SUPER RARE Prismatic Slime Where to find Granblue Fantasy RELINK

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good day lemon eting cow here and today I am back with another grand blue fantasy relink video and this time I'm going to be talking about an extremely rare enemy but an extremely rewarding enemy and that is the Prismatic slime like I said this enemy is quite rare but the materials it drops I think you'll agree are pretty exceptional beating this slime has a chance to drop Ambrosia which gives you 15,000 Mastery points on use also Damascus ingots which allows you to raise the level cap of any weapon at any stage up one tier so if you got a weapon at level 125 you can raise it to 150 by simply using this Damascus Ingot and it will bypass all of the required materials and simply use one of these ingots there is also a chance that the Slime will drop the azerite Splendor now this allows you to always raise a Sigil to its maximum level regardless of the sigil Rarity along with this the Slime will also dropped 500 of the W farer tickets as far as the actual Mastery and the experience and rupes dropped from the Prismatic slime I'm not too sure of the exact values but regardless of that the items alone dropped are totally worth it now I believe these slimes can be found at any place that a slime would normally spawn but the way I've been doing it is been going into the maniac Mission slim peed the goal of this mission is to beat or kill as many slimes as possible they can spawn as normal variant the gold and silver variants and also the king gold and silver variants as well as that Ultra ultra rare Prismatic slime in order to do this most effectively you want to be able to get rid of slimes any way possible as fast as you can now this doesn't always mean defeating all of the slimes it can just be hitting the slimes to get them out of the way so that they respawn with the chance of possibly spawning that Prismatic slime as far as as I know there is only one set location for that Prismatic slime to be and luckily Vern will also give you a bit of an audio que that the Prismatic slime has spawned so when you hear burn say this the legendary Rainbow Slime we beat that suer we'll be swimming in Treasure once you hear that run to the raised part of the arena and you'll notice that there's an extra pot stuck right in the middle of that raised platform if you do look closely you can see some little rainbow colored eyes sticking out of the pot but you'll soon notice once you hit him that he goes full rainbow or Prismatic colors this guy does move pretty fast but as far as my experience goes I haven't actually had him despawn but I wouldn't really risk it I would be going straight for this guy and dumping everything you've got on him after you beat the Prismatic slime finish the quest as normal and then at your results screen you'll notice some pretty fantastic Awards so my testing pool has been pretty limited on these slimes so I would really appreciate your feedback down in the comments if this has worked for you in the terms of uh what loot you got or if there's any tactics you can use to make this slime spawn more often as far as my loot experience goes it is kind of limited I will say I've only found this slime three times so far but all three times it has dropped uh the same item so each time it's dropped the five of the aurite Splendor it's also dropped one Ambrosia it's also dropped the three Damascus ingots and each time it will definitely drop those 500 weres vouches now as far as tactics goes to possibly make this guy spawn faster I had been using NOA and the way I was doing it was just repeatedly using a Charged attack now it doesn't matter if you're not strong enough to delete the enemies straight away with this one charged attack but the real beauty of hitting the whole room with this attack is that you will regardless of them running or dying they will have another pot appear in their place face and each pot appears that appears will give you a chance to spawn that Prismatic slime so what is your experience with the Prismatic slime bin have you found them in other places at all have you been able to beat them and what were your rewards when you got them I'd really appreciate their feedback in the comments below if you did like this video and you found it helpful then leave please leave a thumbs up if you got any comments suggestions then leave them down below and uh I can't really talk at the moment because it's bloody hot but uh anyway until the next video this has been lemon eating cow M goo
Channel: LemonEatingKow
Views: 45,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue, Fantasy, Relink, GBFR, Guide, Prismatic, Slim, Rainbow, where is, how to beat, what mission, where to find, rare enemy, ambrosia, azurite, damascus, vouchers, farm, legend, slimepede, best farm, items, how to level weapons, uncap, materials
Id: 7M4-UhIbd14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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