Superbook - Roar! - Season 1 Episode 7 - Full Episode (Official HD Version)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh yeah just call me chris sweet air feet quantum not bad chris you're not bad but joy i totally already that bird and choked out a 360 indie grab across the gap that's not easy you know neither is understanding what you just said i will translate for you joy chris is using common skateboard terminology to describe an aerodynamically off-the-hook set of tricks that make him experience not yours it is if i say it is weenie wheels [Laughter] me i don't even know them what's that matter you gotta stand up when someone smaller's in trouble why so muscle thug there can pound the both of us no way come on it's the right thing to do ah cry baby chris do something baby [Music] forever [Music] it's yours if you can take it uh let's go home the other way chris super book [Music] oh no chris i'd rather fail a slam that skateboard i am taking you to meet a man who stood up for what he believed was right even though it was the most dangerous choice [Music] [Music] oh yes where are we it appears we are in ancient babylon approximately 500 bc you summoned me king darius daniel my friend you have found great favor with my court you are wise above all men in my kingdom and i thank you for all you've done i am humbled my lord but my wisdom comes only from god almighty who continually gives me strength as i pray to him you speak so much of your god all that i have all that i am comes from him ah daniel if only i could believe in anything as much as you believe in your god now's our chance to sneak out [Music] time to grab some big air kiss [Music] we must do something about how the king favors daniel we've tried to find fault in daniel's work but there is none i've taken care of the matter what do you mean you're gonna hit him with that no i'm not going to hit him parshan daniel's fate shall be far worse for i have convinced the king to sign this proclamation daniel thinks he's so pious praying all the time it is this very habit that is going to be his demise those guys are out to get the king's friend daniel chris we should warn you trespassers when i catch you free i'll have you thrown to the lions oh what's the use i can't get this old nag to move now that's more like it hey hey come back faves [Music] faves we have to do something chris those guys we overheard in the palace are planning to harm daniel and trick the king joy you heard that guard he'll feed us to the lions if he catches us in the palace again then we need to find daniel and warn him hi uh here's your horse and wagon back safe and sound it was an accident sorry knows well that ends well i always say stay out of wagons that don't belong to you uh sir we wondered if you knew the king's friend daniel you know daniel well we've seen him you know around he seems like a very good man i hear he prays three times a day do you know where we can find him last house on that street hear ye citizens of babylon a decree from king darius anyone who prays to any god or man during the next 30 days except to the king shall be thrown into the lion's den and so it has been decreed this day oh no come on [Music] daniel you have to listen to us i do and who might you be we're friends and you're in great danger how is it that you know my name but i do not know yours you have to listen there's a plot to have you killed the king just issued a decree that says if anyone prays except to him they'll be thrown into the lion's den yes i learned of this proclamation before leaving the palace it is not the king's doing but rather arsene and his friends what are you going to do what i have been doing um maybe you should pray like in secret if i'm afraid of what others will say or do when i do what is right then i have no strength at all i wish i had your strength joy [Music] kneel with me i will teach you how to pray god wants you to tell him what is truly on your heart joy he loves you and wants you to be honest with him always even in times of trouble [Music] joy it's them i am going to guess that is not what they were praying for [Music] [Applause] daniel i hereby arrest you under the highest authority you may arrest me but it is not by the highest authority you're coming with us [Music] wait let this be a lesson to any who would pray to a man or a god who is not our king to rights [Music] it was almost like he didn't care that he was gonna get thrown to the lions for praying daniel did what he believed was right chris regardless of the consequences and it's time we did the same [Music] uh where are we going to tell king to rise exactly what's going on what is the meaning of this outrage we caught daniel praying to his god and not to you daniel [Music] the preparations for the execution have been ordered my lord daniel is my friend a decree set forth by the king after all is the law it cannot be undone there must be a way my lord it was your doing what is done is done you are terribly quick to have justice served when we speak of a loyal friend's life i consider only you my king if we are not swift with the first offender you will appear weak and the kingdom will not give you your due respect i respect you with all my heart my king but i will respect no decree or law that prevents me from praying to the one true god [Music] your god means this much to you [Music] does [Music] the king will never believe us if we tell him we overheard those guys plotting against daniel how will we know unless we try try what you guys create a distraction so i can get inside oh great the palace guards have gigando metal swords and we're gonna fight them with sticks you're not going to fight them you're going to fight each other what you're going to keep them so distracted i'll be able to slip past without being noticed boys [Music] steps you little beggars i'll never join you you killed my father no i am your father what he's too young to be his father [Music] wow [Music] i think we've lost yes [Music] boosters you okay guys it is hereby decreed that daniel found in contempt of the edict of the king and in direct disobedience to his charge shall be thrown to the lions oh daniel how the favorite has fallen where is your god now the lion's roar may be mighty iceland but my god is mightier [Music] [Laughter] [Music] may your god whom you serve so faithfully rescue you [Music] i was too late [Music] and that is the end of daniel [Music] who approaches a friend of daniels may i speak with you my lord you risk your life to speak to me what could possibly be so important doing the right thing pardon me your highness do you know that the men who asked you to enforce that decree are evil i know they conspire for power sometimes even a king can be uncertain about what is right i will not sleep this night [Music] [Music] [Music] why do we hurry your highness daniel is most certainly dead we will find out whether or not daniel's god is real you come to me my king those are the ones that have been making all the trouble those two and that girl have my pardon [Music] the seal is still unbroken move the stone [Music] daniel he talks to the dead daniel you were faithful and served your god was he able to save you from the lions [Music] my god sent his angel to shut the lion's mouth so they would not hurt me for i have been found innocent in his sight and also o king i have done no wrong before you lift him out i command everyone in my kingdom to worship and honor the god of daniel but my lord he is the living god the one who lives forever his power and his wisdom will never end he rescues people and sets them free by working great miracles as for you you will discover exactly how mighty the lion's roar can be chris gizmo superbugs taking us home [Music] come on and get it baby right back where we left if daniel could do the right thing so can i what's your deal he's my deal give him back his skateboard give it back now says who says me yeah and who else me you oh and and me meet you yeah [Music] [Music] i was just messing around the kid can't take a joke is that my problem don't call me kid tommy not a good time ah who cares man skateboards are for losers well i guess after using his boosters in the lion's den this is getting those moves down real smooth wow [Applause] jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost forgive me now of all my sin come be my savior [Music] me jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost forgive me of all my sin come be my savior to live for you change my life and make it new [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] help me lord to live for you [Music] change my life and make it new and help me [Music] it's the new super book bible ass it's packed with games activities and super book episodes that you can watch for free [Music] there's trivia a fun daily devotional and answers to your bible questions plus an easy to understand bible the whole family will enjoy you can even create your own super book character it's the new super book bible app free downloads on itunes google play and amazon just imagine what can happen traveling through history [Music] wisdom that's so clear [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] to [Music] foreign you
Channel: Superbook
Views: 681,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SB107, superbook, roar!, daniel in the lions' den, daniel in the lion's den, full episode, family, kids, children, animation, bible, watch online, watch superbook online, free superbook episodes, bullying, bullies, superbook episodes, superbook full episodes, superbook cartoon full episodes, christian cartoons, christian cartoons for kids full episodes, super book, cartoon, daniel and the lions den, daniel in the lion's den video, daniel in the lions den kids story, bullying at school
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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