Super Mario 64 Blindfolded by Bubzia in 1:49:59 - Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Online

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Asked Dunkey on stream last night if he saw this, thought he might be interested. Runner actually got a new personal best time too

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YeeshInfection πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Classic video haven’t seen it ye

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kronschnabel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
let's end a great gdq with a demon souls run i absolutely agree on that front uh and speaking of flying along i swear this thing jumps another couple grand every time i look at it the demon soul's incentive to get that game added to the schedule currently we are at 118 679 dollars and 43 cents out of the 250 000 that we need we're just a little under halfway there keep it coming i know it looks like we've got a lot of time left on that but time moves so fast here so keep those donations coming okay that's everything i've got you know how much i love introducing you all to things that you've never seen before well now i get to introduce you all to something that the runner isn't even gonna get to see at all super mario 64. 70 stars blindfolded bubsia is ready let's go over to the run all right hello everyone my name is babzia and today i'm gonna show you sm64 but without looking at the screen basically with while being blindfolded and not like last time we did 16 star this time we will get 70 stars so we don't need to blj at all we get a lot more stars lots more strats going on and with me i have the legend himself charlie brown 64. hello yo what's up everyone good to be here all right and the longest the run is pretty long so i guess we just gonna go ahead and start but first of all there was a donation incentive to win a blindfold i should wear is there any info about that absolutely the results are in with 8183.50 the white cat blindfold has been selected for your run very good choice guys very good choice so yeah um i will mute myself for the commentator and the donation read and everything so i will have only the game audio for myself um otherwise it would be kind of a little bit of outside help which is not really good in blindfolded so i'm gonna go ahead and switch to these headphones which are connected to this screen behind me there which is the game feed so charlie brown um i give it up to you um i will count down when i start to run if it's okay and then we're just gonna start all right so this is blindfold number one just plain black and then the blindfold that we all wanted is this beautiful one i'll just put both on top like why not no honestly the black one is kind of tiny bit more comfortable so i like to have it underneath the other blindfolds too um so i'm blindfolded i have game audio i am good to go and yeah it will start in three two one go all right what's up everyone and welcome to super mario 64. my name is charliebrown64 and i'm super excited to commentate bubsy's blindfolded 70 star run today so of course bubsy won't be able to hear us during this run so he can focus a little better and so he won't be doing too much commentary himself but we want to thank you all so much for giving us this amazing opportunity today we're all really excited about it so you may have already seen bubsy has blindfolded 16 star run before but in this run there's a lot more stars to collect and a lot of really sick strats to cover most of this stuff has never been seen before in a marathon so you guys are really in for a treat today the current world record for this run is one hour and 26 minutes by nabori 56 he's a runner from japan and bubsy's own pb is only about 20 minutes slower in second place with a time of one hour and 53 minutes he recently just got that pb actually bubsie's first ever attempt at this category was almost two years ago and that run took him over five hours to complete so needless to say he has improved a lot since then so the first trick we're actually gonna go for here is the same trick that you see in visual runs it's going to be lack of to skip bubsy's consistency is only about 10 on this but i have seen him landed before let's see if he gets it coming up to the bridge now it's a bit far right oh it was actually so close still a very good try though i have seen him get that before it's really sick when he hits it at the very least he didn't land in the most that's always good now so when doing a blindfolded run you might think that you can just play through the game normally just using the same muscle memory that you've built just playing the game with your eyes but really that's not the case in reality every single input has to be planned out ahead of time and there's really very little room for any improvisation even just the smallest mistake means that you might have to restart you could end up with a huge time loss so the most important thing to figure out in this run is a balance between both speed and consistency with consistency being the most important aspect especially here in a blindfolded run so with that being said um there's a few different strats that you can use in a blindfolded run the first one being what's called a normalized strategy so normalized strategies are basically any strat that's done in such a way that the outcome is exactly the same every single time this can include using the notches on a control stick or using a wall or corner to locate yourself in a consistent place in the level these kind of straps are found all out all throughout the run and we're gonna see a lot of them here and so for the first start here we're going up to the bomb king for this fight he's actually going to use the audio cues of the of the bomb the bomb king's footsteps to actually know exactly where he is so for the first throw he actually is going to let the bomb throw him across the stage here and then as soon as he gets up he's gonna do a few back flips wait for the bomb just three steps and that's the first throw and then it's just a repeat of the two of two more throws and that's the fight once again you can hear he's listening for a very specific number of steps there i think that's around four or five steps and then he just has throw very nicely done just one more time and that's the fight and pretty clean so far very nicely done [Music] very good first star 1 out of 70 down and so for the next star is gonna be koopa the quick um it's very similar to the other star except this time we just have to get up a little bit quicker and there's no boss fight of course at the same time we're just racing the koopa so once again we're just going to go and talk to the coop here but before we actually do go up the mountain we are going to open the cannon uh we get three stars here while we're in bob and battlefield for the first time through and then later we'll get the wing cap and activate the switch um so we'll be able to use the cannons later [Music] pretty simple stuff all things considered actually and now that he's opened the cannon she's gonna make his way back up here same as before all he has to do here is just basically hold forward and then just time the long jumps and then the specific number kicks up and then he's up and now from here it's pretty much the same once we get to the top of the mountain we're going to be just waiting for the koopa so while we wait here this is actually a good time for some donations i think i think i can get you set up with a few let's take a 250 donation from it's me that says let's go i've also got a 35 donation from super mario seeing eye dog that says woof and markway family sends in 25 dad joke time what is mario's favorite web browser yahoo let's get super mario brothers 3 to 100 good luck to all the runners we're just waiting you're even get a couple more in all right we go giant sends in 55 there once was a plumber in red a cake he would like to be fed but first he must fight against bowser a fright while a blindfold is upon his head [Music] all right so for the next star this is actually the first star that you get a lot in visual runs uh we'll be doing behind the chain chomp skate this is also a star that's done in 16 star so once webs has set up the camera here very nice he's gonna just go straight forward here and locate this corner and defend the fence over here this is just again an example of a normalized strat from right here he knows exactly where he is just from hearing the shuffle and then once he's in the corner here he's gonna actually use the game's fixed camera option which is something you don't see often in many visual runs pretty much at all so once he locks the camera in place here he just listens for the chain chomp to jump and then as soon as he hears that he's gonna just walk to the left and make his way into the pole just with the way the camera turns with how it's locked in he just all he has to do is hold left there he's on it very nicely done that's a very clean start right there and then once we get the star that's the ob at least the first time here we do come back here for another time a couple stars oh just a little bit off he's just to find the corner there's the back up he was really close there but always safe to use the back up there very nice all right that's the first three stars involving battlefield like i said we'll come back here for the wing cap stars those will be some very interesting ones but now that we're done there we're gonna go to the next stage cool cool mountain we get pretty much every star here except for the hundred coin star oop having trouble finding the doors there it's actually pretty tricky to find doors but once you just slide on the wall you'll find it eventually but so in google mountain there's a couple of stars that are pretty long to get for example we do get the red coin star but the reason we get that star is because it'll unlock the snowman head star later which is a very short and easy star but first i believe that bubsy is going to go for the slide star uh this star is pretty similar to how you've seen visual runs with you do a sword version of the skip she's going to jump into this tree here and then just jump into the chimney and then once he's here he's gonna turn the camera around and then just jump forward and then once he's on once he's off the slide he has to hold back for a certain number of beats and then make his way into the secret slide don't worry for this race it's not cheating and see it's very important to note there for what he's doing there is actually he's listening to the beats of the music and holding certain directions forward or back depending on what part how many beats he's gone for now these down here just to make it with the door and then the star spawns very clean i have seen him messing up that up before but this is a very good attempt and then just hold up left and there's the star all right now for the next star we're gonna do one of the coolest tricks in entire games you can already see bobby's praying that this works um we're going to race the penguin however to do the race here we're not going to do it in the way you normally see this is a very tricky one to do but let's see if he gets the first try he jumps from the tree into the chimney the same way as before but now the penguin spawned here he's gonna go into this corner and then just talk to the penguin once and then not actually activate the race you'll see what happens so he walks up he actually doesn't go and then he's gonna frame perfectly jump off the off the side of the slide and hopefully if he's done this right when he gets to the bottom of the slide something pretty cool will happen this looks pretty good so far nice first try let's go so what he actually did there was he activated he did a frame perfect long jump to activate the race at the bottom of the slide so he doesn't even have to worry about racing the penguin at all he's basically already down here and he's pretty much already won the race and because we started the race at the end and the end of the slide it actually isn't considered cheating and so it's all legit pretty much here so now once he's found these coins he's made it down that's actually so sick that he got a first try bubsy was worried about this this is already in the beginning of the run one of the hardest stars to actually get so it's really really great that he got a first try that's actually so sick very very nicely done one of the sickest tricks and it's already going super well this is a really good run so far all right so i believe next he's gonna get the baby penguin star if i'm not mistaken so for this star he's gonna jump into the other tree actually slide up and dive onto the slope and then slide back to grab the penguin and then once he's there he's actually gonna go back into the normal cam and then basically do it the same way you do in the visual runs let's see if he gets this this is pretty tricky to do without seeing all right very nice that was perfect actually perfect perfect run and now once the star spawned he's gonna find the corner of the cabin over there to get another normalized spot and then once he's there he just has to long jump off the corner and then he's got the star nice super super clean so far this is really great what he used to do there actually was he would actually jump off to the off to the up up to the left and then just jump off and take fall damage but it's a bit faster when he just does it the way you see in a normal run by just sliding down the slopes all right so next a pretty tricky star this is gonna be the red coin star again this star is pretty long but the reason that we do it is because it unlocks a very short star right after the snowman head [Music] again just very specific setups once he's in that corner he knows that he's there just from the way the walking sounds go he's gonna slide down here and then once he makes it down to this slope here he's actually going to slide here and he's just mashing z there until he gets a ground pound very nice again just finding this corner [Music] very carefully sliding down makes it into the tree that's an intentional tree grab right there so far so good we're already halfway through the star you're shuffling around just making sure he gets these corners right it's very easy to fall here and again i have seen him mess it up here again all this like bob says right now making it look pretty easy but i'm sure if you try this yourself you're gonna see it's pretty pretty tricky [Music] all right very nice jump that's a pretty muscle memory based jump right there but he makes it on pretty nicely i'm in trouble finding the red coin but he'll get it soon oh he's so close oh no he's jumped too far [Music] i think he knows though he knows he's close oh please don't jump off oh no i think he might he's got to find the corner though okay very nice backup that was very good nice he knows exactly where he is that's some very good awareness actually very nice back up and now that he's here he's gonna just shuffle down on this wall until he finds the warp nice very nice a little bit shaky right there but very good he's not alive so far all right and now for this last red right here he's gonna find this wall and then he's gonna just basically hold straight down until he slides into the last red very nice [Music] this is all very good so far very clean just one more long jump nice nice very very nice that was actually so good all right just two more starts to go now i believe next is going to do um walker's work [Music] all right and now for this star we're actually going to see something similar to what bubzia sees if we get the camera right that is and that's actually nothing of course buffy doesn't actually need to see here if you listen closely he's actually listening for the shuffle in the corner so he knows that he's there and then just sets up a couple backflips [Music] and then using some oh this is the wall kick there this is all muscle memory here and very nice this is incredibly clean so far i've actually this is actually some of the best i've seen him play on ironically all right just one more star to go in ccm it's gonna be the snowman head star this is a pretty simple star again this is the whole reason we got the red coins without the red coin star you cannot get to the star he's making his way up to the chimney here we're going past the chimney this time instead to make it over to the snowman head and this is actually interesting a lot of people don't know this this is a strat that was discovered by nabori when bubsy is going down the slope he's actually holding just straight up this entire time he doesn't have to do anything you can even see on the player kim actually no hands just holding up the entire time and this strat just works all the way down [Music] even now still he's just holding straight up and even and once he's down he'll actually be in the perfect spot to leave the snowy the snowman body to where the head is very nice and again that was a strat discovered by nabori all right pretty good very clean ccm that's a very very good start to the run so far [Music] all right and now we have more than eight stars so that means we can go to the first bowser stage so bowser stages there are some of the more tricky parts in the run but it is nice with how the camera works basically the camera only moves in 45 degree angles so whenever he's going in directions he can basically just hold cardinal directions on the stick to be able to basically can pretty consistently get through the stage but that combined with um all the cycles it makes this very pretty difficult to account for basically right now he's listening to the music in stage to know exactly where these rotating platforms are for this part specifically though he just needs a specific combination of movements and he's up but for the next part now he actually has to just listen to the cycles there's a punch see we're going to back up here do a punch cancel run to the left and then just plunge him up this ramp until he finds the next normalized spot which is going to be this crystal right up here once he's hit that once he hears that shuffling sound he knows that he's where he is we just launched this launch of his platform and here he's actually going to pause buffer and then hold up to do a long jump that's very important because it makes sure it's make it's confirming that he gets a full up and puts and that he doesn't get a middle input or anything was in his way that time was playing nice and then we're pretty much through very good dark world all right so now for the first bowser throw there's a couple of different strats here you can use um what nabori actually does is he actually just spins bowser and then does a pause buffer to actually depending on what frame you pause on the whoosh noise the bowser makes will be different and so you can actually do it that way but it's pretty tricky and bugsia can't do it too consistently so what he does instead here is a different strat it's a bit slower but much more consistent you actually just damage boost through bowser and as soon as bowser turns around he's gonna do a remote grab and then just walk him towards the bomb pretty much this is all very nice that remote crab is a weird glitch basically as long as mario touches bowser's tail and he's facing the same direction it'll give him the tail draft it doesn't care if he's actually still behind him or not there's a couple more throws here and he should be able to get it oh it's just like one more this is see you can see the strat's a bit slower than the than doing pro but it's very consistent very hard to mess up and then finally just have to get the key here and that's the first bowser stage very very nice so far i really can't overstate just how clean this run is right now he's doing so well [Music] all right so that's the first bowser stage next we're gonna go into womp's fortress these are all the stars that you would see in the normal 16 star run pretty much we get everything here except for red coins making his way here now i believe the first star he's gonna go for is probably the womp king star that's [Music] right all right and again for this star there's a couple of different strats you can do here there's a recently newer strap where you can actually jump up on the slope to get onto the to where the wonky is a bit earlier that's sort of similar to the video oh never mind i'm wrong he's actually going to do cannonless first oh and he doesn't miss it though i think he's going to back it up with wild blue though my mistake i thought he was gonna do one pink first but no canvas makes more sense oh no he's gonna actually just run off here just try again that's that's that's all right it's not too much of a time loss so it's actually gonna do cannonless first this is a star that actually is done very similarly to um in visual runs there's a very specific setup to be able to clip into the wall and do a ledge grab to grab the star without having to use the cannon and you can actually do it pretty similarly so bubsy's just gonna make his way up here very nice this time and he's gonna find this ledge over here he's gonna keep shuffling till he makes it turn the camera once a couple punches then kick over this piranha plant and now once he does that he's pretty much in position to do the exact same setup that he does in the visual runs he might i think he's in a good position here all right good he's not too far away i thought he was maybe gonna walk over the plank but right here it's the exact same setup you see in the visual run looks good very nice that's very good all right now that stars and i believe we're going to do wild blue this is a star that's again pretty easy to do overall um if you're actually going to get into blindfold spearing this is the star that i think i would suggest you do first so he just grabs this tree here again normalizing his position jumps and then turns the camera once and then as soon as he gets around to this corner he's gonna find this corner here he listens again for that shuffling sound that's how he knows he's in that corner and then just a one muscle memory side flip and he's up very simple very nicely done all right and now i believe he's gonna do the womp king star this is a star again he's gonna actually use the warp that's in the back of the stage over here to get up instead of doing what you would do in normal speedrun and jumping up the slope again this is all a very specific timings here just must membrane here he's just gonna hold right until he finds the corner there in the warp very clean and then he's gonna climb this pole up here and he's basically just counting the number shuffles up here or he can wait for the one up to spawn at the top and that's how he knows when to jump there he counts the shuffles i believe it's something around like 18 to 20 shuffles and then he gets up and now here it's similar to the bomb king fight basically whenever the womp king just stops running um that's when he knows the ground pound like right here as soon as he stops walking like that that's how he knows he's about to fall over so he knows there's a couple jumps to the right and then now for this last one he should be perfectly lined up with the star [Music] and he is very nice this is very clean all right for the next star is a very similar star just the tower star basically the exact same as the womp king except that he's going to just um climb the tower instead this would be a good time for a couple donations it's basically the same star as the last one all right i'm just gonna read and let me know when to quit i've got a hundred dollar donation from echat 70 stars with a blindfold sounds like absolute chaos bring it on i've got a hundred dollar donation from triceratops wow i did not see that coming 50 donation from invictus rex i can't believe what i'm seeing i can't believe what bubsy is not seeing this is incredible 50 donation from dr so mg phd frame perfect trick without sight [Music] all right and so for the last star it's gonna be the owl for that last star right there also you could see he just does a very specific setup he just punches the wall and does a double jump wall kick up it's pretty similar to the last one just a slight variation again now we you you could try owl is blindfolded but it's pretty much impossible so we still use the owl here and so for this he's just counting the owl flaps i believe it's i think he holds right for four owl flaps and then just hold neutral for the rest of the way for i think it's 13 hour flaps and then once he's on over the stars his ground pounds and he's on again slight slight mistake on first attempt for canales but other than that still very good right now [Music] and now we're gonna go back into modern battlefield soon but before that we're going to get two to the stars in the in the secret slide and then we're also going to activate the wing cap before we go back above and battlefield just find the door here and this is enough this is going to be another example of a star that uses beat counting again you can probably be able to see bubsy is going to bob his head to the beat of the music here and that's how he basically knows exactly when he's going to just change directions or change his inputs now he's in yeah you can see he's just jamming out to the music right now and he just knows for exactly with his strats he knows exactly how many beats he has to hold forward for here until he jumps and then holds a little bit to the left and then he's through that's basically just the start and now once he's down he just has to find his way into the corner and then just do a couple i think he just walks pretty much straight right with how the camera turns and get into the box [Music] yep so once he's found this corner again you hear that shuffling sound that's very important just to know how your importance is very it's a very useful tool to be able to find corners that way and we took a couple punches and a run he's just under the box very nicely done all right now we have the wing cap unlocked it is possible to get the red coin star without with a one year blindfolded but it's pretty tricky here and pretty inconsistent so all we really need here is uh just the switch here and just simple as that that's the switch and then for the second star it's gonna be just exact same as the first slide star so again this is a good time for some donations i think get you covered there i have a 50 donation from explosive links this blindfolded 6 mario 64 run is absolutely bonkers great job to the runner for his technical skill and to the commentator for his thorough explanation let's get that demon souls run for more gdq quick update on that we are now over 128 thousand dollars and the numbers just keep flying keep it coming i also have a 25 donation from the shade master if mario uses the internet do you think he has to delete his bowser history i also have a 250 donation from the miffingtons but looking forward to super mario 64 all week best of luck bubsia and thanks to everyone involved for another amazing gdq all right so now we're gonna go back and bob and battlefield for two more stars these stars both involve the cannons and the wing cap that's the reason we're opening them before so this next star he's going to do is what bubsie considers to be probably the hardest star in the entire run if not the hardest star in the entire run he's going to go into the second cannon on the island and he's gonna make a very precise cannon shot and when i mean precise i mean pretty much as precise as you can possibly be so first he's gonna make his way up here and then once he's in the second cannon what he has to do is he has to move the cannon as slow as he possibly can without going over this first cannon shot he just has to go as low as he can and then hold straight down here until he makes up the island but now here he has to do he has to be barely out of the dead zone for exactly nine and a half beats you can already see the nerves are building up he's gonna be very concentrated here he has to go it's literal millimeters of precision here on the stick yeah that was two right there that was too fast for example yes it's just very slowly very as slow as possible it's exactly i think nine units in the game he may not look like he's moving here that's because he again he's just trying to move as slow as he possibly can if he gets his first try this would be absolutely huge that looks pretty good i think that's pretty good and then once he gets here he has to get the right input here nice nice nice nice let's go that is the hardest star in the entire run and getting it first try after after he's sick just have to get it up here nice that's actually so good this run is very good right now it's actually insane all right so now for the next star involved in battlefield he just has to same as before just get up to the island and then he gets the box on the star on the island so much easier much easier star but i can't oh this isn't the box there that's all right i really can't believe that you got that first try that's actually so huge [Music] all right just same as before mario kim was and of course in visual runs it is possible to do this without the cannon but it's again a very visual base trick to do it's called sky jump right here just makes it up on down the same way and just right to the start very nice this is again just such a clean run it's really cool to see this and so with that 18 stars that's all the stars we have to get in lobby now so next we're gonna go down to the basement and so the basement is a bit tricky with how the movement works um unlike up here in the lobby where the camera stays in a pretty much fixed position already here you're gonna see oh and he messed it up here this is this is what i'm talking about the camera basically follows mario constantly behind him while he's going here so it actually makes it pretty tricky to navigate around makes it through without too much mishap though but so yeah for the first star here we're gonna get uh the rabbit this is a star that we get twice here once when mips spawns at 15 stars and the second time when he spawns at 50 stars we come back here later once we have 50 stars so we can get the next myths so he's just gonna learn into the corner over there and then he once he's once missed in the corner he's gonna make his way up to the opposite corner and then just use a very specific camera setup to be able to grab mips let's see if he pulls it off this looks good so far this is all very consistent bubsy has practiced this very thoroughly trying to get a character oh no though he actually messes it up i cursed him he's a bit lost you might have to reset here yeah this again just because of how the camera works it's very tricky to be able to actually just know exactly where you are and so he's gonna have to try one more time you look good for a second i think he may have missed a punch on the wall to be able to make him to the right spot i think he has to be a bit spaced out from the wall if i'm not mistaken not too bad though that's about i want to say 30 seconds of time loss assuming he can make it in pretty quickly might be a bit more of course bubbia does know all the backups for the stone though to be able to make it back into the basement so it's not too bad make sure he goes with the right door [Music] here all right and we're back in the basement he has to open the door again of course and also of course he is saving after every star it is possible to game over in these runs especially with how inconsistent some of these tricks can be it's not bad though i'm gonna give another go all right same before he's gonna make his way to this corner a little bit further right this time but it shouldn't be too much of a problem once the camera turns i believe he'll start getting a faster walk yep and then as soon as he gets that faster walk he knows which way the camera's pointed and let's see if he gets the setup the second time he's around the corner and there's the punch and this looks much better now this is the camera that he wants and once he holds down just dives into maps this should be it nice all right good second try very clean all right without too too much hassle he gets mips second try isn't too bad this is the first i'd say made like the sort of major mistake in the run overall very good still though next we're going to go to shifting sandland we get two stars here uh the first start we're gonna get is the bird star both of these stars involve getting over that sand dune over there which for bubsy in bobby's casey's gonna use the crazy box it is possible to do both these stars without that but it's just a bit more consistent this way and this is the strat that bubsy prefers now he's gonna make his way to this pillar here this is pretty tricky here that that's all muscle memory right there to make sure he gets up to up on the pillar and once he's up here he's basically just gonna spam ground pounds until the bird runs into him this is a bit random here i missed the first one let's see if he gets it oh no he just barely missed it come on i think he'll be fine oh no one more oh no i think he's gonna have to wait now oh it's so close this is again one of those things that's just very difficult to get it right close oh come on yes he's just trying to get a different timing now to make sure to try to get it [Music] oh it's so close when you can see it you might think that oh he's just right there but i mean like he's completely in the dark here and this is this is unfortunate here it's pretty much random whether he gets it or not it's so close dude almost there oh there you go he did kick off unfortunately i think he might be able to get it no he has to restart he has to start with that kick he actually was into a spot where he doesn't know exactly where he is we have to try again that's unfortunate too bit of a time loss no problem though it's going to try again this is a pretty tricky star force again this movement to get over to the pillar it's pretty hard and what's also hard about this stage and also with the loveland is there's no beat counting in the music pretty much it's a very like rhythmless kind of music until about a minute in so you can't really rely on b counts either there it is much better this time bubsy's shaking his head at that so is the bird but pretty all right so far all right and then for the next star in shifting sailing the last one we need here it's gonna be just the top of the pyramid star very similar to that star it's just that we get it once we get over with the crazy box we just have to go for pyramid it's a slightly different camera also same side of the before just to get to the crazy box different camera this time though once he's up i believe he just has to hold straight up to slide down and then just two long jumps and he's up there all right very very clean nice nice job nice job all right and we do go into lethal lava land eventually but we won't go there until after we're done with upstairs so what's just so when whenever the 50 star myth spawns so instead now we're gonna go into hazy maze cave and get pretty much all almost all the stars here we get all the same stars that you get in 16 star plus a couple of extra and i believe the first star is gonna go for the elevator club star this is the star that you see in 16 star and so for this stage he's gonna employ again the lock camera a lot for this main room here the camera follows mario in some very strange ways so as soon as he walks into this room he already has r held and so he just knows exactly where he is he's able to just get a lot of more consistent angles and now for this he's gonna do the elevator clip this is very similar to how it's done visual runs except instead of lining up visually he just does a setup like that with with um timing with the elevator to make it down very clean very nicely done and now next i believe he's going to go into that same room and do the christmas miracle star also known as the metal head star once again she's using the lock camera this again just makes sure that uh the camera doesn't turn around for where mario is it just makes it a little more consistent now once he's in here he's gonna do again something very similar to visual runs he's gonna set up a triple jump wall kick here this is again a very tricky jump this is all muscle memory right here with this jump he's basically going to just like spam a for a lot of it to be able to make this jump get the timing down with the double jump first oh no he misses it he'll that's not bad though he'll just have to go back out back in and out of the room to back it up he missed the door actually though once again finding doors very tricky in this game when you can't see them not bad though you have to reset the camera and try again there's a setup again he's gonna try the triple jump one more time nice all right and now he's gonna actually keep the lock camera here though and for a specific number of beats he's gonna make his way onto the switch let's see if he gets it oh and he just misses it it is possible to hit that on first try but he does have a backup for it in case he misses it which in case in this case he has he's a little bit far right here so he just has to kick off the wall and just locate where he is now he hears water when he kicks off so he knows he's pretty close he has to move a bit further to the left i think it's going to take one more after this one yeah still just a bit far to the right i think just one more oh he's actually going back right i think he he might think that he's that oh i think he thinks he's too far left actually i think he this might cause some problems but now he's back on ground so now he knows now he knows where he exactly where he is he's going to shuffle all the way back to the right try again until he hits water this might work he might be a bit far right though no it's good all right very nice again just confirming that's another example just a normalized strat he's making sure exactly where he was because of course when we can see we know that he's too far right and because but i'm thinking that when he hits water he's gonna just know that he's there but of course he's he's assuming he's too far left there so he moves all the way to the right until he finds ground very nicely done that's very good awareness all right so i believe next he's going to go and do the toxic mace star this is another star that's only done it's only done in um 70 star for blindfolded this isn't done in 16 star he's going to make his way over here to this other side of the room he's going to do a double jump wall kick up and clip through this floor right here to make it up this is also something that's kind of done in the visual run and so once he's here he's gonna make his way down through the elevators and just make it to the star uh this is pretty simple from here for the stars this is another good time for some donations absolutely we are getting a lot of love for this run and we're getting a little bit of love and donation for him too i've got a 250 donation from meg and orjon this is so impressive thank you so much for all the incredible runs and the difference y'all make in the world let's go i've also got a 50 donation here from froge my fiance and i have had some of our favorite memories playing mario 64 and its many mods so runs like this make us especially fond michelle i know you're writing right now but i'd never let that stop me from embarrassing you love you and mario 64 a whole lot and i have a 250 donation from maya like papaya i'm so proud of the work that all of you do for this amazing cause a special shout out to my favorite host and prize gnome the kids and i love you and love watching you love you baby i love you too baby kiss the kids for me okay oh yeah that's my wife oh that's like she's so great all right so you'll notice for what he did right there actually if you miss you missed it he actually is still unlock him but what he did was go into the sea upcam while still unlock him that allows mario to turn the cam to turn the camera while he's standing still and he's able to find an actual different position for that star that's again a very just niche example of using the lock cam you're never going to see that in pretty much any run outside of this again just very nicely done just one more start to get here in hmc it's just going to be the rolling rock star and once again this takes advantage of the lock cam once again um in this case it's actually rng oh no he actually fell that's a bit tricky there he just didn't mash a little fast enough not too bad though just about a 20 second time loss again still a very clean run so far overall what all right so for this right here the boulders that fall on him are actually rng whether they go left or right let's see if he gets some good luck right here all right and it's good but if he does get hit here the lock can make sure that the camera doesn't turn behind mario again which makes it a bit more normalized so now that he's through he has to find the corner bring the camera over and then just decide football kick up and that's it very nice and that's all of hazy mace cave all right and now next we're gonna go into a pretty cool start of the vanish capstar but before we do that i think we're actually going to get what's probably one of the hardest stars in the entire run look at that look at the amount of technicality involved in this star look at how much precise movement he needs to get on that and so close and he got it very nice very clean star so far that's a really tricky star to get all right but now we're gonna go into vantage cap again he has to navigate through the basement again this movement's again pretty tricky just because of how the camera works the um the camera just follows mario this whole time so he has to make sure he knows exactly where he's going again this all probably looks pretty simple visual to do visually but when you can't see it it's very very difficult and then once he's through this water he's going to just make it to these pillars and he's going to turn the camera in a very specific way to be able to make it on the second one goes into mario cam c up and then goes back down to breaking it out very clean though all right and now once he gets through um he's going to be able he's going to go to the vantage cap star this is another star that's very tricky very cycle based and he's going to listen to the music of the stage to know exactly where he is in the cycle we're also going to see some swag tricks if you hopefully he's going to get it all right all here again he's using the b council advantage cap music to make it down you can again you can see him bobbing his head here so he knows exactly what cycle he's on we're not cycles right he just knows exactly where to go but once the music stops that's when he listens to the cycle and when he and judging by when the music is he knows exactly what cycle the platforms are on so he knows exactly where to go oh no he didn't invis wall that's actually very strange i've never seen that before he's gonna have to restart here this is fine or is it fun you still find again just because of the fact that he knows what what cycle he's on here he's gonna be able to back it up fine that's actually so holy as if i backed this up dude i've never seen that invisible before that's actually so rare this is a great backup though all right he's on a good cycle now he's gonna make it through and now for this platform right here he's actually gonna not hold anything at all here just let him slide on to the next platform that looks pretty scary but he's not even doing anything there all right a little bit of a mishap but a very good backup all right and now he's gonna go for the siglemic this is again very tricky to do but if he does get it it'll be absolutely insane he has practiced this before but he needs a frame perfect input let's see if he gets it [Music] dude oh my god that's a that's a first frame wall kick and one frame input without seeing that's actually absolutely insane that doesn't even save time he's just doing it for swag that is so amazing oh my god this is absolutely insane i cannot believe this all right now to we're going to calm down a bit we're going to go into bbh this this is a pretty simple stage here i actually oh my god i can't believe you actually just got that that's actually so good oh you missed the boo that's fine you just have to wait for him dude i can't get over this i can't believe that he just got that he has been practicing yet he's still smiling i'm still smiling oh my god all right so bvh this is a pretty simple straightforward stage it's actually about it i'd say about as boring and blindfold as it is in the visual run very simple stuff here the camera's always fixed in a simple a single location so it's very easy to just normalize everything this star again very similar to just how it's an individual run only difference is you just have to find some setups with the corners it's all looking pretty good so far again this is a very straightforward one gets hit by the eyeball there that shouldn't be a problem just to find the corner here gets hit by the eyeball on the way back too oh yeah this is pretty clean so far all right very nice again very simple stars here it's very easy to just normalize all of this it's very similar to the castle lobby in fact it's like how all these individual rooms are i think he's a little bit far forward though on the boost air no he's good though he adjusts back i was worried that he wasn't going to make it on the stairway but now it's pretty good here [Music] and as simple as that he's on the star very nicely done and again here i believe we get every single star except for the hundred point star very nice entry they're much cleaner this time i think next he's gonna go for the merry-go-round star but i could be wrong i forget what order he does here exactly but now it looks like he is going to all right again this start again pretty similar to how it's done the visual run you just have to make your way down here and kill the booze it's it's not really anything super special but the one thing different is here that once he he's actually just gonna make his way across this room here and then once the boots spawn he's just gonna basically spam ground pounds until they get to where he is so now he really doesn't have to think about it at all he's again just waiting for these boots to come to him and he's just gonna spam the ground [Music] pretty simple stuff this is probably another one of those stars you can probably learn blindfolded if you really tried [Music] it's still pretty nice to have this little calm before everything's gonna happen especially after that and right before all the stuff in upstairs and fire see it's gonna be pretty crazy stuff coming up but in the meantime the next two stars are pretty are pretty simple so i think this is a good time for some donations sounds good just let me know when to quit i've got a 250 donation from andrew mcfarlane mario 64 blindfolded madness burgundy sends in 100 mario games are unforgiving especially blindfolded there's not much room for error i heard that shotgun pete sent in 100 that blindfolded cannon shot i don't even play the game and i dropped my jaw sick dude my favorite part of the summer is always sgdq i've got a 125 anonymous donation watching with my husband and our dog scallion even if i tried the 70 star route without a blindfold i wouldn't be able to do it this fast also mr game and shout can you let scallion know he's a good boy he'd love to hear it from you uh yeah hold on scallion who's a good boy you're a boy oh yeah one thing i will say though before about the star though the only above is having a bit of trouble getting this eyeball but i think he might be able to be fine the only tricky really tricky part about this star oh no he's off though he might have to restart this the main tricky part about this star is that if you miss the wall kick going up to the mansion you're actually gonna make it a bit it's gonna be a bit harder to make it through the painting in time all right he still knows where he is though oh it's actually strange how this is happening though i'm actually not exactly sure what's going on here basically just to run around the eyeball i think he's going to try a pause buffer to get around with these specific directions that's how you used to do it at least [Music] all right there it is all right bit of a mishap there but not too bad pretty pretty pretty well done i think that's all i wanted to say for that star the next two stars ain't all so good for some donations awesome uh let's take a 500 donation here from peach's danny excited to be watching another wonderful gdq event looking forward to the mario 64 and mario 3 runs absolutely and a quick update on that mario 3 incentive we're still working on that upgrade to 100 we are just over 33 000 out of 75 000 that we need so uh not quite halfway there but still moving keep them coming ray sends in fifteen hundred dollars pulling out the guns to donate on behalf of members from the video game vinyl collectors facebook group as audio cues are important to bubs audio appreciation is important to us at vgbc putting this towards the mario 3 upgrade to 100 let's go nef sends in seventy dollars here's 70 stars i i mean dollars because this run is utterly stellar and inspiring as a games designer hearing what cues bubsy is using to be able to navigate the environment without sight has been so informative and i hope i can take these learnings into making future games more accessible for players who for whatever reason are not able to see the screen good luck with the rest of the run bubsia mothman sends in 250 we are watching the dark souls of mario 64 right now i would like to watch the dark souls of the dark souls series let's get that demon souls run and checking in on that as well we i keeps climbing just short of a hundred and thirty seven thousand dollars bubzy's having a bit of trouble here he's got hit by the eyeball i think he knows where he is though yeah they pushed him back in what a jerk the eyeballs are not being kind of bugs yet today that's a very strange thing happening there besides that though pretty clean reds overall [Music] again most these stars are pretty easy to practice everything because it's all compartmentalized into the rooms that's a pretty cool jump right there that double long jump throw through the box it's very nicely done all right i believe there's two more starters to get through here they're both pretty quick stars again like i said this this stage really is about as boring as it is in the visual run there's not really much too much to talk about i'd say but again it's a really good calm before just everything that's about to happen [Music] yeah sure go ahead no go ahead go ahead okay uh 129 dollars from imac hats are red overalls are blue you'd think he can see but bubsy has tricked you and beautiful james sends in 250 with a comment we're all thinking frame perfect wall kick while blindfolded we're not worthy corvallis wolf sent in 70 this is nothing short of amazing donating one dollar for every star that bubsia doesn't see top gun sent in 250 just turned on the stream to see a man playing super mario 64 blindfolded is this real life it is very real life it is very real life [Music] also charlie i don't know if you noticed but people are loving the commentary on this one man oh really yeah no you're really helping us make sense of what's going on here like my head is spinning well thank you i really appreciate it it's all honestly like pretty simple stuff like once you like i know bubsy even claims that blindfold spiriting is way easier than people make it out to be we're really trying to look for more runners and more people like try even just one star doing this you'll see that it's not actually too difficult in a lot of cases but all right now that we're out of bbh everyone who left the stream for the boring park now come back very important all right and now we're going dire to our docks we just need two stars here so water in this game is very tricky with blindfolded stuff just because it's very hard to normalize since vera to know exactly where you are because like normally in this game whenever you hold right mario just goes directly right or directly when we hold left he goes directly left but in this in water he always turns at a very specific timing so it can be very difficult to know exactly when you have and where you are i've seen bubsy get lost here before but if his setups are all good then you should be able to make it through pretty easy this looks good so far again i have seen him get stuck in this tunnel before though and if he does get stuck here it's not too bad though he's just to exit course in 16 star it's worse because if he does exit course he has to do mips clerk again but here it's not too too bad all right he's made it up he's looking pretty good so far and of course there's two stars need to get here it's going to be the vanish cap star and also the sub the submarine star i believe he gets the vantage cap star first this is also very tricky because he has to swim into a very small box down at the bottom of the stage and basically once the vantage cap runs out he finds a corner while under water and then makes a specific setup to get up to the star just a little bit more forward and there you go but again like this is again like you can see he's finding corners here using that sound cue right just with the shuffling sound but when he's underwater he's pretty much completely in the dark just to go by basically just the amount of swims that he has the amount of like times he's going this all looks very good so far though and once he gets down here we'll see the setup i'm talking about once the vanish cap runs out he's gonna swim into this opposite corner and then just i believe hold down left for a little bit to swim up into the star so he swims until he finds the corner again he doesn't actually he just knows he's in the corner because of how many times he's swimming he doesn't actually he can't hear it there and they're almost missing the star but very nice that was a very clean star overall [Music] all right and then for the second star it's pretty much exactly the same as the first one from daradara docks you just once again another good time for just a couple more donations while he makes his way there sounds good killer gummy bear sent in fifty dollars how is this possible i walk into walls in real life when i can see where i'm going i had to show some love for this incredible run i feel that uh 250 donation from to raven the glamorous 120 star run got me watching gdq every year and seeing bubsia pull off swag vanish cap makes me so happy shout out to my wife and kids watching with me love you guys bt sent in 350 i've heard a lot of talk about five dollar trains on here well i'll do you one better five dollars for every star bubsia is about to get in this absurd run i miss being able to donate it the last two gdqs due to a covet layoff but now that i'm financially stable again i'm glad i'm able to resume contributing in addition to msf an amazing cause this donation goes to my girlfriend claire an aspiring nurse and the love of my life thank you to the runners and crew for putting on a terrific show all right now for this very setup here again pretty simple these backflips for example are all the same exact same distance they're all just neutral backflips so which is some backflips after finding the switch he's a couple left long jumps and that's the star all right and so with that done now we go into the second bowser stage fire c again very heavily cycle based star probably the most like heavily cycle dependent star in the entire run so what bubsy's actually gonna do is he's actually gonna wait for a little bit until a certain cue in the music for him to go it is actually possible to just go immediately but it just makes it a bit more harder you'll see so he just long jumps up here and you'll see once he gets to these first platforms they're already rising up to meet him and so that just makes it easier otherwise if you just go directly you have to just mash a as hard as you possibly can to make it up so it's just a bit easier this is so far it's pretty good all right and now for the second level we're gonna have a couple of secret strats you guys aren't allowed to see this only buzzy knows how these work [Music] he only has to listen to it though so don't worry sounds pretty good so far and just like that he's up and again just because just from listening to the music and from bobbing his head with the b counts he knows exactly where he is right now he's very just locked into all the cycles in the stage it's very important that he's able to do that and very impressive so after he's up he just finds his corner here and then just centers himself with what the last rising platform then just long jumps across and then after he's through this poll uh that's all the cycles he has to worry about and then finally he just has a wall kick here i have seen him messing up this up before yep and second try i've seen him lose time that before but he's gotten so much better at that wall kick recently it's very good to see very clean fire sea overall pretty simple actually all right and now for the second bowser fight this is pretty similar to how the first one works with the remote tail grab but he's actually going to do two of them this time with two damage boosts so here's the first one as soon as bowser turns around he's gonna be able to grab him let him go and then he's gonna do one more damage boost and just make it around this all looks very good so far all right that was pretty much a perfect fight very clean fire see this is now we've reached the halfway point of the run pretty much from here we have a lot of stars to go upstairs a lot of very tricky stars but also some very cool strats coming up [Music] there is i actually don't know if bubsy's on pb pace here or not i want to say the time loss that he had in ssl with uh mips and also with the bird might have that definitely lost him at least a couple minutes but this is again nevertheless just a very good run all right and so the first stage we're gonna go into is what dry world um this stage again just a very interesting strats it uses a combination of pretty much like the next star we're going to see it uses a combination of pretty much everything we've seen so far it uses normalization uses beat counts and we're gonna just see it all combined together here for a very cool strap it also has a bit of muscle memory mixed in [Music] we start here by breaking this box and he's gonna jump up here with the triple jump that's a muslim triple jump he's using a beat count right here to know exactly how long to go up that slope that's very important by using the beats the music and then once he's up here he's going to normalize on these walls right here to make it onto the switch all very specific strategies and very interesting stuff and then just a few backflips up here and he's gonna make it up to the elevator and then once he activates the elevator he's actually gonna do it in a very specific way so he walks down to this ledge here and grabs the ledge first and then he's gonna turn around and punch off the ledge and do a punch cancel into an instant dive to be able to get this like right here he punches right there then instantly dives back with the elevator and then he's able to roll out and make it down as fast as possible now once he's in the cage he's gonna do a forward backflip to make it back up and now he just has to listen for when the elevator's done and then he's on the star that's a that's one of my favorite stars i think in the entire run it just combines pretty much everything that you've seen so far into just one single star very nicely done that was very clean [Music] all right next we're gonna do mid mid height i believe next is gonna be the top of the town star [Music] again kind of similar to the first one he's gonna again use another b count here he's actually waiting here for the music to start having beats there with that little club in the back and then once again just same as before he's gonna normalize on these walls make it up to the switch yeah yeah yeah and then once these zombies gonna again just do the same backflips and then triple jump over to the moving platform this is again pretty muscle memory based but above these practices so i'm sure it'll get us oh no i cursed him again that's just a retry dang that's unfortunate but it's not too bad that's not too too much of a time loss [Music] we have one more try here don't worry missed the slide kick in he'll also find the painting he does have the backup board he's actually gonna go for low height now so i think he's actually gonna try a different star here yep so he's gonna just go for a pretty simple start here to the shocking arrow lifts this is one of the easiest stars in the visual run and and probably one of these ones in blindfolded too you have to find this warp here and make your way over the box only risk there did you get burned but he did avoid it thankfully very nicely done all right now i think we can get another try at that other star let's see if he gets it this time again those triple jumps one of the trickier parts of this getting just perfect side flips and perfect triple jumps very tricky in these runs again like normally those are heavily visually reliant but here it's all just muscle memory again you can hear he's just waiting for that beat count and he holds up then up left then back up again just for like i think one or two beats at a time to make it up that slope all right same as before just the same backflips all right now let's see if he gets this triple jump all right there it is now we just have to hold right on this platform and then he's up on the star with a bit of adjustments but he's been here before he knows what's happening all right second try not bad we haven't had anything worse than a second try so far so again this is a very good run especially for a marathon just all things considered [Music] all right so now for the last star this is a new star that's been added into the run i forget which one replaces but this is just a new star it's a bit more consistent than we had before it's gonna be the uh vanish capstar here again this is kind of tricky with how the water works again it's just very hard to tell where you are generally in water but just from the number of times he's swimming he knows pretty much exactly where he is and then once he's here this is again i was talking about the turning he has to he has to pause buffer after he's done with this turn for again a specific number of beats that's pretty much the only way he knows exactly how long he has to turn there that's very tricky to do then after that he's just holding up right here for a certain number of swims until he finds this corner and again really you just have to hope here that you're that you're in the right place if you miss a swim or if you just like miscalculate where you are it's very easy to get lost in these situations all right now that we're over here he's gonna now the water down it's a bit easier to find yourself to where the box is and then once we get the vanish cap box we're gonna once again use the fixed camera for another really cool strat [Music] there's another one those secret strats only bulbs you can see this but see if you can listen along if you listen really closely you'll be able to see exactly where he is or here rather there's one triple jump ball kick and there's another one did you guys hear it very nicely done that was another very clean star all right and that's what dry world all right and next next along we're gonna go to tiny huge island only three stars to get here one of the stuff one of the star is very easy just the top of the mountain star however the other two stars in this in this stage make it probably the most stressful stage in the entire run secrets ends with a very tight jump against a muscle memory based jump and then we have the piranha plant star which is kind of funny because it's one of the easiest stars in visual run but it's very easy to mess up in blindfold all right to start we're gonna do the top of the mountain star top of the island which whatever when you call it again just a pretty simple movement to get up here he's going to go all the way to the right here to this corner so he avoids the chuck yeah it's just a boy getting grabbed there and with how the setup works he knows he's gonna avoid that pretty much every time and then after that we just have to make her way over here mario kim find this corner again [Music] again he's just walking very slowly here it might look like he's not moving there but that's just because he's moving the stick so slowly that he wants to make sure because if you run too fast then you will actually just run off but once it's on that ledge it's just some backflips to get up and that's the star [Music] pretty simple right all right very clean next we're gonna have two very tricky stars [Music] it is very possible that he could lose a lot of time here but hopefully he gets it pretty clean [Music] first i believe he's gonna do secrets again this is a this is um the actual star itself is pretty simple again just a bunch of normalized movements and finding corners here to get where he is it's really the last jump that is what makes this so tricky and if he does mess up the last jump he has to restart this whole thing and so it's gonna lose a lot of time that's what makes this stage so stressful it's looking good so far this is all part of the plan just pause button until he finds that for this next secret he's going to double jump wall kick up to find us after he gets his corner oh he takes a burn that's all right though he's still in the corner and again he's just here's that shuffling sound so he knows he's in that corner and then for the last secret this is a pretty cool movement here he's going to do a side flip up and then just jump up until he makes it onto the onto the bridge right there and then just one more kick kick up and then you should be getting it all right that's the last secret now you really gotta hold your breath for this jump i know buzzy is and oh he was early oh but he's good though very nice that's actually so good that he got a first try that's a i can tell it's a huge relief for bubsia very nicely done that was a very clean secret star we're not done in the stage yet though next is again the prana porn star oh he bonked on the painting he's still fine though i think he knows where he is does he know where he is i don't know all right he's good he's good in the castle like that it's again very easy to get lost with how the camera works and so if he gets lost there he has to basically just reset the game and try again narrowly avoiding that time loss though all right before this star what makes it so difficult is again there's just no really many not really many walls to normalize on and this slide kick right here it's kind of arbitrary how far he slides and if he doesn't slide far enough he's actually gonna miss this piranha but thankfully he didn't miss it so this looks pretty good so far all right i think he's pretty good here there's pretty much no way he can mess it up at this point all right this is a very good t-h-i this is again some of the cleanest [Music] it's gameplay amazing to see this i'm i'm even i've seen this before and i'm still very impressed by it it really just never ceases to amaze me but all right speaking of amazing once again we're going to get one of the hardest stars in the entire run he's inching his way over to this toad right now very difficult what he's doing right here very very tricky i think he's almost got it though and nice nice again very tricky star one of the hardest stars in the game frame perfect inputs none of that it's all those in frame perfect inputs got nothing on those kind of stars right there but all right next we're gonna go into tall tall mountain we get pretty much every star here except for hundred coin and for the monkey star that's right he actually used to do the monkey star but he replaced that with the vanished cap star in which dry world it's just a little bit more consistent now for the box star here this is a generally visual star but it is possible to do with the blindfold as you can see again that star is a bit inconsistent to do but bubsy did it pretty easily it's just kind of hard to get where you exactly need to be lined up on the box very good though all right so for the next star i believe he's gonna do breeze next before he climbs the mountain again pretty simple star here just a couple of long jumps to get up to the breeze and then once he's over he just has to jump down to the little indent in the mountain with stars getting a very nice view of the chucky there before we get the star and then should jump down and very nice again he's just using a very simple bead count there just to know exactly when to do that kickback to get him into the mountain right next we're gonna do a pretty cool star i think uh he's gonna climb the entire mountain and get to the star on the top in visual runs you do what's called mountain clip to basically clip you clip into the mountain as the name would suggest and you make it up pretty quickly but it's not really possible to do blindfold at least not easily so makes it a bit easier if he goes this way he's going to go through where the red coins are find this corner here do a double jump up then turn the camera to face mario oh he took a bonk there but i think he might be fine he has to find his way again nice the very simple backups he knows where he is once again he's been here before ooh he might fall again all right he knows where he is now i think oh no [Music] in that case i think he just got a little bit lost it's a bit safer to just try again not too bad of a time loss though not too bad all right sam's before just making his way up here again this this part of the stage it can be pretty difficult just because of how many different slopes there are again can be pretty difficult to know exactly where you are second try i think you should do it though all right looking good this time looking very good behind that wall what oh he gets hit by the mole i think dude i think he is is he gonna restart here i don't know i think he has to i don't know if he knows where he is here actually he might have to restart again i don't really know if there's anything he could have done there either i'm pretty sure the moles throwing the rocks there just random whether they hit you or not oh does he know i don't think he knows yeah he has to restart again that's really unfortunate this is probably the biggest mistake in the run so far that i've seen but over an hour and 10 minutes in this is still pretty good think bubsy may have been on pb pace before but now i'm not so sure still even then though his recent pb which is an hour and 53 um he had a few big mistakes and especially in the early games so out of the early game he was definitely ahead of his pv i would not be surprised if he lowers that very soon all right once again just finding the setup very good so far hope the mold isn't him this time there it is i think he may have misspaced a uh backflip actually is what happened there that's why he didn't make it up on that platform all right but now here is a pretty am pretty tricky part of the run he's gonna try finding this wall here until he clears it over and now he's gonna walk down to this ledge and do a side flip up again he's gonna pause buffer the side flip for both directions just to make sure he gets up very nice but he's not done yet what he's going to do here he's actually going to backflip up do a couple kicks up and then a dive and then he's up on the star very nicely done that was a trick he actually learned in a rom hack it was one of the ozakizo hack i believe and he was able to just figure out this strategy was able to apply to a normal run that's a really cool strat and it's very good that he got a first try all right now for the next star pretty similar to the first one it's the exact same mountain climb only difference is now he just stops early gets the star that he didn't get before so this would be a good time for another vegan nations i think fantastic i got i got a ton coming in okay nice i have a 12 donation here from khan so hyped to see bubsy at dominate mario 64 better than i ever could thank you for the great community you have built and playing games for a good cause let's do some sick tricks and make it rain donations maybe even get that blindfolded blj incentive believe me chad it is a beautiful sight to see you've got this bubbs we'll all be cheering you on but really how does he do it we did meet that incentive by the way so that is coming hempouly sent in one thousand dollars i hope the commentator and host are blindfolded in support of the run thanks for the great event i'm gonna be honest i'm not the audio cues on donations are just way too subtle clinics sent in oh sorry in honor of bubsy i tried to make this donation blindfolded apparently i was trying to put my credit card on the gdq prize page i'll leave the blindfold to the expert this run is incredible all right so now for the last star in ttm you gotta get the red coin star again this is a very tricky movement right here on these mushrooms again there's there's no ledges on here so it's pretty tricky all the time all these jumps right this is again pretty muscle memory based especially that jump right there and this next one looking pretty clean so far and then after he's through that that was probably the hardest part of the star now it's pretty similar it's pretty much exactly the same actually what he was doing with the mountain climb here this is what's really cool about these strats he's able to apply one piece of movement and just use it for three different stars it's very efficient how he's doing it oh he messed it up again but yeah he's having he's having trouble with this the dude of really not the moles and the eyeballs haven't been very kind to him i think he still knows where he is though i certainly don't it's very hard to tell here without seeing of course but good backup good backup all right a little bit of a mishap but he's up just has to hold right here and then he got he got the star all right bit of a bit of a hiccup in ttm but still not very bad third try this being the only the first third try of anything we've seen so far over an hour ten ends very good so far all right now the last stage for upstairs is gonna be snowman's land this is one of the um faster start faster stars in general in all of the stages however they're also very inconsistent the hard part about this stage compared to the other ones is that the entire stage is pretty much surrounded by slopes instead of normal walls and corners and stuff so it's very hard to be able to normalize anything if bugsia misses a jump while he's on a slope it can be very difficult to breathe to find where he is very nice very nice ice star though that's a pretty tricky one that's all again very tight timing with muscle memory with camera timings that's a very fun one though all right so next i believe he's going to do the igloo star we also have 50 stars now that's very good it is actually possible that bubsy has it has forgotten stars before oh no we're doing the bully star actually so for this star uh there's actually a couple different outcomes that can happen this time he stayed on top depending on what happens whether he falls off does a ledge grabber stays on bubsy actually knows what the backup for each of these is and that's pretty simple to get right there if he actually burned he would find the ledge on the bottom and then jump to a certain line and then move left and right to find the star all right now i believe we're gonna go to the to the igloo star this is another star that involves both the vanish cap and also the fixed camera this is a pretty tricky movement right here again bubsy has to jump up the slope and make it over this fence that's very good and then he has to jump up this next slope to make it over if he slides off either of these it's pretty much an instant reset on the star he has to try it again it all looks good though that's very clean [Music] all right now just to make it into the igloo [Music] oh yes see sometimes depending on where mario is during the stutter on that igloo he'll actually bonk sometimes he gets lucky the second time though all right now for this star he's gonna stay in the fixed camera this is another one of those secret strats i was talking about but once again because of how the camera rotates in this stage it's very hard to follow where mario is when you're blindfolded so instead he just keeps a consistent angle here oh no he's getting hit by the spin drift in the back i think i think he's over now though yeah now i think he's over it's so hard to tell when you can't see of course but no i think he's over [Music] yes there it is now he has the vanish cap so he just has to run forward and get gets dark very nicely done bit of a mishap with spin drift but still pretty clean again with that star it's just a bit easier to have the camera in one spot and he just has to listen to the audio cues even with how faint they are he can still just hear them it's all the data he needs really all right so now somewhere started the blue star it's going to be the snowman's head star uh same move to get up again this is just very tricky if he falls here he has to just reset this is all very clean so far so he's not sure whether he fell off or not but hopefully he finds this corner here he just has to walk forward into the corner and low he's there nice all right he's good he knows exactly where he is now again this is all about normalization just from shuffling that corner he knows exactly where he is he still has some doubts i think but we know he's good enough he should definitely know where he is all right now that he's up he just has to do one more double jump and then he's pretty much at the start again just find that ledge there he knows exactly where he is and there's the star very clean very clean all right just one more start again snowman's land that'll be all of upstairs after this we have to just go back to basement to get the second mipster and to get some stars in lethal lava land all right and for now this last star once again using the fixed camera once he makes it over this slope right here oh he missed the jump this is probably a reset yeah see even something as small as that can make it so he has to reset here that's the problem with these slopes because whenever he's sliding off of those it's pretty much random which direction he goes in because he's holding some arbitrary direction and it's hard to tell it's hard to back that up so really the best option is to just exit the course and come back in oh i think he's forgetting the strat of how to get there i think he might be fine though he has to go around this corner all right he's found it but right so when he gets over the slope oh he's bonking on the painting i keep cursing it with my comments area here i think he might have to reset here unless you can find it quickly oh no dude oh this is a huge time last year i think he's gonna have to reset and try again please dude oh it's gonna be somewhere here [Music] oh he's on the completely wrong wall he doesn't know he's going if he can find the door then that's also a good chance but oh he's going past it he has to reset my wii he can't even find the weave all right we're fine all right he's going to try one more time i think while he makes up the castle good time for another couple donations all right and don't beat yourself up too bad charlie you're getting a lot of love here too my friend oh thank you i've got a 150 donation from gray coyle great run great commentary great cause oh this is bad we don't have locked cam um i need to go to bob oh this is actually a problem i didn't think about this either he's going to happen he'd lock him into the store he still has lock him he needs lock him so he has to switch the camera back because of how he reset the game that's actually really interesting i've never seen him have to do this before that's kind of rare all right now he should be fine though he knows how to get back up should be time for one more donation i think i'll take this thousand dollar donation from anonymous this a ridiculously entertaining speed run with fantastically informative commentary is why i watch gdq all right i think we should be able to get here pretty easily this looks good now all right he's in okay so now for this last start here once he gets over the slope what he's actually gonna do is stay in a lock cam and he's gonna use two slopes that are next to the starbox to slide on to basically normalize oh he missed it again that's a really tricky jump again these jumps here are just pure muscle memory here so whenever he it's very hard to get them consistently that's one this is one of the trickiest parts of blindfolded speedrunning but so once he gets over there he's gonna actually instead of using a corner to normalize where he is he's actually gonna slide on two slopes and hold towards the two slopes to find the direction he's in hopefully he can get them back into the stage fine though [Music] all right he just has to get this jump this is again a very tricky one even visual runs i see people mess this up a lot this is a very tricky all right it looks good now all right now that he's over he's gonna again oh no he's kidding me that's really this is oh my gosh now this has to be the biggest mistake we're on what i think probably fifth try now this is a very uncommon mistake i think i don't know if i've ever seen him mess this one up but given again just how insanely consistent he's been on the rest of this it's really it's really crazy that he's been getting this far without any mistakes [Music] so i think he's getting closer you should be able to get it pretty soon just gotta keep trying that's another part of blindfolded speedrunning a lot of these tricks it's so easy to again just mess up there's no room for improvisation at all like any single mistake like this just means an instant reset because in that case the best normalization you have is to just reset the star and just exit force and come back in let's see this time looks good all right that's it and see now he's so he's in this lock cam right so he's gonna hold left and basically just slide on these two slopes until he finds the corner he's in and then he spawns the star from the box [Music] all right and finally we've made it through that's not not the cleanest s cell but still pretty good honestly bubsy's not too happy about it but we're getting through it all right and now we're going to go into the that's all of upstairs so now before we go into tippy we just need to go one more stage we're going to get this next myth star exact same setup as before and then we'll go into lethal lava land and get i believe five stars there again a lot of similar stars that you would see in seven in a 16 star in lethal lava land but we also use them here they're all very fast stars and relatively consistent i will say the hard part about lethal lavaland though and it's one of the trickiest stages in the entire game because there's basically no walls and no ledges in the main area so and any mistake you get means you'll land in the lava and it's again an instant reset on the new star can be very tricky but let's see if bubba gets this mips grab first try this time this is again looking pretty good he's just to make sure he gets the setup right on the corner all right this looks good [Music] all right he's in a good camera now this should be pretty easy whoa oh no he went too oh he can't find the painting all right he's in he's gonna have to exit course again and just try one more time the three things today not being nice and the eyeballs the monty moles and mips they're all giving them a hard time today funny enough that was the first time i ever missed this i think with the correct camera very some very uncharacteristic mistakes from bubsy uh but again given the amount of consistency he has had on the most difficult parts i think it more than makes up for it [Music] oh is he gonna go the right way yeah he's good all right try this out just one more time the setup's good i think he just messed up i think he dove just like maybe a couple of frames too early into mips i think that's what messed him up all right the same setup as before just the punch into the camera turn let's see if he gets it all right there it is second try not too bad again not that big of a time loss feeling pretty good pace here especially into tippy i don't know if this is still sub two hour pace but i think we could get pretty close all right now in lethal lavaland the first star he's gonna get is uh i'm gonna be red coins i think again one of the easiest stars to do visually but it's just very tricky in blindfolded because again on this entire puzzle there's no ledges and no walls to go off of so right there he's keeping a beat count in his head basically to know where he is oh i think he might be lost here this is what i mean he's he's lost here i think he's gonna have to take a death and just try again yeah just something pretty good unless he can find this red coin soon all right there it is he has to he might be on a bad cycle in the puzzle though [Music] i think he's backing it up though that's pretty good [Music] nice backup most of the time there when you miss a red coin like that it's pretty much an instant death instant you have to take a death you have to reset the star but that's a very nice very nicely done there again the hard part about this stage here is the music is very freeform and there's not really much room to do b counting so he has to basically just keep his own b count in his head for that star yeah all right next i believe he's gonna do the bully star the star again pretty simple he's just gonna make it make his way over the bully and then just basically spam ground pounds in front of him until he gets the all kill there's a good line up here he's just going to take a burn make it make his way over and then once he's over he just has to get these bumps and slide kicks oh he actually missed it that was actually crazy i can't believe that worked that was actually very dangerous all right but now he's up here he's gonna just listen for these platforms to start falling and as soon as he hears the fall that's when he jumps it can be pretty easy to die there but made it through without too much issue that was a very strange one that slide kick actually saved him a few ground pounds you got them faster than before i think he was surprised by it all right and i believe next is gonna be yes the wing cap star this is another star that uses fix cam he's gonna just lock the cam in place here so he can go straight up and down and then once he has the wing cap he's gonna basically just superman fly right into the camera until it turns around very nice and then as soon as he's through again it's using the beat count for of the wing cap music to know exactly when he's asked to ground pound there he turns the camera makes himself straight and then just one more flight moves through i think he's high enough yeah and again he knows there to actually hold down there to fly a bit further up that was a very clean wing cap that was very nicely done all right and then finally just two more stars again lethal lava land uh both stars and volcano uh this first star is one that's also actually done in his current 16 star route it's the elevator's horse star pretty simple setup i think overall he just did get onto the poles here once he's in the volcano and then it's a pretty simple pretty simple series of inputs i think this star isn't too too different from what you see in visual runs this honestly good so far this is also a relatively new setup actually the star was only added to his 16 star route i think rather recently and his most recent pbs do have it very nicely done that's a very practice star he's just done it so many times this next star however though i think bubsy actually restrated this recently bubsy has said this this is one of his least favorite stars just because of how much time he's lost in the past it's it can be very easy to just fall down the volcano and just have to retry it again but this looks pretty good so far i actually don't know why bubsy uses this separate setup to get into the volcano in each time it's actually very interesting why he does that but so here he's gonna jump across the lava to make it up halfway up to the volcano and then once he's here he's going to find that he's going to jump up find this wall here and do a triple jump against that wall takes the bonk that's not a problem though he was just a bit surprised by it on some walls like that you can just do triple jumps this was called an unreferenced wall it's a bit complicated but he also used it in the vantage cap star in what drywall actually to get those triple jumps in behind that wall where you can see i think he might be fine here yeah that was very close to actually falling he also somehow doesn't get burned there but he's found that corner he hears that shuffling sound so he knows exactly where he is and then once he's on this pole it should be pretty simple this was all restradded pretty recently i think before we had was less consistent it lost him a lot of time first try on that volcano star though very nice bubsy is looking pretty relieved i think all right and that 60 star is only 10 more stars to go uh we're gonna get four stars in rainbow ride and i believe five in tik tok clock and so just while he makes his way up to rainbow ride i think this is another good time for a couple donations excellent i've got also a quick note we just crossed 1.9 million dollars that is so awesome all right 10 donation from truck tried to do a blindfolded speed run of making lunch just ended up with floor sandwich much respect to bubsia i have a 1 000 donation from twisty may's little passage i just tried to make this 10 donation while blindfolded hope i got it right it was it was close it was very close lbb sends in 250 in the years we've been watching gdq i'm not sure i've ever seen anything as impressive as this blindfolded super mario run shout out to my husband next to me on the couch i love you smoochie pie oh oh all right now we're in tippee a lot of really cool stars to see here a lot of really cool strats at first bit with barely missing that barely not missing that pole grab he's gonna make it up he's gonna do the cruiser star first he's gonna use the carpet here so it's actually pretty simple to get up here first then once he gets up there's gonna be some pretty tight jumps but so i guess while we're on the carpet here this is a good time to say we hit the uh one star goal right or inside the lbl jiggle rather yes we had cleared that one before we even started very nice yeah after this run buzzy is gonna do what's called lobby backwards long jump it's uh just basically the first major escape you see in most of the short categories and even in 120 star um buzzy only just recently actually completed a one star run of this game he did in about 25 minutes so it was pretty slow but it was the first ever it's done and in the future he does plan on returning to one star to lower that time even more which i'm very positive if you will very soon all right now he's up here he's made it down to that pole and this was like the whole point of riding the carpet there just to get to this very specific point and so from here it's um not too tricky actually just a couple of tricky jumps right here [Music] very nice though and again he's going to pause but for a side flip here these pause buffers aren't strictly necessary to get those side flips but it's just a bit easier again it just makes sure that he gets full up and down inputs whenever he's doing a side flip it just makes it a bit more consistent very nicely done though [Music] i believe next he's going to do tricky triangles this is another pretty cool strat he has some some pretty strange movement to get onto the onto the triangles themselves but it works very well for what he's doing the movement on the beginning of this is pretty much the same for every star also okay he makes his way back here and he's gonna long jump across again kind of similar to what you see in the in the uh visual runs and so now he's gonna center himself here with the coins it's actually very important that he's centered on the triangles here otherwise this movement doesn't work so he takes an intentional bonk there and then bludge grabs and does backflips up oh but he knows he messed up i think oh yeah he has to miss no he doesn't really messed up actually i thought this was pretty good he missed i think he missed he messed up one backflip i think he might not have been perfectly centered actually that's unfortunate that's a pretty tricky movement right there he has to like he has to do he has to again just be perfectly centered otherwise i think the angle that he bonks off of the triangle it just moves into the side too much and it doesn't work and just throws off all the spacing i think that's how it works at least [Music] let's try one more time [Music] all right this is pretty good again he's not perfectly centered here all right he made it up this time now he should be pretty good now once he's up he has to find the star [Music] i thought it was too far forward oh he's right under it nice all right second try not too bad again some pretty uncharacteristic mistakes so far but overall again this has been a very good run especially for a marathon especially considering this has just never been done in a marathon before all right next we're gonna do swing in the breeze i believe this is another star that relies on cycles in order to get to the star he has to go across a swinging platform and in order to do that he has to just listen to the music and know what cycles he's on very similar movements with triangles he just launched him to cross but this time he's going his wife instead oh no he actually missed it i think he was too early on the long jump i've actually never seen that before that's a very strange mistake all right though we'll get another try [Music] it's actually so crazy how close he is to not getting the pole there the pull hitboxes are very generous in this game right one more time i think he might have been too early on the long jump that looks much better nice all right and now when he's over here once again he has to just listen to the music right here to know what cycle the platform is on that you swing across here we know he's on a good cycle so it should be pretty easy nice all right not too too bad so far second try on both stars but very clean cruiser overall though which is also good because if he messed up cruiser that would have been a much bigger time loss than both of those stars all right now lost star and ramp arrived jeff get red coins again some very cool movement in the maze here he's gonna go for a triple jump wall kick to get to the first red and if he does get that it'll save a bit of time it is again one of those muscle memory based triple jumps though so it can be pretty tricky if he does or if just tricky to hit in general oh oh i was so close though he was a bit too low i think he may have triple jumped a bit early it doesn't matter though he has a very good backup for this that's such an inconsistent triple jump that it makes sense just have a very consistent backup for this and just like that he has the first red i think [Music] all right again this is again pretty similar to what you see in visual lens he can just center himself using that ground power on the wall there that's also been done a couple times before [Music] and again he's just compartmentalizing all these movements into very simple segments and when you put it all together you get the full star very nice backflip there too that's a really cool strat overall pretty clean besides the triple jump wall kick not bad that was definitely the cleanest star he had in this stage all right now last stage before the bowser stage um we're gonna do tick-tock clock we get pretty much everything here except for a 100 coin in thwomp he also right here is very important he actually has to enter when the clock is still at 12 o'clock so again he's listening to the music here and on that specific cue i don't know if this hits he was a bit late there i think but on that specific queue he has to get it yeah he's a bit late he wants still they'll try again that's not too bad though it's a very tight timing for that he's just listening for a very specific part of the music and when he gets it that's when he knows he's gonna get there in still time [Music] you can even hear you'll even be able to hear it like every time you get he enters the stage at the exact same point in the music i believe first he's gonna go for moving bars if i'm not mistaken the movement to get up on these stars is pretty much the same every time he's just gonna make his way up here these are pretty tricky jumps here to be able to make it up consistently because again just very muscle memory based it's being a muscle memory base he's gonna go for this triple jump wall kick actually this is the same triple jump wall kick that you see in visual runs but he's gonna do it without even having to see nice that's a very tricky again when you can't see it's just like so tricky to get that very nice though this is a clean star so far he's not out of the woods yet though i have seen him fall here just buffering a side football kick there you can't even see it yep oh no he hit the invis wall i think i have seen that so many times from both blindfolded runners and visual runners just hitting that invisible and having to restart that star it's all right we'll get another try [Music] though all right just another try here same movement exact same movements before you'll be you'll see this moving a lot in this stage because it's basically for pretty much every star in this except for reds he's going to be doing this movement to get up we're using the flippers you go for the trip on the wall again you should be able to get this first try again i think oh man oh he missed it though i think he does have a back up for this back down come on oh he's not holding neutral long enough i believe he has to do this troubleshooting wall kick properly you can't hold up the entire time you have to be able to let go of the stick bridge to tiny bit that's a bit better it gives you more height on your triple jump so you'll be able to get the ledge grab oh he bonked though he should know where he is roughly though i think he knows [Music] all right he knows where he is very very good backup those kind even like tiny little mistakes like that can completely throw you off and make it so what was once a very consistent strat is now just complete guess work pretty much that's one of the hardest part from this all right he's gonna get over this time nice he had a bit of a tighter angle that time so he's able to avoid invisible i think and winds up here she does runs in the wall gets that instant wall kick and that's the star all right not too too bad second try isn't too bad a lot of second tries on this but that's honestly pretty good especially considering again how inconsistent a lot of these strats are all right next i believe he's gonna get this three stars um it's gonna be pin the pendulums uh get a hand and roll into the cage these are all pretty similar stars to each other so again i think this is a good time for some donations fantastic i have a 250 donation from kc watching sgdq has become a family event over the years let's go demon souls and quick update on that where are we we are almost to 160 000 on that so a little over 90 000 that we still need to get that added to the schedule keep it coming please i have a 250 donation from a tea tree my partner and i might live over a thousand miles away but these strats are so hyped that i'm pretty sure i can hear them shouting from here all the love in the world to gdq and the wonderful person who got me back into speed oh man he answered a bit early i think i think he'll be fine we'll just take another death here and he should be fine [Music] all right once again that was a pretty good star though on the hand that long jump again is just pretty tricky to get but alright just saying this before it's just the same movement is up so i think again all right uh just capping off a tea tree's donation they're all the love in the world to gdq and to the wonderful person who got me back into speedrunning and encouraged me to volunteer and give back to this amazing community i love you more than words can express i've also got a 30 and thirty cent donation from max w shout out to bubsia for his amazing blindfolded 64 run 16 going on 70 stars wow also shout out to my fiance angie sitting next to me can't wait to marry you love all this love y'all are sharing it's amazing i have a 300 donation from cat had to get my donation in during a game that was a big piece of my childhood seeing someone taking it on blindfolded and doing bit better than i did as a kid is astounding [Music] and a 20 donation from brutal mellow host fam coming out i wanted to try and capture oh man just a bit early again i think yeah sorry i can see them no no it's okay um 20 from brutal mellow i wanted to try and capture the feels of this legendary run through a poem so here's a limerick no way he must have cheated sight bowser as he lay defeated star get the crowd cheered as bubsia appeared 70 star blindfolded has been completed not quite completed yet but we are getting close [Music] [Applause] i don't think bubsy can hear us he's not gonna be able to [Music] we good [Music] here we go all right anyway i think let's continue uh just one more start again tick-tock clock it's just gonna be red coins i do want to say also apparently i've been informed bubsy was actually all almost five minutes ahead of his pb out of tiny huge island i'm not sure if he's still on pb pace right now i think he might actually be because his pb's are currently a 153 so if he does get this then if he does get this pretty cleanly i think that's a good chance wait a second [Music] he forgot he was doing reds i think but no like i think bub's get like if bubsy has a clean bowser in the sky there's a pretty good chance he can pb here i think there's a couple more coins to go here again pretty simple movement here all these stars are very similar and they're also very fast though that's what makes it pretty easy pretty effective for the blindfolded run now what's his pbe if we're keeping an eye out for that his pb is a 153 and i forget what the seconds are oh but it is a 150 it is a 153 so he is pretty far ahead here actually oh that would be awesome fingers crossed i really hope he gets this all right last star 70th star again one of the hardest stars in the entire run hold i think he's got it though all right very nice and that's 70 stars so he's gonna make sure once he hears the text box here he knows that he has 70 stars there has been a couple times here we're on pb pace he's been he's just been like he's actually forgotten a couple stars and he's lost the run because he just doesn't know which stars you forgot but yeah he is very ahead of pb right now i think there's a very good chance if he has clean throws i think there's a very good chance he could pb here all right now battles in the sky very similar to the other stages bubsy likes using this downward camera here it's just a personal preference for what he likes to do i know nabori also does a completely different strat here he actually uses the beats of the music to actually determine when he's actually going to move bugs he does something a bit different here he does more traditional normalization strats but i will say this is a pretty good time to mention um bubsy's current project with this game is actually to do a full 120 star run um currently the number of stars that have been done in this game are a hundred and eight years i don't know how much i'm saying he's trying i think he's sort of one he's probably gonna get a backup one up at the end of this but so uh currently 118 out of 120 stars have been done in this game blindfolded most of them were completed by a runner from the netherlands named 24. um the only two stars that haven't been done yet are lethal lava land 100 coin and died our docks 100 coin but bubsie's current project now is to finish all the stars he currently has done 109 out of 120 stars blindfolded in single star so once he has all of them strated out he has plans to do a full 120 run he expects it to take at least 12 hours it's gonna be a really insane grind but if he does get it it'll be it'll be probably one of the greatest food of all time like seriously all right so for this right here he's gonna get this pull grab i have seen him miss this before but that was very clean again he paused buffers a long jump there just to make sure he has a full up angle and it's very easy to just actually walk off there if he doesn't have full run speed and now for these platforms right here once again he's just going to normalize against this wall and by listening to the music he knows exactly when to backflip onto the platform he's going to line himself right up on the edge here perfect and then as he's when he has the right music you he'll do he'll make the jump very nice again all planned all calculated all right and with that being said i think bubsy is probably just going to get the um the backup one up here you also have to make sure he doesn't get hit by the goombas there is one time when he was on pb pace here and he got hit by one of these goombas and fell all the way down but these gumballs look pretty good these are very friendly makes the one hit for more he's got to punch him or something we're taking jump once the goomba just leaves him alone i don't know i've never seen a goomba that closer that's really funny okay he's gonna go for the one up here just to make sure for safety all right he is like i want almost almost three minutes ahead of his pd right here if he gets these throws he might get a sub 150. it's really close though but all right so for these throws um the first two throws is a setup and he's gonna just have he's gonna actually walk towards the bombs and just get bowser to run towards him it's rng whether bowser jumps or whether he actually runs right here it's 50 50. he had a 50 chance to get bowser to run and unfortunately he had bad luck for hopefully he runs pretty soon though that's another jump that's another bad luck if he jumps too many times and it's also a restart there's the run all right so now it's very similar for the second bomb and um it should be pretty easy but for the third throw is where things get interesting once again there is a pause buffer strat to be able to just grow bowser more consistently but buzzya he just does the throw he basically just listens to the wish noise and is able to um just knowing the throat when to throw it's not as consistent but if he does get this it'll be absolutely huge he paused buffers here to get this to get the grab set up and just hold your breath let's hope he gets it he's just gonna listen to the watch here yes dude oh my god that's actually insane just pv that's a sub that should be a sub 150. that's actually too easy in a marathon it's not over yet he's just to grab the star but oh my god this has actually been an insane run time nice dude oh my god that was insane oh god i can't i don't know if it was a sub 150 or not but it was close i'm watching for the time right now yo isn't the ppe that was a pv guys [Music] it's close to three minutes he can't hear us 149.59 oh my god hello yo you just pb'd 149.59 wait a second i guess i can hear you oh you can't hear us okay no yo hello you just pb'd you did it what really what time is it one forty nine fifty nine sub 150 oh my god just got something that's insane dude i can't believe it you're insane wow nice well i guess oh but there were so many chokes in this run i can't believe this bb this is crazy dude it is so amazing oh my god there was some rough stuff in upstairs but that's so good that you did so well well yeah i mean i'm happy i take a pb any day that's absolutely huge sub 150 dude that's crazy whoa yeah i'm a bit out of like out of breath i need to calm down a bit but yeah guys that was sm-64 um 70 star blindfolded i hope you enjoyed it it was pretty rough at some points but other things but mostly the hard things went everything first try which is absolutely crazy uh and yeah um we still have an incentive going but before that i would like to make some little shout outs [Music] definitely first of all to my good commentator charlie brown 64. check him out he has a youtube channel he makes videos and streams too so big shout outs to you thank you so much i'm just happy to be here thank you also just like the whole blindfolded speech running community big shout outs to you that you pushed this game and many others with me together and also big shout outs to just my general community like i have received lots of support from you guys the past half year and more so thank you very much and also irl peeps my girlfriend my family everyone who supported me big shout outs and yeah if you want to see more blindfolded speedruns like this i stream like four days a week basically blindfolded isn't 64 currently but also other games i stream on twitter tv slash webs here um also on youtube and twitter so yeah if you're interested check it out if not then i guess not but um yeah this this was quite a good run and we still have an incentive going now i guess but correct yeah nice big big big big thank you to you guys to to reach this incentive the money goes all to charity it's all a good cause and hopefully at least i will be able to perform this quite well too so yeah i'm i'm gonna go ahead and reset the console and what we are going to do now is a blindfolded lbj um hello yeah i will again leave the commentary to you charlie brown um but basically we perform one of the hardest tricks in the game blindfolded which is used to skip the first bowser like through the first balls at all but yeah i'm just gonna go ahead and try my best good luck all right all right now that was an amazing run wasn't it guys i really that was so so good he does that but i prepared to save here that was such a good run so much good stuff had to happen a few mistakes a few mistakes and upstairs but overall just really clean beginning really clean bowser in the sky just you couldn't ask for a better beginning and end all right but now we're going to try the first attempt here this might take a few attempts but that's a very good start there let's see if he gets it again you have to so to get this lblg you have to manipulate the camera in a very specific way to turn around to get mario's right angle this looks good oh that's this is actually really good so far oh is he gonna get it oh my god let's go dude oh my god i can't believe it first try okay dude wait a second guys oh my god you're insane you're unless you're a legend oh my god [Music] okay oh my god okay okay guys yo this was this was fast okay oh honestly blindfolded i'll be a try i guess but yeah since i have more time i guess i will explain a bit what this craziness was and what the hell just happened for those who don't know i guess so um wait i'm gonna turn quickly so there's the first thousand dollars here right and i have a sci-fi now with one star only and you need eight stars to get past this door but you can in this corner here that i went earlier you can clip out of bounds here if you do this and from this point you can basically get stuck on an invisible wall which um lets you blj here which is pretty convenient because if you guys know anything about the speed run dljs i used to build like infinite backwards momentum with mario so what we do here is first of all i'm also going to directly explain my blindfolded setup for this so here we go through the door we lock into the upright notch on the gamecube controller since i play on wii and the upright notch has like the perfect value basically to get the correct angle so we count eight footsteps of mario and then on the ninth footsteps we switch the notch to up left on the tens footsteps we double jump or we jump basically so we go like one two three seven eight nine and then in a perfect world we would get in there and then from here we need to be a dre on this invisible wall which first of all we need to kind of adjust here so we just hold right it is completely normalized here after the led script the camera goes always into the same position from here on we can also go the upright notch like it doesn't matter because the invisible wall stops us and we do like a tiny like up bulge just to gain like a tiny bit more distance into further to the wall and then we basically need a long jump inside this pillar we are out of bounds in here and this is at least for me the in the blindfolded uh run the most difficult thing because you need to long jump without getting out without clipping back inbounds which is very difficult and very precise so what i see here is i think charlie brown probably mentioned it earlier too but i see buffer and long jump here which lets me beat count basically the background music and on exactly three beats after the buffer i do a long jump like on the first few possible frames down left notch so i kind of try to do like a long jump here like this then as soon as i as soon as i hear that i got the long jump i have to hit c left here and hold back up right so i don't clip back in bounce the c left is to position the camera be like in the correct position so i can straight up hold here and do the dj and then we well i failed now because i it's a very specific amount of speed that you need and then you can basically clip um through this door out of bounds and what i do then is i have a method of counting c right inputs because i i was back there and just holding straight down which with this super infinite momentum that we have pushes us against another invisible wall and then i just beat count a few like taps with the c right so it positions me perfectly with this there here and i mean i assume at least it was perfect and it was like this but i got stuck back with kind of this angle so like a tiny bit if you can see like mario's head is right left to the door because if you are too far to the to the right here like you will clip inside this door if you have so much speed and then it's basically over to you um but if you have this this kind of angle you can like hold tiny tiny bit from the down notch down right and if you jump two times you lose a bit of speed so you can climb up these stairs and then here you go past this door you just blast through them with all the speed you have and yeah i can quickly try one more time if i get it a second try also first try two for two i doubt it though but this is kind of what this with the explanation of what is going on here looks simple doesn't it [Music] dude it's absolutely insane just how much goes into this like i'm sure you can just hear from that explanation everything this is very difficult it is very difficult every single input is just calculated and just planned out for this entire two hour run that's how much effort needs to go into strating these runs and just how much practice you need to get it right oh that looks good again actually you might get this oh that looks perfect oh you missed the angle though oh but can you get in might not enough speed nice he's still in let's go um i think we didn't have enough speed no he's in he's in oh we didn't have enough speed two in a row guys nicely done oh yeah wow i didn't imagine i'm so good at this it's crazy you're sick dude you're sick you're so sick so yeah um this trick is used in like in the visual speed run you use this in 120 star in 16 star and in zero and one star two and blindfolded of course we don't go for it because it's ridiculously difficult but i have actually finished a blindfolded one star run 2 where i need to do this and then a blindfolded splj2 which is to skip the second bowser doll and i kind of want to also go back to this so if you're interested check it out in my stream in a few weeks probably and yeah that's it i guess what is my next project you might ask with blindfolded sm64 and that's a very good question because i am currently routing blindfolded 120 star which will be absolute hell and just like self torture probably but um i'm currently at like 110 stars routed so we only have like the last 10 left which are only like 100 coin stars in like ddd and stuff so only the really painful ones and my goal is within i need probably like three to four more months of practice or so and then i will go for like a single segment 120 run that's at least my wish so again if you're interested uh feel free to hang out i hope you enjoyed it and i will give you back now to this wonderful event thank you very much for watching thank you all so much what was that what was that did you see that uh okay first off amazing run amazing commentary thank you so much what just happened bubsy just comes in here like oh hey you know the the schedule don't worry about it i'm gonna come in 15 minutes under estimate beat my own pb by like three minutes no big deal uh blindfolded showcase seems hard nah actually it's really easy barely an inconvenience first try what and the donations are echoing that i've got timothy scribner came in with 25 dollars congrats on the pb bubsia 50 from seymour the llama 50 for an incredible sub 150 run jojo's story 250 dollars that super mario 64 blindfolded run was amazing sarig 100 sub 150 good guy three 75 dollars donating the contents of my brain right now and they say i just that was i don't what and just one more a hundred dollars from guardian i will be sending bubsia my bill for repairing my floor it has taken quite some damage from my jaw dropping on it too much during this run yeah you and me both i'm gonna take a breath guardian you get some ice for that please we're gonna take a quick break don't go anywhere we'll be right back all right welcome back everybody i am still catching my breath this is summer games done quick 20 21 online if you are just tuning in yeah wow wow okay yeah uh bubsia just broke the stream that wow okay we're gonna catch up on a couple more donations real quick here i've got an anonymous 150 donation what an incredible mario 64 run congrats on the sub 150 seriously pique zoro sent in 100 i just witnessed excellence in gaming just take my money i've got a 750 donation from anonymous two in a row pog [Laughter] oh i'm still trying to breathe over here gdq would like to thank one of our sponsors for this event devolver digital and death door reaping souls of the dead and punching a clock might get monotonous but it's honest work for a crow the job gets lively when your assigned soul is stolen and you must track down a desperate thief to a realm untouched by death where creatures grow far past their experience and overflow with greed and power coming on july 20th to xbox and pc you can learn more about the game at their website still catching up on donations from that sm-64 run ah and still catching up on my breath seriously y'all that was okay let's take this 140 donation from bz a dollar per star for both the amazing runner and commentator seriously i'll give give charlie brown some love on that one too like that is that was some amazing work helping to make all of that a lot more understandable like a incredible job on the commentary there i've also got a 1 000 donation from an eternal enigma i need demon souls so do you let's go chat and let me look over for the update on that we are at oh still climbing 178 559 out of the 250 000 that we need to get that game added to the run uh or to the marathon rather that is just what is that let me try math a little over seventy thousand seventy one thousand to go on that please keep those donations coming okay i have just gotten word that a good friend of mine is looking forward to talking to y'all as you well know at this point we have prizes and when it's time to talk prizes it's time to go descent take it away boss hello everybody welcome back to summer games done quick online welcome back to scents kitchen it's great to have you here today we're going to be making a little bit of a special recipe a little bit of a family recipe passed down to me it's pasta alla prizes now you see here's the thing about this this dish this dish is great because it doesn't matter what kind of ingredients you have at home if you don't have exactly what i've got no worries you can just follow along with whatever you've got now first off before we get started we've got to do a little mison place get all of our ingredients in one place that's simple it's just a little french word that means we're going to get everything taken care of before we get started get our prizes out now of course if we're making pasta a la prizes we got to start with some pasta and i got myself a nice pot here to boil some pasta in and i know what you're saying scent i you know i don't really want to have pasta in the house right now you know i'm trying to live that gluten-free life i'm trying to live that carb-free life i'm trying to live that starch-free life i'm trying to live that tangerine-free life to which i say you know what more tangerines for me delicious but don't worry i got you covered because if you don't got any tangerines or pasta in the house you could use any number of great prizes how about this scarf 25 minimum donation from andy just come on look at it it is absolutely beautiful it is a lovely scarf here hand knitted it's rainbow road of course we got the banana pin on it that is going to be some extra fiber in this dish that we really need so we're just going to take that i'm going to go ahead we're going to put it in the pot we're going to put the lid on it we're going to stick that in our oven to cook and i know what you're saying scent why are you putting pasta to boil in the oven and well the clear answer is uh if you take a look at this table uh i don't happen to have a stove so we're just making do what we got but that you know what that's perfectly fine so the next thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to take out a baking sheet i know what you're saying right now sen i don't have a baking sheet i've never made cookies yeah don't worry about that you don't need a baking sheet at all you don't got a baking sheet we got a solution for you how about you just replace it with this picture of cool cool mountain from lopez 15 minimum donation super accessible come on it works just like a basic sheet and it looks way better how could you not like that so we're just going to set that down here now what's really important is we got to make sure we layer things properly so we're going to go over to the fridge real quick and get out the rest of the ingredients we have you don't want to get the cold stuff out too early going to ruin the dish now i'm going with the doicum perlers 15 for the entire perler set absolutely lovely and i love the variety you get you know of course you get the starman you get the mushroom you get the fire flower you get the question mark block you get mario and of course you get green mario that is a lot of variety and they are even coasters that means the back is covered in a little bit of poster board there that's just extra fiber that the dish is absolutely going to need you're going to want to make sure you get that in here now my preferred technique is i like to put down a layer of purlers and then we top it with of course a layer of one of our three spicy chickens from sam ingram 15 again that's where i get this from 15 minimum donation from sam ingram you know you got spicy chicken you got cool chicken and of course you got tingly chicken there we go you got all three of the important chicken types and make sure to get those or the dish is not going to taste right remember to layer the perlers in there and then on top at the top layer you're going to want to make sure that you have a lovely nightmare cross stitch from serenade i believe this is also a 20 minimum of donation make sure to get those donations in if you want to win something like this because it's beautiful and you know what it's going to go great on top of this pasta alla prizes now over top of that you want to grate just a little bit of the firelink shrine bonfire make sure to get that slotted in place before you put it on otherwise it's going to be an absolute mess let me tell you like look at that that is absolutely beautiful how could you not love that from a sclera studios looks incredible and it's going to make a beautiful garnish to go on top of our dish now let's take a quick look and see at how that pasta's cooking usually only takes about six minutes or so to finish it up and uh well this is completely raw but also it's a scarf and that is not an oven that is a cabinet you see i am legally not allowed to have an oven ever since what happened in that parking lot don't worry too much about it it's really not a problem luckily i foresaw this happening so i went ahead and i made something ahead of time just so that we would have it ready to go here is of course the beautiful finished product we got this lovely bomb battlefield painting from nerdpop prince 50 minimum donation until the end of the marathon make sure to get those donations in because this thing looks absolutely scrumptious how could you not be interested oh no no not again not again they're not taking me back i'm not going back oh my god boss i yeah i leave you in the studio for like two hours okay it's fine there's still time left in the marathon i can work on this alright everybody we are still getting ready for that next run so while i figure out what i am going to do about the scent situation i'm gonna pass the time by reading some more of these awesome donations still catching up from sm64 i have a 100 donation here from mr keebler this mario 64 run is one of the best i have ever seen on gdq shout outs to bubsia and the excellent commentary helping us understand all of the otherwise random movements
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 381,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Competitive Gaming, Fast Gaming, Fast Run, Hasty Play, Legend of Zelda, Mario, Mega Man, SGDQ2021, Speed, Speedrun, Super Mario 64, Swesome Games Done Quick 2021, Video Games, Zelda, eSports
Id: rKnDj3wMNik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 43sec (8443 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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