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what's up Internet so today I want to discuss fire kids I haven't done a video just about my fire kid so I thought I'd do that with you guys today show you exactly what's in my fire kit I update it from time to time um but a comment that I see a lot of times on many different videos on Facebook is you know why do I need so many fire starters why do I need so many different ways of starting fire well I want to briefly discuss that and I'm going to show you what I got in my main fire kit so let's get on with the fire kit I got it in my drop leg pack right here from you koala this is a really freaking cool pack right here got this not too long ago I've only used it a couple times but I'm starting to use it more now that my daughter is gained interest in building like a bushcraft camp right here out in our woods so be on the lookout for a video about this you koala pack as I use it over time and I'll tell you guys about it maybe it's something you'll like to have one day but I got my fire kid in there there she is so let me show you what I got inside so of course this is in no particular order or anything I do have this in a pelican 1020 micro series case right here it's a really nice case it's got a rubber liner on the inside and it also serves as the gasket to help keep things in here try it's not super compact but it's not huge so see what I got on the inside here so this here is pyro pudding this recently came in a battle box mission right here on occasion we send fire starters right in battle box it's a great way to really have good fire kids in a multitude of differ ladies the stores firing so this stuff works really good it takes a spark very well it doesn't take a whole lot of it to get going it burns for quite a while so it helps you dry out wet wood damp wood and get a fire started when there's a lot of damp material or if it's actually raining outside so so I took it out of the ten that it comes in I put it in a little ziplock bag little sandwich bag so I can mash it down flat and put it in my kit here so this stuff works for really really well in all sorts of conditions wet windy you name it this stuff works great the next thing that's accessible in my kit right now is this other little little bag here I've actually got dryer lint and some of my wife's hair so dryer lint is a great way to help you start fire um and it's free right you just when you clean out your dryer lint catch in your dryer you just put it in some bags and it's great for starting fires also in here I have some treated cotton I'm not sure what brand this came from but I also have some treated cotton in here that also works well and it kind of complements the dryer lint so this is another great way of helping you start fire and it's free next I got my trusty ferrocerium rod with magnesium here and the striker I've had this for years I had this long before I was ever involved with battle box in any capacity um as you can see it's been used quite a bit and it's lasted me shoot I probably had this thing eight years maybe nine um really really good fire starter right here when you find one that you really love um you know you stick with it right so this is a great tool right here for starting fires I've got magnesium it's a very good grade of magnesium it's easy to shave off and it takes a spark very well and this thing shower sparks I just love it so that's why it's in my main kit so next up I have this double-a battery right here that I've got wrapped up and duct tape so I have duct tape if I need it so if it's really windy out you can lay duct tape down where the sticky part is face-up while you're trying to shave off tender or anything like that to help you get a stock to your fire started if this real windy diddle stick to the duct tape so it doesn't blow away so that's one thing for the duct tape but also so it doesn't this post doesn't connect connect anything touch anything that may be metal in here and discharge my battery so I also have some aluminum foil in here so in a pinch I can take some aluminum four on each side it should start to heat up and melt and I can use that to start a fire also aluminum foil is really good for in damp conditions you can lay this down and kind of build your fire up on top of it so it's not sitting on the wet ground and none of that real fine material that you're making doesn't soak up any water from the ground so aluminum pool battery duct tape next up I got a few little pieces here from the fat rut was it called fat rope firestarter actually did a testing video I think it posted last week on the bottle box sites of this stuff so this is broken down into small pieces like this so that fat ropes pretty large it wouldn't fit in my fire kit so I condensed it down to little pieces like this so I got several of those in here that I can use to start a fire much like the pyro hoody this burns for quite a while and will help you get a fire started in a damp condition in a windy condition as well next we're going a little bit old-school I enjoy doing this from time to time definitely with the other things I have it's easier to start fire but sometimes it's fun to use old flint and steel like this right here this came in a battle box a while back also have a little piece of char cloth in here to help me catch an ember so I'm put it in a bird's nest and rock and roll we got fire it's a great skill to have I love to practice it when time presents itself next I have some of these little cotton tabs right here these actually came and I think that boss fire kit that came in a battle box a while back like I said when you get firestarters in battle box that's great because you can make multiple kits you can take pieces out of each kit that may come in battle box and sort them around in your own kits but this right here is just some treated cotton it's in a little tab right here you can break off just a little piece and use it or use the whole thing etc etc and you got a cool way to start fire right there next up in my kit I got this little Smith's tinderbox right here this came in a battle box quite some time ago this thing right here is awesome so it's basically a cheese grater on a box so you can process down small sticks twigs and even stuff like I got right here which is light or not or fat wood or fat lighter this is very prevalent where I live here in Georgia I've actually got an awful lot of this here at the house but having it processed down and a little sticks right here is nice because then you can scrape it on here and it'll collect inside and have you a nice amount to help you start a fire but on the inside of this I've got more so I've got some guitar picks also came in battle box these work really good you can process these down put them on a stick start a fire I've saved videos and doing that before really cool stuff right there it's just fun to show people and if somebody's in camp that plays guitar and they forgot their guitar pick well you're in luck also I've got the magnesium tablets that came in the boss kit the boss fire kit that was in battle box I can't remember what mission it was I'm bad about that kind of stuff but this is really good magnesium very very fine if it's extremely windy out I would recommend using the duct tape to help you out because the wind will blow this away right here these things right here work awesome so I got some of those I just keep them here in this box because I'm running out of space in my kit and that's flat also I keep a Fresnel lens in case I need that to start a fire or anything use it as a magnifying glass if I can't read very well also I carry this tiny Survival Guide right here having a literature on you is a great thing this is a very durable waterproof little guide right here covers all sorts of stuff it can go in your wallet but I thought it'd be cool to keep in my fire kit just in case I need it or any to freshen up any of my survival skills or whatever while I'm enjoying my fire so that's the tiny survival guide right there it's small compact thought it'd be a great addition to go into my kit and then lastly I've got this little stove right here it's a compact stove that's got utensils and tools as well it's just a little pocket survival stove I keep that in here in case I ever need it I have not used it yet but as you can tell it's still in the packaging I haven't had an easy easy but I have it just kept right there in my kit so if I need it I got it yo oh yeah and don't think for one minute I don't keep a lighter on me some of y'all probably thinking you got a lighter in there well I keep this in my pocket at all times so this is part of my EDC I got it in a lighter bro they came in battle box he's got a blade he's got a pair of scissors here if and get my fingernail and got a pair of scissors right there he's got a scratch awl it's got a bottle opener of course we got fire so yeah of course the first thing that should be in any fire kit should be a basic big lighter right I mean why not let's make things easy here but having the ability to do multiple techniques of starting a fire is what really counts so that's my main fire kit again I've got several other fire kit smaller ones more minimalistic ones more just more primitive type fire kits but this is my main one this is kind my go-to when we go camping or we're going to go out in the woods or we're out shooting videos or do anything I typically have this on me because I feel like I've got all my bases covered but that's subjective right so in the comments below how about tell me what you would add which you would subtract what you think about this kit and you know if you got any cool ideas I'd like to try it out as always I appreciate you guys watching be sure to like and comment down below be sure to subscribe to my channel and hit the bell icon so you can get notifications but when I got more videos coming out yeahö I'll see you next time right here on Curran 1776
Channel: CURRIN1776
Views: 6,871
Rating: 4.9713264 out of 5
Keywords: what's in my fire kit, my fire kit, fire kit, whats my fire kit, currin1776, currin, fire, kit, fire starter, best fire starter, best, camping, camp, camp fire, battlbox, battlbox breakdown, battlebox, unboxing, fire starter review, battlbox review, homesteading, homestead, survival, adventure, self reliance, 1776
Id: MJCM9jYktx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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