Superbook - Jacob And Esau - Season 1 Episode 3 - Full Episode (HD Version)

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chris i have the enemy in sight 18 degrees by four degrees factored by the distance of the backyard times pi plus a factor of eight you're all wet joy launching counter offensive i'm cutting off her ammo supply get ready for a full-on assault dance chris my guiding system seems to be malfunctioning don't worry guzz i just need to recalibrate here gizmo's motherboard is never supposed to get wet look at him he's totally out of control oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] cheers hello joy hello joy hello joy thank goodness he's all right you better take him inside and have your dad run a full diagnostic come on guys i live with joy her home is my home no guess home is this way well chris is trying to steal me i am not your robot i am joy's robot you totally warped his memory sector joy he thinks he's yours chris i'm really sorry it was an accident please forgive me i'll never forgive you for this joy [Music] i am taking you to meet twin brothers for whom forgiveness seemed impossible great who knows where we are now and gizmo's on the fritz this is all your fault joy we could be in some serious trouble if anything happens me i didn't do this super book took us here where are we guess if you can even tell us no i cannot tell you but i can tell joy where we are my geo sensors indicate we are in the negev desert in southern israel that's in the middle east for the geographically challenged around 3 800 years ago and now my telescopic zoom will uh oh two boys coming this way in a hurry watch it just you try who are they and where were they going in such a hurry and more importantly why are they coming back so soon cheater yeah out of my way isaac i look what you did now we saw you tried to cheat me jacob elbowed me actually i think you won a jacob is it wrong chris it was issa i saw his hand reach the rock first don't listen to anything she says i don't listen to girls you listen to mother you are a soft and hairless mama's boy after all [Laughter] it's true take it back make me enough he saw my son i declare you the winner though they were born mere minutes apart esau was first jacob is also a wonderful son but esau has my birthright what's a birthright how can you not know what a birthright is oh joy wait for me [Music] the first born son always inherits twice as much as any other son and will rule the family i see he has more authority over you the same way joy has more authority over me than chris and ours is the blessed family the lord spoke to my father abraham years ago and told him to look up into the sky we've heard this story many times father the lord said to abraham look up into the sky and count the stars if you can that's how many descendants you will have wow that's one big family and as firstborn all that god has said will be answered in you we saw [Music] now perhaps your friends will stay with us for dinner go hunt is some fine game for the stew i can hunt too father i know jacob but your knee looks injured beside you were mild comfortable dwelling intense i'm suited for other things now to the hunty saw before this storm is upon us yes father i'm going with esau i am going with joy good go but mother he just seems to like esau better he loves you jacob only he doesn't understand the lord favors you you are the chosen one chosen one day to lead a great nation but isa has the birthright isn't he destined to be the leader the lord god wills that jacob should have the birthright and the time draws near long ago when i carried both jacob and esau they would struggle within me kicking and fighting oh it was such a battle and it worried me so that i prayed for a reason from god lord if all is well why do i feel a struggle within me [Music] the sons in your womb will become two nations from the very beginning the two nations will be rivals one nation will be stronger than the other and your older son will serve your younger son jacob you are the younger of whom the lord spoke esau will one day serve you you were wise coming with me i can show you secrets of the hunt [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] another mild tent dweller you should have gone with jacob after all maybe we should go back huh very well i am starving and there's no hunting in this father will be so disappointed [Music] this is great jacob who needs to be a hunter when you can cook huh if i'd been able to go hunting today i could have proved myself to father stop wait it's only us oh you are quite the hunter jacob can you not even tell a two-legged beast from one with four i'm starved give me some of that red stew this stew give me your inheritance brother sell me your birthright i am about to die from hunger give me the stew give me your inheritance brother sell me your birthright for this bowl of hearty stew give it to me what's he doing give me your inheritance brother sell me your birthright as the firstborn son i am about to die what good will those rights do me promise me your birthrights here and now birthright birthright i swear you may have my birth right there now give me the stew bro thank you brother it's super book come on i will not go with you i am joyce what you have witnessed is only the beginning of a great divide between these brothers now where are we my geo sensors indicate we are in a place called haran but it is quite some time later my mother told me for my own safety i should come here to live these past years is that jacob and i have taken nothing from your family that was not given yeah and if he remembers us he's gonna have more questions than we have answers we need to disguise ourselves i will protect us joy here put these on keep it down you did laban's sons tell you to spy on me we didn't mean to eavesdrop we're harmless really well don't just sit there clean up this mess wow that's some grouchy behavior i know just how to help his bad mood get into these outfits now that smells great stew just the way his mother used to make it when he was a boy we thought you might be hungry uh-huh oh i have no appetite but i apologize for being so disagreeable with you what's wrong jacob last night god came to me in a dream he said jacob go back to your relatives in the land of your ancestors and i will bless you [Music] i only hope my brother esau does not still bear a grudge for what i did many years ago you could ask him to forgive you i mean no matter what someone does if they're truly sorry they should be forgiven right i do not know years ago i tricked my father into giving me my brother's blessing is forgiveness even possible for such a deed isaac said he will bless esau before his death but you must go to him and receive that blessing and you shall if you do as i say my brother esau is a hairy man and i am not if my father touches me and realizes i am trying to trick him he will put a curse on me instead of giving me a blessing let his curse fall on me so i did as my mother bid which one of my sons are you i am esau your firstborn and i have done what you told me please sit up and eat the meat i've brought then you can give me your blessing come closer so i can touch you and make sure that you really are esau [Music] the voice is jacob's but the hands are esaus please come a little closer and kiss me my son surely the smell of my son is like the smell of a field which the lord has blessed and so my father gave me his blessing the blessing that belonged to esau as his firstborn what did esau do when he found out he said he would never forgive me and that he wanted to kill me wow even i'm not that mad my mother and father sent me here to stay with my uncle laban until esau's fury turned away the time to face my past is drawing near when i see him i shall offer esau gifts of peace that he may finally forgive me [Music] did the servants do as i instructed and take the gifts ahead to my brother esau master your brother awaits with more than 400 men i feared he would still be angry [Music] [Music] hey guys get out here do you hear that it sounds like fighting probably esau come to get even with jacob it's coming from over that rise [Music] let me go for the day breaks i will not let you go unless you bless me what is your name jacob your name shall no longer be called jacob but israel for you have struggled with god and with men and have prevailed joy that's god jacob wrestled god jacob what happened here i will call this place peniel for i have seen god face to face yet my life has been spared i have wrestled with god i am now ready to go meet esau or jacob he doesn't stand a chance sometimes asking forgiveness is the hardest thing of all i sure hope jacob knows what he's doing maybe instead of forgiveness jacob should ask for an army the size of esau's i can't look okay just a bit no better not [Music] take my brother [Music] what's going on is jacob bowing yes seven times that custom shows a deep sign of reference to his brother [Music] joy yeah if esau could forgive his brother after all he did to him i think i can forgive you for a silly accident with gizmo really chris really i forgive you and i hope you'll forgive me for being so i don't know so mean to you it's not like i've never done something wrong forgiven [Music] forgiven it is good to have you back [Music] great idea using these solar fans your dad invented to dry gizmo circuits now let's test them gotcha see you later gizmo i've got to go home okay joy goodbye come on chris last one back to the lab is a rotten egg [Music] i'm glad things are back to normal around here me too and no more water fights [Music] hello doc [Music]
Channel: Superbook
Views: 4,614,812
Rating: 4.6580591 out of 5
Keywords: Superbook Full Episode, SuperbookFullEpisode, Bible, Bible Stories for kids, Animation for kids, Old Testament Stories for kids, CBN, Gizmo, Jacob and Esau, Genesis
Id: zhykNXjGQuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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