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[Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] yes oh [Music] [Music] god [Music] just lift your hands and just worship him this morning father i will thank you we'll give you praise we'll give you glory thank you for all you have done in our lives up to today thank you for what you have in store for us we'll give you praise and giving glory receive our praise receive our worship this morning in jesus mighty name this morning everywhere [Music] amen i'm not sure that was for my lord please can you appreciate the king of kings and the lord of lords come on let's celebrate jesus celebrate jesus is falling everywhere hallelujah amen amen welcome to this special service i want to welcome everyone watching us from around the world god is going to visit you this morning in a mighty way hallelujah please without wasting much time our first speaker this morning somebody very dear to us very special you know every time he speaks our lives are changed and transformed and is a missionary to the nations god has used him in different nations of the earth please with joy in our hearts please let's make welcome brother michael david for the first session please let's appreciate god as they come [Music] my glory be to god glory be to god very good morning to you all in jesus name welcome to church and welcome to the concluding session of our priesthood summit [Applause] god has been mighty in our midst his words have been coming clearly with power and grace to each of our lives and to all of those listening to us across the globe i believe that you have been a partaker of the amazing acts of the holy spirit in our midst since thursday today god is here god is in his temple and i want your heart to be ready to receive from him i want your heart to be ready to connect with him and to optimize the grace that god has pulled and will be pouring upon this concluding session hallelujah i want to appreciate the apostolic leader of this commission god's servant dr david abuelo a great gift of god a great gift of god to the church [Applause] and to the mission of god may the hand of the lord continue to sustain him his dear wife want to appreciate all the senior pastors all of those who are standing firm behind him in the fulfillment of this mandate the law continues to strengthen you all hallelujah bishop hussain my salute amen let us pray you are highly lifted up and there is no one like you we say hallelujah we salute your majesty yours o lord is the kingdom the power and the glory because in revelation of your heart revelation of your will and purpose in our midst here again today and as this summit comes to closure open the windows of heaven and cause an outpouring of your grace of your glory impact lives in ways that will reposition us for effective priesthood calling and service with you i ask eternal god that you walk in our midst again today and let your name be glorified build lives build our lives for your glory equip us jehovah god to play a significant role in your mission in this end of time have your way here this morning let jokes be broken let lives be transformed let the lost be saved let your servants be empowered for greater fruitfulness in the service of your kingdom i pray in jesus name amen please say it to god be the glory for the amazing things he has been doing in our midst since thursday it's been great to be here hallelujah by the leadership of god of the lord true a senior pastor i've been asked to also bring a word to us this morning on the mission of god to our young people to further equip us to be able to optimize god's harvest among our children and things i'll be speaking on what i've titled children and teenagers for signs and wonders children and teenagers for signs and wonders this is a summit to restore authentic priesthood in the body that we may stand in our calling with the dignity the honor the responsibility the authority of priesthood i know it's not all of us that are you know inactive ministry but majority should be because that is the trust of this summit and it is that we may stand upright in our calling with the dignity the honor the responsibility the authority of priesthood and i believe god will accomplish that purpose in our midst more and more in jesus name i want to thank god for the inspiring murder that dr david abueli is to us in this calling is an inspiring model in authentic priesthood it's a life to admire and to follow and we give praise to god for that please give me isaiah 8 and verse 18. we're going to look at four passages and then i'll go on isaiah 8 and verse 18 behold i and the children whom the lord had given me are for signs and wonders in israel from the lord of hosts which dwelleth in monsieur hallelujah i am the children of the lord that given me are for signs and wonders i want you to begin to see a picture of the plan of god for our young people you may be seeing something different from that but i want you to align with the heart of god for these young people and to stand in your place to partner with god to realize what god intends for each of our younger generation please give me some eight and verse two some eight numbers two will still come back to this out of babes and sucklings as dao ordained strength because of thy enemies the dow might just steal the enemy and the avenger hallelujah still talking about the younger generation people in whom god has ordained strength strength to steal the enemy and the avenger perhaps part of the things that we need part of the response of the church part of the missing response of the church to the activities of the evil one in our day is the absence of the strength that should come from the younger generation to steal the enemy and the avenger perhaps part of why where there is still so much rage of the enemy in our time is that the younger generation in whom god has ordained strength to steal the enemy have not come up to their to their place we have not partnered with god sufficiently to bring them to that point where they will realize the plan of god to manifest the strength of jehovah to steal the enemy and the avenger we're looking at the purpose of god please give me isaiah 54 verses 13 and 14 and all thy children shall be taught of the law can i hear an amen and great shall be the peace of thy children if we have parents in the in the house this morning or listening to me i want you to take particular attention to these passages and to lay hold on them concerning the destiny of your children lay hold on them and that's what we are about this morning and all thy children shall be taught of the lord and great shall be the peace of thy children and verse 14 verse 14. righteousness shall doubt be established thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear and from terror for it shall not come near thee amen amen my children shall be taught of the lord and grace shall be their peace can you say that psalm 144 and verse 12 psalm 144 and verse 12 that our songs may be as plants grown up in their youth that our daughters may be as cornerstones polished after the similitude of a palace we're talking about the end to which god's destiny for our sons and daughters and when a purpose is made clear the expectation of god is that we stand with god to bring to pass that with god has spoken and the sharing this morning is to call you to that place of partnership with god to realize his destiny for our sons and daughters our boys and girls amen and joel chapter 2 verse 28 jewel chapter 2 and verse 28 and it shall come to pass afterward that i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy can i hear amen and your sons and daughters shall prophesy amen there is the promise of god to pour out his spirit on all flesh and not excluding our children but inclusive of our children that our sons and daughters may professor and that our young men may see visions amen see the above few passages of scripture speaks of the place carved out by god for our children and young people by redemption it revealed the plan god has for our boys and girls our sons and daughters that plan is that they be for signs and wonders the plan is that in them god has ordained strength to steal the enemy and the avenger that they shall be as polished you know polished beings pillars you know palace pillars they and we are to partner with god to see this brought to pass you see this is notwithstanding what we are seeing of our boys and girls in our nation in our continent in the world today this is notwithstanding that i want to let you know that god is committed to his word did you hear me god is committed to his word concerning our boys and girls god is committed to his word but we the church the priest this is priesthood summit the parents the teachers we must partner with god for the fulfillment of these purposes of ease concerning our young ones against the intent of the adversary may i remind you that it is not only god that has good plans for our young ones satan has plans for them he has plans for them look at exodus chapter 10 verses 7 to 11. exodus chapter 10 from verse 7 and pharaoh servant said unto him how long shall this man be a snare unto us let the men go that they may serve the lord their god knows thou not yet that egypt is destroyed let's go ahead the muslims and aaron were brought back to pharaoh you know the story go worship the lord your god he said but tell me who will be going go ahead moses answer will we go with our young and our hold with our sons and our daughters excuse me with our flocks and hearts because we are to celebrate a festival to the lord first thing pharaoh said begin to watch 10 and 11 please the lord be with you if i let you go along with your woman and children clearly you are bent on evil verse 11 no have only demand go and worship the lord since that's what you have been asking for the moses said aaron the moses and aaron were driven out of pharaoh's presence leave it on at verse 11 please if you follow the discourse in the story of the exodus of israel out of egypt moses and era were negotiating with pharaoh and he said oh actually he wants to go and pharaoh was particular about the men only going but without the children say no have only men go and worship the lord since that's what you have go back to verse 10. you know it says in verse 10 the lord be with you if i let you go along with your woman and children did you see that he has planned for the women and children and our focus this morning is on the children the younger generation pharaoh was willing to let history go but without children and i want to let you know that pharaoh is a representation of satan of the enemy who will not let children go into their destiny there are forces already mobilized to slow down to stop to hinder to confuse our younger generation and it's important for us to know that we have a virtue to win hello we have a battle to win over our younger ones since the past 30 years around 140 million babies are born to the world annually but 140 million babies are born to the world annually and at least two thirds of these are born into families that do not know jesus i'm here this morning to share a burden and i pray that the lord will help your understanding even within the one third that are born into families that know jesus about half of these are not careful or diligent enough to partner with god for the fulfillment of his purposes concerning those children you see the picture about you taught are born into families that do not know jesus even out of the one thought that are born into so-called christian homes not all a large part of these are not careful enough they are not diligent enough to partner with god for the fulfillment of his purposes concerning these ones the challenge this morning is to nudge us to responsibility we are we want to consider the strategic importance and potential of over a hundred million under the age of 18 in nigeria did you hear what i said we have about a hundred million under the age of 18. go and check the records and how can we raise up a new generation from within this vast group a generation for science and wonders a generation that we steal the enemy and the avenger a generation that will experience personal transformation that can be mobilized and equipped as agents for transformation among their peers how do we achieve that but you know what in a logical world this enormous population of needy people will receive most of the attention of the church but that is not the case the focus of the church is still mostly on adults and their issues and in spite of the fact that 85 percent of those who make significant faith decisions do so between the age of 1 to 18 less very few attention of the church is directed to ministry among these people can i have the video um pastor bina are you able to just give us that short video please listen like you to reach disciple and empower the next generation even though the bible clearly shows that god uses children in his mission one of their greatest challenges comes from the church which does not always see children as partners in ministry and therefore does not empower children there are several attitudes or understanding that prevent the church from seeing children as partners in god's mission sometimes low cultural views of children are adopted by the church some people believe since children do not understand everything they cannot serve many times people point to children's lack of maturity whether it's physical emotional or spiritual children may be seen as unable to offer good ideas or perspectives so people do not listen to them children's ministry skills are not developed they don't know how to do ministry children have limited influence and limited freedom to serve when you look at the list of reasons not to partner with children how many of the reasons i stated are biblical and how many are cultural or personal it is very sobering to realize that none of the reasons are biblical for the past seven years i am so thankful to the lord for the opportunity that he has given me to co-host a radio show in the philippines through far east broadcasting company 702 dzas entitled okido the 414 kids show that reaches out to children and youth all over the country what's unique about this radio program is that it is a radio program for kids and made by kids i am co-hosting it with children every saturday morning i get to share the gospel with his children in the airwaves to almost half a million listeners in the philippines and the world via online streaming the voices of children are heard they are able to use their talents and gifts to serve god and others god is using them to broadcast his love to parents teachers and other children and youth it is a privilege to call them my co-laborers in a kingdom that belongs to them okido the 414 kids show is a three-time kbp golden daw of awardee as best children's radio program in 2015 2018 and 2019 given by the broadcasters association of the philippines to god be the glory partnering with children in god's mission in ministry results in many benefits for the children for the church and for the community we must change our negative perceptions of children to see the good god can do when children partner with us what would you think would be benefits for children when they are empowered for ministry children benefit in so many ways they build skill they grow in confidence they grow in faith they develop a heart for service they feel useful they discover their gifts they learn from older mentors they develop greater self-worth and they see god working i'm sure you could add many more ideas to this list what would be the benefits for the church when children are empowered for ministry can you think of some ideas the church benefits because children bring energy new ideas creativity and boldness to ministry adults also have opportunities to invest in the next generation what are the benefits to the community when children are empowered for ministry the community benefits because children can meet community needs evangelize friends and neighbors and set examples for other children just to name a few it is exciting to see all the benefits when we partner with children and empower them for ministry the greatest benefit is that we are helping them to grow as disciples which is our goal as children's workers thanks for joining us thank you for joining us thank you very much i hope you're able to get something um it wasn't even as clear to me here but from what we can see many of our church leaders still underestimate the potential of children and young people to participate in god's kingdom agenda and redemptive moves and we often see children as disciples in waiting and not disciples in training it's like we wait for them to become disciples to be introduced to discipleship instead of seeing them as disciples in training even right at their younger age in matthew 18 10 to 14 in the parable of the lost sheep jesus talking within that passage speaks of children and important to the lesson of the parable is the statement that your father in heaven is not willing that any of this little one should perish from that video we saw we can see that most of our assumptions are not bible-based children cannot do this they can't do that they can't do this and so we lift them out of the mainstream but what god is in calling us to is to recognize the strategic importance and potential of this generation and how that e-god has been working with this generation and is still at work with them and want to do greater things to them if we will partner with him to optimize their potential for the growth of the kingdom of god as we consider reaching the unreached for christ we must for once turn our attention to the nearly half of the world that lives below the age of 18. there must be a significant part of the future of our missionary effort when we pay little attention to children we not only miss the unreached but also a large percentage of the potential harvest force needed to complete world evangelization nearly 10 percent of our total population are christian children and we thank god for that but how many of them are grown in christ how many of them are impacting their world for christ i know millions of them are waiting to be part of reaching our world for christ if properly discipled they have potentials to do more than just get along they are for signs and wonders they have capacity to grow in grace just like others have they have capacity to experience the baptism in the holy spirit to operate in the gifts of the holy spirit and more when these biblical truths are taught simply with visuals and on the level of their understanding consider somewhere considered david considered josiah the boy king considered esther who was in our teens as pastors and ministers i'd like to call us this morning to reconsider our commitment to nurture this generation as part of the harvest force i believe the children will play a major role in ushering in the end time revival and the soon return of jesus christ in george 16 and verse 26 it caught my attention that it was a lad that helped something in his last major exploit it was a lie georges 16 and verse 26 and something said unto the lord that held him by the end suffer me that i may feel the pillars where upon the house standard that i may lean upon them know the rest of the story something at his death did more exploits than even before but it was helped by a lad there is a help needed for the exploits of the last days and our younger generation have been ordained with strength to provide that help to the church will we nurture them to be part of the next generation of the others force or we continue to wait for them to grow up the mandate is to mobilize the body of christ to invest in reaching equipping and empowering the younger generation to maximize their transformational impact while they are young and inspire them for continuing impact throughout the rest of their lives and it is that children and teenagers will be recognized by the body of christ as one of the primary agents of transformation and empowered to make a difference in the seven mountains of society what are we about how then do we you know rescue these generations i want to give a few thoughts as i begin to wonder i want to say that there is a difference between growing up and being brought up joel and abigail grew up but they were not brought up the bible says drain up a child in the way that it should go when he's hold he will not depart from it rescuing the next generation puts enormous responsibility on parents and if your parents hearing me you have enormous responsibility on your hand children are much more than you know an evidence of fertility they are the heritage of the lord heritage from the lord and a reward we need to see then you know as an inheritance a legacy a sign of his favor more the mere product of a fertile wife and when we see them in this way we now also recognize that they are unique and with a purpose we started by highlighting some of the purposes of god before something was born things were spoken about him before jesus was born things were spoken about him even if things were not spoken ahead of your child or a child you're about to bring forth you can still seek god's face to understand his purpose and to align with god to realize that purpose rescuing the next generation implies that we should not allow children to grow up by themselves we should leave no vacuum because some vacuum opens them up to satan as a babysitter satan is visiting millions of children through different tools that he has influenced his agents to manufacture and it is because we are not there to instill godly values in them we are not there to to train them i want to say that as parents we have huge responsibility enormous responsibility and we must stop satan from the act of preventing our children through its different you know devices that are yes raised up yesterday pastor told us about a boy that said that he just what what what does he want to become he says he just want to grow up to kill everybody that boy has been parented by satan he has you know satan has babysitted on his life in a way that is becoming a tool in his hand and we have several such things going on and people of god we need we need to wake up watched a news report was a news report on bbc about a 14 year old who unmarked his mother to death and decided to set the house with the cops on fire so that he would not discover it but it still came out there are several issues engaging our young ones today and what do we do the starting point is biblical parenthood we need to wake up to that fact the second major issue is peer pressure fear you know pressure has a huge phenomenal effect on young people actually all through life people are tackling peer issues even as pastors there are peer pressure you want to do what a fellow pastor is doing that's that's also a peer pressure so it's not only for young people but for them is a major issue how are our young ones how can they be helped to respond to peer pressure the strength or weakness of character displayed in handling peer pressure depends on the principles and values such young one has acquired from or lack of it their ability to respond to peer pressure is a function of what they have acquired from home the principles the values has been instilled in them that is their saving grace now if we fail as parents to occupy that gap in the lives of our young ones they become weak to be able to respond to wrong influence so rescuing the next generation consists in parents waking up to responsibilities i must give credit to my wife she helped a lot in the raising of her three children i was there on some of the time but not on all of the time she was there daily when pastor shares the consistency with which he engages his family i feel very challenged i wasn't that consistent i get in and have some intensive time with them but i drop off in and out on several times but my wife was there and has been there even though they've all left us now in checking up on them and praying with them over zoom and following up with them she even surpasses me in that we gotta raise partners for you who can who can who can fill gaps in your life as men in jesus name there is need to show love and acceptance unconditional acceptance to our children you want to help them to be able to withstand the pressure outside love an unconditional acceptance you know helps the child provides assurance security for the child and such is less likely to cave in to wrong pressure from their peers because when a child is loved and accepted it develops healthy character and self-worth that protects him or her from negative peer pressure when you have a right sense self-worth if somebody which our sister yesterday described as your identity if you have that that sense of worth you know that you don't belong in certain things you also know the children of who you are can you imagine the bible talks about moses they were going to you know moses welcome sir the bible talks of moses as knowing who he was and it did not violate his identity um can you help me with that passage in hebrew there's there is there is that passage in hebrew thank you sir 11 24 it broke 11 24 by faith moses when he was come to years refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter yes and 25 choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of god than to enjoy the pleasure of sin for a season wow that was a product of an investment in his life refused he knew his identity it was in various palace quite all right but he knew his identity and all of that is you know comes from parental responsibility love and acceptance how do we show love to our young woman by talking with them by playing with them by discussing issues of school friends sunday school likes and dislikes with them eating together teaching them praying with them blessing them affirming them speaking words to them you are you are a great part of my life you are very special to me assuring them such things build strength encourages helps them to be able to develop an identity that can withstand negative pressures which exist in society experience we need to be sensitive to changes in the behavior of our children it was a time my my last child a boy would prefer a particular haircut so i i i watched for a while i wasn't comfortable we had a discussion on it and i discovered that then we were to take a family picture and he was just looking so down because i tried to insist so when i saw his mood i got back to him and explained what is what what what is the source of this you know our sister yesterday said when you do certain things try to ask questions about what what what is influencing this what is the source of this and i try to help him to know that you feel free to do but i just don't have joy you know seeing him in that it's it's it does not it it does not define him it's it's it doesn't it doesn't define his identity you know what happened on his own he decided to go and after all of that to go and do that i was shocked when i saw his picture he did something else and then posted a picture to me i said what happened is that you say yes that is me i say are you sure what what happened he said i'm i'm okay i'm fine i i understand what you are trying to say and i'm comfortable with it you know it's a battle but we must engage it we must engage we will be sensitive so that they don't go off to an extent that you can't even recover them is a believer filled with the holy ghost but yet it battles with pressure and we need to be there as a support to help them to realize in these days of social media if you are staying far to your parents please call them on phone have times of zoom bible studies zoom prayer meeting zoom discussion you know and all of that we should not give excuse for too deep i mean to be too distant from this generation how do we rescue the next generation projects like schools where are these young ones found in schools in vocational training centers in youth resource centers football clubs these are kingdom projects that we need to champion we need to provide that alternative avenue to still help them to be themselves but in a way that is defined can be a blessing to them the blessing to the community and bring glory to god so the issue of schools and thank god for what is already going on here and the meeting announced yesterday for october 10. vocational training center what are you doing how are you involved football clubs youth resource center eateries privacy reversity centers we have lots of people out of ss3 they want to do jump but quite millions out there in between secondary and university can we create avenues to harvest them to get their attention and in such avenues we can have you know holistic content to engage them with amen we need to have maybe starting with priesthood academy the priesthood academy an order bible seminaries need to operate holistic child development programs with curricula and training strategies must simply develop to equip workers we have lots of untrained people and we need avenues where people can come in for training and go out come in for training and go out we need that center all gently we need intentional development of culturally relevant and biblically sound entertainment for children hello culturally relevant biblically sound entertainment you heard yesterday the true cartoon networks and things they are now being exposed to all kinds of obscene and unrighteous unholy practices dangerous things that is what satan has packaged to babysit our children we must god must find you god must find you skilled in these areas to develop content content content that can be entertaining for children amen we need to develop strong advocacy networks to fight injustice affecting children and teenagers a resource center with significant capacity for developing contextual and biblical resources resources for for engaging the young one we just finished an equip conference and we had to produce some resources to give out to equip every child and teenage worker some of the people that came from kaduna you know just called us back and in the last four days or so a whole item was shipped to kaduna to go and respond to them they called back but they need more to engage with you know children and teenagers across that city and that was actually our goal to strengthen that effort in the north of nigeria hallelujah so we're praying to see a significant movement among local churches nationwide having a primary focus on holistic discipleship of children and teenagers a prayer movement among our young people among children and teenagers prayer movement you know to mobilize them into a community into into prayer groups oh god we hear the cry of those young ones there are potentials we can announce among them to see them a prayer and emissions movement among our children and teenagers hallelujah i say close we need to discipline and turn dysfunctional homes to functional homes i think we need marriage counseling centers to help homes because the more homes are helped to be stable the better it is for our younger generation and those god is raising with ministries in those areas you need to identify what burden the lord is laying on your heart and to do it need to be good models models children they hear through their eyes and what we teach them is important but what we model is more important we need to be good models to inspire them towards godliness towards righteousness towards a purposeful living so that the wrong models they have outside i had a conversation with my with my son who is outside the country some years back and i will mention it i was trying to find out who is your who is your who is your hero who is who is which would minister of the gospel you mention it i say is that i say why so we're still having that conversation so when he came was able to visit only once we sat down and i normally post some things to him to read and and try to ensure because that name he mentioned great guy but not holistic not not not wholesome and i'm concerned but that is what is available they are the ones that are holding sway in that part of the world where he is but thank god for the foundation it has so when we had this question he was able to explain uh how that is an influence a positive influence in their mix gospel truth must be true to us we must experience it apply it reap its benefit and then we can train estra had prepared his heart to teach the law of the lord and to do it we need to follow that pattern in how we do how we correct them and how we do i just want to say imagine if every child and seen in every community or school across our nation had someone who could help them to know and love jesus for a lifetime how can you partner with god to bring the kingdom of god to every child in every community across our cities across our villages across our nation and continent is god putting a burden on your heart on some this morning i have a report that says sub-saharan africa has the largest number of orphans in the world how can the body of christ rise up to help the challenge this morning as i close is for every church in school every ministry to have champions passionate about rescuing about reaching about rooting about releasing boys and girls as lifelong followers of jesus christ agents of transformation in society and how are you doing with the boys and girls in your churches in your family in your churches how are you doing with the boys and girls outside your family in your neighborhood outside your church in your church environment how are you doing with that how will you help to reach boys and girls in the most unreached places of the heart let us pray like you to consider what your role will be yesterday we actually made a commitment great one are you still there see i have the voice of the lord saying who shall i send will we go for us we need champions passionate about rescuing boys and girls about reaching boys and girls just before he prays because i know there are a number of people here now that were not there yesterday if you have anything to do with education you're a teacher you're anything involved in education please stand up come over to the altar here we are facing a crisis in our generation right now you have to now take this education as mission no more just going there to make money a career no we are facing a major crisis in our generation it was christian schools that shaped this nation before it was missionaries who built schools that gave us both our founding fathers and all the major things now we have abandoned that assignment now if you're involved in youth ministry children ministry teams ministry please get up and come to the author first whether it's in a church or fellowship forum or campus or i mean we're talking about teenagers and whatever form get up and come i'm going to ask us to kneel we need to cry to god to do something to help us rescue this generation that is facing yeah you know there are people that have done this yesterday i'm not really bothering too much if you want to be part of it it's all right but i know that there was a terrific move of god here yesterday while we are tackling this and then parents parents parents parents whenever this subject comes our parents are the number one people god has called anointed for this purpose that office has been abandoned the number one pastor the number one teacher the number one that children are supposed to have there is a complete neglect breakdown of that responsibility and is causing all the crisis that we are seeing now let's get there on our knees that's what he said you have to answer a call of god today you're going to become a missionary to our children to our young people you're going to become a missionary not just a career person who is making money demanding sometimes you print extra hand views uh whatever or if you have been involved in child abuse maybe all these sexual molestation of children repent i don't expect such a person here but we cannot we cannot rule out things are falling things are not what it used to be stop looking at me close your eyes and talk to the lord this is where it starts when the church takes the responsibility we are meant to take everything can be changed everything can be changed if we can get parents right and get teachers right all of us that are parents can we stand you don't have to come here but stand stand still you're going to answer a fresh call and you're going to be careful now what you do with your marriage you're going to be very careful what you do with your marriage because whatever you are doing there has a ripple effect that's what is giving us armed robbers prostitutes kidnappers the breakdown of the family is the greatest crisis any nation can have its national problem is discussed from seven different perspectives the only thing i hear in nigeria is government government government you are a government family government they have levels of governmentalists in every society if self-government is number one get your own life in order family government get one small republic you and that wife and few children in all that church governments when we talk about institutions before you talk about civil and and the society so you see now we leave the small ones we are expecting is it buhari that is running in your home all of us let's talk to the lord let's repent where we have messed up and let's make a new commitment let's make a new commitment to take back our mandate and our responsibilities let's repent all of us those of us that god gave ministries that are affecting young people campus ministries youth ministries we need to rise up with a new commitment an understanding of what is at stake if this country goes down and fails that you only blame government you don't know that you are part of government you blame those who stay in office for four years seek an election for another four years you forget that you're on his lifetime office [Music] ask god to help you to anoint you to give you new understanding wisdom on how to go about this you might be the mass teacher don't just do math go after this become a become a missionary to all the children in that school be that one that they can come and talk to be that there used to be partnership between parents and teachers because parents are the extension teachers at the extension of the parenting role now it's normal it's just business it's just collect money and go we need more people to pioneer christian schools alternative systems where children can be raised properly we need those that will come up with policies and make registration that will help secure the life of our young ones last time i was here was a policeman a team of policemen that came here to complain that courtesy has entered another level and is now teenagers and they're not just it's in secondary schools it's in campuses but it used to be i used to be aware that it was in universities now secondary school is nine communities communities they've come into town and they're killing people teenagers 14 12 13 to do one initiation they will bring girls sleep with all the guests sometimes one boy go through 10 girls teenagers and they are girls version a girl will go through 10 boys in one night 12 boys in one night as part of her initiation this kind of kids is what we are raising now jesus and then jointly let all of us pray that god will send laborers everywhere this has to become a national movement everywhere in the east in the west in the north in the south in government people that will catch this body and they will do whatever it takes like this big brother that needs to be bound thank you jesus in jesus mighty name but my preference eternal father we bring repentance to you today in ways in which we have failed to optimize the opportunities in our educational institutions where we serve for your kingdom and glory we bring repentance to over god in areas lord where we have failed to optimize the opportunities in our homes and our families in raising godly seed which you desire we bring repentance to over god in areas who go where we have failed to initiate intervention projects projects that will provide avenues for our young ones to encounter you to experience you we bring repentance have mercy upon us heavenly father have mercy over god upon our negligence have mercy over god and forgive us our sins our fault jehovah god forgive us mighty father i pray jehovah god that you will open the eyes of this your sermons here to see the opportunities that exist in the schools that they have or in the schools where they serve and to optimize those opportunities for your kingdom i ask heavenly father that we give them harvest eyes eyes that sees the harvest and the zeal of the lord to consume each and every one of them lord to liberal with you in realizing your poor pulses for our younger ones dear god i pray for the anointing power of your holy spirit to rest upon each and every life here this morning give a god i ask that you will energize each and every one of us lord to go forth in your might and power rescue the afflicted young ones who are already caught up in webs of webs of wickedness and evil to be able to break these yokes by the anointing of the holy spirit give us compassion for this generation overwhelm our hearts with love for this generation give us compassion anoint your people here are fresh this morning to go forth in your mind and make a difference for your glory apple's heavenly father to redeem the time to labor with urgency because the days are evil but i pray for parents heavenly father airports as parents help us to raise the godly saint help our heavenly father to close the gaps with our children to be righteous godly mothers not to engage them with your word to be encouraging with to them to affirm them to support them to help them to realize your divine purpose for their lives help us as parents help us thank you father there are people here this morning who need to initiate new schools new vocational training centers who need to start football clubs for young people who need to start privacy institutions and and such avenues that can create space for young people and use it as a means of engaging them but i ask that your hand will come upon every sort of life here this morning and they will go forth to do your bidding to bring glory to your name jesus christ's name i pray amen amen amen god bless you the family of mr bond and i only have one minute two minutes if you don't get here on time that is gone family of mr bond because you have labored so much in the area of children ministry i learned there was a wedding yesterday i know that you have a minute to get here let's pray for you your whole family the newlyweds and the whole family you want to sing something while they come you've done so much [Music] one minute is gone the second minute i'm down from the pupils [Music] me [Music] you see [Music] foreign obviously your family is not here so you can go and sit down they will take care of it towards the end don't worry not me but some other people [Music] [Music] just one minute [Music] hallelujah let's take our offerings father we thank you today we give you praise in jesus precious name amen you please if you have your tithe quickly come to the altar you can pay also to the account online if you have your title please quickly come just come father we thank you we receive all the tithes we receive all the givings today we bless your name and we thank you father in jesus precious name amen you can drop your tight at the altar [Music] ah [Music] is [Music] you've healed my heart with so much peace [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you for loving me [Music] see the way you love me see the way you care for [Music] [Music] you is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] depending [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] intentional intentional intention of god it doesn't matter what comes together [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] extraordinary [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] incredible [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] incredible [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen amen go ahead [Music] [Applause] [Music] mountain mountains [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] with me [Music] can i get to the boat back in the center [Music] amen [Music] [Music] good morning everyone somebody in the way that is compliant with the season whether it's chalk knuckle or whatever except maybe your wife or something you can you know or high five whatever tell them you are welcome to service you may be seated i need to say special thanks i my heart overflows i didn't meet most of the message i just made the ending part because you know we've been walking i flew in and got into this conflict conference so and i came from a conference and [Music] i'm looking forward to going home to get some sleep so i i can't thank you enough reverend mike at the villain for this crusade please join me to give him a big god bless you the crusade to recover and secure the next generation the enemy is causing riots in the life of our children and teenagers and youths and this month we are entering into the month of october in dominion city all over is our amount of development that's the month we focus on nation building on national uh you know so uh october 11 to 13 in lagos we are holding an education summit and we're bringing in professors from us from india those who yes those who understand how to inject christian values and principles into education and these are people that have at the forefront at the global front like professor mangawadi and of course we're going to be working with the dg of the institute of national transformation here in nigeria professor vincent and borgo and all others so if you are if you're an academic professional your professor you're a teacher your administrator you are the ones but pastors because what we are launching now is the third educational revolution in africa to take back all the schools all not just the ones the churches build and manage we have to now through volunteer services social responsibility taking sessions to go into the public schools and help it's crazy what is going on so um you are a professional and you want to invest in the field of education you want to build schools you are needed there you're going to see all kinds of things i think we have about 16 major models to cover because the training and you will see how to build affordable schools yet operate at international standards and one of the things you also gain is partnership you get all kinds of resources that will be provided and then partnership to help you be planted local while going global so i want to really thank dr ekaite has she traveled that brought that project of helping to reform the educational system in nigeria god bless her she sit around okay you know and and of course my very dear friend bishop hussain thank you sir for being here and the one and only he doesn't have replacement there are two purpose in the house you know and this is from the revival of the 70s descendants direct descendants of priority i honor you tremendously sir reverend padetokun thank you sir thank you sir [Applause] i've told brother mike to be watching out for your 70th because we're all going to be in a burden and we can't hide that one no matter what i honor elders i don't play with elders you know i want to thank all the pastors that travel from everywhere where is our pfn youth chairman national chairman come sir come come come i won't disturb your wife because i can see that she's carrying a baby but i want to thank you god has brought you into this 30 million young people are under your care 30 million 30 million nationwide and this is just one block of cannes i don't know ladies and gentlemen if you are aware you heard some of the statistics we got yesterday on the 7th at 30 30 downwards nigerian youth is 70 percent of the population 70 percent of 200 million is 140 million young people this is your field this is your mission field but 30 million directly under you how can we lose presidential election again in this country do you know what it takes to produce a president 24 25 maximum 26 million our people cousins up there the cows vote good votes children vote everybody when you come down check the reports enugu check how many check the report for anambra check the report how many people voted before we talk about winning and then you go round go down to south south when jonathan loves the election i check his state how many people voted that here why some states up according to two percent million 1.8 million you will see some you will cry the irresponsibility of the church under 25 is sixty percent of the population you know what sixty percent of two hundred million one hundred and twenty million now yesterday that doctor mississippi showed us that downwards is about 40 percent i didn't even know that that's about 80 million teenagers that's what you're addressing today everybody stretch your hand this is the man sitting on top of he's my spiritual son i will ask for madam can you come and join him please can somebody hold the baby for you is she still around where is she madam this is not a joke this thing must we we're talking about changing nigeria come on man god bless you come and live beside him and hold his hand please i want all of us please can we stand if this man succeed just him and his whole team do you know i went to speak in a conference where people came from every state in nigeria i i spoke to nigerian youth for every adamawa yola every state even local government they have network structure covering all of them this as you see him here what if the right things right there i promise them to be giving them 2 million every january but what is that what is that how far will he go every january to help them on that take the mercy project behind well what is that i would love a situation where all of these networks have boxes given to them have whatever that's how there is another one is you know it comes to submit to me that one in charge of nothing youth christian fool if you see the number if you see the number because while you are focusing on one block this one is is turn is a widespread yes yes he's one we have to find all of them and help them if god is giving you a project among young people that is wise find me i'm your friend i'll be your number one help because one man cannot do this work please stretch your hands him and all his leaders they need unity among them to succeed they need to be able to function as one man ask god to give this woman tremendous wisdom to help him the woman is giving us a help to the man so they will have problems for home and that will disorganize every other thing hold your hands hold your hands please reverend paddy please come please give him a mic you are the oldest here others have traveled early this morning barista so you have made the journey i learned this about 40 something is up to 40 years now yes sir so this is a young marriage these are young people please come and pray for them and the mission the whole pfa youth nationwide father we stand before you and these our children are kneeling before you we are all standing together lord this work that you have committed to their hand it is more than them they cannot do it by themselves therefore we call upon your name let heavens open upon them in the name of jesus let grace overflow deport upon them let the spirit of the living god take total control feeling them not because your body here is standing on their behalf let this body oh lord be courage effectively for the salvation of young people in this land in the name of jesus father it is not only what they shall do this generation but the seed they are sowing for the next generation we are saying further because of their ministry by the talking of those who have committed onto their hand lord these young people shall be redeemed in our land further their redemptions are started can the nation be born in a day but you are here that has brought us to the point of back you will not shut the womb you have caused to bring forth her you will not resist battling lord they shall break forth father let them bring forth further the power finding the power that they will bring forth shall be given today in the name of jesus therefore let a free obstacle fall before them let the devil fall before them further because of their ministry the devil shall suffer great loss in the name of jesus in the name of jesus they shall walk over serpentine scorpions and over the power of the devil nothing shall be any means of them further their testimony lord shall be obvious to all their testimony shall be obvious to all they shall no more be themselves they shall no love themselves receive new heart in the name of jesus receive the new heart in the name of jesus your home shall be peaceful you shall not be distracted you shall not be distracted in the name of jesus when he comes against you one way he shall fall seven ways in the name of jesus the authority for people to hear you and follow you receive in the name of jesus receive in the name of jesus receive in the name of jesus receive in the name of jesus blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord in jesus name amen amen thank you sir thank you sir and god bless you guys god bless you guys brother mike and i have been on crusade we are working with the khan you know i think the last project was supposed to do with adam was adam ayola yeah and we are going to cover every part of the country that's the project god bless you god bless you and where we we started the project of national youth project and i we noticed that even in the project many of the ones we didn't know the muslims are usually more than the christians the muslims will be about 55 percent there is no field studio that we have not tried it will be filled the muslims are usually more than the christians in all the nations those major national youth we recently pulled it out of the knot and we have rotated it round the five state of south east it's an umbra state that is left and we're not going to do it this year because this election next year we'll come and tackle our number after that he's going back to abuja going back to abuja [Applause] election is coming up in anambra in november and it's just about maybe a month or five weeks away and the national chairman of one of the parties contending adc chief dr ralph and the governorship candidate dr akachiku one for the um some of the delegates plus our own personal law they are here i want to welcome all of you and in a short while we're going to be praying for you guys something about the name of jesus and then we can look at one or two things [Music] something about the name jesus [Music] is power in the name jesus [Music] it is the sweetest name i know how i love the name jesus oh our lovely name jesus it is the sweetest day [Music] it is [Music] [Music] do you love the name jesus [Music] people think i'm crazy but [Music] they will never understand the power i feel when i call on that name when i call on that name it is like fire shall you be my bones every time we mention that name of jesus mountains will melt seamus will flee [Music] it is [Music] it is miracles happen when i call your [Music] the name of the lord is [Music] [Music] talking about [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] something about name jesus it is [Music] disabled exceedingly abundantly above all do you believe it this morning all you could escape or think i called into the power [Music] [Music] god is able to do it [Applause] [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you don't give a [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] hey oh [Music] [Music] the name of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause he won't [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] god [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow that's what church is that's what it's meant to be you may be seated i'm going to talk gently because i have poured out my heart this weekend with all the other ministers it's like i don't want to run on reserve you know glory be to the name of jesus something we started the other night let's finish it the understanding of what the church is is mission and his purpose is on the earth i had seven gentlemen that helped me can you reappear if you are still here should i have you on top or down now because of the global audience come on top because they need to see you where you just stand this way god bless you guys welcome back you look different i'm not sure i saw you that day amen matthew chapter 16 verse 18 and 19. that's our major text and i said on today down at peter upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it verse 8 19 and i will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven that whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you lose on earth shall be loosed in heaven and adverse 20. okay i think i can stop here ephesians chapter 1 we read from verse 21 to support this okay let's pick it up for 19 what is the exceeding greatness of his power towards us who are believers according to the working of his mighty power verse 20 which he wrought in christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places the scripture actually proves that the power god demonstrated in exalting christ raising him from the dead and placing him as head over all things was more than the one he demonstrated when he created the universe he shocks you to hear that and then when he made him raised him at his right hand he conferred all authority all dominion all powers on him then verse 21 he raised them far above everyone said the word far above principalities powers might dominion and every name that is to be named not only in this world but also in the world to come and then verse 22 and had put all things under his feet i wanted to see the level of authority that christ carries all things visible and invisible human and demons principalities and powers angels and whatever it may be all things created are put under his feet and right after that god gave him to be head over all things to the church the real head of the church is not the room it's not the pool pope is under this head we're talking about most powerful person in the whole universe he controls principalities and powers whether you're in the old court or you are in the dark world is your boss if you move over to the side of the light he is the boss if you move over to the angelic he is the boss if you talk to satan that's one power he knows that he bows it is not just and then he made him to be head over all things to the church you notice the word he used to describe us here the church and they look at the next verse this church is his body the second word he used to describe us there are seven pictures of the church in the bible seven and so a church is more than one thing you might have one myopic idea of the church and to start with to know who we are we have to know who he is if we have a wrong picture of who he is we lose the understanding of who we are to understand our mission we have to understand his mission when he came here what did he come to do for example he said the son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost because the mission of the church is the mission of jesus our mandate is to continue the life and the ministry of jesus on the earth so that though he has gone back to heaven he is not absent in the universe and the church which is his body is the fullness of him that feels all things people might not be able to see god physically but you should be able to come to church and feel his presence his power and see his government in oppression so when he asks the disciples who do men say that i am he was talking about himself jesus and peter said you are the christ the son of the living god that's the scripture i read earlier matthew chapter 16. jesus now said thou art petrus peter it means rock on this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail you see it starts with a revelation of who jesus is you are as weak as that revelation is in your life and the church is as weak as that revelation is in our midst when we lose sight of who he is we lose the knowledge of who we are because all that we are is what he has made us in him you remove him we lose our essence just a little more kind of understanding of who we're talking about jesus colossians chapter 1 from verse 15 just have an understanding it's not just an ordinary prophet it's not like muhammad it's not like buddha he's not like any of that he's not he's beyond just an ordinary man we're talking about god that came in a human form to redeem man because of his love for us somebody said you mean that god actually came here a great one of the greatest evangelists that ever leave billy graham said he got a picture on how to illustrate what actually happened you see he said he saw ant moving in line he was observing and there was fire on the other end normally they cry in line to go get food and crawl back and they communicate with each other in a language that we humans don't understand but they have their own communication language because the only one ant comes in and finds sugar he picks a little one goes before you know it there is a line well now there is fire a trap set here to kill all of them and the unformed line and they were coming thinking only about the food not knowing that all the ones in the front had died they put some form of gum some form of insecticide and put a lot of food so the ones that have found out can't go and tell the other ones like they used to do they are trapped and they are out there dying so he said in a situation like that how do you go there and tell them to stop let's assume you are god you love the ants you want to help them take it you as a human being how do you do that you stamp your feet in the middle they will climb your foot and pass others will go around and continue of course some of them will bite you so he said this is the situation god found himself with us on this end people are committed and going to hell saying sin is what is killing millions have gone the others are still you know look at how many people have gone to hell for armed robbery is this is not stopping teenagers and new recruits from joining look at how many people have gone there for courtesy it's not stopping new recruits look at how many people have gone being ruined by prostitution it's not stopping new recruits look at how many people have been ruined by courtesy and all kinds of whatever is not stopping new recruits he said how do you stop them the more you send prophets after prophets they pass and keep going they killed some of the prophets god looked at this situation and he decided to step into history and become one of us and the only way to get here is through a woman through beds if you descend from heaven like a god he has done it before he came on mount sinai the children of israel all around and left moses there he tried to talk to them he gave them ten commandments his voice because god's voice is not like your voice so the bible says his voice is like the sound of many water it's like the sound of thunder you don't have an idea do you know when thunder is blowing up and down with lightning you want to hang around and hear what he said [Laughter] you have to play with transformer first and be comfortable before you try thunder so everybody around three million people he said moses please go and hear what he said come and tell us moses himself wrote in the exodus the evil him wants to lead the people that he it was because the whole mountain was on fire everywhere was shake just because god almighty descended and he didn't come to frighten people but that's his nature he's not mortal like you at night he's not flesh and blood the bible said god dwells in inapproachable light life that no one can approach so he created things like sunlight to give us a full test of what he looks like 93 million miles away but enough to know you can't even look at it and you want to look at god moses once said i want to see you he said no one can see me and leave he will be dead he will report in heaven yes that's why the bible says flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god nothing these are mortal form just to go to mars here you die if you go like this they have to give you a new suit that can survive that environment because the area is not this kind of air you breathe so they have to provide you oxygen tanks and other if you want to go inside water they have to give you another type of this your body will die that will give you oxygen while you are inside water you have to be able to function like fish so when finally it's time to take us to heaven they're going to give us a new body the type angels have that can pass through carbon dioxide planet galaxies past fire and we're no more born complete spirit beings they're going to cloat us with immortality that's what when we talk about the second coming okay that's what it's all about sometimes the reason we don't have the fear of god is that we don't know who we are worshiping he's not your uncle or like your principal or like your president the bible said our god is a consuming fire so a little preview so we know who we are talking about colossians chapter 1 verse 15 jesus is the one he's talking about here he said he is the image of the invisible god so what billy graham explained is that to get the ants to now get the message because when they find sugar or fine food they communicate and they get the message they understand themselves so he said you have to now become an aunt if you have the power to transform yourself into an end you have to become one and then what you do is you go to the beginning where the danger is and such the ones that perish have already perished you step in and start communicating with every other person and redirect them away so that's why god stepped into history through the immaculate conception to come and bring the message prophets have been speaking for all ages but he brought it in a language that we can understand and then to show us how deadly he gave his life and died for our sins took our punishment carried our responsibility pay the penalty for our sin and given us an option of salvation if you now perish now it's no more god's fault god has done what he needs to do our job now is to get men to understand that message that saves and that message that also transforms but you see the danger of a human being turn into an ant you subject yourself to be mashed somebody has come much of it by agreeing to lay down his divinity and come in from of a man he subjected himself to human sufferings even all the way to death to the shameful death on the cross god has come lived among men and guess what happened human beings killed him but to let us know who he was he rose from the dead after the third day he conquered the greatest enemy of man which is death that's why when he gives us the promise of resurrection i can't believe him i will believe him because he rose and no other person has done that why he was alive he would speak to dead people they would come back to life while he was our life he walked on water while he was alive he would take five loaves bless it and feed multitude no other person can do that except you have the creative while he was alive he will make cripples to walk he will give back eyes to those that are blind that is the one i have chosen to serve you know some years ago our people bought me in the days of easy e-class mercedes a brand new e-class i was living in lagos and you know i really like the car but one day approaching tottenham bridge i had a little problem with the car you know the problem was not the kite just i didn't know how to the new technologies they introduced which was baby compared to what is coming out now but then so guess what happened i saw some boys and they said ah oh god i will help you just pay us this stupid me i brought those roadside boys to come and help me by the time they finish they started dismantling good parts this is a new cow brand new car dismantling parts and going to bring parts to fix and you know it was one of our leaders that finally got there he said pastor what are you doing what do you think you are doing this boys he got whatever they told the vehicle took it back to the factory i had to buy three new parts that are brand new that was removed they collected my power putting their distance vanished of course they the car couldn't move again and there was no problem it's just the wrong button i pressed that was put there to demobilize when you have challenges they put in their soul if by chance you are rob you press it and come back and leave them and then they will drive off your wall it will demobilize the car so i just pressed it i was trying to find and press it and that was it so you see what happens when you turn your life to roadside mechanics the people that finally fix the vehicle were the manufacturers we took it back to message this company their workshop if you have problem with your life there is only one company that makes human beings and is the only person that makes this product that can fix it so when we talk about giving your life to jesus you need to know is bring your broken car back to the manufacturer [Applause] even if a part is damaged they have spare parts is somebody hearing what i'm saying who is the image of the invisible because god is invisible but now this man he has come in the visible form by taking a human form he's the firstborn of every creature before he knew that he was created in this universe that's the first you know verse 16 for by him where all things created these manufacturer things in heaven including angels including lucifer so don't compare jesus and the devil there are no mates one met the other which is after me no run to the manufacturer run to the ultimate authority is somebody hearing what i'm saying okay whether they be drones dominions so even powers that rule that governing the universe both in the visible realm and in the physical realm powers all these things were created by him and what for him verse 7. he is before all things and by him what all things consist don't say this is politics don't bring religion into it no it has to be right inside it is politics is simply political ethics if you remove headaches it's confusion you have to bring god's values and principles inside it god must be in everything ah this is business don't don't break no no that's the problem we do church on sunday and remove our christian values from monday to friday that's the problem that's what is the problem you cannot be a christian only on sunday and i'm rob on tuesday no i went to speak in meme markets amazingly you know i've done such projects once in a while meme markets in anambra state they had this event and in their white house they put all the speakers and i you know i came it wasn't my first time because i've done that in a rare market and they shut down market and i did that in lagos in trade fair i've done it where they sell cars these are the ones that invited me i didn't come by myself and i don't know how i address the subject of fake drugs and when i finish there's a man is wealthy dressed in white who asked for an audience to see me and where he came his heart was pointing at him i wasn't pointing at anybody i didn't know i said i was pointing at him and looking at you when i was talking about that fake drug he said he thought who could have reported him to this man this man doesn't know me what he said he would have thought that maybe he's his wife but there is no connection so that's how he knew that he must be god so he decided to come and see me he said did anybody talk to you about me i said i don't know you sir okay he said okay this is what i do but this is we have to survive life is i said do you know because that day i was talking i said do you know how many people you've killed because they package chalk packet all that because to do money you throw away but this is what shocked me in in all of that that guy goes to the pentecostal church and he's a dicky yes that's the one that shook me so he now tells me because i left that place for three days my mind could not rest and i was beginning to ask myself what is it that we are producing now what is the output when people come to church impute what processes do we take them through that produces this kind of output it's before autism by him all things considered verse 18. now here is what what this whole thing is all about i want to get there he is the head of the body the church okay so let's do this illustration so i can get out of here the first picture of the church and we don't have time to look at it fully that bible reveals is the body of christ why jesus is the head so let's look at this man this is jesus stops here this is the church what functions do you have find in the head which is the five functions you find in leadership is five you can see a leader must have vision you see eyes are not found in the leg or in the botox is found in the head a leader must have vision you see hearing a leader also must be somebody that listens to the people he leads but he's also somebody that listens to higher powers i'm talking about god because direction even though he is one on the steering he also have to have something that guide him because if he goes astray he leaves the people astray he needs a moral compass let's leave that now a leader must have the ability to communicate vision is not enough if you don't communicate vision powerful enough so the people see it catch it and then own it because let me tell you what is behind the dominion city phenomenon i'm not that i'm not such a i'm not a big preacher i'm not even a good public communicator i'm not so gifted but there is something take god's vision cast it so well powerful enough and clear enough that people catch it and it becomes their vision when they own it the rest is history you the leader will sit down the people who ransack the whole country carrying out that work once a vision is given to an individual but is fulfilled by 18 never by the leader any vision that remains personal vision dies with you it must become corporate vision a list of parliament here the best hiding behind behind behind oh oh lord help me okay let me try there are two biblical leaders that tried to cast vision one was moses the vision is that he came to bring the people out of bondage and take them to the land of promise a land flowing with make and honey and he became the founding father he was not the father of the nation of israel abraham was but he became the one that brought them out of colonization or gave them independence from the nation of egypt that colonized them that oppressed them to be able to get those slaves under oppression out you have to put something in them that would energize them to get them to fight oppression they have become subdued moses after encountering god came with a vision but there was a way he is he communicated that god the people energized now there was another leader that rose up in israel his name was joseph joseph saw seven years of famine an economic recession that was going to devastate the nation and he saw that god was going to make him a prime minister and by his office as a prime minister he would be able to save the nation of egypt you see the same egypt again it was the superpower of that time save the nation of egypt but be able to protect his own people you see there are some problems you can't solve till you get power and when i say power i don't just mean political power power has seven indices if you have education you have power that's intellectual power if you have money you have power that's economic power stop waiting for buhari or wait until you become a governor start doing something with the power that you already have and start solving problems and the days are coming now with the kind of revolution that is underway you can't get political office till you show us what you have done in the past i was just a commissioner what did you do with that they think it's only when you become president everyone's talking about he's the one sitting on the local government is it one sitting on these states is it one sitting on the ministries you need to see the level of atrocities that are going on everywhere because those of you who are into the entertainment industry you have power you have star power you can use it to influence change if you are in the media especially this social media you know the kind of power do you know that the pen is mightier than the salt do you know that the media is more powerful than government even though government can control it by registration but now god has created or has given man wisdom to create a new media that is not subject to local control they can stop china stop ait you can't stop social media but see what we are doing with it posting naked pictures chatting and creating telling confusion do you know what you can do with that so look see the issue here because jesus is the head he came with a mission and he has communicated that mission that is what the church should be doing he said go and make disciples of all nations not just disciple church members disciples call society our mandate is not just to the church our mandate is to transform whole society nations are our assignments but watch what happened joseph in trying to communicate the vision called his brothers even his father is i saw a vision i saw myself you know sitting exalted and all of you were bowing to me kissing my feet do you know what happened those boys planned to kill him that communication created enmity for his own family his own brothers even the one for the same mother finally one of them called judah talk to them he's our brother let's not kill him but let's sell him they sold the boy into slavery he got bought by the ishmaelites who sold him to the egyptians and he landed in egypt where he became he was bought by potiphar this is somebody that god gave a vision to become a leader a national leader ends up in slavery sold by the people he saw the vision for the mistake was i as a huge as a young man he communicated the vision in a way that what the people had is only what is in need for joseph they didn't see what is in need for them he still kept it as a personal vision the people need help but now the leader is only talking about how to get his own breakthrough his own future how he will make it at this kind of time in nigeria we need men that will understand how to shift the tide but when moses went to these slaves he said nothing about him he didn't even say i'll be your number one president he kept everything that is personal in it a way because after fighting for the independence he was going to be their leader and next person that took over from he was joshua so he didn't even talk about that what he said is that the vision god gave me is to free you from bondage from all this suffering he cast a picture of the state of the people and said there is now a new picture a vision is a picture of a preferred future better than where the people are and when it is well cast it energizes even the weakest among us to get up to fight off the chains of oppression and follow that leader that can lead us into that future it's a picture of a preferred future so what he cast the picture he created before them is a promised land a land flowing with milk and honey remember that when they got there there was work to do to take that land because nation building is working it's not a joke but he kept away the fact that there will be giants they are going to fight he kept it at the initial part to get and show them a land of make and honey your own country you won't be slaves anymore that's why god has sent me to you the whole three million people got up and followed him you can imagine the route to that place was very turbulent that they had to cross the races they followed them to cross the sea because god was with him and with them he did a series of impossible miracles to get them to their destination the other leader almost got killed yet he both had god-given vision years after after having gone to prison in egypt and has matured because even though you go through turbulent times the vision of god for your life has not changed god's purpose does not change you the one that is the visionary might need to go through preparation to be ready usually the man that sees the vision and the one that fulfills it are not the same person the one that sees the vision is the siege the wonderful physician is now a tree a process has happened joseph had matured when he made those reckless statements he was 17 now he's 30 suffering a number of things and now he has worked for potiphar has worked here and now he has matured god gave him a second opportunity to meet his brothers and cast the vision one more time i wish i can show it to you in the bible in genesis do you know what he told them this time this is reconciliation by the time they met him they were afraid he's not a prime minister they thought he was going to come with vendetta vengeance like some people do maybe you win an election some part of the state didn't vote or part of the nation you punish them for eight years that's childishness it's like a pasta some part of your congrega maybe we're raising funds for building projects some people won't give you declare warn them are you crazy what god says in heaven is who will i send who go for us it is the us not who will go for himself who will i send who will go for us i hear a cry in heaven saying that over nigeria i hear that cry over an umbra state who will go for us he won't just represent pentecostals or anglican you will represent all of the churches you won't just go there and start playing religious politics dividing the state we have done that for years we need a man that is matured enough to be a father for that whole state he won't go and be playing one part local government against the other and even when he finally comes to power he will bring the other political powers it doesn't stop him from rewarding the people that left board first but he opens up governance in such a way that everybody feels a sense of belonging he that will have love for his enemy will destroy that enemy god said love your enemy there you see reason you know god has an enemy his name is satan but he keeps him within communication and when angels come in heaven the bible said satan comes among how dare you allow such a person come because that's how god gets information about strategies from the dark side he let him talk so after he releases him they now develop a strategy on how to counter that now he's also omniscient he has intelligence that he can get but he keeps satan within rich and when a former enemy finally becomes an ally they are the most loyal type i'm asking god to grow my leadership skills to understand how to lead across board not just within sections that's why you see me i work with khan i work with the catholic church you've seen catholic priests speaking in our prophecy i work with anglican church i work with all the churches i work with cooking i work with i am not that that little man because when we were on campus when christian fellas you see fellowship fighting against each other divided and then finally and they lose relationships because university like i went to university of nigeria over 25 000 students opportunity to build networks that will help you in the future but they'll be fighting fellowship so these are christian bodies god then taught me to rise above that do you know some of the biggest allies i have i work with him ministry look at me i was a different friend look at berman he was christian you know but these groups who are fighting in camp look at pastor glory cathly charismatic these are my toughest friends i have them and it's the same thing that is going on this boundary between even christians and muslims i crossed it long ago that's why when we call you see the muslim youth come in their last thousands because the language of love is an universal language and yes yes yes and then through that we start disarming some of the vices and respect the strength of islam islam has some strength and some areas where but devices like issues of killings and all that without creating the bridge we can't talk to them you see them listening to a person they are very happy because how you do it is to create a vision that not only has something for you or your organization that has something for them something big enough for everybody then a vision is a uniting factor comes up stand there how many eyes you have two i know that close one everyone watch the power vision look at me how many of pastor david do you see put mikey in his mind how many persons david do you see with one eye close one eye close it very well how many passes david do you see one side okay open the one that is close and close the other one how many passes david once okay open and look with the two how many do you still see one answer how can you be looking with two eyes and still see one person that is the power of vision he unites division is division that's two visions and that's what creates division if you catch a common vision and everybody sees it you can galvanize people together but the vision must be big enough that the people can see what is the need for them not just what is in need for you the leader or what is the need for your small group it is our time to chop how can you break a cake big enough that everybody can get at least once more and then we can all leave what we are doing and help you to accomplish it you see how to mobilize so when joseph had matured he never met his brothers again they came there to buy food finally it's time for him to reveal himself to them and they were frightened because now he has power they thought he was going to be on just no the man had learned forgiveness [Laughter] so he said to them don't be afraid it is god that sent me ahead of you to preserve your lives he said there are several years of economic recession and it was preceded by seven years of plenty he showed me that and gave me the wisdom to create an economic system that would preserve this nation and create enough resources food through agriculture to feed the nations of the world that's what took egypt to become a global superpower because at that time every other nation was coming to them for import for export because of this one young boy the wisdom god gave him and so now his brothers have come he said no no no it was god that used all that to send me here to preserve your lives judah turner said why didn't you tell us this before if you have told me that time even if it means carrying you on my head to egypt i'll carry you what you told us is that we're all going to be coming and be crawling at your feet by wind that's not what we want to hear so this is what it was everybody is now begging and so sorry for what they did to him he said don't bother even you are rejection you are enmity all the things you plan god turned it for my good you see the type of leadership because that book called the bible is written by the one that being the universe and the one that made human beings he has the wisdom two elements apart from showing people their own benefits in the vision there's one more thing don't just tell people what to do tell them why i was in a line to catch some money you know what you call this the machine you go put 18 yes 18 18. and it was a long line you know a woman came and just passed everybody in the line went to the front and waited for the person and we were still wondering is she a star for what then went to the person waiting to the person that was pulling out some phone finish you know she now went in to put her card you know what happened trust nigerians lagos some pushed her if you see the abuse and all of that then she sat crying then she started talking her daughter just fainted and passed that is in a coma and has to be taken to hospital and no money in the house they carried the girl she was still in the taxi but she had to make the person whatever they said it took her to hospital and the hospital said there had to be a deposit that is the last money that i have she came to withdraw that is because it was an emergency that's why she behaved like that she was not trying to insult people that came before her the same people crossing everybody's attitude so we were crying some said hey they said they gave her money she got several times the amount of money she needed she didn't go to that hotel to pull the card anymore she got somebody even volunteered to drive her i stood there and i was shocked and i noticed that something was happening to me i had thrown money given her money before i realized what is going on here and the lord said to me do you see how leadership works if you explain why you can get people moving don't just tell people what tell them why hello are you guys still here you know i said i'm going to talk gentle today i didn't even know i have come down from the puppets i'm trying to preserve my voice you know there is the other side if this is the only one i describe i can go the relationship between the head and the body the other side is this the head can get all the vision and you know one of the functions of leadership is decision making the brain the head can make all the decisions the head can see all the visions for it to be carried out and fulfilled the head needs the body and if you're a pastor the body is the organization you lead could be a church if you're a president the body is the nation if you're a governor the body is the state and so that the body is your party the body could be your team what it means a leader can have a vision but it takes a team to fulfill it ladies and gentlemen the body of christ is the church the implementing arm of his vision of his policies you and i he is now exalted at the right hand of god no matter how we pray about problems of the world problems of society god will not come down to do it god will not do it he find men and women he can use this is where christians have made a lot of mistake answer we've prayed for you and all that but election come christians will not get their voters cut they won't register they won't vote they are busy praying hi is god going to come down to do that is he supposed to league election or maybe when you finish praying about finance you won't go and walk you're expecting god to come down for him and reign if he reigns money it's counterfeiting faith must be matched with work for any faith that lacks work that faith is important that faith is dead if we accomplish nothing belief and convictions must be backed by actions it's where the church has failed god will do it god will do it god will not do it look at our country he will prove that to you well maybe one of the greatest praying countries and we're not done playing prayer we need to do that there's communication between the head and the body but once my head makes a decision i want to drink water just watch now my head makes a decision i need to drink water the body needs hydration it is not the head that goes to get the water look at who is going it is leg that is carrying me here it is hand that takes the water opens it and feeds it to the head so it can go to the body do you see once my head decides now i need to go shopping shop right he has done the job of leadership but is now the body the organ created to execute the decision of the head that will have to now go into employment the church role is to be the implementing arm of heaven's policies did you see all the discussions today in the first segment of the service on what is happening with our youths and teenagers and all that god had to his broken courtesan all the things that are going wrong now god now wants schools christian schools outreaches to the young people outreaches to go and build back the standard of education the standard of morality vocational training for our youth is god going to come down to do it wait for a thousand years it won't happen until gospel realized that god's will must become our command i have issues even my men of cloth like me clergymen many don't understand this that's why nigeria is sinking the destiny of this country is in the hand of the church over 100 million christians how can we not produce precedent what is wrong over 100 million christians god will do it god will build our roots god will repair our schools we there's nothing we don't pray for here now we pray for rain we pray for water we pray for gutter god will come and clean the gutter we pray for the rubbish in our streets god will come and clean the streets if we don't do it it will never be done go make disciples of all nations the irresponsibility the disobedience of the church it costing heaven more so much and costing us and costing the whole society a lot that's why i'm on a crusade on church reformation because we have to get pastors right for more because the university alone can't do this no matter how i try and that's why i also believe that if god gives us funds that fund is not only for dominion city we have to find other people that understand what it takes across board and help them the ones that have the money leave them the ones that don't it's called co-mission great commission ko is corporate mission the corporate responsibility of all believers the joint responsibility of god's people what am i saying to you all that the purpose of god depends on the people of god if it doesn't get them to cooperate with him his purpose remains undone and that's why many times a lot of things are going wrong and people are wondering is this the god in heaven and god said i'm there but the head is helpless without his body and just like a man cannot have a child without his wife that's how jesus today can carry out his will on the earth without the church and no leader can succeed without the cooperation of his team you can even have a good president get us the best if every other person is corrupt you know they say leadership just one leader is all we need no it's not just one leader we need good leaders across the board just at least it doesn't mean you have to get everybody right but if you get a core group who are committed to doing what is right then they can begin to set the example and punish those that are deviant and then more people who are lying reward those that are performing award those that are good and punish the ones that are corrupt then everybody will shift to the side of good this coming first october and i'm talking to pastors all over the world of course especially for our nation please let everybody hold national day and pray for our country but remember when we finish is 50 of the work the other percent is let everybody challenge everybody in all the congregation to take responsibility all the different pastors that are here the same thing i'm saying to you ladies and gentlemen you see i can go further okay let me let me see if i can try something if i can try something almost everywhere oh lord time is gone almost everywhere gentlemen the rest of you can go we'll take care of that another time i just want to say something about this guy because another picture of the church is the church he will say he's the head of the body which is the church and when i read matthew 16 he said i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it so right now take the center stage let our god go thank you sir you've done a great job standing here i'm sure you feel what we feel standing over here preaching and we that are standing are strong and you that is sitting down is getting tired just some thoughts in this direction that word that jesus borrowed because it was not the originator of that word called church i want to give you the exact word that he said the bible was written in greek language of course in greek and hebrew and now they have translated it into english calling it church but what is the word is e k k ecclesia everyone said that word ecclesia from where we get ecclesiastical ecclesiastical gentleman what is the meaning of the word it has two meaning first it means a called out people everyone said i was called out okay god selected called out a people from the land of egypt made them his people you see the picture the autism picture the jewish people and gave them a mandate to be lied to the nations of the world because he told abraham indeed and your descendants shall all the nations of the head be blessed even though he called them bless them his purpose is not to be restricted to the jewish people they are to be his agent his instrument to be take the blessing to all the nations of the earth jewish people have done a tremendous job when you look at their exploits in technology in the field of agriculture in different fields what they have given to this world is beyond what we can discuss here starting with salvation the salvation came from the jews so sometimes you're angry with white people you say christianity is white man the religion no it's not one man's religion he came from israel to europe just like he came to us so don't make it a special possession of the whites called out people called out people there is another word used to describe that this called out it's called god's elect everyone's elect so that brings us to the world election because that's what it is new testament will call it the election of grace grace means it's not because we qualify it's not because we are righteous not because we are better than other people but is god's unmerited favor he called us and showed us message now here is the issue here a group of people selected or elected by god's grace with a mission to the rest of the people they are not to keep all the blessings to themselves they have a mission and a mandate to the rights of society alex to bulldog lord help me here um ladies and gentlemen are you forgetting all this said i'm god's elect let's even go deeper say i'm an election of grace you see there was no need for election he didn't ask for human opinion before he saved you he didn't ask for who would vote whether this guy would be part of the elect he didn't you know after election now we're going to have an assembly state house of assembly and national house of assembly seniors and certain people that by election from their constituencies have come here but they are not here for themselves they are here to represent their people that's how god has selected certain group of people and call them the ecclesia but their assignment is not to exist for themselves but to represent the rest of the people you don't divorce church from community you don't divorce church for society then here is where jesus borrowed that word because he was bringing the kingdom of god and he's a kingdom so he borrowed the word from the greeks if you have read anything about the greek empire and their government they have the central government led by the emperor it could be alexander the great or whoever that was in charge at that time you know but greek empire was structured in form of city-states macedonia was a city-state current was a city-state athens was a city-state and in every city state there is an organized group charged with governance and administration the welfare of the rest of the society that organized group that i elected are called the ecclesia ladies and gentlemen i want you to hear something now god did not save you for yourself he saved you to become a savior in court he saved you so you can go on the mission of rescuing the lost he saved you for the rest of the society ladies and gentlemen let me talk to men and women of the clubs you see you can be pastoring a church i don't know what your person you don't even understand how can a person build a building without architectural droppings how can you build something you don't understand that's why you see some pastors just creating convictions everywhere what is the eclipse the governing body in greek society that takes charge of governing the greek city-states they are in all the different city-states if you go to macedonia there's one go to athens there's one and in those days they are only made up of males no women no woman among them they sit there now to make legislations and take responsibility for the affairs of the state go make disciples of nations what is the church another aspect of the picture of the church our responsibility god's governing body on the earth you see now many believers think we shouldn't get involved in the affairs of the society we shouldn't get involved in governance we shouldn't get involved in the election and that myopic understanding is part of what is causing all this mess god's governing body on earth created to exercise influence for example they are up to seven different areas the political and the civil areas where the social area is one for example if we who are christians are breaking up our marriages and divorcing what do you expect of the rest of the society because we are the light of the world and the salt of the earth that's what jesus said put it up matthew chapter 5 verse 14 and 16. ye are the light of the world the light of society not light of the church the church itself is the light the a city set on a hill cannot be hit look at verse 15. please fast i need to go neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick that it gives light to the whole house you don't hide light you put it where everybody can help to see 16 let your life so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is heaven so you see part of our area of influence is good work social interventions to show activities all kinds of for the poor for the needy for the widows for all kinds of groups part of our area of shining is the preaching of the gospels part of our area of or whatever is safe weekly responsibilities not only that you get involved in voting many of you are called to go into governance don't sit down here don't sit down they do something that carry mandates you leave politics for all the bad people then you wonder why the whole society is turning around the bible said if the right choice is in authority the people will rejoice is people with conscience is people with moral compass is people that care about others that need to get power we have a responsibility in the area of setting high moral standards for the rest of the society and this what happened because he said the church is also the salt of the head when the church lowers the moral standard from 100 to 80 society would drop their own to 50. if we drop to 50 they will drop their own totality so you wonder why everywhere the moral power of the church has been weakened let me tell you what the church is part of our response it's first timothy chapter 3 verse 15 i think that said that you know how to behave yourself in the house of god please put it up first if i turn it long paul the apostle was writing to a pastor here his name is timothy pastor timothy bishop timothy he said if i if i delay that you know how you ought test to behave yourself in the house of god that's another of our name which is the church of the living god and what is our assignment the pillar and the ground of truth is the conscience of the society is the institution god puts in society to uphold truth justice and moral values let it fall every other place even when the court compromises they are not supposed to even when all the other issues this is the last institution that must be standing and you say pillar like that upholds moral values truth and all of this element like justice love compassion in the society if that lasting collapses then the whole society goes dark you know what happens when you take light that's what happens when the church gets corrupt to be able to cause the cat you know the the the culmination of evil in these last days saturn's strategy is to penetrate the church and corrupt it to weaken it from inside that's the crisis we are facing now we need a new generation of pastors that understand what is at stake and start a project of reformation to rebuild to restore the following standards the ecclesia is entrusted with authority hey it is pennies today did you people see when he mentioned he said to peter thou are pedros on this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it then he said i give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven this is where i'm going to round up but but but we're going to pick it up here the church is the institution that christ entrusted with the administration of his authority on the earth you see how powerful he is you see how exalted he is when he rose from the dead he said all power in heaven and on earth has been given unto me then he turns and entrusts that authority in the realm to the church the only institution that can rebook the forces of darkness and the world bank the only institution that can bring in the favor of heaven and intervention of the most powerful being in the universe into society the only institution charged with restraining the forces of darkness just exactly one light does the only institution child would uphold the moral standards and virtues in the society the only institution to make sure that society does not dictate to the point where human beings now it becomes a jungle human beings feast on each other you see why the politicians deal with all kinds of governmental structure they build infrastructure it's one thing you guys can do you can't legislate anything in the human heart you can make laws on paper because the equipment with which you function stops within the external highest you can do arrest them and put them in prison when they come out they become worse there's one institution that have equipment you know like doctors that can operate inside you take out a bit that has equipment that can go into the moral nature of man his conscience his spirit his soul and do surgery and can turn an armed robber to a responsible citizens can turn a prostitute to a responsible wife that can turn young people that are running riots everywhere to responsible young people that is this institution those in government should work hand-in-hand with the church create the enabling environment find responsible ministers find responsible christian organizations and give them the leeway they can reform your schools reform the youth reform all the things if a government fights the church what the government is doing is switching off light in the society [Applause] once this institution goes just like the family the whole society will pay for it because you see you can build infrastructure but what about the quality of human beings that live there you know i live in abuja beautiful maybe a first world city in a third world country you see some of those wonderful infrastructure in the central areas but as you are passing if you come down for your you want to go from here you match you say hey who did this they tell you it's a cow because cows enter everywhere so we may have first world infrastructure but we are still third world in our culture and values so do you know what it means society building of society has the hardware and the software the hardware all these things whether it bridges infrastructure the software is the kind of values in the human being that's why when our brothers in this part of the country are crying about biafra i ask what type of country will it be when we get it is it where we assassinate traditional rulers disrespect our elders kill our our traditional killer our pastors insult the elders insult our owners do i want to be part of that do you know that if you bring such values into this heaven that everybody wants to go heaven will become hell heaven is a society of love is where people it's a place of justice it's a place of equity we can make nigeria like that but to do it we have to transform human beings first is the quality of human beings in a society that decides whether that place is a jungle a hell or heaven you can cry and negotiate for foreign investors all you like i was invited to speak in a nigerian embassy in washington we did a project as faithful nation and all of that and i know we spent about two hours there also the ambassador to a party for us all the team that came and honored and i all the time we were there about two and i was wondering how many people have come here for visa except the few that have some contrast and business i know indians are coming and some others they've seen something that we are not seeing they get it they are moving the prophet back to their country this is a land of promise this is a land flowing we make our honey but to get it right we have to reform the human beings first including our politicians chief ralph i believe in you i want to say it on camera i've talked with you twice i've heard some things going on in your heart but to get this work done it's not just about winning an election maybe this will be the first party that will set up a trading system for all our political actors to get transformational ideology this particular group to be a taught force a second force and one day the first force in this country people are tired people are crying [Applause] things have gotten out of hands but if he is business as usual this is not a hundred meter dash this is a marathon because you must go all the way to the center but even if it's one local government you capture now capture it they look at me chairman he said governor i know that the powers that be the emperors disturb them from doing their work system of their location even if it's a number of senators who produce produce them first even if it's a state you can capture capture start somewhere but have a national vision and that vision will have to be sold right it has to be carefully developed to be able to address the cries of nigerians now i'm not just talking to you for a numbers that i'm talking because we are in the middle of the storm we too are looking for who to come behind we don't know i don't know as that now i'm telling you the people that promised us change changed the change so all of us have crisis of trust we have when politicians need the backing of the child they come to church like this you think they are being converted i hear what you are saying i'm not afraid of you guys so go ahead and check my records i talked i've spoken in nigeria national assembly what we said to them even an umbra state house go and check the whole house i'm not afraid of you guys we are the moral conscience of the society [Applause] we have forces behind us you just hear this is just one i'm 30 million we have all kinds of body issues who who who who can we trust who who [Applause] god bless you my brother you can go and see them please can all of you stand and i want to invite the adc political delegate to come led by chief rah please and uh governorship aspirant please come i want us to pray for you because the journey is long please can we all stand let's pray for them the bible commands that we pray for those that are in authority those that are going to be governing is one of our responsibilities as god's people please man of god come come come join me come come remember the place i know you're from the southwest but it's a national issue i see a clergyman who gets to know herself what comes comes up are you part of the party oh then you have to stand here not because i don't know you should stand here but because for you to have come here i'll tell you two things that will happen when you live here two major miracles you have 30 days to go maybe five weeks two major miracles are going to happen with that one you will know that there is god i know you know god to you at your own level there are other higher levels number one you're going to experience a major economic miracle a major thing will open within the next couple of weeks now i'll bring forms human beings two another major opening for political alliance that will be very strategic because you need to enter no matter what federal locale whatever you need to be and then keep plotting your graph forward [Music] major that will be mutually benefiting [Music] your labors will not be invented i don't talk like this to everybody i check with headquarters first [Applause] [Music] these three i can promise you today [Music] sir god is looking for a david a davidic leader he calls the man a man after his heart but the reason he said he's the one that would do all my will is one that came i will show you a scripture just one verse and this advice was given to a young king that came to power when he was young and the people that are giving this advice where elders these people were the elders that advised solomon you know solomon the wisest man that ever lived with all his wisdom he listens to counsel so he was tapping corporate wisdom and he looked like he was so bright he had a he was surrounded with a team of very wise counselors and he led israel to the peak of success but when he died his son rehab came to power [Music] and because solomon built a lot of building project the temple the city of jerusalem so many he taxed the people hard so the people approach his son ray hubbard a new power that has just come and said reduce some of this burden that your father placed on us i will serve you forever so he said give me three days i will give you feedback so he went to make take ask for cancer so he went to his fa the elders that used to advise his father and ask them for cancer see what they said to him first king chapter 12 verse seven please for six and seven and they spoke to him okay king rehoboam consulted with the old man that stood before solomon his father why he yet lived and said how do you advise that i answered these people look at the answer they gave him verse 7 they spoke to him saying if you will be a servant to these people this is that thing jesus started talking about newton he called seven leadership if you will be a servant to disciple this day and we serve them then he said answer them and speak good words to them a true side to this type of leadership [Music] the second part has to do with the way you communicate to the people listen to them and speak good words to them the other one is come up with programs that will help the people that will benefit the people then that program has to be communicated he said if you do it see what will happen then they will be your servants forever you can build a political movement that will last long after you are gone they will be loyal to you forever you are you've been in the corporate world so you know about customer service the key to customer loyalty is customer service and the key to social loyalty to government is also service you do it this day they will do it forever [Music] and sometimes i was advising a friend of mine who was a governor and i said he has not been tested test it i was asking him test it why don't you be the first person no corruption [Music] but create 10 000 millions and maybe billionaires in the state create deliberate policy i saw how you guys brought up trans corp and some of the things you know i saw all the other programs you did show p i saw some of the programs that you did deliberately create 10 000 million years you can't even go to b in united states i said when you finish don't take any money except what comes to you properly invite efcc by yourself invite the other organs by yourself to come and check when they think they give you a clean bill you go allow the next man to come to power then send for all those ten thousand billionaires and show them this and say but now i'm out of office i need to you think they won't give at least 1 million then jesus from what they taught us about the parable of the soul said not all the people you help will help back home but don't worry about that the field i would do i got one person so far to test it i'm not going to tell you who the person is serve the people and you will have their loyalty forever if we can build this movement and this party on this i don't care what happens with this particular election but i'm telling you the future will be in your hand this country a couple this country we have we have seen enough the future will be in your hand those who see the future are the ones that own it [Music] the youth will be in your hands they're not expecting you to solve all the problems solve enough to show us that you are serious [Music] and after all this election the movement must now take off fully and we must find a way in every local government in every word in every scenario to start demonstrating the ideology the transformational ideologies of adc parts we might have to raise our own phones and do it first as four tests and the people that do the rigging break carry barrel box are the youths you elderly ones don't come out so let's walk on them first each one young person you transform can lead an army of a thousand we are tired of this political order i'm not talking about just bulgaria he's been going on for too long because everybody is blaming one man he's everywhere who will i send who will go for us not who would go for himself but you see when you finally get the loyalty of the people you will see governors at another level because they will be doing things they will be doing all kinds of look at that state with how many billionaires have more concentration of billionaires than any other can these guys start contributing apart from our locations they will do it when they see somebody that is serious they will bring billions to make that place the first dubai in africa when they see somebody that is serious god did not bring you here by accident he knows who i am and what i represent and before he brought you here [Music] i don't need anything for you guys if you get serious i will put my money in it don't need a cobble from you guys [Applause] [Music] please stretch your hands who knows whether this is what we have been crying for when i met the chairman i talked with him [Music] this is this is different for what [Music] may god almighty who knows the heart of all men please pray for the coming election in our number i said please can you guys know that you guys need to pray for the communal election pray for this party prayed for the chairman praying for the the governorship candidate praying for answer the song i will tell you after this is not a joke former boss is coming and it's this time is real so position strengthen the relationship you had before add to it you're going to be in the center of the game this is no joke take this it's a prophetic word to you i don't know what you guys had don't go to me let's stretch your hands towards the man pray [Music] father do a surgical work in the heart of these men you are in search of davidic model of leadership servant leaders visionary leaders transformational leaders do a surgical walk in the heart of these men and women lord do a surgical work in their lives do a surgical work in their lives leading human beings is not easy even leading just this organization the party putting it together to to deal with the differences the characters the different divergence in human nature give them the unity and the force the one force that they need to move forward give them that corporate vision and guiding values to unite them because our places where many people are strong it's hard to make them work with one another walking unit do it here lord let it be a miracle that you have done here and turn this into a national movement lord turn this into a national movement you will use to accomplish mind-boggling things in this age and time and sub part of the prayers for this nation through this movements when this election finishes and even the one that is coming in about two years time they will be in power they will be part of the actors and they will have opportunities to demonstrate the ideology the transformational ideology that i bible you have never sent me on an assignment that failed thank you because you have answered that your name might be glorified in jesus mighty name god bless you guys god bless you guys god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you pastor lord god bless you god bless you personal over to you i'm true with this you want to sing something go ahead [Music] season's in yours [Music] is [Music] hallelujah i'm just thank god for what could have done father we give you praise will bless your name may your name and your name be exalted in jesus precious name just sit down just for a minute please your sit down will soon share the grace just sit down please please can the movement cease can the movement cease is good to share the grace before you move amen praise the lord before we share the grace today and uh close the service it's been an awesome weekend the priesthood summit 20 21 can we appreciate god for what he has done hallelujah and get ready god is said to do a new thing in our nation in the mighty name of jesus can that person shall the loudest amen we're going with a fresh vision for our communities for our cities for our nations in the name of jesus hallelujah and our cities and our communities are going to feel the impact of what this conference has done in our lives in jesus name so can we appreciate god one more time for an amazing time [Music] this whole three days he has been from glory to glory in the mighty name of jesus can that person shout aloud they say man once this conference is over we are starting the building of accommodations and other facilities for the priesthood center can somebody share the loudest amen so the plan we have is that when we call for conferences like this you don't have to go looking for hotels amen there will be accommodation within so that you don't have to go too far to stay for to come for this conference praise the lord and we're going to be hosting a whole lot of people we are trusting god by the time we are done we will have accommodation for at least ten thousand persons can i hear loud amen if you believe it can you shout the loudest amen so once the service this program is over the construction of the first phase of those hostels begins amen and just like god has helped us to acquire here and to acquire that prison center god will help us to do that in jesus name can somebody say amen so that's the last thing we're going to do before we go today praise the lord and pastor has already declared that everybody who is part of this project will surely have a memorial from god in jesus name those of us that were part of this facility you know what god have done in jesus name when god sees that you are interested in his work that center is a place where not only we are training the new generation of pastors but also the new generation of leaders if you listen to uncle michael when he was preaching he said that this nation needs places where future leaders will be trained did you hear that and we already have an institute you know but we need to start the construction of the hostels amen and of course you understand that building accommodation for ten thousand persons is not it's gonna cost a lot of money amen it's gonna cost billions and that's why god is bringing resources your way in jesus name can i hear loud amen so if you're in dominion this is our work if you are not part of dominosity we'll be glad to have you to support amen so uh we're going to begin with all our leaders that's the instructions we have all our leaders will be involved in this so if you're a leader in dominicity please can you rise up and come to the altar let's make this commitment please all the pastors all the pastor's wives all the leader in anywhere in dominicity just come you are leading any form just come you're a cell leader you are please just come to the altar please because our time is running wherever you are whenever god gives this opportunity is opportunity for you to be blessed this opportunity for you to be blessed this institute the priesthood institute will redefine leadership in nigeria can somebody say amen but god is going to raise leaders that will bring joy to the heart of god in jesus name he said the problems we have that we have many leaders we have many if your leader in any form just come just come if you're a walker in domino's to come whenever a call like this happens god is giving somebody opportunity to be a blessing and if you are not a leader but you are in dominion city maybe you have a heart to see this happen praise the lord i wish i could send you some of the pictures that i can put up for them but pastor which will be now if you have any of the pictures of our you know the facility and know that you can put it up maybe what you're planning to build there's some you already have it can help many years ago when we used to pray and ask god to bless us and god would tell us and said if he blesses you what will you do with the blessing praise the lord the reason why god blesses people is because god is interested in using you as a point of contact for sponsoring his gospel amen yesterday we saw how a young two young two young two young men one is 28 years old gave 2 billion did you hear did you research it it's on the internet somebody sent it to me i was shocked i was shocked praise the lord somebody the second person was 26 years old they gave one billion so that big brother nigeria this year we hold with all the prayers that people are praying so you see people and i was shocked to see that one of them his network in this period jumped to 50 million dollars because satan pays his voice you know the bible said that he that is faithful and religious what will happen much more will be given to him so god kept telling us you know god kept telling us that this key the key to getting our own needs met is to hook up to his own need the bible says seek ye first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to us and that has been our story for many years and that's why god cured poverty permanently in our life we used to be maybe when this kind of thing happened we sit at the back we'll be telling god you know we don't have and as long as you think you don't have to give to god you will never have the bible says bless is more blessed to give you don't write it i'll talk to us before we write is more blessed to give than to be a receiver the bible says that he that scattered does what increase it can i hear loud amen and that's how god has brought us here and our this project is strategic to god this project is strategic to god because god is looking for men he will use and this institute is going to train not only pastors missionaries but also political leaders economic leaders and all that so if you're a worker in dominion city you can join if you are not but you want to be part of this because there's going to be a blessing we'll be releasing on behalf of on behalf of pastor and uh amen please i don't know if pcj and pastor ben can join me please on the property man so that we can bless them it's pastor benson around okay please can we appreciate my bosses amen thank you sir amen please can you get microphones for them please amen so so see the instruction every before you write every leader all of all that are here and please just come if if you want to be part of this just come and there's a blessing that will happen to us and i hope you know that this festival we're in the feast of tabernacle are you aware yes and whatever we are doing now will affect our our lives and god spoke to me many years ago he said whenever this kind of call comes no matter your problem leave your problem come and be part of what god is doing and make a sacrifice to that and that's going to be the how god is going to do it amen so um so before i give us instruction maybe there are some things you know okay praise the lord [Music] okay [Music] okay all right so so all the leaders destruction he said every leader for this project i know there are other projects you are doing every leader every pastor everybody who has any form of leadership we are leading the cell for this project because we are the first part of this hostels will be commissioned by committing do you believe it you know once we say big man that's the reality do we believe it can we shout the loudest amen so get ready resources will start coming into your hand from now to that period can somebody say amen and some of you what you wrote you are going to change it in jesus name because god is shifting funds your way can i hear loud amen the heavens have been opened for us in the mighty name of jesus and our that has been our story from zero to surplus as long as you are faithful with giving you will put god [Music] praise the lord hallelujah so you know once we are faithful in our own side god will be faithful in his amen so for all the leaders destruction we said el paso sent me destruction he said every leader must trust god for at least a million and above can i hear louder men can i hear loud amen how do you do that when some of us began to give him millions we didn't have it they will be given in thousands because you see luke chapter 6 verse 38 says it is the measure you give that should be what giving back to you so if you want to push i said 28 year old boy gave 2 billion 28. what does they have just an app a big app that's a financial app but the thing is blowing now why because the devil also blesses his children can somebody have a vision here one day to give a billion okay i don't think there's anybody maybe on this side can somebody have the education if you have that vision god will give you the wisdom god will give you the grace god will give you the anointing in jesus name that's what is called the power to create wealth is one of the anointing upon pastor so please write it by faith but if you have never given god up to a hundred thousand done right start with that one you know we walk by faith we don't run we don't jump i know you have other vows but this one is very important so what you do is you take the account once you are done the what you have now start redeeming it by committing easter next year the first hostel will be commissioned can i hear loud amen and many more will be commissioned in jesus name do you know that from here we have we have up to five hectares empty land see somebody say thank you jesus you know some people think our our facility ends with this here no it doesn't end with here there are five hectares empty land fifty thousand square meter by the time we finish it will be a city we'll have five star hotel there can someone can somebody say amen and some of you brothers were adding too much with that would be gym for you dear can i hear louder man [Music] so right so if you have never given up to if you have ever done up to a hundred thousand trust god for a million some of us should be five million some should be ten million okay are there people watching online i will stay online if you are online please you can join us in this we are building a commendation to accommodate the people who are coming for these meetings if you have never given up to a hundred thousand that's where you should start from but if you have done any personal project of up to a hundred thousand that means you have a faith to do one million may god upgrade your faith can i hear louder men because some people might not have given god up to a hundred thousand but they have done a project maybe it's a house rent maybe it's a car so it's not that you don't have the faith the only thing is i have not had the faith for god you have been using the faith for who for yourself you see that's why i say sikhi first the kingdom of god and other things shall be so pastor said no that we know we have commitment in everywhere but here so that when that place is being trained and missionaries have been sent all over the world god will remember the people that did it the reason why that has not kicked off is because of those accommodation so please write it down whatever it is some of you should be 5 million please can i have a paper so some people they're sharing can i have one is it your own okay thank you haven't have you written okay some of us should be 10 million as god has blessed us so between now and end of the year that money will enter your hand in jesus name so make sure you are redeeming it make sure you are redeeming it to the account not this is the account for the project don't send it to your church they will use it for welfare and you will lose your miracle i guess what i'm saying so send it to this account this is the account for that project so please write your son name your name and your phone number especially your whatsapp number the one that has whatsapp or you know and then the amount please so that we can be communicating with you and sending you pictures if to let you know the progress nobody will harass you in jesus name praise the lord [Music] amen so please if you want to join us you're not a walker but you want to connect to this blessing before we pray please just get up from your chin come why do we come to the altar you remember pastor's message yesterday the altar is a place of what exchange but before we pray for us i want us to are going to pray they're going to ask something and use this for something negotiate something with god did you hear the pastor's preaching yesterday about hannah do you remember hannah do you remember preaching if you were here yesterday hannah was barren didn't have a child she came to shiloh like we have come to the house of god today and she negotiated with god she said god if you give me a child i'm gonna give the child to you as a priest and that was it the altar is a place of negotiation i have negotiated many things there was a time my wife couldn't have the another child after many years and i came to the altar because that's what the unbelievers do if that's what they go to their own altar there is a higher altar established upon higher higher the higher blood of jesus is a place of negotiation it's a place of exchange the altar is a place of judgment if you want god to give you vindication things people are fighting you the altar is the place the altar is the place of promotion the altar is the place of anointing the altar is the place of breakthrough the altar is so so as once you write let's just pray before our pastors pray for us just bow down your head and talk to the lord i don't know whatever it is maybe there are needs you have is the sacrifice god knows the sacrifice and if god is speaking to you please leave where you are and come but make it a sacrifice is this it must be a sacrifice something that you know you need faith to so if you have never you know at least a million for some of us some of us 5 million some 10 million some are both that some hundred thousand some fifty thousand i don't know what is your fate but between now and the end of this month this year that money will be your hand in jesus name and that's one of the things we're gonna do to comfort opportunities for you but make sure as the opportunities come that you redeem it in jesus name just talk to the lord wherever you are [Music] in jesus mighty name amen okay let me just read a scripture before i pray proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 message translation please and this is what will be happening to you this is what proverbs 11 24 please can you put it up message translation okay i'm just interested in the first part he said the world of the generals gets larger and larger and as you leave this altar your world will get larger another level of opportunities another level of financial networks another level of ideas in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and standing on this altar this morning and by the anointing and by the authority of our pastor our father and the angels of this commission may they invade your life in the name of jesus christ of nature whatever is a limitation on your life on your finances may it break today in the name of jesus christ you will expand on the right you will expand on the left in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth from now till the end of this year a whole new season of abundance opens up for you a whole new season of financial increase of financial multiplication in the name of jesus christ of nazareth may god give you supernatural speech what did not happen from generality now will happen from now to december in the name of jesus christ everywhere you turn money will find you everywhere you turn opportunities will find you everywhere you talk financial networks will find you in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ we speak to the land of elohim to answer to you we speak to the land of nigeria to answer to you we speak to africa to answer to you we speak to the world to answer to you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth may the angels of abundance go before you and begin to network funds from everywhere for you in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth [Music] those who have been operating in tens of thousands may you break into hundreds of thousands those operating in hundreds of thousands break into millions those operating in millions breaking through tens of millions hundreds of millions in the name of jesus christ those operating in tens of millions break into billions in the name of jesus christ the way you came to this altar will be the least that you will ever be from now on a whole new level in jesus mighty name amen [Music] amen okay lift up your hands let me just add voice to what has been pronounced here already may god release upon you the anointing for multiplication the anointing for expansion those who are doing businesses expansion is coming in the name of jesus christ and you will increase on every side your business will multiply your ideas will multiply your finances will multiply i pronounce promotion elevation in every area of your life let that grace come upon everyone here in the name of jesus christ amen [Music] oh they say amen so make sure that what you've written is you know prophetic obedience is what brings the breakthrough i guess what i'm saying so prophetic obedience so make sure what you there are some of you here for the first time you have to trust god for at least you see if the level you start believing god for is the level you enter that's that is it if i knew these things before some of us wouldn't have struggled the way we struggle it took me many years from 1998 to 2006 that is 18 years to believe god for at least one million i would have if i knew that's principle that is the meat the level you give that will determine i would have done that a long time and that year changed my life can somebody say amen and i'm going to also add to the prayers today that i'm asghar that from now you will begin to see opportunities ah in the name of jesus [Applause] opportunity should be created and somebody will connect you to it in the mighty name of jesus [Music] people will carry you by hand and lead you into riches in the name of jesus [Applause] favor will follow you you will be irresistible you have a project you presented favor will be upon that project favor will be upon your idea in the name of jesus today we release the angels of the dominion mandates let them go with you in jesus name let them knock on every door for you in the name of jesus let them open doors of opportunities for you in the mighty name of jesus [Applause] lastly i pray that god will start giving you ideas as you sleep an idea for wealth will come upon you an idea in the area of real estate receive it receive it receive it receive it an idea in the area of school and education receive it and idea in the area of technology receive it an idea in the area of manufacturing receive it an idea in the area of importation receive it receive it receive it in the name of jesus ideas in the area of agriculture in the mighty name of jesus thank you father we give you all the glory in jesus precious name and the church say being so make sure that what you did is going to be a sacrifice because there's a shift already happening amen this will change your life forever welcome to 2022 it's going to be your best year ahead in jesus name just drop it at the altar and then take the account number take the account number praise the lord take the account number make sure you take the account number make sure you take the account number this particular seed will define a whole lot of things for us in jesus name can somebody say amen hallelujah please make sure you take the copied account number you can snap it praise the lord [Music] i is [Music] and people online you can also [Music] also people online will bless you in jesus name we bless all of you online in the mighty name of jesus and may this is my anointing rest upon you in jesus name and may god open doors of blessings for you as you label in his kingdom and as you give towards his purpose may god multiply you in the mighty name of jesus and the church say hey amen let's appreciate go for our online audience god bless you wherever you are in the world the account will be shown to you there online just make sure you you go to it send it to that account amen i meant as as we are rounding up please let the family of mr mrs born and naked get ready then there is a child for if you have a child for dedication please everybody they can come we're going to sing a prayer song they can come as we close in jesus name has it been a wonderful service can we appreciate god one more time again now there's a christian education summit the lady yesterday dr kate announced a christian we have not shared the grace we'll be sharing the grace in 10-15 minutes so just relax and get the last blessing amen so there's a christian education summit that is coming up from november 11 to 13th in abuja so if you are
Channel: DC Airforce TV
Views: 2,118
Rating: 4.8125 out of 5
Id: ASgQOs4-WSs
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Length: 244min 38sec (14678 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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