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down here welcome back to another video where today we are back inside roblox and today in roblox we're gonna be robbing a bank that's right this fan is gonna get full of a lot more money bags thanks to us and this guy right here ok let's get to the bank mind the traffic ok so our first task is to get into the bank can we not use this and just drive there there'll be so much more fun we could just like we could just drive through the wall of the bank that would be perfect but unfortunately we're gonna have to walk across the road instead just all boring like and look how fast these cars are going oh my goodness what happens if you get hit by one huh oh my guess how does my body stay standing but my head and arms come off okay lesson none don't jump in front of a car okay look left look right I think we're good I think we get our teeth we're good we're good yeah it's right it this is the bank of what a glorious Bank it looks like oh my goodness this is awesome right oh jeez our affiliates already here look put the money in the bag hands up we'll hold up the guards find your way to the main vault okay this is a very nice looking Bank the only unfortunate thing is there is CCTV here so I probably should have worn a mask shouldn't I though that would have helped I just take this money please right let's head into the vault here we go the laser lines of course there's lasers but I am a professional laser dodger so I am gonna be absolutely fine yes that camera is huge how do we get through here do we just walk of course we do that's the worst vault I've ever seen in my life okay we've got Laser squares now Oh No I'm everyone we were playing the McDonald's map and I just couldn't do it right here we go can we do this first time I did just claimed that I was a professional laser dodger here we go here we go all I was really skinny throw-ins really skinny guys I did it okay on to the next part of the vault and we have the trust walk okay we did a little bit of this and that what was that did you see that something just fell that's creepy and there's a ghost guys look a ghost did you see that oh jeez that's weird right let's do the trust walk seems to be a lot easier in first person we're gonna climb up this as well oh yes we are a perfect burglar we're doing really really well and it's oh my goodness and then we need to drop down here there we go avoid that massive laser down there or it's just kind of like molten lava I'm not sure which but I don't really want to find out let's go through here and we are at the yellow tiles the mystical yellow tiles is that where they print money look at that it's all green and there's like machines and stuff maybe they make the money and then drop it into green ink and then that's how it becomes green maybe who knows the regardless we must carry on these squares are very very scary why are they so bright they're really bright okay let's write this way I think we're gonna have to do it diagonally oh my goodness this is tough no it's really close last one yes made it we've really are good at robbing this Bank oh my god it's right oh look at this this is a strange room giant paper sheets everywhere this is this is very strange very strange indeed maybe that's exactly what I said look there's paper there's green dye and oh my goodness we have to jump on the money oh this is gonna be tricky here we go let's see if we can do this hole or be without failing that would be incredible and scuse me sir excuse me mr. robber I need to oh you just about made it God move get out the way it's okay look you could you could do it we can rob this Oh No oh you died that was probably the easiest jump out of all of them as well what does this say just say anything is this someone's this is someone's test isn't it they've written a whole report and they just been using it to make money instead we kind this are we could crime the papers that's awesome okay right into the money printer it was a money printer okay right let's jump you're 83 so let's go let's go into the money printer Oh No ah alright sure it's me look at me look at me I'm game printed into money I properly tricked Mirai the jump inside and we need to jump over the gaps I see we actually run really really fast on this where do we go now up here let's climb some more papers and we move on to the circuit walk next I hope there's a lot of money hello jeez I didn't mean to do that I have to do this again I didn't touch the checkpoint no you know what this one isn't too bad so you could do the speedy walk and then you can jump across and then you jump up here cling to the papers and then we need to be very very careful not to step on the circuit boards and step on the checkpoint there we go okay this this circuit board is very very electronic not because I can't even say it electronic because of that look danger of dying from electricity so let's be very careful that's if we can go over here here we go what yes you made her own goods professional robber in the making what is next oh jeez oh my goodness what have they done walk over this wire be careful there's lasers and that yellow ground looks deadly excuse me sir you you with the eyebrows or eyes that is blue that is boot that it's not yellow that is definitely not yellow but thank you for helping me in this um this dangerous raid ass if we components on this this is so thin it's unreal okay where is that laser this goes sideways ass go sideways here we go yes we made it oh my goodness I am doing a crazy good tightrope walk right now let me just move sideways a bit here we go this is it let's go underneath this laser Oh totally oh that's so close I almost fell off as well all that was dangerous right let's go into this one as well nice and under this one yes we made it look it's got a little grappling hook on the end as well that's awesome buddy buddy thank you I'll give you maybe ten dollars if I if I get a decent amount of money just maybe I might give you ten dollars oh there's another laser professional absolutely professional right here's my next accomplice who are you the vault is way too strong to open time for Plan B go up that wire I don't see a wire guys I don't see a wire oh this one he's cut out a circle of the glass that is awesome good job buddy did you do that with your claw he definitely did or we could just guess the code was the code the code is four or five that's a six okay we failed the code already let's get out of here that's climb this rope be very very careful we don't want to fall down this rope otherwise we will definitely die because look how look how high are we going up with how are we doing that we're coming back down are we good is right we need to go to the top of this why but look outs all this building is I don't like it side it all and try to climb up oh this is terrifying this is absolutely terrifying come on we can do this just think of the money that we can get guys we're almost there we're almost there to the roof there we are look heavy oh he's hanging on oh my goodness he has been hanging to us wait no no I fell I actually fell no I'm starting to think that guy dropped us he was saying it was too heavy I think he dropped us didn't he oh there's someone cut out the other side okay we need to get out that quick come on guys don't drop me this time you little punk I told you look he's moaning that it's heavy gone you could do this if you got a monkey as a face oh jeez no I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you aw quit onto the roof everyone oh my goodness what is that what on earth is that the electric hop why are you blowing me with steam what is going on you getting rid of all the evidence I hope so that's good but that isn't good right there that is an electric death sign okay let's hop and hop and hop and hop No yeah I thought I touched it let's try that again shall we here we go yes yes look at that professional skill nice okay what is this I think the creator of this map ran out of obstacle ideas let's cross this red stuff yeah what is that oh that's gross okay right let's go over here oh I thought the fans were gonna blow us up words oh look that's where we crossed the road down there there were cars I'm sure they were cars yeah oh this doesn't right I can taste the money you I'm not getting any of it I owe one person ten dollars apart from that no one is getting anything else it's all for me I put in most of the work here I was gonna say oh my goodness look at this guy although wow what is this stuff I'm thinking it is molten candy floss definitely definitely molten candy floss it doesn't look good though are you stuck I'll give you $10 on the way out so that's that's $20 I owe someone hopefully we steal more than $20 otherwise I'm gonna be in big trouble aren't I okay we made it past the molten candyfloss are we supposed to go down there I hope so let's jump three two one gah oh why you on the roof sir someone was on the roof there's the moon as well they must be getting to nighttime very soon let's go higher and higher up to the roof oh my goodness why is that that's moving that is moving what is that it's a helicopter but where are you going buddy your your rotor plates aren't moving oh no the person just tried to jump on the helicopter and they fell ha ha ha I mean that's not funny whatever one of our people just died I'm so sorry right we need to get across this rusty balcony no no I died let's try that again shall we it's risky but we must go over this rusty balcony look they're showing me on I know I could do this I could do this let's share the winnings at the end yes we could do this I've got a little team going with me as well okay let's go across these vent things and then across more of the rusty balcony oh we have to climb that ladder as well we've got a lot of team members up here nice shirts buddy very nice indeed but um we'll celebrate later I'll give you a lifetime supply of TDM shirts you can wear one every single day if you help me steal this money okay where are we now we are on which one oh do we have to choose one of these I'm gonna choose this one over here let's go here we go oh no what happened where am I am i dying I'm in some kind of fluid what is going on am I stuck here forever please don't kill me what is happening oh geez you died you died whywhy not dying there we go I finally died oh we have to do this one again no um cheers can we see down them or do we just have to guess I don't think we can see down them we just have to guess which one's it gonna be let's go this one what is going on I'm thinking all that person died that person died I'm immune to whatever kills us here no no every time I have to do the whole thing again you know what guys I think I'm gonna try wearing a mask no really right I'm gonna go and buy a mask so I actually have the greatest disguise you will ever see and I think it's gonna give us the luck that we need to complete the robbing of the bank you ready to see it you sure there it is actually got a pigeon mask how amazing is that right let's get through this shall we I don't need to look each we're on the road I don't need to do that I can just skip right past it I can just walk straight into this Bank get my minions who aren't wearing their pigeon masks to do my dirty work for me and I'll just do the rest myself so far my disguise has worked perfectly ha ha ha but because I'm not a real pigeon I actually have to climb this robe to get up to the top I mean it's not the best plan ever but it should work thank you sir thank you so much for your services I'm not that heavy am i a pigeon okay I am back sir do you know who I am no I didn't think so you can't tell who I am buying this amazing disguise right let's fly to the top of this roof and then we need to go to that bit where you need to make the decisions I'm a little bit nervous about that because there's so many here we go the big choice is about to be made so we know this one's wrong to be going this one let's see yeah we definitely did okay once no no no no no not again guys it has been so long for me to get back to you the game keeps shutting down to me to be quick let's go into this one this is the one it's not the one okay let's try that again shall we come on come on respawn me I need to do this as quick as possible people keep finding out I'm trying to rob the bank and they keep shutting my game down I will get these riches don't you worry is it the middle one no it's not a joke oh we're back we're back I need to rob this Bank I don't think I've tried this one please me this one please be this one no how many have we done I think we just need to do the top left one and if so that means we've done every single one and got it wrong yeah of course we have right we're finally in the fence yes okay right what are we gonna do we're gonna get this checkpoint we're gonna go up and up and up and then we move on to the laser hallway after this but what is gonna meet us in here oh geez only only goodness that is terrifying that is really terrifying okay let's go down here and then wait for it to go over and jump and run jump and run jump and run oh my goodness eyes so scary quick get underneath yes we made it okay just leave me alone laser I don't like you what is that what is ah the money the money is right there I think we can fit through there right maybe not okay it's not that easy let's go through this vent and we appear in the laser hallway we need to be as quick as possible before the police find out again I think we've made it what is this why is there hair on the floor oh that's weird oh man someone's errors on the floor and what are we supposed to do now this is called security a card so we need to go oh this is nasty this is nasty guys I don't know how to do this right that's job actually it says you will need a keycard or something to open this door so I'm guessing it's over here because it's another place you can go through oh right actually that's not too bad so that puts us back on the green square right let's go and find the security guard quick quick have you got it give me this thank you click or tap to take the keycard give me this OOP nice there we go we got the keycard so we can get through the I don't even know what we need that for but we need to get through the vault some house that's wait for there's an jump wait for there's jump yes a jump no I hit my head on the red oh this has got a little bit tricky okay we need to hold our key card do we lose the key card as well oh my goodness we need to collect the key card each time right let's grab the key card and let's focus here let's focus okay let's do this sideways and see if this works better huh yes uh-huh yes yeah it's ooh baby I've got the key card buddy I've got it let's put the key card into here and swipe there we go nice what is that this drill is amazing can I put the key card away please I don't want this anymore there we go okay he's really so happy about it that is insane and someone's someone's ordered Starbucks of course they have right let's use actually he's already used the drill so we can go straight on through to the vault look at all this money oh my goodness we finally got all the money yes I told you that ban was gonna get full oh my goodness is so much gold as well right yes we did it now let's get out of here now the next one's called helicopter ride you remember when we saw that person die I hope that's not going to be us because that would be absolutely that'd be terrible how long did this go up for okay it's pretty high but I think we've got to go all the way to the top of this building and then jump into a helicopter maybe I'm not too sure but let's see what happens I'm sure my mask is working perfectly so even if we do get courts they're not gonna figure out who I am oh where are we where are we okay okay let's wait for the helicopter to arrive jump on it when it arrives oh my goodness you actually you have to jump to the helicopter look at all these robots look at them all look at them all yes I'm inside it okay right we need to wait for the helicopter what is that person doing you okay over there sir is that a helicopter can you come and pick me up instead I think that might be nicer all right where is he said he called it here it is go go no I missed oh man this is gonna be hard okay this guy is come and picked me up awesome how you doing sir how are you doing excuse me no don't block me don't be blocking me stop that I need to get on this helicopter please just no no don't push me off don't push me off please don't be that guy don't be that guy I just need to wait for the helicopter to come around actually if we jump off this bag of money it might work a little bit better come on help me help me just say that no I need these problems look at this guy this guy thinks he is a helicopter you want a helicopter bro here we go here we go here we go how do I jump onto it there we go yes I jumped out I jumped out of it come back any copter I didn't mean to jump out of you I'm sorry come back this guy is just a professional rainbow master look at him look at him oh my goodness he's gonna block me oh my goodness that is so scary stop stop stop there it is there's the helicopter we need there it is if only I could fly like a pigeon here we go get aside yes we made it we're inside yes don't you be knocking me out this helicopter this is my way outta here the guy's cars in the background as well please please take me where to where I need to be we can escape to a secret island we can go to a secret base with all our robots and build whatever we want to build and get served by robot Butler's that sounds absolutely perfect come on take me where are you taking me helicopter huh where on earth are you taking me oh you are taking me there oh my goodness what happens um this helicopter has crashed okay let's get out of the helicopter we arrived at a very even are we I have no idea but we're on a tropical island that is awesome let me connect this we must go like this start on nice look how big these robux bags are geez that is crazy right I need one of these thank you very much sir let me take my rainbow path and get out of here oh this is all so what does this say well done now let's relax and enjoy being rich take the helicopter to explore the city oh let's do that I don't need a rainbow path I'm gonna take the helicopter do we get it from here helicopter where are you oh there you are you're gone you're gone there it is okay right let's get it wait - keep going helicopter don't do this to me buddy there we go just getting the helicopter adds no I'm not very good at this you know what I was gonna take my rainbow path it's a lot easier hey guys we finally robbed the bank Omegas I hope you enjoyed this we make bathtubs up they came to shut down I'm so glad we did that just before it shut up anyway guys thank you so much watching you did enjoy please leave big fat thumbs up for robbing the bank that would be awesome no so leave your suggestions for roblox games that I should play in the future in the comments section down below but apart from that thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy again please give it a thumbs up that'll be awesome if this happens to be the first video you've seen by me then please do consider subscribing join team TDM today for daily gameplay videos and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 12,975,292
Rating: 4.8759789 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, app, free app, free app game, free game
Id: Ji5oaxrJvy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2016
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