it doesn't feel Lively enough if that makes sense um so maybe if we bring some villagers down here or something it could look a little better I also want to add a couple more things here I'll show you real quick even just taking these campfires and putting them down here and then putting them out another thing we can do that really helps I like to do this a lot if you do this you play some trap doors and you make a nice little like wooden bucket uh and then you put water in there and then it's like oh they have I don't know they have water they're doing something with it adds a little bit to the village and lastly to just kind of help with decorations I like to add uh just some wheat in different areas or hay bales is what they really are so we can add some over here and then I think I want to add a little bit more over here too maybe like it's behind this fence here um this just helps make it look a little more lively there's just you know more going on they have food they have hay they have all these things they have water um so yeah I think that helps a lot and I think next episode I definitely need to get these uh you know the inside's finished because I know they're nothing and then we could actually probably live in one um and I also want to get a path eventually going up from here that will eventually go up to where the village is just over there so we do have a lot of things to do but we got a lot done today actually let me quickly go up this mountain and let's see what it looks like from up there the trees kind of blocking the view but it looks really cool I'm really happy with this I think this turned out really well I spent nearly all last episode building this small village and I have a ton of new things I want to build but before we do that I want to upgrade my armor and my tools now luckily for me there is this Village over here and we can use this Village to make a trading Hall with the Villagers to get tons of really good enchantments so the first thing we can do is everybody's favorite thing to do in Minecraft is we're gonna go get some diamonds I heard a spider and I'm thinking I don't know where it is okay that's where it is I thought it was under me it's not under me okay oh wow that's the deep dark no no not today actually I hear so many zombies that I think there has to be like a spawner nearby hahaha there is we found another dungeon this is the third dungeon now I have found in this world take turns getting hit in the head with my ax I'll be taking this and I'll be taking this and this what is going on in here there's gotta be another spawner somewhere why is there so many zombies there is we found another one we found our fourth dungeon in this world already what is happening we got a music disc too and we found diamonds we found a fifth dungeon what is happening I haven't even gotten like 100 blocks they're all next to each other I know what you're thinking Commander Nate where where's all your stuff well apparently if your foot barely touches lava you burn for like five minutes and then you die it's okay that's fine I I didn't want all those diamonds anyways I'm I wanted to start over that's what I was I didn't I don't want all those things [Laughter] [Music] six dungeons [Music] that is a lot of zombies there's more there's so many this cave is massive oh my God where am I why did I just realize that oh my God we got another one look at the size of that there's a whole lava pool down here and diamonds [Music] it feels so much better to be in full diamond armor the next thing I want to do is I need a way to get XP fast and there's one good thing about this world is there's a spawner right here so I want to quickly make this into uh XP farm type thing so I'm gonna quickly uh work on this get this all you know sorted out and then we can have a way of getting XP fairly quickly I've been sitting here for a while and I must say it's actually quite helpful I'm already at level 33 um and so I think I'm ready to go over to the village and now make um and now trap all the villagers and force them to give me all of their valuables hello sheep time to you know do the deed okay villagers are there any of you even left please are any of you even alive or are you all oh there's one I hear another one perfect there's a lot okay hello sirs I'm definitely not gonna trap you and force you to do things for me we'll use this house because it's right here anyways hello sir um I'm taking your job I need this okay this should be a good start now I gotta make the cells I mean the small living rooms now I don't know which ones give the good stuff to be honest I'm a Minecraft veteran but I don't know how to do this I think it's the smithing table people that give the good stuff but I could be wrong okay we got a villager we have a villager and I need him to just go in one of those cubby holes yes come on do it no no no no we almost had him I need one of you to get in this boat okay yes you're mine now I know this may seem strange but I need you to go in there okay I need you to go in there walk in there no other way walk in there come on Mr you're almost there go go go go go go go go go go go yes we did it now become a Smith man become go go go okay it's okay take your time get in the vote how are you on the boat we're not in the boat yes get in there yeah oh my gosh it's the chimney man I forgot about chimney man he's still up there chimney man what are you doing why are you still looking at the chimney I just wanna if you just want to get in the boat now if you just gone yeah okay okay my villagers are doing great we have three of them in here trapped here forever um I've been trading with them a little bit they they're upgrading uh they take forever apparently to do that now because this guy he wants like I mean look at this look look at the tiny sliver and look at this I mean that's barely a it's barely anything it's gonna take a while I guess to upgrade these guys fully and get actual good stuff from them and then there's this big old dude in here and they've been making more villagers which is nice I just need tons of emeralds and I might have emeralds back at my house we can go check no of course we don't flame and Thorns Thorns one I feel like is useless I can just get Thorns too pretty easily I feel like but Flame I could put that on a bow grab the Anvil um and we'll we'll bring this back over here to where the villagers are all right I'll put that right there for now um so we can do this and now we have flame do I get do I get cooked mutton now if I shoot them [Music] I do oh that's amazing awesome okay now now I need to know how do I make an iron golem Farm I need a lot of iron so then I could take this iron make it emerald and then I could go here and get uh Bells because I know it's gonna give me a lot of stuff to upgrade them how do I make an iron farm though I've never done this in Minecraft before I don't know what I'm doing I don't know how to do this I definitely didn't just go on Google and look it up because I don't know what I'm doing today I'm going to show you how to build this xyron Farm okay after after um thinking about it for a little bit and not watching any video I've decided I know how to make an iron farm I knew this whole time so I'll build this thing over here uh we need to go up 12. now I don't know if I need this block to be open or not I'm sure the zombie will still I think the villagers will still see the zombie I don't know okay it's almost night time once it's night time we need to get a zombie but first we need to name it we'll name him uh Bob okay I found a zombie come on zombie you gotta follow me all the way back over to there they should jump up here and then yes he's in yes okay you go away no one wants you now get out of here wear this name tag yes perfect okay villagers I need you guys to do some breeding please you sir the one without the job yes go yes yes there we go okay so we're going you're the first villager follow me okay yep yep yep go in there oh perfect sir you're so smart who wants to be my next victim into that tunnel you're almost there get in the boat go in there go in there yeah yeah okay child I need you to become an adult please don't no no no no where are you going where are you going where are you going no no back over there no in your little in your hole yes okay I finished the Iron Golem Farm um hopefully they spun you know I I don't want this to not not work or I'm gonna be very really sad I did everything I was told I don't know why they're not spawning I'm gonna go cry so far we've built a zombie XP farm a villager trading Hall and an iron golem farm that kind of works not really but there is one last thing I want to do these sheep I have them colored red and yellow and you're about to see why I'm not building a giant McDonald's I promise so we're just gonna we're just gonna walk this way uh for a little bit we're just gonna we're just gonna go this way while I was exploring these very lovely forests I found something very cool that kind of intrigues me just past this river right here is this plane's biome but something cool about this biome is it's completely surrounded by this River here's the island and as you can see the river goes all the way around it so I really want to build a big Village here and as you can see I have some wool placed down here and have some red wool over here and I'm kind of planning out what I want to do I don't really build castles in Minecraft much so it's kind of going to be a challenge for me but I really wanted to give it a try so I think over here we're gonna build our first castle now I'm gonna need a lot more red wool so I can plan out more buildings and get some more stuff going but this is pretty much the idea of a big build I want to do now last episode I built this villager trading Hall and after some time I finally got a mending villager I but then I left for like five minutes and he decides he doesn't want to sell me mending anymore so I had to convince him to sell mending again and this took way too long but once I finally got mending again I started to enchant my armor and my tools and then I walked past my iron farm and lo and behold it's working now this is the best day of my life I finally don't feel like a loser anymore but now that I have Enchanted tools I'm ready to get tons of resources for this Village so let's get some Spruce Wood copper diorite Cobblestone and the site and most importantly dirt so this is going to be the entrance of this giant village we're gonna have these small towers and they're gonna be like the entrance of the village and I want to raise this part up a little bit so then the gate for the village is kind of like you know up yeah yeah oh great look who decided to show up all of you are going to die I can do a raid Maybe I think we'll do that later maybe we'll do a raid later I'm gonna worry about the river later and make it look a little nicer because right now it does kind of look weird and we'll do more terraforming later but for now I just want to worry about this little Cliff right here so we're just gonna bring this up okay that's actually not a bad little Cliff right there I'll make it look a little better later we'll add more I will add some stairs some slabs some andesite make it look a little more realistic but that's a good start and now we can bring this dirt out more and make a nice flat area so we can build our Gatehouse up there now for the gate or the big entrance of the village we're going to it's going to be fairly simple um where's the middle here is this the middle say this is the middle so go one two three what we're gonna do we're gonna make a nice little area like this and then we can go here and play some of it with the polished diorite give it a little bit of texture here now the interesting thing with this uh build I'm also gonna bring them out like this and uh you'll see why it's gonna look great they also have to be stripped oh my my ax broke you know instead of me walking through this whole thing how about I just do a little bam pow Boop it's so gorgeous this is the uh the gate house building thing it's looking quite nice eventually these will become you know greenish because copper does turn green over time but it's it's going really slow I don't know why it's taking forever I also went ahead and made this path so this is well I mean it's not the path's not there yet but I I dug out where the path is going to be I've also been doing tons of terraforming and getting this place to look a little bit better now terraforming isn't fun when you have an iron shovel so we're gonna go back and I'm gonna get my levels back up to 30 because I'm at seven right now and then we're going to enchant the shovel also iron farm look at that oh my gosh it's working oh I'm so happy you know what's probably gonna be better it's just mining quartz going to the Nether and Mining that gives you way more XP I'm just gonna do that's gonna be so much quicker bam we're going to the nether yeah okay first has to has to fix my pickaxe first doesn't it oh you can't run away from me yeah oh hello Ghast hello shoot your Fireball at me yeah oh he disappeared oh this is much faster yeah this is much faster wow oh look we found a fortress let's try this again guest go go go let's go we did it Return to Sender hardly nowhere for some reason the game decided I needed another nether portal over here infinite obsidian glitch okay let's see what we can get with this hopefully something good efficiency and Unbreaking that's that's actually what I was hoping for nice now that we're back over here I'm gonna work on the path and I really don't know what I want for the path at the moment I'm just gonna go with Coors dirt for now I don't really have an idea for a path yet um so if I want to change it in the future I will but for now we'll just go with Coors dirt because I think it looks pretty good it doesn't look too bad and we'll get this whole path uh filled in here also I've been dealing with a canker sore the past couple of days and for those of you who don't get those and don't know what those are consider yourself lucky uh it's been impossible to talk so I haven't been able to record anything so that's why it's kind of been a while since I uploaded um but I'm I'm getting I'm getting better now I'm getting over it finally but God it's awful okay we're gonna need a lot of Coors dirt we're gonna do that later because I don't feel like doing that and I'm really eager to start building the castle and I have a bunch of stone in these furnaces already to be used so I think we're gonna start over on the castle now so we're gonna have the front door is gonna go we'll bring it out here and then I'll come in here and we'll put the door probably right in there one two three oh that's not what I want we'll put a little Tower here so we'll go like this we're gonna make the door here so we're gonna break these we're gonna put this here we'll go up two there we go that's a door and then we could we're gonna put some of this here and let's let's make it look let's make it look a little nice let's add a little bit of a little bit of spice to it yeah there we go that's not bad it'll be fine it'll be a fine little small door um so with that now we can figure out the size of these walls we want to go to there that should be fine because then we're gonna put these walls here it will do that yeah yeah that's a good height yeah that's gonna be great so we're gonna do that's gonna be like the main the main wall it'll go over to here that'll be a tower we'll make and that one's gonna be a big tower so I'm gonna work on that one first because that one's gonna take the most time it's gonna be huge um and then we'll have to go in later and I can grab you know we can grab some and the site throw in some Cobblestone but we'll do that later we'll throw in a bunch of different textures make it look make it look nice so it's not all the same We'll add some nice good old delicious texture everybody's favorite I'm gonna go to sleep now I don't know exactly how tall this is gonna be um but we're just gonna we're just gonna guess we're just gonna go up and guess that's a great idea so we're gonna go up here the pathway will be around here so we'll go up one two three four five six more but as you can see so basically the tower is going to go up and then it's gonna become wider and go up more it's really bad way of explaining it but ah you'll see eventually when it's done and then it's all about filling this up [Music] already out of stone bricks that that wow okay we need a lot more we need we need so much more and now we can go back over here and start filling this up more and for the top we're gonna where's the middle that's we need to find out where's the middle what we're gonna do here is we're gonna Place some windows we'll go up one two three that should be fine we'll do that and then we'll place ow we'll Place windows in there so there's gonna be like tiny little towers sticking out so I guess we'll do this bring it up like that and they'll be I guess three by three now for the roof of this I kind of think it will look really good to have deep sleeps I kind of want a really dark roof so we'll have to go and get a bunch of deep slate which I think I should have plenty of but I don't know I could be wrong then we can also maybe put these here and then [Music] that in the middle could be a nice little design there definitely gonna need deep sleep for the for the roof that doesn't look too bad I actually like that if we get another one on the other side and have the roof I think that's gonna look really cool I am happy with that wow okay I don't have a lot but I have some deep slate so we can try this out here and see what this is going to look like as a roof I don't even have enough for the whole roof actually so that's kind of embarrassing well we'll we'll leave it like that for now it's a start I am loving the look of that I think that looks so good I just need to get some more deep slate and then we can get some of the roof in there and really see what it's going to look like and then once we can get some detail in there with stone Cobblestone and endocyte I think it's going to look amazing super excited about that so we need to go get some deep slate real quick where is my horse come here horse where are you you over here here they are well I found my stash of deep sleep now with some of the roof on I think it's definitely starting to come together and I'm really liking the look of this and so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna finish up this Tower get all the sides in get the roofs on and then we can move on to the other parts of the castle so I guess we'll do a quick little time lapse of me building good foreign [Music] [Music] is finally done and I also went ahead and got some of this wall up here and we got this nice little design over there for the the top of the wall I think that's gonna look really cool I filled in this with dirt and I have this idea having the Wall go diagonally and then right here we're gonna have a bridge that will go over this water but as you can see the plan for the Castle is all done and all we need to do is raise these walls up and then build the towers and so I'm just gonna bring this up here and we'll start on the tower for this Tower I want to go and add a little bit more wood so instead of having just Stone I wanna I wanna get a little bit of wood in there and of course I don't have enough deep slate anyways the tower should be done now and we can see how that looks yeah I like that it kind of breaks it up so it's not all just Stone then you have some wood there and I think that kind of works really well I like that I think we're gonna do the same thing for the other Tower over here so I'm gonna get working on that right now we got the second Tower in here and I think it's really coming together now it's looking fantastic also I lost my pants from a very sad accident and I'm I'm actually really sad about that I I miss my pants to be honest but looking at this I do think it's missing something in the middle I think we need to build something in the middle to bring this whole thing together um and I think I have an idea let's go up here and then we're gonna add some good old Spruce I'm also going to need more deep slakes I want the roof to be deep slate again because apparently that's my favorite block now because it's all I use that is looking good I am happy with that I also have an idea um I got a bunch of this tough and I think we can use this to make it look more reinforced I was thinking maybe I could use the tough to just go up to like this and kind of go around the tower here and maybe it's gonna look like it's more reinforced I don't know add a little bit more texture and stuff to it um yeah I think we can do that I think that's a good idea we just gotta get all the stone and bring up these walls because right now they're just you know we gotta we gotta bring this up we gotta really make it almost look finished it was time to get more Cobblestone and I started to realize just how long this project was going to take just mining all the Cobblestone took forever because I needed thousands of blocks of cobblestone to be able to finish this Castle then once I started placing the blocks I went through so many stacks of stone bricks I have finally placed all of the stone bricks I need to place and the walls are now at the height they need to be I don't know exactly why I put this Tiny Tower over here or what I plan to do with it I guess I'm just gonna we're just gonna wing it see what happens that's what we're gonna do that's okay that's perfect definitely a tall tower but I like it now that we finally have all of the stone placed the next step is probably the step I'm I'm I I was least anticipating because it's just very time consuming um I just gotta go along and do this all I have left now is this final Tower and I'm so ready to be done with this it looks good though so far I just realized I haven't done that one either actually so I have to do that one too but it definitely looks better with the the detail um I also have to still finish the trip I didn't do a lot what am I doing I have a lot to do still I need to finish this I got to step it up go into going oh oh oh we're fine everything's fine and just like that we should be we should be done is this did I do this whole side I think I did I think we're done it looks it looks better I think we did it I think we're done I don't want to do this anymore that took that took that took way too long get out of here okay let's grab the last bit of this polished andesite and then we can finish this trim around the wall now even though we got this far there's still some things I still need to do we can go back up here and finish this walkway putting Spruce slabs here and there we go and then we need to get stairs eventually I don't know where the stairs are gonna be to get up into here but this is like the last thing we can do here with this Castle is just place this along the wall and make it look a little bit more fortified and it's gonna add a little a little bit of detail it's going to be great looks like I forgot to do this part with dirt do I have dirt on me that'll be good for now this will just let us continue putting the tough down um if I have enough that is I did it yes I had enough this is beautiful actually well we're not done yet let's add a little bit more here there we go we're done yes but having that toughness at the bottom helps so much I think that looks great I'm loving that look and I am ready to uh stop building this Castle now and uh quit and I'm done I quit that's it no I'm joking I can't I can't quit yet I still have a little bit of work to do when we started this video I built that thing and I started getting the path in here and now it's finally time I think to just finish the path and bring it up to the castle oh wow okay I didn't even I didn't even look at the castle from back here yet oh oh that looks beautiful the path is finally done what if we throw a little bit of leaves right here just to you know make the path look a little nicer wow I have been working on this project for so long and we've done a lot got a lot done I love the look of this castle and I'm so happy with how it turned out next episode I do want to add some houses in here and get some buildings in here make it look a little nicer in here so it's not just green um we could also get this bridge in I was gonna do it this episode but I am burnt out from building this castle for so long and I also want to eventually do the interior because right now it's empty and I think that'd be really fun cool but man I've spent so long on this project and I am so happy with how it turned out I love everything about this I spent all last episode building this giant castle and I kind of want to break from building but I also want to decorate the outside of this place to make it look a lot better and one way to do that is with moss so to start this episode we're going on an adventure to find a lush cave my horse and I set off and we were not gonna stop until we found a lush cave we crossed over rivers we climbed the mountains we even got shot by skeletons a lot to the point where my horse almost died so we stopped for a little and I protected him from the giant swarm of skeletons foreign once it was day again we continued our journey look at the frogs hello frogs oh my gosh I'm gonna come back for you and I'm gonna name you gorg I promise I'm gonna come back one day and I'm gonna I'm gonna name one of you gorg you're gonna be mine it's gonna be great oh hello witch nice home you have would be a shame if someone hold on burnt it down okay yeah that's what I think about you yeah how do you feel am I a terrible person no no okay horse we must continue our journey oh hey a Pillager Outpost looks like we have a new side quest we have to do real quick are they are they here there's none here we win I think we already won oh there's one hello sir and he's dead so that didn't last long there's never there's never really anything good in these so they're kind of like a waste actually oh look at all of you guys down there hello all right I'm going down there to kill you I'm not killing Banner guy I don't want to start another raid yet you get to live because you're you're a scary man oh I don't want you you have a banner I don't want Banner don't die from that here can I do this there haha we did it oh hello sir yep just stand right in the fire yeah oh no it's catching on fire I'm sorry about your your Tower it's uh it's probably gonna burn what is up with me and being a pyromaniac today yeah oh oh I'm really sorry about the tower oh my God what have I done well they're actually all dead so they won't find out look at this cave what the heck that's the that's such a big cave King this giant cave and I'm also still missing pants well Diamond pants at least so maybe we can go in here real quick find some diamonds then leave found diamonds now we have enough to make pants again we got more okay we can head back to my horse now oh my God a Manger of swamp we're finding everything except the Lush cave but hey I'm not gonna complain I love the mangrove swamp I'm just gonna grab some saplings real quick there we go okay we finally did it we did it we found an azalea tree yes oh my gosh we did it I hear a skeleton too I'm gonna kill him now because I'm so excited yeah now we're gonna dig straight down because I know that that's safe come on show me the cave where's the where's the cave come on I can almost feel it laughs what is that oh okay I thought I thought I was looking into I thought that was just a void of nothing I thought I somehow went through bedrock and I was just staring at the void that was scary I'm getting plenty of this rooted dirt which is actually good I can use that yes Moss we did it we got what we were looking for yes everything's fine we can get some glowberries [Music] yes yes yes and we can get the the flower the the pink flower I forget what it's called Spore Blossom yes I spent so long looking for this place and I'm just so happy now oh and drip Leaf I don't mind if I don't mind if I do look at this Leaf as drip oh brother this guy this guy thanks well that was fun I had a lot of fun doing all of that it was a great time and now we can go back yeah all that just to just to turn around and go back it feels so good to be back oh my gosh now that we're back the first thing I need to do is get out of this gross iron I mean look at that that's disgusting so go in here I uh I knew yeah yeah I don't have enough yeah no I knew that I knew I didn't have enough they should be over here somewhere yes okay there they are now we can actually make the pants okay horse we gotta go back now let's go in here and enchant these pants and see what we can get hopefully something good I don't have lapis on me please tell me I have some here I don't want to go all the way back okay let's let's put some of this stuff away um and let's make sure we have everything this time before I start going back and forth again okay there's the lapis we need that that should be fine I don't think we need anything else okay Horse let's do this again okay now we can actually do it for real this time and we got protection four and I do have a mending book I could put on these two so we gotta go over here to the villagers and then we'll have mending on all of our armor again also my iron farm uh the zombie disappeared and I've been trying to get another zombie in there have had no luck yet but we'll get that back and working again all right mending bam put it in there other way around and we got pants again yeah let's go okay horse we gotta go back to the castle now I know we keep going back and forth now that we have some Moss we can bone meal it and then get more moss and Azalea yeah so let's get a bunch of this and we can start decorating more of the castle with this beautiful beautiful stuff so what I kind of wanted to do with the Moss I think it would look kind of cool to just place it so it Blends in with the grass and just adds a different texture and then we can even Place some of the carpet down which I think the carpet looks really good and there we go just with that little bit I think it definitely helps a lot I want to add more trees too I think around this whole castle I want to have a bunch of trees to make a small little Forest so I think over on this side we can add a bunch of trees decorate it a lot and I think it would be really cool looking so I think that's what we're gonna start working on maybe do a quick little time lapse of me building I think that'd be really cool um we can also place these somewhere what if I just yeah why not I like that that looks cool too okay let's get to work I started off by placing a bunch of these trees I used fences as the Trunks and I think it looks a lot better because it kind of looks more realistic with the skinny trunk I then went around placing these rocks and then I used Stone buttons to look like pebbles on the ground and I think it turned out great lastly I used some Moss some Azalea and bone meal to bring it all together and there we go I'm loving the look of that with the trees there I think it looks so good and I definitely want to bring this out more and do more trees and make like a whole like tiny Forest I'm gonna I'm gonna build my own forest yeah but I'm not gonna do that right now because while I was building I did have an idea let me eat the steak first before I say it now I'm out of food we'll have to get food later but I believe in my first episode I think I found the deep dark oh wow that's the deep dark and I remember someone telling me that to find an ancient city you have to go to a Big Snowy Mountain and I think I know where one is so with that being said we're gonna go to that mountain and we're gonna find the ancient city and we're gonna take on the big bad scary Warden man I need to get prepared because I know I'm gonna probably die so um but hey this is gonna be fun anyways we have totems we're fine if I remember correctly I did have a god Apple I have to find that somewhere is it here no okay maybe it's maybe it's maybe it's over there aha it is okay we have enchanted golden apple we'll bring an ender pearl just in case I need to like get out get out of there quickly because I might um but that should be that should be all that should be everything we probably need more food actually oh no no I just fed my horse a god Apple I hope you enjoyed that horse I hope that tasted very yummy we should be good on food now well actually hold on one second we should be good on food now um it's time to head towards the mountain okay there's the mountain hopefully we can find an ancient city there or it will under there because it's it's underground that's where you find them okay is there gonna be like a cave we can we can go into ah okay here it is this is where we're gonna go into okay horse listen horse listen I don't I don't even have a name for you yet actually so that's I don't I'm just calling you horse but we'll get a name for you later I I'm going in there I may never come back if I don't come back remember that I I always I always cared about you I always liked you you're always been a great horse okay okay I'll be back I promise I'll be back for you horse I'll be back sorry for getting so emotional there I'm not even near I'm not even near anything I mean just a regular cave in my heart is racing I'm going to die of a heart attack if I do find an ancient city this will this will be like my first time ever doing this my first time like ever going into an ancient city and fighting the warden so that's why that's why I'm all tense right now okay it's not because I'm a Minecraft Noob it's actually the opposite I'm such a Minecraft veteran I just haven't done this part of Minecraft yet new idea let's just let's just Dig Down yeah that sounds like that sounds like a good idea nothing can go wrong there's deep slate okay oh there it is oh hello hello how do I how do I break you do it like that okay what is this I'm breaking you too oh okay we're breaking those things because I don't like them they uh they scare me a little bit not gonna lie I mean a lot of things scare me so it's really not saying much go away go away you stinky sensor thing no no what does that mean oh oh God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay no no when did Minecraft become a horror game no no I'm not having any of that actually that was that was terrifying that was the scariest thing I've ever ever witnessed in Minecraft before just gotta sneak just gotta be quite gotta can't make a noise no no I don't know what that means I don't know what that means oh no no please I don't like this I I'm not having fun I'm not having fun anymore [Music] okay you know what no I'm not I'm not having fun actually I'm not I'm no I'm scared I'm I don't like that I don't do good with horror games and I'm not having fun with this right now I'm terrified I'm not going that way we're gonna go this way we're gonna go this way the safe way oh I'm so scared right now why did they make Minecraft scary oh look at that engine hold on I like those yeah okay those are those are fun I like Dungeons dungeons are cool they're fun they're fun deep dark not fun I thought this was a children's game what happened listen I want to fight the warden but I don't want him to make it dark because I have a fear of darkness so I think it's kind of messed up for Minecraft to be messing with my phobia um so you know fight me fight me outside how about that how about that Warden fight me like a man outside in the daylight where I can see you yeah ever ever think of that I probably shouldn't be saying all these all this mean stuff about them because he's probably he's probably gonna take it really personal and he's gonna attack me and murder me oh man and now everyone in the comments are gonna be like oh Commander Nate is not a Minecraft editor and look how terrified he is of the warden listen guys you guys wouldn't understand you wouldn't understand what I'm going through right now okay so I'm like terrified and I think I have to go this way but how am I gonna break that thing that thing that does the that does the CR that does this the Screech you know I'm fine the warden can't get in here what am I even worried about look how small this area is there's no way the warden could get his big fats to Unbreaking this break break break break break break come on break help me ah oh where am I oh [Music] I'm not scared I'm not I'm not scared I'm not scared I'm not scared I'm fine everything's fine I'm not scared at all I'm only I'm only terrified stop it stop making noise stop it stop telling the warden where I am I have no idea is there a sensor around is it gonna like make noise then is that another dungeon spider shh no no be quiet be quiet be quiet be quiet what does that mean it spreads what does that mean [Music] what does that mean you go away I don't like you I don't know what you do but I'm scared of you I'm not even at the ancient city and I'm already this terrified oh man this is not gonna end well diamonds we can do oh I don't like that we can do this we can do this I believe in myself oh there it is there it is we found the ancient city no way I don't know if I should be happy or not I don't like that thing I hate that thing oh God I'm scared I'm just gonna I'm just gonna break you okay don't don't make any noise don't make any noise don't make any noise don't make any noise you're gonna make noise we're fine my heart is only racing very fast why do you gotta why do you gotta make me poop my pants like this I didn't actually poop my pants by the way we just go this way we just go that way towards we go towards that thing all of that we go towards that right oh my God okay if we just couch the whole time there's no way they hear us right right is that true I'm scared I'm so scared I'm actually so scared right now oh my god look how many of those weird things there are this place is insane we gotta get down there somehow but I don't know how is there is there boots I can get that like that are quiet like are leather boots quiet that should be something they need to add so then or like an enchantment so then like these things can't hear me bat bat shut up [Music] bat shut up I'm not going that way that bat is stupid I'm not going that way no I'm not gonna let a bat ruin my day okay the warden could go after the bat I'm not gonna fall into that trap we got diamonds I love diamonds oh my God diamonds are my favorite thing in this game oh [Music] shh crazy things can we somehow get to that building we have dirt be quiet please is that lava stop it stop it hey be quiet we're fine everything's fine don't need to make noise shut up shut up we're fine okay there's none of those things near me so I think I can open this chest right [Music] no no I'm not having fun anymore but but I'm not having fun anymore [Music] okay oh my God where is he where is he oh my god oh oh oh oh get me out of here oh get me out of here [Music] if I stay quiet he doesn't know where I am right if I just stay quiet he doesn't know where I am right I can hear him sniff oh my God flights turn back on lights turned back on [Music] lights turn back on this isn't funny anymore I have I scared I'm scared I'm so scared I'm so scared I'm so scared right now oh how I'm dead what is this game this isn't fair what what how is that fair how is that how is that fair how is that fair oh my God my heart is racing so fast guys I don't think I'm getting my stuff back I'm gonna be completely honest with you this penguin is not giving up I'm gonna go back there I'm gonna get my stuff and uh I want people to leave me tips in the comment section to tell me what do I do exactly what do I do against the warden exactly I thought if I didn't move I thought he only detected sound so what do I do exactly people you need to tell me because I don't know what to do I'm a Minecraft veteran but I need other people to help me okay how do you fight someone when it's pitch black you can't Minecraft you make it make sense is there something I'm doing wrong is there a way I could always keep light on I mean I could cheat and I have a mod that keeps night vision on but does that even work I don't know my adrenaline is through through the roof right now I guess it's safe to say I was not ready for the warden uh at all I was not even close not even a little ready actually okay we gotta speedrun this we can't get hit by any enemies that's gonna be the hardest part that's gonna be the hardest there's two there's two skeletons right there waiting for me okay I'm gonna go Gotta Go Gotta Go don't look at me don't hurt me don't touch me I'm on a mission I'm on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan yeah we're going in there with two hearts oh I'm sure nothing bad is gonna happen to me Commander Nate defeats the warden with no armor and only two hearts oh we gotta we're not getting this stuff back we're not getting this stuff back there's just no way okay I knew the warden was gonna be difficult but I I surely underestimated him I thought I was a little bit prepared I guess we have to start from the bottom start from the ground up hello penguinos and welcome back to another episode of survival Minecraft last episode I tried to take on the warden and ended up losing all of my stuff what but after a few hours of mining I was finally able to get my stuff back and now it's time for my next big project today I want to build a giant City for this Castle now this video took a long time to make so if you do enjoy the video please consider subscribing and help me get to 7 000 subscribers because we're almost there okay enjoy the video the first thing I want to work on is getting a bridge over to this area so we're gonna build a bridge here um so I need to go clear out those trees real quick okay now for this bridge I want to go with a really simple design but I want it to be wooden I don't want anything too fancy going in here because I think the main the main view is the castle really so I don't want to take away from it and I don't think I really could even if I tried with a bridge [Music] the bridge is done and I like it now we're going to turn this area into a Small Town Center so I need to make a circle [Music] okay now we have this nice little circle kind of thing it's kind of like an oval but this is gonna work this is gonna be our little town center and I want to build a fountain in the middle uh but I think the design I have is going to be too big so I might have to expand this anyway let's see yeah now that I'm looking at it definitely gonna need to expand this path it's gonna have to be a bigger Circle that's fine we'll we'll deal with that later for now it's Fountain time foreign yeah I am happy with that design definitely better than the first fountain I made oh hello sir ice is kind of cool but I don't need it sir this stuff is really bad not gonna lie and I and I have 21 emeralds I could spend but this stuff is not good now I gotta make this path a little bit bigger because it's kind of crammed with this Fountain it's just three blocks wide I need I need to be bigger for the first building I have in mind I think it's gonna kind of look like a school uh which is kind of cool that kind of rhymed um so we're just gonna do this and we're gonna see what happens when I'm done with it and hopefully it looks good I also have this Mangrove tree because I think the mangrove uh doors look really good and I really like them so we're gonna use them why is it always raining oh it makes me so upset okay there we go see that's a good door I like that door that's a good door it goes well with the wood I like it that's not looking too bad however now I need a lot more copper for the roof hello creeper oh don't shoot him towards me oh no oh yes we got a music disc let's go and now we can finish up the roof okay that house slash school is looking pretty good I'm happy with that now for this next one I want to make it a little bit bigger as I think I'm gonna use it for storage because currently everything is just crammed into random chests and I need to fix that let's clear some of this out I need more room for this building now we can go along here and start filling this wall in with a mixture of cobblestone Stone and ambesite I think that's looking good so far gotta go cut more trees again this City's gonna take up so much wood now we move on to the second floor and for this I'm just gonna use Oakwood and stripped oak logs I think it looks pretty good I'm gonna put some stairs back here and this allows easy access to the top floor and then we can add the trap doors here and I really like the look of that I think I want to use deep slate for the roof and it kind of will match the castle okay gluey let's go get some deep slate all right another building down many more to go the next one I want to build is going to be a horse stable because gluey keeps running away and I can never find where he is so I need him to just stay in a stable and not move instead of just a regular door let's use some trap doors to make it an even bigger door hello guys that's a lot of you just gonna eat this real quick and now I'm gonna go kill them all I'm not gonna be going to a village for a while now for the roof we can use deep slate and copper so it helps fit in with the other buildings okay gluey your little stable is done I just need to find you first because you ran off again why does he keep doing this this is exactly why I had to build him that stable I put him down for five minutes and all of a sudden he just runs miles away hello gluey I thought that was gluey but it's not it's just a random horse that looks like gooey oh why guys I think Louie's dead I think gluey has been has been turned into glue one hour later glowy what do you how are you over on the other side of this mountain Louie how did you get over here I left him over there oh my God this this horse do you go gluey oh glue you uh you need to slim down a little bit Oh I thought he disappeared again oh my gosh glue it you got you're freaking me out just go in here please okay there we go now you now you stay there you stay there okay oh my God okay gluey's gluey's safe he's not going anywhere anymore we now have three buildings in this city and we have a lot of work to do so let's get back to building for this next building I want to make the path go through it and we're also going to need more ambesite Cobblestone and stone now we can build two small Stone towers and then connect them with an arch and then build the main part of the building on top of this and it's not a commander Nate video if I don't die and then after a few more finishing touches we have a nice building and the path is able to go right through it now that we have that building done I think it's time to head back to my Village because I want to get some hay bales and I want to upgrade my shovel because it's getting kind of low and I don't want it to break so first let's grab some wheat and then we can sell this man a bunch of sticks and then we can buy mending and time to get tons of XP now let's hope we can get a good enchantment efficiency for that's not bad it's it could be better but I'll take it now let's go put mending on this and then let's head back to the XP farm and we can repair it now for this next building I want to try making a diagonal I don't usually build diagonally in Minecraft so this is going to be quite a challenge first we got to fill in this hole right here get some more wood and now we can start placing blocks and I don't really want this to be too big so I'm gonna try not to overdo it foreign but maybe if we try using some slabs and trap doors to make kind of like an arch yeah that doesn't look too bad I like that I also want to use some copper so it's time to get more copper for the roof now we can put the copper in the furnace and while we wait for that I want to make a quick Animal Farm because I hate having to go all the way back to my Village to get food so let's get some hay and we gotta find a cow hello cow just follow me follow the man with the hay or the penguin with the hay and just follow me this way I promise I'm I'm only gonna I actually have to kill you and I'm really sorry about this and I wouldn't do this in real life I promise okay come on you guys are going really slow over the river come on we don't go all day and then right into this little pen there you go and now you gotta make babies have fun now let's grab this copper and we can continue making the roof not too bad for someone who doesn't build diagonally a lot now for the doors I think we just put trap doors here it could look like the doors are open and yeah I like that and it looks pretty cool now let's go ahead and finish up terraforming this area and fill in all these holes next thing I want to do is add a little tree back here to fill in this empty space I think that looks a lot better super happy with that just a few hours of building and I'm already loving the way this place is looking it looks so cool walking in here and I'm I'm really impressed by what I've done here I still have a lot of work to do I want to get some buildings on this side and over here but this town center is looking great obviously the buildings have nothing in them um but I will get to that eventually the next thing I want to do is make this area and turn it into a wheat farm because I'm gonna need wheat for the cows and it's kind of been a pain going all the way back to the village for a wheat so I think that's the next step in this process first let's get rid of some of this grass then we can grab a bunch of oak leaves and then we start placing it around where we want the farm to be and then we can start placing all of the seeds and it might as well build a scarecrow now that we got that done I need to start moving all of my things into one of the houses and then maybe I'll organize it one day and by one day I mean I I'll probably forget and then never organize it okay let's bring out the path this way and then we're gonna add a little tree in this open area and then we can add a little bit of other plants to make it look a little nicer and now I want to build another building on this side of the path and I think a little Tavern could be really cool this building is going to be kind of in the same style as the last one but this time I'm gonna use some andesite so it's not exactly the same okay now I have an idea I have this uh flower thing if I put it right here in this tree and then if I hide it is it going to be hidden enough but you can still get the the effect of it like all the green particles or is it going to be too noticeable um I don't know it's kind of it's kind of noticeable I think that might be a little too noticeable but I do like that particle effect so I gotta find a way to hide it a little better now what if I put it underground is it still gonna work I feel like it's probably not but we can check I don't think it worked there's no green particles I have a better idea if I just put it in this wall right here put it right there and then I put a trap door over it so you can't see it I think it should still give off the effect right maybe oh there's a little bit okay I see some of it it is working okay I fixed it it's working now and you can't even tell it's great okay now back to the tavern I had this cool idea of making like a tiny tower on the top corner of the building I think it could look kind of cool but we're about to find out oh yes that looks so good I'm super happy with that and now for the roof uh I'm gonna use copper because for some reason I like using copper on everything now unfortunately that means I need to go get more copper because I'm out so time to go mining again I keep using copper because I love when it becomes oxidized and it's like that nice greenish teal color but I didn't know how long it would take it's been it's been so many days and none of my copper is even close to being done I don't get it anyways I finally got the building done and I think it looks super cool really happy with how it turned out although I can't help but notice there is one thing still missing from this city it's a chimney you have to have a chimney now we can stand from back here and yes with the smoke going up I think that looks so much better it adds a little bit of life to the city oh I love the look of that me and gluey are going on a little adventure and by little Adventure I mean we're going back to my Village because my helmet's almost broken and my boots and I really don't want them breaking so we need to go fix those real quick I also need to make stairs because jumping up this entire mountain is awful hello sir I am back with more sticks I hope you're hungry kind of sad because I'm I'm the hungry one actually oh food let's go all right gluey don't go anywhere don't get lost why did you guys produce an iron golem out here they're supposed to go in the lava how is the farm doing anyways oh it's doing great sir I would like to buy mending from you thank you first we'll put on the helmet because the helmet is almost dead now I need to get more Emerald so I probably need to sell more sticks no why do you do that to me I would like to buy another mending book please thank you good sir now let's go over to the XP farm and we can repair all of our armor okay there we go my armor is looking good now uh we can head back and the hard part now is going to be finding gluey because I'm sure he probably ran off somewhere now you guys saw me put him right in front of that house but I swear he just runs away I don't know how does he get so far away there he is gluey come on now looks like some of the copper is almost there that's good news it's only been about 100 days uh we have nothing in this building I don't know what we're gonna do with it to be honest this one is also empty with giant holes in the floor this one is you guessed it still empty oh my God nope there's a zombie in it no it's empty horse stable empty this one is is the only one that has stuff in it eventually I do want the path to go this way and then we can get some more buildings in here and we also need to get more Farms over here eventually and then I think it'd be really cool to bring this Forest out and make this whole area Forest I just feel like I got so much done and there's still so much still left to do which is insane to me but I'm super happy with the progress we made today it just looks so good it looks so good I'm so happy with it and I think we're gonna save some building for next episode and we'll continue on with the city get more stuff going isn't that right gluey hello everyone and welcome back to Minecraft we're playing more survival Minecraft I'm here in my castle and it looks like the Sun is setting oh look at that beautiful sunset gorgeous I'm gonna go to sleep now I've been quite busy building the interior of this Castle part of it at least we don't have anything up here really and then there's kind of nothing up here but the good news is now these towers can actually be accessible and you can look at them look out the windows of them and they work and we have a little throne room right here I can sit on my little throne and do things that Kings do I guess um and then over here the the stairs are not done I need to get the stairs done we'll do that eventually because everything down here is kind of ugly there's nothing going on down here I need to get this whole area done it's gonna look a lot better but for now we're gonna keep it like this because we have work to do in the city I did a stream a couple days ago and we got this church done look how beautiful this church is I'm so happy with this church turned out amazing I put a lot of detail into it I think it really paid off loving the look of that we got to get the path going around here and everything but we also need to build another another building because if I don't build things the city's Never Gonna never gonna get finished so let's go build another building now I am running quite low on resources so we need to cut down some trees and do some mining and now we can finally start building [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and there we go I love this building I think this looks super cool and this walkway I have a cool idea I think we bring the path this way and then behind this building we can have a whole market area where they're going to be selling a bunch of stuff and having a bunch of cool things going on and then we could bring the path out this way it'll go behind the buildings and head over back to where this church is we also need to get Windows eventually for this church because if there's no windows yet but I want to get some colorful windows I want to get some blues some Reds some purples in there make it look super cool uh kind of like this window but I want to make that window colorful too I don't want it to just be yellow I don't want I don't want it yellow it's it's not the best color and then we have a big project over here I've been wanting to do this for a while now and I'm loving the look of this we have the trees here and then we have that little mountain and I think it would be super cool to go in clear all the trees out get rid of them and then make that mountain make it a better mountain and make it look cool and then we could add our own forest in it add some trash sales going through it add some really cool little Scenic stuff I think it could be so cool because I am loving the look of these trees that I built I love the look of these and I would love to make a whole Forest out of them and I think over there is going to be the perfect time to do that so I'm super excited about that project but before we do that we still have a couple things to do number one well actually number one is finding gluey I don't know why his stall is open I must have forgot to close it and gluey is not there we gotta find gluey again and then we need to go back to my Village repair my shovel because I'm gonna need it for a lot of terraforming today I have to start tying them up I don't know why I don't do that gluey is uh he's gone he's gone Louie got turned into glue finally I don't know why I said finally as if it's a good thing it's not a good thing it's actually very sad I guess we'll find them one day I'll just walk then for now that's fine oh what was that noise I need to get exercise anyways let's head to the Village it's still working oh yeah now I believe since I already upgraded this villager if I remove this I don't think he loses his job I think he just kind of stays like that uh so I'm taking this sir just hold on one second stay right there okay I'll be taking this now and then you do that come on go right there now I need to get silk touch from you because I need a lot of stone for my project I'm building and I don't want to use a furnace and waste all my coal turning Cobblestone into stone so you need to give me silk touch okay make my life easier come on oh he finally did it I'll be taking this also villagers have you guys seen gluey if you do let let him know that Commander Nate is looking for him and he needs to go home I miss him now we can put silk touch on our pickaxe get some blue flowers get some red flowers get sand get gravel then we can put some sand in the furnace and then make a bunch of coarse dirt fill in this path then make a bunch of colored glass and then finally we can place these windows and finish up the church and there we have it the church is finally finished and it looks a whole lot better with those windows on there oh I love the way that looks with the colored glass now that we got that church done we can finally start working on this giant project and the first thing I need to do is clear out all of those trees it's time to start shopping [Music] it is all cleared out now I still need to fill in these holes but I think I'm gonna have enough wood for a long time now now the next step is working on the actual mountain and I do have an idea for this but we need to go over to my creative world so I can show you this idea as you can see I have two designs right here and what I originally wanted to do was make more of like a mountain where it goes to the top and has a little Peak at the top you know what kind of it goes to a point and I thought this was going to be a cool idea but I changed my mind and I think we're gonna do a giant cliff and I want to add in a lot of this tough and even gray wool because when it's actually in the world you're going to be seeing it kind of far away from the village so you won't really be able to tell that it's wool and I think we'll blend in really well so now that we know what we're gonna do back to the world so now we need to get a ton of stone if we want to make this thing giant it's it's mine in time now it's time to figure out how big we actually want this thing to be uh and honestly I want it to be really big I want to go all out almost the size of that castle would be nice like I really want it to go up there we're just gonna go up and we're gonna have it bend in a little bit and then it's gonna hang over and be like a cliff so we gotta bring it up this way and I think right there might be good is that tall enough that's pretty tall I think this is a good height we're almost I think we're almost at level with the castle so I think this is a good height that's really tall um and you know what I think that's the perfect height oh I think that's perfect so if we are standing all the way over here that's how tall it's gonna be that's very tall but I think that's gonna be super cool all right now we have to actually build this Giant mountain let's do this exactly [Music] now that is a cliff oh I love that this is looking really good and I got some Moss up on top getting some leaves up there and then I brought some Moss down here at the bottom and I'm thinking that I might just do this whole area just Moss because I love the way this Moss looks with all the grass and the Azalea I think it looks so good so I think we're just gonna do the whole area Moss but I really love this cliff and as you can see I have some tough in there and some of that light gray wool and most importantly you get a great view from the top so let's head up to the top look at this view oh my gosh the other side of this Cliff isn't done it's just this single strip of dirt that we have here but I'll get i'll get doing more stuff back there eventually once we get that City done it's gonna look so good from up here um but let's head back down and we have to start working on the forest down there and I think what we're going to do is just bone meal this whole area and make it Moss because I love the Moss [Music] now with all the moss in here this looks really cool and I definitely think Moss might be my new favorite block in Minecraft the next thing I want to do is I want to continue adding some detail into this giant Cliff to make it look a little better so it's not just all Stone so we can go along here and start replacing some blocks with wool tough and andesite foreign detailing can really go a long way this went from a really boring looking Mountain Cliff to I think probably my best Mountain I have ever built in this game now this looks good with the Moss and the mountain but there's still something I want to add to make it look even better and I think what we need is trees we need to make a whole forest in here I think that would be super cool and it would look a lot better so we have a bunch of fences and we have a bunch of leaves and we're gonna make some trees and there we have it that tree is such a simple design but I think once we can get a bunch of them it's gonna look super cool yeah I like that design we're gonna get a bunch more in here and we're gonna see how that looks [Music] I definitely underestimated this project and did not know how long it would take placing all these trees but we do have some trees in there and I like it also Enderman creeping over there back to work [Music] foreign [Music] I ran out of spruce fences but we do have a lot more trees in here and it looks a lot better it's coming along it's actually looking like a forest now and this mountain is looking great with the trees now I could start placing more trees or we can start working on a path now uh first we need to get some dirt and some gravel now let's make a ton of coarse dirt now we can work on the path and get it all the way over there the path now goes right down here and then we have this nice bridge over this River uh I'm gonna make it look a little better in the future but for now this is a good design it is a little basic but we'll fix it up one day I think probably uh but the path it goes down here and we have it going all the way over to where this campfire is and I have this really cool idea I think I want to build a little tent over here so it looks like someone's camping I think that'd be super cool and we have we have some white well we have some Spruce um so I think we're gonna build that right now we just need to move some of this stuff um ow can I pick up the campfire with silk touch please maybe that'd be cool oh I can that's so cool oh that's amazing thank you Minecraft okay okay time to build now [Music] and there is our nice tiny little tent it's very cozy we have a little camper here and this log over here maybe they're saving it to get ready to burn it and then we have the nice little tent and you actually have to crouch to get into it which I like even more because it makes it feel a little more cozy a little more safe in here and um it's great it's it's nice and it's nice and small and you have a great view of the mountain um the only thing that's going to make this place better is if we add more trees so let's get more leaves and some Spruce Wood then we can make more Spruce fences and start building more trees [Music] thank you I think I'm done placing trees for this episode because I've already placed probably over 40 of these stupid trees and I don't want to I don't want to build them anymore also I don't know why I didn't know this but I was placing bone meal and I right clicked one of these guys by accident and voila it turned into this for some reason I didn't know that was a thing which is great though because we can get these flowers now and I love these I love these flowers so we can get these and I can use them I don't know how I didn't know about this before I don't know I don't know why I was so dumb but I don't know why I thought I had to find a lush cave to get these but this makes my my life so much easier also I changed the bridge a little bit it's all right it's a little better it's still not great but it's a little better anyways the good thing about having these now is I I could replace these leaves up there and put flowers there that's what I've always been wanting to do it's gonna look so much better oh yes oh that's great oh that is fantastic I am so happy now I finally feel happy now in my Minecraft world because of this block oh that looks so that looks 10 times better oh that's so good no no no no no no I despise Creepers with every atom of my body oh my gosh okay here we go with a Shader how cool is this gonna look so far it looks amazing I feel like I'm actually in a forest look at that mountain oh I can live here look how beautiful look at this look at this right there oh that's that's a money shot right there well I am so proud of this it really turned out better than I thought it would and I think this all just looks so great and I love this little tent man we got so much work done today um I want to go to the top real quick actually eventually we'll get a path that goes all the way up there but that's gonna kind of take a long time and I don't feel like doing that right now because I just built a Giant Mountain Cliff thing my game hates it if I look over in that direction we gotta turn this off turn it off wow from up here it really doesn't look like there's that many trees but down there it feels like it's really covered we also need to one day expand the mountain this way and bring the dirt this way and I'm thinking I want this whole area to be kind of mountainy and have a bunch of giant mountains and cliffs like this one um but that's gonna be a later project because I know that's gonna take so long um I still need to focus on my side ready but it was kind of a nice episode to just take a break from the city and work on something a little different it has been over a month since I said I was gonna build this city and it is still not finished but today I want to change that in today's video we're gonna finally finish this city gluey is still missing uh well I don't know if we're ever gonna find them but last episode we built this beautiful Cliff over there and I love the look of it I think it looks so cool from back here we got a bunch of trees in there and I definitely want to add more trees eventually and bring the cheese up to the river area but that's not really what we're focusing on today also let me turn let me just let me just turn this off real quick you don't don't look at that but today's episode what we're focusing on is this city because right now it's it's kind of a city but there's not enough buildings to really be considered a city uh there's a lot of empty space and I want to finish the city look at that we could look at ourselves hello camello Commander Nate bye but we have this whole island and I really want to fill this whole island up to make the city uh complete on this side I think we're gonna fill it up with farms and stuff a bunch of carrots a bunch of wheat could be very cool and then this side is where we're gonna have all the buildings also I did a stream a while ago and look look how we have we have we have another eight look at the chest plate it's nethering now oh it looks so good it is night time though so let's go to sleep real quick so to start this episode I think what we're going to do is we gotta go and get more netherite which means we have to go to the mines well actually the nether mines the we have to go to hell uh so let's head that way we have to go back to our village and I hate walking all the way over there so I'm thinking we have to get a new horse I know a lot of you are going to be against that because I know you miss gluey but gluey I think gluey ran away uh I don't think he's coming back I think he's doing his own thing and I think we need to find a new friend as sad as it is hopefully I have another saddle somewhere I think I should oh we do okay and we have gold horse armor that's what we'll use this time hey Iron Golem you're not supposed to be out here you're supposed to be dead you're not supposed to be out here okay give me the iron yes please oh thank you okay now we can go find a horse we found a horse and it's the opposite of gluey come on horse let me be my best friend oh he's my best friend are you a fast horse oh you're so slow now be nice come on be nice let me let's be friends there we go okay are you a fast horse oh you're so slow too hello beautiful horse oh this horse is much faster oh yes can you jump high oh he could jump high too oh this this is such a good horse I'm gonna name you uh uh dots because you have dots all over you okay dots I'm gonna put you in this hole so you don't go anywhere because I have I have PTSD from gluey now that we have a new horse we need to get some wool and some wood so we can make a ton of beds and we can go mining for some netherite I have to make all of you naked I'm sorry okay dots I need you to stay in this hole and I'll be back I have to go to the nether let's go to the Nether and it's time to get some netherite [Music] now we can smell this ancient debris and I have no coal so we'll just use we'll use wood that's okay okay dots we're heading back to the city dots I really hope you never leave me like Louie did oh the roof is almost fully oxidized okay Dots here is your new home it's it's great in here it's safe I promise oh you're gonna love it yeah have fun in there and don't leave now we can plop this down we can put netherite on my pants netherrite on nope not Flint on my helmet and my boots oh yes cover me in debris oh we did it we did it we are full of a netherite oh it feels it feels great I will never die hello world I'm full of nether right now and nothing can stop me so it's time to get working on the city now thank you foreign oh look at all the food we have now we got carrots we got we we got pumpkins over there and this place is looking great I am loving the way these Farms look and I really especially like this pumpkin farm I added some of this Soul soil to make it look a little muddy um but I think the pumpkins look really cool I'm really happy with this but I think this is a really good look for this side of the island and I think what I'll do eventually is I want to get more moss and I think I'll put Moss along the edge of this River and then maybe we could add more trees there and put them on the edge there uh because it is kind of empty on the side and I really don't want it to be like sand I think it'd be better to just have it be moss and maybe coarse dirt but now that we have the Farms done that means that half of the island is now done and we can start working on the other half which is going to be a little more difficult oh horse what are you doing oh my gosh I can't lose you like I did gluey come here horse oh that would have been really bad if he if he escaped I gotta close the door I gotta close the door we actually have leads now so I can uh there he's not going anywhere guys he's not going I I you're staying there anyways I want to start getting some of these paths in here we need to get a path going this way I want to connect it up to this one and then connect it to over there and then we're gonna build a little a little market I think right around here will be really cool um and I should have tons of gravel and stuff so we can start working on a path there we go now that we have this path in here this is gonna help me kind of finish this Forest Area because now I want to bring this forest all the way throughout here and make this whole area a nice forest and then we'll add a bunch more Greenery like we did here in this little green area to kind of help blend in this building with the the forest kind of area if that makes sense um and I think we'll bring another path out this way and there'll be more buildings over here this whole area will be where a bunch of buildings are gonna be I mean I guess the next thing to do really the only the only next thing to do is to start building some buildings uh so you know what that means another beautiful time lapse okay here we go oh bam foreign okay we got some cool stuff done and I think these buildings we just added kind of make this place go from a little town to more of looking like a city and I'm super happy with it we have the marketplace I think this turned out really cool I really love the look of it we have some wheat some pumpkins and barrels everywhere and this uh barrel full of moss everybody's favorite food but I think this is looking really good and then we have this building over here which is quite a big building you can also go through it here but over here we have this nice little area oh this place is so cozy I was thinking I wanted like I guess he would be like a blacksmith and he could take his tools and like I don't know put his Tools in there and you know melt metal and then he puts it on the Anvil and he smacks it you know what I'm saying yeah he smacks it with the the with that and he has a chain there for some reason I don't know but it's a cool oven thing and the smoke goes really high uh sadly there is nothing on the inside one day we'll have to do that but it's looking a lot cooler and we also have another building over here don't okay don't look at that I just realized I didn't do the roof over don't look at that don't look at that and we also have this cool little Alleyway I don't know why but I love Alleyways I don't know why but I think this one's super cool um but I think we have some cool stuff going on here I do need to get some stuff to help make the path look a little better because it's just Coors dirt and it looks okay but it can look a lot better we also need a lot more materials because look I I don't think we have any dirt left okay we have 15 dirt wow that's so much dirt it's that time it's that time again um dots it's time to go on a little Adventure we need to go get some more things we need dirt we need all that good stuff and we need to go find a mangrove swamp so dots are you ready oh he's ready okay dots let's go find a mangrove swamp now I'm pretty sure I did find a mangrove swamp before a while ago with gluey uh R.I.P gluey I don't know where he is so I think I know where I'm going which is going to help dots we did it we found the The Mangrove swamp let's go get some mud okay fine I'll push you across this entire River horse you have to go you have to go that way I don't know why you're trying to go into me come on you're so slow when it comes to water I don't know why how about how about learn to swim ever ever tried that let's get as much mud as possible okay now we can go ahead and start cooking some of this no no that's not how you do it guys I was just joking I was pranking you all of course that's not how you do it that's how you do it either guys that was a joke that was a joke that was a joke um no I know how to do it right it's not silly me it's not dried mud it's packed mud that's what we're trying to get and we need we I knew that I knew that this whole time you guys got pranked you guys got pranked yeah you guys must feel so silly right now now I want to take the pack to mud and kind of mix it in with the path and see what that's going to look like and then we can just Place some mud in a random spots not right there and that is definitely gonna have a cooler a cooler path look I like that a lot more so we have to go ahead and put that pretty much everywhere and I think that's gonna look so much better than just regular Coors dirt with the packed mud it definitely looks a lot better so I'm super happy with that and we have it going around in here and oh that's huh hold on uh okay that's fine we're good now but now that we do have this packed mud we can also I was joking about that I okay we can make we can make okay we make slabs out of the bricks actually uh but now that we have this I think it would look better if we replaced these and instead used the bricks so we will do that eventually but I think we need to get working more on some of the houses over there now for this residential area I'm thinking I want a bunch of just smaller buildings for the homes and I kind of have an idea for the houses we're gonna make it very simple so let's try building something here real quick and I think having it smaller like this just a bunch of these is going to be really cool then we can strip the wood here then we can fill in these walls with Cobblestone some Stone and andesite then I think we can also add like a tiny little farm right here for this house maybe put some carrots in here like they're growing their own food then we can even go ahead and I think add a little window right here just by adding some stairs like this and doing that I don't have a window on me right now but we can stick a little window right there and I think that's a really good look just for a small little house and we also have to get the path kind of going throughout here and we get another cool little Alleyway which I love Alleyways so that works out too but now with that we have this I think it's time to go get a ton of more resources we need more Spruce Wood more Stone more andesite more dirt a ton of gravel and a ton of deep sleep and then we can head back and do a little quick time lapse of me building the residential area [Music] thank you [Music] dots and I are back in the mangrove swamp getting more mud so I can finally finish the path I also wanted a little break from building so this was a perfect time to head out and get some more mud okay we are heading back into the city now and I can kind of show you some of the new stuff we got and the plan we have going forward the Sun is going down I'm gonna go to sleep real quick first actually okay we got some very very cool stuff now going on back here you walk through this little tunnel and we have a bunch of these little houses and yes I am aware that that roof isn't done that roof isn't done and I think there's a couple other roofs that aren't done but that's because I want those roofs to be copper and I don't really have any Copper at the moment so we have to go get more I also brought this little wall out here and I brought the path this way and I saw how the land kind of bends out this way and I thought it would be super cool if we built some type of tower over here I I don't really know exactly what we're going to do for the tower but I think some type of tower could be super cool over in this little area and then I think for this area we're going to fill it up with some trees and a whole bunch of foliage but it's looking great so far and now we need to head over to a cave and get some copper [Music] I actually want to cry all of that and I got I was one stair short I'm going to cry I'm going to go I'm gonna go cry now anyways let's head over here let's get some more oak leaves and now we can use the leaves to make this bush type thing and kind of go along this path here kind of like we did on that side then we can bone meal this moss and bring it out this way and I don't have enough bone meal but you get the idea we're gonna we're gonna put Moss all throughout here and then we'll put some trees and it'll be very cool looking but before we do that I think I do need to get this path uh done so I need to go get my mud pack it up with some wheat and then make it look like this everywhere because I think we should have enough now oh hello creeper no no please don't go near me I wasn't able to get the entire path to be packed mud but we do have a lot more of it done now and oh it looks so much better with that and with the roofs done besides that one block right there but it's looking good it's looking good it's looking great we're getting so much work done I probably should put some coarse dirt there or something but it's going well it's going great I think I'm gonna take a quick break from building all the houses and stuff and we're gonna work on this little area next I'm gonna get some trees in here and some foliage and make it look really cool [Music] thank you [Music] I am loving the look of that I think that looks super cool with the trees there and now that we have that done it's time to work on the tower here I ended up getting the tower done and I completely forgot to hit record with replay mod so that's kind of sad um but I did end up streaming it so if you do want to see that uh the stream is available but we also got some trees in here too and I filled in this area with a bunch of leaves and stuff and I think it looks so cool now we can actually hit F4 and go to free cam mode and look at it and I think this part is looking super cool over here but next up now that we have that we need to work on some more paths here we need more mud eventually and then we have a very small little section left of the city which is just this area as you can see it's just this little corner now here that we need to get filled in with some buildings and then we're pretty much done and oh man I'm super excited to be finished I've just been doing so much building but the building isn't over yet so that being said we have to go and get more materials and then it's time to do some more building and we'll do one more one final time lapse so uh let's get into it foreign with all that finished I think I can finally say I'm done building buildings I think we got everything in place that we wanted right here next to the church I want a little stone cutter area so I'm going to add a stone cutter and then put some stuff in here that's why we have this pile of rocks I tried to get some buildings in there for the different professions so that's kind of just the stone cutter area and then down here we have this diagonal building I don't know what we're gonna do in here but we'll figure that out then we have this building and I think what I'm gonna do is just place a bunch of barrels and then we'll have like a big storage area I think that will look pretty cool and then this building is probably one of my favorites that I built I really like this little Tower type thing up here it looks super cool and I love the little windows up there then over here the path goes this way and I'm still kinda debating if I want to bring it out here and then make a bridge and go over to there I don't know if I want to do that at the moment so I think for now we're going to kind of leave this whole area a little blank just because I don't know if I want to do a bridge or not so I'm gonna I'm gonna leave that open and maybe we'll decide that in a later episode but I think that could be super cool but for now I think this looks super cool I'm happy with everything we have in here and now the very last thing is I want to bring this little Forest out here and I also think it'd be really cool if we made like a little path go throughout the little Forest so maybe we could bring the path this way and now hopefully I have enough Cory's dirt if I have any I might have used all of it I don't have any more but that's okay we do have some gravel so we can do that make some more Coors dirt and then fill in this path now that we have the path in now it's time to build more trees and this should be the finishing final touches on this city so we're probably gonna need more leaves and then some more fences and then it's time to start placing and building more trees thank you [Music] and just like that we have this little path done and then we have the forest here and I think it looks super cool with all the little bushes and everything that's not supposed to be floating but I think this looks really cool and oh I'm so happy to have this getting even closer to being done and now when we go into the free cam mode it looks done we have filled up this entire Island oh my gosh this took so long but it looks so good this really feels like a city now and oh it's great that door is missing hello skeleton don't don't shoot me let's now make an armor stand hello skeleton they're in church they're uh they're they're praying to the gods and and shooting me for some reason that's not very religious of you I had a really cool idea for a little detail over here what if we take the armor stand put this in the corner and then we can put a little helmet on right there and it looks like the guy whoever's working here is making some tools and making some armor and I love that that is a cool little detail there's so many little details we can add around this city ah there's just so much there's there's so much more to do even though it is pretty much done but we got so much work done over the past couple episodes and this one obviously was the most work I think I've done in this world I spent most of this week building and I am so tired from building it's so fun but also once you do it for so long it does get tiring but it's so worth it because we have something so cool here let's head up to the top of my castle I really want to see what view we can get from up there okay that I was expecting a little better of a view hello everyone and welcome back to building with Commander Nate that's not the name of this series but I think it should be today we have some very fun stuff we're doing isn't that right dots we have some fun stuff planned today and I'm so excited about this episode today we are doing something I have been wanting to do for a very long time and it's finally time to do it a couple episodes ago we built this giant cliff and I think it looks really cool and I've been wanting to put something on top of it and today we are going to put something on top of it I have seen quite a few comments saying oh Commander Nate why have you not fought the Ender Dragon yet because of that I've decided that today we're gonna do it today's the day we do it today we're gonna fight the Ender Dragon and then we're gonna steal her egg and we're gonna put it up on top of this Cliff I made this little dirt thing it might I think it's a little too steep to be honest but we'll fix it but this is where we're gonna expand this mountain so we're gonna bring out the Moss this way and then up there at the top of the hill we're gonna make a giant a giant Tower and it's gonna be really big it's gonna be a really big tower and that's where we're gonna put the egg we're gonna make a big tower I'm gonna we're gonna put the egg on top of the tower and then hopefully from the top of the tower you can see the city I'm sure you will be able to because it's gonna be big okay no more waiting it's time to start the episode and we need a bunch of dirt we now have a good amount of dirt and I think this should be enough to uh get this to a point where I can build the tower on top of it and I think I'm gonna change the way this this hill goes I think it's a little too steep at the moment um so we're gonna we're gonna change that but it's time to start placing a bunch of dirt and getting this hill looking a little better up here thank you [Music] okay so we got a lot of this area filled in with dirt now and I also went ahead and I got some different blocks in here and I also even got some granite and stuff to maybe mix in there so this whole area I want it to be full of moss and I want this Tower to be really big and I want it to look like there's Moss kind of going on the side of it I think that'd be kind of cool um and so we need to figure out how big this is going to be I really want it to be huge okay that should be the middle right I think that's the middle I think that's gonna be a good size for the the tower but basically what we're trying to do here is I want it to look like there's a moss growing up and then we'll put in some pretend that's mossy cobblestone okay pretend it's mossy cobblestone we'll get some Aussie Cobblestone there and we'll also get we'll also add in some darker blocks at the bottom here and then as we go up we'll get in some more of these lighter blocks going up here and then I think it'd be really cool to add in a little bit of red and orange kind of in different areas so we can add some uh some mud some Granite some other stuff like that because I really need this to be really full of detail kind of like that but just pretend that that's mossy cobblestone this is heavily inspired by uh boo 100 I don't know if you guys saw his video where he built a giant tower for his uh dragon egg it's kind of the same idea I'm gonna do a different design but the stone part is like what he did where he had a whole bunch of different blocks and made it really crazy looking okay so we're back in the city and the reason we won the tower to be full of different detail and stuff is because whenever you're looking at it you're gonna be looking at it from back here in the city and it's going to be kind of hard to see the detail so if we don't put a lot of detail if we just use gray blocks it's gonna look really boring from a distance because you're not gonna be able to see that it's different colors because even the cliff right there it's full of different gray blocks but it doesn't really look like it is from a distance you can only see a slight difference with the the tough right there that makes it look a lot darker so if we get the tower going really high up and we have some Reds and some darker colors and and some Moss it will look a lot better from a distance because it's going to look a lot more detailed if that makes sense you guys know what I'm saying yeah you guys saw you guys get it so that's kind of the idea that's why we need a bunch of different cool colors and stuff and because I want to use a mossy cobblestone we need to go get some Vines so I can make them Aussie Cobblestone and I think we also need to go and get some acacia wood so dots we're going on a little Adventure so we're gonna head off and hopefully we're gonna find a Savannah and a swamp oh dots we did it I will be taking this and now I wait for sapling next we need to find a swamp or a jungle to get some Vines and I believe there's a swamp this way yes we got a swamp all right these Vines are mine okay horse I'm Gonna Leave You right there and please do not jump off the cliff dots don't do it so now that we have Vines and we have the the trees I'm gonna quickly go ahead and build some of this front wall and get it a little get it kind of tall and then uh I'm gonna see what that looks like from a distance and if we like the way it looks then it will be time to get more resources and build this entire thing so I'm gonna go ahead right now and build a little bit of this wall and see what that looks like there we go so up close it kind of looks a little silly um it just looks like a complete mess but this should look a lot better from a distance it won't look like a complete mess so um I don't know if it's gonna be tall enough though to see from down there okay you could just barely see it and from what I can see I do like it it looks kind of cool because you can't tell that it's a complete mess it kind of Blends in a little bit and having that little bit of red and orange kind of blocks right there help a lot I'm gonna try getting onto a roof and I might be able to see a little bit more of it I like that I think that's a good design so I guess it's time that we're probably gonna need a lot more resources and stuff to build and then we're gonna do the actual building part so I'm gonna go to sleep now because it's almost nighttime foreign [Music] foreign okay are you ready to see it I have spent probably more time on this than anything else in this world I don't know when I started but it's day 514 now I wish I would have checked when I started anyways like adult we have a door okay okay we have a nice door the inside it's empty okay here we go the grand the grand reveal I'm gonna turn around and you guys aren't gonna say anything mean about it okay oh there it is oh right behind the sun two that looks super cool um but here is the tower I think it turned out super cool now obviously the copper is gonna become that turquoise blue color so just imagine that it's that color because with the orange it kind of looks a little weird so imagine that it's the turquoise color and it looks good I'm kind of upset that I removed all of the scaffolding because I do I kind of want to go up there actually I don't have to I can go to free cam mode here's the here's the tower we go up we have this little area this is cool don't look in there nothing in there and then up here at the top is where we're gonna put the dragon egg right on this little area um and these little pillars and the floor is another technique I saw from B-Dubs it's light gray glazed terracotta and then you put the glow lichen on it and uh it kind of looks like it looks kind of like marble like it's like old deteriorating marble I think it looks really cool I don't know I I might edit this top part a little bit I want to bring this wall up a little more I might do that because it does kind of look a little silly so I think we'll do that eventually but I think it looks super cool I think the farther you get the better it looks I don't know why that's how I feel um so we're gonna head over to the docks and I think can't really see it from there okay kind of see it peeking over there that's really cool I like this because you can see the city here and then way in the distance you just see this giant Tower oh I think it looks so cool if you go far enough back the render distance kinda makes it a little bit foggy and that looks so cool oh I love that this looks so cool I cannot wait to put the dragon egg up there and speaking of the dragon egg it it's it's that time now where we have to actually do that we have to actually go fight the dragon which is probably going to be the hardest part of this episode but I have seen a couple videos so I know how to do it I think I know what I'm doing I've been playing Minecraft for over 10 years I think I could beat the Ender Dragon now we can move on to the fun stuff first thing I want to do is I want to get some wool and we need to make a bunch of beds so we can go to the Nether and finally get some netherrite tools because right now we only have diamond and a lot of you have been making fun of me also my horse is now named Tui um because gluey number two okay Tui we're heading to the village and into The Nether we go now it's time to find some ancient debris foreign now we can put the ancient debris in the furnace and once that is done smelting we can combine the ancient debris with gold and make netherite ingots and now we can finally turn our diamond tools into netherrite then I'll want to get some mending on my sword and my ax so let's get some sugar cane grab some leather then we can make some books and I should have enough emeralds now to buy one mending book now we need 13 more emeralds and we can buy another one and my Anvil broke that's great and now we can buy another book of mending and because my Anvil broke we'll have to head back to the city come on horse now we can put mending on our ax and now all of our tools have mending the next thing we need to do is get infinity for our bow because that will make my life so much easier so villagers hopefully one of you will uh Wanna Give me some good stuff please come on come take your job all right perfect we got Infinity we're gonna take this thank you sir let's also see what else we can get from someone maybe this guy I guess why not get Flame sure I don't care I'm taking this thank you sir okay horse we're going back now we can put flame on our bow and infinity and we have a pretty good bow now so now that we have full netherite tools and a nice bow I think we're ready to go to the Nether and try to get some blaze rods and then we can maybe trade with some of those Pig guys and see if they can give us some ender pearls and into The Nether we go again now I don't think I found a fortress yet in this Nether so we're gonna have to go looking I could also try trading with these guys and maybe they can give me something good that's gravel sir that's awful that's string and that's okay you guys are goofy oh ender pearls yes two wow oh my gosh and a potion of fire resistance that's kind of cool too I guess let's go look for a fortress oh no okay okay okay we're fine everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine uh I'm glad that that guy gave me that fire resistance potion uh oh silly Commander Nate trying to get myself killed classic we found a fortress and I didn't have to travel that far so that's great a terrible Fortress I got one [Music] okay hopefully 13 is going to be enough I think it should be okay so the last step now before we can go find the stronghold is we need to kill some Enderman and get some ender pearls [Music] Tui no oh my God no Tui why why did this have to happen oh my God I'm gonna I'm gonna get your armor and your saddle oh Tui he was such a good horse oh my gosh I'm gonna go cry now I'm gonna I'm gonna go home and cry well anyways um on a more positive note uh we do have 12 ender pearls now so we can turn the blaze rods into the blaze powder then we can make some eye Of Enders and hopefully this is all we need I I can't imagine we're gonna need more so hopefully this should be uh enough and if it's not I'm going to delete this game okay and after all of that we can finally start looking for the stronghold so here we go we're gonna throw our very first one and see where this is going to bring us [Music] oh that way okay okay we're going that way did it just break already or did I well we already lost one um let's hopefully not do that again [Music] thank you just gonna mine down there it is okay okay we did it I hear slime somewhere iron wow I don't need this this stuff is bad that's bad where's the where's the where's the portal I'm sorry you guys are dead oh we did it we found it we found it yes oh my gosh one two three four five six seven eight no no you're joking no no why game why does this game hate me I'm one short okay okay fine fine game fine I'll just I'll just go back no worries I'll just go back that's I'm okay I'll just go back it's fine I'm not even I'm not even upset at all I'm not even I'm not even angry I'm fine I'm happy I'm so happy game and now I don't even have a horse to to ride back oh this game I hate this game this game is so bad uh yo mind your business sir I'm going through it right now I'm having I'm having a bad time okay I'm back and we can now uh this we can take that and we can make one Eye of Ender because that's all we need stupid game okay okay let's try this again how about that now I gotta remember how to get back to the portal okay I found it again oh my gosh okay we are back now finally finally and all we gotta do is place this last one yes yes okay am I am I fully prepared for this do I want to jump in oh man oh man am I terrified right now you're ever every moment in your life has led up to this you got this you could do this all right here we go okay we're going for this okay okay and a one and a two and a three okay no oh okay okay okay okay here we go okay I'm so oh I'm so scared oh I'm so scared guys all we have to do is kill the big old scary dragon and we can't look at Enderman how good's my aim Flawless how about that one oh he's shooting at me already oh my God leave me alone sir okay I really do not want to look at these Enderman I'm trying my very hardest not to look at them they are terrifying probably should have set my respawn Point that's okay everything is fine everything is okay I'm chilling I'm having a great time I'm having a good time fighting the Ender Dragon okay we got that one oh hey hey hey hey hey don't do that leave me alone sir leave me alone that was rude that was very rude of you sir I didn't look at you Enderman I promise I I promise I'm a good guy I'm a nice gentleman thank you leave me alone stupid Dragon leave me alone leave me alone you stupid Dragon that's the money shot nice I think there's one up here oh oh hey hey he tried to hit me hey that's not nice sir got that one okay yeah now what dragon boy oh oh I didn't look at you okay I didn't okay we're friends that scared me I thought he was he was walking at me like he had he had an issue okay we gotta go in oh my God can I do the bed thing hey okay okay we're fine everything's fine everything's fine I feel like I look like such a noob trying to fight this Dragon everyone's gonna make fun of me in the comments like oh all you got to do is this and you could kill him so easily oh and I'm missing all my shots oh this is embarrassing oh everything's fine everything's okay everything's fine hey hey hey hey hey leave me alone you jerk come on oh hey that was not nice ender pearl oh yeah epic that was so epic and clutch you guys oh did you see that come on come on no we almost had you one more shot another shot I met two more yes we did it yes let's go free the end yes oh my gosh Commander Nate did it Commander Nate did it he's so good at the game screenshot time yes oh yes give me all the XP let's go now let's grab a torch and then make egg go somewhere else and then with a little bit of a little bit of magic you do that end we got the egg yes we definitely will go into the gate and eventually get an elytra but we're not gonna do that right now that's gonna be for a later episode right now we're gonna head back and we're gonna put the egg up on that Tower because we finally did this that's what we're gonna do now so let's head back and here we are at spawn right where we right where we first started uh the memories anyways there's the tower it looks so cool in the distance and it's time to head over there and put the egg where it belongs oh creeper no please no don't do that okay there we go okay here's the tower there currently is no good way of getting up there so I'm gonna build up with I'm gonna build up with another rack don't don't judge me okay okay and now for the moment I have been waiting for for so long ever since I had this idea of building this Tower and we can finally now place the egg right on this little little thing here here we go there it is can't really see it because of the night sky but the sun is rising oh it's gonna be so beautiful look at that oh we did it I'm so oh I'm so happy [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to survival Minecraft if you missed our most recent stream we ended up getting an elytra and oh I I'm so happy to be able to fly now this is great look how this is so much fun oh it's fantastic and we are back here in our beautiful city it feels like it's been so long since I've been here um and I'm so happy to be back because we have so many things planned for today for today's video I want to make a creeper Farm because now that we have an elytra we need to get a lot of gunpowder and that Tower is going to be the perfect place for it but before we do that I think it's time to go back to this castle and work on it a little bit and make it a little better because uh it's kind of boring on some sides we have like a really empty wall there um I added this little part right there uh to try and cover this little empty wall here and I want to do more stuff like that around the castle to make it look a little more interesting and not so boring and flat on most of the walls so all I did was add a little overhang and then there's like a little window there's stairs that make a tiny little window there and it definitely helps add to the castle and another thing I want to do with the castle is right back here as you can see there's going to be a big arch that's going to go over this uh River and I want there to be a walkway coming from this building and then I want to build another little Tower right over in that area but before we do any building I want to go get some diamonds so let's head into this cave and get some diamonds and then we can make some diamond armor [Music] and we might be able to get a disc come on skeleton shoot him yes we got a disc and now that we're back we can make some diamond armor and just like that we have full diamond armor and while we're here let's make a diamond sword a diamond pickaxe a diamond ax and why not a diamond shovel then let's get some sugar cane make some paper then make some books and then we can trade this guy to get some mending books and then we can sell this guy a bunch of sticks until we have enough for more mending books that is much better we now have all of our tools and armor Enchanted and we also got mending on our elytra and mending on our pickaxe I was gonna get mending on everything else but it was taking too long and I just want to build so now that we have all of that we can finally start building oh it's so fun to fly I have these two shulker boxes here and I'm going to fill them up with different types of stone and then we can start building so we actually have to do some mining before we can do any more building so we need to go and do a lot of Mining and get a ton of stone and I actually have a little area where I want to do that so let's head this way over here on this other island eventually I want to build a big Factory right here in this area and I want them to be processing copper and so we are going to need a big copper mine and so I think probably around in this area near the factory we're going to have a giant like just a giant mine you know those giant holes that are like it's like a giant mine I don't know if that makes sense or if you know what I'm talking about but it's like a giant hole and they mine there I forget the name of it anyways let's get to mining [Music] [Music] okay I think that's a good start and we have plenty of cobblestone now so let's head back and now it's time to smell a bunch of this Cobblestone we have a good amount of stone bricks now and we can start building this Arch [Music] the bridge is done and that was actually a very difficult thing to build because of the angle but I'm really happy with how it turned out I think it looks very cool uh once you go under it you can kind of see how it's it's kind of weird and then if you go up here I have the path here now the next thing we need to do is build that Tower over there and the make it look a lot better and add some more texturing like we did over with the rest of the castle with some andesite Stone and Cobblestone so time to go back to the mine all right the bridge is done and the tower is done and it looks really good I'm really happy with it and for that Tower we kind of we kind of did something similar to what we did over there if you can see like the top kinda looks the same a little bit it's kind of cool it's like the miniature version of that big tower I really like it let's go see what it looks like if you're actually in the castle okay so you walk up these stairs and then you could take a left and go this way and this will bring you onto the bridge and then when you head over here you have these two doors you walk in here and then you can go up the stairs and there's also these little holes so then you could use a bow and shoot a bow out of here but if you go all the way up here then you're at the very top of the tower the next thing I want to do is work on this empty wall right here because it's very empty and boring at the moment so let's head up this way we're going to place um a stair there there and there and this is gonna be kind of like an extra room kind of sticking out of the side here and we're gonna use some Barrel down here so it's gonna be like that and now we need some a deep slate for the roof I have an idea and I don't know how this idea is gonna look but we're gonna try it so I have a grindstone and I was thinking that maybe I can put it right maybe right here okay so now I was thinking maybe we can get a bell and attach the Bell to the chain I don't know why you would be there or what it would be used for but I think it's gonna look cool so I have to go find a village now and then we're gonna steal one of their Bells I see a village hopefully they have a bell for me aha I see a bell I'm taking this thank you I also I also want this grindstone and I also kind of want the hay okay thank you guys and we can put the Bell right there and that looks kinda cool I don't I don't know what it would do but it does look kinda cool doesn't it so that's that no no no no anyways now I want to go and add more of those like I think we can add one right up there we'll go right in the middle and we'll try here and just like that we have a nice little window hole but for now I think we add another window hole right on this tall Tower gonna be honest not a fan of that one I think we'll just leave the tower the way it was now the last part of the castle that we need to work on is the inside here now I'm not sure exactly what would go on in the middle of a castle like this but I'm going to assume that there's going to be Knights here and they're going to be guarding the castle and they need a place to sleep so I think over in this area we could build a couple of night houses so you could actually have a place to sleep so let's start building and the nighthouses are done now we need to get a path to go from here and connect up to that door into these two houses now that we have the pathway I think the next thing we can add is a little farm right here so then the king can get some fresh carrots right from his own Farm and there's the farm now the last thing I want to add is a target practice area fence there and fence here put those on top and then we can add some fences right here and maybe over here and then two fences right here for where you will stand behind now all that's left to do is make this place look a little nicer and we're just gonna do that by bone mealing some of the grass and then right there we are going to build a small little tree and there we go we have a simple tree the two houses a nice pathway a farm and a target practice area and now with this Castle pretty much done we can start working on the tower okay so here we are at the giant Tower and the plan here is to build this creeper Farm inside the tower so then when I stand all the way at the top of the tower hopefully only the creepers should be spawning because I should be far away from everything else down below that no other mobs are gonna spawn and it should be really efficient that's that's the plan that's what I hope happens but we're gonna find out now first I have to actually get into the tower and there's no entrance on the floor so we have to go up can I actually go all the way up no I can't we can go right here though okay and then oh God don't forget her okay we're fine everything's fine okay now as you can tell part of the tower still isn't finished it's so it's a work in progress don't don't look at that but for now what we're going to do is we're going to gonna put that there then we're going to put that on top of it and we're going to build most of this with dirt because I have plenty of dirt and it's going to be one two three four five one two three four five and then we're also gonna put a campfire on top of it right there so the creepers are gonna fall into that hole land on the campfire and die and I think blocks go through it and then it goes to the ah it does perfect so let's do this and we're gonna build this up a little bit go to about here and then we can fill in the floor and then we're gonna build up this wall by three blocks and then we can make the roof and then for this to work we have to put a bunch of trap doors so then only creepers can spawn down here then what we have to do is break this one right there and then we're gonna put a dispenser there and then we need this Observer to go right there and then we put a piston right there and I'm not good at Redstone so this is about the most advanced I'm going to get with this and we put the Redstone there and that should connect to there what should happen is that sugarcane grows and then grows and when the dispenser sees it uh it's gonna activate this and this so then it breaks the sugar cane the sugar cane goes away and then activates that and that will spew out water and the water will push the mobs into that hole uh and then when this grows again it'll push it again and then deactivate the water so if I put the water bucket in here then that should work all as planned now we can cover that up and this one is done but now we can make another floor and if my calculations are correct that should work and the beautiful thing about this is I can pretty much build layers on top of layers and just keep going for a while so we can have like many layers of this and it should be working really well I'm very unsure about this I don't know if this is gonna work [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh Commander Nate did it I'm actually smart after all but the fact that this actually works is kind of insane because I did not think it actually would so now all I have to do is stand all the way at the top there and do nothing for hours fantastic let's get out of here okay now we have all of that fun stuff out of the way now we're gonna do something even more fun I've been wanting to go back to the ancient city and I feel like since I have an elytra I can easily Fly Away really quickly uh but I could be wrong this might end really badly I might die and lose all my stuff again maybe I shouldn't bring my elytra but we're gonna go back to the ancient city and do some raiding good news is it's not too far away okay and here is our staircase down now I think the trick for the warden is just to run away don't even don't even try to go after him just run away so that's what I'm gonna try to do anytime I see him I'm just gonna run away he's too scary for me we all know what happened last time it was very sad very scary and we're going again okay so we're back here um we're gonna head this way that's over towards where I died if I just open the chest grab what's inside of it and then run I should be fine [Music] we run we run we run I can't see oh I don't like the scary noises I'm out I'm leaving I'm gone I'm gone just like that we did it um it was very scary to do that though not gonna lie you know what I'm going back I'm gonna head back home because I'm terrified I'm gonna do this again but on Stream So if you don't want to miss that stream uh be sure to subscribe and then you could uh join as I go through the deep dark scary ancient uh City but for now I'm gonna head back because I'm I'm just way too scared of losing everything and we got a lot done so I really don't want to end the video on a really bad note today we start a brand new project I've spent most of my time building this city and I think it's time to take a break and start working on something new for a while so today we are going to try and find a desert biome and start building a desert city but before we do that I want to get my hands on some armor trims so I can make my armor look fancy I want to try getting four different templates so then we can have one for each piece of armor the first place we're gonna look is in the ocean to find a shipwreck here's our first shipwreck and no luck not a pirate ship but we did find a geode and I actually do think amethyst trim would look really cool so let's grab some amethyst foreign there is our next shipwreck and hopefully this shipwreck will actually give us one the coast armor trim and we got two of them awesome now let's go see if we can find a different structure to find a different type of template ah no luck but we did get a goat horn so that's kind of cool and here's a second Outpost maybe this one will have one yes we got two more awesome thank you pillagers and now time for a jungle temple and break that one okay and yes we got the wild armor trim and the more wild armor trim and this should be our last structure if we can get a template from it nothing yet nothing yet and nothing okay we didn't get one here but we did get diamonds hopefully this desert pyramid will give us one not in there not in there not in there and there we go we got Dune armor trim I was really worried that wasn't gonna give us one but we have it okay we now have four different armor trims and so we can head back and now we can head over to the smithing table and start putting the trims on for the chest plate we'll go with the dune then for the pants let's go with the Sentry armor and for the helmet how about the coast and that means finally we'll do the Wild for the boots and there we go now we are looking really cool oh I love the armor trims now I'm gonna head to my XP farm so I can repair my elytra now we can head back to the city and get some supplies before we head off to the desert let's grab our shovel and our ax and then some wood and some dirt and let's bring our diamonds and some Sandstone oh and a bet that should now be pretty much everything we need let's head to the desert this right here looks like a really good desert and there's a desert village over there and oh I forgot about camels look at there's a camel there hello camel oh look at I'm laying down adorable let's see what they have in the blacksmith ooh iron stuff I don't need thanks So the plan for this city is I want to build it right here in between this River so we'll have buildings on that side and buildings on this side um what is this what is happening here this is weird and I'm gonna have one main road that's gonna be like in the middle of the city and we'll probably just start it like right where this uh path is because it's kind of just a good starting point and we'll bring it this way and then over the river and then way over there um somewhere over there we're gonna build like a really big Temple and that's gonna be kind of like the centerpiece of the city so I think we'll go uh maybe up on this little Hill so right here we'll build like a really big Temple it's gonna be really big and then there'll be a path that goes from the temple and then all the way back to the village and then we'll make the village look nice and we'll add a bunch of buildings around here and the plan is to make this whole area like a really big city a big desert city and what's kind of cool is we also have the Badlands uh biome right over there so we do have a red sand and if we ever want to use it okay so I have a stone cutter here and I want to see what I can get not much um but I was actually thinking that I might change the texture of the cut Sandstone I think I want it to be kind of like uh the brick texture but like Sandstone bricks um and I think that'd be really cool so I might do that I might not I don't know I might I think that'd be really cool and it might help me out a lot um but before we do any of that I am gonna get to work on the pathway here and for the pathway I think we're gonna do something quite simple I think we'll just do uh some dirt and coarse dirt and then some grass paths in there and I think I think that will look pretty good so let's get to work on the path [Music] the path is done and as you go farther this way slowly it becomes mud bricks because as you get closer to the temple it's gonna be more um more nice and a lot more maintained because back here it's all it's all Sandy and dirty and so the farther back you go is going to be kind of like the the poorer areas and where it's not as nice but as you go this way it's going to be a lot nicer so we're going to walk up here and then right around here we'll put some stairs and then we're gonna build the giant Temple right here oh hello little Bonnie I also got the bridge done and as you can tell those aren't normal blocks in Minecraft I did end up changing some textures the cut Sandstone is like Smooth Sandstone but it has bricks in it and then uh the other Sandstone whatever that one is I think it's chiseled Sandstone looks like Sandstone bricks and it looks really nice on this bridge I really like it I think it looks fantastic I love those little Brick Designs so it's looking good the bridge is done but now it's time to build the big the big Temple so commander Nate is gonna go get some resources and then we're gonna build a big a big Temple foreign [Music] all we have left now is this very small portion right here on the back and this thing is giant oh my gosh I really I didn't expect to build something this big um but I I like it I think it's very cool it's kind of a it's kind of looking more like a cathedral than a temple but we're gonna still call it a temple anyways let's quickly finish this part and um and then I can give you guys a tour and show you all of it and after hours of building I think I'm finally done at least with the outside I do want to do the inside eventually but I think the outside is looking pretty good and I think it's pretty much done so we have the back there looking nice um the sides should be done and I think I am really happy with this the inside is scary though it's very dark and full of mobs but that's okay uh one day ow one day we'll we'll fix this and make it look nice let me actually put torches in there real quick okay some creepers exploded but it's an easy fix the next thing on Commander Nate's to-do list is we need to make a storage building because I am not organized and I just kind of put things in random areas and I need a place to put all of it so let's head back to the Village over here and we are going to build a small little storage building probably right in this area [Music] and then for the entrance we'll do a little Arch and put some Spruce trap doors here and then go to sleep and now we can head over here and chop down a bunch of trees and we do that so then we can make a ton of chests and then we can put all of them in here let's also remove the floor and then get a bunch of dirt and some gravel so then we can make Coors dirt and we will use this for the floor and then we can fill in these walls now that the walls are done in this little cutout here I made we can add kind of a little bit of a uh overhang type thing so we'll put some string here and then we need to get some wool oh hello sheep I need your wool come here no come here thank you no dog I need him oh my God don't do it no oh that's so sad do you want to be friends oh we have a dog oh he's my best friend now okay come on dog oh there's another one can we get another one oh we got two dogs now okay you guys are coming with me oh and another dead sheep so sad now that we have the carpet we can put it right up here and then put some barrels down here and now we can go ahead and fill in the roof and then of course you have to add a bunch of buttons and finally with just a few more chests the storage building is done and now I can move all my stuff in here and there won't be a giant mess out here and also look how adorable our dogs are if you if you know any good names for the dogs leave it in the comment section and I'll pick the best ones and that's the names of the dogs let's go ahead and move all of that stuff into that building sorry villager but this is my bed everything is now moved in here um and I'm semi-organized now so that's very cool now that we actually have a place where I can be organized I'm going to do the thing that I don't do a lot and a lot of people uh have told me that I should do I'm gonna actually do the interior of this giant Temple I think I want a big statue right here of something um and then I don't I don't know what else um I'll figure it out I guess we'll do a cool little time lapse of it right now [Music] Grand reveal oh it's beautiful it is looking so good in here and um this took way too long to do uh there's a lot of different angles and a lot of cool things happening but I but I think it looks really good and I'm and I'm really liking it but as you can tell there's this big platform here and we need to put a statue on top of this platform um and I don't really know what kind of statue we're gonna put up here but we're gonna I guess we're gonna figure that out and I'm realizing I did not make this easy for myself because this is an even number so this is going to be really difficult also if you go over to the sides here there's really nothing here because I didn't know what to put here and I think there's zombies in my wall hello there is get out of here and then I think on this side there's a skeleton hello I hear him somewhere I found him oh we'll leave him there for now okay for the Statue I think I want to go get some deep slate so let's head to a cave oh we found the dungeon hello zombies anything anything good a music disc that's kind of cool coal bones okay let's get some deep sleep now it's time to try and make this statue and the plan I have is I kind of want it to look like a cat I feel like this is going to be really difficult uh but we're gonna try um so that there and that there will be the pause okay the arms are done now for the head we'll try to make it uh round some ears okay I think we got it I think we got something good I don't think it's gonna be too bad that's not bad it's not bad it's it's great it's a cat oh it's perfect if you you could look from the side you can definitely see that it's some type of animal it looks good that's the best I could do um it's really not that bad actually you can't really tell what it is but it's really not that bad I'm happy with it but with that statue done that means that this Temple is completely finished the outside is completely done and the inside is completely done oh boy this took so long Ender on day 946 we're so close to one thousand oh that is so awesome and with that being finished I think we're going to end the episode here isn't that right doggies oh look at them oh they're so adorable we're gonna end the episode here I really hope you guys enjoyed the episode and if you did please leave a like And subscribe and when you subscribe you can also hit the Bell because it helps me out and it helps you out and we become best friends okay everybody uh I'm leaving now I hope you guys enjoyed the video uh bye bye we officially reached 1 000 days in this Minecraft survival world [Music] foreign
Channel: Commandernate
Views: 227,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft survival lets play, minecraft survival, Minecraft 1.20 Survival, Minecraft 1000 Days, I Survived 1000 days in Minecraft Survival, I survived 1000 days in Minecraft, survived 1000 days in Minecraft, 1000 days, minecraft 1.20, I survived 1000 days in Minecraft 1.20, I survived 1000 days in minecraft 1.20 MOVIE, Minecraft 1.20 lets play, minecraft 1.20 survival, minecraft full movie, minecraft 1000 days full movie, I survived 1000 days, minecraft 1000 days
Id: bno2e-v21Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 49sec (9649 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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