The Try Guys Photoshop Prank Battle

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- Dude, look how hot Keith looks right now. Holy (bleep). - So today the Try Guys are doing a Photoshop battle. We are going to Photoshop each other into these beautiful, made-up masterpieces and at that end, each of us is going to have to pick a winner. Zach Kornfeld's feet, What the heck? Oh Jesus, I do no wanna see that. (upbeat theme song) (upbeat rock music) - The rules are simple, we cannot spend more than 30 minutes on any given photo. And in the end it's not just about Photoshop skills but about the skill of creating a joke that makes his friend laugh. - My Photoshop skills are pretty much limited to what it takes to make a decent YouTube thumbnail, that's the only reason I've ever learned Photoshop. - It has been a while since I have busted out Photoshop but I do believe that I am the best Photoshop artist of the Try Guys. - You might know my greatest hits that I recently had such as Ned's face as bread. (scary music riff) That's right, I made that monstrosity out of boredom and I don't regret it. - You know, for my Photoshops, I really wanna pay tribute to my friends. I wanna make things that I know that they would love. So, let's get into it. I'm gonna (bleep) troll them. - So, I'm gonna begin with my boy Ned. I feel like he's actually gonna be the easiest one to turn into a Photoshop joke. There was a really funny joke that the audience has picked up on that Ned's laugh and his voice in general is reminiscent of one of the most iconic cartoon characters in history. Yes, and that would be mister Squidward Tentacles from Spongebob. - My what? Ah ha, ah ha. - So my idea is to incorporate Ned's face into some of my favorite Squidward memes. Spongebob being one of the most memed shows on the internet. Oh, I love the one where he wakes up, so Squidward waking up. There we go. 'Course one of my favorite Squidward memes, handsome Squidward, let's get a shot of handsome Squidward. - For Ned, he loves the Jacksonville Jaguars, he specifically he used to love Bortles. So I'm going to transform him into the Jacksonville Jaguars player whose number is five, who is Bortles. And I'll try to put him in a shot of them running out into the field, making him into a Jacksonville Jaguar. - Okay, so we have this beautiful photo of Ned and his wife at their wedding. I've seen this photo a million times. Now I like to use this quick selection tool and then boom, we get ourself another Ned face that we can transfer to the other side, yes. (laughing) And this honestly, this is done, this is beautiful. Ned looks so happy and gorgeous. - So I've successfully created a collage of some of my favorite Squidward memes and I've collected quite a few photos online of Ned that I think are really funny. Arguably my favorite face of Ned that exists on the internet. I don't know what this is from, I think it's from Getty Images. Ned's eyes are crazed beyond believe. So I'm gonna go ahead and take out his hair as well, I really just want his face. Great. (laughing) - [Keith] Luckily the back, the other images is also a little, you know, pixelated and bad. I mean, this looks good, already looks really good. (laughing) This already looks great. His skin's a little darker, so I need to make, I need to give him a little tan. That's right, we don't need the ladies, Ned's a single kinda guy. - So, I also found this beautiful photo of a happy couple on a stock photo website. I gotta use terrified Ned, he's my favorite Ned. This is his photo on, that is so funny. Cut his neck out and try to blend him into the existing background. (playful music) And viola, another beautiful wedding photo for Mister Ned and Mister and Misses Ned Fulmer. - So, to finish this, I'm going to paint over Ned's face to match Squidward's skin. We are going to stop filming and screen recording Ned's because I don't wanna give away my final product to you lovely viewers at home. Y'all know what's coming, y'all know this shit's gonna be fire. I'm gonna be so mad if I don't win this one of Ned because ha, ha, ha, that's Ned to a T. Who doesn't love Ned and Squidward. - For Keith, Keith is the fried chicken god, so I'm going to take that literally, I'm gonna find a Renaissance painting being like glorious. And then I'm gonna Photoshop a thousand tiny little Keith's spectating like this. All right, now for my Keith faces. (laughing) That's funny. All right, so what I really need for this is like a fried chicken texture. All right, let's try that. Yeah, okay, okay. Goodnight Adam, about to be friend chicken-afied. (dramatic music) (laughing) Yeah, oh, get in there you beautiful thang. Tone down the opacity on my chicken so that we can see our little Adam a bit more. That's looking pretty good. - Now there are a lot of amazing photos of Keith. I know that Keith hates this photo so much. We were gonna do these like pencil design drawings for t-shirts 'cause I, it's just something that I love to wear. And this was the drawing of Keith and he hates it so much. The artist, for whatever reason, went to Google and chose the absolutely worst picture of him. Now, you may know, Keith's wife Becky is obsessed with Shawn Mendes, she loves Shawn. She maintains that Keith looks like Shawn Mendes, which no, no he doesn't. But I think as a gift to her and to prove how wrong she is, I might try and Photoshop Keith as Shawn Mendes. Okay, so now we have this beautiful Keith head, I'm actually gonna need a couple of these because one Keith head is gonna go over Shawn. I'm going into this album art of Shawn's face, use this as a stencil that I'm then gonna chop out Keith. Feeling pretty good about that. (laughing) Oh God, I'm so good at this. - For Keith's I'm gonna do something pretty simple 'cause I know Keith likes simple jokes. It's a really stupid, stupid joke. We're gonna do this Whataburger thing, first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna erase the background. The burger and the video that made Texas hate Keith, well deserved I say. And then I'm gonna play with this a couple times but I'm not gonna show you the rest because I wanna save this because this joke is so stupid. (dramatic music) - [Ned] Yes, there we go. Let's get a little feather on his hair, blend his hair in. More Keiths, more Keiths, more Keiths. All right and finally, pretty good. Pretty good, wow, wow, look at that. That is a masterpiece. - I gotta try this super hot Shawn Mendes. So first things first, we're gonna chop out baby Keith right over Shawn's bulge. In fact, let's move him right over Shawn's bulge while we show this. So now we're gonna go, transform, flip Keith horizontally. (laughing) (sighing) Okay, so I gotta get Shawn Mendes's hair, I'm gonna create a new layer of just his hair. This might not be the perfect Keith face for this. Let's see if there's another Keith face that would work. Oo, you know what, this one could work really well 'cause it's like a sexy photo, and Shawn is being all sexy. Let's be genuinely sexy here, let's get rid of dumb Keith, oh my God, I think Becky is genuinely, this is gonna do things to her. Oh-oh my God. Oh my God, dude, look how hot Keith looks right now, holy shit. So I can dodge this side of his face and then burn, we'll add some shadow. Oh my God I think I'm attracted to Keith right now, this is (bleep) hot. (laughing) Oh, you're welcome Becky. - For Zach I've chosen this photo of he and I holding a knife. Now this was a photo that was meant to be a potential thumb for a spooky video but I think I'm going to capture what Zach loves the most, and put us into a horror, slasher film poster. He's a big film buff, he loves trashy horror comedies and just trashy horror films in general. So I'm gonna make myself and Zach into that. - For Zach's, I'm going to combine two of his favorite things in life which is Fast and Furious and the movie Cats. It's the end of Fast and Furious 7 where CGI Paul Walker says goodbye to Vin Diesel and I will find the perfect Zach face to become the man he always wanted to be, which is Vin himself. (laughing) Oh God, okay. All right, so I have my template from Fast and Furious 7, which is gorgeous. God, I fell like... (laughing) I don't know, this one is so funny and he's also in a car, so maybe this one's the one I want. Okay, let's just start playing with this. So now the question is who I'm gonna put with Paul, you're gonna have to wait until the end of the video to find out who Zach is looking at in this beautiful, beautiful street race moment. - For Zach, my inspiration is Cats. Not only cats the thing but Cats the movie. Zach really loves Cats the movie and I feel like he would love seeing himself Photoshopped as a cat in that movie. Beautiful sunset skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge, hope Zach likes Brooklyn. And the goal here is to cut out just the skyline. (mellow music) Just a beautiful, soft cut out of Judi Dench. Okay, now we'll put Judi in between the skyline, (laughing) there she is! Wow, oh yeah. But I also need to have it be where we can just see her through the bridge. (exalting music) And now the finishing touch, of course, oh yes, oh yes. Oh my, I dare say it's perfect. - And for Eugene, I have found this amazing picture of him sitting on a tree and I'm gonna replace that tree with my lap, I'm just gonna put him in my lap, that's all I'm gonna do. (laughing) He's gonna love it. Okay, so first things first, just like everything else I've done, we are selecting Eugene off of this tree, we are getting him nicely separated from the background, from this texture in the background. Nobody wants that. This is gonna, God, I already (bleep) nailed it, didn't I? Look at this. Now, here's the trick here, I gotta angle him a little bit and get his hand out of my pants. (laughing) That's not a good place. - I do think that Eugene's biggest nightmare would be being in a heterosexual, white family. (laughing) I think that that is his genuine worst fear. Let's get Eugene in here. I may also make Eugene bald, that seems like fun. So we're going to, boom. Look how happy he is with his white family. So hetero. I love you Eugene, I love you, too, honey. And I love our three children. Perfect. (laughing) - Eugene loves like being dark and moody, I don't think he loves being that, I just think he just is that. But I love seeing him like that, so I'm gonna try and Photoshop Eugene like a demon who's harvesting souls but the souls are the three of us. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll grab this. We'll be little, tiny hobbits, maybe I'll throw Miles in there. (low dramatic music) All right, we'll put this in here, make it super big. Oh yeah, this is terrifying and I am in to it. - [Keith] No, we need to make Eugene a little bigger, he currently doesn't match the scale. Angle him in, I wonder if we made him teensy what if we made him must a little boy. Hello, I'm so happy to be in Keith's lap, yeah! Okay, what are we, we're just gonna erase his hand here, that's how we'll solve this. Okay, what are we gonna do about his arms though? I guess I could paint him, I don't know, I'm not very good at the clone stamp tool. (playful music) Eugene needs like a drop shot, he's on me, right, he has to be really there. - I've decided I'm gonna see if I can make Eugene bald because, you know, if he really wants the heterosexual, white family experience, too much hair. (fun polka music) This is already challenging because Eugene's hair begins right there. I could also give him white guy hair, oh that's equally upsetting. But then I thought, what would Eugene's true nightmare be? It's not just being in a heterosexual, white family, it's being subjected to more love than any human has ever been subjected to before which his why I am going to make Eugene Ned's child. (laughing) So let's see how this goes. (thoughtful music) (laughing) Oh my God, what have I done? Oh my God, he's gonna hate me. I don't think Eugene's ever gonna talk to me again after this. - Oh my God. (laughing) That's so upsetting. Look at Zach's. - Oh, is it the Photoshop? - Yeah, do you see it? - Oh my God! (laughing) (phone dinging) - Okay. - Hey guys! - It's time for the reveals. - The time has finally come, we've been working away the last several hours. - I think I'll go ahead and volunteer being the first judge. - Wow. - Wow! - Okay. - Okay. - All right. - I'll go first. - [Keith] Okay. - So Eugene is stuck, yet beautiful and I wanted something that truly captured the majesty, the fear, and the furiosity of powerful, glamorous Eugene. - Oh! - Oh my God! - Oh wow! - Oh my gosh, look at the whole cast! Yes! - [Keith] The whole crew! - [Eugene] Cate Blanchett. - Ned, did you use the tour photo where Eugene has the glitter eyes? - That's right, he has glitter eyes. I kinda like made Eugene's face to color match and then made the purple a little bit of a bluish tint. - Excellent reference, one of my favorite actresses. Really good casting with the hobbits. I think this is like-- - Thank you, thank you. - This is gonna be hard to beat, Ned. - Eugene, you know, we are not able to see each other in person right now and I know that gives you so much sadness. And one of your favorite activities is now been stricken from your livelihood. - No! - Your ability-- - No! - So I would love to present to you, little, tiny Eugene. (everyone laughing) Tiny, itty bitty Eugene and I hanging out. What, what do you wanna grow up to be Eugene? - Did you take an original photo for this photo? (laughing) Did you? - Yeah. - Did you-- - You're wearing the same shirt. - Did you make Becky take a photo of you? Yeah, wow Keith. - Yeah, it was earlier today. - I hate the lap sitting reference but I love that you made an original photo for it. - [Keith] I had, I just erased your hands, I was like, eh-- - 'Cause you didn't want his hand to just be resting on your crotch? (laughing) - And then I built your arm, I don't know if you can see this but your arm was also eclipsed by the tree and I had to build it. - [Zach] Wow. - So if you were to zoom in, you'll see it's not very good. But with this broadcast, it all kinda sells pretty well. - Right when you started presenting, I knew exactly what you were gonna do. - I feel like you knew what I was gonna do before we even had this call. - Yeah, but I'm impressed with the original take on it. Thanks. - [Ned] All right Zach. - For mine, I present a triptych, a journey as I found to discover what really does Eugene wanna see and where is the furthest thing from Eugene's possible heart than a white, heterosexual family. - Oh my God. (laughing) Oh God, that's horrifying. - [Keith] He made him white. (everyone laughing) - [Ned] Oh no. - So, I have you here, surrounded by your loving children but then I thought, well, this is too much for Eugene, so let's take that hair away. (laughing) - Oh no. - Take that which he loves the most. - Oh my God. - But I will say Eugene, I wanted to show you what it feels like. - Oh, there's more. - There's-- - Okay, okay. - I wanted you to feel like what it feels like to be loved. As much as you say, I don't want this, Eugene, I know we all know what your heart is really asking for to be Ned's baby. - Oh my God. (laughing) (mimicking throwing up) - (bleep)-- - Wow. - Hate that, Zach, I hate it. - You know how this works? It's not what makes you laugh that makes the other person uncomfortable, it's what makes me laugh that I like. - I think that the world needed to see this. (laughing) - Oh God, all right. You guys really knocked it out of the park here. - [Ned] Thanks. - Ned's got me in terms of what I love, Keith put a little extra work in by taking an original photo, and Zach, Zach, you did not win. (laughing) - [Ned] Yeah he did, he won. - No, I hate every, I hate everything about these. - I-- - Look how cute you are! Look how itty bitty. - Ugh. - [Keith] It's tough. - Fine, Zach wins. - [Keith] (exalting music) Yay! - [Ned] What? - [Keith] What a twist. - It's, this competition, even while make these, made me realize I think I just want the worst one. (laughing) - Yeah. - The best work. - All right, Zach, you won, you're the judge. - Great! All right fellas-- - Oh, round robbin. - Show me whatcha got. - Zach, he is a boy who loves his horror camp movies. What if he could star in one also with his best bud? Keith and Zach Murder Them All. (laughing) - [Zach] It looks like we're like an Abbott and Costello slasher duo. - Yeah, 'cause you like horror camp, so I really wanted the camp. There's so many backgrounds, there's a tree background, superimposed on a fire background. This thing below our hands is like a tree trunk with a spiderweb in it. - [Ned] Whoa! - [Keith] So I just Google searched spooky-- - [Ned] Oh I see the spider. - [Keith] Yeah, spooky images and fire. - I will say I would gladly go see that movie. - Yeah, and the font is just awful, isn't it? (laughing) Just terrible. - Yeah. Zach, everyone knows that you are an above average height person (laughing) but what if you were the size of Godzilla terrorizing your favorite city in the world? But not just any monster... - Oh ho! (bleep) - [Eugene] Wow. - Yes! (laughing) Yes! That's beautiful, I want that to be, we're Tweeting that out so people can make that their computer background. - Yeah, I want to make you a big, just a big like fat boy. - Wow! - Wow. - Dame Judi Dench as Zach, about to destroy New York. Or maybe save New York. - Now, did you give me fur texture on my face? - I did, yes, yes. - Wow. - I took her shoulder, blew it up and composited over your face. - [Keith] Nice. - Very impressive, I'm close to speechless, it's beautiful. - All right, Eugene, what do you got? - Okay, Zach, so I'm gonna take this one step further. I might even kick this into high gear. Because while they've included one thing that you love, I managed to put two things that you adore. Presenting... - Oo. - Oh, oo! - Oh my God. - And you drive off into the sunset together. - [Ned] Oh my God. - Oh my God, this is so funny. So to be clear-- - It's just a cat. - The final scene of Fast and Furious 7-- - [Eugene] Seven. - Paul Walker's farewell, his final send off but instead of Vin looking at Paul it's me looking at Dame Judi Dench for Cats. Oh my God, I can't pick a winner, these are brilliant. I really, it's a coin flip between you to, I, sorry Keith. - Oh, I get it. (laughing) Personally I like both but I can't stop staring at Ned's. - That's how I feel as well. You know, I think they're both incredible, I'm more likely to Tweet Eugene's but I can't stop looking at Ned's. - [Keith] I can't stop looking at Ned's. - I want it on my ceiling, Ned you win this point. - (exalting music) Yay! - But bravo all around. - All right, so that means we're doing Ned next, right? - All right, I'm next, I'm very excited to see what you have for me. How can you top Ned bread photo? - Ned, you are a champion. Please welcome your starting lineup for the Jacksonville Jaguars, featuring Ned as Bortles. (laughing) - Yeah! Bortles! - [Zach] Yeah! - [Ned] Bortles! (laughing) - [Zach] Yeah, you're Bortles. - [Ned] Wow, that's really great, Keith. - Yeah, it was-- - Ned, you look good in that uniform, can I say? You're lookin' good. - In this, that's a picture he also wasn't wearing a helmet. (laughing) And just he, he just ran out there, no helmet, no problem. - Was just gonna put you on the sidelines and then I found this photo, I'm like, nah, he's not on the sidelines, he's out there playing the game. - He's running out, wow, wow, Super Bowl champions, right here. Wow, great job Keith. - Ned, for my photo for you I really wanted to take you back to something that you love. I wanted to remind you of the most wonderful day of your life. So, without further ado, Ned, I now pronounce you mister and misses Ned Fulmer. - Oh no! - Oh! - Oh no, God, that's horrifying. (The Wedding March) Ah! Ah! - [Zach] I gotta give it up to @jacksfilms who has done this before, deserves all the credit. - It's very convincing. (laughing) What a beautiful memory. - I'm kinda turned on, I don't know what y'all talking about. (laughing) - All right, Ned, you ready for this? - I'm ready. - It's public knowledge that you have a doppelganger, not from the visuals but from the vocals. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Squidward. - I call this Nedward, nine ways. - Nine way, whoa! - [Zach] What, yes! - Oh my God, yeah. I really like your use of accentuating moments with my eyes or my nose, and twirking's great. - [Zach] The sixth photo where Ned's dancing like this is probably my favorite. - [Eugene] Yeah, that's handsome Squidward falling and of course my favorite photo of you, right here. - [Keith] Yeah, that one's horrifying. - That one's scary. (laughing) - I really don't like that one. - Wow, guys, thank you for these incredible gifts, they're all, they're all so beautiful. Eugene, such incredible dimension here. Zach, you've taken one of the most beautiful moments of my life (everyone laughing) somehow managed to make it even more beautiful. I'm stunned. And Keith, you've literally created my childhood dream come true. But the winner, I have to give it to Keith. - (exalting music) Oh, yeah! - Congratulations Keith, I would hang this up on my wall, it looks so realistic. - It looks good. - It's good. - I just got a rush of excitement. - What a perfect round robbin, Keith, you're the final one to present to. - So excited, you know, seeing your creativity for each other. I have no idea where you could of gone with me, I mean, there's a lot of features to exaggerate, a lot of loves to incorporate. So I'm very excited to see where my three creative collaborators have gone. - Everyone knows that Becky loves Shawn Mendes but for whatever reason, Becky also is convinced that you look like Shawn Mendes. - Yeah. - So I wanted to show her just how right she is. Keith Mendes. - Oh, oh! - Oh, Oh God. - Oh, God. - Oh, God. - That wasn't what I was expecting, Zach. - [Keith] Oh God. - I chose the photo that Keith hates the most but I, you know, I put Shawn's luscious lock on you, I recreated the album art with your face. (laughing) - Oh God. - That is impressive. - But I wanted also, I wanted you to look as hot as I know that you are. So Keith, presenting Keith for Keith. - Oo! - Oo, oo, oo! - That one's better. - [Keith] Yeah, look at that hair, wow. - [Zach] Also, if you notice-- - I do, I do notice what you did. - I had to Photoshop out Calvin Klein and write, Keith, Keith, Keith on the underwear. - Oh, look a that! - It's, this is good. - Oh, that's really not, that's really good. - That's very good, the hair is a nice touch. That other photo from the previous one I hate, it's from the dumplings video. - Yeah, it's this photo. - Yeah, that photo. - Oh, no. (laughing) - Well Keith, let me take you on a journey as well. Everyone knows that you love fried chicken but what they may not know is that you are literally a friend chicken god. - Oh! - Whoa, wow, look at all those Keiths. - [Zach] Oh my God. Oh my God. - Look at my little wiener. (laughing) Look at my little wiener. Wow. - Wow, Ned. - [Keith] Yeah. - I understand now Ned when you texted us and said you got carried away on one of the photos. (laughing) - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You needed more time. - [Eugene] I like that he's all the little babies, little cherub babies. - Yeah, I made Keith the little cherubs as well 'cause, you know, this is the church of Keith, everyone there is praising Keith and they're also all little Keiths. - This is really, is really something, Ned. I'm very impressed. - Man, I really wanna win this so I don't, shitty loser, but this is not very good. (laughing) I thought less of the shop and more of the joke. - Okay. - So please enjoy the stupidest thing I've ever made. (laughing) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - That's so stupid. - I'm sorry, I thought of you, I couldn't think if anything else, I was like, I gotta, I was at a loss. - [Keith] This is a great Tweet, I mean, this is an excellent Twitter meme. - But say them both out loud, Keith. - Keith Habersberger, Keith Habersnoberger. (everyone laughing) Wow, we are though, we're three for three with the word Keith being written more than once. God, I, I want Eugene to have a victory in this video but look what Ned did. (laughing) - You don't have to, you don't have to. - I, it's really funny. It's so dumb! (laughing) An honorable mention to all three but I have to go with Keith as a god. (exalting music) The ugliest art I would love to put in my house but Becky would never allow. Really-- - Yay! - Wow, wow. - Congratulations. - Congratulations to Ned, the first winner of our Photoshop battle. Some incredible artistry displayed by all the members of The Try Guys today. - You know what's great about this too is I feel like viewers watching at home could totally play this along with their friends. - Yeah, I think you should definitely send us your Photoshops on Instagram and on Twitter. - #photoshoptryguys. - [Ned] @tryguys. - Let's see what you got, and stick around after the break because I've got some bonus photos to show you guys and I wanna see what Becky thinks of hot Keith. (scary music) (upbeat theme song) (laughing) - It's uncanny, I mean it's basically just a picture of Shawn Mendes. It's the same. - Yeah!
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 5,747,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, photoshop battle, photoshop battles, greatest photoshop battles, funny photoshop battles, photoshop, epic photoshop battles, funny photoshop battle, funny photoshop, funny pics, funny pictures, funny photos, greatest photoshop, prank, challenge, best, worst, winner, loser, prank each other
Id: jjkUUAmkbZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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