Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Pt. 1.1) | Odyssey October | 15 Days Until Super Mario Odyssey!!

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[Music] [Music] what's going on every one how is everyone doing tonight we got dal VAR plays and anything spooky burger Geordie man my dude Geordie man I hope you're still hearing was going on Brandon aspiring j-tube awesomeness gamer King muffin dude Portugal player club mr. cans for burger Princeton Hanyu my dude royal red cup head Malec events predetermined silent car nog refer King Marvin Yoshi gaming HD peanut gaming Venom's Shanaya tan man ugly Stewie cuphead radoo a wrecker Lee Clifford Johnny Jenkins pineapple in the dumpster Vinny PJ James Rena gir Ashley right Amanda Jerry what's going on Jerry how are you um yeah thank you guys so much the ER and creeper thank you guys so much for being here hanging out it's so awesome I love you guys you guys the hype is real man I'm excited to get back into this how many stars we get yesterday oh we got two stars I did a little research and we have to get 70 stars to beat this so in galaxy 1 we only needed sixty stars so we need 10 more stars to beat this what's going on M boy - welcome did you I fixed your name cool Venom's late your be days eleven days it's awesome alright so let's just jump right back into this guy's Odyssey October rules rolls on we are now on to Mario Galaxy 2 so hopefully this won't take too too much longer than last time peanut gaming thank you so much for the retweet my friend always appreciated thank you thank you so much uh events there's 242 in this one it's pretty crazy my man blues in the house what's going on blue guys don't know blue make sure you check out his channel one of the best streamers out there literally what I feel in my own personal opinion has the cleanest and best layout for streaming and YouTube gaming I'm serious I'm not even exaggerating it this streams are just such a feast for the eyes make sure you check out this channel guys thank you so much Venom's for the retweet and thank you so much for the retweet blue much appreciated my friend my friend your teeth hurt having teeth hurt is the worst durand dude I was just waiting to call you uh I should call you dreads here when you come up as Durand and Durand wouldn't come up good tier hey Angelina welcome back thank you so much for coming back that's so awesome I love it I love I've seen so many faces that I met yesterday that's incredible thank you guys so much if you came in the rate from Typhoon yesterday thank you guys so much I love getting new subs these subs is like one of the coolest things in the world but what's even better than that is when those new subs come back and that is just the coolest thing in the world what's going on Preston Galaxy game from my favorite oh that's all right Preston there'll be a couple more times for sure hey what's going on little Falcons welcome welcome thank you guys so much for hanging out with me tonight really appreciate it because we got to do Alex what's going on Alex read know my secrets out of the back Alex how was dinner last night my do did you ever wake up to by the way never get like feeling good uncle Rico's back like dude so good to see you uncle rege ugly stupid what dude oh my gosh guys hashtag uncle's do you see a smiley face my good man thank you so much dude that is amazing thank you thank you so much man I got no words that's incredible thank you so so much my friend you're the best it's awesome man I thank you so much oh no no that works I guess that's all right Leigh no worries no worries at all thank you so much for even lurking that that means a lot whoop Joseph my man the chicken was over-salted the copy kicked in hey there's nothing wrong I'm a man you guys you can ask him and I like a lot of salt so that would have been been really good for me i retweeted the last few I'm not sure aspiring regardless thank you so much for the retweets firing much appreciated I don't remember wow I don't remember this boss fight at all dude it's been so long since I've played this I will take all that you do not have to do that man you do not hate what's going on Tyler no we just got started man yeah hey thank you so much JP for that retweet much appreciate Oh Yoshi come back to me Yoshi come back you can blame it no she thank you so much hey what's gonna on Montrell and team Gisele just that where have you been all my life how are you tonight ezel oh my gosh man this is not a good sign not a good sign I do not have an Instagram do not have an Instagram at all Seth I'm doing good man thank you so much for asking very kind of you to ask my dude all right so get sniped son get sniped oh my gosh what's going on thank you so much ugly Stewie for the retweet that's incredible thank you so much midterms week and p.m. Giselle he ever told me you played piano that's awesome why didn't I know that why have I not heard any of your stuff only here you play some piano sing us a song you're the piano man sing us a song tonight cause we're all in the mood for a melody Shambu whoo what's going on Shamu welcome to the street my friend let's get on phantom 456 Giselle but when you get to be my age I need to hear it like seven or eight times just saying okay just know oh my gosh no way no stinking way I can't help it I I have a very tiny brain there we go you play the triangle is that how the triangle spell no set that's awesome man I'm so I'm so honored you let me call you uncle by the way seriously that's like the coolest thing in the world I love that you are cool with that some people wouldn't be honestly man and that would be fine if you weren't cool with that I'll dang it the Jews dudes got the Jukes man we are selective perception man dude's got the Jukes dude this is like the first boss and he's ridiculously hard Wow you play electric guitars anyone else play you play piano tune decide to teach my sister oh that's awesome man like that's one of my lifelong goals is to learn to play an instrument I would love to play an instrument I have three older sisters and all three learnt we built choke City and then someone gave me some extra lyrics we built choke City on fails and trolls um Jesse's in the chat what's going on Jesse trumpet Nick 110 what's going on Nick my dude what's going on Nick no worries man no worries don't you worry about it man don't you worry about it there hey why am i singing so much tonight can't stop singing shake check hills indeed but once I said oh I have three door sisters all of them played piano I never learned it's one of my lifelong regrets you play guitar drums bass banjo mandolin trumpet and twelve string guitar that is are you at any bands ugly Stewie it's got on green lion welcome to the stream Dave rip Nick no worries I see how it is you get your snez mini and you're like you know what I was gonna say do I well I would have been so mad get your nest mini and you're like you know what I'm good I've had my fill yeah just now it's not too late Florina is mayonnaise an issue oh I watched a video on YouTube someone played all-star on mayonnaise really Alex when's your birthday are you 28 - cuz that would be insane yeah yeah only one person village oak City and it's me I got to be fair code guys I did not come up with choke City I heard that from a man mustard plays who's one of the best streamers out there he was singing that I'm like that's the best thing I've ever heard I need to start incorporating that into my my own streams June 17th your year older I have the I swear I've like the I'm like I swear I'm like 70 it hurt when you read my name from now on say phantom five four six can I just say phantom and cool with just me calling you phantom isn't that song from the Muppets ah it's it's sung by the group that sings it's called starship it may have been in the Muppets but I don't think it like originated from it I don't know 29 is indeed indeed let's go on lava-lamp the itch of you plays controller it's awesome sorry what's going on lava lamp no I got to do there what did that do I do not remember anything about this game whatsoever cool phantom thank you man I appreciate it hope you're doing well dude appreciate you stopping in my friend all right where are we going here it's fine I'm doing great thank you for asking what if I go right here I I got I gotta go right here you're playing Link's Awakening lava that is a great game that games fantastic should i I would consider that uh instrument for sure Nick see like it my original my original of synopsis of these games were that I liked Mario Galaxy 1 more than I liked Mario Galaxy 2 so I'm excited that I get to play them back to back here so I can get a better sense of that I'll see I'll be the judge man I'll be the judge I'll see if I like galaxy 1 or to better [Music] 29 is primetime but 30 is intense oh my god no dude no let's go on a you like stay Aki in the chat DPZ play drums and all percussion that's so awesome I love that I love the talent that this this community has it's incredible it's incredible oh gosh mistakes were made where am I going where am I going here never know what I'm gonna do it I never know what I'm doing let's get on mr. unicorn oh so that was the right place to go uh yeah so Clifford if you are in my discord my my switch code is in in the discord I don't know it off the top my head that's probably the easiest way to do it usually people I get you I get you wait a tubby raid what whoa what's going on Joe Poe we didn't raid it guys let's go on on plasma the talking duckling what well heating great at night right now it sounds good Shamu we got a mr. tubby red going on in here Joe Poe with that two dollar donation thank you so much Joe Poe I really there's mr. Tommy himself dude thank you so much for the raid thank you thank you so much what's going on mr. most kill boy whoa dude thank you so much guys we shoot welcome mr. tubby another streamer here in YouTube gaming awesome dude make sure you check out his hand up one of my mods good please grab mr. Tubby's link I would really appreciate what's going on sky demon air pirates welcome to the stream thank you so much for coming in the raid tell me were you plot were you playing tonight man we playing playing be playing mario maker thank you so much that's super nice really appreciate it man well that was really bad that was really really bad what's going on Penn Kyle Joe PO thank you thank you so much Joe PO for that two dollar donation I really really appreciate it fortnight in smash bros fortnight is a game I've really wanted to try for a while I it's free right I've heard it so good I've watched so many people play it I've heard it so good dang it mistakes have been made Scott even air pirates thank you so much for the sub guys make sure welcomes sky demon air pirates to the cheesy so club much appreciated my friend it's times like these you need to know that you're appreciated know that you're not just number I don't have it downloaded yet I still need to download it I still need to download it well I plan on if I do man for sure for sure dude oh my gosh I remember this one being a pain there we go got it what's going on derpy dirt welcome to the stream yeah Alex it's free now I think there is some paint stuff but I'm not sure what the pace of is I don't know enough about it I don't know enough about fortnight oh gosh dang it no oh my gosh oh oh dude know what's going on Terra how are you tonight Terra also 24 hour playthrough oh my gosh you are an insane man dude yet one thing I've come to learn about mr. tubby is his superpower is he does not have to sleep the man doesn't sleep he doesn't sleep what's going on surrenders atom rust welcome to the stream no Adam I have not Matthew Glover and you Matthew his we was not getting internet mine was doing that not too long ago tubby actually dirty rotten dirty rotten no come on come on all right got him hey bald monkey Deathwish I love those movies I love the Deathwish movies Charles Bronson's the man I know we weren't talking about that but I do love those movies what's going on peanut no chat kills oh my gosh no I hate dude why are the bosses giving me so much problems tonight the boss is dude [Music] there we go thank you so much Penn cow but much appreciated man how are you tonight still married eventually I'll stop asking that eventually I will stop asking that all right we got it this time oh my gosh got him finally finally hashtag still married at this rate yeah I know that's what I'm worried about Ashley it's legit 12 a.m. here and I'm still awake royal that's incredible I I am not much of a I'm not a late-night dude I I need to get my sleep or I'm I'm useless it's protective of its little rock hey what's going on Yi Street nah man all right sounds good Yoshi art mister most guild boy thanks for stopping him much appreciate it guys thanks to her I said got girlfriend dude mr. Toby you do like 48 hours streams 24 hours streams you're insane you're insane Thank You Nick I work hard man I work hard at by the way it's 3:00 I'm wait Giselle's out here no Huck Finn I don't remember did we read Huck Finn Amanda I just remember watching the movie oh you're not leaving yet hey nacho how are you tonight man nightmare gaming thank you so much for the sub nightmare sounds like these you need to know that you appreciate know that you're not just a number we got mr. Jimmy Steele in chat what's going on mr. Jimmy Steele Sunday I had a heck of a day I got to work 7:00 to 3:00 a hotel job and 3:30 to nine I'm a daily job then back to work at the hotel 11 p.m. [Music] playing kiss I've just got the job no dude I know what you mean joke oh I've never done that crazy of a shift but I totally get what you mean about doing what you got to do just getting the job and stuff you're about to beat the game that's crazy it's good on t-rex Tara thank you thank you so much thank you nacho for the retweet my friend much appreciated my 100 with that one dollar donation dude thank you so much for that donation my 100 bro thank you so much guys tweet a hashtag my 100 what's good on the engineer and Maddy welcome to the stream thank you so much there he is there's the man himself thank you so much my 100 it's good on Krispies in the house shake shake shake Shinoda shake it all the time work work work Sonora work your body line Dave my dog Chloe says hi to Gatsby does Chloe needs some love in her life cuz Gatsby is always looking for love in all the wrong places looking for love in all the wrong places yes out of my will be man I will be no I totally get that man that's how I was with oh gosh what is going on that's how I was with breath of the wild I didn't watch any live streams of it because I wanted it all to be suprise to me so that's totally cool me and I I understand that completely where am I going here oh I gotta go right here got it enjoy the belly scratch signora I don't know I I wish I knew how to pronounce it more young gun games pro zone oh no I'm just looking at chat I was I was like legit looking at chat take it twerk twerk twerk Senora that's the that's the 2000 2017 version of that song maybe 2016 it's twerking still a thing guys what just happened what's going on - welcome to the stream - team that's what I do [Music] I am really there yeah bull monkey like some be like I totally get both sides of the coin some people don't care they just want to know what's going on and then others don't want to know like in it I can be I can be both of it I can be both sides of that I can sometimes I just want to know I don't want to wait and then other times I'm like I don't want to know thank you very much dang it Super Mario galaxy's going good I'm not doing too hot no I'm not gonna lie right off the bat like I'm noticing that galaxy 2 is more difficult I don't know if that's know Thank You Shelly how are you tonight Shelly good to see you no twerking allowed in here until it's happening to you and it's definitely a thing I forgot thank God just got married let's let's you know and I hate to break it to you man but after four years no I'm just kidding just kidding let's get on Derick welcome to the stream where are we going yay I honestly I remember more about galaxy 1 than I do galaxy 2 like none of this is ringing a bell [Music] got it it's good on diamond are you doing welcome to the stream diamond luckily Stewie how could he I thought what we had was special [Music] it's gone on the boss gaming thank you so much for the sub boss got to make sure welcome the boss to the cheesy self club sounds like these the boss you need to know that you appreciate it and know that you're not just a number thank you so much it's gonna save it in the in the chat I do David my man oh there's another one dang it dang nabbit at least it tells me where of Doug so we need to be up here just a little bit more oh it tells you oh never mind oh my gosh that's so ridiculous Derek thank you for the retweet my dude thank you so so much Derek trying to watch two YouTube YouTube shootings at once that's awesome man got it I should go and read Huck Finn Hudson ain't gonna read itself just saying gizelle alright no more of you he said dumb I will take your coin this is the darksouls of Mario games it is it really is dang it this stinks we have to go the whole way to the other side here almost there he is there he is alright let's try right here oh my gosh there it was there was guys okay we do have hints on where to dig we do have hints I was I was wrong I was totally wrong we want to go right here yeah my memory is so bad my memory is so bad I could play memory with a two-year-old and lose all right sounds good Penn Kyle thank you so much for stopping in what's going on Emery Spidey 277 welcome to the stream guys what's going on Sarah and Marcus in the chat what's going on guys welcome welcome my 100 I cannot wait for it either my dude I'm so excited for it so excited man welcome back Shamu that was quick it's awesome wow that was those ridiculous follow what's going on Paolo welcome to the stream how are you tonight crispy I know man like I seriously some days I feel I feel ridiculously old thank you so much for the sub Sara guys make sure you welcome Sara to the cheesy sub Club much appreciated thank you so much Sara that's awesome there it is there it is Sara thank you so much it's times like these Sara you need to know that you were appreciated and know you're not just a number in that purple thing has always creeped me out I'm sorry sorry kids should not be looking at that you're under 18 do not look at that purple thing reminds me of orange is the new black it's not coming out for wiiu Derek unfortunately man just comes out for a switch and it really if you think about it it's the it's the first well at Mario and Rabbids counts too I guess but like the first really really big release for the switch breath of the wild was on the Wii U as well Mario Kart 8 was on the Wii U so this is like the first standalone game but I guess I'm forgetting about the Rabbids Paula you get a three-day weekend get out of here get out of here with that I won't believe it I can't believe it because I'm super jealous [Music] let's go Nick like I'm over tuned a little again I still don't look at oh my gosh blue with a $5 donation okay yes platoon - I'm a liar well I thank you so much blue guys can we get a hashtag blue and please guys do yourself a favor and go check out Blues Channel I'm telling you right now if you like my channel in the least bit you will like blue channel even moreso than mine he is he is the man the myth the legend so much flu you got a four-day weekend you guys are killing me so jelly [Music] requires coining the stage all green lion I will what's this one cosmic clones ahead they run after you run oh great here we go scorpion what's going on man welcome to the stream how are you tonight my friend [Music] hey dark how are you yeah I know I think that's that's someone asked me what my favorite galaxy powerup now that I'm using the cloud again I think the cloud is just because it's so fun to make those super long jumps I missed this starry lion we'll have to come back for it I'm sure we'll be back for it what's over here I really need to collect more dude we got the core ox in this game too who would have thought okay thank you Sarah appreciate it's going on Noah oh gosh okay guys make sure you welcome Carmen my daughter to the stream they'd love to see you I don't know about that core rocks there's a music so good [Music] if you're a sponsor throughout the Amanda thingamabob gasp hearth some monkey with sunglasses challenged me her to erase her her fizz my nuclear alert her please stop like in a breath there's the monkey the blue monkey she took a second on the air Wado thank you so much again for the raid much appreciated my friends months go fast when you're having fun Nick let's go fast oh wait I thought I had to erase them I thought I'd erase them cuz we don't I'll take it can't wait till you get slimy spring Galax the sunset at the end of it I can't wait to see it ball monkey I don't remember it all like I don't remember much about this game at all why does it say 350 856 at the bottom is that how long it took me to beat the level Nick it doesn't feel like it was a month let's get on JP hmm alright derpy derp take care thank you boss let's get on Gabe tomorrow is Friday hallelujah time for bed [Music] one side okay okay I'll try not to bedtime all right we got a floatie souvenir I'll take it and it's in the tree near the beginning I'll the secrets our cool green lion I'll check it out feel like a pleasant with no power but oh my gosh Nick he'll never be a peasant to me let's go on super Yoshi Bros welcome to the stream dang it such a mess of cords here Kirby how you do tonight man thanks for stopping in always appreciated bro derpy I thought I had to go to bed yeah derpy time for your bed that Sun slowly pop in Mario Galaxy one and I will will read you a story I can be whatever you want me to be yeah what's up ask him this gamer what he got DBZ I don't remember slimey galaxy whatever let me spend galti off Sark ain thank you so much for the retweet much appreciated Sark ain guys we hit that 50 like hype thank you guys so much let's get that 50 like hype in the chat you guys seriously every single night I I can't express to you how much every single night you guys absolutely destroy everything like you guys are just destroyed all expectations I have every single night thank you guys so much for everything remember the spring power up how bad was it I mean it's okay I thought it was a creative creative power up but the control is definitely more great Yoshi's egg as a pimple yeah pretty much in these pot dude it's pretty gross I'm going for what's in there Gabriel Brown with that REIT we thank you so much Gabriel much appreciated dude thank you so much Gabriel it's going on Super Mario fan of fan iffy 13 what's going on welcome to this room guys mystery welcome Mario Party fan I'm a huge Mario Party fans as well welcome to this dream thank you so much for stopping good night moon one oh my gosh Shelli I should just record it I haven't memorized I haven't memorized from reading it to Carmen when Amanda was pregnant I'll read it to Carmen every night do the secret star Johnny which secret star no don't fall down ah good night moon is a book it's like a children's book yeah I agreed agreed dark 100% agreed I liked all of them up till 9 and 10 did not care for 9 and 10 whatsoever oh gosh I wasn't paying attention as soon as they went to that whole mechanic where everyone's in the same same thing I was like come on man no way that's not Mario Party anymore call me old-fashioned call me call me what you want but I'm sorry that's just not Mario Party man oh gosh I didn't mind eight Nick up eight was on the Wii right I didn't mind eight at all I thought it had some cool ideas what's your favorite part of being a dad great question Olli um man how do I even put that into words just seeing my daughter like grow each and every day and knowing that I I was a necessary part of her coming into this world it's a pretty surreal feeling crap it's a pretty surreal feeling I don't even know how to say Mario Party advanced now that one I didn't care for all that much I won't lie there dang it Oh get up there kid you were lagging turkey turf I'm sorry to hear that man hopefully you're not lagging anymore someone said you have this game of something my USB loader on homebrew oh cool what I don't like in the mario party games is that the the fire power-ups like don't last forever like come on it should last forever [Music] some better thank you oh I don't know what does anyone know what that coin I got was for I don't even know man dang it dang it yeah you would be overpowered I I agree with that I can agree with that got it bump bump on the boot power up last forever but fire hose game design 101 you like the ice flower music better I get that what are you gonna play one two switch Mario Party fan it's funny that you say that I actually have that game and have never streamed I've only played that game for 10 minutes I bought it at launch because I thought me a man who will play it I won't let it once I'd like to play it sometime for sure I'll brings Comus to the planet cool Thank You ball monkey Anthony might do how are you tonight Anthony welcome to the stream my man hope you're doing well dude - comment medal when you get them you can cause comments to hear which are like random challenges oh dpz those are fun I like those challenges I've always likes those challenges pretty good pretty good lurking that's a pretty strong one is it [Music] all right Bowser Jr's fiery flotilla which Johnny wit which secret star man I'm not sure which one you mean we did not like that game at all that's I've heard mixed I've heard a mixed bag about it I've heard some of the games on it are kind of fun and then I heard there's yeah then I heard you get to milk a cow and that changes everything oh gosh don't die on the last galaxy okay cool I'll try it out me a nice I'm gonna get some more stars here because we need 70 stars to beat the game so I'm gonna grab some more simple stars hopefully speed run hacks bro you see those moves tell me nacho libre baby you see those moves Ashley I played the very original one on the Wii and boy 2 you out there lurking what's going on turbos man welcome to the stream this game is so long I know man we still have to beat this game in super mario 3d world before the release of Odyssey so it's gonna be pretty close it's gonna be pretty close let's go on michael gutierrez welcome to the stream i see i don't even know what that is dark I didn't even unlock it when isn't intended gonna make the oh my gosh Anthony Anthony my dude guys please can we get a hashtag Anthony the Chao thank you so much man thank you thank you so much what's going on muddy games welcome to the stream you're ugly Stewie made you come here at 1:00 a.m. well that is fantastic thank you so much for listening to mr. ugly Stewie mr. ugly Stewie is is an awesome awesome dude and that's so kind of you to come hang out man I appreciate it it's so cool you man so so cool there is out there lurking Anthony we need to make you hungry man it's the goal of this time every stream you come to we got to make you hungry I'll dang it this boss is pretty cool this is a pretty cool pretty cool design we're sure dang it oh gosh oh gosh she's so long he's so long I'm getting discombobulated oh come back oh gosh no no don't die me boy don't buy them don't die on me oh all right here we go no way that hit me no stinking way oh we got oh god oh that was so so lucky silent core nog refer was that Boulder Geist is that Boulder Geist oh wait what's it gobble gut oh yeah he's that that's that's a special stage in Mario Kart 8 right the DLC one what does it dragon drag an ally or something it's gone how to reach welcome to the stream when do I think that special thing will happen dark we almost built choke city once again dude what's going on Connor Harper welcome to the stream what's going on ratchet blue toad it's all good ratchet how are you tonight man add me on intend to switch please give me so Sarah if you join the discord I actually have a place where you can put your switch code and my codes in there too because I don't know what it is off the top of my head you don't lose live therefore it is not poltergeist oh my gosh the pimple on Mario's nose it's real that's great now we can use the power of the grand star ready captain I'm giving it all she's got captain [Music] I honestly don't remember anything about this game guys wow this is really really hard to like I can't I can't believe I've forgotten all this man it's pretty crazy I want a house it looks like my face oh my gosh it's a wait so someone saying there's a secret star here but can i unlock it mr. Fisch thank you for the retweet my friend thank you thank you so much mister mr. Fisch Uglies do it yeah my accents need work for real for real and Rosalina Nick hubba-hubba wait so now where's this where's this secret star at you guys tell me about Johnny this is you saying there's a secret star here or we add though it's pretty egotistical haha you know what that's pretty true my brother's sister just kind of the mother well that's good that it there okay that's good that they're okay bald monkey that's that's great man I start my Darth Vader one yeah so wait so Oh green lion okay so where is this um where's the secret star at where am I going for it in the tree [Music] so you saying go right here oh I see what you're saying [Music] I see what you're saying so we have to he takes coins I get what you're saying hundred I don't have a hundred I don't have a hundred coins what am I suppose to get 100 coins that it's a meatspace bother you dude where am I guess let's get 100 coins at this so greedy man so greed the greed is real oh thank you for the one coin that'll help said no one oh gosh I guess every coin helps oh my gosh behind the tree there's a pipe now you tell me next Super Mario Galaxy games gonna have make a mushroom powerup that would be cool oh gosh did I just kill myself what's going on Avery how are you man so back so freakin back to you alright where's this okay there is a pipe there how many all right depending on how many coins we get from this [Music] all right how many coins did we get from that we got quite a few there all right we might do this hey what's going on Caleb Nicholas welcome to the stream Caleb how are you tonight welcome aboard my friend oh wait just bits just bits we built joke city we built joke city on fails and trolls [Music] nice alright we got it we got it guys we in there boys we in there what's going on super Pikachu how are you tonight super Pikachu Dustin my man let's go in on Dustin and welcome to the stream oh my gosh ratchet blue toad I love that song some of the lyrics are pretty corny and cheesy but that song is amazing it's so it's so good chucky cheese before yes Mario Party I used to go there every summer and it was amazing it's absolutely amazing welcome back mr. camps furburger welcome back Nick that would be pretty cool if there is sorry brandy I don't mean anything by it I swear he'll take exact change only no more no less I get the power up there [Music] [Music] okay someone's actually I can hear the star up there this one's actually not bad at all that was really easy actually we built jokes all right you haven't you have a good one therapy thank you so much for being here have a great rest of your evening man just went to the gym that's awesome Avery you blast your chest you blast your pecs just wanted you to know there's this awesome shirt I always wanted to get just want to let you know I just blasted my pets I didn't end up buying it though it's buffering anyone else buffering doesn't look to be buffering on my end hopefully it's hopefully it's good for everyone else do again in Oh terrible uh turbos man that's what you were telling me weren't you no I messed up the sunset I messed up that's awesome Nick sir welcome to the stream how are you tonight Nick sir I had one job man one job money games you good now hopefully it's good now for you who said they loved the music in this one oh it is so good I forgot about this man so much I forgot about is everything good now you guys good though no more buffering oh that was oddly satisfying some of my favorite videos to watch on YouTube are oddly satisfying compilations it was so good welcome back Venom's scorpion that's right yeah it is so good man not you again stay away from me you are a stingy greedy man you are a greedy man oh gosh and there just saw there shoulda saw that coming wouldn't be here all day folks yeah let's just get the normal one for now we can always come back to this one let's be honest here with this with how good this music is I don't mind coming back here as much as possible yeah I think this is by Vanessa Carlton that or Celine Dion I'm not sure wait wasn't it Celine Dion that sang you raise me up by Josh Groban No mistakes were made mistakes were made rugged thank you for the retweet rugged appreciate it nostalgia hype yeah Dustin I agree man so good oh crap no one job one job the same exact thing happened and I just did this I just killed myself again I just killed myself again let's go on that one dose chad lee's in the chat what's going on Chad Lee I eat tonight sadly good to see you man you guys don't know why man Charlie another awesome streamer here I need to do make sure you check out Chad Lee [Music] oh gosh okay oh my gosh this is a carpenter's dream level man oh gosh all right we're alive we're alive somehow we're alive have you told me the definition of insanity I don't know if you've told me the definition of insanity but I wish you would Anthony my dude thank you for the retweet Anthony much appreciated man music eating a sandwich yeah I kind of remember it too - now I'd forgotten a like I said man I mean this whole game feels galaxy one felt new and fresh to this for some reason I remember even less even though galaxy 2 came out later the galaxy one I remember less about galaxy 2 it's crazy I'm not this guy again not this guy anything with this guy dang it got him not too bad Oh female dog on that one 3d like Connor I love 3d Land so good three that was so good at this moment he knew all right we can go back to that one we can do the coin thing with that one you plan to do streams with viewers Derek it would be very hard to be better than me let's let's be real here dude bald monkey I choked a little bit earlier man trust me there's been chokes already Oh a sans which I seat you did there boots she that thing is just creepy I'm sorry I preferred 3d Land over 3d world personally I mean that's just me [Music] and we have plumber like Luigi he needs to join the union and actually you know work as a plumber it's a fat Ashley oh you meant to eat 3d world I see I I like 3d land on the DS I thought it man I love that game that game blew me away that like changed my perception of what I thought a handheld game could be like handheld 3d Mario game like that was insane see I've never I've never really watched markiplier stuff like I don't watch too many quote unquote big youtubers I like to support a lot of smaller youtubers not there's anything wrong with watching big youtuber stuff but I spend but if I'm gonna watch a youtube video I like to watch smaller youtubers i guess i guess because i am a smaller youtuber so i just like like just to show support any way I can to other youtubers that you know don't get me wrong there's a lot of good content out there from bigger youtubers for sure oh gosh give me ten coins we geez mansion as a shortest Mario game ever and believe you're not Connor that's one of the few 3d Mario 3d Mario games I've not beaten I guess it's not really a Mario game but thanks hopefully he only wants 50 cross your fingers he only wants 50 coins oh yeah I would do streams like that yeah man I used to do shoes like that all the time and I hope to get back to him soon like we we had something called friends day Wednesday where we did like Mario Kart and stuff 70 dang it all right Kirby no problem in it's gone solace toast welcome do a dis track oh my gosh so that I did see I saw that whole thing with was it is his name rice gum yeah it was pretty crazy appreciate it Nick take care of man thank you so much for hanging out love you Nick the man the myth the legend now where do I get some more coinage what do I get some more coinage guys Oh crying it's so good I need I need a couple more coins where are the coins at I needed to kill the wiggler's didn't I I needed to kill the wiggler's I think the stumps done though isn't it I did the stumps oh there's a stump right there stumpy no stumpy we just took the yel there guys we just took the L I needed to kill the wiggler's needed to kill the wiggler's I believe there's red coins in those Springs I can't go back though once we go forward there's no going back maybe I'll accept what we give him take the Ellen leave oh it's a good thought silent let's check that sucks that is sucky very sucky no doesn't respond the enemy's alright guys we're gonna take the L we we out we out who detective pack what's going on my man you know this game like the back your hand Connor it's awesome or Emery I'm sorry suck Connors comment right above you come back to this one welcome back oh is Boulder guys back silent is this the home of Boulder Geist dvz that would have been awesome but I think I still would have been sure I would have been dead what if I ratchet I mean oh I'm fine with it I'm fine with it and manages she's not like your bed or what's going on might be one of those things you have to start in our other bed what I gotta do it was gone Sam how are you man you guys hear my neck crack gosh fun up bump she needs daddy to sing to her alright Lee thank you so much again for hanging out I really appreciate that super super cool of you hope you have a great rest of your evening Lee oh great Amanda my 18th birthday is on January 8th that's awesome very cool got it that's fun Jen poo what's going on Jen po oh that's so fun now that was oddly satisfying oh yeah come on with me oh so many bits so many bits oh my gosh we wanna jump well how do I make him jump how did I make him jump yeah I miss sleeping so much I miss I mean wait what am I saying I miss sleeping I don't know what I was trying to say forget everything I just said forget everything I just said alright kill the meatballs here I called them turds but someone corrected me that they are meatballs oh gosh oh that takes the fence out that takes the fence out dude wait scorpion what did you've already been a sub thank you for the sub but you've already been a sub no all the ingredients that's true I just jump on his head I think that would've been a lot quicker just to jump on all their heads no been a lot quicker than been doing that that's a spicy meat dibala Connor do you thank you so much for the sub Connor thank you thank you so much Connor much appreciated man times like these Connor you need to know that you are appreciated know that you're not just a number man thank you so much oh cool scorpion Javier you remember this ticked you off oh I think we got I think we got a boulder guys fight man this Boulder Geist is that him waitwhat I gotta hit him right in the rump we're gonna aim right for the rump guys everywhere everywhere else on his body it's futile to hit its rump or nothing oh yeah right in the right in the bum it's a polka who's that Pokemon that does look like a Pokemon uncle furgus dude what's going on uncle furgus I you tonight man welcome to the stream guys actual come uncle furgus to the TV sub Club my man sounds like these uncle furgus you need to know that you are appreciated know that you're not just a number man thank you so much for the sub uncle furgus so you gotta do this three times now there we go got it it's sandslash it does look like sandslash armadyl armadillo maja that could work too rougher than the rest of them the best of them tougher than the others his name is knuckles unlike Sonic's he don't chuckle boy pretty much Iggy Spock how are you tonight man welcome to the stream of course of course ratchet Lisa there be a crazy man we can advance Thank You detective pack how are you tonight my friend how you feeling man sure thank you silent have a good night man and make sure you with silent a good night sound it's a really good friend of mine always appreciate him being here hi tail falls galaxy hot stepping - pepper oh I remember this one the map eNOS of this one compared about uh JP did you I know you said you didn't finish galaxy one but did you ever play galaxy - I prefer galaxy 1 over - not gonna played it scorpion thank you for the retweet much appreciate a man oh I definitely remember this man I definitely remember this I remember this bee actually being pretty fun I think I remember dying a lot but I remember it being pretty fun [Music] take it so I know the music's so good [Music] get out of here how these do I need pic sir didn't have an ugly Stewie pics or it didn't happen that sounds so epic alright let's go boys gotta go fast indeed I like how you can lick the checkpoint flag that's fantastic I like how the music speeds up - that's fantastic as well don't die my boy let's go let's go let's go that tongue though that length of that tongue is is is really impressive I'm not gonna lie dang it let's get on tiny no I'm not doing 242 the goal is honestly to just beat the game so I'll be doing any percent which is 70 stars I believe dang it we had it we had it yeah they did for sure Mario Mario Party for sure this is the part I remember always having problems with got it [Music] yoshi is getting all that action with that tongue is Derek out here take care of Derek thanks for stopping at man much appreciated Derek have a great great night buh buh buh buh buh buh I'd like to go back to that one that one wasn't too bad so see if we can get enough coins to satisfy that hungry and looma thank you for the gee-gees much appreciated guys hey what's going on intended switchers and coke coke how are you guys welcome sorry guys we need all the coins that we can muster here [Music] dang it did anything come on Yoshi alright let's go guys need some coinage uh if I played the original Mario's yes I have but not in the arcade not me arcade I'm gonna need those I'm gonna need those we're gonna need those I need star bits I thought he wanted coins did he want bits you gotta be kidding me you got to be kidding me did he want bits did he want bits you wouldn't look up like it's not very sanitary Oh tell me he didn't want bits tell me he didn't want bits no I thought he thought I swear I saw he wanted coins I swear I show you what a coins there seems to be a lot more coins in this - okay I was gonna see I thought I swore I saw he wanted coins [Music] no-no-no dang it dang it hopefully you have enough guys fingers crossed fingers crossed you always felt to be a little too hectic I get that I get that man me person do the coins carry over do the coins carry over [Music] hello darkness my old friend we fill choke City if we built choke City on bails and trolls Oh too bad so bad we are confirmed the coins do not carry over suicide is not the answer to be fair I just want to do kill Yoshi being a pain in my butt I do remember this one I think this one was cool was it a pain in the butt fluttered fluttered he can't fly so well and he's so shy its glide baby let's glide okay here's how you glide I'll keep it flat [Music] yes I have I'm a fan of 80s rock - been anything really besides country [Music] you ever see the animation domination video songs no I haven't Oh ugly Stewie I can't wait to see it I cannot wait to see it so it did happen you have pics to prove that it happened and that just makes me so happy so I gotta get so I have to get the balloons our balloons necessary for this because I guess we're not getting the balloons we have forgotten the balloons we are saying screw the balloons move one second guys all right geez thanks for stopping in I'm much much appreciated JP I heard it a lot as a kid so I just didn't care for it too much just cuz I heard it so so much [Music] okay so balloons aren't necessary balloons aren't necessary I don't know engineer I'm not sure I forgot we can feed him derpy derp I have no idea what you're asking man sounds like a bunch of tomfoolery to me oh gosh that sounds awesome ugly I can't wait to see it the hole that was the whole point of it that's oh the balloons are scary so I didn't get the common metal I thought I'd went through all the gates thought I went through mall apparently I didn't apparently mistakes were made [Music] go ahead and hear him maybe he's got something for you maybe has a star does he give me stars I would love you forever Thoth if you give me some stars she's attached something useful oh that's not useful I don't need a one of I don't need that one up dude or I guess what I decided to become a banker ha I'm not sharing other place ah ok deep sea I got it we built joke city with Mario oh gosh wait no I'll withdraw those from you thank you much appreciated I'll take this thank you very much hey I don't want stinking letter [Music] I don't want the stinking letter son let's check out cosmic cave see what's in here all the engineer okay I'll check the Loom after this one what happens if I feed the luma I do not remember at all we got an underwater level great right hey you like stay Aki right I'm so glad you you're familiar with that damn choke City bump-bump oh hey there everyone is out doing their swimming drills right now listen homie I'll feed luma new galaxy detector fact you like that toad voice oh there we go okay where am I supposed to go yeah we're just gonna ride we're just gonna ride it here I go in the right war feels like I'm going away [Music] there's a coin in there where am I going oh not you again why can I not escape from you whoa whoa I just did like a Shamu dive Diogo what's going on rise rise games in Diogo Adrian Adrian thank you so so much wow I just froze everyone I feel like a jerk thank you so much for the sub Adrian a virtue Adrian Adrian got a mission welcome Adrian Adrian to the cheesy sub Club thank you so much man I really appreciate it splatfest what's the splatfest this weekend Dustin oh okay there we go that's cool okay I don't want to I don't want to skate anymore I don't want to skate anymore can I stop skating is this the toilet paper one wow this one was that was a really easy star that was really easy vampires werewolves did I miss the toilet paper one not too late tonight Amanda I'm I'm actually pretty tired tonight but I wanted to get like if we want to finish these games before Odyssey releases I had to I had to stream this I had to get some stars and for sure alright so let's see I thought maybe it was a joke Dustin I thought there was one that toilet paper over the front or toilet paper over the back but it might have been might have been a joke and I thought it was a-- was that not a real one okay it must have been it must have been fake it must have been fake I swear it was real though I just love that noise they make but Dean I can't feed him he's not letting me feed him confirmed can't feed him alright let's try this one again it would be funny I thought it was for real though it looked real it looked really real [Music] jennfier my feet still feeling sick I mean I don't feel a hundred percent but I'm not gonna complain I complain but who'd listen that's my favorite old person saying one of my other favorite old person sayings is there was this one dude at church I asked him how he was doing the one day he's poor he's probably like in his 70s he said he's top-shelf and I absolutely loved that I won't start using that more often hey how you doing top shelf buddy top shelf I have no idea what it means but I feel like starting to use it top shelf buddy top shelf don't know what that means but dang it no hey welcome back to Aaron creeper how you doing man thanks for coming back Jennifer weed listen wait engineer I tried to feed him he didn't let me feed him he wanted none of my he wanted none of my goods man he wanted none of my goods and services hey I am Anthony you have no idea how short I am in I'm a five six five seven on a good day oh my gosh awesomeness gamer choke city is something we don't want to go to hey KC what's going on man are you tonight my dude oh gosh [Music] alright that's good maybe he wanted the dime fees indeed it's exactly what he wanted [Music] alright you not choke here guys one job it's not to choke [Music] say didn't we get it I thought we got it dang it not doing dude little bit not doing too bad Casey thank you for asking appreciate it oh wait oh I'll have to see what you mean no hands only 30 coins are needed how many coins we have I don't even know how many coins we have oh we have 50 derpy derp I am happy thank you so much you can shake the Wii Remote as Yoshi what happens transform a new planet was born to pay off his loan we don't ask how he got in debt we just accept it oh not the Silver Stars what are those things what are those things dude what are they I can't even see what they look like they're like frog things dang it Yoshi come back Yoshi come back you can blame it all on me got it you sick okay but they're all called kleptos that's awesome I'm killing Lumas with cash indeed I am Club toad that's really cool I know it looked like a Pokemon to me you can also shake to get on your shoe really interesting give me a star baby give me a star oh he wants to race me now hacia you are that too ugly Stewie the rayman games oh those games don't get enough love do not get enough love this guy okay I see what you're saying now I see what you're saying now engineer I got you well I got a stack man fat stacks four days 700 and I'll transform that noise that they make that needs to be like a sub sound or a Twitter notification the scream that the luma makes which one's this art a you like stay Aki thank you so much for hanging out man I really really do appreciate it man thank you so much my friend j-rock let's go down j-rock how are you welcome to the stream j-rock but bad up a bump bump bump thank you all for the likes and everything too by the way all the retweets guys are the best thank you all so so much oh it's another 2d one I do like these 2d ones it's pretty cool okay so this is gonna be our what is this our third set of double a's that were gone through we undo our fourth set of double a's had it had a third day off j-rok you're not gonna know what to do with that could you go back to work man gonna be I don't really feel like it that's the worst part about vacation like is going back to work getting trying to get back into the flow of things can suck Jake thank you so much for the retweet Jake much appreciated man thank you so much Jake hey what's going on Ingrid welcome to the stream Ingrid how are you tonight there's a star over there star over there how do I get that not worried about it not worried about it's trying to get to the star here you know yeah that's the worst part about it man but still you got to enjoy him all that while you have him right 5a I'm gonna cover up indeed in indeed you have to wall jump to get the star so that seems like a pretty easy star then I've gotten really spoiled with getting up early I used to get up really work really early for my old job now I don't have to get up that early anymore baby come back [Music] let's get up in here yeah I'm not gonna start the whole thing over all right I think we got to be pretty close to this for the last one I'm assuming we're pretty close to the star here because I can hear it there it is got it got it boys that's alright welcome back Shamu welcome welcome back yeah that's a very beginning what's going on motion are you dude up up up up gee thank you for keeping track of how many I have bump-bump alright guys this is gonna be the last star of the night here we're gonna beat this fortress and we're gonna call it a night because I am getting exhausted I'm really tired it's been a it's been a long week of work and yeah I'm excited for tomorrow night tomorrow night we'll probably still do Mario maker I think we have a pretty good jump on this game to be good for 3d World hopefully hopefully hopefully plus Carmen's still up Amanda needs some reinforcements trying to get Carmen to sleep so we got I got to go help Amanda here after this one - dang it but he no welcome to the stream welcome to the stream pony you know right motion so good man so good I didn't mean to I don't want your help I don't need your help I'm not sure Shambhu not sure yet I haven't see I haven't checked to see he's even stream them [Music] dang it oh right in the face right in the face there we go got him thank you Anthea yeah Carmen does not want to go to sleep so I got to go help Amanda with that and I'm not worried about it not worried about coins unless there's probably another one of those hungry Lumas it just once flipping coins man how does Shamu type with bins the world may never know Oh there we go we'll take that thank you very much yeah let's hope the controller doesn't die indeed Indy we're gonna Bank that we have enough juice in these batteries to last us till we beat uh beat this Bowser fight [Music] you know I don't even need that I don't even need that over there oh well if we're going over there I'll take it never mind I was gonna say I don't need I don't even need that extra help man I'm good I got this but if they're gonna offer I'll take it samurais you're even cool oh I think we just rated him not too long ago I'll check it out here after we're done here so I think it's we almost are at the end here [Music] yeah there we go oh gosh I thought I I thought I killed myself well we'll never know how I type with Finn's oh oh that's my bad I got a hit I gotta hit the faces forgot about that there is also an early Ernie wail heard he's a good dude he's a real good dude there we go boss fight bald monkey you know you know I'm down too we do have 16 stars motion we could blj our way to the end but you guys know I'm down to diet and each point it can happen anytime he's got a massive new power I don't think I want to know what that is Galaxy series was the first game series that separated the gamers from the gamers and only play eSports I don't remember what I'm supposed to do yeah I do not remember what I'm supposed to do here okay now I remember what I'm supposed to do that's what I'm supposed to do totally forgot [Music] [Music] got him that can't be it that can't be it okay I was gonna say that can't be it dang it why do I open my mouth sometimes man this fight is pretty cool though I will say that I so far I'm liking the boss fights in galaxy to more than galaxy one that's one thing I would definitely give it oh dang it gets good on gaming Jolteon how are you gaming guilty on good to see you oh gosh yeah how are you talking about Bowser [Music] oh my gosh I'm so slow dang it let's go boys come on uh-oh running low guys we're running low on juice there we go [Music] oh gosh that was a mistake mistakes were made hi [Music] got him there we go gato Thank You puppy no hole three has been broken yeah Shamu again a question that demands answers but we do not know yeah awesome game are we playing Mario maker tomorrow night we did not build choke City tonight we survived Tanya thank you so much every in here man I sincerely appreciate it so so much let's go on BVM welcome to the stream Thank You Anthony Jen poo all you guys saying GG's thank you guys so much [Music] got it bum ba ba ba ba ba bum BA bum BA bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum [Music] [Music] that's nice nice all right guys I got our raid target someone we I haven't raided in a long long time he's playing one of my favorite games believe it or not hold up hold on we gotta get through this did it say if I can't remember it saved come on baby actually I don't he might be ending you might be ending here actually I think he's ending dang it change of plans change of plans change of plans we're gonna raid I think it's saved I think it saved all right hey what's going on Elmo bird Grover Bert welcome to the stream sorry man we're getting ready to get in go on a raid guys thank you all so much for hanging out you guys are seriously the best Anthony I just read it Ernie like not too long ago I haven't rated Corey game CeeCee gaming in a long time guys Thank You Dustin so we're gonna go on a DTR raid thank you guys so much for spending part of your night with me again it's always such a pleasure for me to get to hang out with such amazing people like you guys so thank you all so much let's go on the DG our raid guys no problem Jordin I look forward to seeing you tomorrow my man and we're gonna raid my man CeeCee gaming who's playing stardew valley so let me throw out you his link guys go red go red go red and enjoy yourself over in Korey stream make sure you hit him up with a like and a sub he's a really good friend of mine I'd really appreciate it thanks guys take care and I will see you tomorrow
Channel: DGR
Views: 3,161
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker ryu, super mario maker ryukahr, nintendo, nintendo switch, super mario maker, super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, odyssey october, super mario galaxy 2, mario galaxy 2, super mario, ryu mario, ryukahr mario, mario ryu, mario ryukahr, ryu stream, ryukahr stream, ryu, ryukahr, switch, nintendo wii, odyssey hype, mario odyssey hype
Id: OsciJSmIaBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 8sec (6428 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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