Hockey Players Try To Keep Up With Figure Skaters | SELF

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The coach is finding out about toepicks the hard way. LMAO.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/piecebypiece87 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Michelle was great, tbh <3 the moment when after the bunny hops she didnt even put the leg down and went directly into spiral was awesome, she should do figure skating as a hobby, seriously :DD

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/energywithin22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Applause] [Laughter] ready ready no problem [Music] I'm Jen I've been skating for 24 years and I'm a skating coach at Chelsea Piers I'm Elliot I've been skating for 23 years I teach at Chelsea Piers in New York City and I'm an international choreographer my name is Angela and I've been skating for over 20 years I teach at Chelsea Piers and I'm also a performer my name is Michelle I've been playing ice hockey for 20 years I currently play Center for the Metropolitan riveters in the NW HL my name is boo-boo I'm from Kazakhstan I played hockey for 12 years I play left wing for the Metropolitan riveters my name is Hiro I've been blogging for 27 years I used to play professionally in the Czech Republic Canada in the United States currently I'm the head coach of the Metropolitan Rivers the first challenge we have for you today is a spiral which is essentially a one-book line but the thing is that we have to make it look good a spiral requires that you have two legs straight I have a question I have a question can I drop f-bombs oh yeah ou can right so let's go it looks like it requires way more flexibility than I would expect and I don't think I'm gonna be able to pull that one off yeah that looks like I'm in a toe pick on this one hockey skates don't have tail picks and figure skates do a lot of the tricks require the use of toe picks the jumps and the spins and the hops I think I can't go home guys we're gonna start learning the spiral on the wall so you're gonna put one hand on the wall you use your arms for balance and extend one leg back okay let's just see if you guys can balance like that first like straight turning out the foot oh look at that that looks good is it me oh thank you point your toes and then tip your body and see if you can extend your leg higher that's it and then you want to lift your chest in your chin up that way you don't tip forward so the next step is to try this gliding out I'm the ice are you guys ready all right let's try that one more time I saw some bent legs so remember both legs have to be super straight up they did pretty well Michelle actually had a really nice extension in her free leg evo took a few spills but he did try we're gonna see if they can get better and get used to their bigger escape being in figure skates Apple who these sucks it can herds the balancing with the leg up and the chest up all at once and arms out so the requires way more flexibility than I have and I believe us hockey players have alright guys the next challenge we have for you is a spin pretty self-explanatory in the sense that it is a rotational move you will be spinning so the version I'm going to teach you today will look something more like this [Applause] it almost looked impossible to me I do not get the mechanics behind it so I cannot wait to hear the instructions on this one I think I'm gonna throw up just watching this let alone doing it we need to try I would like for you to all start with your left hand in front of your nose so we're gonna start with a move called a pivot and this gets us doing our first rotation we're gonna bend both knees and send right toe out good you're gonna press ball of foot into ice and find that first rotation that was very good you know I haven't seen you do anything to try to keep up okay there you go visual the good I'm so gonna throw up so we're gonna keep that was very good okay from here we're gonna feel a really big squeeze with the arms there you go good you got your first rotation in on the two foot we're gonna try to slide right foot up so we're gonna finish the pivot the one rotation and slide that right foot up it's that walking thing that really gets him [Laughter] I definitely think be had a fun time with that one she seems pretty fearless you really have to go for it if you hold back in a spin you're just not gonna spin which is why Evo didn't do so great with this element Evo just needs to get on board with that rotation it was again harder than I expected was when we skated in hockey we just skate afraid but there were so many other things to focus on in DES so there was it was definitely challenging I think that the spinning is just making me sick but I actually get the concepts of this one pretty well she explained it very well I do want to say nothing the third challenge today is a bunnyhop deceiving name we're jumping up we're pushing through those toes that you don't have in your hockey skates get ready here we go oh I'm excited to jump around on the ice let's get air that's oh we can try okay so we're gonna start with one push to the left when you push to the left you're gonna swing your right arm to the front and your left to the back you're gonna like kick a soccer ball right sports you're gonna kick your foot through you're gonna jump up land on your toe and push back to the left god that was confusing so what you're gonna push we're gonna push to the left with the right arm in the front kick the soccer ball up and over land on the toe and push forward it makes no sense when we jump you're gonna switch the arms so just stance here and get the arms moving nice and easy totally so push to the left swing through and then let that foot come down to the toe and push to the other one which foot goes in the air first the right the right the foot that pushes right that's it that's not so hard not so hard swing right exactly yeah can't leave Oh No yes okay the jumpiest the jovian swing your arm like hey this looks great very nice swing yes Gorge so I knew they were nervous about their topics and I could see some nerves I think they are being a little tentative I think they all have a bigger jumper inside of them perhaps but at the end of the day there are harder jumps for them to learn so this is just step one you know first it looked terrifying but at the end it was actually the easiest one so far I gotta say Ellie had really explained it well and once I tried a couple of times it was actually not that bad yeah that one was actually giving me some comfort level with the topics I was really scared of my topics before so I kind of like them now I kind of want to use them a little bit more it looks like I broke my leg I'm gonna have to have fun that I realize we are going to do a waltz jump so this is a jump not a hop yes before you learn the bunny hop and now we're doing the waltz jump so the waltz jump you're gonna take off forwards on your left foot left forward outside edge and finish backwards on your right back outside edge let's be realistic here well I think we've been taught all the basics so this should be easy except that looked absolutely frightening I don't know I I don't even know what to say I feel like I need to all my hockey gear for this because I don't think this is gonna end up well to be honest I don't want to do it alright ready to do the waltz jump ready or alright so I'm gonna actually assist you oh you're gonna start with the left foot in front this is called a tea position hold my arms out and you're gonna jump from your left foot to the right foot right so from here you're gonna glide kick land backwards you're actually going to pigeon toe the tip the right toe a little bit so that comes down backwards yeah go left foot and then over to the right foot that's it okay Wow and jump over yeah are you guys ready to do it unassisted Oh what we want to do is when you land you want to land with the left arm in front - Chuck and stop the rotation your leg is gonna be extended behind you so that you can glide out nicely maybe we can try it um bring your hands together bring your hands back you're gonna do a little hop that's it one two three so those are the arms you're gonna do on the waltz jump one two three save it nice now you left I was late they did great as hockey players I was expecting them to be athletic which they were so there's jumps had nice height and they were able to stay on their feet so good it looked way scarier watching it than actually doing it but I would rather block a shot with my face and doing this again I think we could do this a little better probably with some pads on so we were a little more confident in falling but I think we got it pretty well we just need more practice are you ready for your final challenge yeah or it it's time for a routine so we're gonna string together everything we just learned we're gonna start with our pivot our waltz jump some bunny hops a spiral and to finish your big ol spin and that's it easy Elliot looks pretty amazing doing that so I'm extremely intimidated I don't want to let our coaches down so I have a feeling we're gonna we're gonna struggle with this one yeah I will try don't forget what we need to do I can I got a cheat sheet or something like so much stuff going on I don't remember anything we're gonna start with our arms behind our back standing proud we're all proud to be here today we pivot around with our left arm out and you're gonna give us a yes yes come on Eve oh you're proud I know you can yes yep yeah exactly give it your phone Flair a few months it's time for the wolf stump just give it a go big wolf okay these got it yeah okay yeah indeed we're gonna give our bunny hopps another attempt bunny hop bunny hop bunny hop lifting your right indeed oh one nice stop to the front from here it's go time it's the big finale give me your best spin one foot if you can okay our spin yeah yes yes yes okay and we reach up to the sky and that's your final pose roses on the ice applause applause applause Olympic glory and yours okay Nichelle you follow you start with our pivot the arm comes out to the side pivot around muster the strength arm from the top it's waltz jump time Wow better than before even bunnyhop bunnyhop gaining speed spiral didn't even put her foot down give me a stop come on it's the spin Wow reach down Wow you gonna make it flat and strong a fist from the sky and a wolf jump hold your breath okay and bunny hop bunny hop a spider I'll make it snappy okay and it's top to the front a spin to finish and reach down palm up finis okay we start with our pivot she knows it all by herself just from the sky waltz jump high and bunny hop bunny hop spiral with extension arms up and come to a stop a spin to finish and our ending pose reach down rising up I was intrigued to see how these hockey skaters would handle a routine but I think they attacked it with that same hockey energy and I was really impressed they really nailed it I think they're bringing home the gold yeah the gold well learning out a figure sheet was a lot harder than I thought it would be I give it a lot of credit to the finger skaters because it looks like they're always falling on their butts and knees and stuff without any pads on so I think if if they can do that I'm pretty impressed they've got they've got my respect for sure so my favorite was just like this and this movement it's pretty simple easy and fun and despite the fact it was the most challenging one the wall strip was definitely my favorite because it seemed impossible to me first but I was actually quite surprised how well I was able to perform after learning all those movements it and kind of putting it together it was not bad it was actually fun to be honest I think you should be impressed with what we do and it's not all just glitter in costumes it's some courage and grit we're fun to watch them really kind of struggle with the topic but they got used to the equipment as the skills went on so it was nice to see them improve you know there's always this sort of battle from from childhood as a hockey player better as a figure skater better who's faster who could do this if you do that and it was kind of fun to see just kind of come out and prove yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: SELF
Views: 6,223,318
Rating: 4.9497023 out of 5
Keywords: try to keep up, try to keep up athletes, try to keep up 2019, hockey players, figure skaters, hockey players figure skaters, hockey does figure skating, ice skaters, athlete challenge, pro hockey, pro ice skating, ice dancer, athletes teach athletes, try to keep up self, hockey vs ice skating, hockey vs figure skating, hockey players ice skate, hockey players waltz, figure skater hockey players, bunny hops on ice, how to figure skate, figure skating, hockey, self
Id: ms2-KQd58gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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