SUPERCHARGE VISUALS in Power BI | Add KPIs to Titles

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with the latest power bi release we got so many new great things that we have been waiting for for such a long time first of all we have now Banning for our visualizations finally it's there second we have now apply and clear all buttons for slicers amazing and third we have now the ability to add subtitles now all three amazing if this is not enough well the whole visualization Spain add a makeover so where to start well let's just pick one that I'm very excited about and that is the subtitle one you might think that's just an extra line that we get but we can do so much more with it for example in this video I want to build this one over here we have now the ability to for example add kpis to the title of a visualization now let's see how we can make this [Applause] welcome to how to power bi my name is boss and this is the very first time for you visiting this channel then make sure to hit that subscribe button to stay up to date on all of my videos it was just share everything I know about power bi so what is so special about a subtitle well let's have a look so over here we have the main visual that I want to give a makeover let's select the visualization and go to the visualization space it's not there anymore what happened well now we have these two extra-like buttons right next to the visualization want to choose the visual and structure the visual and the other one for formatting now here we already have the visualization so let's go to formatting and we have some common elements that we can add or remove from here and we have more options which then brings us to well the formatting panel on the right hand side which more or less looks like it used to however with a few changes here and there now and one of these changes is panic so let's start with that let's add some batting to our visualization first before we concentrate on the title alright so we go here now what is called size and style and from there spanning and you see we can add banning at the top and at the bottom and so let's see how much batting we can add so over here done that works 20 Works 30 doesn't work I just wonder why do you need to put a limit on it all right if somebody likes to where to have 30 pixels batting why limited to 20. but okay I'm happy that it's there right so let's put 20 in let's take the maximum out of it so let's push to the max 20 here 20 there and 20 there and also on the right twenty then just like this a little check box that would would have been nice so that I just have to add 20 pixels just one time well that would save me a little bit of clicking around okay good so that already looks a little bit better maybe I want to have the edges also a little bit rounded so I'm gonna go over here and let's add a border to it visual border and then I'm gonna choose the same color white and then here rounded Corners let's put it to five pixels already looks so much better when there is somebody finally okay good now let's concentrate on the title now let me go back to the visualization and now we go here to Dyson opening up and ta-da there we have subtitle Isn't it nice we can turn it on and then we can open it up and we could for example say we have over here the period 2019 2020 and it nicely shows there's the subtitle above it and we can also format it in any way if you like just like this and we also have here in finder the divider that we can put on underneath it and we can she was a different color so over there we can even say that we want to ignore the batting for this one and that looks pretty good if you ask me and then here spacing gives us even more control if we want to add a little bit more space underneath it and so we have vertical spacing also here we can put it to 10 pixels right then I don't know it's already kept it at them all right customize spacing on oh even more space below the subtitle space below the title area pretty good all right so if you compare that to what was there before you might think okay that's pretty straightforward what are you going to show us now well that subtitle we can use for many things let's see how we can push it to the max so I'm gonna go back over here and you probably noticed when we were going over the formatting options there are these nice little FX buttons here for the subtitle as well for the titles for tax collar even and also for the tax itself so that means we can control the text using measures and that's something that I like Okay so let's see first of all how it works to build a standard title subtitle and then see how we can use that to also show kpis in a nice way all right now I'm gonna go over here to that data button which brings us here to the data tables and from here we have the metrics table all right and I'm going to add a new measure perfect let's call this one sales Main title and here I just want to write total sales okay good that's it and then I'm gonna do exactly the same for subtitle and then I want to see it over dollar sales okay so I'm gonna go there once more metric stable new measure and then here we have the sales sub dial okay now this is going to be equal to now here I want to refer to total sales okay let's see what it gives us so we have to take the visual then here on the right hand side we can toggle to the formatting Pane and from here we can first of all I'm going to dial the main one click on the FX button and then here we have field value which field well that one over there the sales main title click on OK and boom we have total sales okay good then we go to the subtitle open it up have x button and then here we want to have the other one so I'm going to take over here the sales subtitle and you see oh it doesn't let me pick it why not because what the measure needs returns needs to be taxed okay and now dollar sales is the number so we cannot choose it let's click on cancel let's go back to our measure for the subtitle and here we can wrap this total sales inside of the format function so format total sales and then here the second part is the formatting string now how do we want to form a total sales well we can use the following formatting story we can have a bond symbol which stands foreign well not mandatory so an optional placeholder for a digits right so we have this one comma separator for the thousands or the Thousand separator Bond symbol Bond symbol 0 to 0 is a mandatory placeholders that always a number shows even if that number is zero okay and then we have the decimal separator and let's say we want to have one decimal and so therefore zero after because because that always one decimal will show even if that is a zero right if you want to know all of the details check out this video over here all right maybe here okay good so I'm going to put an M right after it and then we can put two commas in front of the Desmos operator and what does that do it gets rid of the zeros right so it jumps to thousands and then two millions and so the First Column is two thousand the second one to Millions okay good now let's see what it shows now okay so we wrap this inside of a format function I'm gonna go back over here to a chart formatting options and then we go to title now over here the diner we have already set however we didn't set the subtitle yet with conditional formatting so let's go there Matrix sales subtitle and click OK 383.2 million amazing good now let's then also change the formatting because maybe I want to make this one big all right not that big maybe 18 all right and then here I want to have security semi bolt like this maybe a little bit smaller like this okay so I'll play around with the size until you're happy and then for the title here we can maybe also change the formatting to see GUI where is it GUI normal and then here we can decrease the font size a little bit so that the focus is on the number not so much on the metric itself right that looks already quite interesting but I want to have more information in there I also want to see how we performed against the forecast for example how much percentage are we over on the forecast all right and maybe we have even more metrics that we want to show here well then we can just wrap it inside of that subtitle let's see all right so I'm gonna go back over here to my measure sales subtitle now here for our subtitle measure we want to add right after it also the difference to the forecast in percentages okay now that measure I already have right so over here I have already have a measure that's called total sales versus forecast difference and we also have it in percentages okay and I want to add that right after it so let me just put this on a new line and then over here I continue on the next one all right and then here we can again use that format function and we have the total sales so let's look for it total sales and here we have versus forecast percentage difference that's the one okay and then here again then formatting string all right here we have percentages so we can say for positive percentages we have a plus sign that needs to show 0.0 and then percentage okay and then for negative values there we want to have a minus sign 0.0 okay percentage okay and then we can close our formatting string close the formatting function and maybe in between the first part and the second part we also want to have a little bit of space so let's add some space right in between okay good now let's close the formula bar and let's have a look amazing right so we have now the main value and then the forecast or the difference to the forecast now over here I made a mistake with the formatting string so let's go back and over here you see we have there a DOT shouldn't be there okay that was by accident and that looks better but people that look at this don't know what this minus nine point five percent that's so we also have to add a Delta sign or something after it so let's go after it and then in between quotation marks we want to say Delta now for that we can do Windows key Dot and then we go over here to these symbols let's go all the way down then a little bit up up up up up up and until we find the Delta icon and then there at the beginning of language symbols boom there we got it okay done we have the delta first forecast okay quotation mark close let's see how that looks like now as you can see it works and now you're probably looking at the subtitle and think do you really want to have it that big well of course not I would like to have it a little bit smaller than as it is currently however that first number there at the beginning I do want to have that big all right so let's take the visual again go to formatting title and then here we want to change the subtitle however if I make a change here well the whole line would change not just the first part you see if I choose Bank over here you see everything changes not only the last part and there's no way for me to just say Okay I want that one the very last part I want to have difference that's not possible and also not within the measure that we can maybe play around with the performance explain it doesn't bring us anything so what no how can we push these new features a little bit further alright so let me just get rid of pink okay and now the trick so I'm gonna go over here do a subtitle and let's open up the formula bar and I'm going to take that whole part that I just created before all of it so over here maybe only the formatting part this I just removed and now we go back to the main title okay so we are over here and here I want to show well total sales that's fine and then right after total sales well here we can base what we had before and I'm going to add an Ambitions all right now here of course we can add again a little bit of space and let's see what that gives us all right all right we have num the same thing but in the main title the size I like however the possession of it I don't like I don't want to have it there on the second row okay so how do we get it there now again go back again do the full number and then here I'm just going to bring this to the next line all right just like that and here I'm gonna remove this part instead of that we can say that we're going to repeat for example a space a certain number of times for example maybe we want to repeat it 30 times okay and then let's see what this gives us now you see it doesn't do anything it just got rid of the spaces oh is that possible formatting all right let's go back to the formatting panel and there you see we have text wrap now we have tax wrap a subtitle and we have text wrap for the title and that one we want to turn off otherwise it gets rid of this basis you see now it's more or less there in the middle depending on the size of your visualization but you see it lets us now shift part of the title the right how do I get it down well for that we have the Unicorn done all right so I'm gonna go back to the main title and here I'm going to repeat the same thing and add that once more right in front of it but instead of the space there we want to write unicar done okay now that is just a line break okay now how many times do we want to repeat it maybe not 30 times let's do five times and let's see what happens now you see ah it pops up somewhere on a visualization however of course we can do a better job than that but what is interesting though is that it doesn't extend the title down which you kind of would expect however it doesn't all right so it keeps the same size for the title and lets you kind of push it outside of the title area kind of interesting now I'm gonna go back over here and instead of the five let's put in a two and over here maybe just 20 is enough and let's see if we can get it into a position that makes more sense and over here you see that already looks better however it's not perfectly aligned I want to play around with it just a little bit more so I'm going to push a little bit more to the right okay now I like the position how far it is from the main number however it's a little bit off with the alignment not to fix that we just go back to formatting and play around with this spacing now we have the spacing for the title and subtitle over here there for the spacing we can play around with the space below the title below subtitle and over here if you for example say space below the title last thing you see the main moves up but actually we need it down space below the title once over here and the plot area comes up a little bit let's put this to five okay and if you want to have it perfectly aligned maybe we have to play around a little bit with the deck size as well so I'm going to go here to subtitle and let's see if we make it just a bit bigger one or two sides as you see that's perfectly aligned okay now of course a little bit of a workaround however what we can do with it is pretty amazing which was not possible before and that is now inside of the title we can integrate our kpis instead of having to have a separate visualization that you can group together with this visual just have everything in one visual amazing now here of course still do better now we have now the main number 383.2 million that's total sales minus nine and a half percent difference do the forecast and right after it well I just want to have kind of like a traffic light green if it's positive red if it's negative let's take our sales main title measure and here we're going to add the next part and let's also add maybe a little bit more space after FC and in front of that Delta again okay otherwise it looks a little bit cramped all right and here we can say f d total sales versus the forecast percentage difference if that is bigger than or equal to zero then we want to have some kind of green Traffic Light eigen so again Winski Dot and then here you have to search for a traffic icon like that or an error like this but you can do and just by going into the Emojis so scrolling down and scrolling down down down down down down until you have an emoji and that you like or any unicorn character and that you want to use now if you go all the way to the bottom and then just up then you will see some of the straightforward ones so for example here a green point and red point I won't have okay now I'm going to wrap them inside of quotation marks all right if it falls then I want to have that wrap one and it works nice of course now it's time to test it so I'm gonna go ahead to my yeah slicer and I'm gonna only select 2019 but we had negative difference to the forecast as well all right so let's select 2020. that looks better what do you have well more than the forecast and therefore the Green Dot shows in subtitle okay so we have now kind of like a kpi card integrated into the subtitle we don't need an extra visualization pretty cool now of course we can do much more with this new feature and also the other ones but there's so much to explore let's save that for the next videos now let me know what do you think about this new feature do you have any questions post them in the comment section below and if you want to see more videos like this one then check out these videos over here thank you for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: How to Power BI
Views: 81,654
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Keywords: powerbi, power bi tutorial, powerbi update, howtopowerbi, data training, power bi kpi, kpis, chart titles, dynamic titles power bi, bas dohmen, kpi in power bi, kpis power bi, kpi titles power bi, power bi kpis in title, power bi title subtitle, power bi update, power bi kpis, add kpis in power bi, kpis in power bi, add kpi power bi, improve power bi report, power bi design, design in power bi, power bi bas, bas power bi
Id: qumRCVLjcIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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