Why Didn't The Androids Obey Doctor Gero?

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hey guys it's Mike here and in this video we're going to be discussing a topic which is something that I feel like has become more and more relevant over time as artificial intelligence has become kind of a central focus in modern media and especially a certain Arc in Dragon Ball which was Dragon Ball Z's cell Saga and that's the topic surrounding Dr gero and more specifically why did Dr gero's artificial intelligence in the androids and even the ones that are biological not follow his orders and Obey him Time After Time After Time so join me today is someone who I've discussed Dr Dro and the Androids in the past a legendary YouTuber and one of my all-time favorites join me today and his name is black and fist how are you doing today thank you Mike it's a pleasure it's always an honor to be here with uh with you discussing these topics uh you know you flatter me with the way you you introduced me there absolutely you're definitely uh worthy of that and more you know one one of the big Inspirations for me joining the platform to begin with so I always really love doing videos with you uh but with that being said I want to get into the subject because this is something that we saw dating back really all the way to the original Dragon Ball with the red ribbon Army Saga where Goku goes up against two different major Androids at the time one of them major metallictron which I guess we could assume was created by Dr gero is a great enemy for Goku but he's not one of the numbered Androids rather the first numbered Android that we're introduced to that we know for a fact was made by gero uh you know disregarding the doctor flap filler is Android 8 or hot John and interestingly enough despite the fact that he was a red ribbon Army controlled being that was meant to destroy and should have been able to in that sense defeat Goku instead he wanted to actually help Goku and became his friend and even helped him against the Red Ribbon Army so why do you think in the case of Android 8 he went immediately against the programming despite the fact that he was an Android well with Android 8 it's I I always assumed now because of maybe this was colored by the filler and everything but I always assumed that there was a human element to Android 8. now when it comes now this is just my assumption but I do think that major metallatron is very important even though he is not a numbered Android I think it's very safe to assume that he is probably one of doctors Rose creations and the reason why he's important is because he is I you the ideal Android in terms of he fulfills the purpose of being of what he was meant to you know what he was meant to do right he fulfills the duties of the Red Ribbon Army he attacks Goku and you know he eventually gets destroyed for it and I think that when Goku destroys Android uh major metallatron it's very indicative of what he was probably mostly which was a completely mechanical uh Android yeah or Gene zoningen if you would prefer the Japanese yep um but he was a completely mechanical being and this becomes important later on in the series because there is always the implication in Dragon Ball that the completely mechanical although it's not a rule but it is implied that a completely mechanical Androids were easier to control than the ones that had human elements yeah um this was mentioned explicitly in the cell Arc for instance so because of that explicit admission later on in the series I retroactively just assumed that maybe Android 8 had human elements in him that caused him to rebel against the Red Ribbon Army and that's why and that's kind of what we see later on in the series now maybe it's not the most you know original or unique uh take honestly but that's really what I I always assumed is Major metallatron is the Android 19 of you know early Dragon Ball and Android 8 is like basically the 17 and 18. yeah absolutely that's that's basically what I would always I'll go to yeah and with regard to uh Android 8 I mean when we actually look at his design he's basically based on Frankenstein and Frankenstein of course was you know an amalgamation of the different components of different beings you know like different humans rather the corpses of like the arms and the legs and even the brain so you know I know that in different versions of the story like path to power they depict Android 8 as being more human modeled so I could definitely see him being um a biological then of course major metallatron is one in this case of the Androids that did seemingly obey Dr Joe's commands as well as you know the Red Ribbon Army of course Giro wasn't really introduced or I guess created uh until the cell Saga particularly at the start when trunks discusses him with Goku but nonetheless we would have to retroactively say that and then some of the Androids afterward that I believe are also fully mechanical in terms of um you know when we look outside the traditional Canon of the movies with Super Android 13 you know we have those three Androids there and all of them also are obeying Dr Dro and even more specifically his computer uh to where you know after in whatever happened in that reality the Androids are Unleashed on humanity and then the Z Fighters have to team up to defeat them and uh at no point did they really seem to be rebelling against gero however in their case um as well as what we see later on with cell which I'll get into soon soon uh it does seem like gero was not alive anymore so as a result they didn't really have a chance to kind of turn against him versus what we saw with 17-18 where as you said before they were human based and it seemed like even though Dr gero did some kind of brainwashing to them programming whatever you have you during his experiments on them uh it does seem like they still remember exactly what he did to them and how he kidnapped them and manipulated them so in that case I think it makes sense why the Androids specifically the human-based ones would hold a grudge against Roe and not want to really listen to him but even then you know it is implied when he wakes them up that he was doing some other kind of tweak to them uh to try and fix them so what exactly do you think that Dr Dro could have even done to the humans to make them more obedient and why do you think it didn't work uh yeah I'm them in general well I actually I wanted to just say one little more thing about Android a because you pointed out the fact that Android 8 is clearly based off Frankenstein monster which is obviously true now I don't know if Toriyama had all this in mind but it's very interesting to know that that Frankenstein monster at the very least uh part of that story is that even though he is a I guess you could say artificial creation by Dr Frankenstein he is capable of things that are beyond what Dr Frankenstein intended or like his I mean or or beyond what you would think a monster like that is I mean that's you know I'm very much simplifying everything here but basically Frankenstein monster grows and adapts like a real person does uh in throughout that story and maybe you know him being based on the Frankenstein monster maybe that's uh a little rubbed off a little bit on Toriyama about you know over or your you know overcoming just a very simple reason to be uh created which is you know just to be a killing machine right in Android 8 if if the if the Frankenstein monsters is the whole purpose of him being created was to resemble life obviously being a killing machine is not sufficient for just you know like we're not just killing machines we want more than that and maybe Android 8 being the same way he wanted more than that he didn't want to just be a killing machine he wanted something more he wanted to choose anyway uh and once again I don't know if Toriyama had all that in mind but those are the themes of that story of the Frankenstein monster and he Toriyama for whatever reason decided to base Android eight Eight's design on the Frankenstein monster yeah and Toriyama you know I do want to just expand a little bit on that because it definitely seems like Frankenstein uh the movie and book and the Frankenstein monster and uh also Dr Frankenstein are really big Inspirations on Toriyama because we've seen that kind of happen multiple times not just with Dr gero but also with uh like Bobbidi and Majin Buu you know um there there tends to be that kind of dynamic where there's this monster that's being controlled by a more intelligent being and then the monster kind of eventually gets away from him and kind of like with Boo the monster killed uh the Creator in this case or you know the controller in bobbity and then kind of went about doing it and kind of like Frankenstein in the original movie or Frankenstein's monster um with what we see with him he's kind of learning over time and figuring out how Humanity works and then he accidentally kills That Girl by throwing her in the pond and we see things like that kind of happen with boo where he seems to learn more and more as time goes on too so it definitely seems like a big influence and so I could see those themes that you mentioned maybe being in toriyama's mind at the time no you're absolutely right I didn't even think about but you're absolutely right that boo and bobbity definitely parallel the Frankenstein story a lot so it it it it makes sense obviously since even in early Dragon Ball that story was prescient in his mind that he designed Android 8 to look like the Frankenstein monster so yeah those themes have been throughout the Dragon Ball obviously cell and the Androids are present prescient in there I mean you just talked about bobbity yeah being a Creator so is Dr gero doctors Rose also has these creations um which also kind of parallels a lot of those same themes yeah absolutely so you we're gonna get into another point about the Androids I believe with uh 17 and 18 and then maybe um some of the others uh what was that point you're gonna get well yeah yeah the reason if if I believe it was if Dr zarrow was able to maybe at one point control 17 and 18 fully or yeah so um it is interesting because of course we don't know all the specifics about 1718 in the original timeline or trunks's future like we don't know exactly how they were released we know in in the cell flashback we see that they kill Dr gero and then they blow up the lab and sell escapes that was more than the anime of course as opposed to being in the manga um but it does seem like Dro when he wakes 1718 up in the main timeline he said oh you know I had to put you both back under because you were disobeying me however it seems like you're obeying me now so it I kind of got the impression that he tried to do something to them to make them more obedient again but it's very clear the second they wake up that they're just faking it because they see the remote shutdown device from the way once again you're absolutely right to point out that in the other timelines we're not even sure the turn like the order of events right so we're not sure I mean obviously some people do claim that Android 16 was created he just was never activated yeah we don't know if in the other timelines gero activated Android 17 and 18 multiple times before they killed him or when he activated the first time they killed him so we don't know the order of events in the other timelines yeah all we can go on is what we saw in the series and the implication is very strong that I that that Dro kind of gave up or at least this is the impression I got was that he gave up on 17 and 18 and then went on to move make 19 and 20 because to me it didn't make sense if he was still working on 17 and 18 why create 19 and 20. if you're still going to be you know this is going to be your your your Creations right like 17 and 18 are the ones that are going to do the things you want and yeah maybe they might be disobeying you now but if you believe you can get them under control eventually then you're going to keep working on that instead because you know I'm pretty sure time you know time is limited here yeah gero doesn't have unlimited time so he needs to allocate his time wisely so if he Advent at one point uh switched over to designing 19 and 20. I would have to assume that he gave up on 17-18 and the only reason he even activated them when he did was because he was an extremely desperate situation where 19 was already killed and he was on the verge of being destroyed himself yeah so he had no choice but to activate 17 and 18. um yeah and also go into that was the impression I always got I mean I think it's very telling the from the fact that he didn't even use them when he first showed up he used you know he used 19 and 20 to do the attack the the initial attacks so yeah my guess is he gave up on 17 and 18 because he was not able to control them and time is precious he used that time instead to you know perfect 1718 to then crew go on to create 19 and 20. yeah that's uh that's another great point and kind of adding to what you're saying too is that you know there there's a few points that add to exactly what you're saying so when Dr Dro wakes 17 and 18 up they ask him oh so you turned yourself into an Android and he says yeah I wanted to have eternal life so we know that with the fact that Dr gero created Cell to take a really long time to develop we don't really know when he started working on Cell but nonetheless that that was gonna take too long for him which is why he started to focus on the other Androids it kind of lends to that idea that he probably assumed that he'd be able to live long enough to do other experiments with other robots and the thing is too like cell was specifically created and designed to absorb 1718 like to become perfect so the thing thing is like Dr gero makes sense to have given up on 1718 because he literally Creeds something that would become Perfect by absorbing them and then of course 19 is another example like you were saying of a fully mechanical Android that did uh obey Dr Dro because the fact that not only did I do the surgery to uh put Dr draw's Brain into number 20 and create that Android but also you know it fought basically to the death for him although one thing I will say is that um I always kind of wondered since Dr gero does have an organic brain would would that brain eventually like Decay and break down and you know then he would just stop existing like at that point like 20 would just die you know that's something I always kind of wondered like or would Dr Jerome maybe try and develop like a fully artificial brain to replace his own but at that point it's kind of dead anyway right yeah yeah I never thought about that I I have I never thought about jerus brain decaying in 20. however it is important to point out because it although 19 is for the most part an obedient Android and he's probably the most yeah he is the most obedient Android that giro's ever created if you don't include someone like major metallatron that it's not that 19 doesn't have a will of his own because remember during the fights when he fought during the fight with Goku he still was obedient towards 20 which was basically Dr row uh in Android form at the time where he was asking whether or not he should absorb more energy from him and 20 points out you're being very greedy yeah so it's very interesting that 19 does have somewhat of a will maybe that will is very restricted but it's not like a complete like you would imagine robot like an actual robot that we would see nowadays where you input commands and then it spits out something it clearly has its own operating on modus operandi by itself that's kind of separate from gero even if it's very subservient to him um and maybe the reason why this is relevant is because even though 19 well like I said is very obedient he does have somewhat of that will and I think that becomes very relevant when you talk about some in Android like 16 because even though I've said before that these Androids I imagine are disobedient towards a row because of their human elements yeah especially when it comes to the case of 18 and 17 notoriously does not have any human elements and he was still not exactly the perfect Android that Dro had envisioned yeah so what do you think it is about 16 then that kind of led him to be more I guess naturalistic and going against his programming and developing more of a conscience over time do you think that it's something inherent in the artificial intelligence that Euro uses that also might have been a factor for 19 uh in some ways or do you think it's just something that's kind of unique to 16. I'm almost of two minds on 16 because when you talk about 16 I think it the reason the reason I brought up 19 is because it's very important because they're both fully mechanical yeah Androids one is basically a success in terms of obedience and the other one isn't we assume we don't really know for sure because we didn't never saw 16 into you would think he was obedient towards zero because he seemed fairly hell-bent on killing Goku but you also have to you know so we're 17 and 18 although perhaps it almost seemed like they just had nothing better to do while 16 was very Earnest and in his mission to wanting to kill Goku and he definitely was more I guess you could say robotic yeah than 17 and 18 which were human at one point but the reason why 19 is important is because like I said 19 seems to have if a very restricted will a will none the same 16 has you could say a much broader will than even 19 has his his uh affinity for nature and animals and even though he's very Mission minded like a machine would he still has these other elements in him which you could attribute to this like will that drove for whatever reason is putting into these Androids even though it would you would think um would make them easier for them to rebel against him so maybe like he put a lot of this will into 16 at first he thought it failed so he put less of it into 19 later on so that that way I guess he can be more easily controlled or he could more easily serve the purposes that Giro had in mind that's one of my thoughts on 16 the other thought is more of a character thing because it was later revealed years after the fact I mean this was not in the original story at all but yeah it was revealed later on that Toriyama had revealed that 16 was based on doctors Rose deceased son uh who was a red ribbon Army soldier so this had this was very interesting to me in when you take this fact into account it kind of change it could change a lot of the things when it comes to specifically to 16. in that maybe giro's son did have an affinity for nature and animals and it's not a fluke that 16 is like that it's actually a design feature that the the for that he is like that that's what that's that that thought has run across my mind that perhaps it's not a mistake that 16 was the way he was because of that and I'm just saying that maybe the reason why Dro considered 16 quote unquote a failure is because precisely because it is based off his son and maybe he just had an attachment to 16 some other sentimental attachment that nothing to do with all this like wanting to kill Goku thing that he just didn't want him to be that way maybe because it reminded him too much of his son and obviously I would assume his son didn't have a vendetta against Goku I would assume that's something gero programmed into him and maybe it bothered him that he was in a way making his son uh do stuff or something but that that that's the two minds I have on 16. yeah both really great in uh perspectives on this and you know I kind of wish because of the fact that that Toriyama revealed this afterward I kind of wish that it was a part of the original manga and they had actually revealed that Goku killed his son because that would have made it like far more personal for Dro like other than him just kind of like Goku foiling his plans like if Goku had killed his son he was like a red ribbon Army soldier or something like that then we would have uh even better reason why gero was so hell-bent on eliminating Goku and all of his friends because you know at the end of the day he'd be like a grieving father on top of somebody whose plans were like destroyed by the sky so I think that would have been a great uh way of going about it of course there's also the inspiration from Terminator 2 which plays a really big role in especially the cell Saga in terms of like you know Android 16 just like Arnold's t101 the T800 and you know kind of learning a Consciousness and you know Gohan is a little bit like kid John Connor so his like Future Trunks is kind of like Kyle Reese so you know like helping him well future trunks's hairstyles actually kind of like John Connor's hairstyle in Terminator 2. yeah he's kind of like a combination uh of like Kyle Reese and John Connor I feel like uh Future Trunks um you know it would have been cool if John Connor had like a sword and stuff but you know that that's a little uh Dragon Ball Z in that sense but yeah it's um there's a lot of those great Inspirations and influences even major metallatrons very clearly inspired by the original in 1984 Arnold where I think that like 90 uh Android 16 is inspired by the 1991 Terminator 2. so you know I kind of wonder if Toriyama even watched any of the other Terminators because we never really see any of the influence from them afterwards it seems like but uh you know I I it almost seems like Toriyama stopped using a lot of movie references and modern Dragon Ball compared to back then where they were just loaded with it I would assume because maybe toriyama's uh watch was is not watching as many movies nowadays I guess yeah maybe just playing more video games uh you know we were getting like that same Land movie coming out soon yeah now uh in terms of cell let's get into him because cell is kind of that interesting halfway point between uh fully artificial being and a fully biological one because he's a bio Android created by gene splicing and genetic engineering and using the different components of all the fighters that came before him now the thing is with cell we never really get any uh you know interactions between him and Giro because in every timeline gero was dead by this time that cell arrived or woke up so the thing is like would sell have really remained loyal to him we do get like some moment moments where he refers to him as like master gero and he's like we should we're going to become Master gero's greatest uh Android when you fuse with me 17 when I absorb you and everything like that so do you think he would have kept real loyalty or do you think that like the Frieza and other beings within him would have kind of overridden whatever program he had to just you know eventually have him wipe out gero the same way yeah you're absolutely right to point out cell is different from everybody else but he's not just different in the fact that he's a biological organism he's also different in that he was mostly designed or monitored not by gero himself by by his computer so it's it's almost like another one of zuro's Creations was creating another one of Jerusalem creation yeah right um but uh any I I don't know if that becomes relevant but I think it's important to keep that in mind um but the two two biggest goals that sell was get uh the cell had obviously given to by gero is become perfect and kill Goku now you asked would he have remained loyal to gero and I think that in order to answer that question you have to ask yourself this if you're always alive and told cell go kill Goku and cell had to choose he had to choose whether to become perfect or kill Goku which would he choose yeah and when I think about it like that I would assume he would not he would choose to become perfect over killing Goku which leads me to believe that cell probably would have at least when in the ultimate right maybe he would have obeyed Joe well enough but when you dig down deep into what cell is and who sell is I think gero and cell are not aligned ultimately because ultimately cell wants to become perfect more than he wants to kill Goku yeah absolutely another another thing to back up that point you're making is that after um cell had become perfect I think it was during the conversation between him and Future Trunks after trunks had been defeated because you know his grade three was useless cell was basically saying that it doesn't even matter if I kill Goku anymore it's irrelevant but he was still interested in the challenge improving his superiority you know it's like uh our friend Danny geeked him 101 did a video recently talking about the psychology of cell and how he's like a real narcissist and how he constantly wants to prove how Superior he is to everyone and becoming perfect essentially is kind of like that too which is ironic because he becomes perfect but he's still ultimately obliterated by um you know the Next Generation so in a sense I definitely would say that if that Dr gero was like standing next to him just like he did with 17-18 he's like I command you to kill them instead of becoming perfect right now cell would probably just say oh sorry Dr tarot but you know I uh I'm not gonna listen and either kill him or just disobey and it's not like gero would have been able to do much to sell even when he first wakes up I'm assuming he'd still be more powerful and this is okay but this is also where it gets kind of fuzzy because once again cell has another almost like another Creator which is what I said before which is Dr gero's computer so it's like I don't know which way you want to go with this it's like does the computer I would have to assume the computer is aligned with zero too right yeah and but the thing is all of gero's Creations seem to go against him right so do you think that would apply to his own computer it's kind of like Skynet you know like where again another Terminator reference where uh Skynet was created by Humanity but ultimately turned against them and sought to wipe them all out and that was kind of like the same type of super computer so it is possible that maybe the computer if it was Left Alive long enough would have turned against hero too yeah because I think you know the what cell eventually became or I mean what he was designed to be it was almost like a ultimate life form basically um now when you really think about it do you in theory need to be an ultimate life form to kill Goku not really you just need to be able to kill him that's it right it's pretty clear that with 17 and 18 19 and 20 they're not supposed to be like the Pinnacle of life right they're not supposed to be like the you know like I said ultimate life form they're just supposed to kill Goku at least that's what gero wanted right but with cell there's another thing going on and in fact I I wouldn't even say that supersedes killing Goku because like you said in the story itself you don't really think about cell just wanting to kill Goku no it's about him being the Pinnacle right him being the best thing in the universe that honestly resonates more with what cell is than just wanting to kill Goku and when you think about it whether it was jero's computer or Giro himself I mean we don't really know because the series never goes into it but when you think about it maybe it has what Euro wanted because cell is so different from gero's other creations uh all of them uh Android 8 17 16 20. um because they're not supposed to be like the Pinnacle of life gero intentionally designed cell in order to absorb 17 and 18. so maybe Giro in a way because you know sell if if all according went to plan cell would have became perfect he would absorb 17 and 18 become the ultimate life form and then I mean if we're being honest he would have probably have killed Goku after that so yeah in a way maybe gero got what he wanted with cell because even though I would definitely think cell would pick becoming perfect over killing Goku in a way by becoming perfect he's going he's going to kill Goku eventually anyway and maybe Giro already made that calculation right yeah absolutely he would have been fighting what I'm saying is if he were to have been killed by cell he might have been fine with it because he knows cells is going to follow his programming of becoming perfect and that road is eventually going to lead to Goku's death anyway so in a way I almost think that maybe zero even if he was to war to be killed by cell he would have not minded being killed by cell in the same way he obviously would have minded being killed by 17 and 18 or 19 or any other any of his other creations he might have not even minded being killed by cell yeah absolutely and um in terms of like all the points you're making I think that uh another great theme I just realized um you know that's another reason I always really like these conversations is that cell in a sense is kind of just like Gohan where he is like the next step the Next Generation the next creation we have to kind of wonder why Dr gero wanted to create Androids begin with like what was his real goal between you know when he first created Android one for example right like why did he get into this anyway and so maybe this was his true goal all along to create the ultimate life form to progress existence basically and this was like his ultimate like prodigy or progeny stepping forward just like Gohan was Goku's inevitably the two of the Next Generation stepping forward were the ones that had the final battle in the ark and one of them overcame the other which was Gohan when he defeated Cell so that's another great Point yeah it's kind of like I don't know if you've ever seen the uh the Prometheus movies like that or alien Covenant but it's a lot like the Android David wants to create the ultimate life form and that's the xenomorph the alien from the Alien movies and it's kind of like the same idea in a sense where this Android creates this ultimate biological being that ends up being like a monstrous being that wants to kind of spread and Destroy Everything very similar to how Dr Dro also creates cell to want to do the same thing so it is kind of uh maybe Toriyama did have a little or maybe uh Ridley Scott in this case tookens operation from Toriyama after he took inspiration from Ridley Scott for the alien right wow yeah yeah the only the only wrinkle I would add to that is uh is obviously giro's computer because yeah I don't I think that you can't like just ignore the fact that cell was supervised by gero's computer yeah um while yeah I mean it could very well be that gero was exactly the way I described where he cell did exactly what he wanted even if Excel were to kill gero for be wanting to become perfect over killing Goku that's still basically maybe what gero wanted because in the in becoming perfect he would have eventually killed Goku anyway right yeah um however there's also the wrinkle of the computer and the reason why there's a wrinkle of the computer is well even if you think that gero was still so focused on just the single-minded thing of killing Goku and he didn't care about this ultimate life form or having these grander goals of you know you know like you said progressing life itself or something like that and he was just singularly focused on killing Goku it still kind of works because even if you're Roe himself was like that and but he left it to his computer so maybe his computer came to the calculation well I can fulfill your wish hero of killing Goku but I can do a lot more than that yeah you know like you know how like then the computer you can have like this is a common theme in a lot of sci-fi where in in the machine itself will still operate under the Creator's intentions but just not in the way he thought right yeah absolutely so like there this is so common in all of sci-fi where uh you know the robot will still be governed by laws but it's not in any unforeseen way that humans are not thought of and the doctor's Rose computer could have been in the exact same thing it could have been where yeah we're gonna kill Goku too but we're gonna do a lot more than this just kill Goku okay yeah absolutely it's kind of like um like you're talking about science fiction like Isaac Asimov like iRobot for example where they have the different laws of the robots and the artificial intelligence could not go outside of and yet they still kind of find ways of going around them in terms of either loopholes or in terms of like you know trying to take their ideas even further so that's really a great point we don't know how self-aware Dr dro's computer was and if it had its own goals too it would make sense if it was self-aware because the fact that um you know it was controlling all these different aspects with the robot Droids that were going out and getting the the data and doing things that your row was completely unaware of like taking frieza's data for example and uh kind of acting autonomously so maybe like you're saying yeah uh and you could even attribute I would have to assume I think it's pretty safe to assume that Jacques Rose computer was at least autonomous that it was operating under itself whether it was just operating under like strict instructions from gero or it had some sort of autonomy in terms of like it could do things on its own that maybe drugged in foresee I I lean on that because it seems all of gero's Creations uh were doing that anyway I mean it did that Android they did that 16 we don't know for sure if he did that but certainly you could see glimpses in 19 uh doing that even though he was super obedient and so did 17 and 18. so it's pretty safe to assume that yeah gero's computer probably had I mean it certainly had autonomy and I think it could do things and maybe even gero didn't foresee yeah absolutely that's that's another great point and really I think all this comes down to just these these concepts are artificial intelligence which is one of the things that I I just have always found so fascinating in movies and just in general whether it be Terminator or alien or Blade Runner or a Dragon Ball Z you know it's a really fascinating concept and the way that Toriyama executes it you know is something that doesn't really get enough credit so that's why we could talk about this subject so in depth and we could probably go on for hours about this but at the end of the day I feel like that like we talked about during this video The Reason listening for it probably comes down to not only like the human component with like 17 18 and possibly Android 8 but also the fact that when Dr Dro creates these Androids you know he wants to make them almost like his perfect slaves like the beings that will do everything for him at his whim But ultimately because of the nature of personality of the mind and everything when he tries to replicate that in these machines they always will kind of go against him a little bit or have their own motives or modus operandi like you said before so as a result we will get 19 who wants to be greedy and wants to run away from Vegeta when he's gonna get killed we do get 16 who wants to play with nature and you know eventually doesn't want to kill Goku anymore aside from cell because he's technically part Goku right and then we know we get some of the other Androids that disobey him so you know it is interesting to think maybe the only one that ever truly would have done exactly what Dr Dro wanted was Android 20 himself Dr gero because even his own computer in cell might not have been doing exactly what he wanted the whole time or at least not in the way that he saw it so do you have any other uh points or anything else you want to say before we go I think I pretty much exhausted uh what I had to say unless you had something else to bring up no I think that we went really in depth in this and that's why we're gonna leave it up now to everyone in the comments this is a really fascinating discussion so let us know your own thoughts down below make sure to check out black and fists he has so much great content that he made over the years and uh you know here's hoping that he'll make something else in the future but with that being said guys thanks for watching make sure to subscribe if you're new here like share and stick around because there's a lot more to come in the future beautiful friends thank you for watching laughingstock media yeah and you better subscribe enable those damn notifications
Channel: Laughingstock Media
Views: 30,474
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Keywords: why didnt the androids obey doctor gero, doctor gero dragon ball, doctor gero dragon ball z, dr gero death, dr gero kills yamcha, dr gero theme, dr gero, androids, future android 17 and 18, future androids, androids kill the z fighters, androids kill gohan, androids vs z fighters, android 17, android 17 and 18, android 18, 17 & 18, cell, cell saga, cell games, dragon ball, dragon ball z, dragon ball super, dbz, db super, laughingstock media, laughing stock media, anime, manga
Id: fhMjimfau4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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