Pro Snowboarder Scotty James Breaks Down Snowboarding Scenes from Movies | GQ Sports

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The first movie clip is funny cause Copper is gonna get dumped on during Dew Tour this week

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheLazyBuffalo 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh yeah now you don't do that this I'm Scottie James professional snowboarder and this is the breakdown this is cloud nine I have not seen this movie before but it's got some good halfpipe snowboarding in it so maybe all anything else not great weather to be dropping into it's a little bit overcast snowing which might slow you down a little bit in a competition scenario seems a little bit windy we can usually tell that by the flags on the side of the halfpipe whether it's gusty or if it's a consistent wind you don't want wind in the halfpipe because it doesn't help there's flags at this one as well and I think it's just I want everyone to know that it is this spring snowboard challenge you're dealing with different elements wind snow light flat light is what we call it where the sky is the same color as the ground so you kind of lose using a little bit of what's happening well I use oak leaves which are prism lenses that enhance the contrast in the scenario so I don't have that issue that other people have that issue yes I am thank you and not at least we all wear bibs usually is in the seating of the to us so if you're number one you'll have number one if you're number two three four five you'll have the number so we'll have all the sponsors and then it'll have like the event so for example X Games button US Open locks open this one looks like it is the spring snowboard challenge having entered that one myself yes we have anywhere between eight and nine competitions a season it starts in Copper Mountain that's the first World Cup for us World Cup events our qualifying series for the Olympics and then after every season the World Cup is called the FIS - all the competitions put together or your points are added up and you will be crowned number one you win the crystal globe basically you just have to qualify within the top 30 and then you go to the Olympics let me pause it here you're probably not waving to the crowd usually in the moment what you're doing is pretty risky we work pretty hard she's enjoying it striking some fear into competitors showing up a little bit late bit carefree everyone thinking oh my god she doesn't care we're screwed I've been done that myself yet but maybe I will this coach looks pissed she's about to deliver something that he does not want her a sieve see what happens oh I'm not sure what the weather they're trying to say that's like a trick but I would say it's a Pires she's doing it again oh she did it again she's actually like riding the pipe well she's getting enough speed to get out of the halfpipe and do it tricks halfpipe events like this is judged off amplitude is how high you get above the coping execution is how you grab how long you hold the grab how you landed in the wall if you landed in the transition how you came out of the trick whether you maintain speed and then overall impression is based on how you've placed your tricks in your riding so if you started with the hardest trick then you're going to get a high overall impression score and then work your way down after that so far she hasn't done any tricks in my opinion the impression scores is zero right now but her execution in her whatever she's doing is pretty good she's maintaining speed riding off quite well Oh tail grab that's a trick it's the first one on the run I don't actually know where that ha is you say I can pick where a half-pipe is but now that's just wrong because we don't get scored by sevens eights sixes and 10's we get scored out of a hundred I wouldn't have even thrown my cardboard clip up from honest no I'm just kidding that's mean I would say that score seven seven eight seven eight you might be making finals in that highest score I've ever got was is either 97 or a 98 and the guy that beat me got a 99 or something like that hate him this is a view to kill big James Bond fan I like Goldeneye I used to play the game on Nintendo 64 like religiously interesting first scene where they're coming in where the icebergs are not sure you particularly snowboard them it's like a bunny slope guessing they're in Russia bacon basically is if I've been buried in an avalanche I have my bacon on and the people above will use their Bacon's to kind of search for me and everyone uses them when you go right back country I'm not sure how that guy would be buried where he is as it seems like it's a crevasse and I can just tell by the snow that there definitely wasn't an avalanche it looks like Sun back to surface whereas an avalanche you can tell it looks like snows tumbled down the hill and I haven't been in the backcountry a lot but so I do a halfpipe is my discipline you don't get any avalanches in the halfpipe yeah pretty safe there I'm not sure you would jump into a crevasse like that if I'm honest generally a crevasse is full of ice and you won't be coming back up if you go down maybe if you're being shot at they might try but in this case I mean he's got snow down there so he's being able to scare out but he's really proving me wrong with this whole curve a skiing thing he's doing it quite well that's an outfit that you would probably see walking down the street of Aspen not my taste personally I mean James Bond pulls it off sir James Bond is using a ski of the snowmobile which has just blown up as a snowboard might be like an old Burton snowboard so the nose was always long and then tail and you can see that in this shot form you would still see that on a Saturday Sunday up at any resort using his arms or kind of looks like he's dancing he's doing it with style we call this the rudder arm some people have a really high rider arm so I'm have a pretty low one once it's just kind of happy medium right in the middle landing wasn't great I would give it about a zero in execution but let's cut him some slack here he did jump from about 20 feet his poor joints would have felt the wrath successful landing looks effortless funnily enough there is an actual old saying after bang so you would do a trick and if you felt pretty good about it each individual and have their own way of expressing how that felt see some guys kind of land with their head down and really trying to emphasize that effortless approach I don't have any after Bank or at least I don't think so you might have to ask someone else skiers would probably outrun a snowboarder you're talking about racing down a hill depends how badly you want to get away from the skiers and if you're getting chased down by guns you probably want to get away pretty quick there is science behind it there's more edges there's less friction on the snow on skis snowboards are about this wide and skis are about this wide that is actually possible I've seen that done I've done that myself I'd actually say it's probably easier to pond skim on a snowboard too the skis are a little bit more out of control and stem crashing and him getting across skiers vs. snowboarders we get along but we definitely do give each other a bit of crap here and there we all respect what we do we're all up there to do the same thing which is have a good time up next xxx oh yeah just one of my favorites growing up Vin Diesel I remember watching this the first time in a cinema in Australia with my dad it was my dad's Christmas party and he took everyone and at the time I was already snowboarding so I was probably a little kid guns that didn't happen so I'm about to do it again it's a real snowboard it's got a sidecar I don't know what's know what it is typically if I see a snowboard I know we're like what brand it is or what companies made it for sure cue the rock music so snow water Vin Diesel can do everything if you can see the base of the snow what I can tell you what it is mmm I don't know what that is this is actually real people do this like put a snowboard on and like do some aerial tricks it looks like the board that he strapped into and that plane is not the board that he has on his legs here because the the direction of his feet have changed I'm gonna freeze this frame you can see in that shot there his heel is lifted up on his back foot you don't do that snowboarding it's lost this side cut so they've gone and taken the graphic of the actual snow board which was believable for me and put it on top of like a sky diving board it's got to be dizzy at this point sure it's making me dizzy all right here we go the big stunt so you can actually see there was one frame where the guy was on skis 50 if he play it stop right here that shot back there he's facing forward you wouldn't do that on the snowboard so I'm skeptical of that shot that looks like there's quite a bit of powder on the mountain the best powder in the world is like super light snow so quite cold and dry temperatures which is what you'll typically find in like big mountains and steeper terrain like this that was more black hot back surfing turn with his hand dragging back there any of that they don't typically do that unless you're really frothing out oh no he's trying to slow down that's not how you slow down you just kind of get on your backside edge and just slow down I mean he is coming down some pretty crazy terrain so maybe you would do that that's that's definitely a 90s outfit this movie's 230 mm I think right these a bit outdated here we have goggles Oakley's were out by then oh man yeah you don't do that oh no chance that definitely didn't happen so he's just pulled off two of the biggest jumps I've ever seen on a snowboard and we didn't see him land the first one so not sure what happened there maybe the explosion kicked him into another jump oh and he set off an avalanche that's a big one oh yeah he would not make it out of an avalanche that big I don't care how good a snowboarder or how bold your head is like Vin Diesel you are not fast enough to get your way out of that avalanche it's not happening that actually looks like a pretty legit avalanche his bombs didn't even trigger that off it was just him stomping his landing a stomp is when you like execute trick so you land on your feet and you stomped it you could definitely set that up jump onto a house and jump off a house I'm not sure if that one was real vin diesel still managing to stay ahead of it unbelievable I haven't seen many big avalanches myself not being in the backcountry all that much bit I heard it's pretty terrifying when you see it properly in real life and I've seen videos of big ones not that big that's why I'm saying that they just wouldn't survive but I've heard one mic break and it like makes a big farting noise and what he did is start throwing the bombs they actually do that on like any mountain just they bomb it so it's safe for the public to go and ride what's he got oh yeah I've never seen someone jump up and grab something I've seen people set up jumps into like big pine trees and others got land in the pine tree but never a radio or telephone tower like Vin Diesel just did but the telephone tower wouldn't have survived that Avalanche it would have definitely tipped over with Vin Diesel going under the snow - up next last holiday she's got a lot of control this girl for not having any control at all but yeah you see people lose control all the time and I lose control sometimes too so I'm guilty she should have taken out the scares she missed got quite good technique turning for being out of control she's like doing this to act like she's out of control but torso down she's in control I mean she just did a backside turn right there and then she just did a front side turn again back side turn is when you're on your heel edge front side turn is when your toe edge see the toes of your feet into the snow if she's had a control like this movies trying to convince us she's probably not having a nice little chat with this gentleman that's trying to savor it snowboarding through the trees all the time every day definitely more dangerous you're wrestling with some good pine timber so if you hit it it's gonna hurt ya that's pretty typical if you want to get into freestyle they'll make smaller jumps in like a freestyle Park at the local resort and you just kind of start jumping like that and when you want to hit rails they'll make these things called boxes which is I know like this remote where there's a lot more surface area so you can't fall off it you kind of just slide on the top [Music] pretty good for being out of control and for the guy that's supposed to be saving her and in control he's not doing so well they flipped that on us this is Johnny tsunami with classic I think their lingo in this pretty spot-on well you did yesterday get massive air out that jumped helps them that sky girl mad props dude they're real charger oh thanks bro we don't really say brah I wouldn't be like oh that was an ollie brah I might say that was not leave it I'm in denial that I do but I know that I do say that a lot I say it's knowledge it's part of the culture I try to use a minimal amounts because you can get pigeonholed too much I've done like commercial and they've tried to get me to say like something just completely ridiculous and I would never even say nollie hectic sick dude awesome crazy rad all in one sentence and I was like we don't say that now you're cool enough those hats are definitely not cool I'm just gonna stop it there those things a hideous crazy hats no one wears those can we get busted for that only catches plastic snowboarders breaking the rules yeah the misfits it's like kind of like almost what snowboarding was founded on it wasn't accepted at the stop you had to go and find your own way you had to go and ride the mountain where and not tell people it's definitely legit go big go home go big go home the very cliche line come on man go bigger just go big you don't don't need to go home after like this stuff is actually pretty wow that looks enjoyable to me - the Hat the terrain the guys he's got with him with his friends up riding the mountain let me stop it here they are saying before with my snowboarding why that happened to that guys he was heavy on his front foot so he's nose dug into the snow we would call it a rag doll all your stops flying in your arms going all different directions snowboarding was definitely banned I know still to date that there are resorts in America that don't allow snowboarding this is Point Break there were actually some real snowboarders in this but they weren't snow morning they were just hanging out of the house throwing down with him it was URI put logic of Christian holla and I think Louie Vito was in it but they were not riding it terrains well we went to the premiere the movie just came out and everyone on tour went to the cinema and we watched this movie because a couple of the guys were in it just called Haller you wanted getting a helicopter you have your backpack on you have like your beacon probe shovel all that stuff in your backpack in case an avalanche happens the reason why it's so unique is because no one typically gets to go there so the snow's really good it's cool to go on a helicopter and go snowboarding you wouldn't go over the side that they're going on you'd go down this side probably the other side's a freaking cliff face at once I mean Travis Rice did probably make his way through that if I'm honest or any other really good backcountry riders would probably uh navigate it I probably wouldn't do it the reason why that isn't really believable because it doesn't look that enjoyable you're kind of dodging rocks typically we're dodging rocks going down you're picking up a lot of speed which is probably not that safe because you're not gonna be able to slow down if you hit a big cliff face which is what happens but they're gnarly so of course they're gonna go most of this snowboarding footage actually looks like they've actually gone snowboarding so there would actually be someone skiing down the mountain with them while they're turning and doing all their jumps and stuff follow cams to typically a scare it's just better with a stability with the camera it's easier to move around and maneuver yeah we filmed a lot growing up my brother Sean who actually still films me to date he travels around the world with me I remember my brother film my first day of a backflip we didn't tell my parents what we were up to we just went and built some superc media I could jump and it was probably actually now I think about it super dangerous but Sean caught it on film nowadays he uses like a GoPro and actually follows me down the halfpipe and it looks awesome but back then it was just more like this weird like a recording tape and you just press the button and yell at me and fill it up I have to start somewhere with the old tape recorder this is still dad's cameras my dad's a graphic designer so had cameras and we used to just take his cameras without telling him and go and use them thanks dad let me jump ahead you wouldn't all drop in at once like that because in the case in avalanche does happen everyone's going in the Avalanche there won't be someone above the surface to look for anyone so you wouldn't ride down like this all together I just hear you having fun because if something happens no one's gonna be there to look for you so if you're going heli skiing or being dropped off at the top of a mountain and helicopter I would assume that you would know what you're doing but you'd be surprised I'm sure there's people that want to do it for the idea of it but can't actually get down oh the big jump I don't know what's under it's hard to tell like how crazy it is but doesn't even look enjoyable what you just did so I don't know why you would do it the steeper and the deeper and the scarier the terrain it's what makes some snowboarders separate themselves from others they're willing to take that risk dropping into a crazy line like that these three guys didn't think it was possible and that happens with tricks all the time you go up and in training scenarios sometimes it's better to have someone else there that's gonna push you and push your buttons to get the best out of you and filed nudging someone to do it I'll just tell him that the old them would have done it and they always do it this is Chalet girl she looks like she doesn't know what the snowboard boots are intrigued though as we all wear it at first when we begin snowboarding questionable one-piece suit I actually don't mind them because it makes sense you're not gonna get snow in your butt terrible feeling I'm sure if anyone's been snowboarding or skiing they know what I mean that's not gonna happen it's a good place to start especially if you're learning I'm a mittens guy I don't like gloves like finger gloves I like mittens it's warmer not sure I'd wear a beanie that says ski on it when I snowboard either when you're learning some people prefer to get up that way some like to get up forward but you're probably in more control getting up there that she's doing it there well that happens on a daily basis on the mountains hasn't happened to me but I'm sure it does but the guy just so happens to be so handsome lucky yeah he's riding a lib Tech and the magne-traction edge is what we call it so the edge isn't straight on his board it's actually wavy the toughest thing to start snowboarding is the amount of time they spend on your butt that's what people probably hate about it most like skiing you're probably being able to stand up more you're not on the ground as much we don't learn how to walk sideways like that and that's what skiing is you can see where you're going RIS no boarding is it's awkward but once you do it and you get the hang of turning and things like that it's a lot of fun let's go back hang outs I wasn't very nice of him just to scoot off like that considering you almost just knocked her out I don't know why have people hop like that to like get to where they're going or like to get the right direction on their board be like me like trying to hop this seat you wouldn't typically drag the snowboard from the nose up the hill looks like it weighs a ton the way she's carrying it right now but only weighs like maybe two kilos strapping into the snowboard can actually be pretty difficult to start I had my dad do it when I was growing I couldn't strap in myself and you can get snow on the bottom in Boots which then goes into your bindings and it's like this whole thing which is not very nice yeah she might need to go to ski school or something I think she's struggling a bit that was believable for sure like day one snowboarding for me I was too young to remember my first day of snowboarding I was three years old so I don't remember how I started but from what I've seen pretty much what happens you roll around you get a sore bar Triscuits or maybe yet frustrated she didn't get snow in their pants because she was around a onesy sir maybe if you're gonna start snowboarding I would suggest you get a onesie but yeah a lot of kids start skiing first just as good introduction doing pizza and like getting your feel on the star is typically like first game the story told as to why I started snowboarding was I wasn't a very obedient kid I didn't listen to my ski instructors at all so the reason they put me on a snowboard was to slow me down so I would listen and I believe it worked until I figured it out and then I was off that was my breakdown thanks for watching
Channel: GQ Sports
Views: 1,731,754
Rating: 4.9339933 out of 5
Keywords: breakdown, snowboarder, snowboarding, the breakdown, snowboarding movie, scotty james, scotty james interview, scotty james 2020, scotty james gq, scotty james gq sports, scotty james snowboarding, scotty james snowboarder, scotty james reviews, scotty james reacts, snowboarder reacts, snowboarding scenes, xxx breakdown, point break breakdown, cloud 9 breakdown, a view to kill breakdown, last holiday, johnny tsunami, chalet girl, sports, gq sports, gq
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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