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what's up guys I'll show you each other once again alright then so what what what is that what what this is my best friend moose the giant wither Killa with what why guys welcome to a trolling episode number four I think it is or five or six or seven or ten or twenty or or or I don't know but guys welcome look at moose over there doing his intro standing just stand-in there look at him look at it alright guys so today let me explain quickly before we into this episode what happens in troll craft troll craft right it's a troll craft trolling minecraft trolling that's what I meant what happens is me and moose are on these islands they're 20 by 20 islands and we both have about 15 to 20 minutes to set up a troll and then we switch islands and we troll each other so yeah that's it that's how it works we can use commands redstone whatever the heck we want and also since this is a like multiple kind of episode series if you guys haven't seen the previous episodes go ahead and check them out there is a link in the description but guys today we're gonna be trolling moose with the impossible maze so basically what this is is we're going to make a maze and we're gonna make it seem to be impossible when really it's not impossible at all there's just no ending to the maze so it's basically a maze that just loops around forever and in reality it's just it's gonna get them good it's gonna get them good so we're gonna make these walls and we're gonna make this maze and the cool thing is is we're gonna be able to watch moose up from above as he goes through this maze and it's gonna be absolutely hilarious we just gotta figure out how we want to make the maze so we'll do this oh no I'm in the wall I'm in the wall okay so what do we want to do for the ground blocks but the ground blocks we will do I guess wood I'm thinking wood slash slash set wood and then we should tell moose to find something we should be all that's the wrong lair whoops but we should tell Moo's to find something like find the secret button or something like that but in reality there's not there's not a button anyway what we're gonna do now is we are going to map out the maze and we're gonna literally go to make this the most confusing maze in Minecraft history it's gonna be so good so we're gonna map this thing out right now oh my gosh we're gonna make this the most confusing maze but really there's not gonna be an ending to the maze it's just gonna keep looping around we'll also add some funny signs here and there like we'll make a hole right here and we'll be like lol there there is nothing even here and then we'll just yeah oh oh I spelled it wrong oh well we'll make it look like it was made by new but the cool thing is we're actually gonna troll with moose while he is in this maze we're actually going to be switching the maze around while he's in it so it's gonna be it's gonna be crazy and we'll throw another lol sign right there just for the heck of it there we go so the maze is almost complete we got a couple more areas over here to do but I mean this maze is just gonna it's gonna leave to nothing absolutely nothing pack I don't even know if this whole thing connects I hope it does alright here we go so let the maze making begin so we're gonna make this maze and we're gonna do some stuff throughout it like will spawn creepers in it will spawn some zombies chasing them we're just gonna have overall a lot of fun just trolling with moose as he goes through this maze now this is gonna be the part that's kind of a pain where we just have to worldedit all these parts but I'll make it pretty quick I'm pretty quick at this I don't think there's really like a faster way to necessarily do this but I mean we got these we got this see we're making we are making some progress here it's a world editing you know it takes a while but we're making progress when we're trolling moves throughout this maze we're gonna be like hey moose you got to find the end of the maze and when he gets like somewhat close to it or so called the end which really there's not an end of the maze we'll be like oh my gosh moose you're so close to it you're so close to it and then we'll like change up the course and he like will just all this is gonna be so good I can't wait for this you know what let's check up on moose let's see how's it going moose house I how's it going over there buddy oh yeah you knew what I was gonna ask you didn't you you do you know exactly oh it's sites gone pretty good some technical difficulties but uh it's gonna all right I put another lol sign right there just a mess of them and the thing is is we are actually going to add an end of the mace so for example let's say he's going through this maze and everything he's going through and he gets over here and he sees there's no end then he goes on the other side of the maze and then like while he's on the other side we're gonna add him into the maze and then all its gonna be good I cannot wait for this is gonna be so good we're gonna troll with him so bad basically just changing up oh no that's like a stone there we go basically we're just gonna be changing up the maze as he goes throughout it and also to make it harder I think we should give him a blindness potion what about that let's see what we got here um where all the potions are there they all right let's see what we got blindness or slowness let's do let's do blindness just so we can't see anything I used to put blindness or is it what is it huh I wonder if I worked on moose [Music] sorry wrong person my bad dude alright well we know what works now so that's good one thing I want to cut off is I don't want to make these long hallways what's like Oh what is he doing what is she doing oh really most really okay so I think we are pretty much done I think that's pretty much good so we need to make an entrance so we'll make an entrance right here that will be our entrance and we'll add the blindness to moose will also do so we'll make a chest and we'll put a pickaxe in here that he can use just to break the will do what a pickaxe instead that's all that's all I deserves we'll do a wooden pickaxe in there and then he has to break the blocks and we'll do a sign that says a break of the stone to begin there we go perfect alright so our is ours is pretty much done um it looks pretty good pretty simple maze but I mean it's amazed but we're gonna troll him as he goes throughout this maze it's gonna be good so yeah I'm pretty much ready for this Oh perfect timing boy perfect time and I'm done - okay so you're gonna come to my troll first how does that sound buddy Joe it sounds Gucci Mane alright TP win ready dude TP win ready break the stone to begin yep oh man though go ahead dude nope oh no oh my god no no you'll see you'll see you'll see you don't worry about it you just have to fight no you have to find the ending dude the ending there is no ending that's the whole floor of the troll know that no there is there is an ending are you sure yeah yeah there's an ending yes how can I trust you because I'm the unspeakable gaming dude come on come on yes there is dude that's not yes there is you just have about it I already know there isn't anything I play dude no you literally have not found it yet you literally have not found that ending yet I don't know what you're talking about yes hey I'm stuck you're stuck I'm stuck I'm just kidding I got it you got it worried I'm good I'm good you can't you can't break anything with the pickaxe by the way okay come on moose yeah you give up no moose you get in you gonna come on well you better know this thing though come on you got this every single corner I wonder every single corner dude no you're not there is an ending moose there's not I just just er his Nathan what are you doing what what and chop it hey then no I didn't know no dude do you know you have to find the ending dude there is an ending like a legit there's an end she's not deep enough to have an ending Nathan dude there's an ending yes there is dude there is an English there is an ending [Music] you legit have not found it Yandy there is no legit there isn't ending dude I see the endings I see the ending right now okay I gotta give you a hint okay all right heads you are warm what just a warm but it's too old to your breath yeah but you gotta go back the other way yeah it's a changing maze alright am i warm now yeah you're getting warmer you're getting warmer you're getting warmer no I'm not no I'm not there isn't ending dude I see it right now there's the chest at the end there you go you getting warmer you're getting warmer dude I've been going the opposite way when you're getting warmer oh oh yeah see that's been there the whole entire time moose the whole inside side I don't know change it I do not change it no I do not know what it does oh my god that's it yeah say you're good like Nokia something yeah alright moose well basically the control was is I changed I changed up the maze and I hid the exit so I mean it was it was pretty simple but it was yet okay I call this a challenge okay I will let you go on this one okay so hold on give me a second keep a second buddy and well I'm writing on you I'm waiting on you I make your very own shanty house stuff so much dude I'm okay I enjoy team Z sometime you have to survive in this place for three minutes while interacting with the building so that means you got to smelt things you got to go ahead and crap things do whatever you want just make it let's play soil on this on there you go okay all right so dear Nathan this is my terrible tnt house I challenge you to stay in this house for three minutes but while inside you have to interact with everything like you would in a regular house all right dude I got a ton of diamonds on me nah dude I got this I got everything no no I got this don't don't worry I'm just gonna do my thing I'm just gonna do my thing yeah nice isn't it yeah right that's trapped chest you don't need out here I don't get hidden that don't hide out here yep I don't give I don't give y'all don't know that now dang it so it's pretty terrible but I like I mean it was pretty a simple troll mousses pretty simple where'd you go I don't know where I am I must be in here I'm a CPA wrong are they wrong hey wha what's up dude alright guys well thank you so much for watching let us know in the comments section below but what we should have we control each other next episode so yeah that being said hopefully guys have enjoyed be sure to stop in like mine check out mooses perspective or check out mine if you're watching mooses perspective vice-versa you know what I mean anyways alright so you guys later bye
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 7,278,537
Rating: 4.822269 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2016
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