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[Music] i need to say this i am aware that our being here at this time i'm also aware that my being here at this time is not by accident i know that it's a divine arrangement [Music] this is the second day or the third day of the jewish new year they just entered the new year on tuesday and today is thursday the second day the biggest challenge nigeria is facing now is the issue of our youths [Music] check those that are kidnapping those that are robbing those that are raping those even if there is a big man behind it the agencies those that are snatching ballot boxes those that are in armed robbery in courtesy even if there is a sponsor the agencies they are using are young people we need to declare a massive project on the youth so because poverty is one of the big issues these young people need to find direction and find a way to also apart from the spiritual side the moral side they also need to be equipped so but we put this thing as top priority we put it as number one priority this is one massive mission field that has been neglected and all of you know that the population that is classified as under 35 is about 70 percent under 35. about 70 percent of the population of our country this is already more than 150 million people under 35. and we're not just talking about young adults we're also talking about teenagers secondary schools and other that is how we are going to rescue this country god has said it we have headed for different prophecies give us the nigerian youth and we'll give you a new notion [Applause] give god the nigerian youth and god will give us a brand new country help each other partnerships solves all problems i'm going to say it again partnership solves all problems where you are deficient might be where i'm strong and where i'm deficient might be where you are strong if we don't partner i will remain weak we are weak and you remain weak when you are weak but once we come together we cancel all our deficits in timothy chapter 2 the issue is prayer for the nation you can you can sit down pray for the nation i want to read verse one to four and just make three comments and then and leave you i urge the first of all petitions prayers and intercessions plus giving of thanks be made for all men and for kings and for those that are in authority so three types of prayers are mentioned and then you add thanksgiving thanksgiving if you have read about the holy incense you will see that there are spices and then all those principal spices are now mixed with frankincense thanksgiving is the frankincense so the three types of prayer is petition supplication and intercession [Music] petition is called here prayers that's when you just ask god for something supplication is not just action you persist in prayer you persist and persist and persist and it might take months it might take years in supplication you will keep praying about that in until the word until so when it comes to prayer for the nation petition is not enough just the way you pray for healing you rebook the devil and the demon goes and the man is healed it's not enough you have to bring supplication where you persist in prayer as a matter of fact when isaiah i was writing about this prevailing prayer he said he that make mention of the lord giving no rest until the word is until he makes zion a praise in the earth and then the third is intercession which is when you are standing in a court arguing another man's kid pleading a case for another intercession cannot be done for yourself intercession is only for some other person society nations and so on okay so god said bring the different types of prayer together when you are praying for your nation then number two he gives us three prayer points here he said first of all prayer supplication and intercession should be made for all men all men so sometimes we call it praying for souls how do i know that is praying for the salvation of people because the reason for this prayer is given in verse 4 he said in in verse 3 this is good and pleases god our savior who wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of christ so do you see why we pray for all men verse 3 and 4 tells us why because god wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of christ so this prayer targets the salvation of everybody in your city in your campus in your territory in your nation okay so biblical prayer point the first one is praying for the salvation of the people in your region in your city your community in your campuses okay i know i'm mentioning this we're not going anywhere without getting our prayer lives right and these are top priority prayers the apostles said first of all first of all before any other thing before you pray for wife pray for your business pray for your career top priority if we start seeing doing this kind of praying we're going to see must see salvation of souls because we are about to see the largest number of souls coming to the kingdom of god it will be more than what we have accomplished for the last 2000 years so first prayer point given by god in scripture praying for the salvation of the people in our cities in our nations praying for souls okay and your ministry will not take off like you should until you start praying this you will impact as many people as you should until you start praying this second prayer point given is prayer for kings and you know that word king means political leaders in those days they used to have kings now we have presidents governors legislators and all of that for those in political authority now why do we need to pray for those in government why do we need to prayer by election why do we need to pray about the elected we pray before men are elected we pray for those that are elected why why why okay citizens are like ordinary guns they are powerful but political leaders are like bomb if a citizen does something a citizen can cause damages wrong decision by a citizen can impact a number of people maybe friends maybe family members if a man makes a decision his decision will affect his wife and children and maybe some other family members but when a president makes a decision his decision can impact a whole nation you see just like a gun can kill a few individuals it's like fishing with hook but men in authority have ability to impact both positive or negative the life of multitudes so if we want the salvation of millions and billions of people if we want good to prevail in society then we better target the centers of power if you win a president to christ is not the same thing as winning just one sinner to christ the man of david one time said to him you should stop going with us to battle because if anything happens to you you have quenched the light of israel then the man said to him you are what ten thousand of our heads he said if any of us die nothing has happened but if they capture you we have all lost one man what ten thousand men that's a man in authority so satan understands this so what he does he focuses his strategy and his efforts on those that are in authority while we are busy doing our church doing fellowship and we're not interested in election the devil is because he knows that with one wrong person strategically positioned he can do more harm than he can do working with ordinary individuals so when you pray for people in leadership in government you are doing strategic prayers you are being strategic you are targeting the centers of influence and the people that occupy it and with with that you can accomplish more what if you have more people who have spiritual authority and money to understand what if you have more who have political authority and wealth to understand what if you have those who have economic authority and power to understand praying for people in authority is not the same as praying for ordinary citizens one of them is capable of so much good but how will you be able to do it if you don't have some form of power economic it doesn't start with economic power but it starts but it translates to that how will you be able to do it you see why you should ask god for power why you should seek to get political power economic power there are several indices of power spiritual power any of them intellectual power why you want to get education so you can use it to do maximum good because a man without power can't influence like the one who has whether it's anointing or resources that you're going for you must understand the purpose of power why god gives it to men and then when he ends up in the hands of the wicked the hands of the unrighteous so much evil can be done so much evil can be sponsored so there is so much damages going on and it's a few powerful people that are behind it including this insecurity that we're seeing in our country and it seems that when it comes to evil the children of darkness are willing to put millions and billions into it and when it comes to good god's people are the ones that are because we have people with power but they have no yet educated on what to do with it there are no yet disciples and it's going to be sad because at the judgment seat of christ we are going to be judged for our steal worship not only how we handle our lives our time our resources but also how we handled judicial trust like power like political power like offices like positions that were occupied and those of you that are elected officials over this particular block of the body of christ must understand that he's still worshipped and that your judgment will be tougher than the ordinary members of pfn youth leaders are judged with higher standards than ordinary people when i leave this earth what i want i have things i have set as goal that i want to be known for i want to be known for not only somebody who lived for christ lived out in his life the teachings of christ i want to be known for somebody who did a lot of good for humanity and who did a lot to advance god's purpose and kingdom on the earth and with no boundaries with no boundaries with no boundaries no denomination and no no try but no boundaries whatsoever prayer for those in political authority and we're giving a reason why we should do it so i want to read that reason and our clues for kings and for all who are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life that's the first part then the second part is we lead this life in all godliness and reverence there are two major reasons given there the first reason given that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life let me emphasize that if we don't pray for those in authority the result will be national crisis insecurity which ends up resulting in underdevelopment if we want to protect our freedom if we want to protect peace and security and maintain it in our society god said prayer is the key to sustaining that to guarantee in that prayer is the kingdom strategy for maintaining peace and security in a society if the enemy takes over and things are going out of hand god first blames his people for their failure to pray and you know the bible said i sought for a man just one man you might wonder what's pastor david doing he's here to talk about relationship satan targets those in authority then he also sponsors people into that those offices if we don't pray the wrong people will get into power and if we don't pray the ones that are in power will be under the manipulation of satan and then he will use them to do so much cause so much problems beyond that when we don't pray for those in authority so that they do their job the enemy hijacks not only political power he hijacked the other processes that are supposed to help us in maintaining peace and law and order to make the environment habitable for human beings now we god's people may lead a quiet and peaceable life so listen ladies and gentlemen young people and the lord asked me last night when i went to sleep he showed me some things and i don't like talking about all these things the most important thing is i know what intelligence and he asked me to give you that intelligence today that's why i'm doing this he said if the young people the nigerian christian youths the nigerian youth will take up prayer for this nation their tide will be turned around but we're not just talking about taking up prayer also taking up responsibility you had a president talking about voting yes but the christian utmost started first because we are the salt and we are the light praying and also being involved in voting in the right people did you hear the population of the nigerian youth 70 people under 35 70 of the population that means if you unite the youth you can be deciding who rules nigeria for the next 100 to 1000 years under 25 is 60 percent can you see the so-called people misbehaving we can suck them so it's prayer and political action or prayer and social responsibility you know esther called for fasting they prayed young woman and then she took responsibility to go and do something if you combine that you will get the result that god intended in future some of you have to run for elections and the future we're talking about is now god needs godly people anointed people righteous people in government it means our daniels our josephs our david in governors our neighbors our estas everybody cannot be on the pulpit this one church pulpit the other pulpit media is a pulpit the educational platform is a pulpit governance is a pulpit sports is so why we are concentrating only on one puppet we are living out the other ones that have wide scale influence ngos and social platforms are puppets and god might be calling you to begin to do something about one of them for example if you are called to build a school don't just build the school and you say you have one very solid christian school and you are doing well you do your entire house and you are showing how your school is you know use that school to start organizing teachers and multi-charts convention for all the teachers in the state you use the school to host them you've sponsored everything just like a church whose convention and when they come you transform the teachers the kind of things you put inside them they go back to their different schools and the state all the schools in the state transform use that school to organize something for profits and all the whatever in all the states and you host all of them from all the schools give them food but what you teach them and what they will experience within that three days when they go back all the schools will be transformed they use that one school to organize sports events competition for all the schools and bring them from everywhere but they come from sports what they will experience for that three days you send them back so it doesn't matter which sector you stand on you can use it to begin to influence on a wide scale you can use a school as a platform to start organizing parents teachers association and annually you do a convention and all the parents will come you make it that they will have to come and when they come you can use that to heal marriages and heal families knowing that what happens in the home affect your pupils so you can transform using any platform let's reach all those youth and then all these problems will end insecurity if everybody has the kind of values you have will they be kidnapping will they be raping will they be stealing will they be killing people so those other ones are our assignments what we can do for those of you that already know is strengthening your own leadership program arm you with more more resources and assignments but the real man that is the other people i want all of you to see how people like us think we don't just think for one small group one whatever my church or my fellowship no you have a fellowship you're on campus now think about the whole campus there are two people you can read first of all you can use that fellowship to organize something for all the fellowship leaders presidents put free food put all that maybe they have free materials that they can be given if i hear of such things i will come behind such organization and then you might not be able to give them food at least resources that can help the quality of their fellowships so after those two days or three days the standard of the what the fellowship are doing not just my fellowship start do something for your own fellowship first then second thing is how do we now come together to reach all the students in the whole campus one organization can do it that's why this is our self-centered approach he will not deliver one organization cannot change nigeria partnership is what it will take [Applause] our religious freedom and values because he said not only that we live in peace but we may do it in all godliness let me let me read it again verse two that we may live a quiet and peaceable life there will be peace and security but then he said that we might be able to do it in an environment where we can practice all godliness and reverence and our christian values this our freedom to worship freedom to meet freedom to preach freedom to live out our own values as christians and nobody's harassing you is guaranteed and maintained by praying for the nation if we stop doing that and we don't understand the why that's why i'm showing you the why if you don't understand it the enemy when he enters one of the things he will target apart from his security why does he go after insecurity so that many lives will be lost then the second thing he goes for is your religious values and freedom you can see where he entered through nebuchadnezzar he put out that law nobody will worship anything but one image so that he can now come after the ones who are god's people apart from the general program of insecurity and the destruction of lives there is now a secondary program that targets god's people in every nation to make them object of slaughter persecution and hatred if we don't pray that's what satan does if we use the people in authority to instigate laws make laws come up with things that will make life very hard for believers and the scripture said the road that's the authority of the wicked should not rest on the lot the inheritance one translation said and that's niv the land allotted to the righteous lest the righteous put forth their hand to do evil i want to say it again god said evil people wicked people should not be the one controlling the land giving to the righteous because that will force the righteous to start doing evil you see what happened when things get out of hand you see some righteous people start compromising just to survive just to survive that's why somebody is going to come up in authority in the last days that is going to not make it impossible to buy or sell except you take the mark of the beast and anybody that takes that mark is damn forever you can't repent again so he uses political power to make it a law and look at what he targets buying and selling so basic needs of people like food like water like medicine basic things even if i say okay i won't travel abroad i don't have to it's several years of tribulation but what about eating about getting medical what about water to drink that's why we are beginning to teach members of the body of christ things like agriculture because things like clean water basic necessities of life you better make sure that if you are part of any organization that does things that you have some form of whatever for provision of such things basic basic not very costly not very we're not talking about cars and office equipment or lap or phone basic things because days are coming those things will be among the most and thank god that there is rapture for the church but why such teachings and strategies are also important is that not all of you has won all your families to christ all your friends to christ apart from that not everybody in churches are living ready and you know the consequences of that so we protect our national peace and security by praying for our nation we also protect our religious freedoms and values by praying for our nation so that the righteous can thrive and prosper in any society and those who have chosen to live for christ and live god you know lives that are driven by godly values are not put in disadvantaged position then they start throwing you into lions then like they did daniel they start putting you into burning flames you start going through torture i don't need to tell you that we live in a world that is run by dual kingdom that the spiritual world has two kingdoms in it and that it is prayer that will decide which of the two is influencing your own territory there is a dwarf kingdom principle like in the book of daniel you have a prince of a kingdom of peace in the physical but in the spiritual is a prince of pressure a demonic kingdom that is running that government so if those evil forces stay there on a down challenge you can imagine what will be going on because the people you see in authority politicians are like toys in their hands so in all those regions where there is this if we take on consulted effort in prayer we can just like daniel and his friend we can change government in the spiritual and then there will be changes in the nature because michael and his engines and other departments he's not the only archangel would take up the responsibility of flushing out those rebel forces and then the society will line up let's not wait till it is time of ballot box and we start praying all these are like people who are reading on the day of exam that's the day of exam that's the day you want to read that should be rehearsal maybe trying to revise not the day you are starting to read it's like getting ready when the trumpet sound you should have been ready but that day you're not getting ready lord forgive me i repent it's too late most of the time that's what we do we react but we can become strategic because we know why listen to me i said i went to sleep last night and the lord came who talks to me in the night vision and i woke up and i wrote all the things and we practiced his first in my house and i shared with them i can't even share it with you share with them what happened and to take the issue of boredom for praying for our nation and they and the church i'm praying for the youth for a major revival among these we we've taken it to another level but i'm i'm begging you i'm employing you that's why we're calling pentecostal because we believe in the holy spirit because where will your marriage and relationship be functioning if the whole place and for christians who live in the southern part of nigeria who think he's safe wake up from sleep i'm talking to all of you christians ministers who live who think he's safe wake up it's prayer that protects your environment pray for your governors pray for your leaders pray for those making the laws those making the laws and those enforcing the laws pray for the security agencies pray for the federal government pray for not in nigeria pray for a major move of god among us that's why i'm saying let us declare all the secondary schools and our teenagers a major project you can see what the enemy is doing with them let's declare all the campuses a major project let's declare nigerian youth a major project and god said i'm going to say to give me the young people and i'll give you a new nation [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: DC Airforce TV
Views: 258
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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