I Spent 8+ Hours Trying To Beat the WORST TROLL LEVEL Ever Made...

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This guy would fall for the first goomba in mario 1-1. He's acting for views.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ermeter 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
it's not fair I don't deserve this I deserve better I deserve better I want to be playing a level made by to Mandy who is someone I've known for many many years to Mandy me and to Mandy go way back like four years when I first started streaming on YouTube - Mandy he was a he's a great level creator he took the time to make me what he said is a very very difficult troll level he said he's been watching my troll series oh and he got sick and tired of seeing people being too nice to nice with the trolls so he was like I'm not gonna be nice I'm not gonna hold back and I'm gonna make you a brutally difficult troll levels so we're gonna try it I I don't know what to expect I've not seen any of it played he said he doesn't even think I can get to the first checkpoint which has me even more scared but we'll see what happens we're gonna we're just gonna try this but yeah we're gonna play the exorcism of DDR Dave and it says just a level on a never-ending quest to ruin days perfect hair day which is a play on my Twitter bio so all right - Mandy let's see how well you know me and how many times you control me dude thank you for making it alright alright I really gotta get in the right mindset for this new super mario brothers alright let's go no more beating around the bush so here we go exorcism of ggr Dame what do we have okay we didn't die oh gosh oh gosh what is this this is this is not what I was expecting this is not what I was expecting oh gosh all right well there's checkpoint one oh man my internal time oh uh this is awful this is we might be on this this might be where we're at the entire stream we might spend two hours just just on this section if we get sent back to the beginning at some point this is not fair to my brain man this is not fair we're gonna be here forever okay oh okay I five tries and I guarantee we're at checkpoint one okay how many times have we died already ah let's go that's a win I told you within five attempts I told you all told you all did you believe me no you didn't okay it's a start beautiful shitty that checkpoint City okay I should press start over do not chat do not let me press start over do not let me press start over I'm okay just alright alright alright okay Oh dad dad in the booth okay as I told you guys he intentionally to Mandy intentionally made this level brutal he did not go go easy on me with this level he his intentions were cruelty they were not for enjoyment they were to torture me how was everyone's weekend by the way listen have a good weekend sorry didn't stream Sunday there we go okay okay so I'm thinking okay all right all right all right we're back we're back baby we're back oh let's go hey margin what okay okay so I'm wondering how do I want to do that gang how do i mmm britain hat booth [Music] okay oh no oh son of a nutcracker ah that was it okay alright it was progress slight progress but it was still progress city nonetheless let's go okay okay we're starting to get through this a little more one more consistently okay okay okay alright this is where we want to be okay this is where we want to be yes yes yes see I'm sitting here too much I'm thinking about it too much the longer I sit and wait is the more likely I am to make a mistake oh you've gotta be kidding me oh my wait Aalto Mandy you are a jerk your jerk you are a jerk I hate that spring fart oh my god dad dad dad oh no we're not dead we're alive but we're barely breathing okay so we got another chance at this gang if this isn't so is it hmm okay what all right so I can't a little off okay all right we're getting this part consistently now kind of consistently consistent we're consistently consistent getting to that part okay I got to be fast cut to be kidding me you've got to be kidding me nope no how do I grab the vine we're gaining the lure are we no are we a wall jump brah oh it's a big oof that's a big move though that's all okay guys I need your help I need your help not only can I not restart but I need your help remembering do not trust any red pipes because I just noticed this red pipe leads back to checkpoint one ain't nobody got time for that ah so dad so dad OH Oh to Mandy you weren't joking you were not joking when you said this is not a friendly cold this is the antithesis of a friendly troll my dad before he retired was an elementary teacher for 30-some years I had my dad in elementary school how awkward was that it was just as awkward as you're thinking having your dad as a fifth grade teacher okay okay okay okay Piper door gang I'm gonna let you I'm gonna let chat pick you know what we're gonna do straw poll I'm gonna do a straw poll right now I trust you chat I trust you chat door is winning Oh pipe pipe is coming on strong oh it's neck-and-neck pipe just took the lead Wow pike pipe came from the brink I like had stood no chance there for a little bit all right 53% voted for pipe forty-seven percent voted for door here we go oh this does not look good this does not look good what is going on down in that mess look at all those what what this is the face of a broken man friends this is the face of a broken man yeah I'll start over we all just agree to Mandy is a jerk we just agree on that I'm not editing I'm not editing that out of the video either Samantha you're a jerk I'm checking the door this seems too easy this part seems much too easy and then I spoke like I said this is this level was designed to be the antithesis of normal troll levels it's it's made to make me want to cry and it's doing a very good job I must I must admit okay all right another shot at the title another chance at a problem date here gang okay why is he Yoshi egg coming out and what is it what do it dad did it okay this is oh my gosh okay what what what oh you are a turd m'q turn big or you are a turd burglar to Mandy I don't know if I'm gonna be friends with - Mandy after this level in all honesty there's a chance okay okay Nick wise [Music] [Music] I don't even know I don't even know I I don't even know I don't even know man alright I'm gonna try the mustard plate okay wait I remember my family we had original battleship and also electronic battleship electronic electronic battleship added nothing exciting to the game was that sound effects to which no one really cared for all right confession time this is a Dee Dee's your confession time why like regroup now that we're back here DJ our confession time I so I had three older sisters right well I still have three our sisters still have three older sisters and they had this game called Mall madness electronic Mall madness I am not ashamed to say Mall madness legit one of the best board games ever made one of the best board games ever made I don't even care I will go to my grave saying Mall madness one of the best ball games ever there's a sale in the fashion boutique I will play Mall madness with pleasure I'll probably make my daughter's play mall madness with me all right I'm trust in the door I'm going for the door we have that ending dude look at that ending look at that ending oh it's so close I mean I knew it wasn't the ending but it's still nice to man can dream don't - a man's dreams a man can dream of one day having mall madness look at this we're just flying through this speed run speed run why must I talk why must I open my mouth okay red pipe trust in me are you centered Zen get to my Zen feel my Chi feel my Chi nothing but happy little thoughts happy little trees happy little trees I'm trusting it I'm going for it again yang I definitely think the red pipe is the way to go all right I liked what we did here gang okay okay well let's let's rule this out what waitwhat yeah dad hey dude I can't I can't do it oh my gosh I can't do it I don't I don't know where man do I wish to Mandy was in here just to well he knowing Tim and he probably wouldn't tell me if I was on the right path or not he'd probably tell me one thing only to let me keep dying so we can we can go up in here we can get up in here gang even though I yell in frustration and yell more of myself than anything else I would never yell it alright that scared me your fan job just fell over yeah I definitely can't get in that he wants you to think you can get the coin path but she can't all right I'm going this way again this lovable man the Creator specifically made it to punish me what I did I don't know wait a second [Laughter] okay well wait a second okay well I'm actually glad we did that I'm actually very glad we did that because so well not solutions but I've been filled with some new ideas I got some new ideas some here's an avenue I want to try could lead us north it could lead a south I don't I don't exactly know what is this and gasp there's a gnat on my head by the controller hit my upper thigh oh that's not fair it's not fair I don't deserve this I deserve better I deserve better I deserve better I can't do it man I can't this I just if I got that checkpoint it'd be a new game that checkpoint would be a new game I'm so sad I hate my thighs okay how do I do this though how do I I can't get the checkpoint I can't get the checkpoint I can't wall jump you can't wall jump because there's spikes on the wall watch I can't jump that high gang Oh [Music] I don't that doesn't it doesn't make sense Oh Oh is need a second ah the problem is gang what if we get sent back to checkpoint one what if we get sent back to checkpoint one I'm making a full jump here I don't care I gotta check it don't even care I don't even care I can do this part there's another game that just came out that I really want to play it's not it's not really it's a romhack someone made a fool Ocarina of Time romhack and it looks so good it legit looks it's called Legend of Zelda dusk dusk and dawn it looks amazing so I'll be playing that at some point too just so many things I want to play dang it there's so many things to stream so little time professor gave me you should check it out it it's actually compatible with the 64dd so if you have a 64dd laying around you can you can use it oh goodness alright this is progress this is progress alright alright alright all baby call me crazy Oh baby okay okay we know the P door the P is not our friend I mean we can check it should we check it should we check it they call me P daddy for a reason they call me P daddy for a reason don't have no foul gang no harm no foul no harm no foul we can we can come back from this we can come back from this we've faced worse scenarios than this now we know don't Gina hey hey I only answer to pee daddy yes in fact I'm thinking about going to the state office and changing my officially changing my name to pee daddy okay okay we're backing [Music] I don't think we want the blue pipe I definitely don't think we want the blue pipe guys I if we go back to checkpoint one I will a piece of me will die a piece of me will die inside I will become dead inside we do not have to check there's certain things in life we don't need to check and that's one of them wait I don't think we can go down [Music] that is a pee door we don't want gang this is most definitely a pee door we don't want pee daddy does not like the look of this this is what a 200 IQ play looks like so we have 50 seconds left I'm gonna wait till there's about 10 seconds hit the p-switch so we can at least get a glimpse of what's going on and hopefully time out before we had sent back to a checkpoint or something I was made for these moments could have been worse could have been worse all right so the problem that we're running into gang we still haven't even seen the five red coins yet okay there's one there's a red coin gang [Music] there's another [Music] what this is not fair I don't know what that did I don't know what that did gay I don't know what's going on I feel like we make one step forward than five steps back I will say this is in fact the cruelest troll level I've ever played I thought the one from the the French dude that I played in Mario maker 1 was pretty cool but this one this one takes the cake it's cruel I want to try that piece which door call me crazy call it well never mind now we know okay that's what I wanted to be sure of so I wanted to make sure that this pipe this this P door led to this pipe so we no no we're not going in the red pipe it's most definitely checkpoint one it is most definitely checkpoint one but I wanted to make sure that's where that piece which door level he didn't now it's confirmed oh it's confirmed dude he blocked us in he blocked us in meaning no checkpoint one was a red flavor checkpoint one was definitely a red pipe I'm a hundred percent sure 100 personnel dude if we go back to checkpoint one I will die a little bit on the inside all right yeah that's what we'll do we'll go in the pipe no that won't work here's the thing it won't waste any time and we'll get the checkpoint the checkpoint flag is literally stuccoed it's stuck ode to the pipe it's stuccoed well you guys do if I try this well you guys love me forever I need confirmation that you'll love me forever if I try this if I can time this right no we're gonna it's gonna give this checkpoint one it's gonna give us checkpoint one guys I can't I can't do but mm-hmm here's the thing what if it's not I'm what if he just doesn't want what if he wants us to think it doesn't take us back to the start the more I think about it the more I'm thinking he's just trying to trick me in their thinking this takes us back [Music] no I went into this with full knowledge knowing this was gonna test every ounce of my patience to Mandy didn't didn't send a message saying this is gonna be the most fun troll you've ever played he clearly warned me that this level was designed to be cruel it is intentionally being cruel did anyone play this level try going up and over yet because I will be really sad if that was the right answer this whole time okay it wasn't over the top tried and there's nothing but spikes thank you so much man I I will I will plow through this level I will plow through this level I will plow through this level I will plow through this level I will take I hate that bit emoji sound so bad right now I didn't lose that much progress it's true but it's hard it's hard to get to checkpoint one it took me a while to get to checkpoint one before okay I got an idea actually we should be fine I think I see our opening okay all right we got back there a lot quicker than our first time a lot quicker than our first okay also keep in mind see that blue pipe right there and remember where that second blue pipe is where the wiggler is I think that's where that leads to guys I think that's where that second loop I please dude so we've pretty much we've pretty much covered where everything leads we have we have exhausted all exits at this point so now it's literally we know where we're supposed to go so I do think the Red Coins are required for the Room of Requirement we legit know which way to go the the thing now is just executing it all comes down to execution I'll do it for the kids I'll do it for the kids I will do it for the kids the kids come on gang we're so close why do I keep doing that uh okay all right all right all right all right all right all right I vow I vow to make progress here only me only I could land in that one space gap okay note to self I can't I can't run across that hey what am i doing what is wrong with me that is such a ridiculous part that is such a ridiculous part bro okay no hesitation please that is such baloney it's such baloney it's such baloney there's I hate oh my gosh I just hate those red cheep cheeps bro the red cheap chips are the worst to Mandy I there are so many things I want to say but I'll stick with saying thank you it just takes so long to get to this point bro like can someone come over and beat this for me you got to do that gray okay I'm looking it up I'm looking it up I don't even care I'm looking up I'm looking it up I'm using cheats I'm using the game shark I'm looking it up see if there's a video on it The Exorcism of dgr Dave to Mandy I'm looking it up he has a trailer for it dude he only shows the first no we've been here please there's nothing on it there's nothing on it okay warm out bring out the bait bring out the bait here they come okay no there's no way there is no way there is no way unless there's a star there's no way thank you for the bits verges I yes yes yes yes yes oh my gosh it's so good down far whoa whoa whoa down fire has a video down fire can you DME it down fire hold up hold up hold up show me the goods I just sent you a DM I hate you so much [Music] all right we're going we're going without the red coins flippin joke it's a joke it's a joke you oh my gosh okay nope we have to get the Red Coins I can't do it I can't this is like a wet fart and a white tuxedo that I can finally say that about a level dude I don't think I can do it there's no way there's there's too many there's too many there's too many red cheap heaps any form of progress here would be great look at that there's one two three four five six seven flippin cheep cheeps seven seven seven flaming red cheep cheeps if those were just green Koopas green cheep cheeps it'd be a different ballgame but because of the red cheep cheeps you're severely limited on your movement you know you're severely I just saw flock myself ah go Andy I really want to beat this level I want to see how how you beat the level so bad you suggested waiting at the goal you think do you think I can't imagine that I'm doing that I'll try it that'll be the last thing I try I just feel so bad like we invested so much time energy knowledge we've laughed we've cried I really don't think this is it but we got nothing to lose absolutely have nothing to lose now we wait gang I'm waiting here in case I don't want the bomb to come and kill me like it just doesn't feel like this would be the way but you just don't know that's what I'm saying Kurt it just doesn't seem like if this is how it ends I don't know how I would feel it was worth trying because I know it didn't fit with the rest of the level and all that jazz but I don't understand what else to do I just need to get a hold of to Mandy and see if he'll give me a hint on what I need to do yeah there's no bomb we have to beat this level I reached out to to Mandy and he posted a video on how to beat the one section I was stuck at so we have video evidence that it can be done it's still gonna be tricky he said - Mandy said were about 85% of the way through the level we spent between five and six hours on this level called The Exorcism of DTR Dave it's a brutally challenging troll level that was made be brutally challenging and made to be punishing we exhausted all our efforts last night only to come to the realization that this one really hard section I didn't think I could do it but then - Mandy sent me a link to a video of him clearing that section proving that it is possible possible for him at least will it be possible for us I don't know when we get to that spot I will be pulling up the video and trying to follow it it's level haunted me in my dream I dreamed there was another section of this that I hadn't seen before and I didn't meet the level in my dream either all right chance at the checkpoint oh my gosh [Music] okay oh my gosh we're beating this tonight we're beating this today so hold up guys I gotta pull up to Mandy's video all right here we go all right I messed up oh I messed up I messed up oh I messed up mmm okay here's what he does all do I hate it okay oh yeah son of a nutcracker oh I don't know what to do now there's too many of them can i lure them over here lure them over here Oh what am i what uh alright my heart dude my heart oh yeah so if you guys don't know I do all of my own editing with one little caveat not my streams my stream highlights are all edited by low on life there I feel so bad for him this is uh this is gonna be a doozy hey these keys can still kill me can't they finger licking good finger lickin finger lickin finger licking good it's not over he said through this door is 85% he's like I assure you you will die more and you'll have to do this section over I've made progress and then immediately died but it wasn't my fault the level is just garbage I'll say it - Mandy knows it okay fool Jean full jump [Music] are you serious right now are you flippin serious man I mean some Andy knows that we always say right as always right so did he play into that or did he think we're gonna play that and he wants us to go left all right we're going we're gonna do it we're gonna do a strawpoll this can only be decided cuz I don't have I don't have a gut feeling either way left or right vote help me gang help me gang help me decide it's legit neck-and-neck are you kidding me it's 50/50 it's 50/50 all right right pulled ahead at the last minute 166 votes to 59 votes here we go gang [Music] [Music] come Andes in the chat oh my gosh Tamara chat oh I could finally say to Mandy you were a turd Mick turd Ferguson turd burglar you need a turd sandwich after this level how could you how could you yeah banham battle shown its bana mods take care of this turd for me no I'm just kidding I'm kidding this was honestly to Mandy I don't know if you saw me discussing it last night we had so much fun as a group trying to figure out the solution to the level it felt like a giant community puzzle we were all trying different techniques I don't know it was really really cool it was really really neat thing to be part of so in a way I hate you but in a way I also love you alright so we know [Music] [Music] yeah I don't even know where to begin on that ending I don't even know where to went like when I'm supposed to run for it [Music] I'm honestly tempted should I close my eyes and just run I feel like I would be better better served just running with my eyes closed but think of the legend I'd be able to tell my great great great great grandchildren my internet archeologists would look back at this moment and say what a legend what a legend I'm doing it I'm doing it Yolo freakin Yolo man we could put on the spongebob hat all right aye aye my eyes are shut you can't tell but I promised you my eyes are shut I want to get to the okay my eyes are now shut I'm running for it [Laughter] well congratulations you tried where I live there's a cemetery right next to my house well I won't stay right next to my house like maybe a tenth of a mile away from my house but it's the cemeteries in between me and my neighbor which anyways so I was with Amanda my friend and his girlfriend anyway so we went to this cemetery right and we walked we ended up walking back to my in-laws house which my in-laws are my neighbors neighbors with my in-laws and when we got back my my now father in-law was waiting hiding with this really scary mask and my father-in-law's a big dude he's like six one very built very built and he just comes flying out of the trees at me and my my friend Ricky and natural instinct took over and my natural instinct was I shoved my friend Ricky towards the Beast turned around and ran the other way I was halfway down their driveway man halfway down the driveway I I my speed I am little but I got some speed man there was no way that beast was catching up to me I could have outrun a car on the interstate come on baby [Music] how did I do that so easy before I'm honestly more concerned about this wall jump than anything else how did I do that so easy last time it just takes so flippin long to get back to that's the hardest thing is just the sections are so long okay here we go here we go okay all right it's a conspiracy whoo all right take a deep breath and watch the pattern [Music] that was it right there you [Music] my heart my flippin heart just this chat right here it fills me with so much joy seeing the chat right above me oh my gosh thank you guys so flippin much for being here oh my gosh oh my gosh now the question becomes gang what do we do here what do we do here I feel like we should like it and then leave a comment please know that in my heart I hate this level I don't even know what would we draw on this and then down here we'll draw the turd sandwich although it might get deleted yeah actually that doesn't look great but oh well you get the idea man all right I don't know should we like or not or boo it I don't know I'm I'm torn I can't do it I can't do it I can't we got too much enjoyment we we laughed we cried and cried and cried some more and cried some more if there's some weird reason you want to play this level there's the level ID for you I'm not going to encourage it because this took a couple years off my expected life expectancy my life anyways thank you guys for hanging out appreciate you you guys are amazing have a great rest of your night I'm going to bed take care everyone [Music]
Channel: DGR
Views: 928,007
Rating: 4.9016199 out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, ryukahr mario maker, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, carlsagan troll, troll carlsagan, carlsagan42, carlsagan mario maker, mario maker carlsagan, mayro, mayro troll, troll mayro, mayro smm, carlsagan troll level, worst troll level, worst level ever, worst troll level ever
Id: Mr_FUqxltmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 49sec (3889 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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