Surfers Try To Keep Up With Snowboarders | SELF

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it just looks like that's gonna be a piece of cake today we're here at Mammoth Mountain to teach three surfers how to snowboard for the first time let's see if they can keep up my name is Johnny I've been surfing for over 15 years and I've been an instructor in Huntington Beach for over seven I'm Vanessa I've been surfing for 22 years I'm an instructor and I also run the women who serve and the Latin Xserve Club I'm April I've been surfing for over 40 years I'm the Los Angeles trainer for black girls surf and I'm also a marine scientist who specializes in sharks I am so stoked to learn how to snowboard today I'm Kerry I've been snowboarding for 20 years and this is my fourth season as an instructor at Mammoth Mountain I'm Buckley I've been snowboarding for seven years and this is my fifth season as an instructor I'm Scotty I've been snowboarding for over twenty years and I've been teaching for over ten years for the first challenge we're gonna have you learned some skating gliding you have to ride the chairlift with one foot and we have to glide with one foot when we get off that's why we learn this first skating is a mixture of pushing with your back foot and gliding on your front foot so I slide the board a little bit usually don't let my back foot go past that back binding step right back little steps now for gliding I'm gonna press down on my front foot stand up tall on that front foot step in the middle of the board and just go straight I never really thought about that you would need to do that so makes just to try it it looks like it looks doable so there's nothing like that in surfing you put your leash on and you go pull back my high back heel goes in at that high back I always do my ankle strap first is your most important strap strap it in pretty tight you'll know if it's too snug and then I do my toe strap skate one and hop skate one and hop there you go even more when you step off just all your weight is here gotcha this saves you okay little steps keep your eyes up towards me good awesome eyes up towards me perfect little steps beautiful eyes up keep looking little steps over it I fell now we're gonna do the same thing but gliding so remember we're just standing up tall on that downhill foot don't push off and just go straight eyes up turn the board if you twist your shoulders it will move this noise I want to stay you want to stay square okay good eyes up put more weight on your front foot trust it yeah just trust it I don't care if I fall as long as I don't hurt myself it was a lot harder than I expected I felt like I was a little out of control its water but it's frozen water so it's really different and judging and just gliding on it so that was a really interesting different feel than surfing or skateboarding I'm trying to find the balance spot because the slight movement makes a lot of difference I feel like it's like actually a lot of core to like surfing so I'm happy that's transitioning to this I think I think what I'm strapped in I'll feel more comfortable so for the next challenge we're gonna do what's called the floating leaf some people call it the falling leaf but I like to leave the word falling out of it when you think about like a leaf that falls out of a tree it kind of floats side-to-side right that's what we're gonna be doing down the hill going side to side and controlling our speed the whole way one of the big differences between surfing and snowboarding is surfing you have all your weight on the back foot and mostly snowboarding you want to have all your weight forward because if you don't the snowboard kind of wants to shoot out from under you so we got to stay ahead of that so this is what a floating leaf is supposed to look like I'm gonna put all my weight on my front foot my eyes are looking and I'm gonna press on my heels so it turns my board sideways to control my speed sets me up to go this way pressing down on my heels keeping my toes up it just looks like that's gonna be a piece of cake who's gonna be the falling leaf yeah well luckily made that look so graceful I'm hoping that I don't fall I'm probably going to be the falling leaf a little nervous and I can't wait to give it a shot so who wants to go first hello all right April April hey look where we're going pushing on your heels slowly toes up whoop nice downhill and then turn your head look over that shoulder a little nose up good yeah how it slide sideways yeah you totally look where you're going exactly looking with your eyes is really big yeah try to keep those arms still okay okay so my arms should be down uh-huh okay the steering is coming from your feet okay not your upper body okay so keep those still and just press for those heels okay got it there you go and then control and start going the other way when you're ready oh not your arms April I keep my arms alright I'm good I'll just wait here show us what you got so lean on that front foot keep your shoulders in line with your snowboard push it on your heels slowly getting your toes to come up and control your speed toes up there it is now go the other way dang it nice job Johnny I don't know what I was trying to do I did a little like bunny hop a lot of this is just overcoming the natural reaction to one it will go in like this or to lean back I mean especially for me cuz I ride huge long boards uh-huh I always lean back because that's like how I how I pause to run to the nose right what's it take me to sign me up under so it's just holding that heel edge so it doesn't slide out from under you okay getting up on your toe edge is a little easier but we'll do that later it's a chin-up look where you're going try not to look at your board pushing on your heels and then control that speed I'll let you do it on your own once okay thank you very good Vanessa yeah Vanessa that was a little challenging but it's really cool it's not like surfing it's I got to keep my arms down because I'm pretty expressive when I serve so I need to not do that cuz that little move makes the board go all over the place it was pretty awesome I got some momentum going and I I got excited and I felt myself wanting to turn and go faster got a lot of confidence right now went better than I thought it's nothing like surfing just weight distribution it's way different you got to stay more back when you stop on your heels it's a lot of fun I feel like they did really well it's just a matter of gathering that speed and controlling it usually when it's someone's first time on a snowboard like that you don't see them doing the floating leap as quickly as I just saw can't wait to see what's next I want to do some turns [Music] so it's snowboarding we have two edges of our board our heel side and our toe side and we want to utilize both of these edges to slow ourselves down equally across the hill so that when you see people doing these big s turns all the way down they're utilizing both edges equally so the more we know how to do toe side and hillside the better snowboarder you're gonna be the next challenge we have for you today is Garland and see turns these are two basic maneuvers to feel more balanced on your board so our Garland's are to take us across the hell so we utilize this tool by traveling flat base on our board and edging so slightly onto your heels to slow yourself down all right I'm gonna go ahead and demonstrate a garland release onto the front foot relaxing flat base slowing to the heels so initiate our sea turns I'm gonna sit down again roll over stand out to our toe side look downhill flatten that base get rolling a little then come to your turn that's a sea turn I hope I can do it half as gracefully as she did she looks so light on her feet and perfect she was so in control so it was being connected to my board and having my feet locked in and going backside and turning and not knowing what's behind me is really different that's gonna be really interesting I'm excited I really want to turn are you ready it's really all right guys let's go ahead and get both of our feet strapped in here so she can get going on our Garland's I want you to kind of reach out to me flat base traveling across the he'll keep reaching to me nice feeling flat base then slowing whoop hey I stopped your body you're doing it you're still a yeah I get my legs working and they're not okay yeah Oh so go ready yeah all right let's see how you can go a little bit more flat base whoo let that right foot lead again let's do it first step to going fast for the rollover we pick one foot to point down the hill use the nose ear board as that pivot point so rollover whoever's ready to go first reach stand on that leading foot so again super important we want to really match our body to the slope so we're gonna stand on our front foot our leading foot miletti guide us down let it guide you down then come to your heel starting with the front foot the back foot comes to match keep that transition keep that flat face and tell you gain some speed yep Benzinger that right me really feeling the pinky toe side of your foot traveled flat face I fell I think once or twice there but the most challenging aspect was getting back up for me that's a little hard doing it like from a sitting position standing up but the way she taught us but you could roll over and get up on your knees is much easier for me I really have to concentrate on not surfing I've noticed it's more putting your weight into your front leg instead of trying to bend which I do a lot in surfing it is really odd getting used to the board staying on your feet and you can't ditch it so it's like a whole extension of yourself you have to think about it felt really fun it was amazing it went really well they super surprised me because what little I know about surfing is that they were gonna be back foot heavy and they really rise to the occasion and went with the gravity of the sport and riding their board down the hill I mean that's our main thing down a slope we got to have gravity as our friend not our enemy all right guys so for our fourth challenge we're gonna be doing somalis woohoo so an ollie it's just a freestyle move where basically I'm gonna shift my weight onto my back foot and I use this leg like a spring to pop me up and land flat so I've done an ollie on a skateboard but that was quite some time ago I always just surf on the sidewalk now so it'll be interesting to try it with the board attached to my feet I think the ollie looks really hard but I'm gonna give it my best shot done it's so weird with the board attached it is like not a natural motion oh that's alright this is not a skateboard okay spring load I didn't fall yes you want to try this spring flat back straight clearly I don't like small movements it's a lot of cool hi Scott hi Scotty hi I surprised how easily I could do that that was really fun I felt that once I gain speed I was actually able to ollie with more momentum and get a little higher than I was staying on flatland it was fun it's fun to catch a little air maybe I can do that on my run down the slope try and add a little hop in there I think that freestyle is important in every teaching technique because it makes all students more comfortable on their snowboard a plus all around so the chair lifts are about to close and we've got one chance to do this run let's make it happen if you want to take a look at the chairlift here there's those wait here signs we're gonna go all the way to the front of the line there and we're gonna wait right at those yellow signs until the chair passes us and we're all gonna follow that chair all the way up to the line that's in the snow and while we do this you always want to keep your snowboard aimed straight the direction that the chairlift is moving so when we sit down on the chair you kind of have to sit sideways for a minute to let it slide straight once it picks us up off of the ground then we can dangle our snowboard however we like I like to share the load between my feet by putting my other my back toe underneath the board so it's not pulling on your ankle funny and we can put the bar down for safety as well when we get to the top we're gonna stand up on our board I'll count to three with there's two more yellow signs there we're all gonna put our foot right on our snowboard right next to the back binding stand up nice and tall and do that straight glide right a little ramp okay and if you want to you can press on your heels to turn a little bit to slow down but you should just be able to slide straight until you stop okay sweet cool any questions before we hop on let's do it alright it's rock and roll [Music] we collided we had a little a little issues no no the big one is let's miss each other alright so for the final challenge today we're gonna put all the skills that we learned all together into one run I was super excited to go down the hill I've been waiting I feel like it's my moment to put it all together show time you've been waiting for this all day let's do it you guys ready to rock [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] belly forward push on your toes control then left ya flat perfect that was really fun I just have to not surf so everything's awesome it's super fun it's challenging but I like I like a good challenge my favorite part of the experience was help patient the instructors were they were all so rad and really really tried to make sure we understood what was going on and really wanted us to succeed fair part of the day by far was the last part when we got to round all the way down the mountain and show what we did today and put everything that we learned from our great instructors and put it all together it was definitely the best part it was harder than I expected I don't like my feet strapped in I love moving my feet on my surfboard so getting used to having my feet strapped in is a big deal the last room is super fun I got to go down with one of the instructors and she was amazing she said just go for it you know just follow me and let's do this and I felt like I was surfing like once I started to go I felt like I could do that s turns and kind of flow and I for sure will be back I'm impressed with everyone we even saw some s turns up there which on the first day you don't see that very often so I think everyone did really well I'm impressed definitely it's harder on your first day you're gonna fall you're gonna crash you're gonna tumble but these guys did it in stride they kept a smile on their face and crushed it [Music]
Channel: SELF
Views: 1,475,971
Rating: 4.9293556 out of 5
Keywords: snowboarding, try to keep up, try to keep up 2020, try to keep up athletes, how to snowboard, surfers try snowboarding, surfers try, athlete try to keep up, snowboarding for beginingers, pro surfers, snowboarding instructors, surfers snowboarding, surfers vs snowboarders, surfer tries snowboarding, snowboarding lesson, first time snowboarding, snowboarder teaches surfer, snowboard gliding, snowboard floating leaf, snowboarding tips, garlands, c turns, snowboard ollie, self
Id: jq2AIcgs61U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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