Survival/Camping Fire Starting Kit: Stickin' With What Works

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fire systems you know here at the channel we've reviewed a lot of different fire systems from lighters and Tinder's and fire Steel's over the last couple years and honestly in this video I just want to talk about sticking with what works you know it seems like every year some companies trying to produce some new thing obviously to sell product and I totally get that but there comes a point where it's like you know what this works for me and this has consistently worked for me so I'm just going to stick with it so that's what I want to talk about today show you my little fire kit this goes with me everywhere I build multiple of these for not only my bug-out bags my survival kits but also just my day hike and kits and my backpacking kits so that's really what we're going to be looking at here today is just the contents these are the things that I've been using for years and just stick with me and are just consistent so sticking with what works is kind of concept of this video and I believe if you go with this system right here you would be set and very happy and would be able to basically start a fire on under almost any any conditions so let's go ahead open this thing up and just show you what I have and what has been consistently working for me for the long haul so once we take our husky pouch I dump this out these are the contents of my fire kits and these are just what work this is what stays consistent and sticking with what I know and what works so we're a look here at the tinder option first particularly this option over here this is trioxane this is a military-grade firestarter and out of all of the fire starters that we've tested here at the channel that i've used this is by far the most capable it's rather inexpensive you can usually pick them up on eBay or Amazon I'll have as many links below that I can offer to you guys and at one of these pouches now this is about the size of a half dollar this one in the back is about the size of like a small granola bar in width and then it's about a quarter inch thick and the dime sour excuse me the the coin size one can easily start one to two fires the bigger one can start about three fires and it's literally impossible for it to not start I mean even a spark it just launches boom it's good it comes in a watertight aluminum container and that's what kind of holds it all together so that you know if it were to rain I were to drop it in the river whatever I'm on a rafting trip this is going to stay totally fine the military issues it and it is fantastic it is it you'd have to be a ding dong not to be able to get that material lit immediately it's like one or two strikes on your Ferro rod and it burns for a good period of time even wet material getting cooking and really really helps out a lot when you are kind of in that emergency situation you just need to get that fire going that that is the best fire tinder that I've found to date on the market now if I'm not in a really big rush or I know I got good you know tinder around me maybe I made a feather stick or two or there's a lot of dry grass or something I do use this little orange container over here you can pick these up at Walmart for about a dollar they even have a little Ferro rod on the back bottom end which is a joke but it will throw some very tiny sparks but you can either use it to hold matches but I use it just to hold some cotton balls so I stick about four to five cotton balls in there it is waterproof of tested out before it's got a little over on it weighs nothing and I'll just usually use a cotton ball if I'm not in a big rush or if I'm you know it's not raining on me or you know water conditions are an issue you know or something like that now let's pull out a cotton ball tear it apart a little bit and then light it and it usually works you know right out of the gate and then I don't have to use my trioxane if it's having difficulty or all of my material is wet then that's usually when I go to the trioxane and that is when I bust that out but that's just a great way to carry some cotton balls you could use other tenders if you wanted to but cotton balls are cheap you can dip them in Vaseline that helps with the waterproof and evenly you know helping the light and it's just a simple cheap waterproof way to carry a spare set of tinder that's basically cost nothing a cotton ball I mean how much is that less than penny now I did a review a while ago on the you co survival matches these things are awesome they light up right away they just boom and nothing will basically put them out for the extent of time that they burn you know about 10 to 15 seconds to give you a big large flame there is space for an extra ball on the top lid they do does come with a striker on the outside and a spare striker on the inside and it is waterproof as well so I got those really good survival storm-proof if you will waterproof matches a bit lighter I mean come on I mean you know yes we need to practice with our matches we need to practice with our fire steels but the other day you know I mean just throw a lighter on there BAM and 99% of the time I bake lighters going to get the job done and you know practice with the other materials but there's nothing wrong with using a bit lighter I just carry a mini one with me you know when it starts to run low and I can hear it you know the fluid sloshing around there I'll swap it out but no sense trying to go with some super you know $50.00 lighter out there you know that will work under all conditions if you want to do that you can I just don't see the need for it and I just stick with a mini bic lighter and finally the Swedish made light my fire fire steels are the way to go you just pick the size that works for you this is the most upgraded best version in my opinion it has the biggest handle has the best most comfortable striker this is I believe the light my fire army 2.0 it's a 12,000 strike version this will run you about 15 bucks on Amazon this it just works and as an extra bonus it has a little spare emergency whistle on the back and it that I have found I've done many different fail rods this is the one that just launches the easiest amount of sparks and just huge sparks with 90 degree spines with the striker itself it always works with my Leatherman I can just launches and launches those sparks so that to me has always been into you know until something else comes along which I highly doubt anytime soon the light my fire fire steels and again you just pick the size that you need and the design you like are the way to go when you're picking out your fire steels in my opinion so folks there you have it I hope that this video has just shown you in my opinion what I'm sticking with and really what is consistent in my fire kits you know that doesn't mean that will necessarily not try out other you know Tinder's and fire Steel's and lighters and you know different things down the line but I I have yet to out of all of those you know and every year seems again like I'm testing something else out and trying some but I always just come back to this I'm like me and it just doesn't work like this system right here so uh yeah that's my two cents guys I really hope it's kind of helped you out with thinking through your fire systems and and how all you would be building that and the items to put in there and these things have been around for a long long time the items I've shown you you know they're nothing new there nothing trendy and that's okay because they work so I want to emphasize on that they work time after time after time they I just keep coming back to these so as always guys I want to thank you so much for checking out the channel again I hope this has helped you out with your fire systems and building your fire systems check us out on all the relevant social media links in the description below if we subscribe comment like share this video and as always remember stay equip stay prepared we'll see you out there
Channel: gideonstactical
Views: 46,325
Rating: 4.9263597 out of 5
Keywords: knife, knives, gear, tactical, military, survival, survive, edc, outdoors, bushcraft, camping, hiking, backpacking, pack, prepper, diy, bug, out, combat, review, soldier, army, blade, camp fire, fire steel, matches, waterproof, stormproof, uco matches, Light My Fire, Light My Fire Swedish FireSteel 2.0 Army, emergency, Light My Fire Swedish FireSteel 2.0 Scout, lighter, zippo, bic, Light My Fire Swedish Firesteel, ultralight, exotac, trioxane, ust, blastmatch, Gerber Bear Grylls Fire Starter, spark force
Id: NHqB-i5xqJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2016
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