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no way it's a stronghold it is literally a stronghold oh my gosh no way oh my gosh i wonder if there's an actual stronghold in this building hold on before this video starts i need you guys to click that subscribe button and slap the bell to never miss another video i welcome all of you back to the world's biggest minecraft blocks we're currently on a giant grass block surrounded by a giant coal block another giant grass block and many more giant blocks in front of us to explore guys i want to welcome you all back to the giant block survival on episode 1 you guys absolutely crushed the like ratings so i'm asking for you guys on episode number two to leave a like leave a like leave a like to show your support and let me know that you guys want to see an episode number three now the more likes you guys push on these videos the sooner the video comes out let's say there's only a couple thousand likes on this video i'll wait till next week to post the next episode but let's say there's 10 000 or 20 000 likes on this video i'll post the next episode in just a couple days so like it up like it up all right i'm collecting all these trays i thought there was one more i also did put a cobblestone generator right here between the episodes and i did a ton of cobblestone farming i got quite a bit of cobblestone as you can see so i'm going to take this with us because we're actually going to be using this to make bridges across some of these blocks i don't know if we'll be going to that block that one's just nothing but lava there's probably something interesting in there but for now i think i think we'll pass i think we'll kind of stay away from it it looks like what there's a giant fence and a giant torch coming off of that block that's pretty crazy okay i'm assuming these blocks have ores in them but i am also curious what all these other blocks have in them there's just so many things to explore like what's in that giant chest over there and there's redstone and emeralds and what keeps going after that is there more like i'm just so curious okay do we have the okay we do not have our ender barrels on us in the pearls and the pearls does whatever then in the brothers i hope i don't die from this i really hope i land right on that that bush please i i missed it this one kind of looks like an optical illusion it kind of looks like this is on top of that but i can't i can't even tell oh geez yes wow we just traveled pretty far okay i see diamonds down there too oh geez okay all right let's see what's in here is there anything interesting oh is this a wait oh there's houses in here what that's so crazy i'm gonna take oh what there was a mine shaft under this a desert mine shaft okay that's pretty flippant cool literally a desert mineshaft or should i say deserted mineshaft i'll stop talking what is in this chest oh don't mind if i do with tnt minecarts okay don't know what i'm gonna use that for but hey whatever doesn't look like there's too much in here either just a crafting table we i will take those bookshelves though don't mind if i do i will take those bookshelves ah you can't stack books oh i flipping forgot about that that's always so triggering you literally like like who like who who invented that like come on all right i'm making a little staircase here just to kind of avoid like you know not um i i don't know like you know like using blocks to build up oh there's the lava one i really want to know what's in that like i really do okay uh should we try to make our way to the chest one i don't know that cactus looks flipping huge let's go to the cactus why not let's do it let's do it oh no do i have to keep inventory on oh my gosh i do maybe we should go to some of these close blocks like the giant pig looking thing oh my gosh i almost died from that i think we're gonna stick to the close blocks i think we're just gonna go to these i think go into all those other blocks seems pretty flipping dangerous purple stained glass now why would i need purple stained glass someone please tell me why i would need purple stained glass but whatever i'll take it but i do i do need some pigs though i really want to make this into like a farm i don't have the resources right now to turn this into a farm so we'll go down to gold for now oh please don't kill me for this oh oh oh no no bad boy bad boy okay we are now on gold oh my gosh there's actual gold there's actual just straight up gold blocks here okay i did not expect there to be okay i don't care i don't need the books anymore i don't need the knowledge this gold is my knowledge oh there's also coal here as well that's pretty nice of them to put some coal on the gold block you know watch there be diamonds in the gold block oh that would be so funny ah there's a chest down there oh flip jeez i can't wait to see what the diamond one looks like oh my gosh i think i might cry when i get to it whoa there's a giant bedrock one down there too okay what's in the chest oh yellow stained glass wait i think the stained glass is kind of like if you want to play capture the monument with all these things so we'll take the stained glass and we'll take this i think it's kind of like if you want to play like capture the monument that's actually one of the main objectives in this game is to collect all the different colors which is a pretty cool objective if you ask me okay let's i gotta see what's down here i gotta see what's down here on the bedrock oh my gosh okay so what is in here is it like a cave system or is it just a giant hollow oh don't tell me it's just a giant hollow block that would be so lame no it can't be just oh it's just i mean not a giant hollow block a giant oh wait no way it's a stronghold it is literally a stronghold hold on i gotta put some of this stuff back i'm sorry i don't really care for the rails okay all right i'll take this oh my gosh no way excuse me spider i i'm sorry i am too powerful for you oh my gosh i wonder if there's an actual stronghold in this building hold on nope that's the end of the map right there i don't think there's a stronghold in here unfortunately but that would be so flipping cool there might be though there might be this block is pretty big all right we are now at the corner of the block so about right here was that giant thing okay let's like dig down like over here or something there anything in here oh oh okay no we just dug down to the same area okay so this area pretty much covers up the whole entire block i would say yeah this area pretty much covers up the whole entire block so i don't think there is a stronghold because look we dug up right here this is the very corner of the block and then we also dug down all the way over here there's no way an actual portal or stronghold can fit in like this little area but that was pretty flippin cool okay where do we go now how do we get out of here we're just building straight over to the lapis block it wasn't that far almost there we'll dig into it and then dig up and out of it all right what is inside of you you mysterious lapis block i hope you have a chest with a color in it cause if you don't i might cry and i hope you're hollow and there's something good inside of you lapis block there seems to be nothing good so far i'm almost out of my pickaxe please do not make me please do not make me make another pickaxe okay we're definitely in the middle oh wait there's a chest right there what there's a chest right above us hold on wait is there something here oh wait are those diamonds no way those are diamonds there's diamonds it's like a cave system okay wait hold on give me one second here okay hold on i gotta make another flippin pickaxe i should have never got these books in the first place they're such a hassle oh my gosh there's a creeper literally right there get out of here creeper get out of here okay there we go there we go there we go i think we're good i think we're creeper safe oh my gosh boys look at this that might be the jackpot of the video there is tons of diamonds in the lapis oh my gosh this is great i love how i dug like right on top of all these diamonds too i really don't think i need this lapis already have a stack of lapis i think i'm good i already have a stack of lapis i could use a little bit of coal i will admit because i only have 90 pieces of coal and iron as well i don't mind if i do now i say let's dig up and out of this block i'm pretty sure this is the only part of the cave system because i've noticed that all these blocks they pretty much only have one thing in them they usually don't have like multiple rooms it's normally just kind of like one thing and then like you're done you're you're out okay so my house is all the way up there oh jeez okay um we're right next to the iron one might as well build over to the iron one see what's inside here all right what's in here i always want to be cautious when i go inside these blocks because you never know what to expect there we go is the is the ground below us oh it isn't okay that's the ground okay i want to go one block up there's iron blocks right there but the problem is below these iron blocks is nothing it's literally just oh okay i think we may have found something here let's go up here okay come on looks like we got some lava here oh body oh what is this what is this what's in this chest oh of course some iron all right i will put away what do i not want spider eyes don't really want spider actually wait i already have a slot for every slot for this okay i'll take these cookies though okay i'm putting away the spiderweb eyes anyways because i want the cookies okay so what is like behind here or is this just the wall looks like there's like something behind here or up nope that's just the wall okay is there anything behind here or is that just is this just nope that's just the wall as well we'll dig up here and we'll actually go up to the top and get a ton of iron blocks because i'm sure there's a ton on top of this block okay and look at all those iron blocks okay we got to make some room for this this is going to be a ton of iron after getting all this we'll probably be set for life on iron unless we're going to do some crazy stuff in this series which which we might do who knows all right so i pretty much took all the iron we have 17 iron blocks that is honestly ridiculous i'm gonna try and fly up to the top of this nope the end of pearls don't even fly up that high oh my gosh okay well it looks like we're gonna have to build up to the coal block because my inner pearls lit like ender pearls don't even fly that high up so we're gonna have to build our way up to this cold block and slowly work our way back up to our house i'm glad that we got the opportunity to explore all these blocks though but i still want to know what's in that chest and the diamond block and all those other blocks that are down there wait didn't we already explore the coal block i'm pretty sure we did i don't remember did we explore this no we didn't explore this did we i feel like we didn't explore the coal block oh no we did not explore the coal block maybe maybe i'm getting it confused and mixed up with a diamond block sorry maybe i'm getting it confused and mixed up with the bedrock block because they kind of look the same a little bit oh there's a spawner right there is that a creeper spawner why does a coal block have a creeper spawner it doesn't even make any sense okay i'm gonna put some torches up nope they blew it up oh i have a spawner what wait hold on give me i'll get rid of the okay i literally just got a spawner oh and there's more diamond oh there's even more diamonds under here oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm like a little kid picking my pants oh there's a chest in here as well we gotta flip an eye vendor all right let me take this iron i will take this eye vendor as well i don't really need a mine cart uh name tag i'd like a name tag that'd be pretty cool i'll take a minecart and i will take these cookies as well i love how it gives me cookies it's like a little treat it's like oh yeah you know it took you a while to get in here and get past those creepers here's a cookie take two of them speaking of cookies i need to eat some because my uh hunger is just a little bit low now unfortunately i'm gonna eat all seven of these cookies and it's probably not even gonna fill up my hunger all the way which is great yep there's the last cookie and i am still extremely hungry but hey cookies are made for snacks they're not made for full meals you know i love how much coal we're getting and just how much resources we're getting this episode it's honestly ridiculous and i'll stop there i mean we can come back here and get more if we wanted to without a problem we also have blocks of coal on the surface as well just like all the other blocks i can't wait to go on the diamond ore block and see blocks of diamonds on the surface that is going to be ridiculous okay i want to know if there's anything in here like there's got to be something interesting in here like come on there's actually nothing in here that's the end okay i thought this was gonna be filled with something cool maybe a secret chest or something no just nothing in the fence post i love how these blocks in this world are so big that literally you can just have a house inside of a fence post that's like that's ridiculous we are gonna have to build up quite a bit to the grass block i think we may be able to use our end of pearl just in a second here okay we should be able to use it now there we go okay please hit the flower don't tell me it went over are you serious right now there we go oh my gosh well guys we are back at the house and i can say that this was a very successful trip look at all the stuff we got and i honestly can't wait to explore everything else in this world i mean there's still so many blocks to explore and i can't even see what goes on after that there could be more blocks after like that emerald block and stuff that's just what my render distance can see there could be so many more blocks out there so many different types of blocks and i'm so excited to explore the rest of them with you guys but i need you guys to leave a like on this video if you want to see an episode number three please be sure to leave a like but guys that is the end of episode two i want to thank you guys all so much for watching i hope you guys have a safe and fantastic rest of your day stay safe stay awesome and stay unspeakable and i'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 3,289,185
Rating: 4.9628234 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft
Id: iq5fH-HFRao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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