Why Didn't Gohan And Gotenks Fight Kid Buu?

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hey guys it's Mike here and in this video I'm going to be discussing a question that many people have asked ever since the Buu saga of Dragon Ball Z and more specifically this takes place during the final climactic fight between Goku and Kid Buu in the third Act of that Saga in which the question becomes why didn't Goku Vegeta or anyone else bring Gohan and go tanks to fight Kid Buu after they were revived by the Dragon Balls well I'm gonna be getting into that in depth right now but before I begin if you like this content please make sure to leave a like and share it out it really helps the channel and if you're new here consider subscribing enabling notifications so you can stay up to date with all my future videos I'm also really looking forward to seeing you guys comment your own thoughts down below about this subject and any others that you might think of but with that being said let's get into the video right now so as I mentioned before this takes place during this final fight between Goku and Kid Buu for anyone who doesn't remember at this point in the story what had happened is that Goku had lost his Super Saiyan 3 form and at this point he was kind of at the whims of you know what was going on around him with other people helping him out in this fight against Kid Buu fat boo stepped in to fight him Vegeta at this point had tried to help Goku in order to get his energy back so that he'd be able to power up to full to defeat Kid Buu but he wasn't able to do that that's when Vegeta enacted his plan of using the namekian dragon balls in order for them to wish back the earth and the people on it that Kid Buu had just destroyed before and what ended up happening then well after they were brought back Goku contemplates and speculates on the purpose of why Vegeta is doing all this where he says right here I know you're gonna get Gohan and go tanks to fight with us Vegeta at this point says no start making ready for the Genki dama aka the spear Spirit Bomb and this is all part of Vegeta's plan in order for Goku to use this iconic technique that he learned from Supreme Kai in order for him to be able to defeat Kid Buu and all this concept that Vegeta had of laying the earthlings save themselves for once however of course the thing is that Gohan and go tanks with that being Goten trunks are earthlings sure they are half Saiyan but nonetheless they are still fighters from Earth so the question is what if go tanks or Gohan or even both of them were to fight this final form the original form of Kid Buu who exactly would have come out Victorious well let me actually break down the power of each of those Fighters and what would happen if they fought Kid Buu and ultimately why they didn't so let's start of course with Gotenks now we saw the power of Gotenks on display after he had gone into the hyperbolic Time Chamber now as I discussed in the video you could see in the top right corner where I discuss the power of go tanks in the Saga before Gotenks went into the hyperbolic Time Chamber as a Super Saiyan Goku had already implied to fapu that he would be even more powerful than Goku as a Super Saiyan 3 because of course Goku had no idea that Gotenks could become a Super Saiyan 2 or even three he just knew the power of fusion knew the power of the two kids and realized that the multiplier with Super Saiyan on top of it would be able to push them to being at least as powerful as Goku as the Super Saiyan 3 and you know he said to Fabu that he'd be even stronger than him we saw this that goten's got a significant power up as Piccolo States when he fuses together for the first time after they're in the Time Chamber where Piccolo says right here he does seem different they've powered up hugely this may succeed and we don't need to go through the entire fight because I did break that down in another video you can see in the top right where I discussed what would actually happen if go tanks and super boo had fought and uh the fight had not been interrupted but as we saw Super Buu in this case was still a good amount more powerful than regular Super Saiyan Gotenks however even with all these different techniques he uses like the ghost Kamikaze attack Gotenks is not able to destroy Super Buu this is because even though these techniques are really powerful as you could see right here blowing up superboo eventually as you can see right now having a ghost go right down his throat and then blowing him up again to where he's just you know pieces on the ground clumps that they then destroy vaporize uh boo is still able to come back from smoke you could speculate that maybe this is because Gotenks wasn't powerful enough because of that power Advantage I was just discussing before that kid that superboo had right now however nonetheless when the Fight Continues to go on eventually after uh the two of them are trapped really three of them are trapped inside of really the four of them if we're really breaking it down to semantics here aren't we the fact the matter is they're all trapped in the time chamber and super boo screams his way out however at this point this is when Gotenks Reveals His ultimate trump card uh which is when he turns into a Super Saiyan 3 which would make himself according to the uh guides eight times more powerful than his Super Saiyan form at this point he screams in a hole through the dimension just like super boo is able to and they begin to fight and the two of them while they're going back and forth a little bit until go tanks actually gets the advantage here when he finally gets serious during the fight and that's at this point around now when super boo blast him go tank starts to blast back and then he starts to really take it to him when he gets angry at boo he's punching him he takes a blast and he fires it right back at him he starts to punch him back take him down and then what we see right here in this moment right here is the implication that perhaps when uh boo is totally overwhelmed he's not able to instantly regenerate in this case go tanks is charging up his super powerful Kamehameha or whatever attack he's playing to use here and he's going to completely obliterate boo until there's nothing left of him now of course again this is something that we didn't see before because we only saw this happen when Gotenks was a Super Saiyan so there's a chance when he's eight times more powerful he would have theoretically been able to do this however of course he wasn't able to because the fight was interrupted by the fusion timer because as it's explained earlier on when Goten trunks her train in the Time Chamber Gotenks can only maintain his full power as a Super Saiyan 3 for 5 minutes which is you know 1 6 of the time that he'd be able to maintain his Super Saiyan and maybe hypothetically Super Saiyan 2 if he even achieved it with this form it's weird to think that you know he just went Super Saiyan skipped Super Saiyan 2 entirely but that's kind of the implication we seem to get in every single media that go tanks is involved in so the fact of the matter is that this could prove a problem depending upon the power of Kid Buu which I'll get into soon but let's talk about the other contestant here in this fight if it were to be a one-on-one or you know a two-on-one depending upon what things would actually go down which is Gohan now Gohan up until this point well he wasn't as powerful as blue up until he got his potential unlocked by the Elder Kai through this ritual so basically what ended up happening was that uh the Elder Kai had found Gohan after he trained with the Z sword now Gohan was weaker than Super Saiyan to Goku and Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta up until the time you train with the Z sword I discussed that in another video in the top right how powerful Gohan was after that training but nonetheless there's a chance that he was even stronger than Goku and Vegeta as Super Saiyan 2's and then you guys potential unlocked and as you can see right here when he Powers up everyone including Goku is utterly stunned by the insane amount of power on display Goku is basically speechless at first until Gohan talks to him and you can even say right here are a c right here what he says you're right it is amazing I don't believe it you haven't changed on the outside you're not even a Super Saiyan but I didn't even know this was possible so Goku is like totally shocked because the fact that Gohan here is so massively powerful which makes sense Goku says multiple times in this Arc and then the arc before this that Gohan has more potential than him that he's more powerful than him and if he truly unleashes that rage within him or in this case brings out the power in a different way he's going to be able to not be beaten by anyone which is going to come into play momentarily but the fact of the matter is that that also includes Goku and as we could see right here Gohan is a shocking Goku not because wow you're almost as powerful as me son or wow you're as powerful as me son no Gohan is a lot more powerful than Goku as a ultimate form uh in the Manga version at least I'll get into the anime stuff in a minute too and at this point what happens whoa Gohan after he uh gets his power unlocked uh he goes off to fight against Super Buu and what then occurs well Gohan Powers up in front of super boo who doesn't think he's gonna be able to stand any chance against him and Gohan proceeds to utterly wreck super boo right here and now and uh is just getting the advantage of him punching him kicking him doing things he knows actually won't work because you know people continue to punch a regenerating villain that they know for a fact will not be killed by punches or kicks but that's a blue sag in a nutshell really nonetheless what keeps happening is that you know Gohan keeps getting the advantage over him and uh you know in this case they uh they definitely censored this because Gohan did not call him a uh Slowpoke you know he didn't call him a Pokemon for sure in the uh the original version I'm sure you guys know exactly what he did call him but nonetheless what ends up occurring next I'm trying not to say what happens next because you guys uh I don't want you guys to uh die of alcohol poisoning when you keep taking shots when I say what ended up happening or a variety of the other words the choices I continue making these videos off the top of my head but nonetheless the thing is that during this super boo reveals something very important that could play into the scaling surrounding his fight against Gotenks I talked about another video I referenced before a reference to a reference and he says I knew it it was you what what do you mean so Gohan I felt a very strong power far away I don't want anything to be stronger than me so you tried me out and I really was Stronger well that's too bad too and basically the idea is that boo actually was sensing the power of Gohan on display during his fight against go tanks and that during that he actually formatted the idea during the fight as we'll be able to see actually right about uh over here where gotenk states to him that hurry up if I lose this form it'll take me an hour before I can beat you again we see that Boo has this shocked expression and he goes on to confirm exactly what I'm saying right now after he escapes after this fake self-destruction against Gohan when he comes back and what does he do then he goes on to trick go tanks into becoming his Super Saiyan 3 maximum power and then absorbs him into his being so that he could become boo tanks after also absorbing Piccolo to get his mind as well as gotenk's power and what we see here is that he actually explains this saying right here that he began to form this plan when he first sensed Gohan's presence far from Earth and realized that he might be stronger than boo so I thought I should absorb super gotangs I should surely be able to retain my title regardless of who should appear fortunately that brat mentioned that he had limited time which I just showed you right here in this scene not wanting him to shift back the moment I absorbed him I had to wait for the next window of opportunity I need stall only an hour until the creature honored me with his reappearance at this point Gohan is outclass because Boo who was uh you know not like many times weaker than Gohan added the power of Gotenks that Gohan was a little bit above to his power which then took super boot tanks beyond the power of uh Gohan as his ultimate starts to beat him down and eventually Gohan is absorbed Naboo and everyone gets removed from boo when Goku and Vegeta go inside of his body so this is where we start to talk about the power of Kid Buu the person that would be or the being the monster the time immemorial creature force of nature who would be fighting against Gohan and Gotenks after they removed uh the different people from within Super Buu including the fapu what ended up happening was that he started to revert back through his previous forms and this is where a statement occurs that a lot of people really seem to take in order to say that Kid Buu is stronger than Super Buu which is that we see right here Goku says um Vegeta isn't his Chi getting bigger and we see that boo starts to bulk up as he becomes his buff boo which is really uh Kid Buu with the power of the Southern Supreme Kai in him as well Goku even makes a joke is this guy taking steroids no he's not what are you talking about he's clearly very naughty aside from all the Supreme character but anyway uh you know Supreme Kai says at this point that he realizes what's occurring however Vegeta is a little bit less scared as we see things continue to occur as he reverts back to his original form as Supreme Kai says right here oh no he's turning back and he becomes Kid Buu at this point Vegeta actually laughs he's like look at our little friend and Goku says yeah we can take him now they can sense the power of Kid Buu on display so there's no reason that just looking at how small he is they would think they could take him unless his power also went down after all if his power was the same or continued to increase uh from as he was regressing through all his different forms then they at no point would ever be saying this right here that isn't his Chi getting bigger and then go on to say momentarily the statement right here of oh yeah we can take him because the fact the matter is that that obviously implies to anyone reading this text right here that Kid Buu is not as powerful as the booze we had just seen including super boo because again the reason why bring up superboo here is also important and why I mentioned him before when scaling go tanks and Gohan is because what we see right here when Goku and Vegeta are actually inside of Buu's shell or inside of Buu's body rather and they start to remove people from him after they remove every single person from inside of boo what ends up happening is that Goku first off Witnesses Vegeta breaking the earrings this plays into the next statement which is that they remove everyone from within boo before removing the Fabu and they sense his power going down however at this point Goku says wait a second he's still stronger than either of us he'll kill us if we go out like this and this is referencing right here bass super boo which is the fusion of course of the evil Boo and the fat Boo or really Kid Buu with Fabu inside of his brain so naturally when both of them are then then mocking him and saying you know oh look at our little friend and yeah we can take him that obviously means that they're saying that he's weaker than the base super boo they were just seeing before before he even absorbed the power of uh Gotenks Gohan and so on into his being which means that the the manga and even the anime when they repeat this are implicitly telling us that Kid Buu is weaker than base super boo which is very important when it comes into the scaling here because again we saw that when Gohan was fighting against uh Super Buu right here the same when I'm talking that is saying straw he is stronger than Kid Buu he was wrecking him it wasn't really even that much of a fight and Gohan if he wasn't arrogant if he had just gone out loud from the start and he actually learned from trunks in the previous Arc might have been able to completely obliterate and defeat Kid Buu or a Super Buu Right Here and Now same thing of course goes for go tanks go tanks got the advantage over Boo at one point and you know despite the fact that as I showed before you can make the argument that um go tanks is actually uh not as powerful as superboo or maybe their relative or whatever because the fact that he sends Gohan's power the fact of the matter is we still see him in this very vulnerable situation where Gotenks had completely taken over the fight here and was right about to destroy uh super boo with this blast and potentially even wipe him out completely obliterate him just like Gohan possibly would have been able to do so even if we say that uh you know go tanks here is maybe a little bit weaker than superboo it is full power if he you know didn't know anything about uh Gohan and went all out from the very beginning or even if they're equivalent and the same thing with Gohan here then that would mean that both of them are still significantly more powerful than Kid Buu now now with that being said in the anime version of things it is a little bit different as after all not only do we see everything start off with when Goku fights against Kid Buu he is starting the fight in his Super Saiyan 2 form whereas in the manga he is fighting as a Super Saiyan 3 but additionally he also States right here about Kid Buu that he's on a whole different level from all the Boos up to now so there's a statement where the anime is trying to say that Kid Buu is the most powerful Boo or on a whole different level but really when you actually look at all the in-universe evidence this is the only real statement that kind of backs that idea up and I know that there is some other piece of evidence that people often like to use to try and say that Kid Buu was more powerful than Gohan and Gotenks for example when Goku is charging up the Spirit Bomb what ends up happening is that we actually see all the different fighters on Earth donating their energy to it and even other people from the afterlife for example we see in the top right here Gohan Goten trunks Piccolo and a lot of these other Fighters giving him their energy we see this little energy ball right here Goku says it's huge but it's nowhere near as big as the ball on Namek or as big as it would go on to be later on when he throws it at Kid Buu so a lot of people say that because when he gathers this energy and then eventually gathers it from the full amount from all of the people on Earth and then throws it directly at uh Kid Buu and the fact that this attack is able to be stopped by Kid Buu and you know it doesn't immediately destroy him in part because the fact that Goku doesn't even have the energy left within him to unleash it uh the fact the matter is that this is not the same type of energy that Goku or somebody would use in a fight a lot of people seem to misunderstand this about the Spirit Bomb the power that is being put into the Genki dhamma is as the name suggests Genki Genki he is a type of energy or Chi or key that is within the body which is good health energy you know it is good energy it is a different type of energy than you know the thing that people typically blast somebody with or do this or do that it is a very different uh amount or variety rather of the energy so when Gohan and these other characters are giving their power obviously this is not like their full power if it was you know to fire everything and Achieve last simultaneously at kid boo but rather a totally different technique that uses one aspect of chi as opposed to being the entirety of their Chi or key base power which is also very obvious because look at the amount of power that we see right here when Gohan and all these powered fighters who have power levels and like the billions at this point are putting their energy into this ball and then look at how powerful and big the energy sphere becomes when a bunch of normal people without any energy donate their power to the Spirit Bomb it becomes vastly more powerful so obviously using common sense you would be able to tell immediately that this is not the same type of energy in no way shape or form determines whether or not Gohan or go tanks would be able to win rather like I said before all the evidence instead showcases that uh Gohan and go tanks are more powerful than Kid Buu however Kid Buu does really have an extremely powerful regeneration Factor this is part one of the reasons why many people think that Goku used the Spirit Bomb or Vegeta told him to use the Spirit Bomb in the first place because during the course of the fight no matter what attack Goku use including this Kamehameha that we see just completely destroys Buu he still continues to regenerate dragging out the entire movie or dragging out the really the entire fight it's a movie for the people all watching down in hell but the fact the matter is that he continues to come back time and time again Vegeta says even right here Buu is stronger than I imagined and so kakra are you so again he's not really saying that Buu is vastly more powerful than Goku here as a lot of people like to speculate or you know like toyotaro throws in the hole oh he actually had God key inside of him even though that's not how godkey Works toyotaro don't even understand your own manga that you're writing the fact of the matter is that nonetheless there's nothing that really suggests that he's vastly more powerful than Goku rather he's just having fun he's dragging things out because he knows that he has the energy and he could just wear Goku down with his stamina because much like when Vegeta fought against 18 or somebody else is playing against uh you know an Android with the infinite energy even if their power is relative or even if you know maybe Kid Buu is a little bit weaker than Goku or maybe even a little bit stronger than Goku if he actually tried the entire time and went all out the fact the matter is that he could just keep wearing him down and Goku eventually they lost this fight because of the fact that he would not be able to maintain this power or truly rev up and go all out with his living body because of the horrible stamina-related issues from Kid Buu so you know or from Super Saiyan 3. so a lot of people do like to say or like to think that the main reason why he used the Spirit Bomb as I'm flashing through these panels faster than the speed of light you know this is uh kind of how they read when they're running at five you know five minutes Dynamic basically the fact of the matter is that there's nothing also that really says that for a fact as I discussed another video in the top right which is you know was the Spirit Bomb required to kill Kid Buu the fact of the matter is that this was rather instead of being an idea of you know the ultimate technique that could only kill Kid Buu because it's a good power that would immediately Target the evil power within kid Boone all this other fan fiction stuff or really a headcanon rather I should say that people have said over the years you know like when uh when Gogeta uses the Stardust breaker against genema or something like that which is probably where a lot of that idea came from the fact of the matter is that this is actually more about the symbolic victory in Vegeta's eyes because as he says right here he wants the earthlings to be able to save themselves for once because it's always about the Saiyans and the strongest Fighters defending them but rather he wants the earthlings to actually fight for themselves which is seen as a very Noble Thing by King Kai and a lot of the other Fighters and the other people there who then uh use Vegeta's idea to make that Spirit Bomb inevitably cast it at Kid Buu however with that being said based upon the power of Gotenks and Gohan I think it's pretty clear that if they were to show up and fight things would have uh probably went about the same way in terms of a positive conclusion so what actually would have happened if Gohan or go tanks fought against Kid Buu well I think it's pretty clear that either of them would have been able to defeat him I think that go tanks might be a little bit more difficult for him to win just because the fusion timer and let's say the possibility that maybe he wouldn't be able to obliterate Kid Buu to the point where he wouldn't come back uh and you know that means that maybe if he went Super Saiyan 3 the entire time there's a chance that he wouldn't have been able to accomplish that but as I showcased before all the evidence in Universe except for like one line in the anime version which is not what Toriyama wrote says that Kid Buu is not as powerful as Super Buu the same thing also when it comes to Gohan where he's not only more powerful than go tanks as a Super Saiyan 3 but additionally he also doesn't have some kind of fusion timer or something so he could just go full power the entire time blast kid boo with his most powerful Kamehameha or masenko or whatever attack he wants to over and over and over again until he just doesn't come back because the fact of the matter is that there's nothing that ever says that Kid Buu needed the Spirit Bomb to be obliterated Rather somebody like with a vastly more high level of power who could output far more destructive capabilities than anything Kid Buu could regenerate from would be able to kill him I mean I don't think that many people would really argue that Vegito if you want Super Saiyan 3 wouldn't be able to fire his uh final Kamehameha at Kid Buu and obliterate him completely down into nothingness I feel like most people would probably agree that's the case and the same thing with Gohan or Gotenks but with this being said this has been debated forever so let me know your own thoughts Down Below in the comments like I said if you're new here consider subscribing enabling notifications stay up to date with all my future videos and stick around because there's a lot more to come in the future yeah and you better subscribe
Channel: Laughingstock Media
Views: 38,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why didnt gohan and gotenks fight kid buu, gohan, gotenks, kid buu, why didnt gohan fight kid buu, gohan vs kid buu, ultimate gohan vs kid buu, gotenks vs kid buu, goku vs kid buu, goku vs buu, buu, majin buu, buu saga, ultimate gohan, gohan vs super buu, gohan vs buu, gotenks vs, gotenks vs buu, gotenks vs super buu, how strong is gohan, how strong is buu, dragon ball, dragon ball z, dragon ball super, dbz, db super, laughing stock media, laughingstock media, anime, manga
Id: JZR5T05AlKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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