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heard you guys like secrets well do i have some secrets for you and you and you and you and you and you today boys we're gonna be building a very modern house and we're gonna be decorating it with some secret furniture items in minecraft are you guys ready are you ready are you ready now okay all right cool wait are you ready okay you ready okay you guys are ready all right let's go hey what's going on guys and welcome back to another video hope you guys are having a fantastic day what we're going to be doing in this video is a lot of building something i tend to not do on my channel but if you guys want to see more building and more stuff like this and building and stuff and building with building and stuff with building then just be sure to leave a big ol like on this video so what we're going to be doing is this space behind me we're going to be building a modern beachfront luxury house right behind me and then after we build that we're going to be filling it with some really cool furniture and really cool stuff that i'll show you guys how to make [Music] so we're going to start with the wooden floors and actually actually decide to make a pool sorry [Music] looking fancy look at this boy so we got the first wall the house there's going to be so the house is gonna be over here then it's gonna overhang the second story over here and there's also going to be a patio and then a patio under here and there's a pool right here yo this is turning out so sick two doors for the ladies that doesn't make sense [Music] as we build as we build the wall around my house it's gonna be fancy hey look a wild squid back to my day [Music] look at this torch you ain't never seen a torch like that update i'm still building nothing has happened actually yeah cool things have happened second story [Music] little update on the house it is looking so sick this is what i got so far have a couple more things to do but look at that bush [Music] [Applause] all right guys so the house is a hundred percent complete the beachfront luxury modern mansion well it's not really a mansion but it's a modern house on the beach absolutely beautiful so now we're going to be decorating it with a mod from mr crayfish now this is going to add in a bunch of different types of furniture and we're going to be decorating this house to the max and try to use as much furniture as we can first we need to pick out what type of furniture we want to use and we kind of need to get started so there's couches there's ovens there's hedges which actually we might replace the butch bushes with there's doorbells uh christmas trees fire alarms stereos toilets everything you could possibly a man jesus i cannot talk today someone give me a hairball everything that you can imagine from this like it's just crazy everything that you can imagine to the finest detail of things even lights candles outdoor tables oh it's about to be sick i say we first start on the outside oh there's even a diving board a grill a doormat okay so we got a cooler we got an outdoor bench a trampoline as well let's do some bar stools um okay so what are some other we need chairs for the outside is there like lawn chairs maybe i just see normal chairs i think we may be stuck with just the normal chairs so we're just gonna grab the stone chairs we'll see kind of how they look but outdoor tables this is so sick okay so we're gonna do an outdoor table right here kind of looking over let's also check out what this diving board is up wrong way let's see if we can get it to face oh perfect oh that is so sick and then we'll do a grill over here so this is like another outdoor patio so we'll do a grill right here uh we'll do a doormat two door oh wait you can put a message on the doormat okay let's do welcome and welcome yo that is so sick look at that okay so doormat's done diving board is done we'll keep the outdoor tables because we might use some more of those um we might use another one down here as well actually yeah let's put an outdoor table right here and then let's put the grill over here kind of facing the wall we'll also do a cooler next to it and then oh we forgot about the outdoor bench okay what is this oh that's so sick all right so we'll put a nice little bench right there and we'll also what if we can put him in ah that looks kind of weird we'll just leave those as they are there's also another table up here should we expand this table we'll make it a little bit bigger and then we'll use uh stone chairs i think that makes the most sense for outside you know because they're stone you don't really want to put like dining room chairs on the outside so i think stone makes the most sense we'll put stone chairs all around this table that looks nice that looks really nice actually okay so there's the outside of the house so far the stone chairs are done oh bar stools uh as well i think we're gonna make this little part a bar i think that would look really sick so let's grab slabs and then we'll do slabs just kind of going across and then we'll do some bar stools right here just so you can kind of like see out into the pool oh that looks so sick okay so could we put like food on plates as well i see there's like cooked kebabs here can i put one on like a plate here's a plate i found a plate okay so let's do plates right here oh we can put the kebab on it oh all right let's try to grab we're gonna grab cook sausage uh a chop the log nah okay we'll grab sausage for this one and then we'll do i guess we'll do uh another kebab on this one okay so that's kind of like the bar looking over into the pool kind of a small pool um but you know it will work i don't want to expand it too much because i don't want it to interfere with the walking space right here and like the walking space over here so i think the pool is a good size it's a small pool but it will definitely do the job all right so for right now i say the outside is perfecto i say it's good one more thing that we could do we could grab two of these stone chairs and just kind of set them like right here just kind of sitting outside could we also put raw food on the grill oh wait you can okay let me see okay so we got two okay two of them okay that's that's good for now and then the cooler does the cooler actually act as a chest okay i think it's just for oh wait no you can open it oh okay we'll leave the cooler open i wonder if you can put water in it we'll grab a bucket just in case we can't put water in it i'm just wondering if you can put water in the cooler oh no i don't think it's gonna work like that i don't i don't think it works like that okay okay all right i'm messing up i'm goofing up all right all the water's flowing into the pool though that's cool all right so now we need to do the inside so this is the first floor right here now to get to the second floor i haven't really figured that out yet i don't really know how we're gonna do that but i just want to decorate decorate the first floor uh first but on the first floor i think we're gonna do a kitchen and a living room and the second floor will be like the bedroom and the bathroom okay so first floor kitchen and living room so we're gonna need kitchen appliances so we got a fridge um we'll do just normal oak cabinets cabinets we got a couch lamps uh i don't know if we should do blinds oven we could also do a computer setup down here as well oh there's also a doorbell fire alarm okay let's put the doorbell on here i'm sorry oh that is so sick all right we'll grab a dishwasher kitchen oh wait these are kitchen cabinets okay let's get rid of these oak cabinets oh and kitchen counter pieces too oh look at this okay so we're gonna have like a massive kitchen counter so we're gonna make this thing just go around all right so now we need to figure out where we want to put everything so we'll do some cabinets right here actually no i think they might look better all up here we'll do the oven right here where's the oven oven right there we'll do the sink right here we'll do the dishwasher right here all right so oven's done uh lamp we'll save that kitchen counter oh fridge fridge what are we what are we doing we need a fridge everyone needs a fridge in their house come on all right so there is the fridge we'll do another uh another kitchen cabinet above that so we got a lot of cabinet space and then we need something to go right here i'm not really sure what we could put right here oh we could do small accessories okay so we got like a microwave toaster uh washing machine we'll save that for later we got a bin um cookie jar blender oh this is so sick okay so let's put up this counter space okay so we got a microwave actually we'll put the microwave up here does that make sense because normally microwaves are sometimes above kitchens i guess yeah we'll put them we'll put the microwave over here instead okay then we'll do a toaster and then over here we'll put a cookie jar we'll do a blender and then i feel like we need one more thing one more thing to fill up the kitchen oh the bin the trash can okay we'll put the trash can uh where should we put the trash can could we just set it right oh that's perfect that's perfect okay so there is our kitchen not too bad not too bad at all there we go okay so how does that look for a kitchen not too bad i know the lighting is kind of terrible right now but we do need to do a lot of stuff over here all right so now we're going into the living room so i'm going to go ahead and place a candle just for some light over here um but what do we want to do so i got some pieces right here i got mantelpiece i got candle fire pit couches i'm just not sure how i want to do the layout i think i want to put the tv like right here can we make ah you can only make it so large okay so the tv can't be too large um so we're gonna put a couch about right here three-way couch there's two blocks open on each side um so there's the tv so we do need a table for it as well i think we'll do a fire pit in the corner of the tv is this possible all right so how does that look does that look good i think that looks pretty good it's kind of out of place and it doesn't really go with the modern theme but i think once we get more stuff into here i think it will look really good alright so let's do like an oak table so we can have the tv kind of sitting on a table and then over here i want to do a nice little computer setup so there's not really any like modern looking tables they're all just kind of made out of wood so we're just going to make like a wooden pc desk set up um we could do it out of stone that might look remember it might look a little bit better i'm sorry for my stuttering so we'll do a computer printer um there's gonna be one other computer item come on there is not there's not any other computer items i see unfortunately uh we will do a chair as well so we'll do a chair right here there we go so this is kind of the living room not the fanciest of the fancy i wonder also if we can dye this couch red how does one dye the couch is this maybe we have to do it like in a in a crafting and a crafting table maybe i'm stuck right now i don't know why i'm stuck i'm still stuck why am i stuck i'm sitting i'm sitting on nothing are you i look at that villager behind me on the tv um okay so how do i get out of this excuse me um how does one can i just do slash kill can i oh my gosh i dropped everything okay i'm back all right i'm not stuck anymore oh my gosh that was like low-key terrifying i didn't know what to do there we'll stick with the white couch i think we'll survive i think we will be okay so this room it definitely needs more stuff though it does feel very very plain so guys you also gotta remember i am not the best when it comes to decorating but we do have fire alarms ceiling lights there's a stereo oh that's what it was missing okay so we can put a stereo right there so what are these ceiling lights ceiling light now in redstone mode okay so i think i actually need redstone to activate these let me see if i get a redstone block i get a redstone block and i place the ceiling light on the bottom no oh there we go okay i got it what the flip is that hello buddy um ceiling light on okay so that's a little glitch all right so we'll do ceiling lights just kind of like this we'll do one there and one there boom there we go all right so we got ceiling lights so this place is a little more bright than it was before um but i think the bottom story looks nice i think we need to move on to the bedroom it's definitely could be improved but guys you got to remember i am not the best when it comes to building i'm trying but i'm definitely trying to give you guys some advice on how to build your future mansion i think i did pretty good on like the house itself i think it looks fancy i think it looks good now we need bedroom and bathroom items okay so we need a toilet a sink wall cabinets a bath a shower shower head a bin there's so many things that go to this bathroom so this is gonna be like the bedroom right here and this space right here is going to be the bathroom but i really want to make it all open so i don't want to put like a room between them or i mean a wall between them i want them to be completely open so like you can just walk into the bathroom whenever you want now i know that might seem a little bit weird um but i don't know i think it's kind of cool i think it'd be cool if it was like all open and stuff let's put the shower right here then we'll put the shower head and then we'll put the bathtub and then we'll do the toilet right here and then we'll do the the uh the uh the sink we also need some wall cabinets as well so we'll do oh that that that that that that that that that that that doesn't work that'll work though and look look at this wall cabinet so i can put like stuff in here and i can just set it down in there that's so sick we'll do a trash can in the corner just to make it you know less or should we the trash we should put the trash can next to the toilet yeah that's that's usually where trash cans go we're also gonna have a fire alarm and a ceiling light okay so we'll do a ceiling light oh we'll do a ceiling light right there and then we'll also do a fire alarm i wonder if you can turn on i wonder how the fire alarm works it's like do i just police fire all right so if i set this thing right here will the fire alarm go off is the fire alarm actually functional or is it just i don't know i think it's just for show i feel like it's just for show but yeah then we can walk out right here uh onto the patio you can also do some crazy pool dives if i missed that one i just broke my legs crazy pool dive straight into the pool so that's pretty nice but i think the bathroom for now is pretty set i mean there's not a ton of details you can do with the bathroom but we do need to move on to the master bedroom which is right here so what do we want to do for this i think we should definitely use the bedside cabinets we'll do the darker ones i think they'll look a little bit better we should also do the lamps we're gonna do a green bed because you know unspeakable let's go represent merge link in the description whoa all right so let's do the bedside things and then we'll do two lamps on the sides of the bed and that's looking pretty fancy this looks nice i i dig this this looks really nice you can also turn on the shower as well turn it on and off now let's actually fill up the bath with water oh wait oh come on you cannot be serious right now there's got to be a way you can put water in the bath you need to have a water source under the block the bath head is on to fill it you can use a water bucket to fill it it literally says you can use a water bucket right there why can i not fill my bathtub you know what just just forget it forget it we don't need a bathtub we need a bathtub actually we need a bathtub we just need an empty bathtub all right cool our bedroom is flooded i feel like we need one more thing for this bedroom what about a grand chair okay we'll just put two chairs right there oh yeah oh yeah that's fancy we'll do like a coffee table out here as well oh this is looking nice maybe a nice fire pit just now that doesn't look right now that looks weird we should actually do a coffee table downstairs though that would probably be a good idea we just do a coffee table out right here we can also do plates and we can put food on them so let's do um like a cookie we'll do a melon and a chicken yeah two more oh come on you telling me my plates are gonna float on my coffee table that don't make no sense that don't make no sense you know what it is what it is and i ain't gonna throw a fit magic yeah um don't judge don't judge this is a magic house that we live in just magical all right so i think we need to do some more outside things such as we can do electric fences uh we can do a mailbox we can do kind of tap water a bird bath and we can also upgrade the hedges as well so if we don't want these weird-looking hedges we can make ones that are skinnier i think the skinnier ones will actually look a lot better let me see here oh that looks so much better than the other ones so they're kind of like cobblestone walls but they're hedges that's really nice okay so then we need a bird bath so there's not really a place we can put a bird bath i mean we could set one over here this could be like our garden kind of you do kind of tap water tap water right there there we go we need a water source unfortunately we'll do a mailbox right here um okay so this is looking fancy we'll spawn some parrots over here drinking out of the fountain here here you go here you guys go you know have fun with the fountain just drink out of it just here here you can drink out of this one too here you can you can drink out of that one too yeah there you go oh you're a pretty parrot i kind of like your color scheme that's nice gray and yellow so i'm just pretty much looking over all the blocks and just seeing things that we could possibly use like a chopping board that might be nice crates no a mirror okay that's actually not a bad idea why did we not think of putting a mirror right here oh what just happened what just happened oh no that's so creepy oh no no no no yo that's so weird okay all right we got a mirror i ain't touching another thing again though we also got a chopping board so i think we put the chopping board right here so if we want to cook and prep more meals over here we can put chopping board right here we'll also do more plates on the table as well because this is kind of where we eat oh this is looking so fancy right now now maybe one more thing we could do toast there's ink cartridges wow oh my gosh this printer is getting advanced there's cups there's soap soapy water there's recipe books what is a recipe book can we oh what all right toaster okay so it's telling you guys how to make things with the toaster oh that is just so sick so in the freezer you can freeze things so you can turn a poisonous potato into a normal potato you can turn water buckets in the ice lava into obsidian that is so sick you can actually blend things as well so look at this you can do an apple and melons and you can make fruit crush veggie juice you can make an energy drink cookies and cream milkshake oh eggnog as well oh this is so sick and the dishwasher actually repairs your items okay so if you have a damaged item you can put any of your items in the dishwasher and it'll actually fix your items not really you know what i thought a dishwasher would do you can also do clothing is oh no the washing machine can do clothing okay that's pretty cool that is one thing we forgot is the washing machine the washing machine and the dishwasher oh no wait it's just a washing machine okay i thought there's not a dryer okay i guess we just have one washing machine let's see if we can put the washing machine right here okay so that's gonna be our washing machine we already got the dishwasher yeah that's already the dishwasher so this water dishwasher is okay we're good on the dishwasher i think that's gonna do everything i don't want to put blinds on the window because this is kind of you know a modern house but let's do a walk through and see kind of what we got here alright guys so let's do an overview of my brand new house this thing is so sick so you walk in we got to pull the diving board the bench absolutely beautiful the welcome mats beautiful beautiful area over here to cook with your friends there's a bar there's a grill cooler all that stuff and then you walk in we have a welcome mats doorbell as well you can walk into the beautiful kitchen with all the appliances you can possibly need even a cookie jar we have everything that you could possibly need blenders just everything refrigerator as well of course and then over here is kind of the living room herobrine was apparently spotted in the woods oh my gosh that is not good steven alex dating oh no we also have a fireplace over here floating plates because uh this is the 21st century and we don't need to put our plates on the table anymore because why is that a thing we have a couch as well beautiful beautiful computer setup with a stereo printer computer chair desk all that fancy stuff lights on the ceiling as well now let's go up to the second story now how do you get into the second story creative mode we don't have any stairs we're in the 21st century and we can go into creative mode we have a nice little patio out here kind of overlaying the other patio so you can come out here eat with your friends really do whatever you want also walks into the master bedroom and bathroom so this is the bathroom right here creepy mirror don't look into it i don't advise toilet trash can uh you know sink you know shower bathroom fire alarm light bulb all that fancy stuff over here we have the master bedroom we have two chairs over here that you can just kind of sit a coffee table we have the bedroom itself such as beds uh the nightstands and the lamps and then there's another patio walking out with two chairs over here so you guys can see this is a very very open house it's modern it's on the property of the beach you got squids you got parrots and it's actually going to be listed for a pretty nice price i want to see what you guys would buy this house for if it was like maybe in real life so comment in the comment section below a number like how much you think this house is worth and how much you would want to buy it for so like 100 000 10 50 let me know in the comment section below guys what would you pay for this house but i think this thing is absolutely beautiful it turned out so so good and i want to thank mr crayfish for making this incredible mod into minecraft where we can do things like this and you know do things like this and and do things like this and do things like this but guys i want to thank you all so much for watching and before you guys go i just want to say that this is pretty much this was pretty much a mod showcase and if you guys want to see more really cool mod showcases like this on my channel and just leave a like on this video and let me know in the comment section below as well what mod you want to see me showcase next i'm kind of getting into mod showcases i think they're kind of cool i mean i haven't done them in so so long and if you guys want to see them just comment the comment section below a mod that you want to see me showcase i will be reading over all the comments after this video is posted so please go ahead comment section below comment what you want to see but again guys thank you all so much for watching hopefully you guys have enjoyed this video and i will be seeing you guys tomorrow in a brand new video so stay tuned stay awesome stay safe and i'll be catching you guys tomorrow in a brand new video guys have a second fantastic rest of your day and i'll catch you guys tomorrow [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: UnspeakableReacts
Views: 7,214,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: 5JLwsO6zJM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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