Gotenks Vs Kid Buu: Who Would Win?

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hey guys it's Mike here and in this video I'm going to be discussing another what if versus battle that would have taken place and the Buu saga of Dragon Ball Z that particular fight would have pitted Super Saiyan 3 go tanks versus Kid Buu in the question of who would have actually come out Victorious if those two battled it out for the fate of the universe at the end of that Arc well in this video I'm going to be breaking that down in depth going into the manga And discussing not only who is more powerful but who is more likely to prove Victorious but before I begin if you're new in this channel consider subscribing enabling all notifications so you could stay up to date with my future videos additionally if you like this video make sure to leave a like share your own thoughts Down Below in the comments and share the video out some even more people can see these videos so I can continue to make even more of them going forward but with that being said let's get into the video okay so as I usually do in these particular videos I'm going to be going into the a strength of each of these individual Fighters as well as their different capabilities and then applying it to this hypothetical versus Battle to see exactly who would actually come out Victorious beginning of course with Gotenks the fusion of the son of Goku and the son of Vegeta into this powerful Dance metamores Fusion but just how powerful is go tanks well I broke that down in depth in its own dedicated video that you could see in the top right but for the purposes of this video I'm going to be breaking that down one more time and interestingly enough the way that I'm going to be able to do that is by starting with another fight that took place before we see this initial Fusion the two which was between Super Saiyan 3 Goku and Fabu so with that being said for anyone who remembers with uh everything going on Boo is going to West City to destroy capsule Corp and everything else there Goku had to stalk a fat boo in this this case and allow trunks to go get the dragon radar so that he'd be able to resurrect everyone who was killed by boo after this I actually broke down who would win in a fight between these two different fighters in the video in the top right that you could see up there so with that being said as we saw when Goku went into his final form at the time of course he would have many more final forms after this the two began their battle and Goku went insurd to dominate Fabu punching him grabbing him by his antenna or whatever you want to call it tentacle feel or so on so forth and punching him around like a toy slamming into the ground and then boo ended up using Vegeta's technique but after we saw this no matter what Goku is doing as he pointed out right here he didn't hurt him at all and boo was capable of learning quickly however Buu wasn't really able to deal any significant damage to Goku as we saw when he punched him and Goku just smiled it off however this entire time Goku's timer on Earth was wearing down because of just how much power he had to borrow against his living body and his time there with that spiritual body and everything as I wrote down that video I mentioned before so essentially as we saw this fight continue on Goku blasted through boo he continued to instantly regenerate through everything to the shock of Goku and then he even fired Goku's attack right back at him which Goku deflected and it proceeded to destroy one tenth of the plane as a result even though this theoretically would be able to destroy vastly more if he intended for it to do so which I also discussed in another video that you could see in the top right discussing exactly how Planet busting and even solar system busting Works in this franchise but as we saw Goku was praising Buu for his power he found out that trunks had attained the dragon radar and then he powered back down and he told Boo after he was getting really anxious that the ones that he and Bobby we were looking for would come in two days and boo asked are they strong at this point Bobby's saying why should they wait and then Goku teleported back to kami's Palace this is where we get the statements regarding uh goten's Power relative to Goku and Buu which we go on to see right here which is after boo had killed Bobbidi and they're observing him still destroying things down on the planet after they had been hopeful that maybe he would stop with the negative influence of Bobby no longer in there and Goku goes on to say I told him somebody stronger than me will fight him in two days he seemed happy I think we'll be safe for two days at least I feel bad for people down below though so the youngsters must perfect Fusion by then ask Piccolo and then Goku says yeah we better get cracking I probably got less than an hour left so the thing is in terms of all of this we do see this exchange that Goku is referencing right here where he says that the ones that he's looking for will show up in two days and then boo says are they strong so in this version of the manga Goku does not actually say to boo that stronger Fighters will show up however I would say that this is more of an example of Toriyama just forgetting to include this particular piece of dialogue or perhaps you could save retconning in very shortly after we're in the very next chapter that Goku did in fact say this so if you really want to you could say that Goku told Boo this off screen right before Bobby yells at him right here and even then you could even imply at based upon what Goku is saying right here that the ones you're looking for will come in three no two days and just stop and wait until then to which boo responds are they strong so again I think everything kind of ties into that kind of idea that Goku right here is saying that Goten trunks as Gotenks will be even stronger than he is and remember Goku knows firsthand just how strong Fusion is first off he explains right here that he met a couple of memories in the afterlife who taught him how to use the Fusion Dance you can only do it with somebody around the same size and power but when they do it they become way stronger than the sum of their parts and unfortunately he was not able to actually test it out himself because nobody in the afterlife was on his level at the time or likely around the same you know physical size and matter as well additionally Goku knows specifically just how powerful Goten trunks are at the time because he saw them both as Super Saiyans when he was teaching them initially how to do the Fusion dance and also how to balance their CHI with one another so as a result they would be able to be perfectly even and flow into one another so as a result Goku knows firsthand just how powerful Goten try Bronx will become when they fuse together into go tanks as a Super Saiyan at their maximum powers and as a result he knows that he is extrapolating that this power right here of go tanks would actually be even more powerful than Goku as he was when he was in Super Saiyan 3 and fought fat boo a lot of people try and discount this and try and say that Goku is lying or that he was full of it but he literally has zero reason in this example to lie and he was planning this entire thing out and training Goten trunks so that they would be able to defeat fat Boo and so as a result Goku being the foremost expert on metamores Fusion here out of everyone here would know firsthand not only how powerful he is as Super Saiyan 3 but also how strong Goten trunks would be as Super Saiyans when they became go tanks and even when they power up everyone is shocked by just how incredibly powerful he is including Piccolo who had sent Super Saiyan 3 Goku and still says your Chi is impressive but this isn't even the maximum power that we see from gotenics right here because he goes on to go into the hyperbolic Time Chamber and train to become even more powerful as we go on to see right here right before the battle against uh Super Boom at which point Piccolo says he does seem different they've powered up hugely this may succeed now let's talk a little bit about that fighter that go tanks is going to go up against here which is super boo before this event happens and this will also really help with scaling the power not only of Gotenks but also Kid Buu during the hypothetical fight when I get into that so when it comes to the power of Super Buu he is vastly more powerful than fat boo was because of a number of different things I also talked about in a video in the top right where I discussed exactly how strong super boo was and the fact of the matter is according to Piccolo not only is he stronger but as he explains right he here he's transformed and now his body is perfectly suited to battle his soul is pure rage I fear that this is the end essentially is what he's saying so not only did the power of boo increase to where he was no longer held back by the positive influence of the Grand Supreme Kai or daikyo Shin but additionally he also transformed his body from the fat body into a taller leaner and stronger more versatile body and form that would allow him to handle that body of not only the power of all the booze within him being the kid Boo and the fat boo but also the Supreme Kai's within him simultaneously for the ultimate power overall and we got to see this on display when he actually went to fight against Gotenks additionally this boo was actually even more powerful than Goku as he goes on to explain later on because after Goku and Vegeta had fused in a Vegito and went inside of super buuhan's body what they did was they began to remove all these different components that were absorbed within Buu as we see him regressing through these different forms up until the point where he went back to being the base super boo that we see right here at that point they are going to blast their way out and Goku says right here wait he's still stronger than either of us he'll kill us if we go out like this and Goku says to Vegeta that they would have needed the pitorah fusion just to be able to beat this form of super boot now a lot of people seem to believe that Goku was also bluffing in this particular situation because in the manga and the anime when boo after he'd absorbed the power of Super Saiyan 3 go tanks went to try and fight him Goku is begging him off and then he actually transforms into a Super Saiyan 3. but in both the anime and manga Goku is far outclassed by Super Buu tanks as you can see right here he's saying no he's like scared and he's sweating because he knows he stands no chance against this power of Buu which has been basically doubled by the increase of adding uh go tanks and also you know the very small increase from Piccolo into his body and in the anime version Goku is getting schooled by Gotenks he's not holding his own like many people misremember he stands zero chance but was just playing around with him however at this point what we end up seeing happening is that uh Goku sees that boot tanks has actually reverted back into buwica low at this point because the fact that Goten trunks had defused within him and Piccolo was now the most powerful and predominant form that was within Boo's body at this point Goku says at this point haha feeling weaker the kid's Fusion just wore off I bet Piccolo's in there slowing you down he then says at this point too bad it's kind of disappointing Gohan can handle you now so the original English dub they changed it to say either one of us can handle you now like I said in a previous video my video about Goku vs Piccolo and who would have wanted to start Dragon Ball Z the dub should never be included in these particular assessments because there are so many changes that are not in line with the manga or the original Japanese which is usually one to one with the dialogue so as a result you could disregard that Goku is just saying that Gohan would be able to win because the disparity between boo with the absorption of piccolo Goten trunks is still vastly below Gohan despite the fact that go tanks with Piccolo in Boo's body was capable of beating him because of just how big of a boost the fusion multiplier is inside of there so with that being said we've set up that Super Buu in his base form is stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Goku additionally we set up that go tanks when he initially first fused together into go tanks as a Super Saiyan is also stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Goku according to Goku's own words and all the narrative that's in there that is never ones contradicted and additionally go tanks when he goes into the hyperbolic Time Chamber Powers up hugely according to Piccolo where he is now several times stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Goku at this point the two of them go on to fight and initially of course as his base form he doesn't stand a chance against Buu until he becomes a Super Saiyan that he could put up a little bit more of a fight using more of his techniques here like the galactic donut and also you know using even more abilities that we see later on of course at this point Super Buu isn't going all out he doesn't do that until later in the fight after gotanks uses his Super Saiyan 3 which I'll get into shortly however another ability that could prove incredibly useful not only in this fight but all hypothetical fights that involve go tanks is this ability he's using right here of the super ghost Kamikaze attack or the super Kamikaze ghost strike in the manga where he creates these sentient ghosts that upon contact blow up and can deal significant damage to somebody even as powerful as Super Buu and as the fight goes on and he tricks Super Buu he's actually able to blow him up with a bunch of them simultaneously and then even send a ghost right down Boo's throat and blow him up from the inside and then he proceeds to at this point start to vaporize all the different pieces and components of his body that are left over turning him into ashes and dust which is incredibly helpful when it comes to determining how well he'd be able to do against any of the forms of boo other than the ones that are stronger than of course you know this one right here with that being said however as we could see this is something that could possibly play into even kid Buu's side because Super Buu goes on and regenerate from smoke yes smoke he's in ashes he is demolecularized on the ground if you want to use a word I just invented out of nowhere he is uh completely broken down to the atomic level and yet he still comes comes back from smoke and is able to continue fighting with zero loss of stamina from what we could see at all however goatang still has a trick up his sleeve where he's able to become a Super Saiyan 3 right here screaming his way out just like super boo did earlier and being able to go on to fight against Super Buu however one of the things I haven't really mentioned that much so far is the fact that Gotenks is doing something even now after he sees what happened that he was doing even earlier in the fight which is that he has a tendency to play around with his opponents he doesn't always fight serious from the start like he really should if he wants to end everything then and there so at this point he's still playing around with Super Buu even though he's a Super Saiyan 3 and another thing too that he'll go on to mention shortly after this volleyball attack that he used which is kind of a send-up to uh Tien that we see in the 22nd tournament he explains right here that his Fusion timer is actually running a little bit short in that if he runs out it won't be an hour before he'll be able to fuse again this is actually where boo you could see right here with his shadowed expression comes up with a whole plan of absorbing go tanks after he uh fakes the explosion when he goes to fight against ultimate Gohan and then of course comes back and causes go tanks to fuse again so that he can absorb them at their most powerful another thing worth noting is a weakness of the Super Saiyan 3 form and how it impacts the fusion timer of go tanks as we see right here as Piccolo's leading super boot to the hyperbolic Time Chamber Goten trunks were fusing and they say that oh they never knew that there was a level Beyond Super Saiyan which is another contradiction that Toriyama as many of them in this Arc as they saw Goku do this and they talk about how the fusion uses up all their energy even exhausting them when they are just in their normal forms and they say the weakness is time and they can only do it for five minutes and that it even canceled out their Fusion because of just how powerful it is of course they want to excite everything and make everything even more cool so as a result they want to start out with just their regular fusion and go from there which we saw in the fight but nonetheless this is a major weakness that they would have whether it be to fight against uh super boo Kid Buu or anyone else because if they can only maintain this incredible power of Super Saiyan 3 for five minutes that that ends up being a massive problem because if the fight lasts for longer than that with Gotenks going full power from the start let's say then that's going to be a massive contributing factor to them possibly not being able to pull off that Victory as we do see eventually go tanks is able to get the advantage over boo when he gets really annoyed after boob blasts him with this and starts to take everything seriously speed blitzing him knocking him back and then having this particular situation set up to where boo is scared he's not instantly regenerating like he normally does and it looks like there's the chance for him to actually be able to obliterate super boo right here and now saying that he'll not only destroy him but even obliterate the ashes with his she to the point where he'll never even be able to regenerate again unfortunately because he wasted so much time and so much energy he reverts back to his base form and then even defuses because the fact the matter is that the Super Saiyan 3 expended that five minute timer lowering his normal 30 minutes down to five and then in turn causing him to revert back to his base form and then the Goten trunks which means that he was not able to secure that Victory now since I've talked at length about the power of Super Saiyan 3 go tanks and also his different fighting styles and his weaknesses along with the strengths I do also want to talk about the boo that emerges from within Super Buu after they remove fat boo which of course is Kid Buu as we go on to see right here now first off in terms of the power of Kid Buu there is a statement as we see that boo is regressing back through his different forms where Goku says wait a second Vegeta isn't his Chi getting bigger this is what leads to him turning into what we call Buff Boo in the fandom which is Boo with the Supreme Kai of the South absorbed within him who is the most powerful Supreme Kai assuming that we're not also including the Dai kaioshin in that particular example we don't really know for sure if that he was included but I have the feeling that the Dai kaioshin was probably more powerful than even Kid Buu with the absorption of Southern Supreme Kai otherwise why would he have absorbed him this is the point where we get the explanation of who Kid Buu was the original true pure boo when he first goes back into this original state now before that we do actually see Goku and Vegeta laughing and mocking him in terms of look how weak he is you know we could definitely take him now a lot of people assume that for what whatever reason Vegeta is just talking about how small he is and that they'd be able to defeat him despite how you know powerful he actually is in reality but it's kind of a nonsensical point to make considering the fact that they have time and time again fought incredibly small powerful characters Vegeta himself was a small strong character Goku himself was a small strong character Frieza was you know we saw this time after time after time so I really don't think that these characters at this point in the story are a misjudging boo in terms of strength overall just because the fact that he's smaller and it has more to do with the fact that his power actually has gone down so I don't think that this was kind of a gotcha moment or something like that where Tori almost subverting expectations and Kid Buu really is the most powerful based upon the scene and based upon the oh his cheese increasing line but more that that she increased before it went back down because he was regressing through the forms and naturally this form right here that we could see had a higher normal power level than the super boo which possibly still had some kind of uh I guess you could say quote-unquote corrupting Force within him from the Dai kaioshin and the influence of fat boo other than the bare minimum when he goes to attack Mr Satan later on and then spits him out this is where we get the statement about how he had absorbed the different kinds with those being the Dai kaioshin in the Southern Supreme Kai and then we see right here that the Elder Supreme Kai says that the souls tamed him and this is the first most difficult one and then he explains that this is Boo who is evil incarnate he's never saying that this is the most powerful boo otherwise again why would he have absorbed not only these different characters but also one boo who remember is Kid Buu with the power of fapu absorbed within him as well as Gohan Piccolo and everyone else like that does absorb Gohan into himself he States right here now I'm stronger than ever before and with no time limit so even before this he also said that goteng spoo super boo tanks was the most powerful Boo at the time so again Time After Time After Time they are not telling us that Kid Buu is the strongest Boo in the manga uh and even during the fight let's get into right now between Goku and Kid Buu as we could see right here that is never actually stated in the Manga version I'll get into the anime momentarily now with that being said Goku does believe that he stands a chance of defeating Kid Buu right here even though of course he hasn't seen him go 100 quite just yet and maybe you can argue he never does throughout the course the fight this is where Goku makes a statement about that he could have defeated Boo the fat one with Super Saiyan 3 but as I talked about in that video you could see in the top right corner uh I do not necessarily think that would have been the case because Goku didn't really know the full capabilities of booze regeneration because he didn't actually observe the fight in the hyperbolic Time Chamber between Super Buu and go tanks where he regenerated from smoke or of course he doesn't even know until he starts to fight Kid Buu right here just how much he can output this is where we see the fight going on right here and the two of them aren't really that far apart in terms of their power Goku time after time is taking down Boo and what she's blasting him away knocking him back and you know a lot of people have been under the impression that Kid Buu is vastly more powerful than Goku here especially because the fact that in the Dragon Ball super manga they end up saying that Kid Buu actually has God key and he and hero the god key from the fat Supreme kind he had it the entire time and he was so much more powerful now oop has God key so it could be super relevant and not completely outdated and purpose and completely pointless because the fact that you know every other character is trillions of times more powerful than him and Kid Buu making the power and the potential completely irrelevant I know really justify that because I think it's ridiculous and absurd and Toriyama didn't even have that idea in mind here at the time not to mention that that completely contradicts how God he even works in Dragon Ball super so I think it's just another ridiculous thing that I just completely write off and don't include in the original continuity decades before that kind of like the idea that somehow the cell Juniors just regenerated off screen and we're training alongside Android 17 even though just one of them would have been able to effortlessly One-Shot him unless people think that for some reason everyone to sell games who is fighting against the cell Juniors were weaker than 17 even though all of them should have been able to one shot him at that point but the fact the matter is that even though Goku is able to put up a really good fight against Kid Buu he spends so much the fight you know fighting him in terms of punching and kicking and even biting him eventually as we see right here and not trying to necessarily just dump all of his energy into one blast simultaneously to try and obliterate him now also a lot of people do like to try and say that because Vegeta says that Goku is number one or that he is the champion this version for some reason that he is actually the most powerful again that's not what he's saying this is all about Goku's like mentality and kind of like his relationship and dynamic with Vegeta and what Vegeta has observed not that Goku is the most powerful overall and again everything really comes down to even though Goku blasts Kid Buu he keeps regenerating Time After Time After Time Goku isn't able to defeat him because he is not only powerful but also simultaneously he is regenerating from everything that Goku is putting out and seems to basically have unlimited stamina at this point in time up until when he goes to fight against fat boo which I'll show in a moment at this point Goku says they need to rev up to its 100 full power which very well might be what we actually saw him displaying against fat boo earlier in the arc but he wasn't able to do so and then during this fight he isn't able to do so at all because the fact that Super Saiyan 3 with his living body doesn't really allow him to do that anymore because the fact that it trains just way too much of his stamina in that trade-off now also comparing the power of Kid Buu to the other booths another example we get is right here when we see him fight against fat boo now the two of them are battling one another and even though Kid Buu definitely does have the advantage over Fabu it doesn't really seem like it's that significant and remember fatboo here isn't necessarily as powerful as he was when Goku fought him earlier in the arc and that's because the fact that when he was at his most powerful as fat boo boo had a contradiction within himself between the good and the bad kind of like Kami and as a result he separated himself into the good half good boo Mr Boo and the evil half the gray Boo the evil boo that we see right here which eventually led to this evil boo taking over fat Boo and incorporating himself into him so that he could become super boo because the fact that this boo had the majority of the power that was in that trade-off so as a result the boo that we're actually seeing that's fighting against Kid Buu right here uh is most likely this good boo that's right here and as a result is a very strong chance that he is not as powerful as he was when Goku fought him earlier on as a Super Saiyan 3 at this point in time because this is all of boo with Kid Buu and the daikyo shin and Southern Supreme Kai within him as opposed to this boo which is not Kid Buu but still has the daikyoshin in probably Southern Supreme Kai within him as a result and thus that would mean necessarily that he is weaker than he would have been when Goku fought him initially earlier in the arc even despite that he's not doing that terrible where he keeps regenerating against this Boo and keeps fighting back against him too where he's able to take a shot after a shot shot from Kid Buu in all of his different attacks but as Vegeta points out right here there is a weakness inherent within Buu when he fights against himself which is have you noticed Kakarot the fat one's power is going down they can get hurt when they're fighting another boo so this is implying that the only time that we ever see boo having difficulty really regenerating at this point in time and really actually having stamina decreases and it's when he's fighting against himself maybe because of some magical force field or property inherent within the different booths that cause them to weaken one another but nonetheless this isn't something that Gotenks would really have on his side when it comes to the fight now another thing worth noting is a lot of people have mentioned over time that they think that Kid Buu is vastly more powerful than go tanks Gohan and Goku combined because the fact that later on when we see Goku goes to use the Spirit Bomb Goten trunks ultimate Gohan and Piccolo all donate their energy to the Genki dhamma which then in turn Goku still doesn't think is anywhere near powerful enough to be able to defeat Kid Buu however the problem is that this is not the exact same type of energy that the other types of energy are when somebody's fighting against you this is Genki which is only one aspect of energy and not just that but when the human beings donate all of their energy even though all of them combined should theoretically be a lot weaker than even one of these Fighters that we just saw donating their energy only then does the energy sphere get this much more gigantic and then Goku believes to be able to kill Kid Buu of course Buu is able to stop this attack momentarily and hold it off but that's not because the fact that Kid Buu is vastly more powerful than everyone in it combined it's because the fact that as they show right here Goku doesn't have the power left to unleash it because the fact the matter is that he ran out of stamina at this point also this seems like another plot contrivance Toriyama came up with to stretch out the ending even more than already had Ben which was ridiculously at this point but the fact the matter is when Goku just becomes a regular Super Saiyan after he gets his energy restored as we could see right here he's still able to just detonate the explosion and annihilate kid boo Right Here and Now additionally a lot of people do seem to believe that Kid Buu would only be able to be obliterated and defeated by this Genki attack because it was targeting his evil Chi again there's nothing that's really stated specifically in the anime or the manga that ever says this so I think that's more fan fiction headcanon I also discussed that in another video you can see in the top right corner breaking that down specifically and of course no assessment of kid Buu's power would be complete without the obligatory statement that I always have to mention of the anime where they say one time when Goku is fighting him that he's on a whole different level from all the booze up until now this is the only statement that we ever actually get in the anime or in any version of the story that makes it seem like Kid Buu may be more powerful I've seen him other people try and interpret this to say that actually he meant like on a whole different level in terms of I don't know like uh aggression or being different in terms of his fighting style and stuff like that but the truth of the matter is Goku never really did fight head on with the other super booze as well so you could throw that into the mental gymnastics I think this is just an excuse for toei to try and make this seem like the most powerful villain and Goku like the most powerful fighter because they always have to make the last guy seem like the strongest but again every single other statement in the manga still exists in the anime that goes against this and the idea that Goku and Vegeta fighting against the uh the images of Gohan and go tanks inside of super Buu's mind I know that there's a guidebook that says out there that you know they are equal to ultimate Gohan and Gotenks but again guidebooks are something that Toriyama did not create himself there was something that he might have approved of that they say is official in Canon just like the dub they say is official and I had so many changes within it too but really every other statement and every other fee of power overall other than this and then if you want to argue that fight inside a booze head that's completely filler just like this Scene goes to show that Kid Buu is simply not as powerful as super Boo or the absorptions which he himself States when he was super boo it's the same character he just had a mind in a quote unquote Soul at the time so with all that being said if go tanks were to fight against Kid Buu who would actually prove Victorious well let's get into that conclusion right now so Gotenks versus Kid Buu who would actually prove Victorious well in terms of overall power I don't think that Kid Buu really even stands a chance against go tanks Not only was Super Saiyan go tank stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Goku who is fighting rather evenly against Kid Buu aside from the fact that he was playing around and dragging the fight out with his seemingly infinite stamina and regeneration at that point in time but Additionally the fact the matter is that Gotenks has abilities that allowed him to almost kill a far more powerful version of Boo and Super Buu and that led to absorbing him in the first place so that he'd be able to stand a chance against Gohan and he himself stated he was the most powerful Boo at that point in time so in terms of the power in terms of the techniques Gotenks would easily be able to win assuming a couple of different factors number one that Gotenks didn't play around too much because the fact the matter is we know that Gotenks with that five minute timer would be able to have that run out just like it did against Super Buu because the fact is that if he played around too much and he toyed around too much with Kid Buu he would have been able to in turn have his timer run out and lose that fight right then and there also kidbu would be able to absorb him if the opportunity came up however at this point in time we have to remember Gotenks has already been absorbed he's already learned hopefully from the Folly of his loss against super boo after he had uh just let everything run out at that point in time so there is a chance that he actually would learn from his mistakes and just go 100 right from the start and try and obliterate kid boo right then and there we saw the power of the Regeneration of Super Buu on display and we saw that go tanks right when he was gonna blast super boo right before he uh was gonna defuse said that he was not going to allow the same regeneration to take place again and there's an argument to be made that perhaps Super Buu had far greater regeneration capabilities than Kid Buu because the fact is he was far more powerful in that form and in that body however with that being said you can make the argument that maybe somehow Kid Buu would be able to outlast him but Kid Buu is just like go tanks in the same sense to where he'd play around he wouldn't necessarily Go full power 100 focusing on the fight from the start with Goku with Vegeta with everyone else he played around just like Majin Buu did the only ones who didn't really do that were evil Boo and superboo to an extent so the fact of the matter is that at the end of the day if you want make the argument about power go tanks would easily win this fight and if he took it seriously he definitely would win but maybe if he played around too much maybe if he chose not to actually you know go all out from the start and he let that Fusion timer elapse or maybe Kid Buu kind of got the sneak on him and somehow absorbed him or hit him with a candy beam and he wasn't able to I don't know do what happened with uh Vegito by fighting him as a piece of candy then there's a chance a Kid Buu actually would be able to prove Victorious but overall I would have to give the edge to go tanks but let me know your own thoughts Down Below in the comments also if you're new here consider subscribing enable notifications so you can see all my future videos make sure to leave a like and also make sure to stick around because there's a lot more to come in the future yeah and you better subscribe
Channel: Laughingstock Media
Views: 16,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super saiyan 3 gotenks vs kid buu, gotenks, kid buu, buu, majin buu, super saiyan 3 gotenks, gotenks vs buu, gotenks vs kid buu, goku vs kid buu, super saiyan 3 goku, super saiyan 3, super saiyan 3 goku vs, super saiyan 3 goku vs majin buu, gotenks vs super buu, how strong is gotenks, how strong is kid buu, buu saga, kid buu vs gotenks, ssj3 gotenks, vs, db, dragon ball, dragon ball z, dbz, dragon ball super, dbs, db super, laughing stock media, laughingstock media, anime, manga
Id: f_tv-di56_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 28sec (2128 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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