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every day we spend hours on our phones or tablets and that's no wonder because some apps are designed in the most amazing way so that made me think how can we bring that app like design to power bi and create even more insightful and better designed reports now this is what i came up with and in this video i'm going to show you step by step how to recreate it [Applause] welcome to how to power bi my name is boss and if this is the very first time for you visiting this channel then make sure to hit that subscribe button to stay up to date on all of my videos in which i share everything i know about power bi now let's have a look how we can build an app-like report now first of all what do i mean with an app-like report there are so many different types of designs within apps as well now to be a little bit more specific the design trend that i'm looking at is called neomorphism something like this over here and the idea is that you make objects look like the real-life counterparts for example like a button on a dashboard to make it look as a real button so inspired by this app-like design trend i thought of course the most suitable data set for showcasing all of this is fitness app statistics so let's head over to power bi let's have a look at the data and data model and start building our report so here's our data model and you see it's a very simple data model with just one table that contains all of the fitness and health statistics like your heart rate the daily steps etc then we have also one table that contains all of the information about the app users and then of course a day table and that's it all right now if we go to the report view and if we then have a closer look at the field list you see all of the measures nicely organized in different folders for the heart rate the steps the galleries the exercise sessions and all of the other measures that we will be needing for this report okay so let's get started now for this report page we're going to keep it very simple we're going to have four main kpis that we want to track so for those we're going to create kpi cards and then one main half indicator for which we're going to have a line chart that shows development over time and that's it all right now let's start with the kpi cards first so here in the visualization section i'm gonna take the card and for this very first card we're going to use a measure that calculates the average heart rate over the last 30 days so let's add it to the card and now let's just adjust the formatting a little bit so i'm going to go here to format color value and let's put it a little bit lower maybe let's say 22 and then we go to the category label where we can set the font size to let's say done now let's then also go to the general tab and here we'd like to have for now a visual borderline around the kpi card and then here under properties there we can choose an exact height and exact width so let's put the height a little bit lower so maybe let's go for 100 and then here the width let's go for now for 200. now you see that the category label is a little bit long so let's rename that so let's go back here and then just double click on the field and here this last part over selected period so over the last 30 days that we don't need to show this is it all right so that is the very first card now we just have to do it three more times for the other kpis so i'm going to duplicate this three more times and now i take the last one over here and i'm just going to drag it all the way here to the right hand side and of course you can use the red border lines and then i take the other ones and put them more or less in the right place all right and you see i'm gonna take the first one put it just a little bit more to the left and then i select all of them and then here on the format we can use the alignment functionalities to distribute them horizontally and then align them to the top okay so now that it's done i just have to update the measures that we're showing on the other three kpi cards so that it doesn't show the heart rate so i'm going to take away the heart rate go to the next one and i'm going to take here the average daily steps and then we do the same for the galleries and the exercise sessions and after you added them then also here just update the names so just by selecting them then double clicking here on the field and making your adjustments okay so we have our four kpi cards the next thing i want to add is a drop down from which i can choose the user for which i want to show the values alright so this we can do with a slicer so let's go here to the visualization section and let's look for the slicer let's add it to the report and on the slicer we can put the username which we find in the table the muser and here we have the first names or let's maybe go for the full names all right okay now this gives us a list with all of the users and now i want to change this to drop down which you can do by hovering over the top right corner then click here on this little drop down arrow and then choose drop down and then we can just resize the slicer and then here on the format we can adjust the font size a little bit let's put it to 10. and a slicer header we don't necessarily need so let's turn that one off and then over here we can make a selection let's choose the very first user okay and you see at the moment we can select multiple users which is actually something that i don't want so let's go back to formatting slicer settings then here turn single select on now that slicer we're going to put all the way at the top above the kpi cards as the last thing i just make a little bit smaller so that it doesn't take that much space and there you go the next thing that i want to add is the line chart that shows the health score over time for the selected person okay so let's insert a new line chart and we're going to place it underneath the kpi cards now the health score for that i also already created a measure so we take the measure i'll score and put it on the y-axis now i want to create a breakdown over time so i go here to my date table and from here we can take the date hierarchy put it on the axis and then here use expand down to the next level to go to the quarter level or to the month level now also here we can clean it up a little bit first of all the x-axis we can do much better than this so categorical that's the type of access then concatenate labels we turn off and the title we don't really need we can also turn off okay and then we go the y-axis also there the title we can turn it off and then we can go to markers and turn them on all right now the title itself let's go here to general title and just say healthscore and then as the last step we can go here to effects and then add a visual border around it okay so the main kpis that i want to track are already on this report page but there are few other elements that i still would like to add for example here at the top i would like to add some welcome text so that we have hi or good morning or good afternoon and then the person that's selected over here in the slicer all right now how to do that also here i already created a measure let's have a quick look i see the measure is nothing special we just take the hour from the current time and then come up with a greeting so good morning or good afternoon and then the name of the selected user now this measure we can add to a card so let's add another card let's place it there at the top and then add the measure to the card okay now it's a little bit big so i'm going to make it a little bit smaller so color value and let's put this one to maybe 18 and then turn off the category label okay now the problem is that it always shows right in the middle and i don't want to have in the middle i want to have it on the left hand side but you don't know how long the tax is going to be because that always changes on the basis of what is selected here in the drop down okay so instead of a card visual i'm actually going to change this to a multi-row card okay now why because it's now on the left hand side aligned which you cannot do with normal card and here on the format we can just update the colors so here under cards we can change the color to just black and then here the font size let's put that a little bit higher now that accent bar on the left hand side you can turn off if you like okay and then you can just resize that multi-role card and place it so that it aligns with that drop-down list on the right-hand side now the other thing that i would like to add is going to be on the left-hand side which is a picture of the user and an indicator for the overall health score of the user okay now here i'm going to first insert this shape now this shape is going to be a rectangle and we're going to place it here on the left hand side now to show the overall health score we could use another card so i'm just going to copy one of the other ones and paste it and then place it on top of that rectangular shape and after that of course and we can replace that measure but now by the health score okay so that's one thing the other thing that i would like to have is a picture of the user now what do we need for that now first of all you need inside of your table you need all of the images now that can be either in base64 formats not if you don't know what that means just check out this video over here or you can work with external links if you have them somewhere on the server so which is what i have here at the moment all right now what is also important is that you take that column go to column tools and then here for the data category we have to set that to image url okay so with this we can go back to the report and now we have to find a visual that lets us show the picture so now we have two main options to show the image for the selected user option one which is using custom visuals which is probably easiest however if you don't like to use custom visuals i have another alternative for you in a second but let me show you this one first so let's go here to the visualization section get more visuals and here we can just simply search for image use here the simple image custom visual and then just add it here to your report i place it here on the shape then i go here to the image url drop zone and then here from the user i take the image url so the photo image column and just drag it here onto the image url and that's it all right so that's how we can show the image of the selected user so if i change the user to the next one ashton then you see the picture of the next person all right so this is definitely the easiest way to do it however what if you don't want to use custom visuals well in that case you can also do it with just a simple table let me show you how i'm going to transform this into a normal table and you also have a picture of the user now how can we now make it a little bit bigger and get rid of all of the other elements now what we can do is go into format then here in the general effects first of all get rid of the background all right and then here under visual style presets this one we can set to none now you see the background color is now gone all right now how can we get rid of the header now we can go here to the photo image field and then just replace the name with a space okay so nothing shows in that now the last thing that we need to get rid of is that borderline so i go back to formatting and then here we can go to grid and then border and then here column header and then turn off the bottom border and that's basically it okay now how can you make the image a little bit bigger now this you can do here all the way at the bottom image height put it all the way to the right and this is as big as you can get it so you see i have to give it a little bit more space and then drag it more and less in the middle and that's it the downside is that this is the biggest right so i cannot make it bigger anymore this is the maximum so if you need a bigger image then well this is not going to be a good option but for our purposes this is enough and to give it the finishing touch i would like to have a donut around it that shows us that house core what donut yeah yeah i know what you're thinking but here it looks very pretty so let's let's go for a donut around the picture alright so add the donut chart then on the donut we want to have the health score and to get the missing slice for the donut we just have another measure here which takes one minus the off score all right so let's add that one as well okay now we have what we want but it's not pretty yet so let's get rid of some of the elements for example here and in general turn the title off we don't need it and then here in the effects we can turn the background off now it looks very messy so let's go quickly to the visual formatting and then here under slices we can go to colors and for the healthcare we can choose a different color that is contrasting so let's go here too more colors and i already know the color that i want to use later it's going to be this purple color all right and then for the remaining part i just keep it gray okay good now this donut i want to have around the picture without the lunges so let's turn the light enough and then also the data labels we don't need okay now we're getting closer that is spacing we can also adjust so let's put this to 90 pixels and now we can adjust the size and put it around that face all right now also here of course under formatting general you can be a little bit more exact and choose the exact height and exact width now if it's a perfect circle then this needs to be the same and then for precision you can play around with this a little bit more exactly to get it exactly in the right place now at this point we have a working report now i'm not saying it's a good design however all of the main key visuals are there so here if we switch the user to let's say aspen hunt which is the next one you see everything nicely updates and we have the key information that we want to see how can we upgrade this and make it look app-like now of course within power bi you also have a lot of formatting options but it's not enough to get that look that we are looking for now we are going to use a different program now this can be photoshop can be powerpoint which is the one that we are going to use because it's available for almost everybody in powerpoint we have all of the tools that we need to build the placeholders for the visualizations and the background of our report now the big benefit is also then we just have one image that we can use as a background instead of having all different kinds of objects that need to load separately which would otherwise increase the loading page by way too much alright so let's head over to powerpoint and build the background for this report page now here we are in powerpoint with that background that we are going to create right now now you see we have four placeholders 40 kpis then we have one main chart that line chart underneath it and then on the left hand side there we have a placeholder for the picture and the donut that goes around it and well that health score card just goes underneath it okay now where to start now let's start with a new slide and here we go to insert and here we look for the shape that we want to have in the background okay now i'm going to go here for a rectangle with rounded corners at the beginning you can just make it more or less the size that you want to have for the background then here the rounded corners you can adjust by dragging the yellow button a little bit more to the left now i try to be a little bit more exact than that so let's take the shape go to shape format then here put the height let's say to 17.5 and let's drag it up a bit and then here the width we can adjust and let's make it 30. and now we put it exactly in the middle now what about the color of course we don't leave it blue so let's take it and then go here to fill and change the fill color here under more colors now here under custom we can choose how much red green and blue we want to have or define the color with the hex code i know exactly the color code of the gray that i need here so 243 244 and then 247 that's it click ok and we don't need the border line around it so no line okay now that's going to be the background the main background of a report okay now on top of that we're going to have the cards now for the cards we basically have the same shape so we repeat the same thing insert shape and then also here we go for the rounded corners now for the size i'm going gonna choose a height of three and a half and then for the width i'm going to choose a width of five so now the interesting part how can we make this simple rectangle look like something that comes from a report now for this first of all we're going to turn line off and then here for filler fill color we're going to use a gradient fill okay now we can define the color that we want to have here on the left and the color that we want to have here on the right now here on the right that's easy that's going to be right okay then here on the left we want to have also a gray color so let's go to more and you have to decide on which gray you find pretty now here i want to have the following 237 for red 238 for green and then here 243 for blue after you set that gradient color we can go here to spatial effects shadow and add a little bit of shadow now i'm gonna go for a shadow here in the bottom right corner all right and then we put up the blur to 15 the distance to 15 and go for maybe a little bit of lighter color gray all right now which grey you have to decide whatever looks good and now you see it already floats a little bit more on top of the background but it's not that visible yet so then the other trick is to use another element in the back with a shadow that goes from the other side now here you see we can only add one shadow so we need to take this one again copy paste now let me give give this one a different color so that it's a little bit more visible so i'm going to give this one a solid fill let's go for gray and let me place this one here to the right of it then i go here to shadow and also here we're going to use the shadow but this one is going to be in the top left corner okay now you see the angle 225 now the blur also here i would put up a little bit let's put it to 10 and the distance also to 10. and this shadow we're going to give a different color let's make it white so now i'm going to place this one exactly on top of the other one and then send it to the back these two we're going to select both at the same time so i'm going to select both of them right click and group the two elements so this is going to be the background for each card you see the combination of the shadows that is what one really makes it stand out so now we can just simply copy paste it three times and then do the same as we did before place them more or less equally next to one another just like this and we're going to have another one and this one is going to be for that main chart here at the bottom then you can place this one wherever you like so i'm going to place a little bit more to the right and then we can take the card on the right drag it a little bit more to the right and then select it together with the big one and then you can choose a line and line to the right okay so that you have them perfectly in line and you can do the same here for the left one so select both of them and then align to the left then you take all of these kpi cards and now of course you can align them also to the top and then to have the equal space in between we distribute them horizontally okay so now the next part which is that panel that we want to have here on the left hand side not for that we have again the same shape so i'm going to just copy this and duplicate it and then put it here on the left hand side and i make it a little bit bigger than the background that we have for the main visuals now once that is done we can apply the gradient colors also here from format so gradient fill and now we have to choose here the left hand side and the right hand side now let's go to more colors now here under custom you can choose first color that you want to have i want to have some purple color let's choose maybe this one over here click ok and now i want to have the color that's here on the right so pick the right one go to color more colors and here under custom we can choose the other color now from experience i think what works here very well is if you choose just a color that's a little bit more to the right of it so if we go for example from purple go a little bit more to the right and then go more for a peachy color just like this click okay you see that already looks pretty good and you can try this also with different colors so if i change the purple again to more colors if i would go here for blue let's say okay then here on the right hand side you see this would look pretty good however i can also go back and choose maybe that green card over here and you see that also looks pretty good okay so you can play around with it and see which style fits your report the best okay now i'm gonna go with what we just had before this one over here and then from here you can also play around with the stops so if we place this one a little bit more to the right it becomes more purple otherwise last perk so just play around with the colors until you're perfectly happy so just like i've done over here and then also for this shape choose an exact width exact height so we have here five centimeters for me and a height of eight and a half okay so that is done now the last part is that circle that i want to have for the user image now also here for the circle we use a similar trick so we can go to insert shapes and then choose here the oval shape now i'm going to have it over here and then here for that oval shape we can go for a height of let's say five and a width of five now the background color that is going to be gray again so that gray is already there and i don't want to have a line so turn the line off now then we go here to shadow choose the shadow that you like now i'm going to go for the same preset as before so 15 blur and 15 distance and then here for the color choose a lighter gray color then place it exactly where you want it to be now i want to have that circle going a little bit outside of that panel so i'm going to take the circle and i'm going to increase here the height to let's say six and the wave also does 6 so that it goes on purpose outside of that rectangle now also for that circle we can use a similar trick so we can copy paste it and then put the two circles on top of one another and then here for one of the circles you can go to shadow and then choose over here the shadow in the top left corner put the blur again to 10 the distance the time and then change the color of the shadow too white and then the finishing touch is the very last shape that i want to have on it which makes this line go inside of it so here you have to look for donut and then place it more or less where you want to have it let's put it here and then here we can go to no line and for fill we want to have also a gray color which one so here we have 237 to 38 to 43. then you go to shadow and then here for the presets we now go for an inner one so for example the very first one you see you get this interesting effect and so you have a shadow a little bit here and there now this effect becomes a little bit more visible when you go for a different type of gray so i'm going to place this a little bit to the right take that circle again and then here for a solid fill just choose that darker gray that is there and also for the other circle that's behind it and once you have changed that then you take donut again and put it on top of it of course at the moment the shadow is a little bit harsh so go back here to the shadow for the donut and go for a lighter gray color and then here for the width of the donut itself here you can adjust it by taking the yellow button and then dragging a little bit to the side now after you have played around with it for just a little bit longer and you have it looking exactly the way you want it to look now you can export the image now this you can do just by going into file and then you can say here that you want to save it and then here you don't want to save it as a powerpoint but you're going to save it as a svg so that means this picture can be as big as you like it to be okay so without it becoming pixelated so don't go for png or jpg go for svg okay now say where you want to have it and save it okay so now we go back to our report we're going to use that background picture okay now we can do this by selecting none of the variables then go to format and then canvas background now here you can choose the image now i have it here click on open and then we have to put the transparency to zero now you see that looks well a little bit messy so we have to take all of the visuals and all of the elements and place them where they should be on the placeholders okay so let's do that now first of all the background that blue background color for that panel on the left we don't need we can get rid of it then we can take that half score kpi card and put it here a little bit more to the left all right and then we can reposition that main chart that we have for our report and of course the same thing for the kpi cards they're at the top we can reposition them and also make them a little bit smaller and once that is done you also take the title and just drag it a little bit more to the left and then readjust the size of the title and also here for the slicer just make sure it nicely aligns with one of the cards and then the last element that is the picture so we just have to adjust the picture size and position to place it right on top of the placeholder circles i'm not gonna lie putting that donut in the exact right position takes a little bit of time however now we just have to get rid of the backgrounds and the borderlines and that's it all right so let's take over here the cards and then go to format and then here on the general effects we can turn the border off and the background off now we do the same thing for the other visuals now for the card over here on the left hand side there we of course also need to turn off the background however also the font color we need to set to white and you do the same thing for the category label as well and then the font size here we can also make a little bit bigger than for the other cards now then for the donut the gray part i wouldn't make it the same type of gray as we have for the circle in the background so let's go here to format then slices and then just update the gray color now that already looks much better then here for that card i forgot to take out the borderline so let's get rid of the border and then for the health score over time here i would still change the color so that it's consistent with the color of the donut so here for lines there we have color and choose the same color now we're not done yet but compare this with what we just had before well quite a difference right okay but we can do even better now here for the line chart i would like to have the flexibility to change the hierarchy level so at the moment we're looking at the month level but we could also go up to the quarter or maybe even the year level okay and i would like to have buttons below the chart that let me switch between at the year quarter month or maybe even the daily level okay now how can we do that well my first thought was this is a perfect case for field parameters where we can just switch between different hierarchy levels however the problem is with field parameters you cannot keep that breakdown this hierarchy breakdown that you get when you expand down you cannot keep it like it is you can just have one field in that hierarchy that would show so the only option would be to kind of combine maybe the year with the quarter or the year with the month and use that on your field parameters however visually that's not so pretty and also you can only use the field parameters then in combination with a slicer and a slicer unfortunately doesn't have many formatting options where we do have more formatting options and flexibility is with the bookmark navigator okay now my plan is the following let's create four bookmarks for one for each level and then include the buttons for the bookmark navigation okay now how would that work let's first go here to view and open the bookmark section now we're going to create four bookmarks now let me just create four of them already now the first one is going to be for the year so let's call this one y and then we have the quartus and then we have the months and we have the days now it's important that you don't capture the state of all of the objects that are on your page but only for this chart so we can do that by switching over here for each bookmark from all visuals to selected visuals you do that for all four of them and now that we have this we just have to update all of them so that they capture the right state of the visual so let me start at the year level so i'm going to go here to the year bookmark update that one you see i have only the line chart selected then i go to the next level now we're at the quarter level so i'm going to update the quarter bookmark now let's go one level down and then update the month bookmark and then the last one is the day bookmark okay so let's test them year quarter month and day and this could also work if you have multiple visuals that you want to control with buttons later on okay so now that we have this how do we get the buttons then below the chart well that's the easy part okay now i'm going to close the bookmarks and then i'm going to go one level higher so that we have the month level i'm going to take my line chart and drag it up just a little bit so that we have a little bit more space below it okay then we go to insert buttons and here we have the bookmark navigator and there you have your button so let me see if they work i'm going to hold my control key click on here quarter month okay now they work however how can we make them prettier well we can do that here under the format navigation now i'm going to go here to style the state i leave on default that's fine and then here for fill color i'm going to turn this one off and then the border you're also going to turn off however we do give it a little bit of a shadow now unfortunately you see that the shadows don't show and that is because we do need the fill color okay now for the fill color we can choose the same gray color as what we have for the background of the chart so i'm going to go back here to fill click here on color and choose the same gray color now the buttons are there however i don't like the shape so much we have everything with rounded corners so also here i probably would go for rounded corners so i'm gonna go back here to shape and then go for rounded rectangle okay that already looks better and then we can place them a little bit closer to one another so i'm just going to drag them very close to one another just like this and now we can position them right in the middle below the chart now for the selected state i wouldn't go for black here i probably would go for that same little pinkish color so i'm going to go here to style and then here we can switch this data to select it and then we can go here to fill change the color and now let's see if it works i'm gonna switch to the quarter level or holding the ctrl key then to the yellow okay perfect now then as a finishing touch i'm going to go here to press and then here for the text i would like to have the gui bot so that when we press see it becomes bold okay perfect so now we can take the line chart and drag it down a little bit so that it is closer to the buttons and there you go we have a buttons to switch between the different hierarchy levels now wouldn't it be nice if the normal formatting for the slices would be similar to what we got over here maybe next update now our report is almost done however i think we can still do better with the kpi cards what i'm missing is a little bit of context so an average heart rate of 89 is that within the target for that person well that's going to be the next thing just a simple indicator that tells us are we below or above the target now to show you how to create that i'm gonna go here to view open up the selection pane first of all i'm gonna hide everything but the background okay now i can close that selection pane again and to create this indicator we're going to use the bar chart the stacks bar chart all right now let's add it and let's first create a big stack bar chart so that we have a little bit of more space over here now let's go to the right hand side and there we have the measures for the heart rate steps calories and exercise sessions now let's start with the heart rate now for each one of our focus values we have a target range to know what is good what is bad now we have the minimum and maximum for each person so here i'm going to take the target minimum and put that one on the x axis and then on top of that i want to have the actual target range now you see over here the target range is just the target maximum minus the target minimum okay so let's add that as well on the x-axis and then the last part well the last part is going to be just filling it up until the end of the scale so now we have a little bit of space on the right hand side as well for that i have another measure access fill so for example here i want my axis to go to 150 and then i just subtract the average heart rate target max okay so this is going to be the last one on the x-axis then we can go to format and then here we can first of all change the colors of the bars let me change this one to a light gray and then also the part to the right hand side of the target range also grey and the target range itself i'm gonna go for that purple again okay now that's basically it and now we can get rid of some elements and also here for the x-axis make sure that i start zero and then here i don't want to have the title so i turn that one off then turn off the x-axis don't first turn off the x-axis because then you cannot turn up the title anymore and it does and doesn't just disappear then the legend we can also turn off and we can go here to general turn the title off okay now that gives us basically just the different areas and the target range now the background we can turn off here under effects now the question is then how did this person perform versus the target or the target range well to visualize that we can make use of well what we have here under the analytics tab constantly okay now here we can add a line let's rename it so click on edit and this is going to be the actual and then we can go here to line by the value we can set with a measure now let's choose over here the average heart rate and click on ok now perfect we have our line now then we can just update the formatting let's just go for black line set the transparency to zero and i want to have a solid line okay now that's basically a small indicator that i want to have below each kpi value okay now let's make it then a lot smaller and you see when you make it too small and it doesn't fit anymore well it just shows this and that is because it's responsive it's too small for it to show however however we can here in the formatting general also turn responsiveness off okay and now it shows again and then we can just drag it here at the bottom of the kpi card and then make it a little bit wider and place it exactly in the middle so once you have your little indicator we can bring back all of the visuals here in the view selection and then show the visuals again and once you have your little indicator below the kpi card we just have to repeat it for the other kpis so let's take it copy it and then duplicate it four times and once you have them all positioned in the right place we just have to update the measures so just one by one select them that replace over here the hard range measures with the next one which is then the steps now you have to watch out a bit that you also update here the constant line which we set using a measure so here for the steps go back and then here on the matrix we have the steps and i want to have the average daily steps over the selected period the last 30 days and then for the colors we can go to formatting and then here we can go to bars and give it the same color as what we have for the other one alright so the indicators are also in so let me see if that works when i switch to a different person so i'm going to switch it to the next person i see it nicely updates perfect okay so that already brings us a step closer maybe you also want to have little icons that represent the heart rate the daily steps the calories and exercise sessions then just look them up on websites like is one of them they can for example look for a heart and then use one of these hard icons download them and use them as an image in power bi now back here we can just go to insert image and then choose the image that you want to use and do the same thing for the other three now once you have them in your report select all four of them maybe using the selection pane go to general then here under properties choose a certain height so maybe let's go for 30 and then we can also change the width so let's say we want to have here a width of 40 or 30 whatever you like and then we can take each one of these icons and place them where you want them to be all right so these icons are maybe that finishing touch that these kpi cards needed now of course we could still play around with green and red color was good was bad however i think for now this is perfectly fine okay now the last thing that we still need to pay attention to is the tooltips right so when we hover over one of these little indicator bars it just says access film maybe not that pretty now you see i have modern tooltips turned on so if you want to have more than tooltips just go to file options and settings options and then here under current file report settings there we can say that we want to have the modern tool tab turned on however still it could be a little bit more insightful now here either i would turn it off or make use of it and customize the tooltip now in this case to save a bit of time i'm just going to turn this one off and give you an example on the lower one alright so i'm going to take each one of these bar charts then go to formatting and then here in the general these tooltips for now i'm going to turn off but let me just show you the main idea on that line chart over here now here when i hover over one of the data points it gives you the health score is a percent and the quarter okay now let's say i want to simplify this even further and just show the health score okay not this drill up drill down all of that should should go all right now then i can add a new page this is going to be my tooltip all right then we can tell power bi that you can use this page as a tool bit and tool tab so here in the page information allow use as tool tab all right then we can go into canvas settings and then here choose the size now you don't necessarily have to go for tooltip you can also go for custom make it as big as you like so i'm going to make a very small one then here we can go back to add data to your visual choose a card and here you see that this card doesn't really fit nicely yet however we have to resize it and here what i want to show is the house card drag it on top of the card and then just go here to formatting to make the font size much smaller now for example i put this one here to 12 and the category label let's go in there and put this one also smaller to eight okay now this is going to be my tooltip now i'm going to go back here to that line chart where i want to use it then take the line chart go to format general and then here tool tips report page and then the page that we want to use and now when we hover over one of the data points you see the house score for that month for that person now maybe one more consideration that i would have is to think about the font that we're going to use for the title and the cards here i'm just using the default settings so if i want to make a change i would usually go here in the view and then customize the current theme and then go to text and change it from here so that you don't have to go to each single visual all right so here you see i have see gui ui and then here for the title i have that maybe you want it to be the same so then we can change it here to segue as well and then here for the cards i'm going to change it as well and the tab headers now it's already going and click on apply i see now everything also has the same font just i need to update the height of my welcomes text and there you go here we have our app like report page in power bi now i hope that along the way you picked up a few tips and tricks if you want to see more design videos like this one then let me know in the comment section below and you can check out one of these videos over here i want to thank you for watching and i see you in the next video
Channel: How to Power BI
Views: 468,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi dashboard tutorial, creating a powerbi report, power bi visualization, power bi report, power bi report design, power bi report upgrade, power bi dashboard, power bi design, power bi report step by step, power bi kpi dashboard, best power bi design, build report, report design in power bi, power bi report layout, power bi design tricks, learn power bi design, how to power bi, howtopowerbi, bas, power bi, power bi full tutorial, build power bi report, report design
Id: cYwioeHu_OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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