Figure Skaters Try to Keep Up With Hockey Players | SELF

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Ive played hockey forever, but doing figure skating and roller hockey...People always notice and come up and ask me about it. "I KNEW IT! YOURE A FORMER FIGURE SKATER TOO!! Hockey players dont normally do those kinds of moves!"

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ameandgusa ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hi my name is Michelle and I've been playing hockey for 20 years and I currently play for the Metropolitan riveters in the NW HL my name is Evo I been playing hockey for 27 years I used to play professionally and currently I am the head coach of the Metropolitan Rivers my name is boo bull I play hockey 12 years I play a left wing for the riveters from Chang I've been skating for about 24 years now and I'm a skating coach at Chelsea Piers in minute hi I'm Elliot I've been skating for 23 years and I'm a coach and international choreographer in New York City my name is Angela I've been skating for over 20 years I'm a professional figure skater I coach at Chelsea Piers in New York City and I guess I'm gonna try hockey today hey guys so first challenge is the handling stick handling important because you need move back away protect the park and give good pass that was a lot there was a lot going on down there this is very per second exactly right my eye hand coordination is not up to snuff I feel good skaters they are pretty good on the case but yeah almost so first challenge was very simple but it's basic for beginners and I think the figure skaters did great for the first time difficult we're so used to having to control ourselves in our sport now we're having a control and a prop essentially I guess I hadn't thought about how many different ways you could control the puck with the stick I didn't know you could like get it with the nose of it and then the side it's more detailed so than I was expecting yeah and we have to protect the puck I don't know what happens when somebody tries to steal it oh yeah that's gonna be bad guys go check with the stick handling now the second challenge will be shooting the most important thing because we've got to score goals right I'm gonna teach out take two different kind of shots all right one is a wrist shot second one is a slap shot wrist shot is that one which is more accurate slap shot is the harder one it's all coming down to you transferring the weight of your body all right so what I'm taking a shot I'm leaning on my back leg and then I'm transferring the way of my body moving the puck and I end up eating on my front leg and don't forget when I'm shooting the puck all the energy is coming from your core right here do not try to scoop the puck with your arms always rotate your body super-intense great yeah we're gonna need to be pretty accurate okay right open your eyes ladies hi guys so first one alright this is gonna be a wrist shot I have the puck on the hill of my stick right and I just whipped my body re and I follow through I got to finish that motion all the way pull the get the on a heel of your stick there you go [Applause] I mean not a bad start move that the right hand low earnest let's take this lap shot okay all right when I take a slap shot I swing my body back when I have the plug right in front of me and then I hit the puck as hard as I can you ready to give it a shot I mean let's do it who's gonna swing your body and hit it yep just like this but I'm horrible I go home I can't hit the ball good thing is this nut golf so [Applause] you're opening of link to my tribe letter s dick knock this blade the blade of yours they gotta be facing the net [Music] [Applause] show me what's going it was bound to happen yeah that was really lack of our hand coordination is really showing its face on this one you don't know if you want to look at the book or the goal to be honest I'm pleasantly surprised how well they did especially with the slap shots Angela kind of has that natural motion so she did really well with that Jennifer the whole her shot was probably the hardest shot so it was way better than I expected actually [Music] so the third challenge we have for you is crossovers and pivots with a pocket yeah crossovers are important to gain speed in a hockey game both offensively and defensively and pivots are a good way to get into a defensive position when the person with the puck is coming at you and we're gonna start with just sports crossovers [Music] so I can feel a lot of skills that are things that we do in Figure skates but the manner in which she did them was not the same yeah the combination of stick handling and skating at that speed one of the other okay so for his crossovers around you guys just want to step over extend your leg under step over extend your leg under the important thing with the puck is if you're on your backhand keep it out in front of you like that go ahead I'm going first we're gonna work on backwards crossovers now so we're gonna do the same thing going around the circle putting your hands down towards the ice to cup the puck okay if you lift your hands up here the pucks gonna end up sliding underneath your your stick blade okay alright going that way [Applause] very good you don't pull it back to your feet so now we're gonna go on to a pivot we're gonna go forwards around the crossover when we get to the top we're gonna pivot to backwards it's gonna go from my backhand when I pivot I'm gonna pull it and pull onto my forehand okay [Laughter] [Music] there you go that was incredibly difficult it really felt like there was no way to control what the puck was doing it all came down to where you were holding the stick that's what that's it there's so much finesse between what you're doing with your skating and what you're doing with your figure skaters did really good at the crossovers they're kind of Naturals with their skating work but I think once you put the puck in their hands that it gets a little slippery they actually have so much speed and so much power from their crossovers that they're not able to handle the puck as well and they're kind of letting to get ahead of them a little bit a lot of things happening at once with crossovers pivots turning the puck keeping control of it cupping it I think they did a really good job [Music] okay guys so fourth challenge is jumping the board we're using jumping the boards during the game because we don't have time go through the door so you're jumping out and jumping in so it's making fast games so you're running two boards and just jumping easy and when you're jumping make sure your stick on ice and ready to have passes way do you want to try yeah I'm excited to do this because figure skaters aren't allowed to yeah we can travel can't touch the wall strict rule so now it's time to jump over the rules [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yeah oh this like friends yeah and I'm ready yeah [Music] I felt very afraid to like hit my knees and my elbows but then these pads are on there then my butt that's not protected the first challenge was more fun they did well I was impressed by their bravery okay so we're gonna have a coach standing right here and this is our player sitting on the bench they're gonna jump over the bench and immediately pick up the puck pass it to the coach and keep skating at them they'll get the pass back then they're gonna turn around the cone with the buck turn around the cone with the puck and they're gonna skate and go backwards pivot backwards around here then they're gonna shoot and it'll be another puck over here they'll pick up that puck and they're gonna pivot to backwards around this one and take a shot here and then we want to teach them how to celebrate so they're gonna come back and do a celli will teach them a couple silly options okay so now we're gonna bring all your skills together in a complete little course here before we do that we're gonna go over the most fun part of hockey which is the post score celebration also known as the cellie all right so we're gonna give you guys a couple of options on your cellie I'm gonna show you one of the most famous ones after you score come over then another good one is just the good so you guys think about what you want to do for your celly and I'm gonna show you the course okay okay okay so the first thing you're gonna do is hop over the boards and get your stick on the ice ready to go pick up a puck make your pass get the puck back turn around the cone take turn around the cone top of the circle you're going to pivot then do your good ol celebration okay all right okay she knew she loved and yelled it was great a major shiver me timbers for me really impossible I think we're just gonna have to come on let's go [Applause] all right go get your snake ready fast that puck get that pass back good turn around the cone good go around the cone this way yeah good keep the puck out in front of you whoo good pivot don't let that puck in ahead of you too much good turn the forwards Morgan shot nice footwork good get a new yep backwards nice work forehand shot [Laughter] [Applause] all right here we go [Applause] [Music] I was good I loved it I think I'm switching to hockey no more figure skating it was a challenge to skate with another object because we usually just skate with nothing I'm grateful to the hockey players for showing us what their sport is all about it's easy to see a hockey player is just kind of brute force and so to see that there is a lot that's very technical matched it to figure skating and it was nice to see more of a connection between the two that felt very far apart before she kind of let go and hammer away at the ice was a different experience and one that maybe I need it hockey is something I've always wanted to try and that obstacle course to me was like I'm really surprised I could do that on day one and gives me crazy mad respect for the difference between our sports I feel like it was a success but that's because we had good coaches the figure skaters did a great job on the obstacle course they have so much energy and excitement it's really fun to work with players like that it was really interesting to watch them develop the skills so quickly they scored a lot of goals and had good celli's most the fun part was when they was jump out of work I think they liked it I was most surprised by their stick hammering skills because when they're doing their routines they focus just on the skating part they really got better controlling the puck and actually hitting the nanna scoring combo it definitely was a fun day and a great experience
Channel: SELF
Views: 1,980,754
Rating: 4.8867288 out of 5
Keywords: figure skating, ice skater, try to keep up, athlete challenge, try to keep up self, hockey player, try to keep up 2020, athletes try to keep up, ice hockey lesson, ice hockey for beginners, ice hockey beginners, how to handle hockey stick, try to keep up atheletes, hockey players vs figure skaters, pro hockey vs pro figure skating, how to jump the wall hockey, hockey wrist shot, hockey slap shot, athletes teach athletes, how to play hockey, ice skaters, pro hockey, self
Id: ptbA3KZvbWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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