SUPER SLIME BLOCK FLYING! (Minecraft Trolling | EP2)

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what's up guys I'm here with us y11 oh wait what wow what did you do we're supposed to hold on this island hey what's going on guys and welcome back to minecraft trolling with moose over there look at him he's so oh oh look at him he's gonna get trolled so good this episode but hopefully you guys did enjoy the previous episode I'm gonna go and grab myself a command block we have a bunch of commands and stuff going on there we're trying to get everything set up but I hope you guys are having a fantastic day let me just go and grab a command block I know there's an easier command to get a command block but I forgot it let's put this thing all the way in the corner alright alright I'm back I accidentally crashed but I'm here back on here and we're gonna do some pretty cool trolls so let's go ahead and get our items by the way this is actually episode 2 of our minecraft trolling so I'm gonna quickly explain how this works so basically me and moose have anywhere from 10 to max 20 minutes to set up our trolls and then we switch islands and we troll each other we've already done one episode on this so if you guys would like to check it out there will be a link in the description so this is episode number 2 and actually I can actually talk to mousse so look I'll say something hey mush how's it I the guy's gone over there big boy I see you I do a pig alright yeah that's that's moose for you okay so what we're gonna do is in this troll we're gonna use where is it oh no there's rain where is it special slime block that's what we're gonna use for our troll today last time we did this the wood pitfall it was pretty freaking hilarious okay we're clear and rather alright so we're gonna move all this stuff and yeah so we're gonna do this special slime block so I'm gonna create something interesting for him I'm gonna need some worldedit here to help me and I'm just gonna worldedit a giant tunnel and I'll show you guys what this thing does so let's do hmm I'm just gonna worldedit these massive stone walls because we're basically gonna make like this massive tunnel that he's gonna fly up in and get stuck it's gonna be absolutely larious what is he doing over there he's making walls too yeah I'm gonna make these massive walls he's gonna have no idea what's in store for him so I'm thinking maybe I should make a maze like what if I made a maze and then I put these slime blocks in there cuz I'll show you what these things do so you place them down there just like normal slime blocks they look totally normal other than the fact they're making a bunch of weird sound okay they stop making the word sounds but when you jump on him they make you fly up super high like extremely high so I was thinking oh my gosh they won't stop they won't stop I hope doesn't see me flying up in the air this side so basically what I was thinking about doing is originally I thinking about making this tunnel and then like he gets stuck in a bunch of cobwebs but what if I told him and I made some type of maze and then like he gets a launched up or something I don't know I don't know I'm brainstorming here I'm brainstorming yo what the heck was that whoa what the heck was that you coming over to my Island bro yeah would you just do what was that what are you talking about bad but I'm viewing you I'm you all right yes what I thought I don't know what the heck you just did that didn't even spook me at all he thinks he's so good so I don't know what I'm really doing here uh-huh I'm trying to think of something here what if I did I don't even know what you do oh my gosh oh my gosh okay so I have an idea so here's what I'm gonna do so he's gonna walk in here I am going to make these massive walls and he's going to fly up in the air and he can only land in lava this is gonna be good so he's gonna walk in here we'll make a wall that goes out to about here and then we'll set that as stone and then we'll make an the wall and we'll set that as stone and hopefully what I'm hoping you'll do is hopefully he'll just jump on these slabs and just strong jeez oh I almost fell off my own island okay so hopefully he'll just let me remove this hopefully it'll just get up here jump on these slabs and then he's gonna have to fall into here and it's gonna be like all lava but we're gonna have to make these walls a lot taller there we go that seems about right all right so I'm gonna go whole world edit all these walls this is gonna be absolutely hysterical okay so slash life set stone hopefully doesn't like the server sorry if I'm lagging the server moose this is probably gonna take a while this is gonna be a tedious process going up and down and up and outta what missus doll he put a roof on his thing I guess he was doing moose how's it going over there buddy you doing you're doing good on your on your load roll big boy you doing good why don't you look over here look over here look look at my massive walls you like them maybe I might be a mighty Singh I'm building the wall that's bigger than yours that's what I'm that's why I'm building right now it's all your fault it's totally your fault geez moose all right so I'm almost done with this last wall just gonna go all the way up here all the way up here come on and he's like there's probably I feel like there's a faster way to do this you guys are probably like oh my gosh I'm speak of all it's so bad at world that I feel like there probably is a faster way to do this but you know that's the only way I know how to do it so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna replace all of this with lava fish beef on top of the frickin trolls I can't see anything you almost I got a question for you nevermind I'm just messing with them so I set cobweb so I slept cobwebs okay I have to find out the ID for cobweb oh geez I did it okay the ID was 30 and it has been changed okay mousse you're gonna have some fun with this is what you get for well you get for trolling the air oh my gosh stop it I can't remove those things I don't have the he's using a different type of troll so I don't even have like the commands then remove them alright so maybe a few lands over here how about we'll do this if he lands over here this will be the winning spots okay so we'll do like should do wool will do wool and we'll do red and white wool and this will be like target practice so we'll do like a little target for him so maybe if he lands here if he lands here will be a good day for him but if he doesn't it's gonna be a bad day and we'll put like a chest in the corner actually will do will do this just to be rude we will do this check this out guys so we're gonna do that and then we're gonna put this as water so he has to land in here I don't even know if this is possible I kind of want to try it and then in the chest we'll just do this so we'll grab a bunch of stone blocks actually will do dirt just to make it worse and we'll ride out lol perfect I like it I am curious though if you can actually land in that I'm kind of curious alright so let's drop down here let's not land on these slime blocks it's actually stick extend this thing out just a little bit just think of him you know give him some room to plan out what he's gonna do but let's try this okay so let's say I I run in I jump and is it possible to land in there oh that's gonna be a hard jump for sure and he's gonna have to sit through all these cobwebs good luck buddy sorry I accidentally on muted my mic I accidentally on me to my mic I'm sorry this is gonna be fun I think that's my troll but I think we should spice it up a little bit and like maybe put some signs like let him know what his objective is okay so let's do this alright so welcome to Unspeakables mini who's gonna be good trampoline park okay welcome to in speakable mini trampoline park your goal is to jump and have fun maybe your goal is to jump and have fun please no flips that's what I like to see okay so we'll extend this out a lot out a little bit more just so we'll be easy for him to read there we go alright so this is Unspeakables mini little trampoline park and it's raining it's raining alright so let's see let's see what we got here see I really don't think that's gonna be really hard for him to reach over there oh my gosh there's no way he's gonna have to sit through all of this I thought of something funny what if we actually carve out the word lol in the cobweb and if he lands on it then he wins look at that we're getting there alright lol is almost going to be complete we're putting lol in the cobwebs there we go okay so that's one two three four to be to four on this one one two three four yep there we go so he's got a massive lol oh okay so we're gonna do let's see let's see what this looks like when you jump so let's say jumps and he's like oh my gosh where the heck am i where they're gonna and then he looks down it's just as lol that's hysterical I like it alright so that's pretty much my troll let's check up on moose let's see what he's doing moose what are you doing what are you doing over there you doing okay are you done yet you're taking a while you're taking a really long time alright one second there you go you're done now you're weak you're weak you're weak I'm so ready so ready for this troll be good oh yeah yeah alright well that's pretty much my troll welcome to Unspeakables mini trampoline park well we're sitting here waiting for moose to finish up his troll let's check out some of the other stuff stone pitfall we already did this and this we don't need those anymore we'll keep this just in case we don't need this we don't need this creeper surprise I'll see what that is why don't die the cake is a lie we messed with that last episode the lagging block that one's pretty funny that one's pretty funny you know what we'll troll with him with the lagging block okay so we'll do this so we'll cover this up okay so this is the lagging block so this is what it does so you come up you try to break it and it weighs or not is it not working is it is it not working is it oh there we go now okay that that's how you know it's working okay so let's do this I got the shift-click there we go so if we try to break the dirt block it just responds lo you that it's just gonna respond okay so we're gonna put its sign here this says like okay so it's gonna say like to enter the trampoline park to into the trampoline park break the dirt there we go so he's gonna come up he's gonna be like okay that's easy but he's gonna be in survival mode so let's see what would be like so he's in survival mode he tries to break it and then he tries to break the other one but it just it just it it just it just keeps going look at that perfect that is hysterical so we'll leave that we'll keep these two annoying inks quit I will see what that is fake prime TV I know what that is flying heads let's just roll strange chicken dirt pitfall we know what that is okay so let's empty out all this other stuff The Annoying ink squid what is that okay that's annoying alright get off my Island get off there you go get out of here okay now what is the creeper surprise oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my oh my gosh okay I'm glad they don't actually blow up all right I'm gonna pull this troll on him while he's sitting here I'm gonna you're almost done boy you're almost done I'm I'm ready dude I am so ready for this I'm so ready I want you to go first I want you to go first all right guys so here's how it's gonna work we're about to start so basically what we're gonna do is I'm going to probably go invisible I'm gonna go up here and then we're gonna spawn in the creeper surprise while he's trying to figure out how to enter the trampoline park and then after I troll him with that I'll just remove the dirt and then he's gonna go into the real troll but all we gotta do is wait for moose to be ready and he's coming to my island first and then I'm gonna go to his and get trolled by his secret troll right I'm just messing with him I'm just messing with him all right he should be done any second now I don't know why there's a random dirt block sitting over there um maybe that's the troll I don't know that's a pretty weak control moose all right you ready okay so here's what you're gonna do moose so you're gonna teleport to me and you're gonna go through my troll first okay so go ahead and teleports me whenever you're ready whenever you're ready don't worry about it Oh fall by okay all right so here right here yep go into game-mode 0 back up a little bit and remove okay remove everything remove everything from your inventory what are you having your inventory you have nothing okay awesome okay so here's what you're gonna do so you can read the sides and just go through the troll it's all yours buddy just go for it here we go so for jump and have fun please no flips they're fake okay I'm just messing with you I'm just messing with you all right go ahead and break go ahead and break the dirt hey are you gonna break it moose I'm the surviving sir are we having like it's not lagging you didn't see anything are you lying ish yo ping ping me ping ping when are you getting that message you got it okay are you are you liking let me try to break it we have a problem I don't actually know how to break this block okay let's do this you'll go through the side hold on hold on hold on hold on no no come through here come through here come through here Santa Santa no oh my gosh nope you gotta get through miss have fun have fun buddy you gotta try it you got to try to land in the target you got to try to land in the target cheating oh did you get the dirt blocks the dirt blocks at lol - alright that's pretty much my troll pretty simple let me explain to you how it works so basically you walked in there was the slime blocks and then you were supposed to I thought you would land on the lol blocks and it would kill you but I guess not so yeah but that's pretty much it your goal was to like to land in the target you know pretty far oh yeah oh are you in creative mode are you in creative mode okay all right well let's go ahead and go to your troll big bug teleport me when ready I'm scared I'm scared I have no idea I have no idea what's going on just TP me when you're ready all right I mean game-mode 0 right now okay okay okay to the end Oh what what is this oh you use my pitfall trap aren't you no no what if hang on hang on hang on I'm making it to this lighter boy if I make it to this lighter do I win there's a lottery no I make it you lighter I'm making it to a lighter yeah boy no this is this is not fair it's not fair [Music] [Applause] what's the hack moose I can't see anything but herobrine I can't see any I can't see anything I can't see I can't see I can't what is this what is that TNT oh I like TNT I like TNT what what what do you mean I can't break anything am i falling out of the world most Halloween is over no been over for a while yeah it was pretty good I'm gonna give you some credit that's pretty good and really expect that I didn't expect such a noob of a prank the best pranker ever but guys wait there's more I call this the prank what is it what is this what is it what now don't do it don't do it don't do it don't you did it you did it you actually did all right guys well let us know in the comment section below who won this trolling video wasn't me or moose if you think I want to comment unspeakable if you think moose one comment moose also let us know in the comment section below what should we do for next episode alright I can't say thank you guys so much for watching hope you guys have a desmos a raise your dad could get a a movie yo there's a lot of teen teen moose I think you really goofed up you even blew up part of my trap look at that good job a one
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 4,883,191
Rating: 4.8666453 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft
Id: 31Ze3f10DBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2016
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