Using the KPI Visual in Power BI

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today I'd like to talk to you about the kpi visual inside of the powerbi desktop the kpi visual inside of the powerbi desktop allows you to get a closer look at those key performance indicators what kpi stands for I was recently working with someone and in conversation with someone who's preparing for that pl300 exam and it led us into a conversation talking about kpis and the kpi visual inside of powerbi and there were a lot of questions and so I thought why not make a video about it that's what I'm doing here now so in today's video what I want to do is talk to you about the use of the kpi visual the one built in available in that visual Gallery inside of powerbi and what you need to uh populate this visual with What fields you need what measures columns and things like that so you can get to using it in your powerbi reports if you are just getting started using that kpi visual what I'd like to do here now is share a uh a final report that I have showing a couple of kpi visuals here that I have populated with some sales data and some uh dates for us so that we can analyze our sales by certain dates here we are looking at the uh the months as well as the years so this is what we're going to build out here and uh so let's go ahead and get started started on this second tab here I'm going to bounce over and we are going to replicate what it is that we have what we see here with these kpi visuals it won't look just like this when you get started and the first time you build out a kpi it might be a little confusing so hopefully I can clarify some of that today and help you better understand how you can use this in your reports so when you are working with kpis the kpi visual that is the kpi visual requires and let's go ahead and add one in here to the report page I'm going to select that kpi visual you can find it right there located next to the slicer visual in your visualizations pane now when you're working with your kpi visual inside of powerbi you're going to notice that there are three Fields you need to populate the value field the trend axis and the target the value is what it is that you are trying to measure what are you trying to track is that sales is it profit is it events is it enrollments new members what is it that you are trying to track and it will be shown as a number for us that's going to be sales and we'll take a look at that here in just a moment the trend axis is the period this is going to require a date um or a a sequential field we're going to populate this with a date here in just a second and we'll take a look at a couple of variations of this just so we can get a better idea the the target is the target what is how do you know when you've reached your goal what value indicates that you've reached that goal what sales amount what enrollment number uh what total profit is it that you are seeking for that given period that's what you're going to populate this Target Field with here now so let's go ahead and for this first example let's take a look at creating this kpi here with total sales and our annual sales goal by calendar year so I've got a couple of measures that I've already created just to make things a bit simpler for us here one of the things that we want is we want to include the total sales so total sales here as you can see just contains the sum of the internet sales sales amount column so I'm going to drop that into the value here now so I'll drop that into the value and you'll notice that nothing happens at first that's because you need these other fields populated in fact if I I even go in and grab the target which for this kpi we're going to use the annual sales goal now you can use if you have some other field already existing within your data you can of course use that field but if you don't you can go in and create a measure that is just giving you that exact amount so I've set here based on our sales and the data that we're working with I've set an annual sales goal for us of 1 million and so we can track and see if we are that for these given regions for these years now you'll notice again we still don't see anything because we need to populate that Trend axis and this is where we're going to grab that calendar year and drag and drop that in all right so let's take a look here in the kpi that we've created on this total sales kpi showing us our progress towards that annual sales goal we can see the following we see this value here we see the goal as indicated which is 1 million we know that is the annual sales goal because that is what we've created in the measure and then we see this percent here so that's letting us know that not only have we reached that sales goal but we've reached it by a significant amount now before we get too far into this I want to explain this because this isn't quite showing exactly what you think it is showing here for us now I've got a couple slicers here on the page to help us uh make this a bit simpler make this a bit easier to understand so right now you can see the value we're seeing here also matches up with this area chart that I have here this total sales by calendar year area chart now that is what is shown once you populate your kpi with all of the required Fields like the the the target value like the the total sales value like like the annual sales goal and your calendar year that Trend axis you can see that that area chart in the background provides a little bit more context helps you see and understand the tracking there now the value here this is just giving us the total sales because we're pulling in that total sales measure so we are seeing here the total sales for the last year now how would I know that if I didn't have this visual right in front of me to help me with that to help me understand that well there's another thing that you can do you can go into your format pane here then you can go into these different fields and you can modify these so here we can go in and select display date now you're going to see that for the date which is the trend axis and we've populated that with calendar year we can see that we're seeing the total sales for the the year 2008 so that's what we're seeing there but we're seeing it for all countries so if we really wanted this to help us we were trying to track for each country this goal here is the goal for each country so I'm going to select Australia here and see how Australia did and you can see we are getting it's always going to give you that last date value so we're getting the last year of available data for all years that we have now of course you could go and you could apply filter you can do other things to this to manipulate it to show what you wanted but if we take a look at this here we can see we are getting that exact value here or that value in millions for the year 2008 and we can see by how much we surpass this goal which is great now we can click through the different countries here and I can see for Canada Canada didn't do so well in 2008 they were short of the goal by about 32.640809 take a look at France again short of the goal not as bad but still a little short we can see Germany met the goal the UK met the goal and so did the US now what happens if I wanted to go in and filter this by a given year if I select 2005 you will get that value there but then you do lose that area chart there so that's something to keep in mind now what about if we wanted to see this differently what if we wanted to analyze this by month what would that look like here so I'm going to add in another kpi visual here now and for this one here again let's also bring in that total sales measure into the value into the target I'm going to bring in that monthly sales goal and then I'm going to also bring in the English month name to the trend axis again notice the area chart is exactly showing what we see here in the area chart visual above now what we see here the U us the goal the uh monthly sales goal that I've I've found here for us is just got derived by taking that that monthly sales goal and divide in by 12 and that's the value that we get here so we can see the US is hitting that goal and you can see by how much here now some other things that you can do here with your kpis let's go ahead and let's go back into the formatting here and let's also for this uh monthly kpi let's togg a on the date and now notice that it is only bringing in December so again bringing in the last month now of course if we wanted to see this month to month if we wanted to see those differences one you can use your area chart here as a slicer but we could also go in we could duplicate this year slicer and remove the year field and populate it with the English month name and then we could then see that again it's always going to show you the last month for a year when you have the total years now what if you do not have the full months like what if you for example 2008 we know for that Adventure Works Data we don't have the monthly sales all the way through uh December in fact it stops in July so you are going to fall short there for that now a couple of other things to note about your kpis in regards to your formatting and what you can do if I select this kpi visual here and we go into these different fields of course you can go in and and modify the size of the call out value if you wanted here just like a card or any of your other visuals the icons referring to the icon you see there how big do you want that displayed so we can see if we're Meeting those goals there or not do we want that check mark nice and big as it's displayed now the trend axis here this is what we see in regards to the color in the formatting towards the goal are we meeting the goal and so as we go into format this here we'll go back and take a look at uh one of those countries that didn't hit the goal we can see the value here and you can see the icon change so we can see those side by side now as well but when we are looking at the trend axis you can see those colors here the good neutral and bad color and we can go in here and change the direction and say high is good and that's why we're seeing here that the value being short of the goal is showing us that bad color but if we change the direction here and say low is good then we're going to see that switch up there so then we see the difference here and so if we went into another uh country here that did meet the goal what we had set then you can see how so depending upon what you're measuring if exceeding your goal or this target value is good then you would want to go in and say okay high is good if it's bad then you can say low is good and have that variation there so depending upon if you're tracking towards working towards and progressing growing towards that goal or if surpassing it is bad then you would want to change that direction you can also go in and modify the target label what do you want this to be displayed as do you want it to be displayed as goals goal do you want it to be displayed as something else like sales goal do you want to go in and modify that there do you want the color and then distance to goal do you want the style to be play displayed as a percent do you want it to be displayed as a value do you want both I think both can be a little confusing I think it's best to have just one or the other percent is a great one and then the distance Direction increasing is increasing is it positive or is decreasing is positive so which do you want to have selected there all right everyone that's it for this demonstration just a quick little video to uh help those of you just getting started using power VI or the kpi visual for the first time getting a little bit better of an understanding of how to use it what is needed to populate that visual so that you can use it correctly in your powerbi reports and how it works and hopefully understanding some of the formatting options in the kpi visual and powerbi a bit better I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope if you haven't already make sure to hit that like And subscribe button below so you can stay up toate with all of the videos that not just I post every month but my fellow trainers here at pragmatic works thank you for watching this video and I hope to see you next time
Channel: Pragmatic Works
Views: 3,759
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Keywords: power bi, power bi kpi, power bi kpi visual, key performance indicators, kpi power bi tutorial, how to create a kpi in power bi, kpi visualization, power bi training, power bi tutorial, power bi desktop, power bi dashboard, kpi, power bi demo, power bi example, power bi tutorial for beginners, visualization tips and tricks, learn power bi, power bi course, power bi kpi dashboard, power bi kpi card, angelica choo quan, pragmatic works
Id: s5AYuFPlTUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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