My First "Official" New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe Speedrun!!

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hello my friends and welcome back to another video today i am going to be attempting my first official speed run of new super mario bros u deluxe on the nintendo switch so i'm gonna be explaining everything as we go along but first things first let's just get started here i'm going to be doing the no nabit percent i can't remember what the uh proper category name is i'll explain a little bit more of that here in a second but we're gonna have to watch this cut scene you know you know the cut scene that that we've all seen hundreds of times anyways i recently completed this game for 100 of it for the very first time we did got all the star coins did all the challenges gold medal we did the boost rush mode um so we've pretty much done everything so i thought the very next thing that we need to try is an official speed run so this is our very first attempt at an official speed run in new super mario brothers you deluxe hopefully we can submit it to the speedrun leaderboards um i did a practice run on stream yesterday just to learn the route but this is the one that i'm i'm hoping we can submit my goal time for this speed run is sub 50 minutes 49 xx if you will i don't know that it will happen but you know it's good to set goals you're also probably wondering when does the timer start the timer starts very soon as soon as we make our very first button input which is coming up here in the next 10 seconds so we're gonna start it up in three let me make sure my yeah timer is working in three two one go and the speed run is starting so this will have no cuts no edits because obviously that would invalidate the run if you did that so we're just gonna talk with each other throughout off the run you know see how your day's going how's mom how's dad grandpa grandma uh so yeah this is new super mario brothers you deluxe this is my first official speedrun if you will i'm sure nothing can go wrong but i am doing the mario any percent uh as i mentioned there is a nabbit the true any percent uses nabbit and the reason i am not doing that is with the nabbit like the true any percent when you play as nabbit you essentially if for those that have played this nose nabbit can walk through enemies without getting injured so you basically can walk through certain levels without worrying about taking damage which to me kind of takes the fun out of it with mario you are always vulnerable uh you can take a hit at any time which you know really ups the ante a little bit of this run so to me this this is a more fun run than the true any percent but the difference between the true any percent world record and um like the mario any percent i'm not sure what the real category is called it's only a minute so it's it's not like that saving that much time so level two is probably the most important in the game uh we gotta keep our nut suit if we lose our nut suit we have to go back to level one and re-get a nutsuit because there's not another one in this level and why this level is most important because essentially it lets you skip half the game which is pretty important in a speed run uh a lot of people know about this but there is a skip coming up here in a second oops it's that up butts that's that was really sloppy but that's okay down here and then up here we want to hop part one done and then part two done now we have achieved the skip we've kept our nut suit um you want to keep your nut suit as long as you possibly can yes there's replenishment in this but um you know you have to stop for them and sometimes if you don't have a nut suit in a certain level it really uh really hurts in terms of your speed and some of the tricks that you're able to do so definitely want to keep the nut suit as long as possible but there we go with that skip we've cut out about half of the game again my goal time to beat this in is right around 50 minutes i want to get under 50. will that happen probably not but it's a good goal to have it's it's good to set goals kids so now we have part of the shortcut set up we got across the rainbow bridge and one thing one staple of new super mario brothers u is that there's these unskippable mini cut scenes if you will uh that usually lasts longer than the levels so now we can make our way across the rainbow bridge into canada get it never mind okay so we have our first and i believe our only underwater level in the run i think is there another one i truly can't remember but uh here we go if at all possible we want to keep the nut suit through this whole thing uh because the next level that we play doesn't have one for what i remember so if we can keep it great if we can't uh that's that's okay we'll be fine [Music] um but yeah it's something we would rather keep if if at all possible okay in here up here we want to use these little jet streams boost to help us uh get a little extra there we go speed guy's gonna bloop himself out nice gave us a nice window to go up and now we want to mash because these bloopers try and ruin your day all right nice nice nice we kept the nut suit that's that's huge like i said because i'm pretty sure the next level doesn't doesn't have it and uh yeah i've never done an official speedrun as i said i did this yesterday on stream just to learn the route and my time was like 55 minutes and that was with a ton of mistakes granted i i have not practiced anymore since the since the live stream so i don't know why i'm thinking i'm gonna be able to shave five minutes off but that's the goal friends the goal is sub 50 minutes like i said we'll see if that happens now now we are already five minutes into the speed run were in world four so it goes pretty quick speedrun goes pretty quick and again we have this unskippable cutscene showing the routes and what we've unlocked and we also do not want to save saving takes precious seconds every time you save it adds a couple seconds to your run and as anyone knows of speed running more time equals bad obviously and we have our first level in soda jungle bum bum bum these unskippable cutscenes are a pain in the butt sometimes they take longer than actual levels here we go soda jungle jungle of the giants soda jungle is really hecking cool [Music] [Music] now if we lose our nut suit in here it's okay because the next uh next level does have a nut suit in it from what i remember like i didn't want to lose it there that's okay though that's okay [Music] nice triple jump over that this is going pretty well i might as well wait to not take damage there and we are done with this level and coming up we have another unskippable mini cut scene with toad that lasts like 20 seconds and uh then we are we're good to go we're gonna have some challenging levels coming up including a lot of auto scrollers now that's probably like the biggest detriment to this sorry there's a nat in my room anyways i really like the speedrun but the biggest thing holding it back to me is there's like four or five auto scrollers that you have to play through you can't skip them they are part of the run and you guys know auto scrollers and speed runs are kind of frowned upon because you're kind of going at the speed at the mercy of the game so the game only lets you go as fast as it wants you to go and that's kind of a stinky thing however there is a skip coming up in a couple levels that i've never tried i'm gonna try it which kind of uh cuts down a little bit of the auto scroller on the level we'll see let's see if i can pull it off but first things first we gotta beat soda jungle two like a bridge over poison waters oh that where is the nut suit let's do this [Music] now again if we lose this one if we lose the nut suit here that's okay as well because there's one in the next level i get the checkpoints because i don't trust myself i'm still not 100 uh [Music] still not 100 percent don't have 100 knowledge of these levels so i uh i get the checkpoints just in case i would die it probably will happen this is probably not going to be a deathless run as much as i hope it will be because every time you die it adds probably 30 or 40 seconds to your speedrun dying is bad in this game who would have thought oh no see that's not good either what would normally be a cool bonus for getting the timer adds time to your run man toad give us a power up but this is just adding on to our speedrun time we have to watch a cut scene on item inventory man that's unfortunate what you see the item get added thank you there we go all right so coming up this is the level there we have our first essentially auto scroller it involves snake blocks i'm going to try a skip i've only watched i've never tried it what could possibly go wrong the first thing that we have though is a huge skip that lets us skip the very first part of the level i didn't even know about this until yesterday's stream when people were telling me about it but you can go right there and then you go in this pipe and yeah the first part of the level is done now this is where i can probably try it once if i miss it once i should still be okay and we'll just have to take the long way but i will try the the skip once if i can get it it saves like probably 30 or 40 seconds which is unheard of that is that's a lot of time saved there friends okay here we go yo we got it let's go let's go i can't okay that's huge that saves like like i said 30 or 40 seconds now as long as we don't die to the mad lad as long as which could happen i died i think three times in the mad lad in my practice run yesterday on live stream so it's it's not unheard of butts okay that kind of stinks okay okay well we lost the nut suit but we still got a decently quick kill of boom boom all right all right all right let's go let's go baby [Music] oh man i still got i'm in awe that we got the skip i ca it see it it i i feel like i got lucky i truly feel like i got lucky i think that's a lot harder than then i made it look i i truly think i got lucky there so anyways so now you know more unskippable cut scenes but the run is promising so far if we can keep keep it up there's still a lot more a lot more to go sub 50 could happen it'll be close but we have a promising start at least so kmac is being a butt putting a little purple purple fog around the castle and now i think we come to our first ghost house which has a skip very important skip that we we need to do now i can't do i want to go right here i want to go left here left gotta remember the routes on these ghost houses ghost houses are super important right this one this is one of the easier skips so we do the mario shuffle do the mario um essentially i'm doing this so the the booze don't come and hurt us [Music] just do this back and forth we let it go past the door [Music] and then we go out this door and then now we do more of the back and forth shuffle i think there's three or four floors that we follow through there we got one more then we go through that door and i think we are done with the ghost house yes indeed oh did not want to do a wall jump there but that lets us skip another large portion of this game we're already going to be in the meringue clouds which i think is like the sixth or seventh world in this game and we're already there 13 minutes into it so that's uh it's a nice skip we're gonna let this see the vine go up into the meringue clouds i think we get another save here no we don't get another save so we climb the vine onto the next level soda jungle okay we have another auto scroller one of the many i think we have like five or six different auto scrollers nut suit would be huge here yeah this level uh it's kind of a pain i really need to pay attention here because there are no checkpoints in this level and it's a long level so if i would die in this level you have to start all the way at the beginning i'm really going to hope that doesn't happen but it is me we're talking about as i just almost fell off [Music] this is when you gotta hold your breath while you play basically all right we're climbing here [Music] one-ups are great because you never you never know when you're gonna need some one-ups [Music] i like this level a lot uh i just don't like it for the speed run because of how much time it takes all right so we got a another nut suit but i wish you could carry a spare weapon we have the giant and i mean giant bullet bills trying to remember there's a and we're almost done with the level you don't want to mess up now this far into the level you don't want to mess up because we are almost done that was really dumb oh my gosh that was that was almost really bad i almost died gang but thankfully we didn't we kept our nut suit and we're out that's always oh no i got another we got another bonus dude no you don't want that you don't want that come on just give me it and a fire flower we don't really need a fire it could have been a nut suit i've been like cool we could possibly use that but definitely don't need a fire flower all right so now we are in the meringue clouds officially thank you thank you i get it yes thank you oh there's kmek who are going to be fighting and then that uh ghost house also holds another skip that is uh vitally important but first things first we have land of the flying blocks which i believe is another auto scroller [Music] yes it is another auto scroller there's a lot of skips oh there's a lot of skips in this level um i don't know how comfortable i am trying them yeah i'm not super comfortable trying some of these skips yet as i've essentially just started speedrunning this game [Music] oh my gosh whatever get me out of here okay here we go into the second section [Music] that was so stupidly risky that was so stupidly risky i'm not trying anything else here that was so dumb we saved a couple seconds there i'm good with that i'm good with those couple seconds saved all right this level was one of my least favorite in the challenges you had to beat this level without getting any coins at one point and that my friends that was a pain in the butt that challenge but all right we're out that's another one i i'm glad when that level's done auto scrollers are the worst because again if you die in an auto scroller it wastes so so much time thankfully that didn't happen all right so we want to go to the left again here moraine cloud seesaw shrooms this is another one um it's not an auto scroller but you can die pretty easily in this one so i'm going to try not to die who would have thought [Music] you can probably jump in between the piranha plants but i have i have not reached that level of security yet in this game all right just stay down below here try not to get sniped [Music] whoo [Music] we're almost out uh we are out baby we are out of the level nice when i did when i was doing my practice run lackattu sniped me so it's it's we still got the nut suit which is which is good now we have to go fight kmec and this is the land of the fire koopas no i'm sorry fire hammer bros fire bros fire bros fire bros is the word i'm looking for fire bros in this level can wreck your day hopefully that doesn't happen all right so we want to go in here butts that's a big time waster all right this is fine okay that's fine oh no butts okay that's all right that's all right like i said i would have liked to have kept the nut suit in there because it makes some of this next platforming a lot easier but we lost it that's all right and i don't think there's another nut suit in this level [Music] from what i remember i don't think there is actually no there might be there actually might be this is it yeah there is sweet that's right there is another one [Music] kill that fire bro just to be safe keep jumping i don't know where that pipe takes us i don't know that it's a shortcut so i'm not going to take it oh my gosh [Music] all right all right let's go we we made it to kmek and uh this isn't too bad of a boss fight as i say that i'll probably die i don't know that i'm going to try for any elaborate skips probably won't we're just going to try and uh since we have such a decent run going on probably going to play it by the books she's too high up there maybe could have done it there but all right there's two hits one more hit all right nice that was pretty good i didn't get any skips um but that was still a pretty good pretty good kmac fight won't complain about that at all definitely the best run i've had in like the three that i've tried on yesterday's stream and now we go to the ghost house after a word from these messages of this uh unskipable cutscene come on baby with kmex final breath she adds more purple fog okay so this is i gotta remember the correct route here this is important i think i've done it enough that i remember the proper route in the door then we want to go to the right to the right yeah and we gotta we gotta wait through this [Music] another partial auto scroller it's not a full auto scroller it's just a little bit of an auto scroller i don't wanna take damage from the boost here all right through the door now we go to the left here let me go in this door right it's just the right i'm trying to remember the path yeah this is right [Music] okay and then here we're almost out it's not this level isn't bad it's just literally remembering what you have to do then down here we don't even need the spring because we can just do that and in the door and then i think that's that's essentially it go down here and in the door yeah that'd be it nice oh man so this is good this is good we're almost to the last world now we have one more pit stop in between where we gotta fight bowser jr but this is this is pretty well almost too well you just know there's gonna be a mistake at some point oh i forgot about this level we have this level still sorry we have two more pit stops we got ludwig's clockwork castle why don't i remember this level i don't remember this level like it oh yeah okay now i remember this level this one's not too bad and gotta be kidding me is there another power up in here no [Music] ludwig uh himself is not that bad of a boss thankfully i'm gonna take the ice flower just to have it i ice flower all right i don't know if this is a hot take or not oh my gosh uh but i think the ice flower is far and away the worst power-up item [Music] in the super mario franchise does anyone anyone agree or disagree with that let me know in the comments below what do you think is the worst power-up item in this game why did i get that i thought there was power up in there but the ending is right here that's okay that's okay i don't take damage no no no no that was such a duh sub 50 ain't happening now gang that's all right we're gonna we're gonna play it out this this run is too good of a run to to not play it up that that's that's really unfortunate it's a very very unfortunate death [Music] but it wouldn't be a dgr video if i didn't take a really dumb death right does this have a power up in it it does all right i will take that you are a butt friend you are a butt all right fire flower we will take that that's really unfortunate but we gotta you gotta get refocused when you take a dumb death like that you still gotta be refocused uh kind of have to forget about your mistakes basically that negates the skip that we took in the auto scroller probably a little bit more so but i'm glad we got the skip at least so now we have the ludwig fight which truly is not that bad so we gotta keep an eye out on which one ludwig is i think he always starts in the middle not what sure sure i could just be totally wrong i was trying for a quick kill there didn't get it don't know that i'll try again definitely not going to try again definitely not going to try for the quick kill again because if i take damage again it's over that was insanely stressful i almost died oh man wow well played ludwig well played you almost got me i just got got a little bit lucky there at the end truly okay now we have our fight with bowser jr and this is another auto scroller where you don't want to die like i unfortunately did last time i played this here we go another unskipable cutscene let's just enjoy it together yeah how's your day going got any homework i guess it's summer when i'm filming this hopefully you don't have homework if you have homework i mean probably means you're in summer school which i'm sorry i'm sorry about that okay here we go i think we have after this one more auto scroller but i'm pretty sure this is far and away the longest i've never died there dude i've never died there i've never died there wow the one positive thing the one positive thing we can take is that we were not very far into it it's not much it's not much to be happy about but there is that at least we were right at the start of the auto scroller that's like the only consolation prize we only lost 30 seconds instead of a minute i didn't know you'd like instantly die there so that essentially acts like a swamp if you will interesting all right we really need to keep this nut suit it's vitally important we keep the nut suit gang i'm not gonna be trying any any shenanigans that would put the nut suit in harm's way so when he makes the fist that is um very destructive that's a very destructive fist all right come on come on come on come on star coin for the fans thanks all all thanks grandma for being my biggest fan that one's for grandma all right so that's checkpoint great should be a pipe yeah i knew there was a monty okay i'm sorry there is no pipe yet this though can easily wreck your day there's a bunch of flamethrowers then again want nothing more than to to ruin your day all right really gonna concentrate on this make no dumb mistakes hopefully no need to rush again because it is an auto scroller now if we can get past this one this massive one right here i think we shall be fine because we can take the shortcut which is up here a little bit yeah it's up here i gotta remember there's a monty mole chilling up here i think there's a one more monty mole yeah there it is that could have been bad okay off the pipe now we have our fights with bowser jr let's get it let's get it here we go now there are some skips we can do in this fight will i try them well there goes our there goes my chance to try them which kind of stinks but oh well it is what it is i i feel like i got robbed a little bit on the hitbox but it's the beautiful thing does it the game doesn't really care what i think there are many things i want to say right now many many things i want to say right now but uh alas is there a hidden hidden uh power up anywhere it doesn't look like it i was really dumb i didn't use the fire flower then i thought there was another power up in there but there is not we got to do this flawless now that really heck stinks we're gonna try for this again there's one all right there's two oh we're gonna try it missed it missed it but that's okay i wasn't like fully committing to that all right there we go got it that time so all in all on this level we've wasted like two minutes when you consider when you factor in the very first death that we had right when we first started plus the loading time when you get kicked out a level loading time to get back into the level the death to bowser jr and uh you know that's that's unfortunate now that's what's also unfortunate is that we no longer can get i think that was the last nut suit in this level i think that you could get so we got to do the rest of the game without a nut suit at our disposal again you want to keep the like i said the nut seats vitally important to this run and you want to keep it as long as you can especially when it comes to the ending so this is kind of going to change the route that i take going forward because there's two different routes that we can take once we get into bowsers now the world record at this point is just about done and we're just getting into the final world so that kind of gives you a benchmark of where we need to improve which is in a lot of places but again our goal of some 50 minutes it's still plausible will it happen i don't know i really got a game out of my heck in mind but we'll give it a try going into the fog come on baby actually i lied there is one more place we can get a nut suit and i'm probably gonna take that route if at all possible i'm also going to use one of my items here because this next level is definitely a butt so this this level has two different routes that you can take you can take one route which takes you to a secret area and there's one level if you take the normal speed run route there are two levels you have to play through both of them have an auto scroller which you know you you don't like auto scrollers but the one if you have a nut suit you can kind of skip through it i haven't learned that route yet but the the one the one route is is the preferred speed run route if you will all right so i'm gonna try and take that yeah i'm i'm taking this route this is like not what most top level speedrunners are taking but uh this is this is the route i feel more comfortable taking so this is gonna at least cut out one of the levels and now we just have to deal with one more auto scroller so we're about three levels away from the ending in 10 minutes will it happen i don't know gang i don't know i don't know let's just keep it rolling see what happens come on come on come on all right here we go so again this is a another auto scroller that most people don't don't play but the nice thing about it is that it gives us another nut suit and if we can keep that it's very beneficial for um actually it's not that beneficial because the next level there's not really anything you can use the not suit for anyways yeah another auto scroller that might this in my opinion is probably the the biggest knock i have against speedrunning this game is the sheer amount of auto scrollers i didn't realize how many auto scrollers this game had until i started speed running it and i am playing the bare minimum of this game playing the bare minimum and you still have to play through three or four of them or five auto scrolling levels which is pretty ridiculous that's like a fourth of the total levels that you play in this game in the speed run all right so far okay checkpoint another nut suit the other level the other auto scroller that we skipped it's the one you guys are probably familiar with that there isn't there's an elevator i guess it's not an elevator it's more of like a boat that you ride and if you get more than like a certain amount of enemies on it it comes to a complete halt and supposedly like top tier speed runners can skip majority of the level using uh the nut suit but i haven't learned that route so i wasn't gonna take it anyways but to me that level is even worse if you don't have a power up and are doing it just as normal i feel like that level's even longer than the lava boat level the lava boat level seriously feels like it takes forever i mean this one feels like it takes forever too but we're almost done with it whereas truly when you play the the lava boat one i feel like we would have only been like halfway at this point all right we're done with the level two more to go two more to go all right the next one's yet again another auto scroller this one though i'm at least really familiar with because uh i spent a lot of time there's a challenge um in the challenges it's really hard and i i spent a lot of time with this level so i feel at least pretty comfortable with this one doesn't mean i like it doesn't mean i appreciate it but at least i feel decently comfortable with it so we want to go in here [Music] and yes you probably are seeing this level and be like oh yes i remember this level i remember this level very well so yeah if you get one item on the elevator it stops it so our goal is to not have anything stop it the challenge that i did you were not allowed nothing was allowed to touch the elevator which was so ridiculous it was so ridiculously hard i don't know if that speeds things up or not it probably doesn't uh you know i see why the see why the ice flower was uh probably better for this because the ice flower you can kill oh but that really stinks you can kill these enemies before they land on the uh elevator here so we're almost to the top we're getting there but again another thing about this level that stinks is there's no checkpoints so if you die here you gotta start all the way back at the beginning which is just brutal absolutely brutal we got some more bombs i'm gonna let oh that one didn't fall on us i was gonna say i'm gonna let it fall i would have been okay with it [Music] this is fine i i i'm i'm totally fine with this all right there we go in the door we got one last level gang surprisingly this has gone really well with three deaths and two of them being absurdly bad deaths but the fact that we have a chance at sub 50 is kind of mind-blowing we honestly could have been done just about now if uh i had not died which is kind of staggering to think about but again goal was sub 50. see if we can get it come on come on no i didn't want to save okay that's all right didn't saving doesn't take that much time okay we got three and a half minutes i think it's gonna be just over 50. if i had a guess we'll see can't give up yet [Music] uh all right so far so good almost to the end nice that was actually really good that was really good now we have our bowser fight i'm going to take i'd much rather have a fire flower than an ice flower because again the ice flower is garbage i don't know if that's controversial or not anyways let's go all right here we go almost done gang almost done it's finished strong nice perfect perfect all right got two minutes we got exactly two minutes i don't know how long this cut scene takes oh baby come on come on come on come on i don't i think we're going to be just over 50 is my guess but we'll see this is i'm actually learning like how long cut scenes take from the speeding which is really cool all right come on come on come on it's gonna be close okay all right here we go there's princess peach mad chilling in the background [Music] come on come on dude let me play the cutscenes never end it's going to be over it's going to be over 50. sadly just over it's gonna be probably like 51. that really stinks if i had just died one last time we would have easily hit our goal but at last here we are man that takes forever that's like that's a solid minute and a half all right there's one hit i gotta hit him two more times yeah it's it's gonna be i'm so sad dude so heck and sad yo we got a hidden yeah we got a hidden from the fireball that's cool i've never done that i don't even think that was possible okay didn't even think that was possible apparently it is yo okay dang it 50 35. oh man dang it i am so sad we just missed our goal of 49 minutes but i'm actually really um really encouraged with that i saved quite a bit of time there compared to my practice runs and uh yeah i i'm excited i want to keep speed running in this game if you want to see my progress uh if you want to see me post some speedruns here of this game just occasionally let me know in the comments below this is a game i could see myself getting kind of competitive in over time uh yeah this was a lot of fun though let's just uh watch the ending cut scene here together where we saved princess peach thank you look at navit big time creeping in the back navit big big time creeper but yeah we didn't quite hit our goal we were close but i definitely think the next time we play we can hit it had i not dyed those three times this would have easily easily been like in the 47 range easily i don't i don't know if it'd be 46 but probably in the 47 range uh so yeah i'm gonna keep playing this i'm gonna keep trying to improve my skills try to learn some new speed run tech and uh yeah we'll go from there but we're gonna wrap it up thank you guys so much for watching this was a ton of fun to do i know it's a little bit different content kind of unedited thanks for dealing with me for the past 50 minutes i really appreciate everybody's support i hope you have a great rest of your day and until next time take care
Channel: DGR
Views: 151,822
Rating: 4.9398956 out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, mario maker ryu, uncleared courses, mm2 impossible level, impossible levels, 0 percent, 0 percent cleared levels, lil kirbs, lilkirbs, lilkirbs mario maker, lil kirbs mario maker, mario speedrun, mario challenge, mario challenges, super mario speedrun, super mario speedruns, mario speedruns, nsmbu
Id: ZcAeMytqK4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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