Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix by ninten in 3:13:12 - Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Online

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Happy cake day 😊

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/EonandTheStars 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

KH2 is a top tier speedrun game.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/nichtRoxas 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

KH2FM speedruns are definitely my favourite part of the community. BB's non-Level 1 Crit run from 2017 was also super cool.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MindWeb125 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right hello i am ninten and we have kingdom hearts 2 level 1 critical mode any percent uh here today and the first time it's being shown at gdq and i'm joined by spike vegeta and jay hobbs hello hello that's a lot of energy in the room right now i mean the collective thousands of rooms around the world watching gdq right now but uh this is hype uh ninten i'm glad you're getting this opportunity to get to show one of our absolute favorite speed games on the planet it's amazing the journey you go on from someone with no tools to eventually someone with no tool with no stats but a few tools is really really cool so i'm looking forward to this yeah it's gonna be pretty awesome all right so i'm gonna count down from three three two one go all all right two final mix uh to get things started ninten's playing on a ps4 uh that version of the game runs at 60 frames per second which is going to be very important later uh but for the most part all you need to know is that it runs buttery smooth so it'll be nice and and fun and uh we are gonna do our best to explain everything about this game in this short amount of time for you know how much is in this game uh so keep that in mind folks uh even if you don't know anything about the run be sure to tune in what did he just pick up [Music] yeah so right here he at the beginning we're in a bit of the tutorial world right here we are playing as roxas if you as a kid play kingdom hearts one and then went straight into this don't worry we were all confused even if you played the in-between game yeah bit of a tutorial section going on right here and right now nintendo is actually doing some rng manipulation that's right we have rng manipulation in the run so all those hits he did on setzer right there was actually in a very specific order in order to manipulate the rng to help him out with just a couple of fights here right at the beginning uh particularly this dusk to note what hobbs was talking about earlier there were those three bats in front of them you had to pick one of them then 10 took the one that gave him plus one strength that's going to mean something for a little bit oh again level one stats aren't going to mean too much yeah cypher lets you rng manipulate the beginning here which this is kind of the first big reason you do it so that the dusk right there that you normally have to just swing at a bunch and can actually hurt will just instantly take down your health there's a lot of fights in this game that you can end early by losing a lot of health or by some other means and because this is a level one run done on critical mode you're gonna lose health pretty quickly so it's gonna be the fastest way to handle most of those fights uh and in this case you know those those couple of dusts that first dusk in particular it's really useful yeah so here in the rocks this section of the game by the way chad i know i called him set sorry i mixed it up i know so i could hear hops extra hidden i was gonna say yeah but here we are in day two where we gotta do some chores we're going on we gotta make some money and we're trying to do this little skateboard section can we get the sub seven oh my god six eighty six oh six eight six six eight six what an absolute legend right there it's basically your old numbers but just in the wrong order that's great um for now the movement tools are pretty limited and actually tools in general in this game are limited at the moment so you can see nintendo's picking up skateboards whenever he possibly can because they are gonna be the fastest way to move around doing that little mail delivery got him a little bit of money which was enough to progress the story and that's really all that we care about at the beginning here more skateboards to keep moving around as we keep doing things in simulated twilight town which is just a little bit of a kind of tutorial world as spike was talking about earlier now the rng manipulation that ninten performed earlier on cipher not sensor actually continues into this fight with the dusk as well you saw earlier in the prior dust fight he allowed the the uh dusk there the basic enemy to do a bit of a meat grind strat on him take him down there he just had to deal 10 hits quickly enough in that end of the fight now we've got these three dusts here in the station of serenity so he knows that a one two reset one reset one two three air combo will kill each of the dusts so he actually wants to count the hits on the other desks if they kind of get caught up in your prior combos so he knows he can finish it faster the reason why he's not just using the finishers right away is because while they do more damage than a base hit it will also knock them away and he wants to keep them close to effectively keep them in a stun lock now we're playing on critical mode we get some bonus abilities yes so he puts on aerial recovery reactions fishing plus draw and no experience in mph terra uh the important thing to note about that is the no experience which means that now he will not level up he will not gain any more experience so he's gonna be stuck at level one for the entire run this ability is only available on critical mode so it again it's like as hard as it possibly could be um aerial recovery is a really good movement utility to recover from getting hit reaction boost will help with some of these reaction commands that we'll talk about in just a second finishing plus can be a super useful combo modifier and draw is gonna be great for pulling in little like treasures and orbs and whatnot uh but we got twilight thrown here which is a great example of reaction commands spike yeah open up right here you're going to see a lot of times and it's kind of the meme of this game oh you just press triangle and you beat this game i promise you ninten's gonna at least press the other buttons a few more times in order to get through this game but yes you're gonna have a lot of these triangle based reaction commands throughout the run and just like hobbs was saying uh those will be boosted from having that ability on that you get at the start of the run it is worth talking about that here on critical mode we will be overall we will have a better damage output than you would on actually the middle difficulties there's a really cool balancing of this game on the higher difficulty that the devs built in but here we are back into trial through foot forward we're in this tutorial world but this is a very very difficult boss he wants to try to jump and land four full combos right here even get in a bonus hit if he is able to this is very hard to actually get these minimum height jumps with roxas got the four combos he's gonna come to the back he's gonna try to do a full aerial combo with a second finisher on the end of it because that finishing plus now the spacing is very precise right here to knock both those creepers away walk away as that retaliation swipe comes in getting two more combos get out aerial recovery back in from the creeper doing its thing gotta step back to keep himself safe and able to take out twilight thorne for the victory might seem like we were popping off right there for the tutorial boss that tutorial boss on critical mode especially on level one will kill you in a couple of hits so you don't want him to do that great job ninten yeah and believe it or not i was at one eight i was like one shot away from death right there too i'm pretty sure yeah i got caught by the creeper it would have been over absolutely uh he puts on guard which he just got from the the boss as well and now we're gonna head into the struggle fights so this is a little bit of a again kind of story section where you gotta do some uh some fights with your friends but these are really particular strats as well here with haner he's gonna knock him over into the corner you ideally don't want him to retaliate like that but he can and it's uh you know recoverable so he's gonna push him into the corner and then he's gonna keep doing an air combo dodge the retaliation and then repeat that until he's knocked all the orbs out of them getting a 42-56 not not a bad time uh the way that you win these struggle fights is by either collecting all 200 orbs having more orbs when the timer run or having more words when the time runs out now we got vivi coming up next yeah so he's going to want to open up with a lunge starter into an overhead reset the combo go into a double finisher dodge vivie's retaliation right there and then go for another one two one two three four he will intentionally get hit here off the aerial recovery midair be able to go in knock him out get all the orbs punched out of evie and beautiful almost 42 seconds left on the clock great job there by ninten but now it doesn't stop we go immediately into the three dust fight right here yeah so these dusks can float around and move in various ways that are very obnoxious so nintendo's gonna be using reversal every now and then because it resets all of them they're kind of looking around wondering where roxas just went in the meantime he's gonna keep doing two hit air combos in order to just try to take them out as fast as possible without sending them flying across the arena immediately after that he has to go straight into the axle one fight uh he's going to do a bunch of air combos because if we haven't mentioned it yet air combos are the fastest way to do things after the third one though he knows that axle one's gonna retaliate so he's gotta try to dodge or guard it like he just did right there so now he's gonna hopefully kill him in this last combo and that went pretty much exactly how you wanted to go beautifully done and it might seem like uh once again we're popping off he did six combos in the air how hard is that jump go and play this game try to jump and attack with roxas on anything that is not a massive target being able to land all those combos like on hanger that he was performing earlier or on axle right there it's so easy to not be able to get all those combos out fast enough with kind of a minimum jump height very very precise timing right there and now release two that sets that set there's my boy there so ninten uh intentionally lost all his health there because it's a a really fast way to finish that fight but b it's actually one of the few fights you can lose the only struggle fight you can lose which gives you a medal instead of a champion belt like you actually you know get a medal from him when you lose uh due to story reasons that metal that that nintendo's putting on right now gives you plus one strength and as we mentioned uh it's like spike kind of alluded to the stats aren't going to matter that much in the long course of the run but or in the early game every single point of strength that you can get is very helpful absolutely now we go here into i believe this is day five of our six day roxas tutorial section uh there are these four uh wonders of the world or whatever i don't remember the plot i haven't i'd like to pretend we haven't watched the cut scenes for this but hops and i might have watched these in a race we did like six months ago it wasn't great but now that one pretty consistent just get to the orbs the two important ones of these next couple of fights first up you got the vv clones right here and there's a good like 12 to 15 bb clones you got to take out that will spawn in periodically as you kill more of them great job sniping all of the three as they come in he really wants to hit the bbs as they spawn in because they give you that little taunt or right as they dance into place that was a very good view of clones that's great yeah that was good for me right there um like comboing things so low to the ground is deceptively hard as spike mentions because you can't just jump and then match x to attack you have to time it really precisely to get the combo out yeah rocks what we're gonna be doing here on shadow boxes yeah you're gonna be doing more air combos here like roxas basically stands for rock stabs in his pants or shoes i don't know where i was going with that he has rocks in his shoes uh but no he's gonna be trying to do some air combos here on on the shadow form of roxas and again he's gonna try to keep him stun locked the entire time thankfully he didn't drop any of these combos so that went great i'm telling you chad first of all rox has why did we leave that in the script that was awesome um i'm telling you that jump combo on shadow roxas that is so so difficult i can't stress that enough but here we are so this is kind of the the biggest down section i would say of the tutorial so i'm gonna kick it back over to bobby let's read some more donations let's get that sephiroth incentivement everybody throw down 20 who wants a ps5 you want a ps5 i've got one and i want a ps5 that'd be great throw it on your donations let's hear them well speaking of those 20 donations 20 from tanika that says orb ps5 i'm from germany swiffer i mean i think if you read more any memes that get that improves your chances right um and then we have a 250 donation from chris quit that says chris quit redeemed do atlantica i'm seeing a lot of do atlantica in there oh yeah that um uh we unfortunately we will not be doing atlantica this one no four million if we reach four million oh no we'll go look for some finney fun yeah go for it bobby you got like two more minutes uh okay well we have a 100 uh donation from munin that says hype for dunking sephiroth sephiroth wants to fight us and so we want to oblige on that uh and then we have a 50 donation from uranium anchor uranium acre here again because i actually meant that previous donation to go through at the start of kingdom hearts 2 but i'm tired from the long week and jump the gun so consider this my idiot tax to make sure that spike gets to hear the section that i meant for him i'm not sure if it was an intentional choice to end as gdq on kingdom hearts 2 again 10 years on but i for one think it's wonderful poetry especially with spike on the couch again spike if you had anything to say to yourself 10 years ago what would it be stay comfy in game on oh my god thing to say um you're making the right choice going to gdqs for the first time that was one of the first times i'd ever been on a plane by myself and uh i've loved being a part of this community uh i love gaming i love charity uh i love getting to have fun and get to work my commentary chops i didn't even know uh jay hopps or ninten or any of these awesome people 10 years ago and best decision of my life now that being said right here ninten is just awful at this final yeah [Laughter] he he wanted to intentionally lose all his health again that is another fight you can progress that way a lot of these are kind of front loaded um in the early portions of the run but that actually was kind of unlucky even for trying to lose your health yeah it wasn't enough yeah the dusks just kept dozing around yeah i was trying to hit them to bait them out to attack me but that guy just kept dancing around me and the other one wasn't doing anything so it was just not good yeah that dude was just big vibing over there right yeah yeah ninten's heading over to the mansion now though uh now there are some options here in in roxas world pretty much every chest not every single chest but a lot of the chests have potions in them because you can't come back to this world later so they just have kind of more or less throwaway items so nintendo has the option here of grabbing a safety potion if he wants uh because there are a lot of ways to die in this game and having more potions is always useful um but if not he'll just continue on with the story gotta run to a couple a couple of screens here before we get to our next fight which is gonna be a fight with uh some dusks and assassins why are assassins really scary yeah first time we're actually getting to see them here in the level one run and uh they're scary because uh they can uh not one-shot you at this point but they can combo kill you they can just chain an attack on you so starting off on this fight right here is gonna have our first instance of enemies coming in in waves starting off with four dusts that generally nintendo's try gonna be trying to use a combination sometimes use ground hits mainly using aerial hits the nice thing about the ground combo is they can kind of start with that large sweep to hit multiple enemies at once once he is able to take out three of these dusks that will spawn in two of the assassin enemies who will start above ground so he's trying to like be in position very nice jumping over catching one of the two assassins before they go underground now he's gonna go for a one two one two one two three combo gonna go for the one two three there actually just to stun it and knock it out before it goes back into the ground great option play there by ninten beautiful looking fight now we go straight to axle two yeah so axle two is really interesting you get two different keyblades your damage just kind of scaled a little bit and he's gonna dodge that opening attack and then do two hits which it looks like way more than two hits but in terms of this combo that's what it is a full combo and then go pop him into the air and do another full combo that's gonna force him to jump into the firewall so he can do this reaction command which does a ton of damage because of that reaction boost we got and it means that he can finish him off in the air with just another combo nicely done i think the worst part of simulated twilight town this first split of the run was uh actually those dusks just not hitting nimton uh back in uh so yeah yeah and funnily enough when you want them to hit you they don't do it but then when i'm trying to survive that's when they get me right right and uh with that yeah similar to twilight town is done that's about 16 minutes which is one of the longest worlds in the entire run actually believe it or not um so now we're moving on to twilight town here and you get sora back so in that menu ninten just took all of the potions from his party members we like to steal from our friends in this video game uh the reason is that ninten's gonna be able to make way better use of those potions than the party members themselves will be he also set them to party attack uh which is the it's basically the way that you can direct their ai throughout the game you could tell them to do a bunch of different things party attack is gonna make it so that they attack targets that sora is not attacking which is pretty useful in some early sections where you want to just take damage and die and you don't want them to prevent that from happening yo nice was able to get the second dust there to walk on the ceiling and uh just kind of meet grind up the lastosaurus health right there so fights like that we're going to see them a number of times throughout the run including this fight again right here these fights will either end after x amount of time goes by which i think in that fight is 90 seconds you deal 100 hits which is a lot um or you just take enough damage to where it will advance the plot so right here he's making sure he's getting away from donald goofy pulling some shadows over one more hit should be able to do it right here yeah donald can reset the the shadows by using thunder so he was about to take his last hit but unfortunately donald did that but that's okay still not too bad and he picks up an ether along the way ether's win used while you have any amount of blue mp left on that bar will instantly refill your mp all the way to full uh if he ever gets into a state called mp recharge which is when that bar becomes pink because he's used all his uh mp then it will refill only a chunk of it so ethers can be incredibly useful if you know how to use them right yeah right here we got him going into the first real fight of disney tower and that's right ladies and gentlemen the era commas are still coming in the reason why we prefer air combos for the most part even though he's literally trying to fight ants right now that are glued to the ground is that as soon as sora lands that will cancel all animations and he can immediately jump and go into another combo now again there are times he wants to option into the ground hits if he likes kind of the spacing of the enemies and knows he can catch more of them in a group and that just is a little nuance that comes with doing the fights a couple thousand times like nintendo's done ninten has been grinding kingdom hearts two speed runs for uh many years now uh yeah it's been about seven years actually like i was gonna ask 2013 14 somewhere there now we've got the soldiers in this fight they have a great reaction command called cyclone you can see by getting in just a couple hits that will bait them into using that attack so you seem to one two reset one and then walk to the side a beautiful triple right there doing massive damage to all of them let's see if we can maybe get one more cyclone uh they're not wanting to play nice so he's kind of trying to finish him off the other thing is that in these early fights donald's damage is actually going to help out a lot more so you ideally want him to be spamming thunder constantly on vulnerable targets but he's not always great at doing that um now ninten actually unequipped donald cure to try to help with that trying to make sure that all he's going to be doing is using thunder but it doesn't always work um here at the top of the tower though we're going to get access to the first drive form of the game so drive forms are this mechanic in the game that allow you to use the strength rely on the strength of a party member in order to buff yourself up put yourself into a different form in this case valor form is our first one that we're getting and when you use valiform you run faster you have more strength because you've got two keyblades uh and going into any drive form will refill your mp there's a whole bunch of benefits and drive forms are gonna get used constantly throughout this run yeah it's the first of many beautiful tools that we'll be receiving throughout this game that i think what makes kinemartz2 one of the greatest speed runs out there is that you get tons and tons of tools and we use almost all of them to advance through all the different fights quickly you can see right there some great movement tech from ninten using one of the hits from valor com from valor called over the horizon to sort of launch you into the air over that gate just to save a little bit of time now he's gonna bait the enemies into into the corner with some attacks from them oh nice walking on the air getting rid of all of sora's health very quickly getting through the fight it's another one of those fights a lot of these we would take the experience if we were playing on regular crit but because of all of you getting us past 2.5 million dollars nintendo need it moving on utilizing valor for more of that running and now right here some more movement tech you're really going to notice here um that we're on level one if you've seen any other speedrun of this game that's not level one um we're doing a lot less damage on the enemies here in bailey yeah at this point your stats still matter and so the fact that they're very low means a big a big deal ideally nintend wants to try to group all of these dusks up over by the door unfortunately this one just kind of went off to the other end so he let the others just start walking towards the gates there so he could chase him down but you can see like take a look at that health bar in the top right thanks to scan that is not a lot of damage that's happening especially when they decide to do that and uh become a little bit invincible there um but blizzard is gonna help a little bit because it's a magic that he just picked up he's already using a bunch and can hit multiple targets he can also use reaction commands like this dual stance which he does by blocking or deflecting one of the uh samurai enemies there he has to time the you know correct he has to find the right uh option in the menu whenever he uses it but ideally he wants to hit as many enemies with those as possible this is a pretty good pattern so far they've been spreading out a little bit ooh that one unfortunately got away from him uh and yeah he's not even going to bother the dual stance there because it was only going to hit one enemy he really wants to group them up and hit multiple with this reaction command this bailey fight is actually one of the scariest fights maybe in the entire run definitely in the early game right here though samurai can get through your health very very quickly he was able to take out all the creepers the smaller enemies and that's good because that spawns in the final wave of gusts now he's going to try to get on the side have them all grouped up here at the end and just shooting them with that shotgun it's baby blizzard so it's like a little pistol at this point nice and intense fitting on that safety potion right there leon doing some good work as well and finishing off the fight great job ninten that was a terrifying version of the fight but he always knew how to react to all the different instances i would have died 12 times yeah and at the end there i didn't even mean the potion i just did that thing where i hold l1 by accident when i'm trying to attack okay but yeah listen don't tell anybody all right we make you look good we know we assume everything's intentional but yeah that bailey fight is such an easy place to die really glad that we didn't have that he got fire from beating that fight though which is going to be incredibly useful but for now uh he's going to beast castle these worlds can be done in different orders sometimes you might see speedrunners go to land of dragons first but on level one you want to go to beast castle and then olympus coliseum because you get a lot of good rewards from olympus calcium and they're gonna be more useful in land of dragons we can talk more about that in a little bit though because bobby we got a bit of an auto scroller here so this is a pretty perfect time for some donations it's a pretty perfect time for a 10 000 donation from fangamer hey everybody fangamer here the orders have been flying in and we're so excited to be able to send in big donations like this one as we race toward the finale of sgdq 2021 but don't stop just yet keep the donations coming whether you're contributing directly at donate or placing an order at gdq where 100 of the profit from sales of gdq merch goes directly to msf let's boost that donation total and when you donate i just want to tell you we got a 100 donation from sephiroth that says fight me coward and i'm going to tell you uh you know we've got 165 000 out of 280 000 i don't know our chat are we cowarding away i think we need to donate more for that incentive you need to make sure you click on that incentive when you make your donation uh so we can teach sephiroth whose boss which is us and not him by the way you got a little bit more time feel free to keep giving people some more gummy mission oh yeah gummy missions are yes uh we have a 100 donation from essentia wow has it really been 10 years since we were gathered at my house for the first sgdq it's so amazing how much this event has grown and it's all thanks to the wonderful sgdq staff the runners and especially all the viewers and donators this couldn't have happened without all of you i miss you all and hope that we'll be able to meet big in person again soon [Music] yeah uh we have a 20 donation from clark streams which by the way 20 minimum donation gets you in for that ps5 what's up ninten so proud to see you showing off level one for the first time ever at gdq the flan clan is here cheering you on and please for the love of god do not do atlantica thank you somebody with some class and taste i see yeah well well let's flip that around we have a 100 donation from silver crow that says hey ninten how have you been my dude good luck on the dm skips and bonus boss fights everyone from discord and twitch chat sends their support people pog ps do atlantica pausers oh my god i don't want to get dmc for cheap right yeah there's a big problem too all right so heading into beast castle here in a moment again you can do the these worlds in various orders like you got to do beast castle orlando dragons to unlock olympus coliseum but you can do either one of those first uh and so we go to beast castle first there's a bunch of shadows in this parlor fight this is one that in a lot of speed ones you would actually use trinity limit on to end the fight very quickly but once again we're at level one so we're going to lose all of our health and we don't have trinity limit yet can't use that that's something we're going to be picking up in olympus coliseum yeah about to say a little bit of a different order than people might be used to a lot of times they're going to like land the dragons first atlanta dragons and other categories would be preferred also because you actually get experience from there here there's no mob fights it's basically all just three boss fights two and a half kind of boss fights that you're gonna do and that's it and no experience will come from those and it's level one so like we're not getting them anyway so whatever now we're coming up again running with valor form allowing ourselves to just be able to run the entire time and a little base mechanic going on right there so look in the bottom right corner you got the ui sorry he's got the mp bar he's got the health bar he's got his wacky kooky crazy hair but he's also got the drive gauge right there maxed out at three in order to go into valor form it uses up three of those drive however yo what's up donald um however um we entered into this little mini game with the wardrobe that actually took our party members away and the game gave you a free refill of the drive we'll be utilizing that mechanic coming up a lot later on but now we go into the first boss fight of the world threshold yeah this is a hard fight go ahead i just want to mention really quick i don't have any potions so might be a lot scarier than i uh first thought it would be yeah this is an entire a terrifying fight because these gargoyles can really mess up your day and a lot of times in speed runs you would have chicken little here who can help out a lot but we don't have them so instead he has to deflect these gargoyles until you can use the release reaction command to get rid of them instantly then he's going to hit the hook bats here to prompt them to use their back cry reaction command again reaction commands are very useful because on critical mode he has a reaction boost ability so it buffs the amount of damage that every single one of those does now that he's gotten rid of that first wave hook bats unfortunately he actually doesn't want to kill all of them he has he's depleted the doors health so he's going to pop the little soul of it out now this is gonna be a two-cycle fight so he's gonna have to take out about half the health of this soul still again trying to use bat cry because our base damage is just not very good then he's gonna go into the second phase and do a little bit more of the same here yeah unfortunately that did take out both waves of the hook bats right there so that's actually a little bit scary he doesn't have one over there that he can maybe yeah gonna pop into balor form and could be doing a bunch of hits might unfortunately run out of drive we'll see what happens again that reaction command on the bat cries doing a ton of damage and by a ton it's doing like four instead this is gonna be close um yeah nintendo won't keep it you could leave the no yeah you won't you won't even get it yeah because it won't refill it here because it's out yeah um the the problem that we're talking about there is nintendo wanted to use valor form in that fight but he wanted to use it way later so that way he wouldn't run out like he did just now he instead wanted to run out at a more opportune time or not even run out rather but walk into the next mini-game with it so that his drive would get fully refilled like spike was talking about unfortunately and i'd say this was still a good reaction by ninten because he had lost some health and there weren't a lot of hook bats around he decided to use valor form to just refill his health and keep himself safe while also using the invulnerability uh from going into the drive form to dodge one of the boss's attacks so it's an unfortunate case that he doesn't have drive right away so it's going to mess up some later fights but it does mean that he was able to survive and not have to uh you know take a death to that one that boss yeah and one thing to mention um sorry the one thing to mention about uh level one is that because we do so low damage and the fights take so much longer than other categories uh any death like especially that far in the fight can lose a ton of time so for the most part especially when you start off running this game is that your first strategy should just be don't die if you can avoid that you're already going to be able to have somewhat of a decent time in the category but yeah so much of this run is that drive gauge management throughout going from section to section because our summons our drive forms all that's going to be pulling from it and those are a lot of our best tools we can pull from but now instead we've just got beast right here we're gonna be trying to do some reaction commands right here with cogsworth to sort of knock some sense into beast and then go in for a couple of air combos utilizing that double finisher from the finishing plus this is probably gonna take a number of cycles if he takes too long here in between attacks for he uses cogsworth again that beast can do can easily two shot yeah yeah the other doesn't look like he's getting the hell far low though he ideally would have been running to this fight in valor maybe even tried to use valor in the fight as well but because he couldn't it had to go a little bit slower still not too bad though he did a bunch of air combos he made sure he didn't die uh he's gonna now do a quick little menu in this menu he's gonna move goofy back into the party because goofy is actually who allows you to use valor uh he's also gonna steal all the items from beast once again that's gonna be a pretty recurring theme and he equips the upper slash ability right before he heads out to the world map now he goes to the real map there because the loads are so fast on ps4 that he can load out to the world map load back in at a different save point uh hopefully the correct one uh and then like go in you got to like do a lot of fast menu he need to go back to the wardrobe talk to the wardrobe pop back out come back and go to the parlor and that will get him all the way to the next boss shadow stalker shadow stalker right here the first of a two-phase fight shadow stalker that then turns some dark towards spoilers but that's what we're doing right here we don't care about the plot that's why we're skipping the cutscenes does some movement right there at the start of the fight that actually baited shadow star stalker back into the arena to change the order of his attacks he would go in for nintendo taking a couple of hits right there but that's fine now gonna be able to knock him out of the chandelier do a couple of air combos and then he's gonna move out of there trying to get in just a little bit of chip damage with the blizzard right there popping the potion to stay close to topped off at least and now shadow starter is going to move into these pillars right here gonna give them that attack and then go for a double air combo right here again we're doing chip damage enough to where we're going to land on the ground guard that to stay safe and then go for another one now once he pops him out there yeah he's going to use what are called limit attacks they use all of your remaining mp bar no matter how much it is as long as it's blue you can use a limit uh they also team up with a party member in order to do so most of the time so that is a big chunk of damage to this boss but it uses all your mp so now nintendo's actually intentionally going a little bit slower at the tail end of this fight just so that his mp in the pink there in the bottom right corner can refill a little bit further once it's about past halfway or so he knows he can finish off this boss with another set of combos now as he goes into the second part of this two phase boss there's a little mini cut scene and during that cut scene that pink mp bar is actually still recharging so by the time it starts it's actually going to be a full mp bar so ninten can go straight into twinhau the beast limit here in order to deal some more damage and importantly keep you invulnerable to damage because all limits make it so that you cannot take damage that is a very important thing especially here on level one now he's gonna be utilizing that upper slash he just did unfortunately for whatever reason darkthorn did not get knocked up in the air from the upper slash combo modifier he's going to valor form yeah trying to get in as many hits as he can gonna have to be safe wow some good reactions there from ninten trying to just deflect dark thorn's attacks away now gonna pop out of it grab the utilize the potion should be able to guard this right here to knock him off of the chandelier and this is mainly trying to build towards nice i think this is a good option go ahead and taking the reaction command getting a little bit more damage again here on level one we're doing such chip damage here especially in the early game pop him into an upper slash resetting the combo he's gonna do this down pretty much as far as he can and then pop into one more instance of twin howe because at that point after the third upper slash he knows dark thorn is going to retaliate so we're gonna use that against him and try to take him out during that phase great job by ninten had to react to a lot of stuff like we said had some rough stuff go down with the no potions back there in the threshold fight that chained all the way into the final boss of this world ninten made it work on the fly great job yeah and what happened there was that beast um he was trying to attack him with his rush attack and that just knocked him out of my upper slash which can happen sometimes um and yeah i mean then he breaks out but we're able to get him right there yeah and that that beast castle in general was full of just things not going how they should and ninten having to have the mental fortitude to just look past that and go okay what is my next option here what can i do to keep things alive and to get through that threshold fight especially but then even i'd say the the dark thorn fight as well without a death that was incredible but we're in another gummy mission and we're heading over to olympus coliseum and i think bobby i'm pretty sure you know what that means at this point i i i do and uh this one's kind of interesting uh we got a 20 donation from donald duck oh and what donald wants us to know donald says if you're not gonna bother to gain any levels why should i bother to heal the party here's 20 dollars for every label you gain during this run i think donald actually wants a ps5 because with a 20 minimum donation you get entered to win a ps5 but while you're doing that we want to beat sephiroth too so don't forget to click the sephiroth incentive uh we are uh we have 173 000. we need 280 000 and one dollar to take on sephiroth sephiroth thinks we're all cowards let's not prove them right hey i got another one for you though how about a ten thousand dollar donation from the yeti hey all yeti here at each gdq event when we get to the final run we look back and see all the amazing things we have accomplished together and smile because we know this isn't over it's just the end of the current chapter so let's end this chapter with kicking sephiroth's butt and hitting that 3 million we also have sorry all i was going to say is we are already really close to 2.7 million dollars raised for doctors without borders that thank you all so much that's amazing [Music] we have a 50 donation from fork flinger who says shout out to the sora's heart with the screaming roxas inside that's actually like canonically accurate too like that's [Laughter] we have a 25 donation from nerdy excursions hey y'all nerdy from the gdq host fam here thank you so much to all the runners commentators volunteers and staff that have made this event such a fantastic experience thank you to you the viewers at home for raising such an incredible amount of money for such a fantastic cause i would also like to say thank you to my spouse laura for helping make this week possible for me i love you more than words can describe you are without a doubt the best thing to ever happen to me now let's go kick sephiroth's butt we also have a 50 donation from rob and allen saying congratulations to everyone behind the scenes on a job well done thanks for another awesome marathon thank you so much we have a 25 donation from rico hey ninten super excited and happy to see you close out sgdq with one of my favorite games good luck i know you'll do amazingly you know thank you rico and shout out to rico he's a really awesome crash bandicoot runner yeah yeah rico appreciate that we have a 20 donation from squall whatever once again 20 minimum donation for the ps5 hi ninten good luck on the run also when did you turn into a cat what are you talking about i don't see anything yeah yeah i don't know what you're talking about man yeah nothing weird going on here all right we're at the end of the the gummy mission there so we're heading into olympus coliseum and this is a pretty scary world uh but at least it's one that is very similar between a few different categories in this game so nintendo has a lot of practice with it the one kind of major difference though that's going to be potentially a big problem is because he's coming from beast castle and not land of dragons he wasn't able to buy a piece of armor and that piece of armor would make it so that he was able to survive one extra hit in our upcoming fight which is uh well you know a fight quote unquote with hades uh the hades escape that we like to call it yeah this is another absolutely awful fight that you have to deal with even on crit this is terrifying but like hobbs was saying you've got hades coming up with a bunch of mob enemies we have to take out four different waves of very very scary heartless that can do tons of damage to you and hades can also deal damage to you here's the good thing we don't have to kill hades here's the problem we can't kill hades hades can do whatever he wants throughout the entirety of the fight and we can't do anything about it the best we can do is generally try to keep him on screen if he's not on screen try to have some audio cues because he can two-shot you whenever he wants nintendo does have three potions ready to go ready to throw them if he needs to utilize them but again we're early on in the game we don't have a lot of tools we will have a little bit of uh usage of potentially fire some blizzard and mainly trying to use more of those hook bats the reaction command the bat cries to try to take out all these enemies as a backup to backup of backups we do have oren's limit the bushido which will like twin how we saw with beast give nintend iframes but it will drain all of his mp bars so you would think oh do you just want to spam that to kill everything no because then you you you lose access to stuff like fire blizzard maybe even a cure at the end if he needs the panic i was gonna say it's also the same reason you're not gonna see cure very much except for right here because this is a fight that ends with a number of hits and using cure on your party members for some reason counts as hits for that fight's uh purposes yeah it's very strange right there right it's super odd uh he used he did the menu there in order to put on a the fire and also he took off some of oren's healing ability i believe for the fight after this one but right now it's all about these hook bats these red enemies that are flying up in the air he wants them to use that back cry ability as much as possible um so that way he can just keep using the reaction command and that one he was hoping would get taken out by his party members and they actually did so now he can move on to the second platform yeah second tier right here this in some ways can be the scariest one because there's no hook bats he's gonna bait the lancers to the side guard their initial attack and go into some fires we're gonna see what hades elects to do right here he's going to have to on a dime as soon as he sees hades go for any attacks potentially go for the bushido but instead like an absolute monster decides to go for the aerial that deflected the fireball away amazing play now he's gonna go to the side to once again bait these lancers jump away from hades fireballs hit the hook back to bait out the reaction command right there and do big damage to these lancers now he's going to catch this other lancer which he's got one lancer and one yeah to work with the lance soldier here that one was a little bit scary because it was too far away for him to get to right away and control him so he had to worry about what moves he was going to use fireball there from hades means a potion is going to be coming in as soon as he dodges the next one and he was so hoping for a bat cry there so he could dodge and reflect the the other fireball but he just wasn't happening this hook bat is not playing nice finally there's one and he wants to lock on to the uh large body here over on the right because it's a very dangerous enemy no more potions available but thankfully he did have donald cure him there so hey thanks donald uh and on top of that he's gonna go ahead and use bushido now so no more mp available to him but it kept him pretty safe and it helped him get rid of the large body and now hopefully we'll take out these last two lance soldiers as well if it does so which it did the gate is open he's not otherwise yet but now he's good the first try on the hades escape i want everyone to know if you go back and watch that that was incredible patience instilled right there in ninten a lot of people would have just oh i got hit i gotta pop into bushido again hades can two-shot you right there he's an invincible entity sitting on the side of the arena but said i need to get off a couple of bat cries before i pop this bushido otherwise the large body would not have died from oren's limit right there so was still able to guard a couple of the lancers attacks the lance soldiers able to get some more background attacks and take him out but now we're on our way up to our next fight we got cerberus yeah i mean the dog at the gates of hell uh is definitely gonna be a difficult boss so rather than take him out by conventional means you know conventional being swept swinging a gigantic key at it he's going to instead take an intentional death here this is why he didn't want oren's healing abilities necessarily beyond um and he uses mickey here mickey shows up in specific fights at a random chance except for the very first time you die in one of those fights he'll always show up that first time so because of that uh he can use mickey here use this pearl command by pressing square whenever he has mp to deal a lot of damage while he's waiting for his mp to recover he's just trying to stay alive maybe get some attacks in if he can here and there to help build up the drive gauge that mickey has and to just deal some more damage but then he's gonna use more pearls so that they can hit the boss really hard to deplete that health all the way down to zero now that he's got the full drive he can also revive sora and he's gonna take out the boss by using anything that will finish off the boss count as a finisher in this case that was fire but he had a couple options available to him because bosses yeah they don't just die right away sorry go ahead ninten uh just one more thing to mention about mickey there is that uh being level one actually affects mickey there i guess he has his own leveling system um so like on regular crit we still use mickey but we can take a couple hits we just go ham on servers but on level one uh you get three shot so i just gotta be careful wow that yeah that's incredible and even at the end there when you revive with sora you gotta be careful because we haven't mentioned it much yet but bosses don't die from any random hit they actually need to be hit by something that is either a finisher to one of your physical combos or acts similar to a finisher so magic can do that for you limits can usually do that for you and some other abilities like upper slash can do that for you we have another little mini game here though spike uh what why is this one at least kind of nicer on critical mode yeah this one's nice because once again you do have all those bonus abilities that the game gives you at the start of critical mode we have stuff like finishing plus reaction boost that we've been talking about a lot this is where something like draw really gets to shine mp orbs hp uh orbs falling on the ground or mp bubbles i should say all of those get drawn to you if you're even kind of in the vicinity and that's gonna be the same case here we need to get to a hundred here on the maniac version of the mini game so now he's gonna be able to just clear out enough of them to where at this point the large urn will pop in that's right jack this is the urn and that was a pretty good time there by ninten as we make our way down to the next section of olympus coliseum you're also noticing that ninten is popping into valor form basically anytime he can while above ground we didn't mention it earlier but even though you can jog and valor form here saving quite a bit of time and movement it gets chained off when you're down in the underworld as you can see in that bottom right corner so just having to jog it out here for the rest of it yeah and it opens that chest there yeah there are there aren't a ton of chests that you open in this run but that one gives you a power boost uh the only one that would be able to get from like the normal parts of the game and that just increases your strength by one when you use it from the stock the stats are soon going to become meaningless but for now they're still useful so having that little bit of extra strength can definitely help out it's also going to pick up an ether here because as we mentioned earlier ethers are really useful especially in the late game for just allowing you to use more limits use more magic they are just great all around and actually a lot better than i think people realize casually when playing this game yeah to note there are a number of other ethers and chests that are a little out of the way that nintendo is skipping that one he just picked up is kind of a noted safety one ninten would generally skip that if this were full attempts but again here for a little bit of marathon safety because the ether routing can be a little tight in late game now you've got the denix the water clone fight 100 water clones got to take them out and with donald having donald fire on he should be able to help out since those one shot all of the water clones you can utilize that with some of the fires if you want to go with that option as well but for the most part this is a pretty random little almost like mini game fight-ish sort of thing here uh because of the wild dance reaction command right there sora will kind of auto target to whatever but 5205 very very solid they kept staying good yeah and donald also um i'm not i think he used cure like before damage so he didn't have mp until the last couple seconds i think i built up the duck and then it's because everybody keeps saying he never cures us so he said fine i'll use it and we didn't want him to but now it's time for pete all right the pete fight here this is actually a two-part fight the the first part is a timed battle so there's nothing ninten could do even if he could deplete pete's health all the way down to you know one hp it would just sit there he could not actually finish this fight any sooner so he's just gonna try to take out the enemies and stay alive he's gonna do that by just whacking away at pete to force him to keep using this pinball move he still might eventually summon some soldiers though the nintendo has to be a little bit careful of um the other big thing is that if you see in the top left there is a damage bar there that's because uh megara has you have to protect her during this fight if she gets too much damage you will also lose it thankfully by just continuing to uh manipulate the boss like this you aren't that worried about this first part but the next part is really scary yeah going here into the second part the frustrating thing about this fight early on in runs is that it's like a minute of having to just do nothing for a potentially 20-second fight that can kill you in two seconds and you have to do that entire first minute over again hopefully we get to avoid that first up we're going to walk forward here hopefully pete won't become invincible in the pinball stage and then he'll pop into valor for him he's not going to take a big lap around pete to avoid the ghost's attack right there let the hook fat have time to come down and once again use that patented back cry reaction command that was going to try to build up as many hits as he can going too he's going to take the pinball right there to create some space away from pete and then use another bat cry from the hook bat looks like about one more combo should be able to get him right there the whipped finisher oh my god that was terrifying i thought you were going to go for another physical combo for a second that uh that boulder was about to fall on his head everybody and it would have killed him yeah we haven't really been talking about it a lot but yeah this is critical mode uh basically everything's gonna kill him in one to three hits and that boulder would be in the one hit category of what we were just talking about but but now we're going right into the boss we got hydra i know we can't even rest here because he put on trinity limit the ability he just got because it's incredibly useful this is a limit that you can use with donald and goofy who are in your party you know most of the time so it's a pretty good one now all of these hits he's doing with those buttons on the bottom left corner they're not doing any actual damage to the boss they're racking up a counter that you can see when he uses the finisher at the end the higher that number the more damage that finisher is going to deal now if this weren't level one he could potentially skip this little animation here with reaction command but it'd be very risky to do so on level one so he's instead going to stun all of these heads and just wail away at them with physical combos he ideally wants donald goofy to be helping him on uh any of the heads would be great but at least like the next one so he tried to target them off to the far right one because then they can be both focused on a single target um now when he gets there you can see that next head already has less than half health yeah able to take it out and now in the time he took out those heads his mp bar was able to fill back up time to use the second trinity he moves towards the center gets an auto target on somewhere in the center then uses two of the three possible phases right there in order to rack up hits deal a bunch of damage hopefully this is going to go under a bar of health nice to see now looks like he got the middle of the three potential uh different head patterns right here got the shortest one went into valor form mainly to refill his mv bar get a little bit of damage in and now he's gonna probably use all three or maybe just two yeah gonna use all three of them with the mega overdrive at the end hopefully this should deal enough hits to knock it out give him a full stun and now time for the flashy finish whoop and that is a dead hydra right there picking up his thunder element great job all the way through olympus coliseum douglas so far and that uh valor form usage is it's doing so much work there like spike said it refills your mp but also he was about to start getting hit by some of the little dark orbs that spit out from the boss and it's so it both refills his health after he had taken one hit and protects him during the invulnerability phase of the you know the drive explosion protects him from some of the other orbs all of that while refilling the mp which is the primary usage for it now he's gonna slow it back down just a tiny bit he's gonna head over to hollow bastion once again he's got to go check in on our boy poo yeah if you are a cage two randomizer player which our community is popping off you're poo pogging right now this is gonna be our one and only visit unfortunately they force you into this segment now you got this fight which we're going to defend the book or we'll just eat it and just be done with it right there couple heads on our way go back talk to pooh and that is it for 100 acre wood in this run but hey at least it was more than atlantica i'm telling y'all four million dollars will go then i i think i think that staff will be okay with that i i think we can we can extend the marathon if we if we somehow get that i'm not sure if i'll be okay with that nintendo's over here like i'm gonna need a good point well he did just get a really useful tool for his toolbox in chicken little it's actually you know one of the nicest things you can get in this early game uh but we'll talk a little bit more about that later as well as some of the other great things that he got from olympus coliseum uh so bobby go ahead and just read donations until you see the the flashing lights all go away 2.7 million come on yeah we're so close we have like 50 left to 2.7 million i didn't know if we were gonna get there first or not like ten dollars now i'm watching it go up but we do have some donations that i can read while we hit that 2.7 million dollars how about this 1 000 donation from sock puppet says love to donate to doctors without borders love gdq and love everything about this finale the game the people ninten is an absolute treasure to watch and i always thoroughly enjoy seeing him work his way through the game now let's see sephiroth we are less than five digits at least away from sephiroth we need about 97 000 to show sephiroth who's boss oh come on we could totally do that out of curiosity bobby if i'm you know if i'm a long time watcher first time donator uh how can i make sure that my donation goes to that sephiroth incentive so what you're gonna do when you're on the donate screen after you put in the amount you're going to donate you're going to go down and add incentives you're going to find the separate donation and you're going to click to add that incentive and that's how we will show sephiroth who is boss all right you heard them folks that's the instructions all right hit us up with some more donations well we have a we have a 250 donation from dareturtle that says this looks like a good spot for some ingredients had to get at least one of those in yeah we have a 25 donation from threatch that says roses are red that gummy mission was slick so let's see atlantica at summer games done quick chance that we do hit four million staff has okay nintendo uh to go through all of atlantica so so uh you know jeff bezos what's up you know elon what's up come on like let's let's get somebody on it and drop a mill all right we can we can make it we just got a one million dollar donation from big time fan ninten you're great let's play rando together that'd be amazing bobby we kind of cut you off give us one more sure we have a 25 donation from decliner 192 that says long time donator first time watcher oh hey there we go that doesn't make any sense but sure just to note just a note that's five dollars more than you need as a minimum donation to get that ps5 20 minimum donation that you don't have to click for click for the sephiroth incentive though yes all right so we're popping into land of dragons here this is mulan world uh nintendo's gonna be introduced to ping who's gonna be our first party member for a fair amount of the world here now he did quite a bit of thing a few things in that menu but an important one that he did was put on the heroes crest keyblade which is the keyblade we got from olympus coliseum this in conjunction with trinity limit are some of the main reasons that we decided to do this world after olympus coliseum hero's crest will increase the damage of the finishers of your air combos because it has an ability attached to it called air combo boost so every now and then when he's fighting some low to the ground targets you're gonna see ninten be using fire and use ground combos but a lot of the time you are going to see him just stick to air combos for the foreseeable future yeah you also saw aerial dive that ridiculous looking air combo modifier where sword just kind of flips into the air like a flat jack for six combos that also came from olympus coliseum also he put donald on the thing he does best relentless attack just use as many thunders as he could and once he got through the shadows phase there of mission two popped donald out of the party got goofy back in so he could go into valor so you could take out these assault riders these larger heartless enemies right here with valor's finisher you can immediately stun them and break them out of their attacks because they very easily can kill you in one to two hits so nice to keep safe and speed up those fights that was a great mission like that went really well i feel like yeah now gonna use more valor form right here so again this is a level one run he is going to be level one till the end of the game with the power of that power boost he got in olympus coliseum the medal he got at the beginning of the game getting that better keyblade in hero's crest and being in valor form he's doing just enough damage to not get scaled damage this game on level one makes sure that okay not even just level one but just in general if you are too far below a certain stack kind of a minimum stat it will make sure that your damage does scale damage so you're not literally doing chip damage that's why you might sit here and say oh level one in this game isn't as long of a run as i thought it would be and that's because of it but we are getting just above that scale damage here at the beginning of land of dragons after here it's gonna be level one stats to the end straight up all right here in the mission three this is your search and destroy mission uh he knows exactly where each of these enemies is going to spawn because it is actually a consistent spawn location although they do move randomly once they have spawned so he every time he has one of these shadows that's sitting there underground where it's all flat and invulnerable he's trying to use thunder a lot of the time or sorry uh fire a lot of the time to make sure that he's dealing damage over time in a circle around him so he he could try to catch them the instant they pop up out of the ground now he is also trying to get his drive gauge all the way back up to three there so he could use valor form just like this that's really important because valor form is gonna help speed up the movement in this next section a lot and you don't really have enemies in that first room to get it back even if you like hadn't gotten it all though gotten your drive all the way to three so now he's able to run a lot with valor form and it's also useful for these couple of little forced fights here yeah right here he's got to break through three walls right here to utilizing these little reaction commands at the front of each wall he's going to clear out the enemies and now he's going to put on this beautiful little delay right here wait just a half second then go for it because then on the back swing of the reaction command that will knock the enemies up keeping them from canceling your reaction now he's gonna drop down the assault rider is gonna pop in but you're also gonna pop him up in the air while sora is taking out the trash making his way through very quick mountain climb right there yeah that was excellent and it's so easy to you know be afraid of the night walkers that are chasing behind you in that section so you have to make sure you're moving quickly and on top of all that you want to make sure you still get to this next cave fight while in valor form like ninten just did because your party members or everybody but ping is are removed from your party in this fight which means that you get that drive refill you can see there's a big old three and the word max in the bottom right corner there but here in the cave fight we've got a couple of waves of enemies to deal with first it's an assault rider with a bunch of shadows the assault rider is way more dangerous so he wants to take that one out first then he's going to use a lot of fire and some physical finishers on the ground to deal with these shadows because as you can see fire can hit a wide area just right around you and just deal with a lot of these shadows all at the same time and then that physical finisher is going to help him not use too much mp while also getting a good wide swing on all the shadows now we got these two assault riders here at the end he's first gonna walk between them bait out their attacks see which one to option to gonna take out one of them just kind of pushing them to the side did get a retaliation from it backed off smartly to use a potion because any of these attacks would have one shot him at that point now he's isolated to the last one should be able to nice is able to get out those finishers quickly able to reapply the stun and pick up slide dash right there the bonus in that fight an amazing combo modifier to make your ground combos a little more viable in this game [Music] those shadows were being a little bit rude to you there in that fight but otherwise i feel like that was that was like textbook you didn't did that yeah the thing about those uh shadows is that there's so many of them so they can just all so happen to attack at the right time and just kind of frame trap you you can't even like potion so you can get really unlucky there but that was okay yeah thankfully they do drop health orbs so that can help out when his maximum health is so low like it is right now uh but now we're going into the summit fight here this is actually another timed battle it's 60 seconds to see how many heartless you can kill and ninten you know could just try to camp out in a corner and and avoid all the the enemies but he does want to try to take them out because the bolt uh towers will actually drop money and that money can be useful for buying ethers later on in the game ethers are very expensive they're 120 a piece which in a run where you basically get no money is very expensive but if you can get even a few extra by spending some time that would otherwise be wasted here to grind out money on these bolt towers then it's absolutely worth his time yeah but like hobbs is saying very easy to die here just like the theme of the rest of the run so he does have to have a lot of good spatial awareness it's good to use the reaction command command off of the rapid thrusters right there so that a lot of times can catch a lot of them can actually use trinity limit as well so killed off a decent little group of them there 68. weirdly trinity limit is like the only limit you can use with your party members or without and it affects how you that the the um limit actually works you're gonna see him use it a lot even without his party members instead of you know racking up hits and then dealing it all all of it has damage right at the end it will just have sort of warped to the target he's uh selected on and deal a lot of hits in kind of a two or three part based attack get another little save warp here though back to the bamboo grove before heading onto our next boss fight yeah picking up another ether right there a lot of these say these save warps are specifically faster on the newer versions of the game ps4 beautiful movement right there to slide dash using that combo modifier i talked about it's amazing because it makes ground combos a lot more viable that big gap closer and we can use it for super cool instances of movement tech right there where you lock onto something a distance away you're not even trying to kill it you're just trying to close that gap and move a little bit faster now we're going to use that group trinity limit again immediately pop in and use the ultimate phase of it and that should deal enough hits to take out all of these enemies right here otherwise very annoying group ultima and really all of the the various parts of trinity deal so much more damage if there are more enemies around because then every little chunk of it can push all the enemies to to hit each other and bounce around and really get a lot more hits so even though he only used one aspect of it there it still did more hits than when he was using it in the hydra fight but we can't be dwelling on that because we're heading into the shan you fight and this boss fight is going to start off with valor form as you saw for some of the movement he wants to ideally actually keep these night walkers that are hitting the gates alive because once he decides to get out of balor form here which is helpful of course on this boss because it's giving us some higher strength and whatnot he's actually going to be using trinity again here we see there goes the ultima one used once again it's to try to group the enemies up and deal enough hits that he can kill not only the night night walkers and a bunch of damage to shin you but also kill the bird that is a really rude bird just go ahead and fully kill him right there and now it's a one-on-one battle with sean you he's not so tough without his big bird around yeah that bird just loves to interrupt your combos and and call make it a very unfortunate time and unfortunately shen you called the bird back in so this is now a little bit scary ninten's sitting there without a lot of his tools his drive gauge is down to zero his mp bar is pink it's into mp recharge so he's just got his slide dash and his aerial combos pretty much tried to use upper slash there in order to to knock the boss up but unfortunately the boss decided to retaliate thankfully he does still have a few potions so he was able to use that after getting hit by the bird and now one more reaction command into a couple more combos should finish him off in fact the thunder's gonna do it great job and good option play right there going to the thunder for the finisher because again if he had gone in for like a combo starter right there he would have had to get all the way to the finisher saw he was within one magic usage either a blizzard or a thunder there able to finish off so a little weird there that sean you i had actually never seen the animation where he calls hayabusa i was like what is he doing so that was a little bizarre but with that ninten is able to finish off the entire first string of disney worlds super cool movement tech there on the world map where you lock onto worlds and then you sort of warp to in front of each of them so it has a lot of targeting and retargeting going on but now we're kind of going on to what i consider now the mid-portion part of the run as we go into disney castle make our way over too many for one of the hypest strats in the run yeah this is a really cool one the other thing too is that now that he's done with land of dragons his stats are basically irrelevant he'll be getting scaled for every other fight in this game pretty much um so you might wonder you know why doesn't he get some better equipment or equip a keyblade with higher stats it won't affect things but the hype is strat that you've all been waiting for it's time to push that mouse that's right nintendo's going to try to wiggle minnie over to the wall here and then continue to push her now this is really difficult to do is he going to go the distance he's at the 10. touchdown the finish command that is probably the thing that has gone the most right in this entire run so far i feel like i think that was amazing that's gonna be on sportscenter later chris berman's gonna do a highlight of it cue the nfl music uh but yeah that is extremely difficult i just want everyone to know that right there that is to get her specifically up against the wall to be able to interact with her hitbox great stuff but with that we're going through here we're gonna be utilizing her reaction command she'll only run for a set distance and then she'll stop anyways so you kind of let her go that set distance then use her reaction command to kind of reset herself and then keep going while we do do that let's get into quick donations what do you got bobby i got a 50 donation from sky bills that says hi y'all sky bills here the host fam big shout outs to those on volunteer and staff that have made the beside the scenes family so special remember that gdq is some lovely programming between gdqs called gdq hotfix much love from myself and the beloved mercy skills mercy kill skype run ender watch those estimates runners i hear you've been on that those shows spike i have yeah i've been mercy killed a few times i think both hobbs and i have been mercy killed a couple times between us very fun and we also have a 100 donation from j kyle pittman that says hi black wolf oh that's to me hope you have fun hosting the final hours of sgdq 2021 let's get that sephiroth fight of course i'm having fun i'm here with spike hobbs and ninten and that sephiroth pike fight we have i'm doing some quick math it's like 85 000 left to show sephiroth who's boss so don't forget to click that incentive when you donate remember 20 minimum donation gets you the ps5 don't you forget that we're moving we're grooving thank you all so much keep donating to that sephiroth incentive because this run is going to be over before you know it it just keeps happening now ninten popped into valor form for some movement and again to attack this boss now this little it's more of a mini boss here uh it doesn't have any good way to retaliate if you just keep stun locking and with combos and there's actually a base mechanic in the game called revenge value that causes most bosses to actually prevent you from stun locking them like that we'll get into that a little bit later but why don't you start thinking about that now as we get to our first instance of chicken little here yeah chicken little an amazing first summon of the game a lot of people didn't use summons didn't know how to use them ninten's going to show you how to use them chicken little has a whistle mechanic where if you are standing next to chicken little and you are a good distance away from other enemies he will draw them in stunning them at the same time so he's hitting a bunch of them with this reaction command right here moving away from them going fire fire thunder the thunder knocks them up into the air chicken little says whoa you're too far away and pulls them back in we'll get more of an example of that here in the next windows fight here in timeless river we have to take out these four different sets of windows these four different fights right here these mob fights so he's gonna summon chicken little right away and create some distance from him and these plane enemies right here chicken little comes in says all the enemies are too far away brings them in you can go for fire fire that keeps them locked in and then a nice sweeping ground finisher to push them all away chicken little once again says i don't like that bring them in start dealing the damage once again same with the other enemies as they spawn in so again this might seem like oh chicken little just kind of seems cheap seems like the wind button there's so many specifics as far as actually getting chicken little to work and you just summon him he'll do other stuff he'll do like his firecracker attack and whatnot no yeah you need to make sure you create the spacing even at the end there because there was only one enemy alive instead of multiple chicken little wasn't gonna use the whistle to pull that enemy towards sora he actually would just keep throwing baseballs or using his firecrackers so he has to like ninja has to keep all that in mind and be paying attention to not only the enemies and where they are so they don't hit him but where where they are in relation to sora where sora is in relation to chicken little and you know how many enemies are on screen so because of keeping track of all those things he can use the chicken little once again in that window in order to end it very quickly instead of using trinity limit and uh strat we would use in maybe some other categories and whatnot and then he could head into the final window here where he's gonna start off with chicken little but that's not how he's gonna do the entire entire thing here yeah got three waves we got a bunch of shadows then a bunch of shadows and these annoying annoying hot rod enemies anybody who played this game casually this was a nightmare for you but right here getting utilized more of an upper slash to extend that combo from a ground into a aerial finisher now he's gonna dismiss chicken little bring the group back and use group trinity because there are the two hot rods and all of the fires that are kind of stage hazards here all of your trinity hits are actually hitting those as well upping the amount of hits that you then do in the finisher you'll see that applied again here coming up in the upcoming pete boss fight but before that we got boat pete we gotta take out and this is a very very slow fight but because of some setup can potentially one cycle it let's see if ninten can do it yeah this is really cool so uh first he's gotta you know use these reaction commands to reflect all of these uh objects that pete is tossing on him and while he's doing that he's mixing in thunders in between to just keep dealing a little bit of extra damage to the uh to you know pete the boss here uh and while he's doing that it means that he can do it in just two rounds of the you know garbage that he's tossing then he uses a thunder and immediately grabs the hook right after because this little you know box this uh jail for the cornerstone here it actually is invulnerable from damage until you grab that hook but if you start the thunder and then grab the hook means you can start doing it you're also seeing nintend pause every now and then now and then and that's to try to prevent what unfortunately just happened which is getting knocked off of the hook you see your finisher while you're on the hook it gives it does a lot of damage but it also has a long recovery to it and because of that uh he has to try to make sure that he is not in the middle of a finisher when the boat wants to throw him off so he's gonna keep pausing every time he's about to use a finisher to see if that hook starts moving if all goes well he can try to one cycle this boat uh it's gonna be a little close on this one because of getting thrown off we'll see how this goes just gonna be a few more combos but as you look at the top left corner that boat it's trying to escape this one one psycho yeah yeah i feel like you got very unlucky there with when it was telling you to get knocked off mm-hmm yeah it really just wanted to prevent those finishers so this is what we are trying to avoid and also ninten doesn't want to use up any ethers because he doesn't have very many of them uh as you've seen he's really just picked up like two or three so he's going to unfortunately have to wait on a little bit more garbage to be thrown his way too instead of using those thunders one more piece of trash right there should be here in about two combos he'll be able to finish off the fight so a little bit of a time loss right there but it's been an amazingly paced run so far so we'll deal with it one more combo should be able to knock it out and donald learning fantasia right there one of many tools that we'll be talking about later on but now we're going to be going into the final p5 right here yeah this is a pretty good example of that revenge value mechanic i was talking about earlier so the way that they prevent bosses from just getting completely stun locked by you wailing on them with physical attacks is by having a hidden counter for every single boss so the way this works is every type of attack nintendo does an air combo an air combo finisher a ground combo fire thunder every single type of attack has a coded value to it that just adds to a number in the background if that number gets above what we call the boss's revenge value then the boss is going to take its revenge and it's going to retaliate on you ninten can use that to his advantage because we have figured out what the revenge value is of all of these moves and all of these bosses so ninten can know all right i can do this number of combos before the boss is going to try to attack back at me or maybe this time i should go for a trinity limit because it's going to deal so much more damage so quickly but now he's got to wait on that mp to recover so back to worrying about revenge value now he knew that the boss was about to retaliate there so he's like i'm gonna pop into valor form dodge that hit and still get to deal some extra damage yeah he's here on the fourth of the five phases right here every phase that pete goes into his revenge value effectively tolerance actually lowers a little bit so he can only wail on him less and less as he goes through he's trying to look for that last hp gate trying to bait it out with a little bit of blizzard it's nice when he does the little bowling ball right there because with slide dash you can actually knock the bowling ball into him doing pretty much now unfortunately donald's dead right here he's gonna try to revive him because he wants to actually use donald to help him out uh but he got popped up into the air so he's gonna just use some air slash reaction commands try to deal a bunch of damage to the boss and he's gonna have to come back down the ground out and he's gonna pinball waste a little bit of time here unfortunately what happened was that um i res donald but then goofy dives right out yeah donald's like now you know how it feels yeah he needed both of them alive in order to use trinity limit which is what he would have liked to do there but we finished off a timeless river and the rewards that you get from this world are actually amazing you get reflect which is one of the strongest tools in sora's toolbox for the entire game lets you block enemy damage while also dealing damage back at the enemy he also got monochrome a pretty useful keyblade but we won't worry about that one until right near the end of the game and he got wisdom form which is the next dry form this time donald is your team-up partner for that one wisdom form is useful on its own but also getting that resets what we call anti-points which are this mechanic in the game that similar to revenge value it tries to prevent you from abusing drive forms by just constantly spamming them you don't have to worry too much about it just know that it's perfectly routed in the speed run to know exactly how often you can use drive forms and every time we get a new one it means that we can start using them again as much as we want because it will reduce that uh anti-point value back down to zero yeah sort of something built into the game to say we want that to punish you for whatever reason the devs wanted that in the game but if you get a new form they want you to feel safe to get to use them so it makes sense that they just in the background reduce that to zero but again we have it all routed out we're hopefully never going to see anti-form in this run it should be good bobby i want to hear a good 7a different donations hit me up well we actually have some people asking for help asking for help from us we have a 20 donation from eric gainesboro that says please get some revenge on sephiroth for me okay and we have a 250 donation from cloud that says can you fight zephroth for me he won't leave me alone we have passed the 200 000 mark on that by the way we're at 201 000 out of the 280 000 let's keep that coming uh so we do have a 200 donation from stop and fritz saying hi ninten four years ago i took up your tutorial for crit any percent had i known the adventure i end up embarking on and better yet the community i have become a part of four years later i don't go a day without the kingdom hearts community i have you to thank for that it gives all of us such a huge sense of pride that someone as wholesome and amazing as you is bringing gdq home all the best oh thank you so much fritz it really means a lot we have a 100 donation from kubaru saying so happy to see ninten running kingdom hearts 2 final mix to close out the marathon and having spike and jay hobbs commentating one of my favorite games ran by one of my favorite kingdom hearts streamers loved the kingdom hearts community loved the marathon and love donating to this awesome cause gdq rules and much love to everyone who makes it as great as it is best of luck on the run ninten let's see some sephiroth oh thank you all for the kind words and you might be thinking like that sephiroth incentive is still 80 000 away like that's that's really far or something here's the trick if everybody in chat who is watching right now donated five dollars like just five bucks you just you know skip an expensive coffee from starbucks or you know you skip your your mcdonald's the next day yeah there you go you put five dollars towards an amazing cause and make sure you put it towards that sephiroth incentive we would be there instantly that's how great the power of numbers is [Music] power of math the power of quick math right there and now if you need if you need to crunch some numbers we have the biggest menu of the entire run coming up right now because just like hobbs is talking about we got tons of amazing tools and we need to put a lot of those suckers on right now we'll try to go play by play as he throws them all i'll try to see roughly he's going to move pretty fast through the menu menus feel really really good in this game but before we get there we are going to utilize more chicken little for these pirate fights right here now the pirates actually take increased damage from magic the game actually kind of tells you in the cutscene right there so don't blink or you'll miss this fight right here they don't like blizzards they don't like thunder so we're gonna do blizzard blizzard into the thunder thunder and just like that even here at level one all those enemies are dead with a combination of chicken little and those enemies hobbs i got to take that first one you tell me what's going on in the second fight yeah the next fight we're actually gonna get to keep chicken little out you can see a little zac graf there just running alongside you uh he's going to ideally grab all the enemies in immediately because they spawn kind of far away from you then you see the fire into fire it's just to get rid of all of them with the help of the firecracker there as well pull in the second wave you're not gonna be able to quite take out all the cannons with just two fires but there's gonna be enough to spawn in the uh the soldiers there wow i couldn't remember their name for a second [Laughter] uh and a couple thunders finish them off as well literally the second enemy of the series i know right i'm like what another beautiful another beautiful slide dash right there and then going into chicken little's limit we weren't using it for any combat right there it was actually to build up the summon level in the background going on right there um again lots of stuff going on here in this menu wants to try to apply three ethers right there gonna put on donald's first limit of the game fantasia so you can use the comet limit uh also giving goofy goofy tornado just his best uh uh little attack move he can utilize throughout the run hopefully just have him do something in the corner right there and now you got that ambush fight once again chicken little push yourself in the corner chicken little doesn't like that the enemies are too far away he draws them in you hit him with a bunch of blizzards you give them a cold and you send them home yeah and it's great the pacing of this game how they pretty much give you these great tools for certain fights and then give you a lot of reason to want to use them immediately we're into another timed fight here there's not too many of these in the game but you know we kind of had a few a little bit in a row here and this one you just gotta survive for a minute that's all you gotta do but you have all of these pirates trying to attack you with their you know their axes or whatever up in in your face and then they also are trying to shoot you from afar so he's gonna use chicken little to try to uh bring the enemies in because if he leaves them out there in the shadows he wants to make sure that they come out into the moonlight they're actually invulnerable in the shadows here in port royal it's you know if you've watched pirates of the caribbean you understand it so yeah in the moonlight they're actually vulnerable so that's where you can hit them with a lot of magic run around collect the money and the mp orbs that they drop so you can just keep spamming more blizzards and thunder and whatnot and also if he ever does get hit as long as he doesn't die chicken little will make it so that he refunds he refills his health every time he's getting he's uh attacking enemies so he'll do some like air combos and whatnot if he needs to for that purpose i'm gonna use one more chicken little limit there at the end just to try to deplete that summon gauge and keep trying to level up those summons yeah every time the summon drive gauge loses a point that gives an experience point to summons effectively you're using those chicken little limits to deplete all that so that genie will have better usage our other summon in this run later on but now we've got the we have got the infamous boat fight tons of waves of pirates are coming in we're gonna run to the corner get with chicken little and then he is going to whistle them all in hit them with more blizzards this is how intense this fight is he equipped three ethers he's gonna use all three of them in this fight to constantly reapply mp and he wants to make sure he uses them before he actually runs out of mp that positioning by nintendo because one of the pirates got hit by the bomb so he needed to run all the way behind it so that way his blizzard would still hit both of the enemies despite them not being grouped up anymore great job but then he moves on to some of the last couple waves here up over near the stairs this is a kind of awkward spot to be in and he's in an mp recharge right now so he's having to just deal physical hits you can see how much less damage that's doing than these blizzards as soon as he switches to magic they're dead got your last two enemies here they get sucked up gonna get frozen by the blizzard last one of that mp bar is gonna be the one that takes them out nice beautiful grouping of all the enemies right there and you see right there he's got one this is how well it's rounded he got the one safety ether earlier he has one ether left next world coming up he's going to be able to buy all of them now i do want to explain just a couple of those uh tools that nintendo's got in his toolbox in the last couple of worlds because then this next boss fight with barbosa he's going to use like all of them so it's going to come at you really really fast again hobbs brought up the reflect magic ability ooh unfortunate knock up right there but was able to maneuver around it and to avoid the enemies great job now we're gonna be running our way over utilizing valor form for that movement you got stuff like wisdom form that is going to be another dry form that he can pop into unlike valor form he'll be in blue and he can actually utilize his magic while in that form he's also got reflect again something where abusing that revenge value we know every boss in the game has we know exactly when they're going to retaliate and then we can use the reflect in a lot of instances to both defend ourselves and use their attack as a weapon against them opening up the fight here we gotta look for some rng yeah so this enemy can spawn in a few different spots and it will not lift the darkness until you've taken him out now he's gonna start off with some valor form here on barbosa try to get some extra hits in before he runs out if jack or sora loses their health in this fight it's over now once again like we're seeing we're going to go in for a double air combo finisher right there that'll cause barbossa to retaliate we reflect for big damage each time there now he's going to come in at some point he's going to want to pop goofy out of the party for donald instead it's gonna happen right now and that's so that he can use the comet limit here it's gonna deal a lot of extra damage and he can keep wailing with physical attacks while he's doing that if all goes right he's gonna go into wisdom form here and finish off this boss with reflex and maybe some thunders didn't even need it the reflect is all that he needed and that fight was is so difficult so easy to die and it went beautifully great job yeah the reason why he wanted to use the donald flare or the the comet right there uh that limit of his is because a lot of bosses will hit a point where they're in what we call a brick wall state where once they hit a certain revenge value they're just gonna do their attacks and a comet likes to kind of knock the enemies around quite a bit but instead when they're in that brick wall state they're not gonna get knocked around and they're just gonna sit inside that limit and eat tons of damage it's not invulnerable they're just not getting stunned so again beautiful fight back there by ninten basically executed exactly how we wanted it and we had a quick kill there on barbosa very very cool stuff here on level one but we're in another gummy mission we're cat jamming out to this track that is way too good to be in a freaking gummy mission while we're going bobby tell me even more donations i see that number getting higher and higher and closer to 280 we've already almost caught another 10k on the incentive right oh wow yeah that's crazy and we got ten thousand dollars from fangamer hey everybody fangamer here here's another big donation made possible by the folks shopping the official fan gamer sgdq 2021 collection where 100 of the profit from sales of gdq merch goes directly to msf y'all are awesome there's still time to pick something up before the run ends just head on over to gdq let's get to three million dollars yeah i want to shut out the um the finale pin and the finale patch that fan gamer has because they're both kingdom hearts stream and they came out really good yes awesome and speaking of your call to action earlier hobbs five dollars donated by keurig saying here's the money i would have used for an expensive starbucks drink [Music] we and we have a 500 donation from zanonel that says level one critical sephiroth i say yes yeah we have we are about seventy thousand away from showing sephiroth who's boss let's get let's make that happen we have a 75 donation from zenedier host fam friends look how far we've come this week you're all amazing for being here and helping this event have so much meaning it's been unforgettable for me and i hope you all feel the same way let's keep pushing on towards that separate fight and don't forget about all the amazing prizes you're eligible to win when you donate for that super boss like the ps5 thanks again for being your amazing selves chat staff and volunteers let's finish this marathon right never lose heart thank you for doing part of my job for me 20 minimum donation gets you entered in to win a ps5 you know you want that you know who else wants that sora literally lost his heart and it like messed up everything in the world so i mean like don't don't lose heart let's keep those donations coming now we're here our fifth out of seven total gummy missions down is once again in the second half of the run well it's nice from a viewing standpoint because we just go go go it's tough for hobbs ninten and i because we keep going going going but for now we're going into agrabah one where we got this opening fight where uh you know you could finish it or you could just take enough damage we like that that's fast we're here on level one and there's all your health yeah just get a quick combo it's really nice when we have fights like that in the run because ninten's you know a gamer a god gamer over here and just like first trying all these fights and showing oh i could die let me show you how easily it could happen so he does it for speed reasons right there buying a bunch of ethers from the shop because as we said basically used up every single one of them in the world's building up to this get a nice stack of 10 ethers and the fact that he isn't buying armor throughout the entirety of this run is allowing the money routing to get him more ethers and play a more aggressive route in all these different fights because again mp is good mp allows us to use a lot of our tools another wisdom form i was going to say another one of our tools here wisdom form it's the first time we've actually seen it be used for movement and it's actually way better than valor form for movement it has the ability quick run and you can use fire to go in a straight line like this and just kind of plow through a bunch of the the town marketplace uh but wisdom form has the ability quick run and the way that drive forms level up because yeah they actually level up in this game is different based on every single form uh and once they hit level three they actually start giving you the their movement based ability for valor form it would be high jump for wisdom form here it's quick run we want that quick run because quick run is going to be a lot faster than just jogging as normal sora all over the place so we're actually going to spend some time to level up the wisdom form in this world but we're going to do it while still moving on first though we got this little abu minigame it's going to kind of try to keep nudging abu forward similar to what he was doing with minnie in disney castle and because that he's able to finish the mini game just a little bit earlier yeah which is very awkward to do in wisdom form because you're obviously kind of like swaying side to side so that's pretty difficult but now going into this fight we're gonna have more usage of that overpowered reflect magic spell right there he's gonna try to bait out an attack from one of these little ice cube enemies and then reflect it having the splash damage come out which you can see another great property of reflect that splash damage so he's gonna bait out another attack from one of the enemies splash damage killing all the enemies right here for our third tier we got this fat bandit he chose the name not me and now he's gonna try to reflect this uh fireball back at him go into another air combo double finisher with the reaction command we got air combo boost on we got reaction boost on show me the boost use the boost to get through the fight this is great using blizzard and even like this nintendo's doing even very minor things in between all these platforms where he's jumping just before the platform disappears so that way he hits his max terminal velocity right as he's about to land on it so you can see he's actually lower down than don aladdin and donald now this last platform he's going to try to attack the enemy as it spawns out of the air before he even hits the ground reflect into a trinity but because goofy's on the party it's that solo variety so it warps sora directly to the enemy carrying all of that reflect damage and then allowing him to continue using the trinity to kill the other enemy and just do a little bit of air walking at the end of that fight which i think is really really great as well so now you see ninten popping back into wisdom form because again every time you kill a heartless specifically in wisdom form it will give wisdom form an experience point and we want to see on the left side of the screen not just level two but level three in wisdom form this can be pretty tight routing there's level two right there he's still another 34 so he drops out of it gets uh some drive back by utilizing fire by utilizing reflect building it back up very quickly popping back into wisdom form which is now at level two and now he can hopefully kill the rest of these heartless and get to level three so we can get that wisdom form there it is quick run level one in our toolbox now he's gonna quickly pop out aladdin bring in goofy so he can use group trinity reflect one of the fire attacks the fire breathing attacks from the three fat bandits that allowing a ton of splash damage to go off and now he's gonna use all three phases of group trinity there to rack up a lot of hits and take out all three of them in one go that is an extremely scary end of the fight if he times that reflect a little too early the splash damage won't go off if he times it a little bit too late donald might die and then he won't get to use group trinity and trying to run around and heal donald and trying to get back going that is not a good time but here we are going into the blizzard volcano lords we got our boss fight of vagabroth one yeah you move on from one fight to the next back and back back back to back that is uh he's gonna start off with a reflect into the comet uh limit from donald that's gonna keep him invulnerable but also it's gonna do a lot of little hits all over where he decides to actually use that finisher which helps get rid of the small enemies that the the blizzard and volcano lords turn into in between each of their phases while they are in these larger forms he's mostly sticking air combos he still has that hero's crest uh keyblade equipped so that it can do extra damage on those air combos then he pops into valor form had to make sure goofy was alive and not frozen so that way he could use this for some extra damage now he unfortunately has had to deal with some of the smaller enemies there he's about to run out of valor form he wants to use donald one more time so he's gonna potentially potion him there it is revive him so that way he can get back into this comment it's going to deal a lot of extra damage and hits to these bosses it's popped up into the air which really sucks because he's having a hard time getting over to it and he has no mp to hit him out of the air with thunder but thankfully he did finish off the volcano lord without having to use comet rain so he can use all of that juicy damage here on the blizzard lord and just another double finisher will take him out that was great once again patience on ninten's side to know that he could hold out on using comet just a little bit if you look in the top right corner any time we're using a limit there's a limit gauge you can't just keep it up for forever and every time you're using one of the small charges of it it will kind of pause that timer from going down he held it until about the last possible second for the blizzard lord to come down get in its brick wall stay and have it eat all of that fantasia that comet uh finisher damage right there dealing tons of damage allowing nintend to go for the one two the dosi doe and take him out great job there on agrabah one we're into our sixth of our seven gummy missions the last one for a while so bobby this is your last big chance for a long time to get in a ton of donations let's hear them well i like this 10 donation from wow thanks i like this one that says ninten does what sega roth don't want that one takes you a second but it's great oh yeah that took me a minute so so this one's interesting this is interesting this next set here we have a 100 donation from dougal that says let's get a 100 donation train to get the atlantica incentive come on everyone hello anyone hello dougal you were heard we have a 25 donation from anonymous saying doing my part to get us to atlantica luna meyer donates 1 000 saying let's see a donation chain to get to that 4 million dollar incentive we have another 1 000 donation from anonymous saying i just want to see a fish in the sea some people here really want to see atlantica and all of them also are now eligible to win a ps5 it's a 20 minimum donation they went well above and beyond on that one uh but we've got that and the sephiroth incentive you need to make sure that you select that uh we are at 215 000 out of 280 000 for that we have a 250 donation from reginald yacht that says this event has been truly astonishing and as the finale is a throwback a decade in the making makes it all the more poignant one dollar for every xehanort although i think i might have lost count since there's a lot of them that's very accurate and just to give everybody an idea of how much longer you got before that separate instead of we're a little bit past halfway through the run now i would say does that sound about right to you two ninten yeah we're actually um yeah like a bit maybe sixty percent done yeah so you don't have a ton of time left but there's definitely still time to make sure the sephiroth fight happens you can see that bar at the bottom it's just it's so close to getting finished come on let's just close it out just keep pushing it chat and i will say if i were the writer of finney fun [Music] i've probably gotten a lot of crap over the years for writing that song but if i heard one day that my song raised a million dollars for doctors without borders i think i would take the crap i got from my friends so make it happen check get that give the writer of that song a lift up i believe in y'all let's get it in there three million and well beyond come on bobby you can sneak in about two more i think we have a 20 donation from blazing glaceon that says i finished this entire series to date and i still don't know what's happening in it also shout out to terrace armor in the screaming lingering will inside bit of a stretch oh well and we have a 50 donation from raisin that says long time donator first time viewer wait wait is that right looking forward to the showcase of skill and game knowledge ninten always provides on these level one runs let's get the incentive met guys thank you raising yeah i do want to real quick as we're going here into halloweentown the last of our first string of disney worlds right here that ninten is awesome and everyone should give him a follow uh the only reason why hobbs and i know half the amount of stuff we know about this game doing commentary is because ninten did all this the exact same commentary for a video he provided to us this is allowing him to get to focus and pull off this extremely difficult high level speed run that can kill you at any instant uh nintendo is awesome he streams like every day give him a follow he's wholesome great and also you know he should give a follow genie because he's helpful sometimes now i don't know i don't know where i was going but uh so he popped into our first usage of the genie summon here this is the second and actually i think the only other summon that we're gonna be getting in this run now genie you get from beating agrabah one and he in that case back there was really just useful to get your rid of your party members they can prevent you from losing your health there and you don't want that to happen you just want to force that fight to end very quickly but we will use them for damage a lot later first off though we got the town square fight here nintendo put a small delay on and then slide dash into a double reflect into a third reflect in order to get a lot of damage and finish off that first wave instantly then he goes into dance call the the limit that you can use with jack skellington it is a very powerful limit it pulls enemies in and finishes them off wow this is what i did right there that was a beautiful fight yeah go for it yeah what i did right there was i ended the limit um pretty much like frame perfect i've never like timed it but i think it's pretty perfect um and skipped the entire ending animation where like it zooms in on sora it takes a couple seconds i just caught the replay of it too it went by so quickly i looked at the live stream to catch it and wow that was yeah that was incredible it's just very small details that add up over the course of a three-hour speed run but you know the hits keep going we just gotta move on to the next boss here spike yeah and this one is going to be the dance call show definitely one of the top three limits in the game uh and yeah they gave it to just one of the regular disney characters right here in halloweentown dance call has this great ability to kind of draw the enemy in and then deal a lot of damage very quickly it's great so you see him up there he's trying to get in a decent amount of damage for this first phase and then he's going to utilize dance call to magnetize him into you and then deal a ton of damage with these small charges he tries to get to four and a half bars of health that is the end kind of the first of his hp gates that he is hitting right there next one's gonna pop in here at about three and a half bars nintendo is going to try to perform a phase skip right here um prison keeper will try to uh absorb obtain one of the three kids lock shock and barrel that'll send you the different phases but ninten right there actually skipping over it saving just a little bit of animation time now he's gonna be going into a second instance of dance call popped into valor form right here did a little bit of damage and then dropped out of it just so he could get that mp back because every time you pop into a drive form it refills your mp going for that second dance call now drop out of it pop two more ethers start building back up drive while waiting to actually get back to the damaging phase of prison keeper right here because he does want to try to get that three drive beautiful reflecting that swing attack right there dealing a ton of damage building back up a ton of drive and then popping into another dance call to make sure he gets magnetized in and eats all of that splash damage now going for the finisher of dance call right here see a prison keeper and we're at 2.3 2.3 i would say drive gauge right now which is important yeah that was a great fight it even actually opened with some unlucky randomness as well because which kid the prison keeper swallows at the beginning to uh will determine which types of attacks it'll open up with and it went for shock which is unfortunately like the worst one but ninten handled it very well now you can see we're able to actually quick run all over the place now this is what going into wisdom form so many times in agribo is all about giving sora the ability to just move across the ground very quickly it also works as a good dodging utility as well but we're going into oogie boogie now and this this fight's not so fun for for most runners it's it's long uh you can easily die at any point and you can't really do too much to speed up a lot of it because you're just sitting on these tracks and having to uh you know hit all of these presents back you actually gotta they're not presents really but boxes you gotta hit 12 of them back before oogie will drop down in each phase he's got to listen for some audio cues right here because like that fist that slams down on the ground that will one shot sora so if you unfortunately get underneath that you don't hear as little attack um i'll squash you flat yeah that'll take you out real quick this is a long fight it's boring but there's also a lot going on in it because you easily can die pulling out chicken little right here because we're going to try to perform a little bit of a skip with some of the heartless coming up in a second and just generally keeping you pretty safe so that's why he was performing all those thunders in between all of those box knock-ups that he was doing in the first part so chicken hole he's first gonna pull him back try to avoid chicken little and the heartless right there getting hit by the fist because by keeping it alive we can avoid oogie boogie from spawning more heartless later on so now that white knight is going to be sitting over there on that middle conveyor belt chicken little's over with us that's 11 boxes knocked up on him and now normally he would spawn more heartless right here but because that white knight is active over there it allowed him to just have the boxes come out even faster and now in the dance call we go big chunk damage taking him out with this overpowered limit right here just keeping him in a stun loop working him into his last hp gate one left to go and now the white knight oh actually not dying right there either yeah still alive so oogie's still not gonna summon any new heartless yet any new little gifts for you and now that we're into the third phase he still has to um you know knock 12 boxes up at oogie but he's going to move oogie that is is going to move every time that four boxes have been knocked up onto his platform so that's why you're seeing nintendo just immediately dodge forward after he's knocked in four which side he moves to is actually random so he has to kind of keep an eye on oogie there so that he knows which uh side to to try to move to with the reaction command it's got to go for another four of the dice here actually using the iframes from the reaction command that time to dodge the uh the dice bomb that oogie will drop on him now oogie can move twice here or he can stay in the center he moved twice a little unlucky but not that big of a deal just a minor time loss and uh when when it comes to a game that is full of randomness uh i think you'll take just the the smaller versions of it over the longer versions something else to mention is that um i don't know if we've mentioned it yet but the fist and the thunder will basically one shot me if i get caught by it yeah so this fight is actually really scary even though um i haven't taken a hit yet that's kind of how a lot of the fights go too nice finish there with dance call but there's a bunch where because you get like one shot by every every move the boss has it better go damageless it better be a damageless fight because otherwise you're gonna die now here again we are done with gummy missions until the end of the run before the final world so now it just starts going love this movement tech locking onto worlds and then warping to in front of them to get back to twilight town now in this fight we are introduced to another bane of a lot of casual players play-throughs of this the berserkers or as my man likes to call them the berjerkers big enemies with these claymores that like to never be able to get hit and they deal massive damage to you we're going to utilizing genie this time to actually deal some damage using some wisdom genie right there and then reflect get some good splash damage on all of the different desks right there and then using another instance of wisdom genie coming up here after we reflect the claymore being knocked out there's the berserkers i hate him just looking at him so wisdom genie gonna perform our first wish of the run and start taking them out he does want to make sure he holds on to a little bit of mp has to take off out the last of these two dusks and then he's actually going to dismiss genie and this is going to be positively cathartic coming out here after he dismisses him a little bit of mp left gonna bait all these berserkers into the corner with this jump jump magnet them and then go into a group trinity trying to make sure he's a specific distance away because all of a sudden they're dead yes that was incredible we just got access to the magnet uh magic or the magnet spell and it's already being useful so we talked earlier about how trinity has multiple parts to it that all don't do damage but then eventually add up to a number that increases the damage at the end however magnet does damage whenever it pulls enemies in it's just a small amount of damage but it does some damage so whenever you use a magnet and trinity that every single one of those moves every one of those pieces of trinity is moving the enemies around all over the place and as they get moved they get moved out of the magnet so the magnet's like well hey hold on come back here that's my job get go get over here and when it does that it deals more damage and it does that like 90 times in a second i mean i might be exaggerating a little bit but it's really fast so that's how magnet and trinity can do a lot of damage very quickly by the way just love that swag little movement there some fires and wisdom for him to just keep your height and not have to deal with any kind of ledge grabs it's so fun all the little bit of bits of movement techniques in this run yeah kingdom hearts 2 is probably one of the less movement intensive of this series speed runs but little fire like right there wisdom form using thunder that just kind of clips you up on top of the ledge right there and then a fire to extend you cutting out that landing lag just a little bit of ratchet and clank energy we're trying to work up to ratchet and clank movement tech but here we are we've got another skateboard right here skateboards are always going to be good anytime we get to see them yeah while we do have bass quick on yeah go ahead obviously yeah we were about to say the same thing well while uh you might you know we've got quick run on sora why are we bothering with wisdom form it's not just for all this great magic movement it actually now has a level two quick run which goes a little bit further and a little bit faster so it is better overall for these longer sections compared to just a base level uh quick run so that's one of the other big reasons he popped into wisdom form here yeah it's gonna keep wisdom form much more relevant even later in the game by the way we had just picked up another dry form earlier after we defeated that berserker sandlot fight limit form i'm just bringing it up because when it pops up later on in the run it kind of gets popped up with a bunch of other little things but it'll allow us to use kingdom hearts one sora's uh limits that he had in that game stuff like rs arcanum and ragnarok that'll be cool when you get to see it just stick around for the run it's gonna be cool you'll like it and that once again just like when we got wisdom form resetting those anti-points going on those antiform points in the background reset it to zero so he knows once again in the routing he's now safe to utilize a bunch of dry forms without the fear of going into anti-form now we're here in space it's tron world yeah so space paranoid starts off with a bit of a mini game uh you gotta find the right box and you just kind of turn the camera to it but he also knows roughly the amount of distance the box is gonna travel so he can kind of meet it at the end of its movement path uh during the rest of this was normally like a uh an upcoming section where you would grind for experience and levels at this this windows fight but uh hey it's level one so we get to actually save a good chunk of time there uh over a lot of the other routes right after requiring acquiring master form another really useful drive form that we're gonna see later on um but don't forget folks we do want to see at the end of this run the sephiroth superboss fight but there's an incentive going for that one and in order to see that fight happen you have to donate at donate and you gotta donate specifically to that sephiroth incentive so you got to put it to that when you get there we got light cycle going on now thankfully that first part that i was talking through that could be pretty scary went pretty smoothly yeah didn't take any damage because the scary thing here is everything two shots you in this mini game right here if he takes damage in that first part that health would carry over here into this auto scroller section now ninten it's very consistent he knows what's gonna happen here but he made any mistakes in addition to the randomness of the first phase this is a multi-minute time loss somehow this game does a really good job of knowing when you can lose multiple minutes beautiful movement tech right there by actually throwing the keyblade into the shield enemies which is meant to punish you by knocking you into the wall but by doing it and then immediately turning down the corner you go whoop and you just shoot down the corner you'll see ninten go for another instance of that coming up here down the corner all right take out the blue enemy he's gonna line up check out the green enemy whoop and then bounce right through the quarters right there awesome stuff bobby i want to hear two donations real quick while ninten finishes this section up well how about this 50 donation from kung fu fruit cup hey saying loving the finale so far you're doing great ninten also love you spike and hops please don't fire me three million hype we'll see about that i don't know i heard that i heard that in an uh interview earlier and we honestly had nothing to do with that and we do have a five dollar donation from annie jess three saying did jhops just summon a five dollar train i love kingdom hearts and i never get tired of commentary that includes mickey and sephiroth in the same sentence come on folks let's nort a boy you know i'm actually i'm really curious too what is everybody's favorite disney movie why don't you donate and let us know because there's a bunch of them that are in kingdom arts worlds but there's a bunch that aren't too and you know disney's got a pretty big library what's everybody's favorite disney movie tell us in your donation comments let us know bobby will let us know if you let us know with your money i will do it [Music] i know that right like it's kind of guessing but we're into the screens fight here and this is where we're finally getting to see genie uh i mean again we did see him in the berserker fight but we're gonna see master form genie here so you can use magnet and master form genies limit arcana or arcana to really deal a lot of quick damage to the enemies and once again every time he's hitting them it's knocking them in and out of the magnet that's that little magnet shuffle as i'm going to start to call it is dealing extra damage every single time and that's going to be used so often in this run on these mob fights dude please can we just make that the name of the tech from now on magnet shuffle all right looking good guess what it is you're knocking them constantly in and out of the magnet same instance you saw right there from ninten doing the magnet into the solo trinity right there and that allowed him to build that drive gauge back up because if you go back and look at this vod later and i'm expecting there's gonna be a test on this chat you'll see he only had one drive left after dismissing genie but then by going magnet into trinity you build that drive up very very quickly now we got the hostile program boss fight variant this boss fight right here where we have to utilize almost every tool in the toolbox i know it's amazing you start off with donald in the party here because you're gonna go into comet and then immediately go into two full combos ideally with some double finishers here because that finishing plus ability comet's going to deal a lot of hits and also pop a lot of these little clusters out which he can use to freeze the boss then he goes into wisdom form to hit him with a bunch of attacks dropping yet more clusters so that way as soon as he freezes the boss like this he can find some more and try to get up as well and just deals a lot of good damage then he goes over to the uh back to comet on the boss here several combos and then hopefully if all goes well he's going to be able to freeze the boss again because the comet reigns going to spit out so many clusters look his bar in the top left already full again so he's going to freeze so that the boss is directly next to him while he's frozen he's going to go into another full combo with double finisher and then summon genie he's going to move genie over to the master form version of genie and use that arcana limit once again it's going to do yet again a big chunk of cluster dropping from the boss he's going to pick him all up here just you know running around using that draw ability freeze the boss and then hopefully that should be the last freeze of the fight goes into a full combo again into that arcana limit let's see how this goes perfect beautiful amazing watch this freeze frame right here look sora is standing in genie's mouth blasting away this is the greatest video game of all time i'm just telling you and we're utilizing every ridiculous tool in the toolbox to take them down but now that's great we just beat tron world here's the thing we're going directly into hollow bastion 2. we got this entire defense segment we got heartless coming from the left we got no buddies coming from the right and we got two great guns and chicken little and genie ready to blast off let's bring out genie again because again we want more master form genie with the magnet shuffle we're calling it just that we're locking on to the dancer nobody into this fight that is the most annoying anime you can deal with it's a good thing it's already dead i didn't get to point it out too much and now utilizing more of the magnet shovel to deal a ton of damage there he does want to make sure he has his drive back by the end of this fight ooh a little bit scary there with the crimson jazz does want to make sure eventually enemies have like different weight classifications in this game so he wanted to make sure that he sort of gets a distance away and then throws up the magnet with genie's arcana drawing them back in nintendo's having to call an audible here man this is some improv work unfortunately lost the drive there that he was trying to work with genie thought about maybe switching the form up or you know it's just sticking with them that was a mistake right there because i thought i was on master but i i switched it at some point i just yeah accidentally over to valor if it had been wisdom it would have maybe been okay so thankfully he got enough to be able to get up to three drive here um so he is going to be able to still summon genie again and now this fight needs to go right so that way he can get all his drive back for the next one as well he's gonna do more of the magnet shuffle there with master genie's arcana and that's just gonna deal a bunch of damage but also if he does things right it helps keep his summon gauge healthy so that way he can use more gene he started to run out of mp there though so he had to toss an ether so he could use more magnets now he's trying to desperately get to the third wave of enemies but these dancers are incredibly scary and he still has to dodge those creepers because he might as well be at one health right now he'll get one shot by pretty much any one of these attacks at his current health now he's hopefully going to use two magnets here to group all the enemies up and might have to use one no you can't use another one this is a little risky that's gonna be the first step of the run those dancers even if he had full health that would have been a one shot yeah barry unfortunately again down on his drive gauge right there ideally would have got just a little bit more back in that corridor's fight trying to pull off a magnet into group trinity to get all of his drive back but unfortunately donald was dead we could not do it so gonna try to build it back up to three get into wisdom genie right here over to master genie arcana to try to take out the first wave of the dancers right here into phase two drop down magnet magnet shuffle again try to take out more of them again desperately trying now it's good we're into the third phase he should be able to throw up a magnet dismiss genie refill the mp magnet into another trinity watch that dry gauge fly up to nearly full all the way up to five all of a sudden take them out great second try at that fight yeah and and then that's like how it goes in kingdom hearts speed runs right nintendo if it goes horribly wrong the first try after the death it's gonna go it goes perfect the second time yeah that was a good fight the second time yes it was but now we don't need just good fights we need perfect fights for the next you know big chunk because demix here this fight is is going to be followed by four different fights and if any of them goes wrong if nintendo's in any of them he has to come all the way back to this fight and do it all over again it's gonna start off with a trinity limit here to get rid of a lot of the water clones really all the rest of them and look at the massive amount of damage he's doing to that health bar on demix then he's going to pop in to limit form after stunning the boss and he's going to use ragnarok or some may call it infinity to deal a lot of hits very quickly also he got all his mp back when he went into limit form so now he can use a trinity limit again the boss is going to use some more water clones and then that should get rack up enough damage to hopefully kill the boss not quite one combo left maybe two combos this will do it yes beautiful fantastic get a little buff to our blizzard there as well uh and now ninten is going into again this is like the scariest section of the entire run we have four fights called the final fantasy fights here goofy has died he is gone forever don't worry about it uh now he's gotta take out these four different waves of heartless while teaming up with various final fantasy characters this first one not too scary normally but we're still on level one so anything can kill you he's going to use more magnets and trinities as well as the reaction commands was actually looking for a rising sun but he'll take the cyclone as well and thankfully the rising sun does finish off the last heartless for him this does build him up to four drive gauge meaning we can go into limit form that does require four drive gauge this will get him in the limit allowing him to refill his mp and now he's going to go through uh utilize the sonic grave instead uh for the limit of having all that mp back and now he's got to do more management of that drive gauge building it up you see those big enemies there the morning stars they are the scariest enemies that you will have to deal with in these final fantasy fights right here good thing it's already dead now it's still just a bunch of shadows and soldiers but they can still very easily kill you if you let them get away from you didn't let them get away from him two down but now it's into the scariest fight the tifa fight yeah so tifa's fight is full of those big blue morning stars that spike was talking about they are incredibly scary he was ideally hoping for a rising sun there it is so he could start off by using that reaction boost ability to deal a lot of extra damage to these morning stars next he's got to determine what the enemies are doing he's going to go for a reflect into another set of rising suns here a couple morning stars are still alive and then they're spinning around so he's not liking it does reflect the spin goes into a magnet into a trinity as well that morningstar thankfully just got finished off and tifa is safe for another day tifa an amazing combo right there to finish them off great job now we're gonna be popping in the limit form the explosion from popping into limit form is actually all we really wanted right there and the mp from it and now he's gonna thunder these little robot heart lists right here which will actually automatically cause them to have that cause you to have access to their reaction command right there which can keep you safe and do a ton of damage to all the other heartless hopefully you're just trying to last long enough to where cloud goes into berserk mode like he is right here and start taking them out meanwhile you're utilizing magnet to keep the enemies grouped up and ready to eat a ton of damage that is a first try on the final fantasy great job ninten but now we've got the most random fight in the game we have the thousand heartless i know that's the thing is it's not over thankfully now if he were to take a death he doesn't have to go back to demix but this is maybe the single scariest fight in the entire game there are 1 000 heartless that need to be defeated and ninten does not have any party members uh to help him with it you can't use the summons he is low on tools what he is going to use are the sparkle ray reaction commands from all of these sentry bots here and the thing is sometimes they don't like to give you the option to use it right away he can use thunder on them to force them to use it sooner but then he's draining his mp which is often used for those safety reflects so a lot of the time he's actually just going to have to react to what the enemies are doing oh this anytime those lasers are all cued up and he's in the middle of an animation that's a scary moment ninten's also doing a lot of fancy footwork here though isn't he spike yeah i was going to say try and just constantly see where the other enemies are coming from popping a reflect many times before grabbing hold of these robots so that he can actually take out some enemies with the splash damage but also just uh keep himself protected the whole way into limit form great reaction right there from ninten recognize that he was about to get combo killed and was able to drop into a safety limit for him the good thing about that is that actually does refill his mp bar right there so you can use more reflect sitting here at 869 but not so nice yet over 900 dead at this point he needs to sometimes realize when they're gonna do that long wind-up attack and when he needs to put on even more reflections you're gonna get hit by yeah great reaction using the trinity limit right there any time he sees those lasers those pink lasers all cued up while he's in the middle of a sparkle ray it is where he needs to be quick with those reactions and so far he's had to do it twice in this fight now he wants to keep this last one alive to take out the rest of the enemies and then finish him off and that is a first try thousand heartless amazing nintendo great job i'm picking up that was pretty scary yeah but i don't care if you've done this i don't care if you're the world record or you've done this a million times thousand heartless especially on level one where you don't have any of the classic abilities that people are used to in these games second chance once more that prevents you from getting one shot or combo killed none of those are there at any point any of that randomness could take you out but with that now again the run just keeps going now we need to in order to access the end game portion of the run we have to go back and complete second visits of port royal halloweentown agrabah beast castle and land of dragons all back to back to back to back starting off in port royal because it's got some very very good stuff here that we want to pick up we're about two thirds of the way through the run now folks be sure to keep donating to that separate super boss fight i believe we can make it happen i believe in all of you out there who are watching and sitting there just going i know i can contribute to a good cause now you might have noticed the pirates there were not dying in one or two blizzards like they were before kind of they take a lot longer now because we are into the second uh ring of worlds the second visits and things take a lot longer every time he uh ninten decides to go to a new place in one of the ships here in this case the black pearl he's gonna get ambushed by a bunch of uh enemies but he can escape that ambush by going into the uh interior of the ship instead of trying to fight them out we got grim reaper here this is actually really cool uh strat spike yeah coming up here he's gonna be trying to utilize a lot of reflects and whatnot to deal a lot of damage back the biggest thing he wants to do is actually utilize comet and then he's going to in between small shots of comet with donald he's going to try to keep him stun locked run comet all the way down to its finisher and then try to get him basically in the middle of common so he's basically just getting bounced back and forth like a pinball and taking tons of damage now into master form we go regular hit blizzard regular hit blizzard regular hit blizzard all the way down until he utilizes both of the finishers from the finishing plus we have master form is swag it's cool we'll use it more later and now into another comet where he's going to try to in between all the singular shots with comet do a bunch of other hits to constantly keep him stun locked and then we're going to be going for the finisher here pretty soon right after the teleporter oh no actually not going to be utilizing it right there i mixed it up in the notes i'm sorry all good he yeah did have to wait on teleport there was a little scary thankfully did get that guard off now a few more combos should do it but he has to still be worried about taking a swipe and death and there's gonna be one more teleport associated with this one if he had unlimited ethers he could have tossed you know toss one to get some mp back use the thunder but we are very limited on those those consumable resources in this run so has to be careful play it safe wait out that teleport yeah that's one of those fights that um it's one of those fight stats uh you can't really tell maybe when you're watching but grim reaper has like a really weird hitbox so sometimes you can just get knocked pretty far away or like go push you out of the way with his scythe and that's really um important to avoid when you're doing comment can i jump in here yes absolutely i need to jump in here because we just passed 2.8 million what which which i want to say before i say this before i say this i want to say that this is higher than hdq 2021 so this is the highest online marathon and the third highest marathon to date and you want to know how we did it you ready for this we got a 40 000 donation from twitch so y'all twitch has been a wonderful partner for our events for years gdq is super grateful thank you so much for supporting both the speedrun community and a great cause thank you so much twitch that's incredible and that that's amazing so close to three million dollars now at this point oh my god can you imagine let's just do it yeah can you imagine if we raised three million dollars in an online event for for doctors without borders like that would be incredible we're right we got a speedrun we got to talk about here so ninten is here uh fighting some gamblers now uh has to find all of these medallions and he's doing a really cool piece of uh of tech here called genie canceling where basically he's uh doing horizontal slashes this great ability that lets him do slash slash side to side up in the air he just got that from grim reaper and he's using it and then switching what form genie is in so that it resets his combo counter so he can just keep doing those horizontal slashes over and over that was great he's now going to get all his drive back because genie is going to be taken away from him by the game and he is full mp which is exactly where he wants to be going into grim reaper 2 the refight yeah grim reaper 2 has kind of two main phases to him you have this phase where you have to collect all of the medallions back from you you got all 882 coins back into the chest and then you can actually go to the phase where you're dealing damage to him so he's going to utilize a couple of thunders every thunder pops out 50 coins and then using blizzard to keep him stunned now we can get into some damage genie canceling let's go horizontal slash keep in mind chad he has to manually do all of this menu while also doing the horizontal slashes in the air this is not an easy technique to do that he's doing and looks like he was able to get effectively the one cycle right there on phase one now get up reflect a little bit back get some drive gauge built back up and then while he it's up in the air after this rash command he's gonna lock on he's got 77 coins well now he's got zero two thunder pops right there popping out up to a hundred points now he can drop all the rest of the back end already into the second place and now it's time to do something similar honestly to that genie combo right there but instead mix horizontal slash with the donald comet right there to bounce back and forth and not let him get to move beautifully down a one cycle on the second phase as well yeah he needs to get to safety up to the box the fact that he's in that corner too so he can just take all the hits from the comment but now he needs to make sure his party members are alive here he's so he revives donald uses master form because he needs both his party members for this drive and now he's going to use thunder every use of thunder and master form uses it like three or four times he doesn't want to just match thunder though he needs to slowly pace these out so that way he can get mp orbs from the boss and maximize the amount of hits the boss is taking that got all 882 medallions spit out of the boss in one master form and one mp bar an incredible feat to be achieved and he has to finish off of course with some more comment usage one teleport from the boss he's got a sneak one in a second one because he really wants to be a jerk at the end but he is going to finish well with two finishers and get some sweet rewards from that one yeah upgraded his baby magnet to a magnera so it's area of effect its drawing powers have become even stronger but the crown jewel of what we just picked up there was flare force our second and final limit we're picking up here with donald allowing him to use duck flare this run i mean it's great we get to be the closer but debatably should have been the opener on july 4th because we're about to get real festive with donald's limits right here but now we go into halloween town too the shortest of the worlds but in the course of three fights in this world we're gonna utilize three different limits to get through it first off making sure we got donald goofy in the party for a little group trinity action for a little magnet shuffle don't blink these lock shock and barrel their health bars are about to go down real fast magnet into that group trinity watch them getting bounced in and out of that mega overdrive over and over and over again taking tons of damage and they're already all three down now we judge ninten's golfing skills yeah he lines it up two for two could this be a three for three on a gdq stage three for three the eagle tross yeah someone's been playing mario golf this week come on yeah incredible but we're just moving on that's the thing is in these second visits there you just keep going there's no gummy missions to to deal with you know the you know a break in between every world you just got gotta keep going keep going keep going so he's gonna use some skateboards because they have a few now in these in a few of these second visits but now he's heading back to the town square for a fight here this is some really scary enemies in it so he's gonna try to use a dance call at the beginning here right after a reflect dance call is going to pull all the enemies into that reflect and deal some sweet damage to them but importantly if he can take out all enemies at basically the same time he can collect all four presents before the next wave spawns which is exactly what happened there and if you don't collect all four presents before the next wave spawns things tend to go poorly yeah and now we go into rng the mini game let's see how many brown boxes are gonna be able to pop out he needs to build the counter up to a hundred every different size box will give you a different amount towards that the little tiny red boxes they'll give you one uh the yellow boxes you hit them with three they'll give you five there are green boxes and there are brown boxes the brown box is the best because they give you 20. oh there's already one ooh looking juicy get it wrapped up very nice yeah unfortunately we're not seeing a ton of green ones of course two spit out as soon as they say that i need to just say it again it's terrible bad rng where where that was beautiful rng that was actually really good rng right at the end there yeah finally got a lot of uh larger boxes but after the present rapping it's all about the experiment fight the final fight here of this world now experiment is a really uh difficult fight very easy to die on he's gonna start with duck flare that new limit that we just got from grim reaper two it's gonna send a bunch of fireworks happy you know late july 4th everybody send a ton of them directly into the boss he uses lots the finisher pretty quickly there and then a bunch of combos to kind of break the boss apart has to worry about guarding the bus because he doesn't have mp for reflect then he's going to send the one piece back over into the head here because that'll reform the boss he's ooh taking a hit so going to play it a little bit safe here go into limit form as well although he was actually going to do that either way so that he could use ragnarok or infinity there to deal a lot of damage also got all his mp back so he reverts goes back to duck flare and some combos here and hopefully this is gonna be enough to finish the boss off all in this single limit yeah for whatever reason specifically on the english versions of kingdom hearts 2 duck flare flare force just lasts on screen for like an hour longer than it does in any other version of the game so that is what actually makes it it's pretty common like a lot of people run the japanese versions of a lot of these games where like maybe the text would save some time not so fast here in kingdom hearts 2 faster to run here because duck flare stays on screen for so long and deals so much damage great job now on to agrabah where we don't get to use flair force at all yeah no agrabah uh flair forces is not gonna be uh it's a bummer it would be so useful but uh most of this visit is going to be taking place on carpet you know from the movie carpet uh you're gonna be flying around yeah great great movie movie yeah it's it's fantastic uh i don't think i necessarily agree but it's up there all right it's up there we will give bobby a chance in a little bit to tell us all of your favorite disney uh disney names disney movies that is maybe but first we got a fight here with some rapid thrusters some hook bats hey they came back uh don't need to use their bat cry this time though because we've got reflected magnet he's actually going to prompt an attack from these enemies so that way he can reflect while setting up a magnet as well to finish off those last few sorcerers there those aren't sorcerers whatever they're called portuguese yeah yeah and again that is all dealing a ton of damage because of how splash damage works in this game it just deals a ton of hits really really fast reflecting attack into a magnet so they're bouncing in and out of those attacks constantly so doing the fights on the carpet is very very annoying because they take a lot of your tools away and all the enemies can kind of fly around so you'll see for both of these fights nintendo's going to try to like bait them towards the invisible walls so that they can't move around as much and constantly use these chains of bring in the enemies reflect their attack into a magnet the magnet will stay on screen long enough to draw the next group of enemies in they'll be ticked off they'll retaliate you reflect that into another magnet rinse and repeat till all the enemies are dead now throw up the magnet these enemies are gonna be upset gonna reflect that into another magnet finishing leap to destroy them popping ether in between to keep healthy on mp nice double reflect there to avoid taking a death there to the crimson jazz very annoying enemy and able to take them out with enough mp to do the next phase of the minigame it was a little scary too because the enemies kind of spread out a little bit at the end they're not sure if they took the full reflect damage but made it work so now we got to do a small little mini game here where you kind of hit these various switches with a certain magic you actually need thunder blizzard and fire all used here you can see that nintendo was double checking his magic menu to make sure that he had fire prepped and ready to go uh gonna use a blizzard on this one head over to the next one and use fire but then we got a bit of an auto scroller you can die in it but it's probably not going to be too big of a deal so bobby i want to hear some people's favorite disney movies if you got some oh i i oh i do and uh since since i have the power here with the mic i'm going to actually start off with the correct answer and then everybody else i'll read their answers as well but but seiko kiaba donates 25 and says let's talk about one disney movie that stands out above the crowd a goofy movie donates 20 saying goofy movie is the best disney movie i know there's many others who will see i2i but there were some honorable mentions here nygog donates five dollars saying emperor's new groove no touchy ten dollars from lagon saying sword in the stone is my favorite disney movie thanks for all the entertainment this week runners five dollars from apollo that says my favorite disney film is the critically the criminally underrated hunchback of notre dame we have twenty dollars from cthulhu cute chat my favorite disney movie is legit black cauldron give me black cauldron world number donates 20 saying favorite disney movie has to be princess and the frog so why hasn't that been a kingdom hearts world yet good question good question i i gotta go to lion king myself i'll be honest i think i think that one's still up there although tangled tangled is pretty darn good tangled's top three for me beauty and the beast great but shrek a classic move keep going bobby we got a little bit more time let's see here kelly obrelli donated 50 saying the nightmare before christmas will always be my favorite good choice good choice 50 from eto that says best disney movie is obviously the emperor's new groove all other answers are invalid kappa no no we've already established this movie uh speaking of that mega guts 549 donated 25 says i will stand out and say goofy movie is my favorite disney movie i hope you see eye to eye with me after today oh no oh he took a hit oh thank you [Laughter] have you yeah at the end no well i mean maybe in like randomizer but right because you're massive yeah all right that's uh the end of the auto scroller there be sure everybody i can see we are getting closer and closer on that sephiroth super boss incentive but there's not that much run left so please make those donations happen now come on you could stay up a little bit longer to watch that sephiroth fight happen uh before that though we got the genie jafar fight and this is one that was labbed out so many different times by runners to to try to make it as efficient as possible you see genie jafar has what we call a desperation move or dm you're going to hear that a lot for the rest of the run that is a move where he will turn the entire screen dark become invulnerable waste a ton of time and potentially try to kill you and we want to try to avoid that happening because here on level 1 that could be a problem so nintendo's going to do that by starting out with a ground combo into a finishing leap to pop himself up into the air and do two combos using a blizzard just to make sure that he had bypassed an hp gate by the boss there and then he's gonna wind them up with that reaction command go for two air combos using those horizontal slashes in between before those double finishers then actually go in for a third one as well try to land all the hits i think one of them might have missed hard to tell if everything goes right though he's gonna then knock him in the rock hard abs for a little bit go for another ground combo here guard break into finishing leap and then back into those air combos horizontal slash into double finisher two times is the ticket back down to the roll up reaction command comes back on over with the slide dash maneuver from the uh the carpet available to him decides no i'm just gonna go for those air combos go for an aerial spiral some double horizontal slashes and finish things off with a blizzard great job ninten completely skipping over the dm yeah that was beautiful once he goes below about 1.8 bars of health and he is free from your stuns that's when he'll like to go into the dm and basically if he goes in that that dm here at level one ninten probably would have been dead honestly perfectly executed on the combos right there it was to the point like it wasn't even really that close at the end and ten absolutely executed the heck out of that yeah i had a room for like another full combo right yeah it's incredible yeah so with that three worlds over on the left side done we just got to take on beast castle and land of dragons he's first gonna stop here in the parlor to actually reset that as a place he can warp to he's gonna want to warp there here in a little bit after this next fight gonna swap out beast for donald goofy because once again we want to utilize group trinity we're gonna wait for these dragons to potentially move in but they're kind of being jerks to him so he's instead just going to magnera into a finishing leap popping him up in the air to group trinity to once again deal a ton of damage on the magnet shuffle and take him out with the group trinity afterwards yeah that's gonna be a the bread and butter combo for a lot of the mob fights that we still got going on but not all that useful for bosses for the most part so not going to be using it there back into wisdom form we go because there's a good section of movement here just quick running all along these stairs trying to take the straightest lines possible so that he can go over and get access to rumbling rose a keyblade that will would give him the ability to add an extra finisher but i don't believe he's going to be using that instead pretty soon he's going to get ready to switch to the star seeker keyblade a keyboard that we haven't really used uh up until this point besides it being on valor form by default and the reason he's doing that is for an extra combo in the air it gives you just one more hit in the air for every single combo you do it's gonna be very important for the zalden fight coming up which is probably the hardest strat in the game right we had the scariest fight in the game this upcoming one's the hardest track before that though spike we got some dragoons here yeah oh now they want to do it all right so they're all going to teleport at the same time we're going to reflect that into a magnet finishing leap to pop sora up in the air for another magnet shuffle with arcana we're going to create a lot of distance between us and these dusts now so that they get drawn in very specific spacing needed in order to get off tons of damage right here same combo rinse and repeat arcana with the magnet love it match made in heaven great job genie we're not going to dismiss him and go into this alden fight hobbs i'm handing you this one i love this strat because it is so hard and i'm terrible at it it's it's ridiculous so he's going to start things off with a reflect and ideally if everything goes right he won't stagger the boss and he's going to land some damage you can do a second reflect that was perfect that precision of movement is impossible to do i swear then he goes into some duck flare uh here while also doing some aerial combos but in between usages of duck flare he's having to throw items to refill his mp and then has to do incredibly tightly timed horizontal slashes while we're shouting in his ear i don't know how he was even close to timing those it's it's it's ridiculous unfortunately we're seeing the desperation move this is what he was trying to skip and things can get pretty scary here he's going to avoid that desperation move um the damage from by wow i didn't even know you could just stand in that corner apparently that's really cool but then back into duck flirt we go and he's got to try to stagger this boss who just doesn't want to let it happen finally he does though he's going to go mega duck flare with some aerial spirals to deal a lot of damage and deplete that last health bar yeah he had to uh that was the fight that goes by so fast and ninten made it look like it wasn't that hard even though we saw the dm all those horizontal slashes that he was doing in the air and the aerial dive to initially launch him into the air all of those had to be close to frame perfect in order to actually stun locked zaldan long enough for the for all of the flare force to hit him and then waste enough time coming out of a flare force for it to chain naturally into the next flare force unbelievable job there by ninten and then being able to back it up afterwards but now into the final disney world of the run it was land of dragons our second visit and we've got spoilers it's riku he's gonna start off with a ground combo right here and he's gonna try to reflect his initial attack and then go into that solo trinity with sora which as we talked about earlier takes the splash damage from the reflect and carries it over to riku saying hey man you missed this you left this on the ground you gotta eat it and now popping into limit form right here utilizing the reaction commands from the rapid thrusters when it's good yeah trying to stay alive as well with it oh man this thing is going slightly weird because the thing about riku is that he does not stun from any of your attacks like he does not stagger he does not care he will just tank the damage and keep doing whatever he wants to do in the meantime all these rapid thrusters are also trying to kill you so nintendo's having to really pay attention to what every to everything that's going on here thankfully you don't have to deplete the health all the way so he was able to finish him off there but that was definitely some some good reactions and uh some improvise in there near the end yeah and also again during all of that if you notice nintendo did so much good work there to make sure he refilled that drive gauge as the whole thing was going so now he can pop back into wisdom form use a beautiful fire right there to lift himself over that ledge because wisdom form doesn't have great hops but hey when you can fly you don't need hops now going here into a series of two more mob fights gonna pop out of wisdom form and is going to immediately go for a magnet shuffle you're gonna just throw a magnet flat not even lock onto anything and immediately use the ultima with the spacing here while it's cool was not the thing we meant to use uh this is gonna be weird now all right so nintendo's gonna have to react to everything going on he's gonna pull an audible and go for some genie here doesn't have the mp to go into the magnet so he's just gonna have to do the arcana limit with the enemies grouped up around him without the aid of that spell thankfully it looks like it's working pretty well just one assault rider left to go but he's gonna do a lot of damage if he lands a hit and unfortunately he does i i honestly didn't even know that they watched you oh yeah i i i can imagine it's it's like a move you try to avoid so often let's try it again there we go now y'all can see honestly at this point just as good now you can see what it was supposed to look like and there you are deal this can not kill but let it happen 294 hit combo incredible so far you've had two one shots that have caused pretty quick deaths here i love those in a marathon run like this so people realize like oh if he was making any mistakes that's just death in this run very very it was like there's like 20 other times where um i could have gone one shot like that besides those depths now we're gonna be using the vicinity break right here in order to bait out a retaliation from all the enemies then that brings them in for the reflect magnet finishing leap genie arcana combo on the landing get another magnet into another arcana and straight into the end of the fight i love yeah it's so good you just get to watch him shooting away from the keyblade uh but just like that we're gonna head back out of the throne room eight chests in here don't care about any of them gonna move on to stormrider which is a really cool fight you use so many different things in this fight it's it's really awesome uh spike i think you love this fight even more than me so i'm giving you the reins here okay sure first up uh ninten is going to fit in just a little bit of chip damage there before he goes flipping flopping around and now we're going to go into some duck flare right there he's going to have the iframes from being in the limit the whole time and try to deal out as much damage as he can he's not going to worry about grabbing on to the horn can't do it while he's in the limit anyways get off some good damage pop an ether or two while he's down there so he can refill back up because guess what duck flare is really good and we want to utilize it again now the good thing is by the end of this duck flare it's going to break the two side horns enough to where it's going to knock him down on the ground gonna try to deal some other damage while going into that pop out genie right here he's going to get to utilize some wisdom genie right here in order to get in even more gps as it's about to knock sora off giving you a few more eye frames to work with now he's going to drop down pop another ether to start refilling up that mp wants to hold genie from dismissing him until he's almost there so that doll and goofy come back later and they don't die from his rush attack right there now you're gonna knock him up in the air look all swag like and just wait until the mp comes back for the duck flare now try to go in for some more horizontal slashes some more aerial dives and then go for the finisher unfortunately a little under damaged right there so we're gonna have to back up the fight over here he does know he's consistently gonna come over to this section and now nintendo's just gonna kind of have to try to fill out the damage he's pretty close does have to watch out for this thunder attack because uh yeah believe it or not that'll one-shot you kamehameha waves they can generally do that but able to get the kill we are all done with disney world's chat and with that we are going into the end of the end game there's like like 20 25 minutes left in this run i'm looking over we need 35 000 to fight sephiroth we can't let him win we're gdq we don't do that so bobby you have got like four minutes my man read as many donations as you can tell me your favorite disney movie i don't care what it is just read me some donations all right well we have a 20 donation from sumichu saying my friend knock promised he would play dead by daylight with me if we hit 3 million all i want to do is game with my friend hobbs spike ninten help me out here please hey it's up to you viewers at home we want to see those donations coming in come on sumi needs to play some dvd apparently we have a 10 donation from pistol pete thanks for an amazing event and big cheers to all the streamers event hosts and volunteers sending my best from stockholm sweden and this is the signature msf employee and proud fan of gdq thank you so much for all of your work and we are so happy to be here to support msf wow thank you yeah we have a 50 donation from relkin saying uh shout outs to the gummy ship with the screaming donald inside p.s donate to get that sephora super boss unlocked and a chance to win a ps5 and there is a 100 donation from reverend gumby that says shout outs to the donation with the ps5 inside what are they talking about well inside that 100 donation is 5 20 bills you only need one of those 20 bills to be entered to win a ps5 but also we need that sephiroth super super boss fight we have a 245 out of 280 so be sure to click that incentive wait real real quick bobby sorry so ninten you know how to fight sephiroth it's an awesome fight but i you you know how to fight lingering will too right tara oh yeah i know how to fight okay well what about everything in this game what if we sweeten the pot for people a little bit all right what what if that sephiroth incentive became a double incentive and you had to fight sephiroth and lingering will what do you think ninten that's your call it's up to you that that sounds pretty good yeah okay no he's ready to throw it down right here improv style the two hardest bosses in kingdom hearts two gonna take on both of them for you guys we need another thirty four thousand dollars let's make it happen a two for one bobby go well we have a 250 donation from manny that says here's a contribution to the five dollar train for me and 49 others behold the power of math and 250 dollars from giroud girocci that says does this cover my starbucks coffee maybe let's put it towards taking out sephiroth and 25 from laszlo saying here's five fancy starbucks coffees towards getting that sephiroth incentive also just a reminder those bosses are done at level one and uh with the kingdom key as well because why you know why not just make it harder why not anonymous has donated twenty dollars buying four tickets on that five dollar train and zach the robot donates 250 saying i'm so glad that ninten gets to close out sgdq he deserves it for all his work also i want to mention if you have amazon prime you also have prime gaming if you haven't used that subscription yet why not use it on the games done quick channel that also helps a whole lot we have a 100 donation from tobe romono saying i want to stay up longer while getting two extra fights will give you an excuse to stay up longer we do have some other uh movie ones coming in ten dollars from rico saying i'm donating again to ask how on earth has nobody mentioned my favorite disney movie lilo and stitch [Music] and fifty dollars from patsykin saying last donation for a great marathon my favorite disney movie has got to be big hero six let's get that sephiroth fight on our way to three million hype oh speaking of hype we got a hype train in chat people are excited they're getting the prime gaming sub subs in and stuff too but also let's get those donations to that incentive i want to see those fights they are always exhilarating to watch get to listen to hobbs and i fumble around as we can't even beat those fights normally watch nintend take him down at level one with the kingdom again y'all want to see it i see that going up i see the numbers skyrocketing 248 000. we're working our way towards 249 under 32 000 to go but ninten i don't know if y'all knew this he's pretty fast at this game and he is going into the final set of worlds right here going back to twilight town for some underground movement in fact bobby you got another minute give me a few more donations as we're going down well how about a two thousand dollar donation from from vuligen the success of games done quick and events like it is a testament not only to the community's desire to do good in the world but also of the fact that it takes action to turn that desire into a reality to all the viewers at home and especially the speedrunning community celebrate this collective success by carrying that spirit forward into your daily lives cultivate empathy for those whose shoes you have not walked in and act upon the empathy to the extent that you can that is how we can bring real good into the world thank you so much for the kind words vinnie love you dude and let's move on to this next fight because we have yet more genie and magnet usage and this time nintendo is specifically having to make sure to not be targeted on any enemies so he's moving away from them and then pulling them all back in with genie's arcana and the reason for that is it helps really boost that summon gauge look it goes two three four five all of that after using arcana which drains about three or so bars every time he uses it but the samurais they don't want to do the same thing so he's got to move up closer to them lock on magnet and then go into arcana again he's still able to build up some some engage because of doing it this way though and thankfully should have enough to get his drive refilled just a little bit later on in this mansion basically the way you know if that fight went well or not is if on the freeze frame then it has sora standing inside genie's massive path it's great so yeah great job right there taking out the mansion fight mickey was also like surprisingly not terribly unhelpful right there he can try to knock them out of the combos right there but it's good getting through and able to keep his drive around with genie out now he has to complete he did it first try on the trivia question sea salt ice cream that's classic now all right the final fight of twilight town three go ahead it's a hard one trying to remember to hit down so there's this is a two-part fight this first part much less scary than the second part but you know that's at the context of level one so everything's still scary gonna go with some uh reflect into magnet and finishing leaf popped himself in the air and even used some fire in there as well before going to the duck flare with all about the different variety of tools in this run by the way i'm seeing that tracker move it's going ping 10 ping 7 ping 50. thank you all so much keep those donations coming we got more of the same here and for the start of this fight but now we have some intense assassins spawning so it is a crucial that ninten does not let them break out and start moving around wildly he's going to back away for just a moment because he knows more enemies are about to spawn some reflects whenever the assassins or dusks are about to start attacking him just as that magnet ends and then once he knows there's so few left magna into trinity to finish things off yeah beautiful stuff basically coming out of that magnet those assassins will try to one shot you every time so being able to know that's coming reflect it into the magnet tons of splash damage but now we're into the final world it is a boss rush from here utilizing wisdom forms for some movement and now we get the roxas boss fight one of the coolest strats in all of kingdom hearts two speed running hobbs i'm handing it over to you i love this one so much this strat has gone through evolution over evolution throughout the years he's going to open things with the classic the reflect he's got to block the damage and deal it back towards the enemy then do a full combo with two finishers one of those missed though so he's going to have to uh back things up just a little bit he wants that retaliation there uh things are looking a little weird he's gonna try to back off and start this one over again he's gonna use thunder slide uh slide dash into the finishing leap and then the blizzard so that he gets the retaliation this is looking a little odd but ninten has done this fight a ton of times so limit form is the ticket now uses two finishers the zantetsuken and the magic burst there and then it prompts the retaliation and iframes through it uses that invulnerability of the rs arcanum limit but now he's out of limit form he ran out he didn't have a whole big drive gauge to use so he's got to try to deal some more damage with ground and aerial combos goes in for the reflex and uses a magnet but because things went off pace some foreign way i totally agree it's so worth it and hey you know what you're just giving people more chances more time to donate towards those super boss incentives yeah i just saw we just gained like ten thousand dollars in the last like couple minutes 250 000 come on chat we need another 22 000 nintends nice enough to give you a second round of this beautiful roxas strat let's see it so that again opening up with the reflect yeah that whiff on the second finisher is really what caused all the problems and it's down to spacing and just a little bit about the movement this time things were looking good so now he tries to get in a couple of extra flex including an aerial one making sure it lands on the boss a double finisher into the slide dash blizzard reflect reflect combo then as the the charge is coming back from roxas he goes into limit form to cancel that charge and not take any damage then some combos on the ground and unfortunately it's a real tight timing here if anything goes even slightly wrong with this newer strat roxas will just instantly one shot you yeah so what happened there is that um there's a really tight timing with the rs when you enter the midform and if you do it too early um you're probably gonna die right there i tried to overcompensate and do it a little bit too late so i actually got hit by 40 yards yeah yeah it's a rough one ars arcanum the start of your limits with sora will will have iframe properties to it so he's trying to hit the revenge value of roxas and at that exact moment that's when he pops into the rs unfortunately that overhead finisher for whatever reason just doing some whip action right here he recovered it though he was able to tell so the way that these kinds of strats are developed is using that revenge value hidden number that when the bosses will retaliate it's all centered around that and how much uh how much of a number will be added to that value from every single type of attack so there's a reason that when things go wrong nintendo's i'm going to go with an aerial attack here because it's going to add more revenge value from that missed finisher right into a magnet and trinity to finish things off at the end uh with the reflect as well dealing extra damage that roxas fight is so beautiful you took two deaths there i don't even care like it's such a cool fight to watch be done there we have 18 000 left for both sephiroth and for lingering will be sure be sure that you actually select the incentive when you do the donation even though you put in the comment be sure to put it in select the incentive 18 000 we can do this y'all oh man we're so close let's keep going chad now going on right here he just put on the two becomes one keyblade that he just got access to what that keyblade does is it has an ability light and darkness basically every time you use a form you will either go into anti-form like we just saw right there or into final form for the all dense purposes we're shooting for anti-form at this point now he's going to try to rebuild up that drive get the distance away group trinity use ultima and he's gonna use another instance of form right here to go into anti-form this time by leaving the room it takes your party members away the game says okay we'll just give you all your drive back every time you go into anti-form your anti-points are lowered a certain amount and now they're basically sitting at zero right now so now he can use drives all he wants without any fear of having anti-form pop up later on in the run great utilization of getting to use that in places where it saves time and it won't hurt you now we go into zigbar one of the most difficult fights in the entire run we're gonna try to utilize duck flare to try to get through the entire fight air based combat so we're back to heroes crest giving us that air combo boost he's gonna let him do three laser attacks and then he's gonna start the duck flare to make sure he eats all the different damage here he's gonna try to fit in the finisher of duck flare at very specific points in his combos to make sure zigbar doesn't wow to make sure it doesn't break out [Music] i'm actually going to back this up in a certain way because he um he did like a lot of shots during the death person now he wasn't getting staggered yeah that was very weird so now we're gonna sit here we're gonna hold the duck flare yeah unfortunately we're getting blue lasers right now we'll see how well ninten's able to back it up the big thing we're trying to avoid here is any sort of desperation move now he's gonna try to get to the side pop into valor form revert out of it he's got about three quarters of a bar left double blue lasers there's a lot of craziness going on right now okay and unfortunately we're gonna have to eat the dm he's gonna pull us into another room we gotta do some survival strats with low movement at this point in the game gonna try to jump over each of these donald is gonna take the death the extra scary to say that was um that was like definitely one of my uh that's never happened before moments because we were just like eating the duck flare and he was just like shooting still i don't know how he was going that was so weird the scariest part about this is that you don't have uh your members alive at the end most of the time but he was able to heal donald and go in to duck flare to finish things off i cannot believe that didn't end in death great job but the hits keep coming it's like pearl jam's debut album 10. you know you think you're done with the live you think you're done with jeremy no you got black sitting there ready to go and he's just going to be moving on to the next boss fight here we got luxured now this one's all about gambling and all about playing games so he uh loves to kind of have this extra mini game to his boss fight he is all about this time gage you don't actually have uh well the boss doesn't have a health bar in this one you still have a health bar because that's fair uh yeah so you have two ways to die he has one way to die right yeah you gotta deplete this entire uh just time gauge now you can deplete it more by dealing damage to the boss it's gonna start off as dice form sora then bounce back away to dodge the attack jump back in to keep getting hit so that he's able to deplete that form gauge much faster and he's going to use some ground into aerial combos note we still have that hero's crest keyblade equipped for the air combo boost he wants the boss to ideally be using the mini game prompt the reaction command as much as possible once he starts looping him but he also wants to try to get rid of these cards and whenever the boss is going to retaliate with cards try to make it happen in the air now he decided to kind of move into his little find me as a card version of the you know portion of the fight and he keeps using these cards not what we want to see wouldn't be as big of a deal but things got changed when this game went to 60fps and it made it a little bit more difficult to react and deal with those cards it's gonna deal some more damage after finding him there's the mini game we're looking for you're gonna reflect it instead of playing along and go for a couple of uh air combos here dodging away from the cards once again oh things are scary now he's trying to mend you to limit but hovering over party that's that yeah that's a scary portion i'm gonna make you feel a little bit better you were talking about pearl chamber earlier you wanna know who else is ten we are ten thousand dollars away from the sephiroth and the lingering will super boss fights ten thousand oh my god chad who doesn't like a good combo meal we got the burger and the entire fries coming along i don't know who are the fries in that combo between sephora i wouldn't want to face either one of them they probably don't taste great but now here we are going back into the luxor fight we're also seeing our first instance of combo master combos going on right here combo master and ability we just got from beating roxas that allows us to continue our combo combos even when the hits haven't actually landed yet so you're seeing him sometimes on the ground he'll utilize reflect into a slap shot into another reflect slap shot that very quick like a hockey puck go for that little slap shot right there a very quick hit that allows you to stay safe and allowing each of the reflects to land and have their own bit of damage go off landing those two aerial finishers with the air combo boost from the heroes crisp seeing a lot more mini games now getting much better luck from luck sword so far going into another mini game this is great because we can continually reflect them into another set of combos just keep doing this really close to dm phase when luxury will do his big attack to try to you know finish off sora and be invulnerable but ninten is gonna try to skip it even on level one this used to be not worth doing it was slower to do on level one but nintendo's gonna try to make it happen for all of you now that he's just gotten this route so much lower than everything unfortunately he didn't quite get him stun locked there for a second i think he was a little bit worried about that card that was coming up behind him yeah it was a real scary situation you take the dm in those situations over the death because that death's gonna cost you a lot of time with how much how little damage you're doing now he has to mark each of the uh the spots in his command menu there with a circle oh no i was trying to show off a little bit i'll start with that right there so the good thing is like for whatever goofy reason yeah i was gonna say i don't think luxor will attack you right here yeah we needed one hp well we're only 8 000 away now 8 000 and we passed overall 2.85 million we just passed that mark as well we are like i want to see it too my god i know we're knocking on three millions door here come on everybody we're at the the world that never was the end of the game the end of the world let's keep those donations coming we've just always loved these big donation pushes from everybody at the ends of gdqs it's so exciting i cannot wait to feel that energy with everybody back in person but for now i'm i'm feeling it with you all through the pipes and through the uh the fiber optic cables that are delivering the internet to to my house let's go with this lux or one more time we got a uh the card's just kind of really being annoying and in the wrong place there for him so try to use some thunder as well to to just deal some damage from afar now we're getting some more mini games being up next to this column can be a little scary as well because these air combos if any of them clank off of a surface you know in the arena then that's going to spell some bad news for ninten so he has to be really careful about his positioning there try to knock luxard away from those columns whenever he can yeah so now at this point ninten has run out all of his mp right there he's gonna try to pop back into them as quickly as he can have just enough off two ethers and a little bit of time to get back in so very nicely done he's once again pretty close to that dm phase so we'll see he's pretty close yeah he's gonna try to go for the dm and there are no cards on screen this time so that's good already in the red gonna try to go for the full solo trinity double pop right there now going to limit for we're going to start with an rs arcanum ours arcanum snow in limit form we always try to skip using the last hit of it because that is the only part that actually adds any revenge value so that's why they're allowing you to do this when you hit this much damage to them that's it first try let's go moving on time for some 4 000 left let's do it guys let's do it coming up on 2.9 million dollars 2.9 that's probably a kingdom hearts game at some point let's make it happen basically all right moving on to sciex now uh good job they're recovering uh nintendo not letting the the deaths get to you there and syex will you see peter pan on this fight in order to stun lock the boss for a cheese that's not happening anymore instead he switched his keyblade over to the monochrome keyblade it's this uh this you know black and white one from timeless river because it has an item boost ability on it which means that his ethers are going to recover more so whenever he's an mp charge and he needs to use an ether he can use just two instead of three to get all his mp back now trying to use a lot of duck flare here and then into mass reform as well do a little bit of extra damage but more importantly refill that mp get some reflects on the boss and right when he's about to uh retaliate he's gonna go for more duck flare now look at the top left that berserk meter that's full he does not want the boss to berserk at all though so he's gonna prompt him for another retaliation go for more duck flares aerial spirals in between are making so much more damage come out of these duck flares and the guard break to finish it while sykes was mid attack incredible absolutely gorgeous fight from ninten right there to actually keep him inside of the kind of properties of combos like guard break to where he had a few iframes to work with on the retaliation constantly forcing him to come back at him despite that berserk gauge being full that entire fight beautiful beautiful stuff another little court to point out there you might have noticed nintendo was doing a ton of those little aerial spirals where sora is i guess spiraling in the air for whatever reason that does increase damage while duck flare is going on why does it do that we don't know we just utilize it it's great bobby you're about to say something i was we're about three thousand dollars away and i do want to say sephiroth himself donated 50 saying 1v1 me you won't sephiroth does not believe in you chat i believe in you though three thousand dollars left sephiroth would totally be that nerd at a smash tournament who would go throw down some cash on the table and say let's go all this for five bucks sure here we are into xemnas one yeah zemnes one is a really cool fight it does start off with a forced you know reaction command here though the face down on the the side of a building the classic anime and uh there's three different prompts you can get here uh ninten wants to specifically wait for the last one because it's going to do the most damage to the boss and after that again reaction is still helping us out here it's going to do more damage because of that as well after that this fight can get pretty tricky he's got kind of some different ways he can handle he's going to do an aerial combo to start things out use two finishers because of that finishing plus and now that combo master and reflect slap shot combo is really starting to shine he reflects the first hit goes into a slap shot reflects the next hit and while he's doing that slap shot all the damage from the first reflect is applying to the boss so that way when he does it the second time he gets an extra refresh of damage now the boss is in the next phase and 10 took a couple hits but he's not too scared boss decided to stun himself because he still had not been stunned from the opening rc now a few more guard breaks and now that he has just over 2.3 bars of health and intense going to go into a trinity limit use both phases of it in order to get as much damage possible slide dash into the limit form here and then as spike was saying before that ours arcanum if you don't use the finisher it doesn't add revenge value so the boss will not retaliate just from that you could just take them all the way out you want to know who else is going to go out like that you want to know who else is going to go out like that sephiroth and lingering will we hit it 280 000 races now we're going for 3 million overall but sephiroth you're going down that's incredible and i can't even again we're so close to 3 million too oh my god thank you so much everybody this is awesome i'm so glad that ninten gets to show off these incredibly difficult fights chat can we become the first online gdq to cross three million dollars we got 2.9 only 29 000 off but we here we are going into the final fights we got one more big mob fight coming here where we're basically gonna throw everything but the kitchen sink we might even throw in the kitchen sink in order to get through it first off just a little bit of a cinematic section right here jump through the buildings doesn't this look cool didn't every kid want to do this growing up jump around cutting buildings with a candy cane by the way this is the decisive pumpkin keyblade we got it from halloweentown it has combo boosts on it just like hero's crest tag air combo boost it has comma boost so all of our ground finishers will do more damage first we're going to shuffle out riku for donald and goofy making sure they're both in the party because we're gonna want to have group trinity coming up for the start of the final mob fight of the run the core fight he's gonna first do three sets of magnets and without you wasting his mp just take out one more enemy right there that's gonna be enough to take out the right cylinder over the left cylinder we go we're gonna utilize our last magnet putting us an mp recharge but we're immediately gonna pop into master form because magnega in master form just stays on screen like duck flare lengths of time so it's gonna knock a lot more enemies back for half the mp knock a few more enemies back we want to be in master form because there are two main waves of nobodies that will pop out in the core fight right here he's gonna magnet the core right here which will deal enough hits quickly enough to where it actually just skips to the first enemy phase of the fight spawning all the enemies in they get wrapped in jump throw up the magnet for the magnet shuffle and now do some group trinity shenanigans dealing enough damage to completely clear out the first wave enemies yeah they're gone just like that and most importantly ninten got enough drive gauge back in order to use some of his other tools see look bottom right corner four drive on sora right now so he's gonna go with genie this time unfortunately some of the enemies were not caught in that first magnet so he's having to do a little bit of cleanup here before he gets on with the rest of the fight there it is the door has finally become unlocked so he's gonna do a few combos while's trying to switch genies form so that way he can keep uh doing extra horizontal slashes that genie cancelling and now magnet while not targeting anything into arcana so that he can do this real big attack with genie once again uses a lot of that some gauge but he builds it back up at the exact same time might be able to back this up with a drop out into a magnet he's going to want to dismiss genie here in a second and then that'll allow donald and goofy to come back in for another magnet shovel watch that drive gauge as it fills back up and now hopefully this will both kill all the enemies and start dealing damage to the core itself unfortunately some of the enemies were spreading around not great and when there's fewer enemies like there was only one assassin left there the the magnet shuffle technique does not work very well um so he wasn't able to get as much damage as he was hoping for on this core so he's gonna use some duck flare to help him out and keep him safe because the building is gonna start attacking him back in just a little bit oh he already dodged one he's gotta be really careful now about the second he's trying to finish it off he's gonna just pop into valor to stall himself up in the air i love it and then move on with the fight has to back back out of that one though because he does not want to be in valor for the start of this fight yeah want to go into valor form anyways at the end just to once again refill that mp bar and now he's gonna go for more of those combo master techniques reflect slap shot reflect into another reflect into the guard break make sure donald is up and alive because we're gonna want him for his july fourth festivities to go ahead and deal a ton of damage reflect blizzard reflect through that armor right there and now going to the deck player he wants to work armored zemness down to about a bar and a half left of health before utilizing the finisher of duck flare and now go for the full combo with all those iframes to take him out beautiful armored zemnes one right there from ninten a lot of things went haywire there in the core fight and all of those fights are chained together but ninten was able to back it up make it work didn't freak out might have freaked out a little bit i don't know um but here we are now going into the blue eyes white dragon fight that is canonically what we're calling this stupid thing it is three minutes it's five phases it goes on way too long rando cuts it out it's great but now bobby tell us about some donations because i want to hit some milestones with two fights left after this well how about this six thousand dollar donation whoa from fangamer hey everyone fangamer here one last time we'd like to thank everyone involved for making sgdq 2021 possible gdq staff msf the volunteers the runners the tech crew the sponsors and the many of you at home who donated or bought sponsored merch thank you so much we had a blast participating and look forward to the next gdq we have a 100 donation from king kong wrong that says on behalf of the msf gift processing unit thank you to our colleagues and to all the runners for all your work this week and we have a 100 donation from maikuyama i am running on caffeine and fumes but it's all worth it always great to see gdqs bring everyone together for a great cause and foster a positive inclusive and nurturing community i never thought when i started these events way back in 2010 that gdqs would grow and become the great event that they have to become today these events would not be possible without all the staff volunteer donors and yes youtube chat i can confirm you're a cute chat here's to another decade of gdq and there's a question here one thousand dollar donated by no name user about that sephiroth fight has nintend practiced or will he wing it please god tell me you practiced he did a little bit i didn't practice this apparently because i used the triangle buttons already yeah he's trying to actually keep using finishers constantly as you're seeing and wants to save those mega lasers for very specific points um these finishers he's using by canceling out the the end of the finisher with a laser similar to i was doing that genie canceling but i noticed chat we we've got that green bar at the bottom of the screen that's like ancient super close to 3 million there and i did some math all right that's right i broke out the abacus because i don't trust calculators and i i did some math all right we all know that if everybody watching all sixty eight thousand plus of you watching donated five dollars we would surpass three million that's that's all well and good we know that i know you know that but did you know that even if even half of you did a five dollar donation we would still bypass or go right past that 3 million that is incredible and i think we can make that happen because i know a lot of people went in earlier when we were talking about it and maybe some folks were on the fence but if you if just half of the people watching donate five dollars we will go flying past three million we're into armored zemnes too oh god and again here on level one damage look with the correct combos how to link magic like blizzard and reflect and even thunder into those combos how he can do tons of damage even here at level one really really cool stuff here by ninten we got a three-phase fight right here and right there he performed the snowflake skip normally xemnas is going to try to hit you with some snowflake-like lasers however if you do an aerial dodge ride is your knockdown hey you at home you can do that trick right there and then fly straight to him saving a bunch of time now we're going in for more combos as soon as he hits that revenge value he has to know to throw up that reflect still use his attack as a weapon against him that hits the second hp game knock him out now ninten gonna try to mash it up get above all three of these sets of snowflake lasers that is gonna push these buildings coming towards you up really high in the air to where he can go for this fast building right here to get back in for the final phase of the fight and then going straight back in he's got to do an aerial dodge and then a glide to skip a snowflake attack from the boss get up and close and personal and his mp is pretty low he wants to end this fight with a lot of np so he's going to go for a couple of reflects before throwing in ether and then has to do one more reflect then hopefully should be able to finish this without too much more mp usage but he was a little low on damage that should still be okay but if things go it'll be fine okay good yeah if things went south he could take an intentional death or you know try to find squeeze in a spot to toss an ether on this next fight but we're it it is the final boss everybody zebra zemnes if you want to call him that final zemnes reflects the first attack so that he can avoid a cutscene and then gets immediately thrown up into the air he's weaving reflects in and out of these reversal reaction commands which takes some really tight timing and a lot of knowledge because not every xemnas you see is the real xemnas and not all of them will take damage he only wants to land his attacks on the one that will take damage yeah right there knows the two of them are coming in reflects that one shot attack from finals xemnas from the zebra and then chains that directly into the session limit here with riku again we don't have donald we don't have goofy we only have so many tools so now he's going to utilize most of this attack he's going to drop out before the finisher and then limit explosion in order to have the iframes through his vine attack right now right there and then he's going to try to work his way through it get down his health bar as far as possible to avoid as much as the last part of the attack as possible he's gonna do a slap shot throw an ether slap shot again throw another either to keep him stunned get that mp back off a double stun and now he's going to do this reflect dance one more time and that is going to be it that is going to put him into the laser dome and about 80 seconds it's gonna be time bobby read me the last of your donations here because we got sephiroth and tara coming up real soon well we also have sephiroth who just donated five dollars and says um can i have my hundred dollars back in change for five dollars i'm kind of scared of ninten now no you cannot you are gonna get it suave zombie donates 250 says let's go three million one hundred dollars from fun tellers saying three million hurt and here's the thing too real quick i just donated while commentating if i can do that you all can do it while you're watching from your beds your your couches your office chairs i believe in you sorry bobby one more it's okay uh we have a 10 donation because any donation amount gets us closer to that 3 million 10 donation from astro bodies i know you want to see 3 million you know you want to seize 3 million so what's the problem that is true all right this boss is about to be over and when he you know fully loses his health that will be time uh nintendo are you gonna finish off with some swag here or you you're just gonna finish him straight up uh yeah i'll show off some swag actually just one of my favorite um things to do so pay close attention to what happens here all right i'm excited [Music] what wow yeah so uh what ninten did was use a fire and then immediately uh was it session or trinity that you ended up doing trinity trinity to pull himself directly to the boss again and just finish him off with fire that's that's incredible um [Music] yeah okay so you gotta estimate that we got yes yeah yeah i say i had some costly deaths there at the end but i did like like showed off so many cool strats everything and level one is such a brutal brutal category yeah yeah yeah it is and that's the that's the thing about level one is it's so what's brutal about it is that you have to be it's hard to be consistent at it like every strat can go wrong in so many ways um like crit or beginner like any other any person category it's a lot easier to be consistent at every strat but with level one um that's just can happen like i don't know when yeah yeah you have a lot less defense and also just your tools aren't as good in order to avoid everything hey final form got to be on screen yeah actually before you start nintendo you want to give us a quick like just run down of your abilities and stuff and then show everybody you're at level one since you loaded a file here uh and and also if you had to guess like about how long you think it would take you to be this yes it would be um this plus terra should be about like five minutes i would say oh five to six seven all right so we got some of the abilities here what you got you got guard horizontal slash finishing leap slap shot flash up a lot of the same stuff that we were using at the end of that last run but also full growth abilities because that's really important because it means that he can move around the arena really fast uh or you know just a lot better compared to what we were seeing in the actual run itself yeah in addition he also has the other great uh ground combo finisher that being explosion you'll notice it it looks real sick but here we are sephiroth done with the base kingdom key at level one it's probably not what they meant for you to do with this fight right here but opening up that timer there's a dodge roll on sephiroth instead of going for the reaction command just because it's a little bit faster now what he's going to do is he's trying not to do this loop on sephiroth in fact instead he's going to keep pushing him all the way to his revenge values so that he can keep baiting him to do more attacks he's doing that by using a full ground combo which in this case is actually five hit combo instead of a three-hit combo due to a couple of combo pluses every time you dodge roll that uh that attack i i swear i have a very my heart skips a beat i have a mini heart attack uh he's gonna dodge away again reflect into a full combo that explosion right there that does the the massive you know big kind of blue and white looking attack deals a lot of damage and adds a lot to that revenge value so that it keeps forcing sephiroth to get past his number that'll force him to retaliate now we're already into the second phase of this fight you can tell because the orbs have started to spawn that's right there are orbs in this video game too chad and he's still going to be sticking with a very similar strat here go for garbage into the explosions that move where sephiroth got all pink that is the the bane of every 10 year old's existence it will put put you all the way to no mp and one health if you let him finish the move so ninten has to react quickly to uh prevent that one even if he's all the way across the arena like he was there it's also gonna use a lot of horizontal slashes whenever he needs to attack in the air and reflect whenever he needs to get rid of these orbs on the ground we're moving up to the third phase here in just a moment except froth will soon power up and while he's doing that nintendo's gonna try to interrupt the end of his power-up first though just a few more attacks from the boss the fact that you've timed all these dodge rolls so well is so good now has to get up there yeah good option into the trinity limit right there to catch him saying hey he's going to take all my mp anyways i might as well put the mp in his face now going into the last phase he's trying to time his combo to where the guard breaking the explosion comes out as soon as sephiroth becomes vulnerable to get hit goes into limit form right there goes for the ragnarok finisher song zipping all around didn't want to deal with that caught him in the air before he got to do anything else down to the last bar and a half of hell let's see what sephiroth wants to do dodge rolling through that attack into another trinity limit beautiful stuff this should potentially set us up here for a limit form finisher yeah here with the bar left of hell it's looking pretty good he does need to wait for saffron to give him a usable attack though that's the one he's getting gets hit in the back though but he's going to die he's probably going to die unfortunately yeah he's going to go for that yeah yeah like if sephiroth did any other move there he was he was fine uh but that move in particular and even if he had done that like a little earlier nintendo could have made it work it was uh specifically he waited until he was already in the middle of the rs arcanum that's okay second chance yeah we can go through these 17 bars of health one more time yeah as chat is trying to go through the bars of health that are the the last million i see them it's still moving it's similar they're both green bars we're at 2.89 we are close to 2.9 already and i know everybody out there can has done has made miracles happen before all right back into this fight once again we've got those five hit combos on the ground comma master lets him chain or reflect into that combo as well so that's why he's doing that a lot of the time good immediate reaction there from ninten thought he was gonna see a long combo right there but instead we saw the reaction command did actually utilize right there to save himself right at the end he's pushing the corner right here he's gonna triple reflect to defend himself and then continue those combo pluses into a lot of ground hits ending on explosion again like hobbs brought up explosion is great because it will just guarantee you getting that revenge value stopping him at the last second right as he was about to get off that attack once again it would put us at one hp and no mp nice quick run through the attack right there timing all of these very precisely now he's using a little mp left yeah exactly his mp was almost all the way out so he's either gonna have to throw a mega elixir or you might as well just use the trinity first into the limit form he has enough drive gauges where he can use this twice in a fight before having to worry about building it back up but because the boss shifted phases he wasn't able to quite do too much damage that he was uh hoping to do with limit form there he did get the mp refill he cared about so that way he could use trinity once sephiroth went for uh the descendant heartless angel move again we're seeing reflecting that reaction command coming back at him because by putting on the double reflect that delayed the splash damage from it long enough to where once again ninten got to use it as a weapon tying these to where it's gonna actually get the explosion off right as he's out of sephiroth's eye frames and knock all the orbs back nice dodge roll into the guarding of the attack into another explosion we're down to three and a half bars left all right spamming a lot of orbs yeah is a fan of the gdq orb meme he's a big fan we get some orbs in chat for sephiroth and if everything goes well here ninten is going to try to avoid the meteor attack from sephiroth but it's kind of up to him he did use a strike rate as well he's got to keep dodge rolling for the invulnerability frames in order to stay away from these pillars of fire he gets him back into a looping combo by using the reflect again now he's going to go for ragnarok or infinity to finish him yes go dude that was amazing that you were able to dodge roll out of the flame like that and then the option play to go ahead pop out reflect the end of the fire pillar as it's about to end and then carry that into sephiroth the confidence i would have at least got into trinity limit right there to protect myself amazing job by ninten had better options than trinity and got the w but now we got one more to take down i think he was the burger when he'll find the fries and that is tara over here no i'm sorry tara is like the big whopper yeah he's and he's a big boy over here there was that was just amazing i i was just so astounded by the ending and stuff so ninten took off guard break now as well uh which means that every time he uses a ground combo the finisher's gonna always be an explosion and that's exactly what he wants to happen now tara is a very difficult fight and he has some moves that can one shot you right away so he starts off with a duck flare just so that he can be invulnerable in case tara uses one of those moves now once ever whenever he can actually start attacking tara who is thankfully giving him some good patterns right now he will try to do a series of uh long combos the reason for that is take a look at the top right of that health bar he's dealing like no damage it's very little but now it's increasing over time the more hits he deals to the boss and that's because tara just has this armor tech like this armor property uh to him that it breaks down the more you hit it there are also two big like phases that uh tara could be doing or two big uh you know types of attacks tara could be doing in the first two sections of this fight the first one is the rising sun pattern of attacks and that's exactly what we're getting now it looks like the rising sun reaction command from the armored knights that's what we want to see there is a second type called bike phase and that could show up in the second uh phase of the fight here we really hope it doesn't because bike phase makes things so much more difficult yeah he should be coming up on the end of the first phase you're actually gonna see ninten right here utilize duck flare just to get him past that barrier because as soon as he hits that hp gate he will retaliate and he will kill you especially at level one he'd probably do it even if you were a high level so now we're safely into the second phase we do not see bike phase that is great there's a bunch of different potential phases like hobbs he's talking about that he could pull from now popping that elixir there making sure that he has a full mp to work with good options now getting away from him after the rising suns get a little closer in with the quick run and start working his way down here in phase two again as i was talking about a hidden armor mechanic that breaks down as you go through the combos tara has a high revenge value number one of the highest in the entire game so he does let you wail on him quite a bit just to just kind of balance the fight a little bit but he can be a jerk and do just so many different number of moves at the end of that rising sun he can do a single with a double whip a double rising sun a double rising sun into a whip so ninten has to make sure that he's close enough to punish the boss if he if the boss lets him punish him but he also needs to be ready to run away as soon as that whip happens because otherwise it will be instant death there's the second of three ground combos he does in each of these opportunities for punishment gotta get away from the whip this time probably into a rising sun after that is exactly what ends up happening oh the double rising sun the whip into double rising sun so ninten's getting closer to that last bar so i believe he's going for the duck flare here in order to try to get to the last hp gate yeah now he's about to go into his dm face you're gonna see him disappear and spawn all these little lasers right now he's gonna have to avoid them at first then they're gonna pop away and he's gonna go into the most majestic terrifying looking dm in the world he's gonna try to prep his limit for him right here and then get in position a double guard into a dodge roll aerial dodge away and he's going to try to get to a wall he wants to have a wall to his back he's actually going to utilize this pillar right here so that tara will not spawn behind him now he's going to dodge roll into the combo thunder him once thunder him again and now go into final form he's going to try to utilize final form fairaga right here which does not add revenge value and is good at shredding through his health bar right now yeah it will just completely demolish it take a look at how much damage it's doing and he can't quite get into a second final form so this time he's gonna go into limit form he started off with nars arcanum has to be a little worried about the rock out there because if the boss runs into it he might retaliate there's one more health bar to go into another ours arcanum is that gonna be it and time time wow tara beautiful first try there not seeing that second dm great job had just enough drive five to the final four to the limit and death to the tara great job ninten great showcase all throughout the night here in cage want to say that um in practice sephiroth was the one that i got like damaged this every try and then tara is the one that i like kept dying to that's funny yeah oh that's incredible well ninten just amazing job and once again like thank you so much for for having me and spike on for commentary i love talking about this video game uh and and hyping up the donations and everything uh from all the viewers it's so fun and i'm so glad we get to do it at the closing even though it's 3 30 in the morning where i am i'm still unbelievably excited so thanks for having us nintendo yeah thank you so much for uh for commentating i would not have been able to commentate this on my own such a hard run all right and i i mean spike any any words from you as well yeah i mean this has been overall just an amazing sgdq i feel like every time i've turned the stream on there's been amazing gamers with amazing talents uh tons of great commentary across the board and uh i'm just so happy that for the first time in 10 years at a main gdq kingdom hearts got to close the event again uranium anchor threw it down with a donation all the way back and simulated twilight town like 15 minutes into the run but 10 years ago puexel and i got to do a race of kingdom hearts 2. we didn't even know how to fight half the bosses because we impromptu made it like all worlds at the end and 10 years later ninten one of the legends of kingdom hearts 2 speed running or just kingdom hearts speed running in general um getting to show it off for you guys and getting to show off also right here showing you a little out about the core skin yeah yeah this is actually a clip found that uh actually saves a bunch of time but yeah this was a joy to get to commentate this um and just once again get to be a part of showcase i just love kingdom hearts who is a speedrun i think it's one of the best speed runs of all time there's so many dynamics to it it's like y'all got to see there wasn't really one overpowered technique duck flare magnet shuffle reflect usage limit form stun locks all these different tools got utilized all over the place and i don't know the game's just really well designed it's got a great combat engine so i'm glad ninten got to show it off for you guys yeah and i just want to say um quick shout outs to the kingdom hearts community and to again hobbs and spike for commentating and then big shout outs to uh blackwoof for the amazing hosting yes amazing thank you thank you and then shout outs to insertlogic for pushing down level one and audi came by two categories a lot um he really optimized the game a ton since he picked up picked up insert logic did like a ton for for level one and a lot of other categories too this game was really incredible to see that uh like just get pushed lower and lower while he was running it [Music] well i think that's pretty much gonna be it for us uh again everybody go follow ninten please like he's just busting out a casual course skip while we're while we're wrapping up here [Laughter] yeah and and thank you all that's that's where real quick just play kingdom hearts 2 randomizer we've all been playing in the community if you follow ninten you'll learn more about it it's cool sorry i'll kick it back to you no i was just going to say unless you had any last words and 10 uh i was just going to say oh yeah just thank you um thank you gdp for obviously gave me this opportunity to play the game i've been like um dreaming about running at udq um ever since i started running it and so it's amazing to finally have an opportunity um to do it like on my own just completely so don't run yeah and thank you summer giving some quick 2021 it's it's been a great week bye everybody oh and real quick also before we get out we're going to go over to sumi who's going to do the final words are wrap up and talk to you a little bit with doctors without borders bye everybody bye am i muted production told me i muted but i don't really know if i'm muted i see the bar going up and down okay i'm not muted how about we start over then we're gonna start over from the beginning thank you again once again ninten jayhawks and spike vegeta for closing out our event with a fantastic run of kingdom hearts 2 final mix i'm not muted this time this concludes summer games done quick 2021. before we close out the show i'd like to introduce leila and greta from doctors without borders who have a special message for everyone hi everyone hi everyone wow what an incredible outcome on behalf of all of us at msf we want to say thank you so much for making this spectacular week possible 2.9 million dollars is truly amazing and it makes an enormous impact enabling our teams to provide emergency medical care around the world as an example of how far your support truly goes the dollars raised here this week is the equivalent of funding all of our work in bolivia and brazil last year seeing you rise to the challenges of taking this event virtual over the last two years has been awe inspiring so we're sad to see sgdq 2021 come to an end we've enjoyed every minute of being here with you we feel so lucky to be a part of this event and we're so thankful to have the support and dedication of the games done quick community and this year we are celebrating 10 years of sgdq and the ninth event for msf overall sgdq has raised over 15 million dollars for msf which is the equivalent of funding all of our work in south africa in 2019. we would like to thank everyone on the gdq team the tech crew all the mods the hosts and the interviewers every volunteer and all the runners for their hard work and dedication and thank you to everyone who has watched and donated throughout the week and to our sponsors and of course thank you to the chat for all the memeries from the lamp and iron to the thousands of honks it's been a blast being in chat with you we can't wait until the next time when we can be in person again until then be well everyone and thank you for an incredible week at sgdq 2021 online thank you so much laila and greta doctors without borders has been a fantastic partner charity for summer games done quick and we are super super grateful for the ability to work with the organization on behalf of gdq staff we'd also like to thank our runners commentators and volunteers who are integral to making gdq happen with the highest levels of energy and the calmest levels of determination as we host over 100 speed runs happening internationally i'd also like to take the time to thank our viewers and donors without whom we would probably have an event with way less honks and orbs not to mention the over 2 million dollars that you all donated to doctors without borders so that they can continue their mission of providing medical aid where it is needed most we would also like to extend a warm thank you to our event sponsors who also support doctors without borders twitch the yeti fangamer super meat boy forever annapurna interactive stonefly nis america game ventures boomerang x death store phantom abyss shadow warrior and revita thanks to everyone's collective efforts we were able to raise wait let me check let me check two million eight hundred ninety seven thousand seven hundred four dollars at least according to you know the the stream lag so uh it might be more than that but nevertheless thank you so much for all of your generosity and for supporting the event and also for supporting doctors without borders which is a fantastic cause can you all believe that we've been doing our events online only for over a year at this point it feels like only yesterday that the staff made the difficult decision to move events online looking back on our first online event all of the teams have traversed through unknown territory carving out a path for us to bring our events online and reinforcing our foundations along the way at the start of this event mike cool maddie and i were thinking about how much more prepared and confident we felt in everything being ready to go for this event for for an online event and that can only happen because the staff and the volunteers have done so much over the last year to bring us here to this place of comfort and and stability in all of our processes as some and only some areas of the world begin to heal from a global pandemic we're always thinking about what is next for gdq no matter what happens we're always going to strive for each event to be better and better than the last and celebrate speedruns in the best way we can with all of you and while we feel that some amazing things have happened for our online marathons we have vr we have rhythm games we have so many different types of speedruns that we were able to bring that we're able to bring to life because of the online format the staff has decided that our goal for awesome games done quick 2022 will be to have an on-site live event however and there's always a however we are aware that covet 19 and its variants are still very much present so we're taking steps to ensure that we can create as safe of an environment as possible for attendees before we fully commit to that in the meantime for those of you who enjoy gdq and enjoy speed runs frame fatales will return online from august 15 to the 21st of this year and we have amazing content brought to you by members of the speedrun community on gdq hotfix throughout the year right here on the gt gdq twitch channel as we look ahead to another year of gdq we thank you for your support at over the last three online gdqs and for your support throughout the year as well and for everything that all of our initiatives and everything that we do and we hope to see you all again in person real soon have a good night [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the distance multiplies in rhythm for any prayers you send my way that i get by i'll pay you back when i've returned i'll [Music] but it's not easy taking it along but every street recalls the time i saw you in our last for every story that i bottle up in time i'll tell you each when i returned i'll tell returned [Music] it's getting dark now and there's not much left to say just leave a lot out each [Music] so [Music] i'll pay you back when i've returned you
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 224,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: 5tQB6_T6Wfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 58sec (13558 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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