Building An Emergency/Survival Fire Starting Kit - Preparedmind101

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everybody's christen prepared mine 101 and I want to cover a topic today I have done before but you know what when videos get buried under to 300 other videos they tend to not be seen so I think it's time to turn some of those old videos off and bring back some new videos we'll talk about making a emergency fire kit now as I've said a lot in recent videos I'm a prepper I am NOT into the bow drill thing I respect anybody that can do it I can see that it'd be fun to learn that ain't my thing I'm an emergency planner I want to do the work smart not hard mentality and part of that is just always having what you need what if you don't have it have it make it a habit okay sub-camp subconscious mind programming 101 it takes 21 days to build a habit so if you write yourself a schedule you make a point for three weeks I'm always going to take this kit with me this little Altoids tin kit it can go in my bag and go my wallet I don't care what but have it with you I always have one with me doesn't matter that I live mostly in the city fire is you need warmth you need heat you need to be able to purify water you need to be able to cook food fire is important all these modern conveniences that we have they can go away at any time and what if ninjas enough with you what if you roll it out I can scavenge a thousand different ways to make fire I am a pyromaniac what I am NOT a pyromaniac is when it comes to bow drills and fire plows and stuff that's will sting well let will deal with that that's why that's what I mean we'll make a good pair because you get a balanced modern versus primitive but let's talk real quick about making these kids I'll show you some of the stuff I got because when I pulled some people here recently I don't know I don't remember is only remember where it was I just showed like a picture of my fire drawer and most people like it I don't have anything like that I don't have very much stuff I got a feral rod I'm like what to me fire is right there behind knives as important to have how many ways can you make a fire with me it's a lot so let me show you a couple things that I think are good for making a small personal fire kit I personally think building the Altoids tin fire kits are probably one of the first things anybody should do and I got several examples here now one of them I keep this is a like a tool pouch that I keep in my hidden woodsman haversack which is like my daily go bag so I'm going to take the fire components out of it and set it aside so let's start with the one that I keep on my belt when I go out in the woods this is one of the best things that you can find for making a little personal fire kit to have it on your body on your belt it's a point-and-shoot camera case this is just a case logic one you can often find these for like $5 at like Big Lots or clearance places because not that many people buy those cameras anymore we all have our phones but what's nice about it is what all I can put in this thing so right off the bat there is a pretty much brand-new lmf army model Ferro rod there is a brand new live fire and the reason this is still brand new is because I've been using this live fire for like over a year I just use it here and there start a fire a lot of times I just use it to quickly boil some water that's a secondary purpose for these live fires a lot of people don't talk about is the reason that I have them is what if I need to purify water with my stainless steel bottle and I'm in a place or a situation where it's either not convenient or not expedia enough to just build a fire to put my water bottle in you open this thing all the way up and put this underneath your bottle you'll boil that water pretty darn quick and you can do it a lot with one of these live fires that's why I love these things I have some of the smaller ones too somewhere can't find them so there's these two things and I also keep a couple large pieces of aluminum foil folded up the reason these are in here is if you're in a wet environment you need to do an emergency fire this is going to be the dry base that you build your fire off of Plus that aluminum foil is going to reflect that heat energy up into your fuel and help the fire go faster I first saw this that was Adam from equip to indoor is where I learned this from one of his earlier videos and I saw that I did a video probably one of my first videos where I did something like this and I gave him credit for it I'm like wow that is a great idea I'm going to steal that so now we've got the plain Altoid 10 now people want to know where to get this one of the places that I see them a lot I don't remember where I got mine but I know survival resources sells them I don't remember if the websites survival resources calm or if it's be prepared to survive calm I know it's John McCain's site I saw him he's posting to meeting the prepared minds for him now and he's got some good stuff on his website so definitely check it out but I believe he's got the plane out towards 10:00 style cans and I wrap my fire cans with orange electrical tape that is just to keep them watertight and it lets me know that hey that's my fire kit now we open this this particular one up I've got several cotton rounds these are the cosmetic cotton rounds that you can get like a hundred of them for a couple bucks anywhere target dollar store whatever they're for women to clean their face with or something but they just make a very quick expedient way to just with absolutely no effort whatsoever to get this one because I've got the coating off of this one just take your knife and boom flame that is the only reason alright when you're not helping that is the only reason that I have those just just to catch that initial spark that's just going to save your Ferro rod so aside from that here's another one some people are weird some people just can't bring themselves to buy these they're embarrassed or whatever Oh be tampons these are so useful in survival kits first of all it's sterile cotton it needs to be for its intended purpose but what's nice about these as opposed to some other brands is there's no stitching in it so this is a ton of compressed cotton that you can open up fluff up and be able to quickly hit a spark get your fire going and also obviously bullet wounds I mean I don't have a lot of problem with that but nose bleeds being able to pack a wound with some sterile cotton to stop the bleeding oh good it's a tampon okay grow up get over it be an adult it's not a big deal they're useful you know they could save your life in this particular one I have several pieces of fat wood and all this fat wood is this is store-bought fat wood like I get mine at Menards here in Columbus and a lot of it doesn't look good so what you got to do is you get your big pieces of fat would you break them down and you just start shaving pieces off and you don't have to shave it off very deep I mean this has already been done on this one and then you take all that dry stuff off and you get out to the really really good stuff now I can take my knife and split this probably into 10 pieces shave little curls with it and I can make 10 or more fires off this one piece in addition to that and this one these are some of my favorite things for fires tinder quicks I mean they are just easy to do they take up absolutely no space they can be smashed flat so I often have these in my wallet I don't have my wallet right now it's in the house but having something like this to just get that one spark put the rest of your tinder pile on there boom you don that's why I like this combine this with my fat wood it's a piece of cake I'm not fiddling around with a bunch of rubbing sticks together and all that stuff when I went fire I went fire right now not 10-15 minutes from now or after I bust out a bow drill set from a tree and I'm hunting around looking for the right wood and all that stuff so that is just what was in this one pouch so what's in the rest of them now before I get to the other two out towards 10:00 this one is the metal case that came with a thrunite T 20s flashlight be sure to check out through night comm no they didn't tell me to say that I'm just joking but I saved these things so right here these right here these are what I call the things are really really bad fire starters these are zip compressed kerosene blocks and I got the last batch at Walmart I have a I have a separate video on these but these are like oh my god that's a lot of fire fire starters you can actually conserve your resources and just cut off little pieces of these things and start your fires you don't need the whole thing but need an event maybe there's a cold-weather emergency Nereo or something like that you need that fire going right now we're not playing around these are the things that you want and to finish up the space I've just got two old wet fires wet fires used to be like the cool thing years ago now they kind of bore me but hey they still work so I've still got them in my fire drawer so I'll throw them in different kind of kits maybe store some in the car whatever so which one is this I do not know let's open it up and find out this could be my backup this could be the one that goes in my little van quest pouch so this one here this is one of the greatest things that I ever figured out and I remember I remember that and I searched google and I searched YouTube I'm like someone has to thought of this someone has to thought of this alcohol swabs for emergency fire lighting you're going to get about on a good one you want it when you buy them you want to test them out some all alcohol swabs are not made equal I got some cure ad ones they kind of suck these ones I got at a dollar store and you'll get about 45 minutes of good flame off one alcohol swab for an emergency fire starter I have got a lot of my favorite tinder quicks in here I've got some fat wood pieces I've got some micro infernos which these things really don't impress me that much but they work they don't last a whole heck o a long time mini this is like I remember I found this might have been in a gas station somewhere I'm like wow that's a really small lighter it's actually a little bit smaller but does a better flame than the mini Bicks so I grabbed a couple of those because I knew they would be good for these little kits one more OB tampon and I've got a couple you co store matches stryker stored with it but I also I think I kept the whole bunch in here at one time I've also got a striker on the top of the lid so I mean this little can right here this is literally tons of fires if you are conserving your resources it's like okay I don't know how I'm going to get out of here so I'm just going to cut this little tinder quick in half I have my tinder pile ready and get it going with just that I still have half a tinder quick left so it you really got to consider you know your situation things like this tinder quicks fad would you know even these micro infernos these are all fire starters that you can break down into smaller pieces to conserve your resources if you need to that's why I like them okay so let's see what I put in this third can this one a whole bunch of alcohol you know a lot of same stuff this one's got a whole bunch of alcohol swabs fatwood yeah a lot of same stuff OB tampons tinder quick sweat fires different variations on the same theme well let's take a look here this is a case for a electric travel razor and these are basically wet fires I think one of the brands at Home Depot sells makes these the way the story goes is basically they stole the formula I don't know that's accurate or not I'm just saying that's what I heard but you open it up it's pretty much the exact same stuff as wet fire and cost a lot less so I all I did was and I do this a lot I look at containers pouches whatever and I look for ways to repurpose them so how I repurpose this one is I mean these are kind of hard to get into those I mean you can but it takes up a lot of space and you can't break it down as much so I don't like putting these ones in those in those out towards tin cans but you know with a repurposed pouch I've got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen solid fires so this would be a good one to maybe throw in your trunk kit maybe just need a start a chart start up charcoal grill or something whatever you need to do fire with but at least I've got I know that they're all the same I've got them all right here in this different pouch other things I keep around the spool tool I love this thing but this particular spool tool houses fire cord I got the fire core I was never that into the fire cord personally I love the live fire product I think the live fire product is excellent and the fire cord is like overthinking it a little bit to me but I got someone I did that battle box review so I definitely was you know heck I'm gonna get got it I'm going to use it so I put that on my orange spool tool that just tells me oh hey this is my fire cord so that goes in my fire drawer this I forget what this was for another repurposed container but this has fire starters that I made myself everybody knows about petroleum jelly and cotton balls everybody wants to talk about dryer lint these are my favorite things to do what you do is you take a cotton round you go to an arts and crafts store like Michaels around here and you go into the candle making section and you buy a big jar of gel wax I'm gonna tell you upfront Jo acts ain't cheap but you can make a ton of firestarters with gel wax test your cotton round source first make sure it's not stitched if it's stitched it's not going to come up it'll still work but it's not going to come apart the way you want so you take a take a piece of needle nose pliers and once you slowly melt that gel wax on your stove or better yet do it outside on like a small camp stove or something like that don't do it in the house but you slowly bring up the heat to where it's all melted you take a piece you lay out some aluminum foil get some tweezers or something and just quickly dip don't soak it don't saturate it quickly dip your cotton round into the gel wax and then what that's going to do is you're still going to have a dry cotton core in your foot in your fire starter which is going to allow you to catch the sparks so initially that dry cotton is going to be what's burning of course that only does that because I'm doing a video that's all right I'm not going to I'm not going to lie I keep it real these things are probably two years old fluff that up kind of like how you'd fluff up a live fire there now it's going so yeah use the light if you need to if you have the same problem I just had a second ago use the live fire technique use your knife fluff it up get more surface area with your spark and then this is going to burn for a good long time and there's many variations on using the gel wax you can do them with just plain old cotton balls you can do them with tampons you can do them with all sorts of things gel wax makes an awesome fire starting thing now this one right here let's open this up and take a look at it I can tell you that I probably made this before prepared behind 101 petrol cotton firestarter tinder XL that's how I labeled it must be awesome let's find out if it is alright let's find out if Kris from a couple years back could make fire starters just as well thinking of how I wrap this what my mentality must have been I'm thinking the aluminum foil wrapper not only keeps it sealed but that's also going to give me a little bit of a base and what did I do here let's see okay this one it looks like all I did was I took very large cotton rounds and just put a big dollop of petroleum jelly on them and then sandwiched it together those that's that is basically the poor man's firestarter you can get all those things at Dollar Stores no problem and it's going to accomplish the same thing it's just not as fancy the only thing I the only reason I like the gel wax is the gel wax dries hard it's not as messy as the petroleum jelly petroleum jelly it doesn't matter you're going to get it all over you and its really annoying but still works you know I packaged that firestarter up probably in 2011 I think is when I was messing with those so this is the tool kit I referenced at the beginning it goes in my everyday carry bag someone put the fire part back in but let's talk about this lightning strike again and so it's been awhile since I talked about this thing I still believe in this product I know it's expensive I know there's a lot of people that complain about the price but understand something this is not for bushcraft this is not for tinkering around or whatever this is for starting fires right this second like oh my god maybe you were in an emergent situation you don't have full function of your hands hop on these things out got helicopter here point the barrel at it boom things don't last forever because it's concentrating the blast of sparks directly into the target tinder it just works I know it's simple I know it's expensive but dang it I like it I think it was a good idea I think it's a quality product this I I don't mess with these a whole lot this is specifically for real emergencies that's what I keep it for real actual oh my god emergencies yeah I always have a fixed blade on me that usually has a ferrule rod I mean this is my new EDC it's the LT right bushcrafter and I've got a new grizzly outdoor sheath which I'll show shortly so I can always start fires with that but that that lightning strike firestarter that's your fire starter that your tinder source all in one bundle one spark and you're going to have flame seems pretty smart to me all right well how easy are these things really to use so Valerie has never done it before so let's see if she can do it get it straight Oh Ezri good job right so that was that was literally her first time ever messing with that product now this one right here is not in an Altoids tin I don't use it a whole lot but if you want some absolute like surefire stuff that will pack a lot in a small space in one of those out toys tins I've got a couple different things in here but this is never dull this is for polishing metal this stuff is flammable as heck matter of fact I've also got fat wood in with this never dull which is like totally saturated by it I'm betting this stuff's probably pretty good now but I said I don't use it a whole lot but I have it just because it is an easy tinder source now let me go back to the fat wood real quick I like fat wood I keep a lot of it these are two ammo cans that I got like on Black Friday a couple years ago at Menards for like five bucks and pretty much all I do is keep fire stuff in here so a lot of times I'll go and I'll pick up these bulk bags of fat wood and I'll just throw the pieces in here and that's why I store up and sometimes I'll have pick up some other things like these uh blocks it's like compressed cardboard or something but for starting fires you just shred them up a little bit and it's a good tinder source so I know through I throw a lot of different options at you there I just want to kind of demonstrate how many things are actually out there that work really really well for these types of small kids if you if I had to suggest where I think you should start for making your own personal fire kit I would go back to this find one of these case logic cases and if you don't if you don't care about it being a plain kay just by an Altoids tin case dump the Altoids out and get a bunch of those tinder quicks now I get mine off of Amazon because I think I have them in the store you can buy them in bulk packs like 50 they might even have like a bigger pack than that but I think I just bought the 50 pack you can make a couple good kits out of 50 of those tinder quicks and then take your time get some of the store-bought fatwood and just process it down to get the exact lengths that fit in here generally I'll just use some sort of metal cutters or pruning shears or something like that once I got the sticks down as thin as I wanted to go then I'll use those shears just to get them to the right size that they'll fit in this tin and then pack the rest of it up with tinder quicks maybe one wet fire just so you have a couple different options for different different situations definitely throw a couple those cheap cotton rounds in there to catch a spark and out and don't forget to pack some aluminum foil in here I really like live fire stuff in an emergency light say it one more time this is your backup to your backup to when you have to boil water and you can't get a fire going you need water so that's why I say you need live fire this is live fire it's not for fire it's for water and then just a lmf army model light my fire farad all that stuff is going to fit in this little pouch and if you can't get a fire going with what's in this pouch you've got issues either that or you don't have hands whichever although if you don't have hands I don't know I would venture out into the woods because me I use my hands for a lot of different things and I think it would just be a really difficult to do it without hands so kind of getting off track here anyway there you go those are some of the things that I use to make my fire kits with with and they all work and they all work great work smart not hard be prepared use prepper mentality if you want to go out and practice the bow drills and the stuff like that that's fine as long as you got something like this for in emergencies yeah a lot of times the people the practitioners will actually say that they're like you know look I'm going to use a the easiest method first if I actually need to but a lot of people don't hear that a lot of people just think oh well I'm going to go out and I'm going to do it with a bow drill well don't wander it if you want to try to get it done but have redundancies it's like the medical kit video I just did backups two backups you know you've got this you've got this one life don't waste it because you were stupid going out ill-prepared that's my two cents that's my opinion that's how I feel about building personal fire kits all right I'm Kristen prepare my 101 thanks for watching be sure to click like share and subscribe follow me on Facebook Google+ Instagram and Twitter and the store that supports the channel which has a lot of this stuff in it is a prepare my also don't forget to check out Jessie's woods monkey calm and wills manis outdoors alright guys see you next time
Views: 96,443
Rating: 4.8672647 out of 5
Keywords: preparedmind101, building a personal fire kit, fire starting kit, emergency fire, survival fire, EDC fire, pocket fire kit, lightning strike, wetfire, micro inferno, homemade fire starters, how to make a fire kit, ferro rod, LT Wright, Bushcrafter
Id: QO-3bohCJzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2015
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