Parkour Experts Try to Keep Up With Gymnasts | SELF

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The guy who was so excited to swing on the bars was adorable

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/hey-girl-hey 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

I saw this video a few weeks ago in my YT recommends! There's also one where the gymnasts try parkour!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/asciident 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ha, the one guy that kept doing (attempting) a split leap - no wonder you were finding it difficult dude!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Zoethor2 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

I loved this, thoroughly enjoyable content.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/pickelzzz 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Super cute!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
is that yeah you got it you got it [Music] my name is Sahara Gibson I graduated and competed for Temple University gymnastics team and my favorite event is ball my name is Michele Morrison I've been doing gymnastics for about 15 years I competed on the Rutgers gymnastics team and my favorite event is bars my name is Diana Lee I've been doing gymnastics for 15 years I was on the record gymnastics team and my favorite event is the floor exercise my name is Jesse danger I've been training parkour for about 15 years I'm the co-founder and director of the movement creative my name is Mike Eruzione parkour for 14 years and I'm currently the head coach for the movement creative my name is jeremy Galan I've been doing parkour for about 15 years I am a parkour instructor at Brooklyn zoo my name is Orlando Alicea I've been training parkour for around 10 years and I'm a parkour instructor at the Brooklyn zoo the first challenge today is going to be a leap gymnastics is often very powerful especially on floor with the tumbling but leaps give you an opportunity to kind of get a little graceful and really accentuate and show your flexibility so with a leap we're gonna do a sashay like a dance move and then we're gonna leap with our good leg so if you're a lefty just ah with your right leg and if you're a righty you're a soft Rea with your left leg my icy graceful but my brain is like I'm a robot I don't think I can do that but I'll give it my best shot flexibility is not my strong suit so I don't think this will be as easy as Sahara makes it look in parkour I'm paying a lot of attention to the environment to where I'm landing how I'm landing but my shape in the air isn't isn't as important honestly I have clue what that was I feel like I'm gonna look really silly okay don't think about it very job I think it just sometimes you can overthink it I did the same thing but once you kind of let yourself go I think they did a great job it's really humbling because it looks like a basic move and I felt like I had to slow it down a lot just to get my brain to wrap around it not feeling very graceful at the moment but it's fun to like step out of my element for a little bit and try something new so Fork is actually really confusing so I'm interested like if this is the first thing what's the next level because this is kind of hard and it's like such a simple move [Music] so the uneven bars is a different kind of movement on the body it's more grip strength and upper-body strength first you're gonna jump onto the low bar with straight arms and you're gonna extend your body all the way out bringing your feet back to the bar to pull yourself up and then jump to the high bar swing passing the low bar and then release and do a back tuck off every teen is for the lower levels about level four so that's between the ages of second and fourth grade that's our complicating seven-year-olds three that's a high bar no I mean it's an uneven bar it's been a while since I've done one of those get into the bar the fly way maybe but I don't know about the whole thing together I'm excited I love swinging in parkour so I think it will translate well I heard you perform ten percent better when you believe in yourself so I think I can do this who's going first okay [Music] [Music] yes Orlando the guys actually caught on to the uneven bars routine really well and fast I was very impressed in men's gymnastics the guys don't typically use the wooden uneven bars they typically use a single metal bar so it's really interesting to see how they were able to use the uneven bars like the women do I think Mike even did it better than me on that routine super fun I love swinging as like a movement skill I practice it pretty regularly on my own this is a little bit different in terms of how we were linking the skills together on their gymnastics bars I'm like ready to keep doing it over and over again but my hands hurt so we're gonna take a little break that was a lot harder than I was expecting I think what my problem was I was thinking of it too much as bars in parkour where there's actually a bit more stability that bends is I kind of threw me off and I had to figure out a way around that so that was my biggest challenge but I think once I jumped to the next bar for the flyaway I was much more comfortable now I have something to work on in a gymnastics gym and I got skin in the game so I'm gonna show you the third challenge today which is a front handspring on the vault apparatus the vault is great and it's fun it's super fast and you kind of use all your force and get it done quickly you kind of want to start running I got a medium speed like I said before and then when you hit the springboard you want to make sure your arms circling before to get your momentum and then you hit the board with your feet in front of you so that your heels can drive you for the front handspring and you want to make sure that your shoulders are nice and tight because you push through the front handspring with your shoulders rather than the arm bending so it's more of a shoulder movement rather than arm yeah so it's so instead of like pushing like that it's kind of like a pop through your shoulders so you know we don't want to hit the board like fully extended yet we want to wait to work right it's kind of like to set movements so you hit it and then it's like a push to accelerate the front handspring yeah let's try it out yeah definitely more speed yeah you know I was like trying to get used to like how high the board is and everything or the table [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you've hit the springboard the bottom one use that as momentum to drive your heels so you're already in like a 90 degree aint so it's like not up completely it should be like oh so I think this challenge might be my favorite one so far in parkour were usually jumping off concrete or metal or wood to getting the extra bounce just made this super fun - felt like I was flying and the soft mat made for a nice landing it's like doing a cat pass but just times 11 so that was really good stuff in parkour when we were doing something for the first time we call that breaking a jump and that's really about getting past the fear showing yourself that you can do something that resembles what you're going for and that it's not as scary as it might seem and once the jump was broken then I could take the technical cues that she had given us beforehand I think like there braveness really surprised me how they kind of went out it with full force and no fear that was really cool their form was a little bit different as I suspected but overall it was really good and they put in a lot of effort [Music] so the fourth challenge we're going to take on today is the balance beam we're going to put a bunch of skills together to create your own routine so I'm gonna give you guys four different skills and then we're gonna end with a dismount so then you'll present at the end after you stick it that looks pretty interesting I like that there's a whole like dance a stetic to it as well and a bit more freedom for self-expression I like to balance a lot that looks like a lot of fun I'm kind of worried about the Webster at the end it's kind of sketchy to go off of a beam that has such a narrow footing the thing I was noticing most and it's gonna be a little bit difficult for me is although like Clare and flourish the extra arm movements the poise so I'll try to play around with that there were a fair amount of like dance type elements in there which outside my comfort zone we'll see how it goes I'll try and be as graceful as possible so the first thing that we're gonna learn is the mount that's the first thing that the gymnast does to start the routine you're gonna first present and then you're gonna mount you got I tried to save you brother the next skill is sad a little dance to is gonna be a scale [Music] so the next skill we're going to do is a squat turn we have to change direction oftentimes in our routine so this will be your change your direction so after the scale you're gonna go down [Music] and the next skill that we're gonna do it's a requirement in your routine you have to do a jump I'm going to do a tuck jump okay so the final thing is a dismount so we mount on the beam we do our skills and then we have to get off the beat so at the end of this most importantly you should try your best to stick it and then present do the best you can and we're gonna do a similar skill like you guys taught us the Webster but off the beat loser [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think they did great it was nice to see some of them put their little spin and personality on the routine it surprised me how easy it was for them but they did a great job they were very controlled and very calm on the beach so when I was starting parkour I think I saw gymnastics as a highly regimented very structured coach driven aesthetic driven discipline that was mostly focused around competition and today I feel like I got to play with gymnastics try different things and I felt really accepted even when my form wasn't perfect I think they all like really wanted to learn and try new things and I think we definitely could share the fun and enjoyment of learning new skills so I think overall that was a good experience for the both of us what surprised me today was how well they picked up on everything they kept asking questions on what they can do to improve their skills so that was really cool to see them wanting to get better and wanting to learn the skills in gymnastics of all of the events that we did today I think my favorite would have to be the vault it feels so freeing to have that sense of weightlessness in the air while also just exploding out that feels really good I think my favorite part was doing the balance beam just because that's in general not a men's sport I think that was my favorite part almost everything we did in here is transferable to parkour life all the tools that they gave me is gonna help me some of the things I did today in my head I thought they might take 2 or 3 months to get good and that became a really difficult large barrier of entry to even trying it so I would say if you have even an inkling of wanting to try gymnastics you should find a place and give it a shot doing gymnastics today was like a blast from the past because I remember doing a little bit of it as a kid but never really following up to be able to come here to this facility and try it out in a space with proper instructors and proper equipment and learn how to do things the right way was a nice little gracious gift movement is fun and moving with others from a different discipline is always a good time you can learn from each other and opportunities like this I think if you ever have it definitely definitely do it if you've never tried to mastix before everyone can you do it you just kind of have to trust your body and start where you feel comfortable you might not be able to do the big skills that you see on the Olympics but you definitely can learn a few tricks [Music]
Channel: SELF
Views: 13,682,718
Rating: 4.922471 out of 5
Keywords: gymnasts, parkour, try to keep up, try to keep up parkour, parkour try to keep up gymnasts, gymnasts try to keep up, parkour experts, freerunners, parkour vs gymnasts, gymnasts vs parkour, freerunners vs gymnasts, gymnast vs freerunner, free runner, trying to keep up, parkour try to keep up, gymnast try to keep up, self, self try to keep up, parkour expert, parkour athlete, gymnast parkour, gymnast free runner, free runner gymnast, free running
Id: d3qOoYZppaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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