Granblue Fantasy Relink - Percival Character Guide

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peral is one of the highest consistent DPS characters in the game and one of the characters I have had the most fun playing so far thanks to a likely unintended Tech that allows him to cancel some of his skills early into a Dodge to still get the quicker cool down on his primary damaging move schocked even if it's unintended I think it's a lot of fun so I hope it never gets patched most of his play style will revolve around using this move as much as possible and how he can chain it into it as much as he can while still outputting a high amount of damage which you can hopefully see here in this video I want to discuss persal discuss General play style and setup talk about some of his strengths and weaknesses and showcase some practical use in harder raid fights my first video on this game had much better reception than I expected and if positive reception continues I'll likely try to cover every character in the future as well as do some more General gameplay guid so if you do enjoy guide content on this game RPGs in general and especially Xenoblade and are interested in seeing more please be sure to subscribe to the channel because it does help me out so much let's get into it so starting off with the Basics here pural is a melee DPS type character who wants to deal as much damage as possible as I already mentioned earlier your main source of damage is your charge attack schlock this does a very high amount of damage that can easily hit between 1 to 2 million per use depending on setup his two support skills you can see at the bottom both reinforce this idea so fo's attacks will not interrupt you while you're charging this move and for Adrenaline Rush the charge speed of slock is greatly increased after a combo finisher I can't exactly remember if this effect is unlocked for a Mastery but schlock can also be used as a Parry where if you release the fully charged version of the move right when foes are about to attack you or about to hit you you'll immune the damage and still get your attack off you can also move around while charging the move if you do not use the move after a combo finisher or after a damaging art your charge speed is significantly slower so primarily you want to use it with a much faster charge speed to maximize your damage speaking of maximizing damage peral's regular attacks which I have bound to the x button are a bit slow and don't do that much damage and that's where the unintended Tech is going to come in so by using certain Arts with personal and immediately canceling them into a Dodge roll you can immediately get the faster cool down for schocked this can give you more DPS than using regular attacks when you have your other damaging arts on coold down the art I've chosen for this purpose is mocked because there is a great visual indicator for if you did it right in the form of a very brief Stout heart buff the timing is pretty tight in that you need to immediately tap Dodge after pressing the button the art is assigned to in my case b if you tap Dodge before the art or try to press both at the same time you'll likely just dodge without using the art and get the slower charge tap the Dodge too late and you'll use up the art cool down and be unable to continue doing this you also have to be holding down the R button so I usually use my middle finger to tap ZR after pressing B then release the R button so I can hold down Y and charge slocked it's not super mechanically intensive but it does take some practice to understand the timing and get it consistently ideally you'll also want to be releasing schocked as soon as the full charge finishes and using the art immediately after schocked fully connects to maximize your damage the timing for these also takes some practice since if you can't chill slocked before fully touching the ground you don't get the full value of your supplementary damage bonus for some reason that should cover the basics of combat with personal so let's get into setup as per usual my setup is more focused on late game rating and post game so keep that in mind for your weapon you're going to want the Terminus weapon and ideally have it maxed out for the strong bonus effects that it offers catastrophe is an absolutely fantastic ability that increases your damage cap by 100% And your attack by 50% as long as you're under 45,000 Health it also comes with another five levels of damage cap and sigil booster which boost the level and effects of all of your sigils by one if you don't have this weapon yet the crit damage weapon or the ascended weapon should work just fine if for some reason you're unaware the reason damage cap is such a great stat is because it's the absolute best way you have to increase your maximum damage in this game over stacking damage multipliers since every character has individual caps for every move to ensure you can't trivialize content I assume as such I have maxed the stat out with the other sigils that I have now for this current setup this is not the absolute maximum damage you can possibly have like you might have seen at the very beginning of this video but it's one that offers a lot while also giving you some good support effects that should be more useful in more scenarios for maximum damage I would be running three supplementary attack bonuses instead of just the one that you see here along with glass Cannon which increases your damage cap even further but has a very nasty negative effect you don't want in most situations I should also probably mention that I do not think this is 100% optimal you can definitely get Sub trits in better positions on some of these sigils and you can also get better overmy bonuses so you can actually hit 100% crit rate without needing two bonuses on that but regardless I think this gives a pretty good mix of very high damage good team support and just strong utility sub trats that will help you out in most situations so first up we have Lord's ambition this is one of his unique sits I think this is the least useful of the two but the reason I'm running it is because it also has a damage cap attached to it just to make sure I hit that damage cap and also can have a decent bonus effect along with that soes this will restore a bit of health and boost your attack power after a charged Parry now with how much damage persal has automatically and the sigils I'm running it'll usually be able to hit damage cap without needing that attack boost anyway but I guess the health restore can be a little nice after landing a charge Parry but overall you probably do not need this specific bonus effect if you have something that you can run that might be better overall Lord's procession is a much more useful bonus effect though because that is going to give you a movement speed boost while charging slot can also boost schock's damage cap even further the full amount of this is a 50% damage cap move and that is once again your strongest move that you have so definitely have this the other trait that I have on this is critical hit rate up because once again I do not have any critical hit rate over Mastery bonus so I need two critical hit rates to hit 96% critical hit rate overall really really good sigil here that I have probably better than even having the awakened sigil just because I think critical hit rate's more useful in this specific situation obviously if you have the overmy bonus then you would not need this I have a damage cap plus five this is not fully maxed out yet because I only have so many m materials with how much I've been able to farm but it has Cascade on it so based on everyone I'm talking to this still doesn't always work properly depending on the character but there has been some note that it does affect peral's buff art at least but it doesn't seem to have a noticeable effect on some of his other Arts that he has or I should call them skills in this game Sorry so I'm running this I don't know if it's the most optimal here but it's still a decent effect if it does work so hopefully it'll be fixed in the future if it's not working entirely properly my other damage cap 5 plus that I have underneath it has improved Dodge I like this as a bonus ability and utility skill a lot this gives you up to six or seven Dodges you can use in a row and also allows you to have a higher window for FKS to miss and also makes it a little easier to get perfect Dodges I think I really like this ability dodging is really good in this game especially when uh you're using Dodge a lot with persal since you're wanting to maximize your slot damage and you're canceling your art into Dodge so very very good ability because of that quick cool down is just a really strong ability in general once again attached to the final damage cap 5 plus to make sure I hit the the cap on that quick cool down lets all your skills come off cool down faster you can use your skills more often personal has really good skills at least the ones that I have equipped quick charge this has a very nice beneficial effect on personal as well because it boosts the effect of your charge speed I'm only running one of these some people run two from what I have seen it gives you 21% faster charge time essentially when you are able to run one of these and it can go up to 30% or it's more like reduction but you get the point it's still faster than normal allows you to use more shocks allows you to cancel stuff faster allows you to use your combo more often good ability works pretty well on him because of that since there's only so many ways you can increase your damage so having something like this allows you to get a minor DPS crease no matter how small it is it also has potion hoarder level 15 on it potion hoarder is probably the best utility skill in the game gives you a lot of additional potions gives you a lot of safety and utility gives you more blue potions so you can build Link gauge faster run potion hoarder it's fantastic critical hit rate up five this is mainly for the critical hit rate but it also has the stamina bonus effect stamina is one of the best attack increases you can have in the entire game especially because you'll be at high HP most of the time gives like a 50% attack boost at full health or something like that it's really really strong linked together I really like this ability because it helps your entire party gives you more link gauge gain boost your link attack skybound arts and chain bursts so just a really useful skill for the entire party and it also has quick cool down attached to it to give you even more art cooldowns at least mine does I should say so so if you want more raw damage you can replace this with a supplementary damage this is one of those that is definitely replaceable in my current setup but I am not doing that right now I also have supplementary damage at level five just a really good effect in general so supplementary damage is essentially an extra 20% damage on any of your attacks so really nice effect to have it has a separate crit roll though but regardless very very good effect and if you have level 45 which is three supplementary damages you can get 100% on that 20% damage roll which is really nice but even just running one gives you a 42% chance with sigil booster which is pretty good just for one sigil slud supplementary damage 5 plus does exist but it's apparently extremely rare so don't count on having it in most situations until you play the game a very long time so Eis 5 plus this gives me health and quick cool down my health is still below 45,000 so I don't have to worry about that combin with tyan that allows me to stay below that threshold and quick cool down level five or level 15 one more time in order to reach the cap on that and get 20% art cool down very good effect to have tyranny level five this gives me a big attack bonus and also make sure I stay below the health threshold for um catastrophe and it also has guts attached to it that's probably the bigger reason to run it in this situation that allows me to survive a lethal hit with one Health you should pretty much be running this on pretty much everyone it's just a really strong effect to stay alive you don't have to lose any momentum or anything like that and you get to save a revive potion as well or you don't have to waste the critical meter and it has a 160c cool down at this level so you can have it up a multiple times for fight as well really really useful ability there I should mention that if you want to run three um supplementary damage fives you should also probably replace the Eis level five just get all three of them there now you might want some more quick cool down in other slots as well if you are going to do that so do keep that in mind and then my final slot is dedicated to war Elemental one of the best single use sigils in the entire game because it makes all of your attacks count as Superior element which is a free 20% damage boost that by castes the damage cap if you have this absolutely run this it is a curios bonus absolutely run it if you do have access to it and you can get one very very good on basically every single character the final thing of note I almost forgot to mention is that I have uplift level 11 that comes as weapon trait bonuses just because I didn't really think I had anything better that I could put on there and also critical hit rate plus 10 based from the uh MW bonus so uplift gives me more more SBA charge gain and the critical hit rates obviously as much as I can in order to hit Almost 100% so the overmy bonuses that go along with this that I currently have are normal damage cap up plus 20% skill damage cap up plus 20% this is the most important skills you can have to increase your damage caps even further and then I have attack plus 700 which is all right and then Health Plus 1,200 which is again all right nothing special in those slots if you can get critical hit rate up with the other two bonuses that is really nice I didn't feel like rrolling for to try to get something better than this when I already had the main two bonuses I was looking for but regardless normal attack up and skill damage cap up gives you a lot of additional damage so those are the main two over Master bonuses you're going to be looking for skybound damage cap up can also be pretty useful as well but crit rate and the cap ups are the main things you're looking for so let's talk about skills now so the current skill setup that I have is pretty much the highest damage output that you can probably have with him the highest damage skills you're going to get the first one here I'm not even going to pretend I know how to pronounce these properly this is TR Mar this grants strength which basically allows you to cap basically everything when this is active even if you didn't have enough strength already or attack power already and it also deals supplementary damage on hit now this supplementary damage is completely separate from the supplementary damage that comes from your sigils I believe this is about 30% as opposed to 20% and it Stacks so you end up getting like 50% additional damage on every single hit if you have both of those effects so really really strong buff here definitely make sure you are running this it lasts for like over 30 seconds or about 30 seconds as well so very very strong ability mocked is obvious I'm running this because it helps me uh it's good as a gap closer for one thing if you really need it to but mainly I'm running it because it is the move that I cancel out of in order to use uh schocked and it's all right to use in some situations as just damage maybe near the end of fights or if you're just uh needing to close the gap really quickly and you don't think you'll need to use the cancel for a while or if you think you'll cancel over other abilities it's a pretty good art it does a little over a million damage it's pretty strong his other two Arts have equipped to definitely do the most damage of all of his effects we got rder webull this will spawn an AOE fire coil in front of peral now depending on how big or narrow the enemy is you might not want to use this right next to the enemy cuz the AOE could go like slightly past the body of it that can happen with the dummy sometimes but most enemies are big enough that shouldn't really be a major concern uh there's interesting properties with the hit box to this as well where sometimes you can get a lot of additional damage if the enemy gets hit just right from it but I'm not really uh too worried about maximizing that most of the time regardless really good ability does a lot of damage it also allows you to attack from pretty far away I definitely recommend running this and then finally your strongest damage art is a fingen Griff yeah I'm sorry if I'm butchering that pronunciation this is four slashes in a row they all do pretty strong damage and it also is just a really good art in general he also slashes a pretty wide radius around him definitely run this very very strong artart the other four Arts he has are uh not bad but they're usually just not going to be useful most of the time compared to the other four Arts that I'm using here Flamin March is his other buff art it gives uh Buffs to the entire party now most people if they have themselves set up right are not going to need the attack boost that much and the defense boost can be pretty nice but overall it's still not nearly as good as your self strength boost and supplementary damage boost so most of the time you're never going to want to run this exal is an okay ability petrify is not bad as an ability it feels like it slows down enemies and lets you kind of wh on them for a bit which is nice and it also lowers their defense for a little bit so it's a nice skill sometimes you might want to run this if you want to be have more supportive effects depending on certain strategies you're doing but for most General use you probably aren't going to be running this super often Zarin sin is um I I like this ability it's just not worth running it's kind of another Gap closer kind of ability it just doesn't really do any damage but it is on a pretty low cool down it does apply burn effect which can be nice if nothing else then finally we have Royal Authority this is a big AOE that goes around personal it does okay damage but not as much as your other big damage moves so that's why I wouldn't really recommend running it in most situations but all in all he has some pretty good skills depending on the situation I definitely recommend just going with the max damage setup though because you can output some really crazy damage if you do everything properly and especially because I feel like mock is the best art for the uh strategy where you cancel into schlock over and over so that was a lot of information I know so let's finally move on to the more practical section of the video where I'm going to Showcase a few raid fights and kind of my thought process and how I approach them so let's go ahead and get into it so I just wanted to Showcase a couple fights this one I wouldn't say I played super well but I think it kind of shows some of the general principles of how I would approach many of these fights in most situations so I do a get hit once at the start there which was not ideal but link time was active at the exact same time so I was able to instantly get back into The Fray there and uh basically what I'm doing is just trying to cancel everything I have into schlock as you might expect uh your link attack also cancels perfectly into schocked now I use a mocked there in order to close the gap which I don't know if this will the smartest thing to do because now I have to use basic attacks in order to uh charge slocked here instead of doing the cancel attack but overall not really a huge deal because it doesn't have the longest cool down in the entire world so I'm able to still get a lot of damage off which locked anyway I'm saving my buff skill for a time when I know he's going to be kind of stun locked for a little bit so that's why I haven't used it yet ideally after breaking him would have been when we used it but uh we kind of get into a situation here where we're just uh got so much link we all decided to start using blue potion so we can get to 100% so I'm probably going to save it for link time in this case now and um we have a vein on our team so he's just going to nullify this mechanic entirely once he uses his bubble thing which is really broken and funny so I roll into that and then I start start charging slot cuz I might as well since uh any downtime in a fight like this where you can't really attack the boss anyway it doesn't really matter if you have the longer charge time iocked because you're still going to be able to get it fully charged anyway before you're able to attack again so I just run up to the boss afterwards to get a free charge and then I charge up a uh or I try to uh use I just start using Arts here because we go into link time and now I end up using my uh buff art almost forgot to use it but not really a big deal and I just used my Arts now into schlock while we're in this act of Link time and once link time ends he's going to try to go to a second phase so I end up using my uh I charge my special attack get 100% and use that before he can go into the phase ship so we can end this fight a little bit sooner here and I still have the supplementary damage buff active so this does a lot of damage as well I believe and overall we can just end the fight kind of right here without having to see the face change to this boss at all which is really nice and during the rest of this fight I just do a bunch of mocked cancels to uh get my slocked off as much as possible to make sure we have the damage to kill and now that we're at this point I go ahead and uh use mocked properly because he has 3% Health left I believe so doesn't matter too much Actually I don't even use it I thought I did but regardless he was at such a low health value I just try to get as much damage off as possible there and now I'm going to Showcase a Proto Baja when I kind of had knew the character a bit more and like finally had everything maxed out so my strategy here at the ad phase here is let my allies take the Cannons and uh I just kind of go around and attack everything so uh fully charged slock will onot these things but I start using basic attacks and said because um that'll give me more SBA gain so since these aren't really dangerous anyway I just use my basic attacks to make sure I can uh get more SBA Gauge before certain thresholds in the fight not really a big deal regardless uh once all the ads from the first phase are gone I go to the cannon to make sure that we destroy the orbs on the other side not to do with those AOE I think blonds had already destroyed them though cuz while I'm waiting for them to appear nothing comes and then the next part of the ad spawn so I guess I just completely missed it somehow which is kind of funny and then after we destroy uh these crystals a little bit more more than the actual crystals appear that you have to DPS check and schlock as you can imagine just basically one shots these the only one that doesn't oneshot is the one if those giant big one that appears in the center when it does the fire eoe on the ground but regardless during this phase when the last crystal is about to be destroyed I activate my buff art because it has a like a 3se second windup time but that can tick while you're waiting for the cut scene to play out so you can just have it active during this phase here and just kind of whale on them really quickly to get a bunch of damage and get that 83% threshold you can also reserve your mocked cool down for later and also have that so you can cancel out of it whenever you need it as well so I just use my other arts and just locked in the meantime Skyfall comes out and the real fight begins now uh not really a big deal though during Skyfall you can also charge uh slocked because he's going to come up to the left side of the ship so you can get a lot of additional damage on him if you just kind of sit on a charge here and wait for him to come up so that's exactly what I do uh I do not go for a cancel there because link time was almost up so I just get the link Time Buff instead so I get another slocked off of that and then my uh spiral to fire tornado move I don't remember the name of it at this time it's a German name I use that afterwards to get a little bit of additional damage while I can and then I go back to just holding down a schlock charge because another crystal is about to appear this is the one big one in the center I get some big damage off of it I dodge the AOE on the ground and uh go ahead and charge my uh use my art again to make sure I have that up when he gets on the ship so at this point uh we go for the link attack once again that gives you slot charge and now I'm just going to start cancelling mocked when I don't have uh cool Downs so I have the fire tornado again so I use that and then I'm going to start canceling out a mocked and using uh schlock and if I fail then I'll just use basic attacks because it's a little hard to see with the camera here so I'm never exactly sure if I'm doing it properly or not but regardless usually if you see the Stout heart buff you know you've done it right so not really a big deal and once he gets up I use uh SBA this is the optimal time to use this to make sure he stays down longer now if our team had a little bit more damage we could have had a really really fast fight here but uh we were just lacking a little bit which is going to be really funny in a second so what I end up doing after this is uh I save some of my big damage moves because uh we do a two burst here to keep him kind of stunned longer the other allies are going to use their two burst afterwards and uh after this what we should have is link time so if we can get that SP that link gauge up before he runs away from the ship we'll be able to activate link time immediately after these specials and ideally if you have enough damage if your team has enough damage you can end the fight we did not quite have enough damage here if I had been running one more supplementary damage on uh my character we would probably had enough because I don't think I was actually running any in this fight because I was just being uh running a different setup up here but regardless here you can kind of see how the strategy works here we got him to 1% before he ends up running away from the ship which is really tragic and now that we have link time cool Downs come up way faster so I can just kind of spam Arts a little bit more here without having to worry so I just kind of alternate uh my four slashes and my fire tornado and we get him to 1% which is really unfortunate but we do win the fight a little bit after this because he comes back to the ship to kind of like claw it so we're able to get the last 1% there all in all though uh really fun character with enough damage you can easily do a sub three minute fight here uh we probably would have gotten it with a little bit more damage like I said on the rest of the party but uh you probably want some more specific setups to uh guarantee that maybe have a bunch of really high DPS characters if you're going for something like that regardless though uh great great character has a ton of damage and is really really fun to use I hope this guide was able to teach you something please be sure to leave any feedback or questions in the comments below I'd love to know how I can improve these guides in the future since I'm still pretty new to making content on this game in particular and if you did enjoy please be sure to like comment and subscribe and please support all of my future guides on this game in the future I would greatly greatly appreciate it if you're still on the fence about this game and don't have it yet and somehow made it this far in the video please be sure to pick it up it's a fantastic really fun multiplayer game with a lot of combat depth and I'm enjoying the content a lot in it and all the characters are really fun to play especially persal who's one of my favorites so far so with all that being said thank you guys so much for watching have a Wonder and blessed day and hopefully I'll see you back here soon for more guides
Channel: Enel
Views: 15,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bP1_0gIMqdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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