Super Popular Idioms & Expressions | American English πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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today i want to teach you some common american idioms and expressions that's coming up [Music] hey everyone my name is wes from and this channel it's all about helping you practice and improve your english skills and today i want to help you build your vocabulary as well as improve your overall fluency because i'm going to teach you some very common and useful american idioms and expressions that you might hear if you are talking to somebody who is from the united states or maybe you can use some of these if you plan to visit the us so believe me when i tell you that this lesson it's going to be a piece of cake and that is actually the first idiom that i want to teach you many of you are probably familiar with this i wanted to start with something a little easier and then it'll get a bit more challenging but if we say that something is a piece of cake it just means that something is very easy so i told you that this lesson it's going to be a piece of cake i'm going to teach you these idioms and expressions and after i explain them and tell you how to use them i think that you will have a better understanding and like i said it's just going to improve your overall fluency so this lesson it's a piece of cake what's the sound of one hand clapping piece of cake oh bart it's a 3 000 year old riddle with no answer and every task you undertake becomes a piece of cake what about a raise based on merit rank each person individual piece of cake then we have the phrase run late or run behind and they they both mean the same thing it just means to be late for something now i i guess i could say that i use this phrase quite often and i would tell people that that i'm running late and i i would use it often because yes i am sometimes late for appointments or if i'm going to meet somebody but i would call ahead and tell them hey you know don't worry i'm i'm just running a little late so in that case i think it also implies that you are on your way to to get somewhere or if you're talking about perhaps like a project and you say you tell your boss you know i'm running a little behind you're telling them that it may be late but that you're working on it so again this is a great expression i think uh especially if you're somebody who who tends to be late for things you could just tell somebody hey you know i'm running a little late but i will be there it's only four blocks but they are so slow i'm running late too we're running light yeah we're always running late we're running a little behind schedule hi sorry i'm late i've been running behind all morning then we have the expression to get the hang of something and this just means to learn something that's not quite obvious so for example i think often you would use this when talking about some type of game or activity you're trying to learn it and and get a little bit better at it and in that case you could you could tell somebody you know i'm starting to get the hang of this i'm starting to feel a little more comfortable i understand it a little bit better and i'm starting to get the hang of it one thing i would like to point out with this expression is that it is often going to end with that pronoun it so in that case it's almost like you know what it is you know the game or activity that somebody is talking about and if you're trying to learn it a little bit better then you're trying to get the hang of it or starting to get the hang of it or you could say he he is getting the hang of it but you know the activity so it's often going to end with that pronoun it don't worry you'll get the hang of it you're going to get the hang of it we'll help you how's he doing i haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet then we have the phrase all set and this just means that that you are ready and you are ev everything is in order so it's something that maybe you could ask to somebody if you want to know if they're ready and you can say hey you know all set or you could tell somebody if you want to say that you are organized you're prepared and you are ready to go and you'd say you know i'm all set we're all set we are ready we're organized we're prepared you could also say just to throw in another expression good to go okay it means the same thing if somebody says you know i'm good to go that means that they are ready they're all set ready ready set okay we're all set let it rip is it okay if i put out some candy that pam brought back from puerto rico sure thanks for asking pam we're all set let me know what you got good to go weapon's good to go you're good to go then we have the expression to sound like a broken record and it really means well kind of exactly what it says and that is that somebody is just repeating something again and again especially when it's not really necessary and you would say to another person like oh you know you sound like a broken record you just keep repeating the same thing again and again and again especially when you don't want to hear it then you could use this expression and say that someone sounds like a broken record i hope that i don't sound like a broken record because i do i tend to repeat things again and again so so that you have a better understanding of all of these idioms and expressions because i just i just want you to get the hang of it you know i know i sound like a broken record we are buddies you're going to murder me like you murder my father you people sound like a broken record baby's babies you sound like a broken record next is the phrase pitch in and this just means that you start doing something as a group especially something that is helpful so if you are working with a group of people maybe a team you want everyone to pitch in you want everyone to do some work the something that's helpful for the group or the team and in that case you want everyone to pitch in but it's used in in that context that you might ask someone who may not be helping and you would tell them to pitch in or say you need to pitch in but it is to to do something that's helpful everyone here has a job we all pitch in glad you could pitch in he needs all the help he can get by the way if you need help with that i'm more than happy to pitch in then we have the idiom to blow off some steam and this just means to to do something or to say something that helps you get rid of of some energy often some some negative energy that if you're you're angry or upset you might try to perhaps you go for a run and you just want to blow off some steam you just want to want to get rid of that energy so you could use it when talking about a an activity that you do something physical in order to blow off some steam or maybe it's something that you you say to someone perhaps you even might yell at someone and you're just you're trying to blow off some steam time to think no let him go he needs to blow up some steam i've never seen him like this get the big lug a break even he needs to blow off some steam you're working so hard this semester really need to go crazy you know blow off some steam you still seem stressed you want to blow up some steam then we have the expression it's not rocket science so this is a statement that somebody would would say to another person if they want to express that something is not really difficult and it's it should be easy to understand and you'd say no look it's not rocket science the listen for this if you're watching a tv show or movie because again if somebody wants to say that like look this is not difficult they might tell somebody you know it's not rocket science so i would tell you guys you know learning these idioms and expressions it's not rocket science i think it's a piece of cake and if you just keep practicing a little bit each and every day then you're really gonna get the hang of it caller apologize it's not rocket science i mean fixing your hair is not exactly rocket science because i don't want to go by myself barb it's not rocket science you just tell your parents you're going to stay in my place afterwards then we have the expression to table something and this just means to postpone a discussion until a later time and often i think it might be used in business perhaps you're having a meeting with a group of people and and you have a list of items that you're going to go through but you want to discuss one of them at a later time you might say you know let's let's table this item for right now and then we will discuss it later so you could table some item if it's on an agenda or maybe you could just table some discussion and you will talk about it at a later time to table something suppose that we table this discussion until let's say the second nope is gone i i think what the dana's trying to say is uh there'll be time to talk about that we can table that for a later date what is your job exactly besides making balloon animals protecting your reality okay guys can we table this discussion right now the fact is is that we have this stuff next is the idiom to jump on the bandwagon and this just means to start supporting something or to even start doing something because it's trendy or fashionable often i i think i would use this idiom uh when talking about sports that if there is a sport team that just suddenly started winning and then everybody they they like this team all of a sudden they're they're a huge fan then you could say look you know uh he he just jumped on the bandwagon he only likes the team because everybody else does he's supporting this team he jumped on the bandwagon of course this has happened to me if i'm living somewhere and then that that city has a sports team they become really great yeah i jump on the bandwagon everything's echo friendly that is how friendly that i just haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet millions of people got on the anti-denmark bandwagon show me some kind of kindness not jumping on the let's get meg family bandwagon let's stick with sports for right now because the next expression is to sit in the nosebleed or you could say to sit in the nosebleeds section and what this refers to is that you are sitting in seats that are that are very high up at the the very top of a stadium and you're very far away from all of the action because you're so high up there you are sitting in the nosebleed section and the reason why we use this is because if you are at a very high altitude then maybe your nose would start to bleed because of the altitude so if you're high up there in the stadium then you could say you know i'm sitting in the nosebleed section when i jump on the bandwagon and i want to go see a sports team play typically i don't have a ton of money to spend so i have to find the cheapest tickets which are usually high up there in the stadium and i would sit in the nosebleed section can you take me to a concert with my new friend harper sure why not it'll be nosebleed or obstructed view seat but you know what i have a friend uh he's got a couple of seats if you don't mind the nosebleed section they're yours no we don't care we just want to go then we have the idiom to fall through the cracks and this just means to overlook something so if you are perhaps doing some project you don't want to overlook the details you don't want anything to fall through the cracks i need you to be sure that things don't fall through the cracks basically i need you to be more like dean here you do it every week and you forgot things are falling through the cracks i'm pretty sure you've worn that sweater four days in a row this whole uh single-parent thing everything is just falling through the cracks so what did i tell you those idioms and expressions piece of cake all right it's not rocket science and i'm sorry i know that i sound like a broken record because i keep repeating these these same idioms and expressions over and over again i hope you're not upset with me but if you are a little upset and you think you need to blow off some steam then i would suggest that you check out another video lesson i hope that you enjoy these lessons and that you just you jump on the interactive english bandwagon jump on the interactive english bandwagon and because okay i can't think of any more i just trying to review as much as i can thank you guys so much for watching i hope you learned some new idioms and expressions and i will see you next time
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 89,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, english idioms, english expressions, idioms and expressions in english, american idioms, american english, learn american english, american expressions and their meanings, popular idioms and expressions, popular idioms in english, english vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, english idiom lesson, get the hang of it meaning, fall through the cracks meaning, jump on the bandwagon idiom, piece of cake idiom
Id: 9_Ti0Fss3lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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