Super Saiyan 3 Goku Vs Fat Buu: Who Would Have Won?

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hey guys it's Mike here and in this video I'm going to be discussing yet another unfinished fight in the Dragon Ball franchise with this one taking place in the Buu saga particularly near the start of the second act of that Arc where we saw Goku becoming a Super Saiyan 3 to fight against fat Majin Buu in the question of who exactly would have won if their fight wasn't interrupted by Goku going back to his normal form teleporting back to the Kami sama's Palace and then in turn uh cutting the whole thing offshore well let's get into that right now because the thing is that so many people think that this is kind of a cut and dry fight but the truth the matter is there's a lot more to it than that which is why I'm going to be breaking that down very in depth but before I begin if you guys are new here consider subscribing enabling notifications so you can stay up to date with all my future videos additionally if you like this content make sure to leave a like comment your own thoughts down down below because I love to read them and also share this video out because it really does help the channel to grow and to be seen by even more people with that being said let's get right into the video so let's begin with the inciting incident itself which occurred after we saw Majin Buu and babidi show up at West City in order to track down Trunks and the others at the tournament who had intervened during the fight against Majin Buu now with that being said at this point they found out that in uh something I actually discussed in the top right corner which could very well be a plot hole Bulma discussed how if they destroyed capsule Corp they wouldn't be able to find the dragon balls because of the radar which he says if we lose the dragon Raider that's left in the lab it uses special parts so she can't make another one there which I do call kind of BS on a little bit because the fact that we haven't fact seen Bulma make a dragon rider with much less but who knows I guess maybe she always just so happened to carry those around with her except for this particular instance even when she was a kid and somehow couldn't have figured out how to make it without that nonetheless what ended up happening was that Goku teleport there in order to give trunks enough time to get to capsule Corp find the dragon radar and be able to use it so they could wish back everyone killed by Boo and this is what leads into the fight between the two of them where Goku Marvels at Boo's power because he was able to kill Vegeta even as Majin Vegeta while Vegeta technically uh took himself out but boo didn't exactly uh give him much of a choice there in either way this is what leads to Goku showing boo a little bit of an example through stalling him of how the Super Saiyan forms work he begins of course going into his Super Saiyan 2 but he is then explaining in depth a little bit about how these forms work as I'm sure many people have seen the anime version time after time again where he explains that this is the form that goes beyond the traditional form he goes back to base goes in a super Hussein explains that Super Saiyan 2 while this is actually where they name it is what the second form would be called and then this is to go even further Beyond no in the original Manga version they do say is the next level up which I do kind of like that uh that dub change a little bit more I'm gonna be on a little honest here now interestingly during this King Kai begins to talk about something which I'll be going more in depth into during the course of this video with regard to the fight which is the fact that Goku even transforming into this form is something that will lose his time that he has left because remember at this point in time Goku was on a 24-hour time limit in the spiritual body after all that's why he has this Halo here and the thing is that when that occurred when Goku came to the Earth for a one day visit well a little bit of time had already passed since he had been there because not only did everything at the tournament happen then everything at the different stages of them fighting bobbity's minions took place and then beyond that what else happened well Goku fought against Majin Vegeta with both them going full power and really all out and exhausting themselves in their Super Saiyan 2 form so Goku must have used a good amount of energy at that point even before going into Super Saiyan 3 which potentially could have eaten into his timer but this is when Goku goes into his final and most powerful form at the time and it does look really cool you know it looks like Goku came right out of a metal concert for some reason shaved his eyebrows off but nonetheless we end up seeing that he's so powerful he can even be sense beyond the actual macrocosm itself the universal sphere with the different dimensions in the orbiting Supreme Kai realm this is when the fight goes underway and Goku quickly takes the advantage over fat boo grabbing him by the head and then starting to punch him back and forth like one of those toys and then of course he swings them slams him into the water but boo comes out immediately Lee and uses Vegeta's technique of course Goku deflects all of them and then the Fight Continues to go on as he uh Goku is marveling at the fact that I didn't hurt him at all Andy used Vegeta's move so he learns quickly Buu then punches Goku in the face which also doesn't do any damage to him the whole time King Kai is yelling at Goku enough if you keep using so much power you'll lose the time you have on Earth and you still have to teach the fusion to the kids because remember Goku isn't actually trying to go all out here against Buu just to defeat him instead he's trying to buy time but even doing all this is still sapping Goku's energy massively he starts to punch boo back and forth even blasts directly through boo with this Kamehameha that you could see right here but once again Buu instantly regenerates from all of this with very little effort or energy expenditure for all we know at this point in time Buu basically seems to have infinite stamina because except for some instances I'll get into in this video it doesn't seem like he ever actually loses any energy during his fights this is when Buu goes to use a Kamehameha against Goku Goku deflects it but Buu actually deflects the Blast away from himself too right at bobbity funny enough who has to jump out of the way it hits the planet and according to Bobby actually destroys about one-tenth of the earth so Goku at this point is kind of marveling at the power of Buu here Goku blasted him with a Kamehameha it basically did nothing to boo he was able to fire attack right back at Goku that Goku deflected rather than just totally nullifying and additionally Goku's stamina his energy was completely being drained the more and more he stayed within this form to the point to where after this fight ended which ends actually right here what do we end up seeing next well first off Goku kind of tempts Buu in order to try and take out Bobby because the fact that he knows he's the one with the real power in the situation and bobbity is kind of a cruel master in a sense and so Goku goes away Barbie is once again barking orders so boo decides to take care of him and punches his head into nothing that's basically because how hard he hits him so as a result Goku goes back to kami's Lookout and we end up getting a conversation between him and Piccolo after everything that happens at this point Goku goes a little bit more in depth into exactly what's going on you can see that he's exhausted with this form and he even says right here that he probably has less than hour left just because of the fact they use that that Super Saiyan level 3 can only be done in the afterlife where time doesn't really mean much if I do in this world it uses up too much energy so basically I have to borrow against the time I have left and look at this right here we can have dende heal you no I have to go back to the afterlife to heal this and Baba says you have 30 minutes left to prepare yourself so just with this little fight that Goku has against Buu where it doesn't really seem like he's not necessarily going all out at all here he expended his energy to such a degree using the Super Saiyan 3 form that he shows up here and he has 30 minutes left and this is very little time that's passed since he actually went to kami's Palace which means that Goku may have potentially depending upon the rate of sapping his energy if he had stayed fighting Boo for a minute or two even longer there's a chance he might have had Baba show up right then and there and told him he had to go back to Otherworld right then and there so that's kind of the thing you know when it comes down to this this is a major strike against Goku and whether or not he actually could have won as we see right here Piccolo actually asked Goku if he could have he says couldn't you have beaten boo if you fought with all you had with that level three and why didn't you and Goku says I don't know Boo's Mighty strong I don't think I could have at this point Piccolo says you don't think why didn't you try was your full strength failing Goku says no I don't exist here anymore the Next Generation should take charge who knows what will happen in the future this was a gamble but those two kids are good enough and I wanted them to try now on the topic of the two kids which are Goten trunks who eventually become go tanks Goku also gives some insight into how strong they'll be when they fuse theoretically in his mind now this is really important when it comes down to Goku's level of power here because based upon the fight later on with Kid Buu which I'll be getting into many people believe that Goku would have been able to easily defeat Fabu if he went full power from the start and killed him Goku even says something like that which I'll examine shortly as well however with that being said Goku does say right here that he had told fat boo that someone stronger than him will fight him in two days and he seemed happy now with regard to that he is talking about go tanks more specifically in this case that would have to be a theoretical Super Saiyan go tanks because remember Goku at this point is teaching super sang Goten and Super Saiyan trunks how to fuse at this point he knows that both them will be able to fuse either as Super Saiyans or in their base and become a Super Saiyan so Goku right here is scaling the theoretical power of Goten trunks with the fusion multiplier that he knows based upon his train in the afterlife with the memories and he's assuming that they will be more powerful than him as this Super Saiyan 3 that was fighting against uh fat boo now with that being said Goku does not know just how powerful Gotenks really would go on to become later on which is during his train in the hyperbolic Time Chamber where not only does he power up massively in his Super Saiyan in base form but also he goes even further beyond that see what I did there and becomes a Super Saiyan 3 which is four times even stronger than that so if the hypothetical Super Saiyan go tanks from before he even went to the time chamber is stronger than Goku according to Goku's own words right here and Gotenks trained in the time chamber for you know a period of time and also achieve Super Saiyan 3 then obviously go tanks would have to be way more powerful in this form than Goku right here now the reason why I'm talking about all this is because many people believe that Goku could have defeated Super Buu Buu tanks or really so many of these other characters even buhan because the fact that later on he goes on to fight against Kid Buu and at that point we also get a statement right here which is when Goku is squaring up taboo right here where he talks about how he's going to go Full Throttle or the entire universe will be doomed Goku says right here you know I actually could have beaten the fat boo with Super Saiyan 3 when I met him but I want the new generation to make sure they could take care of themselves now with this being said the truth of the matter is that Goku seems to be making a number of different assumptions here because he doesn't actually have all the information on Boom by this point in time that we do for example Goku and no one really in the story ever actually sees fat blue Go full power because the fact of the matter is that boo in pretty much all of his forms except for the superboo forms likes to play around he isn't really trying as much as like a Goku or someone when they really try and they get super serious and everything like that he gets a little bit frustrated he's very childlike but at the same time he never truly seems to be trying 100 at his full power up until at least this particular Point later on which is after boo spawns another boo evil boo gray boo wrath boo skinny boo whatever you want to call him which I talked about in a video in the top right corner about why uh boo became Super Buu and then came back and turned into Kid Buu as opposed to you know gray Boo or the evil boo that we see forming right here and at this point when he lands and he goes to fight against fat boo we see that boo starts to really exert himself going all out however the fact the matter is that this is not necessarily the same situation uh that would have occurred if Goku had fought against Buu at its full power because remember when the two of them split it was very similar to what happened with Kami and Piccolo when they split not only did they split in terms of Personality where one was evil and the embodiment of Wrath but simultaneously the other one the fat one was the embodiment of the good that was in within him that's why so many people call him good boo or Mr Boo and so as a result this means that good boo when he goes 100 is not actually at the full power that the previous fapu was when he could have a hundred percented against Goku right here and the same thing is for rathbu both these booze should theoretically be weaker than this boo with potentially the Wrath boom baby being like 6 60 70 you know ish percent of the overall power whereas the fat Boo the good boo at this point is significantly less and thus as a result he was able to be beaten absorbed and turned into superboo another thing to keep in mind is that Goku really does not know the full capabilities of booze regeneration so not only does he not know Boo's full power he doesn't know exactly how much boo can regenerate from sure he saw during their fight that boo is able to regenerate from a blast like this going straight through him and he knows that he was able to regenerate from Little clumps when Vegeta blasted him or you know hit him with the final explosion the you know Vegeta's final atonement however it goes even further in this because during his fight against Super Saiyan 3 go tanks who I had already established is stronger than uh Goku as a Super Saiyan 3 during his time in the Time Chamber he uses the super ghost Kamikaze attack to go inside of Boo's body and end during that period of time blow him up and begin to vaporize all the little pieces to ashes he's literally nothing but smoke at this point and yet all the power still goes back together into the sphere and pops out super boo so the reason why I said before is that Goku is not able to sense this is because the fact of what we actually see right here Goku was sensing everything occurring up until this point up until what happens is that they go into another dimension as the Supreme Kai says which is the room of spear in time that Goku confirms right here so when they're in there Goku cannot sense them so as a result Goku did not see the full extent of Buu's regeneration up until the point where he actually began to fight him as Kid Buu and during that Goku who is the Super Saiyan 3 is fighting Boo as much as he possibly can uh even though a lot of people believe that Goku is you know holding back to give Vegeta a chance that isn't really the case he continues to blast Boo and try and wear him down during the course of the fight rather than just hitting him with an all-out full 100 Kamehameha from the start but nonetheless what's happening is that Buu continues to go back and regenerate from literally everything no matter what Goku does to him he keeps coming back Time After Time After Time again and hitting Goku again and again and again too and as we see right here uh the fact the matter is that Goku in the Super Saiyan 3 even with this living body after he comes back where many people like to say that Goku got stronger when he got revived somehow you know maybe I'll go in depth into that in another video in the future talking about whether Saiyans actually get zenkai's when they return from Death Or I guess even when they die but even at this point with the living body without the time limit Goku still can't actually maintain the Super Saiyan 3 or get up to his hypothetical full power and when he's channeling his energy he actually falls out of it just because of how bad the stamina drain is he says that it worked while he was dead but it becomes too much of a stress for him to uh use Super Saiyan 3 like this while he's live the thing is however he says it works when he's dead but he must not be referring to this fight against Buu that we see right here rather he's probably referring to when he was in the afterlife when he initially used it or perhaps another time because a lot of people are completely unaware of this because it did happen off screen they only mention it one time but everyone is fully aware of just how powerful Super Saiyan 3 go Goku is that is training with the Z sword at the time or you know when Gohan is getting his potential unlocked because after Goku shows up and finds Gohan who's trying with the Z sword he goes on to ask for food of course because it is Goku after all at that point what does he say okay cool you know Gohan says that Super Saiyan level 3 sounds awesome Goku says yeah I'll show you after I eat and again why is this important well because later on we see that Gohan becomes his ultimate state after he has gone through the ritual with the Elder Supreme Kai at the very same time we see just how shocked Goku and everyone else here is at the power of Gotenks so many people totally disregard this look that Goku gives this situation in the total shock on his face when he sees Gohan power up and they act like oh well Goku isn't acknowledging Gohan is stronger than him yes he is that's literally what this expression means that's what all this means where he literally says right here I don't believe that you haven't changed on the outside you're not even Super Saiyan but I didn't know this was even possible no he's not just saying that he's strong in his base form without Super Saiyan he's saying that Gohan is way stronger than he is which is why he's literally sweating right here he even knows that Gohan can't become a Super Saiyan which the Elder Supreme Kai basically explains him here and also when he goes to transform where he tells them oh just do what you would do when you become a Super Saiyan you don't even need to transform anymore and Goku is so blown away by the outer power of Gohan on display that he is basically you know pinching off a load in his uh ghee right then there again this is really important because so many people think that Goku in his Super Saiyan 3 is equal and power to Gohan right here but he isn't he's a lot weaker because Gohan is a lot stronger than the Super Saiyan 3 go tanks who is a lot stronger than super Sango tanks who is a lot stronger after the hyperbolic Time Chamber than Goku said he would be which is stronger than Goku in his own words which means that logically scaling everything lines up to Blue tanks being way more powerful than Goku here a lot of people seem to think that Goku could have beaten boot tanks because as we see right here when uh Gohan is uh searching for the earring after Goku comes back to life and tries to fuse with them again because Goku wouldn't have been able to beat blue tanks without Fusion the same thing with Gohan uh the fact of the matter is that Goku turns into a Super Saiyan 3 here ready to defend himself however again just look at his face here use your visual literacy here guys he's sweating he's shocked he knows that he doesn't stand a chance against Blue tanks right here and even the anime so many people are like oh Goku squared up to Super Saiyan 3 goat tanks boo here and he fought him they were doing evenly no he wasn't boo is toying with him and Goku is actually getting beaten because he wasn't anywhere near the level of Gohan or boo tanks at this point and again this is the same Goku who came back to life after being dead at this point in time so unless you for some weird reason think that Goku after you know being a mini Goku inside a boo popping out and somehow getting a massive zenkai out of literally nowhere which makes no sense in the universe would be stronger than Gohan the manga none of that lines up with him being stronger and again Grand Supreme Kai even confirms that because after he gives Goku his life he even tells him how do you plan to beat boo I don't think the two of you together could do it which is why he introduces the memories or the patara fusion in the very first place so with everything adding up as I've shown before you know the final nail in the coffin here aside from uh boo literally saying right here after he absorbs Gohan that he is literally stronger than ever before and with no time limit which also indicates again that boot tanks was stronger than Kid Buu and of course boo would know how strong he is in his true form he because he is the same guy after all just with other absorptions on top of it and he's way more intelligent now than he ever would have been you know the final nail in the coffin in a sense would have to be right here in the manga where Goku actually says after all the absorptions are pulled out of super boo Goku still says wait he's still stronger than either of us he'll kill us if we go out like this and you just had to break the patara heavily implying right here that Goku would not be able to beat him unless he fused with uh Vegeta right here additionally to dispel Another Kind dub change that I was uh you know going over before one Gotenks defuses within Boo and he goes into buikolo what ends up happening Goku says feeling weaker the kid's Fusion just worn off I bet Piccolo's in there slowing you down too bad it's kind of disappointing Gohan can handle you now no Goku does not say either of us could defeat you now or I I could defeat you now like the original English dub changed to make it seem like he could No in fact he's only saying that Gohan could because Gohan is still stronger than boo with the fusion of these other characters within him rather than boo with go tanks Goku isn't even as strong as regular bass Superbook so even though in the anime version they have Goku say right here that Kid Buu is on a whole different level from all the booze up until now and even though also in the anime filler when they have Goku fighting against projection of ultimate Gohan as just a Super Saiyan inside of super Buu's mind as well as Vegeta fight against Gotenks as again just a Super Saiyan side of his mind the fact of the matter is that aside from those two filler scenes that were added completely by toei which are you know a part of the anime adaptation of the story in the original manga all of the evidence points to Kid Buu being weaker than even super boo not just as his base but of course with all the different absorptions with inside of him so the reason why all this matters and why I've gone to such an extent to show the level of Goku's power here is because the fact that we know based upon everything we see here that Goku isn't vastly more powerful than fat boo based upon all the evidence he isn't as powerful as Super Saiyan go tanks before he goes into Time Chamber let alone stronger than him after he goes in the Time Chamber he isn't as powerful as ultimate Gohan so he wouldn't exactly be able to just instantly stomp fat boo if he goes all out if fat boo himself was also going all out additionally let's say that Goku you know catches fat blue off guard because he's playing around a little bit and blasts him at full power with a Kamehameha just dumping every single ounce of energy he has in him assuming that energy even has ounces you know every single Jewel every single volts every single jigawatt there's still an argument to be made that he wouldn't be able to actually finish off fat boo even with all of that because he might still be able to regenerate and the only time that we ever see fat boo in a situation where he's not regenerating is during his fight against Kid Buu and even then remember this is a fat boo who is potentially significantly weaker than his fight against Goku because the fact that he had all the evil removed within him which of course is Kid Buu who you know is potentially much stronger than even the 100 fat poo who is playing against Goku and yet fat boo is still fighting against him he's not doing horrible considering all this and he's regenerating from everything that super booze throwing at him up until Kid Buu really starts to just Hammer into him at which point Vegeta talks about a kind of plot contrivance or complete uh plot element that Toriyama seemingly pulled out of nowhere where he says that have you noticed Kakarot the fat one's power is going down they can get hurt when they're fighting another boo so it seems like the only weakness they're trying to suggest that fatboo would even have to where he'd be able to have his power diminish and also whereas regeneration wouldn't keep going is because the fact that he's fighting another Boo and that's eventually what leads to him being defeated and cast down onto the ground to where he doesn't really have any energy left within him leading to everyone you know trying to help continue to fend off boo so Goku can defeat him with the Spirit Bomb which ultimately is the only move that actually ends up wiping out Kid Buu and because the fact that Goku's power as a Super Saiyan 3 drained him so much just during this kind of short Skirmish that he had against fat boo to where he only had 30 minutes left of his timer which Fortune Baba says right here it really leaves open the question of if there was anything that Goku really could have done to back up this statement that he says later on that he actually could have beaten fat boo with Super Saiyan 3. and so as a result these questions are really what's going to determine this fight so overall who would win in a fight between these two characters Super Saiyan 3 Goku who is dead with that spiritual body or fat boo could Goku really have done enough damage to boo if he went all out from the very start against him with his Super Saiyan 3 before he ran out of time and had to return to the afterlife or would Buu continue regenerate no matter what Goku did and be able to prove Victorious because he ran out the timer and basically I guess one on points at that point in time you know you could say that Goku in a boxing fight would be able to defeat Buu because Buu kind of gets by based on his generation or else even weaker characters like Majin Vegeta would have been able to overcome him but the fact the matter is when you basically have infinite stamina and regeneration except when you're fighting another boo why even bother blocking when you'll just keep coming back no matter what you can literally come back from smoke is as we saw with Super Buu and there isn't really that much indication given that Boo's regeneration got better as he absorbed other Fighters although maybe you could try and make that argument if you really want to so would go could be able to do it I kind of find it hard to believe because again Goku wasn't truly aware of just how much power boo had at his full power and also the fact that he didn't realize just how much he could regenerate from even coming back from smoke so I find it kind of difficult to believe that Goku really could have defeated obliterated Fabu and stopped his threat right then and there but The Narrative of Toriyama has Goku say that so narratively you could definitely make that argument but with that being said let me know your own thoughts Down Below in the comments who do you think would have actually won do you go with Goku or do you think that maybe he was full of it additionally make sure to like this video if you like it if you're new here consider subscribing enabling notifications stay up with all my videos in the future check out some of these videos you can see in the end screen and make sure to stick round because there's a lot more to come in the future yeah and you better subscribe
Channel: Laughingstock Media
Views: 27,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super saiyan 3 goku vs fat buu, goku, fat buu, buu, super saiyan 3, super saiyan 3 goku, super saiyan 3 goku vs majin buu, goku vs buu, goku vs majin boo, goku vs majin buu, majin buu, majin buu theme, ssj3 goku, ssj3 goku vs majin buu, ssj3 theme, ssj3 transformation, super saiyan 3 theme, super saiyan 3 transformation, goku goes ssj3, buu saga, dragon ball, dragon ball z, dragon ball super, dragon ball gt, dbz, dbs, laughing stock media, laughingstock media, anime, manga
Id: ws4-LJaw_Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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