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[Music] what's going on everybody how the heck is everyone doing oh my gosh let's welcome everyone in here uh oh my gosh so many people here already holy cow thank you guys so much for being here Jesse Amanda Gabe stridor Finn mr. pancake Luke events predetermined black lling mr. pancake Mike Bundy gaming persons Avery gen Pugh thank you for the retweets so much hype guys so much hype I'm just trying to get something that has a little music plan so we can listen to music at least till it's time to go we got dreads here we got neo we got beryllium Chadli Gen Pooh thank you so much Cory for the retweet I appreciate it so so much oh my gosh we got a $10 donation from Durand thank you thank you so much what's going on Jake Paul Sam Lee soulless toast expanded life blue Bonnie wrecker solace toast j-rock Zach Sykes ZX aj seve saucy marshmallow dude thank you so much for all the retweets guys thank you guys so much what's going on rugged Sebby instinctively spontaneous Bob Mayfield oh my gosh thank you guys so much for hanging out thank you so much Duran do you are the best what's going on Tuvok expanded life ditto is hip boy rose oh my gosh guys I can't even handle this I can't even handle this Sam I did finish this game a long time ago but the reason why I have it up guys is because I want to try try the gamecube controller hack even till like yeah I'm gonna try using my GameCube controller see if we can get that to work hey what's going on bored teenager Chad Lee hey no worries Charlie I got you man I totally understand I'd be the same way thanks for stopping in Pam I'm doing good how are you uh yeah 30 minutes dude 30 min it's going on brandy Jordan cook Jordan I will reward you for staying up late man thank you for being here Jordan the hearts to seem right is well oh I have a lot more stamina I think and I didn't do I didn't do all the shrines or anything Avery is whatever whenever thank you so much for the sub Avery it's times like these Avery you need to know that you are appreciated know that you're not just a number man thank you so much it's gonna Jeff welcome to the stream yeah dude I'm waiting for Odyssey to Welsh you guys show you what's going on so if you click on Odyssey it's gonna pop up it's not ready to play it what's gonna smash for life Leonardo ma Martinez Jeremy thank you for the 3 tweet rugged much appreciated turtles man no worries no worries to buck you know I do man all right guys let's test the GameCube controller out see if we can get that working let's see if we can get this working because I want my goal is to nice there it is Jake thank you for the retweet Jake my gold guys alright so awesome it recognized the GameCube controller so I would my goal is hopefully to play Odyssey with the GameCube controller I don't know if we'll be able to or not but that's my goal here guys so right now we're playing breath of the wild with GameCube controller you are the man what's going on we'll welcome to the stream dude I cannot wait I'm sure you can't either it's get on peanut thank you for the retweet what's going on detective pack not show how you doing tonight nacho welcome to the stream everyone mr. Jimmy Steele what's going on mr. Jimmy Steele how are you what a typhoon raid what is going on what's going on Tsukuba Nader welcome to the stream Li no worries Li hub salad sandwich thank you so much for the sub hub salad thank you so much what's gonna mister might mr. pineapple Shawn Schneider JP derpy diamond Lorenzo lazy God Chris Dalton black doodle king mecca's Mecca Mecca salt Mecca Mecca Las Olas avery's whatever Alan buck huh Alan how are you tonight Alan Sebby Adam Adam Dalton Black thank you guys so much typhoon himself oh my gosh guys the hype is building the hype is building so fast thank you guys so so much smash for life 105 Typhoon how was galaxy tonight my friend thank you guys so much can one of my mods please grab typhoons Jesse I'm so sorry Jesse one of my mods please grab typhoons link please if you guys don't know who typhoon is fantastic streamer content creator and honestly just a really really good guy and a good friend so make sure you check out his channel he is absolutely incredible make sure you give him some love guys hey Casey happy birthday my dude this is so weird playing breath of the wild with a gamecube controller guys this is so weird I like it what's come on Victor Mateo it was great just had to get familiar with some 3d yeah Thai food that's got to be getting tough getting used to after playing so much Mario maker man David oh my gosh what's going on Mateo welcome to the stream thank you so much David hunter bro thank you so much David thank you thank you so much man guys can we get a hashtag David hunter in the chat please please what's going on inverted wave I'm sorry I missed you what's going on astonish 4:24 triceratops how are you tonight so many amazing people in here tonight thank you guys so so much so like you guys know how how excited I am for this game we did Odyssey October if you guys weren't around for Odyssey October this past month we played all the console 3d Mario titles we played mario 64 mario sunshine dang it we played galaxy 1 and 2 we played Mario 3d World all sorts of good stuff what's going on we Sean Snyder how are you tonight what's going on Turks pistol life this is insane this is insane guys Alex how you doing tonight Alex good to see you my friend I hope you're doing well hammy that's gone on hammy and Holly welcome to the stream Holly how are you tonight thank you guys so much for being here all the likes and everything this is insane can you guys not hear the music you guys don't hear the music going on it doesn't look like it's showing up with the music you know why you can't hear the music because I have my headphones in now you should hear the music so hold on one second guys I actually need to plug in my headphones to the back of my PC monitor that's why you couldn't hear the music man thank you for actually pointing that out I appreciate that it's gonna Joshua how are you tonight thank you for the heads up mr. mr. pineapple very cool of you Thank You inverted wave thank you for coming from the typhoon raid typhoon is the the absolute man and I just appreciate you stopping in that's very very cool of you there we go so now we should be uh Jessie this is uh you haven't you didn't know this is the new this is the new mario odyssey man but typhoon thank you so much man you gonna be playing tomorrow let's get on gabriel is ready Luke stay as long as you want Thank You Holly you are awesome you are awesome Holly hope you know that snake twister what's going on ugly Stewie so many awesome people hey no worries Alan thank you for stopping in man I appreciate it more than you know buddy have a great great night Shelly how are you eight the rest the EPIP I now have no more depressed Shelly I got you I got you don't you worry we got you covered Thank You Victor appreciate it yeah that was Nintendo's got me man I'm I'm definitely gonna double dip I'm gonna buy the physical copy at some point but I just couldn't wait man I could not wait Luke I'm probably gonna go till I pass out honestly Jeff I haven't heard that's a great question man I haven't heard anything though mekka I'm like almost shaking I'm so I'm so pumped I know that sounds kind of ridiculous for a video game but like I haven't been this excited for a video game in a long time and now the only thing weird about playing this game on the with a GameCube controller is to swing your sword you actually use the Y button which is really really strange like you wouldn't think you use the Y button but you know Paolo how are you tonight what's going on snake twister DTR stands for the end good repairs when the channel originally started it was gonna be focused on livestream or doing video game repairs but over time just kind of evolved oh my gosh this microphone dude it's microphone stand it's gonna be the death of me oh my gosh yeah so I've hundred percent of this game but I only beat it 19 percent I think I don't even know how to check my oh gosh get sniped oh and belt I called you earlier Casey I think my phone didn't ring man apologize for that dude alright so lets you guys hear the game now by the way can you guys hear the game audio todd how are you tonight Todd welcome to the stream guys the hype is real the hype is real we got t-minus 23 minutes 23 minutes Giselle how are you tonight thank you for the retweet Gabriel much appreciated man alright game audio awesome awesome awesome I don't even know how to sprint anymore honestly okay that's our arrows yeah it's so weird playing on this what's going on beryllium thank you instinctively thank you guys so much for being here you guys have no idea there's so many people streaming this and I understand if you guys are just stopping in you don't want to see too many of the spoilers and whatnot I totally get that but the support you guys are showing by coming just hanging out for a little bit means so so much man you have no idea no idea it's been five ever it has been forever Giselle I hope you're doing well well man if I'd stay in her bed I just hope I don't wake her Darby how are you tonight Darby welcome to the street man Darby Darby diary's you guys don't know Darby one of my absolute best friends in the entire world he's also gonna be streaming this at midnight dang it I want some crab soup dang it so bad motion how are you motion Matt Matt oh my gosh maverick what the heck is up maverick what is up Luke you're my favorite dude you're my favorite honestly guys I'm just wandering around alright I'm actually gonna switch back to the this controller grilled cheese thank you for coming from the Thai food and raid man I appreciate it thank you thank you so much I honestly forget all the controls here forget all the controls Spanish dude how are you tonight my friend dude victor and sara with that back to back sponsorship are you kidding me are you kidding me thank you so much and thank you so much inverted wave oh my gosh guys can we get a hashtag victor and sarah in the chat thank you guys so much you guys are absolutely insane thank you both so so much you guys are the best thank you guys oh my word [Music] you did I'm broken this has been insane what's gonna Mario Kart week Huber 18 how are you tonight oh my gosh dude I am got it man what's going on Adam welcome to the stream press B to run B makes him jump I thought nah Victor I'm not but you saying that makes me smile man wait I don't know how do I run how do you whistle - yeah my horse's name is Tobias 91 like hive oh my gosh guys are we gonna get a hundred likes before on us even stars that would be absolutely mind-blowing maverick it's going good man how's everything going with you like the boxing and everything my dude how do I stop him from crawling I don't even know how to get him from crawling dude it's been so long since I've played this Odyssey hype Holly uh we will be starting it in under 20 minutes I'm too lazy to come up with a creative name what's going on welcome to the stream Gisele probably until I pass out honestly Matt no worries Matt no worries at all Matt dang it and I remember this skillet you can run infinitely I don't mess it up so where was that shrine hat over there did I see did I see Kenny the NiO kid lurking out there let's go on Kenny welcome to the stream Finn I think we're used on Twitch right now so it's I'm not probably won't rate them on Twitch but you know and it's gonna be a while till you're a Darth how are you man welcome to the stream how you Darth ah snake I live in Pennsylvania I'm on the East Coast oh gosh sir Darth I don't even remember the controls for this game I don't even remember the controls man maverick I would say you deserve a break man like I know I know boxing like the training wise it's a lot like UFC and wrestling and stuff I know it's grueling man so you definitely deserve it definitely it sounds good grilled cheese I'll be here my friend that's awesome gel Gisele glad you're feeling a lot better glad you're feeling a lot better haleh yeah so it's weird it's weird that like we all live in the United States but you know if you live on a different part of the state you get to play the game before other people that's crazy all right mr. pineapple take care Thai food absolutely man hit me up in discord I'll be happy to uh I'll send you the link right - it's so easy man it's so easy hit me up in discord yo Corey Corey's gotcha right there - it's really really simple ma'am a the Creveling welcome to the stream thanks Chad Lee take care man I forgot to sing your theme song by the way Charlie 45 minutes west of Philadelphia born and raised Gabe that's awesome man that's awesome no board thankfully I didn't I'm trying to avoid all spoilers if at all possible how do I spring again remember how to sprint in gaming welcome to the stream gamer Persons mac the same time for me coldness awaits thank you so much for the sub guys make sure you up welcome coldness awaits - the cheesy sub Club much appreciated coldness it's times like these you need to know that you appreciate it and know that you're not just a number man well you guys had cheesecake cheesecakes one of my favorite things in the world Sarah did you make the cheesecake like ah it's just sleep sleeps overrated man do I plan on streaming how do I run again I like forget dude there okay there we go there's the run steady line how are you tonight steady line welcome brothel Wadi Elsie I would like to Luke I would like to no problems - thank you again so much for the raid man like that that made my night man I appreciate it I appreciate it guys holy yeah we're almost at a hundred likes what is going on this is insane I was not expecting this Vinnie dude thanks for stopping in man how are you tonight Vinnie maverick I'm honored that you were here man I can't tell you how good it is to see you dude you're one of like the original people man you were around you've been around for a long long time it was Jesse's that well Jesse the man I loved Jesse Jesse is actually actually a lot of people don't know but jesse is my brother he is running like why can't I climb that apparently I can't climb that for some reason is it raining Oh cuz it's raining dang dang dang like I'm sorry to hear that VIN all right Thank You Corey have a great night man have a great stream buddy appreciate you stopping him in a very cool of you we need to let it stop raining Vinnie how are you up this late man how are you up this late my friend why is it like why is this is it this is always rain in this spot because I wanted to repair windows 10 biological brother no he's not ugly Stewie we just say that what's going on fanny gg yeah we'll be starting that in under mario odyssey we'll be starting here in about 13 minutes my dude 13 minutes ish I'll hold X hold X that's it totally forgot about that totally forgot about that oh gosh yeah fan I can't wait man I can't wait here I live on the East Coast so it'll be here it'll be starting here in a couple minutes man a couple minutes thank you think of Lee alright Kenny no worries man thank you so much for stopping in dude I appreciate it inverted I cannot thank you enough thank you so much inverted thank you for being here I always love meeting new people one of my favorite parts about streaming let's see if we can do this shrine before for Odyssey and then we'll start it up Victor I'm right with you man there's a telling people at the beginning of the stream there's a there's a it's a major test of strength oh we got this I did I haven't played this game in about two or three months but we got this Osuna welcome to the stream I know the mario odyssey will start here in 12 minutes my dude 12 minutes yeah thank you so much gab appreciate a man now Shelly I took tomorrow off just Shelly kids don't need lunch kids don't need lunch they need to they need to know what it's like you need to learn the struggles Steve I'm probably gonna go as long as I possibly can man what's gonna tech welcome to the stream Tech the tote okay not it's not a good start totally forgetting all the controls like I totally forget it all like how do I do cool stuff how do I do like I don't remember how do i how do i do like to carry it back I don't remember how to do that all right guys yeah yes - I have I actually have a one-year-old daughter a one-year-old daughter man yeah Vinnie it's been insane man I can't I can't not thank people enough for the support tonight I'm so glad to see the excitement is real for Odyssey man we've we've all been waiting a super long time for this man [Music] dang it dang it Maximo Oh Maximo I've never played that but it's uh I've heard it's really good we were so close Osuna I actually worked for a college man I'm an admissions counselor at a college so like when people apply for college I've reviewed their transcripts I go out and visit schools and stuff like that I absolutely love it it's a rocker chick in the house what's going on rocker chick how are you tonight how are you tonight guys 9 minutes 9 minutes dude what's going on inkling soldier welcome to the stream the rust is real actually it wanted to speed from this for a time but like I'm so bad at this game take care Kacey happy birthday again man happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Casey happy birthday to you guys this is insane like you guys realize we were eight minutes away from mario odyssey man this this game like I've been I'd haven't read any reviews but I've seen some review scores I don't think anywhere I've seen has given it less than like a nine out of ten most places have given it like a five out of five or ten out of ten I I just can't believe it I just can't believe we're that close man let's um I have the Masters why am I not even the Masters right man yes Steve it's insane and like the mere fact that Nintendo has produced quite very possibly gen with that $10 donation gen puh thank you so much thank you so so much genku guys can we get a hashtag gen poo in the chat for me please Gentoo it's a little past both of our bedtime but I'm so glad you're here all right scorpion no worries what's going on sonic speed Super Mario fan it's almost here man so close oh I forgot I can do that attack [Music] no master swords broke thank you for the retweet typhoon I appreciate it man thank you thank you so much typhoon oh [Music] gosh oh gosh how do I run oh gosh we did we clutched it out dude we clutched it out we clutched it out oh my gosh Osuna it's a at2020 plus USB microphone I cannot believe we clutch that out dude that was so lucky mica how are you tonight Mike I honestly like how do i how do i sprint I totally forget how to sprint dude like how do I that's the button well I mapped my controls a little bit differently Thank You Victor Thank You Vinny thank you everyone all right guys let's go let's go we're gonna we're gonna quit out of here after we get this and wait at the main menu dude I'm like shaking so excited hey Olivia how are you tonight welcome to the stream I think there's no other bad player than me dude that I'm really bad at this game no worries Roman dude five minutes five minutes thank you motion take care man I appreciate it thank you thank you so much all right guys we're gonna save their weight at the menu sing a little kumbaya you're ready to go Mike have I posed with how are you tonight Mike welcome Oh guys I'm hoping Mario cuts the red tape on the Odyssey download right at midnight man I'm hoping we don't have to wait like a bunch of time to wait for it to to go sleep is for the weak oh my gosh I'm so ready I'm so ready I'm so ready my body is reggie all right so how do I save him 13% dude I've beaten the game like got the true ending with only 13% done that's that's insane how do I save does it automatically save he walked off a cliff no worries how do I make the noise from one tab go through one year I don't know instantly spontaneous what's going on I am your father I am how are you tonight did it does it autosave right Mike I would love that man my body is not Reggie for this I don't think all right guys let's go let's go thank you so much Ali shellfish for the retweet much appreciated thank you thank you so much now I didn't want to go to the eShop let's go guys let's go man let's go ah resist the pool of the height side of force I'm not going on the eShop you have school tomorrow Kevin worth it man worth it alright guys I'm just gonna keep spamming this Cameron how are you tonight cam welcome to the stream yeah I'm good to see man but then Darth you were supposed to tell instantly spontaneous the struggle is real my friend the struggle is real a SC cutter up Carosa Kurosaki I know man I know I know I shellie it honestly feels like it honestly feels like Christmas I haven't been this pumped up for a game like I was super excited for breath wah trust me zelda is like my favorite franchise Elden Mario are my two favorite franchises and I was pumped for breath of the wild but I'm even more pumped for Odyssey like my love of Mario 64 I've heard this is like the closest to Mario 64 since Mario 64 and that just has me excited Jimmy my dude let's go let's go guys let's go I'm so I'm so so excited to be sharing this moment with you guys like you have no idea how pumped I am to share this with you guys like I'm so glad we're experiencing this all together honestly I know I'm playing the game and I know some of you guys don't have switches and you can't play and whatnot but I'm so happy to be sharing this moment with you guys like this is so exciting this is so exciting let's go let's go let's go yeah I'm on the East Coast Asuna it's 11:59 right now Jimmy Steele um I want to man I want to but I want to know if like there's so I'm hoping it's kind of like breath of the wild and the fact that you know you can be this like you can there's a quick route to beating it if you want to but it's also big enough those that want to like sink a bunch of hours into but depending on how long it is I definitely want to dude I'm like shaking no I took off tomorrow cam took off tomorrow Alex OH tell DJ I said hello man and thank you guys so much for watching ah let's go let's go let's get on Guillermo welcome to the stream no come on come on come on come on come on the anticipation is so real dude let's go let's go come on come on come on what's going on gee span welcome to the stream maybe we have to wait till 12:01 oh my gosh beryllium I want to play the Hat in time so bad butterfingers butterfingers butterfingers come on don't do this to us Nintendo don't do this to us don't do this to us Nintendo don't do this to us you have one job Nintendo one job oh my gosh don't do this to us dude the hype is so real right now should I try restarting my console restart the console someone said yeah I'm gonna try restarting the console guys see what that does let's try restarting it see if that works oh don't do this to us Logan thank you so much for the sub it sounds like these Logan you need to know that you are appreciated know that you're not just a number mine went through ok Jessie I'm gonna try let's go guys let's go boys boys we in there we freakin in there oh my gosh oh my gosh oh that was the greatest troll of all time oh my gosh let's go let's go thank you so much dress here with the five dollar donation thank you so much guys here we go here we go oh my gosh Oh oh my gosh thank you so much strand oh my gosh man instinctively spontaneous with look at that mustache graphics look at the mustache look at that attention to detail on his mustache guys let's get a hashtag instinctively spontaneous and hashtag dreads here if you haven't done so already thank you guys so much I appreciate it thank you guys both so much let's go let's go turn up the game you guys want some more game volume do that I mean if this is too loud or too soft hey Joseph how are you tonight there it is thank you so much instinctively spontaneous oh my gosh look at the detail on his suit look at didn't the fine embroidery on that suit look at that fine embroidery hey brainy it is still too soft let me know if it's any better there can you guys hear the game volume at all though I want to make sure you guys can hear that yeah mr. Jimmy steel here comes the world records it's good good deal me - Joshua me - man it's loud okay it's loud holes like a dream dude controls like a freaking dream what is look at this dude look at this look at this look at our hat dude no our pride and joy man our pride and joy oh no ugly studi that's not good so start for running away like that you startled me and I do startle easily I saw what happened earlier you've been through quite the wringer you've landed in the cat kingdom we've been under attacked by the same monster that gave you such a trouncing and to make matters worse the friend the fiend had the friend the fiend has kidnapped my little sister hey jerk the church no problem Luke thank you man don't mess with a man's hat dude [Music] fortunately all our airships were wrecked in the attack what's going on Ninh and Angelina how are you tonight Angelina it's so good to see you although now that I think on it I'm fairly certain there's a functioning ship in the next king hopeless I can get a seraph only could reach the top of the Tau top-hat tower you know it seems like we're after the same thing perhaps we should team up see if we can help those ghosts and Peach yes dude look at that hat look at that hat bro oh my gosh not your style how about this yes yes so good there's dialogue and furtive wave I know right there's dialogue so guys I am playing with the cam with that three dollar donation dude thank you so much him thank you so much Kim thank you so much guys take care of the shop please thank you so much much of a spooky burger how are you tonight Sookie it's so good to see you man welcome to the stream neo nice dude it's good on gymnasium Todd I know man gnarly indeed I think there's a way to roll and stuff but I haven't figured it out yet so apparently we can't take control of stuff yet that's okay so good it's so good walk him around alright so it there's frogs over here yeah yes oh my gosh Mario and Wonderland this is what it feels like this is insane tip how are you tonight tip so good to see you again thanks for stopping in I appreciate it so much so good to see you again yeah Todd that's the whole thing behind it man like you can take control of different characters you captured a frog those jumps though dude Michael Jordan frog bro Michael Jordan this is awesome oh my god oh wait so we can more coins I don't know I know you can buy different outfits and stuff so I'm gonna collect as many stories man I think we'll be wasted by stuff later on Michael Jordan frog oh nice weekend weekend weekend Todd you do need to get a switch man it's so good it does look kind of look like a muppet I see that man for sure totally see that seriously guys I know I've said it a bunch of times already but I'm still I'm so so happy to be sharing in this moment with you guys you have no idea how exciting this is we playing this alongside you guys absolutely can't imagine doing this without you guys I love this frog weird the Frog oh he's gone feel like we didn't come back mr. frog Michael Jordan where are you at there's some down here [Music] the coldest await are you tonight coldness let's see I can get probably something up here okay never mind we didn't need them rip Michael Jordan that second one was I don't know who someone else can they they can jump really maybe we should hide hey bro yeah if we can keep his boiler free I would appreciate it I know it's gonna be tough for some people but keep it a spoiler-free as we possibly can Oh Thank You Finn appreciate it got that treasure we needed so we ain't got no board no more business in these parts of course roughing up goofy two-shoes meddlers was into contract so I guess we still got a little work to do and shock safai thank you so much of the sub and shocks it bye guys I'm sure we'll come in shock survive thank you so much my friend time to see if my dude you didn't know that you are appreciated you're not just a number man thank you so much appreciate you stopping in man hanging out I appreciate it very very much I didn't think about capturing the Goomba I got to do that next time inverted may have been the easiest boss I've ever played dude JC and I know it's been a long time coming man it's really really hard to believe I gotta turn this volume up on my headphones because I can barely hear the game me one second guys [Music] go got it they Austin steel welcome to the stream Hoss and how are you tonight dude the game has been absolutely incredible fishy thank you so much man thanks for stopping in fishy sorry still a bit ant from capturing a power line must collect myself should be an old airship somewhere around here let's see if we can find it hey Dalton welcome to the stream Dalton how are you tonight I think there's a way to figure out how we can do the role guys how do we do the role here zlb well no that's the long jump hold ZL ZL and why ok he should give up on peace by now agreed so I don't know how we can take over stuff back up hold why in take over time it's so good man this is so flippin good Oh awesome the moon we got our first moon dude we got our first moon oh my gosh yes yes guys we in there boys we in there oh my gosh man dude I didn't know there was a moon emoji that just made it so much better guys whenever we get a moon do what mr. Jimmy Steele does throw at that uh that moon command what a lucky break this will come in handy to the power to power the airship have you ever seen anything like that Oh Victor so much look at that water animation everything this is insane to crescent moon it's a waning crescent but looks close enough it's true true that moon works too Todd I'll take any moons we can get anything to get you guys hyped up and chat I'm all for it I'm all for it huh nothing happening that powered moon must not have given the ship enough energy oh we can find more you know what waterfall this water calm why is there a picture okay not anymore don't go chasing waterfalls but might think there might be you what's that look dude look how Mario looks when he's wet man look at him dripping dripping this is insane this is the madness I'm in lobby eyes Amanda we might need to talk I think I found a new love all right sounds good Todd so good to see you man hope you've been doing well dude [Music] I'm guessing we need the purple coins [Music] we just look at this look at these graphics dude there oh boy so it begins did I keep it [Music] [Music] very cool very cool [Music] did I keep destroyed I don't know I haven't yeah we didn't keep dicks like you're right you're right we did Stonebridge so this is says travel tips spin throw when you're surrounded by enemies and just wish you can hit them all at once snap the pro controller to the side to do a spin throw [Music] single file guys that's really cool that's really cool [Music] try set it is a triceratops statue indeed it is we got our what I love is that so in in Mario 3d World to do the side flip and in Mario Galaxy was so hard to do the side flip so glad they adjusted that Mario feels it this feels very close to it feels very very close to how what is this oh nice it feels very close to how mario64 controls and that's a great thing I apologize guys I apologize I don't want to have to turn off subnet efficacious so I'm just gonna hope that I can't even talk yeah I know I'm like just I'm so blown away right now I can't even talk wait there was a sleeping t-rex no there was it no there was it there was not a sleep into your eyes don't even don't even joke about that [Music] bro [Music] bro [Music] dude dude Anthony so good to see you man welcome to the stream Anthony how are you tonight my friend another moon many moons have gone by oh my gosh man this is there is a dinosaur on there I'll go back for the dinosaur man I'm at no rush this is not like a speedrun or anything guys obviously this is just a casual we've waited so long for this game so long we're just gonna enjoy or enjoy every minute there's spoilers Amanda there's Sarah we got our choice Sarah thought statue [Music] look at that mustache dude [Music] so wait where do you guys see it there's the T freaking Rex there's the sleeping t-rex right there oh my gosh what's going on Blizz thank you guys so much for throwing out the moons I love that so much what's going on tech tree X I would my wife is in bed right now but maybe sometime soon we go down and get the t-rex guys we're gonna get the t-rex I think we probably would probably have to I don't know man anything you're still sick oh man I'm so sorry to hear that dude let's go get the t-rex [Music] oh we survived that fall how did I miss him how did I not see this guy sitting here how did I not see that this is this is my boy dude there's a freaking moon right there Dalton thank you so much for joining the cheesy stuff of Dalton much appreciated man guys let's make sure we welcome Dalton to the cheesy soft Club much appreciated that's what she said caffee [Music] thankfully he goes see does he go back to sleep thank goodness see that guy away away that's my skeleton yeah tech tricks X thank you so much for the sup guys know she welcomed tech tricks to cheesy song club much appreciated my friend thank you so much my friend really told you to take the plunge sounds like these my friend even though that you are appreciating the trip not just a number much appreciated it's gonna rock welcome to the stream how are you tonight rock this music dude right in the fields right in the fields so after having played like Mario 3d World Mario Galaxy Mario Sunshine the magic TV was tell the magic is that Nintendo Magic Mike I know that it's so good it's so good I just appreciate you being here Mike sharing in this with you so now we can go back up do this 8-bit remix - oh it's so good it's so good [Music] can I get the toucan they're freaking this thanks coldish awaits take care have a great night bro I'm gonna be kind I love it she's the dog walker Blizz me and it's so good [Music] dang it calf health works again it's five boys got it boys in there that's that's what I'm thinking zach is it is it Bugs Bunny but it's bugs bummer indeed we got that trifecta peas dude look at that but that triple moon boys triple mood Joshua how about them butterfingers bro it was pretty freaky for sure we got a multi moon finessed that chunk Thank You Austin triple moon hope all right sounds good I am your father I'm more than like you more than likely be here man you've done it and now we've got a multi as strong as three powered moons combined it should get the ship moving in no time Samurai my dude so good to see you man thanks for stopping in my friend I appreciate it so much how many we got 24 of the 51 if we're missing Jaden's welcome to the stream Jaden's cam it very well might be a 24 hour stream man like I'm so pumped man I'm so pumped I like I can't even handle it Adam rust we just started a dude we just started welcome to the stream my friend how are you tonight let's go on Leonel the odyssey is restored boys i just like i literally can't stop smiling I cannot stop smiling we've enough fuel to reach the sand Kingdom let's go save those two blues man it's I am so happy to have you here too man thanks for being here a connelly night teen thank you for the sub a connolly sounds like these a connelly you need to know that you appreciate know that you're not just the number man yes Olivia I do plan on doing one percent the curly thank you Kim what is the October I guess I didn't put that back in there it sounds good saris I'm good [Music] we waited so long for those guys iíve played literally less than a half hour of this game and I can already tell you it's worth buying a switch just for this game just for this game like I said I've barely played and I can already tell you it's worth it how do you like me as a captain's hat pretty classy indeed indeed one second seeing as we've got some time to kill let's review some useful skills travel tip ground pound to smash block Serenity's blow blow blow you below you or to flatten out bumps in the ground nothing beats a ground pound top Z L in midair okay yeah we got it we got it we got it up there yackety-yak we got it now we're good we're good on controls inverted wave um I think where did we get this sure to man I'm not sure as you've no doubt pieced together it is entirely covered in sand it's quite hot there are some ruins there and an artifact called The Binding band that links people forever like a wedding ring boy this bowser seems like just the sort of creep that would steal a princess antiquity for his sham wedding ah this is amazing that's fine Vinnie understand I totally got that man totally got that this game is cooler than my girlfriend this game more than my wife so this is like I've watched very very little on this game but this is like this was all over the trailers and stuff this is one thing I'm definitely used to [Laughter] time to take off this shirt indeed why is it so cold I thought deserts were supposed to be hot top of that tower shining but how could that be could be a power moon look at these guys so cold everything just froze all of a sudden all right so where do we got to go here Shelley I can I can I don't work good as it is but when I'm this excited plus it's way past my bedtime we're looking for disaster oh we can buy a moon [Music] nipple hype dude nipple hype oh my gosh so I don't know what we need like does this stuff give us powers you like the clothes give us powers I feel like we should buy them movie we're gonna buy the mood thanks Mike take care have a great day of work tomorrow my dude we're gonna buy the mood just because I think we'll need it eventually what sombrero heck you so all right I'm not gonna buy anything yet just cuz I don't know what we need I'm sure we'll need it for something but I'm gonna hold off just for now sugar Nance oh wait I guess we didn't have any we have any money why is there no music playing man why we got no music though she's got to say Osuna I'm in love man I'm a married man it's hard to stay true here man it's it's that good it's that good I might not see my wife for a couple days well there's a moon over there rip the music there's a pipe back here hidden pipe it in play there's some music there's a prize in this party room but to find it you'll have to feel it we have to feel it guys let the feels take you over just let it feel you I'm just gonna shut my eyes oh [Music] gosh [Music] we're gonna go block by block here [Music] so I have Rumble turned on I thought I have rum ball turned on this guy's tricking me this guy's tricking me thank you for joining the TZ sub club large number thank you thank you so much alright maybe we can't feel yet maybe we don't have the feels yet large number it's times like these you need to know that you are appreciated know that you're not just a number my friend thank you so much we'll take that mood I have selective hearing when it comes to my wife Liz can we all right can we take control of those guys okay you got can't take control of two tiny boobs they gotta be bigger they gotta be bigger until you taking the role Jen - thank you throughout the mood [Music] what is this there's the music guys I don't think I've Rumble on I don't even know how to check if I ramble on no let it go how do I get out oh Dave we just pounded the crap out of that we're rewarded yes [Music] why deny ground did I need to compound in that room me end it with them spoilers though they look here my wife tried to give you a timeout right now oh crap [Music] do I even 3d Mario girl fine we'll go back in and well you know what now we're not gonna come back come back [Music] I mean after years oh this is probably the enemy I was most looking forward to taking controllers after the years of it I think he's got some calluses on his bond me oh well it doesn't even feel it anymore food is the 100 what I'm loving so far is that we can you get to keep playing after you collect a moon you know in in all of the Mario's past anytime you've got a star or whatever it was you had to exit the level and and come back so I'm loving that we don't have to do that I think that's awesome hey Holly welcome to the mill come back Holly how are you good to have you back [Music] but I couldn't even hear the thing man I could even feel anything my controller wasn't Rumble there was no rumbling you might tell me oh crap I'm trying I'm trying dude I'm trying you love Mario's nose on this game nothing wrong with that that's cool man another to my section another 2d section [Music] just raking the coin I love this I love this so much man a lot of fantastic touch bro [Music] so freaking good so freaking good I honestly cannot express in words how amazing this is yes another moon another moon guys uh Jeff I'm not sure if Yoshi's in this game great question man we haven't come across it yet that's not to say he's not in it you very well could be man I'm just not sure yet oh gosh Amanda family friendly I mean I know this is dgr at night but come on now expressing an interpretive dance yes I'll get right on that man [Music] oh uh uh otra K how did I say that I see that right how do I see your name I'm so sorry Oh Otto Reiki thank you so much for the sub Otto Reiki it's times like these my friend you need to know that you are appreciated do not miss the number so much for join in the stream I do very cool of you spit it out blow it out boys blow it out there you go instinctively I think it's hogging up my broadband the struggles of first world problems when first world problems I love these 2d sections man it just feels so good these 2d sections [Music] oh gosh [Music] Luigi I know I hope he's in the game too we do time need some we G love nice [Applause] again I'm gonna say it one more time guys I'm gonna say it one more time and I'll probably say it a hundred more times by the end of the screen but thank you all so much for being here hanging out being in this moment with me like sharing in this in this day with me I'm I'm I'm so honored to be hanging out with so many awesome people during this thank you guys so much thank you for all the likes all the retweets building the height for this stream guys it's it's been more than I could have ever imagined honestly honestly thank you guys so so much dang it why not want to do that I feel like we want to do that look at Mario dude look at that look at the effects on Mario that's so cool that's so cool [Music] why do I feel like that's gonna be you're good you're good I totally get that that's fair - yeah so Holly we're collecting moons moons power this is our ship kind of like in mario galaxy how the stars you know powered the mothership for Rosaline it's kind of the same thing welcome back for teenager no problem Vinny thank you for being here thank you so much Vinny have a great night buddy Oh see you can sue you with this oh so this is kind of like kind of like the Red Coins and the other Mario games yeah the comet observatory the word of the mothership close enough shoot oh why did I even try that I didn't eat why did I even do that man there's no reason for me to do that hey take care of Giselle thanks for hanging out part of the night I appreciate it have a great rest of your evening as well hope you get some sleep you press I can't remember but it's ZL or Zr one of those two first rip hype Lisbon indeed man this is all dog guessing [Music] that didn't work [Music] yeah no problem you know first then butterfingers no yeah it's it's see it's either one both of them do the same thing okay so how do we get over there okay I got it got it boys got it we go over here there we go now we got it there we go got it yeah I've never seen that one either blues it's so fitting though this guy like destroy the ice let me destroy the ice we need probably like a fire flower or something don't step in purple you never a good idea Thank You Victor oh there's a moon down here so we need one more moon guys um you guys see it did I miss it I missed it oh my gosh safer I know I know I know safer how are you thanks for stopping it I appreciate it hopefully your homeworks going well maybe you go to bed whenever the problem [Music] I'll take that moon 125 likes that's below in my mind haven't even been streaming we should been streaming a little over an hour that's crazy thank you guys I'm still like shaking from this guy's I can't believe it it doesn't even feel like this games here even though I'm playing it like it still hasn't sunk in yet Thank You Jessie for being here man I don't tell you that enough Jessie how much I appreciate you man I don't think I tell you know like I tell anyone enough but you guys no idea how much I love you guys it's bad if it it is better doing homework maybe not the best decision but I respect it roll this guy's dancing up a storm and look at him breaking that sweat the three of them have escaped now I never get them back looking for but beautiful always find three sheep sheep all right guys we found our first human under first human you know what it doesn't look that bad from the trailers and stuff I was like the humans kind of look weird and it's still kind of weird like Mario's supposedly supposed to be a human right so it kind of looks weird him standing by another human but you know it is what it is 1981 new dog city nice no can't take control of you I'm just gonna hit you with my hat Geordi man welcome to the stream Geordi man how are you tonight dude I just killed the Sheep no I'm not trying to kill the Sheep apparently we have to hurt it back got a moon poor sheep indeed let's bring this guy back there's another one all right there's one I love how the sheep are wearing sombreros two men kind of want to hit it down the cliff but kind of don't at the same time kind of like kind of like the Penguins from from ah yeah we're going the wrong way no dude going the wrong way the penguin from Mario 64 a homerun dude fine one more sheep mad fine there it is there that's cool we found it [Music] Yolo am i right indeed you are got it in there boys in there boys I seem sheepish right now all the Sheep puns are real love it did this guy even say anything to me or did I need to talk to him I just was hitting with my hat did you hear his voice way of saying we got to play that again hey we weren't ah hi luara what is it what the what did he say so that yeah that's what we sound like Holly with the Sheep emoji I love it I love it so much it's a sim alright I saw a weird okay let's go boys time to save some time to save peach inverted pyramid Zach I appreciate the joke man I like it hey you might add yes one more dance yes adult probably tomorrow man well I guess it is tomorrow sometime later today probably there's a what I'll do I'll probably go to bed get some sleep and then come back on Leonel I don't even know man like I'm not familiar like I've I have no idea man I don't even know what galaxies there are watch very few spoilers for this game [Music] so I don't I don't know anything man I'm single be spontaneous you might want to rewind a couple seconds so you can see what I was doing in oh my gosh this game just controls like a freakin dream it just feels so good as I get hit by a good foot it seriously does feel so good there's hidden secrets and everything are you kidding me [Music] thank you other large number for this uh much appreciated here all right sounds good Amanda have a nice sleep thanks for helping out I appreciate it oh that's so cool it's so cool so we don't need to wait for check them out oh sweet nice out that's helpful yeah guys keep throwing out that moon command I love that that gets me pumped when I see that guys great great question moist ly textured thank you so much for the sub mostly it's times like these you need to know that you are appreciated know that you're not just number thank you so much Tuvok for the retweet my dude you so much - bye I see no changes wake up in the morning and ask myself life blast myself found out they don't have one did I not say I love you we're not invited to the wedding bring it so I've heard that the word moist father someone call that the word moist bother you guys that doesn't bother me but I like I said I've heard that it bothers some people [Music] oh gosh [Music] that's awesome she turn into her skirt changing a UFO I feel like tired I feel tired bro [Music] like really bothered me [Music] got her in there boys her laugh makes you die yeah so you might be able to stand on his hat I'm not sure we know I appreciate that man I appreciate that very much oh yeah these are great he's a great content creator great Nintendo streamer he does get on my nerves I'm a little a little bit too but he's a teenager man like he's he's a young kid just very very excitable so the game creaks thank you so much for joining the cheesy sub Club game creeps sounds like these game creeps you need to know that you are appreciated know that you're not just a number Shelly that's so nice of you so nice of you hole in the desert so I got a question of these like giant MIPS are these MIPS so wait why are we back here [Music] who's this guy I do how you do what'd you call it Jack see you wanna ride be thirty coins you say no thanks I'm not sure where let's go back in here since we're back here there's the pipe dang it man just gonna do this randomly and hope we hit it I don't have the rumble feature man Thank You Jessie appreciate it how do I check how do I see five the rumble feature Oh with that strong Rumble dude give me that strong Rumble like I don't feel anything on my controller moving [Music] like I've been all around this room and I don't feel anything so she said like will I feel something [Music] [Music] you got I don't care you can tell me where this is at Neal I don't keep this isn't really a spoiler to me this isn't really a spoiler this isn't it's not a big deal I got for some reason it's not rumbling for me so that might be just yeah if you just want to tell me where it's at that's totally fine it might be different per person top left corner then do I have to bottom right that's where do you have to maybe you have to feel it Rumble yeah it's like not rumbling at all for me so it's a very top left bottom yeah cuz like honestly I've walked on every square and I haven't felt it at all [Music] ya know Shelly I think that's what it is yeah I see the lighter colored squares I tried ground-pounding them nothing happened though [Music] what's a dump what's a dump how did I do that dude you see that that was awesome talk to him again first I like to talk to him can I feel it if I'm running but I have to be walking glue on the walls maybe you're right like I don't feel anything on my controller ground-pound him just give me it don't run hey bald monkey it won't you roll in here dude welcome to the stream bald monkey this is frustrating man I just want to feel it just want to feel that Rumble dude I feel that 8g trouble bro screw it we're done we've wasted enough time in there I'm not even worried about it anymore we'll get it someday all right so wait where am I going now you tell me we're supposed to go it's broken we're waiting for the patch all right what is this yeah let's play the slots bro all right Duran sounds good man thank you so much again for the for the donations and everything my friend I really appreciate it so after the the red heart where there's a [Music] that was really lucky that was really lucky but we'll take it we'll take it we'll take that Thank You Victor do did you pick this up Victor okay nice can I jump to any of the checkpoints that's really cool ah game creeps they're kind of like the equivalent of the Stars and Mario kind of they fuel your ship to your ship but I'm a bomb but don't bump ya blocking you can you can if you press the d-pad you can take pictures and stuff that's really cool I know ball monkey it's so good man it's so good I'm like I'm insanely tired and I have no regrets right now playing no regard whatsoever thank you for the genies guys no regrets whatsoever all right so Donald Trump thanks for joining the cheese's up club Don welcome aboard my friend oh that was ridiculous we had that Kim take another nap man and come back no cam I appreciate it man take care dude have a great great night my friend all right so let's I want to get that moon over there [Music] [Music] guess I'll have to go back up here okay I'll be playing this a lot man no worries about that no worries there yes we have to go back in here oh man I am enjoying it I'm enjoying every second dude every single second I'm enjoying no problem Olivia thanks for hanging out for a while that's super cool of you and I really appreciate it I hope you have a great night okay cool cool cool cool Holly no problem Holly I had so much fun you being here too I hope you have a great night Ali now you probably will catch up to me for sure it is a pleasure having you here Holly and Olivia rugged I can totally well that's new I have no idea bald monkey I've heard there's a lot though I've heard there's a lot Grimm what's going on Grimm no work no problem neo thanks for stopping in man always a pleasure having you here oh thanks Holly sounds familiar we built this city Grimm how are you tonight my dude so good to see you I don't know where we're going but we're goin this is sweet oh is this where I think this if you guys watch the Nintendo World Championships I think this is where they played in the Nintendo World Championships man let's go detective PAC you're still here I love you dude how are you tonight my dude thanks for hanging out with me John numbers ended up choking dang it as I'm choking right now these ice physics oh dude ice physics though I'm doing so good I'm doing so good and it's game dude that's so cool oh there's a moon up there no no don't die me don't die me we did Nicola is welcome Nicholas met it and expanding Li shattered my expectations man so there is no life meter I'm seeing it just takes coins away from you that's shellye thanks for spending part of the night with us always a pleasure having you here honestly mean that thank you so much Shelly have a great day at work tomorrow and hopefully I'll see you in soon Shelly good call with catching so we want to wait till now God there we go that's what we needed that's what we need a boys now that was oddly satisfying that was oddly satisfying man [Music] did I really just do that did I really just do that boys no I did not mean to do that mistakes have been made guys mistakes were made not what I meant to do I think it keeps our new nose so that's kept our moon so that's that so how does the 2-player work I've not seen like I said guys I've I've kept my spoiler to an absolute minimum how does the fish Dave I've kept this boiler to an absolute minimum how does the 2-player work like what can the second player do [Music] what hope is that this dates for maid-sama with steaks for me this is like I know what to do just because of watching a Nintendo World Championships I want to figure out how I did that so you throw the Hat and then you how did I do that there is a way to like you throw your hat and then Mario does a sweet dive I do that before silent oh my gosh dude oh I'm so happy you're here what's going on Steve I can see you should test that with Amanda we should secretly then I can yell at Amanda to stack them he does look dapper we're ring take me [Music] ouch all of us says ouch oh boy they were coming in hot dude oh gosh coming in hot silent unacceptable you need to be here here forever gadem is this Boulder Geist is this Boulder guides stop hitting yourself Wow there was absolutely no reason for me to be back [Music] right in the kisser right in the kisser Jana wood got him no problem Jen Phu no problem silent it's been worth every second of the way my man um ugly Stewie great question I don't know no problem game creeps thanks for stopping in man have a great night hopefully I'll see you again soon heartburn AAB tums my one science teacher told us the chalk if we had heartburn no joke silent the banana kinda does look like a moon wow it's so hot now but it's suppose that's what we were trying to accomplish so we beat well let's check let's see if we have enough we have more than enough moons thanks detective pack more than enough moons but what if I don't want to leave you do you guys want to stay here you want to go to the next Kingdom [Music] prilosec I guess we don't have a choice I mean we can stay if you want you guys want to go to the next one you guys want to see what else is what else we got to offer here you guys want to go to wooded Kingdom or the lake Kingdom game creeps I think I think so I'm gonna try to you guys want lake or wooded I'll let you guys pick Lake kind of looks awesome there's got to be a wooded lake wooded oh my gosh it's got a split decision here neither good a new dog city I don't think I can go to new dog city yet Lake I've seen a couple more Lake I think all right I mean we'll do both but let's go to the lake let's go to the lake see what happens here [Music] [Music] would sorry sorry guys well we'll get to the wood I promise we'll get to the wood yeah so Zach I was but I couldn't do anything in new dog City like I couldn't I couldn't make it anymore get that I could only get that moon and then we had to move on kidnapped tiara okay so if we throw the Hat then shake it Ola homed in on it all right black lang take care thank you so much for being here I'm so glad I got to sharing this experience with you my dude thank you thank you so much yes I'll your your your theme the theme that you're picking up is correct I got you bald that makes sense that makes sense brutal over the lake [Music] the brutal is there he'll sue one hit us up with the music man I'll take that I'll take that mood we got Zoras in this game thanks for rocket can I take control you [Music] got it in there Victor so such a genius the team that worked on this is crazy good man crazy good a Canadian bacon bread and water says Canadian bacon that was so cool that was so cool man that was amazing Zach common controls are fine nothing nothing crazy these two to swim like Ellis dig if you press the pound button the ground pound button oh I don't know you've been here Canadian bacon well thank you man sorry if I didn't notice you earlier and you were here [Music] you feel like a bad person for this [Music] thank you can control these guys yes dude yes oh that's fantastic [Music] so we need to find the other pieces of the move in here yeah Gav it's late for so many people man and there's so many people's dream in this game that's totally fine I'm just honestly so happy anyone's willing to be here to hang out that's that's so cool oh that's that's all amazing that's amazing can you love welcome to stream Caleb [Music] Dimpy thank you for being here the other one No it wasn't what's going on Nintendo game welcome to the stream nah man we're not right anyway yeah the night is young two more do you guys see any other ones no oh we just got just been how are you tonight Ben welcome to the stream thanks for stopping in man good to see you Ben all right so do you guys see the other one there it is right in there boys that's awesome Ben how was work man appreciate you stop it in my friend appreciate you stopping is nice we'll take that we'll take that for sure that's such a cool thing man oh that's so cool I love it yeah it does a kid doesn't look like that doesn't it [Music] this guy not urge what is the secret you're seeking I know it I know it ha ha I can tell you but it'll give you a clue taking notes in a clip side oh gosh bet I'm sorry man that reminds me of my days at a UPS bro I don't don't miss that at all my friend staying busy is always good too usually makes the time go a little faster so I saw there was a and then I did see your message about the corn maze I'm sorry to get a chance to write back you don't feel like going oh there is Nessie how did I miss Nessie hanging out up there are you kidding me I'm Jessie go to bed Jessie thank you for hanging out my friend hope you know how much I appreciate you man thanks for all you do to learn before this channel take care of my dude okay sounds good Gabe let's go down here suits down here we're gonna die we're gonna die dude we might die it might be Dori I think it's Plessy in Mario 64 we're gonna die mistakes have been made mistakes were made oh my gosh we made it we somehow made it we somehow made it they're disappointed what'd I miss coins you I need to make a public apology for missing any coins I'm sorry Sam Malloy you're roommates I just like to personally stop and apologize for missing coins dude captain toad is in the game yes yes yes sweet I'll take it you're just about to take you had rip all types up and ready to kill that's awesome save it for another time because I'm sure we will you'll be you'll be using that soon events keep that up keep that copied on your keyboard there [Music] Samara you and your roommates need to go halfsies get a switch and get this game for sure I know some people get really upset I miss coins I get that dude I'm just kidding Moon's out the wazoo thank you thank you very kindly this is for you samurais roommates all these coins I'm actually just gonna leave I'm gonna leave that stack right there I'm just kidding I'm just kidding Oh Cory it's amazing man I'm I'm absolutely loving it you liking it - I'm loving it man loving it thanks for stopping in [Music] display widow yeah I have to dress like a swimmer he's very disappointed in me I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't know I didn't know there was a dress code I need to wear a dress boys all right so we need to get the dress Brandon D freezin what the heck is going on Brandon how are you man it's so good to see you how are you tonight my dude good night Cory have a great rest of your night man all right what do we want guys dude is that is this supposed to look like Ness like does this do anything we're buying it go buy these because it looks so cool it's awesome dude this looks like neces hat I don't know if that was a waste of coins or not but I like it wait so how do i I don't have enough man I don't have enough I'll not have have enough teardrop coins then a bit dagnabbit okay baking no worries man I get that totally get that wait where how do I get to dress okay so that's where the dress goes I got you Bowser's stole the dress okay so somehow we need to get so I don't think we can do much else here until I can afford to get the swimmer stuff so I need to get more of the smaller stuff [Music] dang it dang it dang it Mario how do i I don't think that's how I was supposed to get up here but I got a feeling like we can get up there I just got to believe man speedrun hacks just missing that just missing that okay when I read give up I give up I give up all right so let's go back out here swim to the top here all right so okay so there's some more stuff up here that we can check out the switching hat can't do anything I don't know [Music] [Applause] got a boys we got it we in there we in there oh yes I'll take those too thank you very much I know that's such a cool touch I love that so much I've comes become quite skilled at being flat is that a compliment do I say thank you to that thank you yeah that would be cool Zach that would be cool and you know maybe down the road you can do that or something but get over there the backhanded compliment so true whoa wearing your wearing wedding veils kind of creepy but kind of cool we'll take that Paul oh thank you so much Paulo have a great great night hey how are you I got a sandwich at my good man juice are you tonight buddy in salt love and salt Clements I like that Oh Paulo get some sleep man make it a very restful four hours learn the dive move I do want to learn the dive move because that that was really cool when I was doing it [Music] quick swim see L&Y okay we got to swim I don't see how to do it man I don't know it's now on your schedule indeed close enough got it got it loose most athletic man I've ever met my life I'm not even being not even joking there Poulter pop sucks you have to have the joy cons detach is that right I didn't know that Poulter but it makes sense that does kind of suck I know I remember hearing I think is that III they said this game you get the maximum out of maximum you get the most out of your experience by using the joy cons I did hear that I just prefer using the controller I just feel so good did I not did I not look at how it said die my back a bad dude it's really late for me okay yeah I know Jen poo so cool so so cool there's another zipper over there I like that you can use your hat underwater I think that's cool nice so we need to get at least 15 so we can get all the swimwear we don't have I love that dude if you jump at the right time after you've ground pound he counts fire that's really cool there's another zipper down there yeah no need for a win draw indeed nice there we go got 15 that's helpful the beach someone else said that culture Popeye I totally see that totally see that that was oddly satisfying they can pull that pull the pegs out there I don't know what satisfies coldness if you have a Wii U or if you have a Nintendo switch you have to have this game you have to have it it's to that good wait a second wait a second how do I do the dive let me see the action guide really quick dive oh when Mario is falling in mayor midair ZL plus y got it dang it did I mess that up I mean obviously I messed it up well when you do get one Anthony this is my recommendation that you get this game for sure I want to get up there so bad um I have the grey ones I would love the red ones too but I have the gray ones oh I guess I can get up there using that I want to do everything the hard way boys we've already been in here I think do I do shoot it was right there man it was literally right there Zach convince them and tell them tell them it'll will it will increase the bond between you guys you guys can play together and your bond grow and grow us father and son take those thank you Sam Roy noticed that a couple seconds after I dang it no no look at the beautiful sky [Music] nice got another moon it pasted what I found so far guys is that it really pays off to explore in this game really really pays off claw welcome to the stream claw how are you tonight so good to see you so good to see you how are you it's for stopping in much appreciated back here now we have enough guys we do have enough to go together the clothing we need came out at 9 p.m. that's awesome that might wait till midnight it's now almost 2 a.m. which is way way past my bedtime does anyone know if there's a quick way to get back to to get back to like checkpoints is there a way to do that does anyone know [Music] take that so now we can get the swimwear that's gonna bug me if I don't get that sorry guys I was gonna bug me if I didn't get that it's like Tomb Raider but without the fear of death look there is a map Thank You bald off to check it yes we need this for stuff nice we got that so now we should be changed right nice that's so cool that is so cool well I'm sorry to hear you were in there claw but I hope you're doing all right wow the acrobatics that you can do look you guys see that watch watch this watch this acrobatic do you see how far we just jumped did you guys see that that's insane that's insane I'm ready to swim baby I'm ready to swim put me in coach put me in [Music] wait so now what good did this do this didn't do anything what was the point now I can't do anything I'm so confused what am I supposed to what what was the point of that [Music] thanks for nothing welcome back Todd feel like we should be able to do something in here I did throw the hat on the mannequin nothing happened [Music] suits in here welcome back Jaden's for you man oh that's cool okay I don't know where we're at now but cool cool nice that's nice that makes it that's a nice little no way claw no way I'm so sorry to hear that are you doing okay now I'm so sorry to hear that oh man all right let me go back I feel like I missed out let me go back now mistakes have been made mistakes were made guys [Music] Oh Zack I think it did say that honestly [Music] [Music] how was I supposed to know to hold why hey how you doing saucy marshmallow welcome to the stream how are you tonight saucy thank you so much for stopping in hey Bob how are you tonight Bob welcome to the stream [Music] yeah no yeah please take it easy call yes something suppose to happen if you throw it right I think we got it now Bob ray is that what you were talking about looking fantastic and yeah now I know I have to hold why we have to hold why no Jen put anyone else having internet issues hope not okay this guy this guy looks pretty funny can't jump on him what not [Music] that's cool that's cool I like that [Music] we start a curve ball at me boy this is the World Series [Music] in there boys in their vault I heard the post kicked like someone said in the review that the post came contents even better and I don't know I don't want any spoilers or anything but that's just like it's blowing my mind right now I can't imagine the post game content hey Dustin thanks for stopping in man I appreciate it how are you enjoying the game I'm thinking Zach they're probably taking the place of the Koopa Kids Koopalings extremely log streaming a long lag time from live chat to screen there should be that long I don't think Bob may be I mean maybe but it shouldn't be that bad sorry if there is make sure you're alive dude make sure you're live they got enough power moons you guys want to move on to the next one big delay we've been exploring too much hey Austin I did miss one up here we finished a boss at the same time what is going on here we get to go fishing all right cron will go to the wooded area yeah the wooded area was the other place let's check out there oh wait wait a second how do I catch that hey Devon welcome to the stream how are you my friend [Music] all right night-night Dustin thanks for stopping in my friend appreciate it very very much we play fishing technique indeed indeed indeed one second guys all right we in there we in there boys let's go let's go Devin I'm doing good man thank you for asking all right now let's go to the wooded Kingdom about two to three whole minutes I don't think that's right Bob I'm pretty sure it's not that long of a delay [Music] at most it should be 30 seconds but even that I'm hoping it's not that bad so good man it's so flippin good yeah it will yes I guess what it should be you should be like 5 to 10 that's what it's set for that sounds good ugly I appreciate a man thank you rugged appreciate it poor Gatsby sleeping right beside me poor little guy was sick today it's been throwing up the past two days thank you for the stats beryllium road to sky garden listen to that listen to how he walks that's so cool all the little touches in this game are just mind-blowing so these ones are bolts besides the worst swim work tip I'm not I'm trying to enjoy it's just so good I'm just trying to explore the different areas gosh am I supposed to be going this way I feel like this was not he intended to ow feel like we're not in the right place Devon it is so good I'm not disappointed this is this is like I'm ugly I think I just touched the surface of what this game is and I'm already late I'm in love man I'm in love do you see something I don't dank secrets my dude indeed so many secrets I didn't see anything oh wait a second what's down there what is this [Music] how do I take a picture take a picture of hinter alright we got it whatever we can explore mana the whole point of this game is to explore and see what's going on let's just enjoy what's going on here that's awesome so we should have enough coinage here to get something whoo there's MIPS there's MIPS gentle boys got them [Music] Jen Phu I do like the moves and how Mario controls I would love to speedrun this game honestly I can definitely see myself speedrunning this game down the road once I learn it a little bit better thank you guys for throwing out the moons see if we can afford anything is this gives off the sciency vibe let's buy this hat all right sounds good ball monkey spend money I love us they don't beat around the bush man they're just like spend money now I don't know if the suits I haven't noticed if the suits are doing anything but I don't know still cool to have different suits obviously this is the one suit in the fishing place helped out cuz it let us get that mood but I don't know if it at any other effects besides that I know right no box in the tree oh wait do we have it we need one more we need one more of the purple coins to get the Explorer suit James how the heck are you man Zeus would you drive that to me man I'd appreciate that I could definitely go for Turkey slow light on the Mayo so someone said there's a secret up here oh right there right here now we can get to full Explorer James oh my gosh man I could just honestly tell you you won't be disappointed dude this is it's everything I've dreamed of in Moorman everything I've dreamed of and more there we go looking studly man look at us oops oh well you figure out how to use the map hey that's near me call I love me a Pittsburgh I'll go pick it up and bring it to you how's that sound so penny we have I was going to write [Music] there's mr. shrink der greetings traveler what does he want from this kingdom guys yeah I'm using the pro controller I know the game was designed to be used by the yeah I'm not a big Mayo fan whose it's designed for the joy cons but I'm really enjoying using the pro controller I think he once sold it sold it sold it uh what does he want I think it is flowers I was thinking flowers jinpu yeah that's right claw that's right [Music] anywho proceed yeah that's right that's right and there the music starts there we have music now now we can play guys we got the music going dude we got Mario Sunshine where's flood look at this you got flood man that's so cool detective pack I love that you are here dude no lie I absolutely love spending time [Music] my god okay bye don't give out my last name just mean nothing personal behind us don't give out my life [Music] just cracking that not need cracking nuts [Music] hey ROM re McWilliams how you doin macabre mari welcome to the stream [Music] welcome back to bold I got to do to get inside the nut around the corner [Music] hopefully that fixes itself okay I was like aw crap we're screwed [Music] James it's so easy so easy oh my gosh link my dude how are you so good to see you man always a pleasure mood emoji literally the closest thing dang it [Music] [Music] just sayin I don't know if samurai if you're still in the chat lurking out there but I'm making a conscious effort to try and get all of all of the coins linked um mind blowing Lee good man mine blowing Lee good bro so good loving every minute of it guys really really quick banna banna banna banna banna banna the carpet no no no no no no no no no no I don't want to talk about it okay we're live we're live boys almost wasn't alive there boys we got it here all I aim to please and I aim to please dude how's that have you done the race again I don't know if that was with your roommate or not but have you guys done any more of the Ocarina of Time race that was so much fun to watch I hope you'll pick that up again soon I hope I didn't miss the ending as well ground-pound oh okay yeah learned that no get away from the side so cool so much fun there you go now copy that in singly spontaneous though it's you know it's a dare for you when you need it he ain't my hat jerk probably Saturday [Music] [Music] dang it dang it [Music] dang it [Music] get that up there okay never mind [Music] yeah Eileen she's a Triforce my voice and we're in the chat here definitely check out his channel he him and a friend are doing a ocarina of time race it's really really fun to watch his both they're playing both on the same screen it's really really fun to watch last time they were on the water come hold oh by the way by the way by the way guys samurai you see that man in the chat link use the Triforce that man right there the ocarina of time blindfolded he beat the games blindfolded dude I'm not making that up gents we were just cracking nuts over here all right cracking a few nuts and I'm denim denim denim denim yeah James you're gonna love it man you were absolutely gonna love this game [Music] I love the music in this she's so good no samurai I'm not I'm not kidding you I say it every time link joins the stream but it's the honest truth check out his channel man [Music] he's one of like was there three or four people that are confirmed to have done it linked or anything I just I just you know that's my favorite games like I get really excited and tell people about that Steve nah dude it's not gonna be all tonight for sure for sure not all tonight but we're definitely gonna hundred percent this game video or didn't happen ugly stupid he did it on stream I've seen him beat Bongo Bongo no James I'm not see I'm seeing a little bit of all the games like it controls more like Mario 64 some of the level design feels like sunshine I'm see the galaxy I see I don't know where I'm seen a little bit of galaxy but I see a little bit [Music] somewhat one person that was actually blind did complete the game and you and runner guys after three brandy my mom does it calls me that still to this day [Music] a lot of streams under percent trust me man I've been waiting so long for this game not even worried about it I'll play it as long as it takes man Grady you would not offend me trust me I got I like to think I got decently thick skin you're not gonna offend me I've been called much worse than that [Music] it's music dude it's so good thank you guys for not throwing out the moon if you're just joining every time we're getting the moon we've been thrown out the the moon emoji so feel free to do so if you'd like [Music] did I say them the blind guy blindfolded I feel like an idiot if I said that I feel like a total idiot oh crap [Music] crap EPIK potato chip in the house what's going on epic how are you tonight my friend so good to see you yes no no epic potato chip another fantastic they're a really really really great great guy makes you check out his channel love his stuff it's like this is not what I think of when it comes to Mario music quit I don't mean that in a bad way conker como vas a estar come over say a star bem-vindo Bambino [Music] there's a moon right here got it like there's something I'm missing in here besides that besides that oh let's let's get those [Music] yattaman [Music] instinctively found it and is hanging on to that I love that so much [Music] you've listened to a piece of ice holter pump make sure you take a screenshot Wow okay we almost missed another moon I think ugly Stewie's talking about from when we rated you we filled up your filled up your tub your stream cup no appreciated Samurai take care man thank you so much again for stopping in even the boys have a great rest tonight appreciate you guys so much hey what's going on blitz welcome to the stream blitz Ernie it's way past my bedtime and it's worth staying up every week every second man it's been incredible ride do this the dialogue and the voices in this game already I'm not used to being up at this time in uh-oh guys our subscriber count' not good man not good we're in trouble guys just realize we're at zeroes [Music] like hey you can hit him and control where he goes yeah I was pumped up on Luka I took a nap too early it's like a two-hour nap before the stream start hey what's going on the game we welcome to the school [Music] good point [Music] where the at No [Music] TIF thank you no I probably just a glitch going on YouTube's known for its glitches YouTube loves the glitches I appreciate you still being here tip that that's really cool of you very very needed you still be here [Music] thanks ugly concur obrigado buddy obrigado little splatoon esque oops I was thinking I see the splatoon you're right off to see the Mario Sunshine path the secret flower field let's get it get it boys see how many we have now how many moons do we have totally crap okay we need four more I appreciate it too seriously let's go back did not see that coming did not see that coming at all we got a seed we've got a big nut dude many moons ago wait where'd my word might not go it's a very large nut there's a tiny nut wrasses the Chet good morning dude it's still like deep night for me man get to see grass how are you my friend thanks for stopping in buddy I appreciate it Roman what's going on Roman dude how you enjoying the game so far man it's everything I've wanted in more than everything I've wanted more in a game I don't know what we need the big nuts for we're gonna set that there there's a Goomba in there did you guys see that there's a goob on that rock oh gosh oh gosh what you can have my nut gonna have my nut or we can just take over what's going on allo how you doing Adam good to see you man mistakes were made mistakes were made Roman I know man the game of my dreams that's that's actually really fitting to say honestly um she'll jump oh now he's eating my coins dude one jerk does that hug dinos one extinct I think so pretty sure if you check your history books at home kids so I need to find where that where that happened well I appreciate the sub lob thank you so much guys we sure welcome Bob to the cheesy sub club my dude it's times like these you need to know that you are appreciated know that you're not dissing over it thank you so much Bob thank you thank you so much yeah we got it this time maybe not dang it maybe not maybe not this time we got it next time I know Roman that's to the best part man just controlling mario has been such a dream we're not gonna we're gonna do the roll technique yeah I wrote it I I probably will too and it's just been I'm gonna take my time and enjoy it but yeah I can definitely see myself oh my gosh oh my gosh plantain not in the thing you said plant my nut there we go got it oh dude Randy I love the love that full house throw back there they said it on Family Guy it must be true oh wait is that where we plant the nut Roman like I just I mean just by playing around I learned how to do this thing man watch this like that is so look how far you can jump dude that's gonna open so many paths like that's so cool that's so cool alright there's our big nut let's put the nut in that not over okay wait what we got the game there could be a sequel to this game see you man probably I'm not sure what we're supposed to do with them nuts haven't figured that out yet but we'll keep going man we'll find out what the nuts are for you go behind the waterfall there's a door there okay there's a door there so that's good to know let's go get the t-rex again explore a little bit not walk up it the edge yeah yeah Jen poo I'm with you no we're gonna go into the fight here we're gonna hide the pipe so we have to hit them in the right order is that what it was Sam Roman how far did you get oh no samurai well I've been known to put people to sleep so I'll take it yeah I'll take it oh right Roman right for sure twenty-three is number one that Michael Jordan reference though TIF it's just it's just I don't know if there's a reason for it just walking czar forget the word nut you snicker the horrible records would say what Stephanie said he drew up for sure and run to the tree dang it I don't remember what I did did you have to knock his hat off right hey doodle King how are you only played that cascade got fifty power minutes wow dude I'm only yet I don't even know how many I'm at she grew up did a lot of drugs drugs in her goodies just kidding it's getting dirty drugs kids throw the pipe into the knot with soil mistakes were made mistakes were made mistakes were made the secrets are so good like I just fell off the cliff thinking I was gonna die and then I ended up finding this I've never watched gumball instinctly spontaneous we need to knock the hat maybe I throw a nut at him maybe we need them not to throw a head how did I control him last night hey guys do the homing how do I get it throw the nut stay tuned for more else where is the charity thing coming yeah it sounds good samurai I'd love to hear it dude I'd love to hear it absolutely I got to figure out how to control this guy again Atticus Finch kid what's going on my friend how are you do we need the nut thinking we need nuts guys it's hangry let's grab the nut here did you rat dude I love Jurassic Park [Music] there you go we're gonna throw the nut at his face right in his mouth mistake status made hey Todd turd have you met Jen poo Thank You Todd that is what you have to do dude we had to nut him in the face that's all we had to do Concord Hey I just need to destroy all the blocks [Music] I apologize ACK I'm sorry if I've missed you already said that man we open the door so you can't open the door as a dinosaur makes sense drove it David Knight man I never know what I'll say what I'm tired is that the only point of the not sleepy oh gosh did Cappy really just say that did Cappy really just say that oh we're the tree dude we are the trees [Music] ice we almost got all of them down here so do we plant nuts here so where did I destroy all this stuff it's over Harry where is I don't know if I have I been to toast arena is that like the desert place that was this guy said I'm providing security for this ball I was told only permit explorers inside oh nice so it worked out okay I had the outfit so now we can go inside nice so I think we got all the moons in this area right that means I'm assuming there's there's no other moons like there's not like hidden moons that's not showing up right as long as it says we've got all the good so this seems like oh that's where I plant the nuts got it got it not plant in time oh so there could be more down there thank you Bob I appreciate it okay there we go dude it's just mind-blowing ly good [Music] I've just met in like the underground part I was wondering if there's any more in the underground portion of the of the world the world oh sweet so cool big nut I like cashy's personally [Music] so wait they're all [Music] not all right dang it I thought that would blow that out but it does it Oh Todd I mean I'm I'm it's it's amazing right now and I can't imagine like I'm so excited to expand every this everything this game has to offer you out of here Ben Ben thank you so much I appreciate it man have a great night thanks for stopping in and being here my friend always appreciate it dude [Music] [Music] can i oh sweet we can go to any checkpoint flag [Music] wait that's the only checkpoint flag I've gotten there's no way I got more checkpoint flags than that there's no way oh so this tells you how many power moons we got freakin awesome hey what's going on the person welcome to the stream just got able to stop in what kingdom is this this is the wooded Kingdom and welcome to the stream wooded just called you wooded welcome to the stream the person thank you for being here [Music] so I don't know how to move that [Music] you are gay I appreciate it man yeah I got as I check that 13 I like out or that doesn't seem right 15 18 I don't know a the engineer and grilled-cheese welcome back guys [Music] wait there's a tank down bro bro there's a Hey freakin tank all right Dave take care have a great night man yes my boys link is in there for sure [Music] hey electric cherry welcome to the stream electric thanks for stopping in guys we should welcome electric cherry this dream I almost had it let's try that again dang it dang it dr. handsome my friend so good to see you dr. handsome how are you my dude [Music] I know Roman I know I'm just like I'm trying not to rush through it but it's just like I want to see what's next you know it's not because I want to rush through the game it's just cuz I'm so excited to see what what's in store for us next there's a check well I haven't fully completed any yet [Music] I need to someone oh that's it no worries dr. handsome I get that man no worries whatsoever poor guys not doing well [Music] what does this Goomba doing over here do I like video games more than Amanda I do not I do not it may seem like that but I do not [Music] I appreciate Electric City I'm not sure what's going on with my subscriber count and stuff it's like obviously way off I'm not sure what's going on with that but thank you so much for subscribing I really appreciate it I know I need to stack them to get up up to that other Googler but I don't know how to [Music] this music is so good [Music] electric I'm not I'm not that good or anything at all I'm just enjoying my time with the game yeah exactly all right I'll try and hand see my foot speed [Music] I got a feeling there's a we're gonna feeling there's another moon up here Delfino is great for sure Delfina's definite one of my favorites too all you can't run over oh are you kidding me headshot it all shenanigans on that [Music] what greater than Kathy I don't know man Kathy's pretty bad Oh God this reminds me of that Mario Party minigame guys you guys know what mario party minigame I'm talking about news from Mario Party 2 got it boys check what's going on Jack we play dude I forgot about that tank game forgot about it so good so fluently buttons I missed one [Music] what's there some more stuff down there secret flower-filled is that do not share its secret location guys turn your heads and all loud to show you guys the secret flower field [Music] not allowed to see this the secret everyone I said like the gyro [Music] I did not the person but I'm not surprised at all to be honest dude I never I could never fully beat the tank game I could never fully do it that minigame on Mario Party was so hard for me yeah wait where did I miss a moon of course I missed it how are you tonight jack but you're getting ready for school dude that's so weird to think hey goodnight conquer thank you so much man have a great great rest of your night conquer [Music] obrigado obrigado obrigado [Music] I think that was right I missed a gold coin not a mood oh okay he's roaming out - no problem Roman thanks for stopping in man so glad you're enjoying the game as much as I am so glad dude that's the sound of making persona that's a persona sound effect dang it okay wait break the blocks around it Zach I know man and I appreciate it so much Thank You Todd you're very very very funny dang it oh that's what we want to do it and that is oddly satisfying really satisfying this boss fight is so fun so fun screwed everything and watched it [Music] electric carry on my favorite game was occurring at time or mario 64 but ask me after I've completed this game video [Music] the boss fight is so fun should be it it was a move just hitted [Music] then you're very kind no problem grilled cheese thanks for stopping in man have a great rest of your night as well [Music] we in there boys thank you jack just ate your favorite no dr. Hanson mom I'm off tomorrow I took tomorrow off tomorrow off stay cheesy grilled cheese that's the only way we know how to do it man the only way we know how still here spooky still here man [Music] there's Bowser ship with the Metro Kingdom dude let's go boys let's go to the Metro Kingdom [Music] by do we not you're safer for 30 more minutes TIFF don't do it look do it please please don't do it I actually have a lot of vacation time I have like almost five weeks of vacation time saved up I have time go forward [Music] my poor puppy is so tired alright guys let's go let's go we're ready for this cloud Kingdom Nimbus arena oh this is sweet this is fantastic I know events I'm starting to hit that wall starting to hit on that tip on my job actually is I'm an admissions counselor so what I do like when high school students apply to college I'm the guy that reviews their transcripts I go and visit High School's I'll have to tell them about the college I work at stuff like that yeah dr. handsome it's very hard to use the vacation time that I've earned very hard so I had an opportunity this is like our really busy time of the year I got a lot of my stuff done so thankfully I'm able to guys we got our first Bowser fight boy [Music] let's go son dude that's so cool oh my gosh Bowser's hairs on point though look at Bowser's hair man it's freaking OnPoint [Music] dude this is so good it's yeah I speak in front of people that's like my job I do public presentations all the time all the time [Music] he blocked it bro blocked dang it no no no dude don't joke on me now got him got him got oh dude oh I'm sorry to hear that event well if you ever need help hit me up I can I don't know how it works in Canada events but I can help you you know if you have any question just ask me you know what is presumptuous is Mari indeed mara is not afraid to fight dirty Zack not afraid to fight dirty peach is looking good we just looking real good thank you for the gee-gees guys Papa Papa Papa I wouldn't say that events I've seen your your very artistically talented so maybe like an art school though would be a really good fit for you I've seen your work you don't sell yourself short where are we now all right guys I'll tell you what I think I'm gonna do guys I think like I'm not I'm not super tired but I think we will have this dream here so I have a little bit of energy so we can pick this up tomorrow I would like to keep playing um but I think it's in the best interest if I go to sleep so I can wake up have a little bit of energy tomorrow and keep going how's that sound yes it's alright you guys think that's okay okay - do I think it's alright it's on the right to you guys one second here boys it's time to write you guys you guys wanna go on I'm going smaller ray butter raid nonetheless you guys look gonna raid all right thank you guys so so much like honestly the amount of support you guys gave me tonight I'm not sure yet Zak soon as I get up and around we'll do it but I just want to thank you guys so much for everything I had such a great time you guys made my night like getting to hang out with you guys was such a cool thing and I really appreciate it so let's go on this small raid please make sure you go to this guy stream his name's caught their plates really cool stream a really really family friendly guy and a good dude so make sure you go give him some love thanks TIFF give him some well hit that sub button hit that like button and we will see you guys tomorrow alright guys take care thank you all so much and we'll see you again tomorrow see you guys
Channel: DGR
Views: 45,739
Rating: 4.8665185 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Odyssey, Mario Odyssey Ending, Super Mario Odyssey Ending, Super Mario Odyssey review, Mario Odyssey Review, Super Mario Odyssey Livestream, Mario Odyssey speedrun, Mario Odyssey speed run, Super Mario Odyssey speed run, Super Mario Odyssey speedrun, Nintendo Switch, Mario Odyssey Switch, Mario Odyssey midnight, Super Mario Odyssey gameplay, Mario odyssey gameplay, Mario Odyssey 100, Super Mario Odyssey 100, dgr, Mario Odyssey Live
Id: sdAH6yDWH48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 49sec (12469 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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