The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild by Johnnyboomr in1:41:46-Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Online

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and we're back everyone i hope you're ready i hope you held your breaths because it's time for the legend of zelda breath of the wild with johnny boomer hey hey thank you thank you uh hello my name is johnny boomer i'm gonna run breath of the wild all dungeons uh here are my co-commentators if you would like to introduce yourselves maybe maybe sly first hello i'm sly uh i also speeding on this game of course mainly focused on any percent annual dungeons uh what's up i'm v bucks i run this game too surprisingly and i run everything but any percent and hundred percent hello i'm will heightsong and i'm from i've also run almost every category except 100 and all shrines nice um so time doesn't start on new game time starts when we can control the link i can do a countdown uh three two one oh actually no wait oh my god hold on okay new countdown sorry three two one go and we're off and immediately stop running shame so uh the eagle eyed of you might have noticed on the main menu like the brief time we had on it that the game was actually in italian the language for this game isn't set in stone it actually changes depending on what category you're running so for any percent it is french um for all dungeons it's italian and then for a few of us like all main quest is german and then there's even ones where like russian or english is the fastest i can't remember those off the top of my head right now but it's italian for this one and immediately what we're going to do is johnny's going to pull out his scope here to get this little cutscene out of the way run up at this wall and then he's going to face a certain way and use his scope like that and what he's doing is when blink aims his scope like that he actually pivots on the point he's at so when you aim that way and pivot between those two corners of the wall you are getting pushed through the wall and you can immediately run out and that's that allows you to skip the opening cut scene so we're saving a lot of time with that and it also locks time of day to 5 15 am which is pretty big it stops things like blood moons it stops weber effects apart from enzor's domain that is fixed and it's nice for setups as well which we're going to do later but right now we're running into this boko camp here fastest movement we can do is running the phone sprinting and then when you get low you can whistle and mash b and that'll let you run about eighty percent of full speed or sprint speed uh while recovering all your stamina so it's pretty massive you'll see it constantly throughout the run there's also another version called fro sprinting which is basically the same except about constantly pulling out your weapon and putting it away and that's a little bit harder to optimally do whistle sprinting is very easy you just hold down the button uh fro sprinting you have to mash in a nice rhythm to have it be effective so usually you'll see whistles say why we picked up that weapon no no well we'll see if we'll see throw sprinting later on in the run all right that's it especially during the universe oh you see a little bit of shield surf in there that's uh just to get down things like hills quickly because it was a little bit faster than those and we're picking up weapons and bose things and things right now and arrows here because these are going to be incredibly important at this basis obviously the weapon is important right now to deal with these vocals but all we want is his bow and we are coming up to stasis this is the fastest order of shrines and you might be thinking why are we going to the shrine and not going to the tower uh we can skip the tower pretty easily well not easily but we figured out how to do it very easily now and well i'll just let johnny do it [Music] first nice this is the worst one so what you saw there was johnny run up to the shrine and like did a shield surf on the side of it and he just let his shield bonk on the train dropped off and went through the wall what did there was he stood that angle the wall was facing um on link and then as you shield jump forwards and then unequip your shield link will snap back relative to the angle you like placed that shield jump which we call skew and when he's doing that you're still moving forward so link can keep moving forward while he's snapping backwards the game then snaps you back to your original position and pushes you through the wall um basis the first one is the absolute hardest one really well when you actually got the other setups down it's probably the hardest one but there you saw johnny come into the shrine and immediately skip the elevator cut scene because this is on a cycle that rotating bridge you just saw them he needs to immediately stop that after picking up the stasis room that allows you to immediately freeze it jump on unfreeze it so you reset the cooldown for stasis and then you can immediately freeze the boulder up ahead it just breathes through stasis i'm not back also i forgot to mention he picked up a hammer in the shrine very important for later it loses a little bit of time but you need it to kill certain enemies and it saves time when you start breaking rocks picking up or breaking treasure chests things like that yeah it's the fastest one you can grab on your way too there is another one outside of stasis shrine but it's a bit slower to grab so uh who wants to take the next trick [Applause] [Music] stacy is used to be one of the most important runes in the run but nowadays it's not that useful because of another trick that we will see soon one of the few uses that stasis has is coming up it's called stacy's launch so what johnny will do is basically use the stasis rune to freeze the boulder right in front of him coming up and basically what stasis does now we didn't explain this it stores like kinetic force so johnny will repeatedly hit the boulder and then shoot the baller with an arrow in order to give this status launch a certain direction so that way he will be able to get over this cliff without climbing at all [Music] coming up next is something called bullet time bounce this is basically the trick that broke the breath of the wild completely uh so as you saw what johnny is doing is basically shooting arrows to bait these bokoblins into a certain position and after his shield jumps he will enter bullet time and as soon as he bounces off his boccolin which is a ragdoll an enemy he will immediately cancel bullet time and what that does is that when you enter bullet time every interaction is slowed down by 20 times so once he exits bullet time the speed of the bounce here will get multiplied by 20. and there you go he's basically flying all over plateau right now straight into crayons and this is why we immediately picked up all the weapons and stuff on the way to stasis because we need the arrows the bow the shield to be able to do that again setting sku on the shrine here a different kind of spot and this is a different kind of clip it's called an esc um there's one there's two frames of skew i believe one the second frame you can um you can do like a uh you do you hold up the shoulder and you press a yeah it's the second frame and it'd usually be a parry on the ground and a shoe jump in the air so when you do that and you equip the shield on that frame then it kind of like clips in again and does this weird shield jump sometimes the camera can any camera can go in and you get pushed back out it's quite bizarre different kind of clip than the normal one a bit more precise it is frame perfect um johnny hit the frame first try which is pretty good yeah that's um frame perfect in this game is strange because it's well it's not strange but you know the zelda games you might be able to see like can buffer by frames but in this one it's really hard to do that you usually get every other frame if you're buffering so when a trick's frame perfect it's not the greatest thing johnny did something crazy there called cryopa are we calling it cryo parkour nowadays [Music] oh we forgot to mention fall damage consoles yeah [Music] so uh johnny's been throwing his weapon and unequipping as link begins to throw it to cancel all fall damage which is how he's been surviving bt this uh that first btb before having the paraglider and what he did there was he did a fall damage cancel where he goes to throw his weapon then unequips it during the throw and that kind of grounds you on the wall so it lets you jump again so you essentially just wall jump in and you can use both of those jumps and uh shield jump you can make it over that so immediately following cryo we are going to set up another bullet time bounce this one is incredibly difficult it's much harder than the first one and the first one is hard but johnny gets it either of course of course um so perfect but btb's we have to mention that he's bouncing off red bull goblins these are the only ones you can bounce off without using ice arrows because damn unloaded that was that was no loads either too cold that was crazy good so you can see the power of btb's there as well not only can you completely fly across the map you can go so fast that shrines do not load fast enough so you can just walk through the front door so he didn't even have to do the magnesius clip he just runs in there's no door but as i was mentioned about red bull goblins they are the only ones that will rag doll from the shield jump so every other enemy needs an ice arrow or to be frozen for you to be tv of them but that makes it a lot nicer because red bull goblins are always moving you have to time things perfectly to get the btb angle you want they are like pixel air pixel perfect they're very precise so for magnesis there's nothing really crazy going on it's uh probably the least useful rune nowadays it's not totally useless there's a lot you need it for things like this like opening the doors there's gonna be plenty of that but between this and cryonis they are used a lot less than the other two and one of them is used a million times more than all the others which you'll see soon i keep i keep trying to spoil it sorry john no no just go ahead so one thing to note about these monk cut scenes is you johnny isn't skipping them immediately um that's because you have to wait until the camera starts to pan out or you'll get an incredibly long load well not incredibly long but it is about seven seconds lost if you don't wait and that's because we believe the game is trying to load things twice so it just kind of struggles and then falls whereas if you wait you get a quick load oh that you saw johnny do a box walk where he did a kind of similar thing to the boulder before but he has to walk on the book because it's rotating with him nice btb that one is very awful because the ball covlins you have to let the ball goblins notice you and then jump as they run to a certain location which johnny manipulated and sometimes they just don't do what they normally do anyway but johnny gets it just fine like you said you can manipulate how they move mostly by where you land but it is still a is there's still some rng involved it's for sure scary tv you can see there as well how finicky skew clips are you are looking for like a precise position for link to stand a precise angle to look at and you need to unequip right there's a there's a lot of things going on and you can see like just when one thing goes slightly wrong you're not getting through the wall yeah i don't know i don't know why he sometimes doesn't get skew there like a shield jump on the edge and just doesn't register it for some reason yeah sometimes you can kind of tell when you don't get your skew you think slides along the surface a bit yeah it's like it's a good sign to say okay i think i slid a bit there i probably should go back and get my skew again sometimes it is difficult to tell i was letting that trick play out before i explained it this is bombs are the absolute biggest rune now they are huge because we've discovered that trick wind bombs where you use bullet time manipulation and both bombs to launch one of the bombs into the back of link and it sends him absolutely flying similar to how btbs speed you up by 20 times that impact also works with wind bombs here where link will go absolutely flying because of the bullet time manipulation and it only does one heart of damage because you are not getting hit by the bomb you are well you're not getting hit by the explosion you're getting hit by the actual bomb itself so we can just go flying anywhere we want anywhere we can get bullet time and you're going to immediately see it as soon as we get all the bombs um one thing i do want to mention as well is that you might be wondering what the hell a dungeon is in this game it's the divine beasts um we call it all dungeons because hyrule castle is pretty much a dungeon and also to go with the conventional naming of zelda games so johnny immediately decided to get in a position where he could enter bullet time and he did some strange things he delayed his bombs instead of just quickly placing him as fast as he could and he also turn and that's like just some of the ways you can um change your trajectory like how link is going to fly and that's very important on this wind bomb in particular because we don't have a paraglider and we can't fall damage cancel when bombs so we need to make sure these wind bombs are perfect and we're going just the right height but that i believe that that was too high yeah i waited so long but still sent me so high but that is the great plateau now we get the best item in the game now i can go anywhere anywhere that's right i am running a little bit low on food though immediately here you see jenny wimbledon with the paraglider and you can see how strong this is like how it's just absolutely busted because we're immediately going wherever we want instantly so we're picking up a couple of things on the plateau still here because it's faster to get them when you have the paraglider and you can just quickly fly about we also do pick up the tower eventually because that activates warping and something else i can't remember right now but we do need that because it's faster i pick up certain shrines and walk back and forth by like two seconds i recently timed the route where you didn't get the tower and it's about two seconds faster to get the tower and a million times easier and this is already like the hottest category sorry jenny go on all right what did you say the tower unlocks it just unlocks the shrines right more points yeah yeah do you have enough food i think i have enough food one important thing is that the tower will be a very important uh war point since we clipped into all of the shrines we won't be able to warp to any of them so if we want to go back to great plateau we can only use the tower you can go back there at two points in the run yep yeah yeah and the doing the tower locks like this allows us to skip a cutscene because normally when you do it first and get to the bottom the old man says hey this shrine's about go go find the shrines we don't want to do that we've already done that so now that we're at plateau and we are going to be going towards meadow uh i'm gonna explain the route in a tiny bit in our dungeons so because this is breath of the wild it's an open game you can go to whichever one you want first and before we had win bombs it was obvious go and get meadow because we need your value gail rovalli's girl lets you go basically where you want it it makes a lot of things easier makes a lot of things a lot faster but with wind bombs we kind of have revalid gail um in our pocket we can go where we want but there's another big thing um from meadow nice btb um i was just gonna say i just love how the modeling was not loaded because 21 so fast i've actually never seen that yeah that happens a lot i mean the unloaded things not that specific i was just wondering why i shot an error already just knowing that yeah as i was saying about the route in the great eagle though it is pretty much the best pro in the game it absolutely deletes anything so when we get that and fight he flights it takes it changes fights from something awkward into jump into bullet time shoot him with a million bomb arrows fight over and that's hard to ignore so we always go to meadow first also noticed that johnny picked up a monster part from the book holland that'll be used in that bush and elixir life and you also might have noticed johnny sneaks right that modelling that's one of the reasons we need that hammer the axe will not kill in one hit the hammer will because it does three times of your weapons damage and you might have seen johnny as well sneaker power and shoe arrows in specific places he's um manipulating the pokemon below into certain places so that he can get a perfect position on the boko to jump at him from a perfect position and go all the way to tennokosa or the shrine if you don't know the shrine names and we're gonna use this for a war point later oh this the is are gonna be loaded in they're gonna fly all over [Music] oh wow nice save xboxes are always scary because of that so these ferries might seem kind of slow because we dropped down and then slowly sneaked about picking these up but these fairies allow us to not really care about food because we need a lot of food in this room we don't have a lot of health and we are windmilling nonstop which takes up a heart obviously that each the health of real first the fairies offer a buffer against that because then we can just go instead of need to pause and eat all the time and then pick up food [Music] as you notice as well johnny picked up some oil we need a decent amount of money in this run okay [Music] and we're picking up that royal claymore the 52 damage weapon which is pretty big it allows us to beat someone up later a lot faster but uh hey sledge you want to talk about the rupee situation um so depending on what your what sort of safety stretch you're going you do need about 1 920 i think is johnny's overall aim for rupees for the whole run um you do get about a thousand from your hideout you can get an extra 210 um depending on what your rookie situation is but the more rupees you get the start so the luckier you are with your all drops the better of a time you will have later on you just save a lot of time picking up extra stuff in the eagle hideout yeah you need bunch of um rubies to buy arrows some food um you also need the gerudo clothes as well as the goron armor later on in the run link link both got 600 how about this tao donates 137.13 they say good luck johnny go fast thank you i'll try and thank you to ariel fabulous for your 50 donation they say go johnny go it's great to see breath of the wild at gdq much love to the whole breath of the wild speedwriting community thank you and uh time for one more yeah i've got like two or three more okay great um how about this 1024. from alex m thank you so much they say that dance rush run was amazing especially the finale as always great event great runs great cause i've been enjoying this all week and appreciating the virtual company while working from home huge thanks to everyone making it happen thank you alex [Music] and another one we have here let's see it's a 500 donation from zeta gundam zz they say chat we cannot let keys are on down let's get that my my run do it for the swiffer do it for keys but most importantly let's do it for msf thank you so much zeta yeah currently we are let's see just under 34 000 left to get that my my bonus [Music] so as game seen here johnny's just doing a little bit of shopping because we desperately need those sunscreens um this is also a good vendor because we can just sell everything we got i was unlucky um the sunstreams allow us to get level two cold resist which we need to survive meadow um as you notice that johnny just kind of stopped in midair for some reason uh and he was also like messing about with the pause screen and the quick menu what you can do in this game is that you can induce lag by using the quick menu and looking at laggy areas like places where there's a like a lot of textures or a lot of objects and that reduces the game to about 20 fps if you pause the game it stores that leg if you can pull your glider on the frame after you pause the game you will get a 1.5 time speed boost because it's jumping back from 20 to 30. and that's what's called a super launch and you can do that with any win bomb as long as you can get lag um so when you combine that with wind bombs they're start getting crazy speed but sometimes you can like too much and just like overload it the game says no you're going too fast there's too much life and the game just cancels all your momentum so it's kind of a delicate balance and you're trying to find like just laggy enough places and also if your initial launch is just too fast the game also says no you're going too fast which is one of the pretty annoying things about this game it actually says you're going too fast yeah it's so annoying if that weren't in the game with me would be going so fast but uh my launch was definitely too fast there which i'm kind of surprised about because i mean i was aiming cardinal but i don't know if you're gonna explain that a bit too much maybe in a bit song do you want to take metal or at least assault jenny picked up the falcon bow from the chest it is a very useful bow basically because the trajectory is a bit different from other arrows the euro doesn't go down as fast as with other goals so aiming with this ball is very straightforward as you can see there uh you only just did a wimbledon uh mi there we didn't really talk about this because it works the same way as a normal wind bump but it's definitely trickier in the sense that it's more precise so now he's just going to be in at a very specific position and hitting all cannons from the middle precisely because falcon ball lets you shoot very hard so the trajectory johnny doesn't miss a shot obviously perfect intros yeah it is actually important you don't miss many shots there because you need a certain amount of bomb arrows to kill wimbledon if you drop below like 10 yeah if you get to about nine bomb hours the fight becomes a lot harder you have to spend arrows you don't want to spend also what i've noticed recently is that the durability on my falcon bow is very like you can't do a lot of extra shots without it breaking at the end of the run oh yeah that's a big thing in this as well yeah all the weapons were getting the balls were getting pretty specific because if you played this game you know the durability system is a thing and obviously we can't just pick up one bow and use it forever it will break and we need to use certain bows for certain things certain weapons or other things um which kind of like adds to the game's freedom like everything's constantly changing in this game like even when it's just tiny things like that it makes a huge difference though into meadow is just the opening cut scene cool thing about meadow is we do not need the map normally you need you get the map you can tilt meadow um left and right a bit like separate wings higher you don't need to do that well at least not in the speed run first terminal very uh simple nothing crazy to it oh yeah he was going then i didn't see it just be nice to me nicely done another instance on the esc uc can be very tricky was it yes he's done for us i remember correctly why why why is it called extended shoot there you go so some word you might have noticed that as well was as johnny was running towards that window to come to the first terminal he kind of flopped all around his shield what happens is when you do a clip like at esc for instance you get what is called glitched right ball state when you're in this state uh you can't win bum it just won't work you can't do any launch um i think his body will just immediately cancel our momentum doing that does clear wreck dull state the glitch ragdoll state which we call rectal we just call it right ragdoll um so that's another thing you have to think about in this game quite a lot this uh lego bombs are actually quite restrictive and there's a million things you have to think of when you're trying to do one and that's just one of them but if you see johnny flop over for seemingly no reason he's clearing his glitch right those days very nice i like [Music] as you can see that's how you don't pick up the map in meadow and get all the terminals this uh this next fight is very it's pretty rng i'm kind of hoping he's not being too bad today yeah so this is probably the hardest blight fight well not probably it it is that was already good rng but what johnny did there immediately was run to this uh updraft here to get bullet time as fast as he could he waits for one bike to do one teleport that teleport is rng which is the bad part of this game sorry not this game this game's pretty good um the fun part this fight but you want a quick teleport and you want it in a nice place then he does a certain set of arrows to get into push into phase two and he flies to the middle before the phase starts or you can immediately start shooting and then it's just a repeat of phase one yep that was great that fight can go horrible like you can shoot him and he immediately falls off and then he takes a while to come back up and you just can't do anything sometimes you headshot him but the game said no that wasn't a headshot and you just can't push him into phase two uh yeah what was that i've never seen that yeah i don't know i swear i shot him in the face but yeah like like i was just saying like that tiny sliver of hell if he had left before the final shot he actually should have died from that shot and it didn't really look like johnny missed any headshots but apparently he did yeah the the first shot i shot didn't count as headshot he also didn't get stunned or anything but yeah i don't know it didn't screw you over though so no decent fight earlier um that health container is big because it gives you an extra heart obviously and fully restores your health which is huge because then we don't have to eat food to get back and food is super important yeah definitely because we don't pick up a lot especially if you want to go fast and every food you pick sorry go ahead jenny yeah i was just just gonna say every food you pick up is just time loss you know you don't really want that's all i was going to say you never want time loss but that is basically the reason why we do meadow it's because of the great eagle bow it has a good damage it shoots three euros at the same time and it also has great durability and it shows them really fast it's got a rapid rate of fire and it shoots really far it's just got everything so here's the great plateau the tower we got popping back to that and as song said earlier it's the only thing we can walk back to on the great plateau because we clipped through the shrines we didn't really activate them and you could see another instance of a super launcher there and that's how they should all go but johnny just wow i got it that's frame perfect that bounce um down um yes as you can see super launch is very fast and then that little bounce you just did then if you put your paraglider away like the frame you make contact with the ground you can get bounces like that from wind bombs is very tricky good enough i think and for each time it looks good it's a little bit high so this is another very difficult btv as you can see you only have to shoot in a certain way to load up a goblin have them turn a certain way wait to freeze them at a certain point and this lets us go all the way to uh guerrilla town it's not gonna get there but close yeah as you can see this is how precisely uh it looks pretty damn good he's like on the way to it but he's gonna come a little bit sharp because it was slightly too left and it was slightly too high so because he has to turn to get back on track it kills his speed and because of the height he's not just going fast initially anyway one important thing there is that johnny unequipped his goal during that b2b and that's basically because well he buffered before and equipping the boat and that's because the earlier you cancel bullet time during a bullet time bounce the faster you go so you want to cancel bullet time as soon as you can for every single one of these btvs that again are very precise and if it's not clear at this point all dungeons is easily one of the hardest categories in this game because of that it's just full of very precise intjs so we need to talk to the guy i forgot the name of there to figure these quests to get the gorillapods to get into gorilla town benjamin yeah benjamin i think in the volume it changes depending on language and we also activate taco tuesday the shrine in front of it because that lets us walk back to it [Music] and um why is johnny in vr right now well this is the part where we all put on our viagra goals and we just play in vr because we like vr pretty cool so uh viago goes on everyone but really um when i explained super launches before and getting lag sometimes it's hard to get lag in especially places like the desert there's not a lot here it's just stand so when you turn vr mode on you're basically rendering the game twice and that allows you to generate lag in a lot more places so when you turn vr mode on and then look back at garuda town you can get like pretty easily oh um also uh what screen are you guys what side of the screen do you look at for vr mode i'm uh i'm a lefter both what i can't focus on so there's part of the reason why we need so much money at the start as well we don't really have a good chance to get to another vendor it isn't really slow we have to type for that one in the rio village anyway so we may as well get the amount of money we need there to buy the 600 rupees of burrito clothes and we're into the redo cut scene one important thing to notice as well is when johnny turned vr mode off was important he didn't really need it on the entire time but because of unloading like we saw with the shrines earlier how they weren't loaded the same thing can happen with cut scenes if you run into this before riju is loaded you are soft locked you'll just keep doing the cutscene over and over no idea why it just it just does it and so if johnny comes out like pauses comes out of vr and then takes his time in the menus it's giving the game a chance to load so we do that just to reduce the chance of a soft look oh my i might be spamming a little bit too much on these text boxes because my arm gets tired every time oh yeah that is a big thing as well all dungeons has a lot of spamming a and b as fast as you can to get through the text there's a lot yeah and that was actually yeah it's hard to notice like if you're like if it actually um is a big thing but when you compare against someone who's really good at mashing to someone who's just okay you can lose a lot of time so here we're walking back to tanaka which we got on the way to meadow before to set up for a btb to the back of the idea which is the quest we just got from redo to be able to go into navoras i think this is the first modeling btb we're seeing which isn't really any different from focal ptvs in the setup plate you can see we froze him we have we shielded him time we're flying away a couple of those ones they're a lot nicer though the black is huge and you can just like hit anywhere on the back and get a pretty consistent angle what was the the colosseum btb oh true i thought we were yeah i was talking about gender role yeah yeah that one is a lot harder than this one though god oh no fairytale yeah that's why we like fairies uh that was uh kind of unlucky he knows backups though he's good [Music] i'll just choose what it is so uh let's talk about robotics gale i guess it's uh it's not the so we have kind of strict valleys gale route in in this because there is optimal times to use them like where uh you'll see in the boris there's a big one oh there's a big two in the boris um using it there was probably his best bet as well because otherwise he'd have to like snake his way up the cliff with wind bombs whereas if he did that you can do one into a mid-air wind bomb i don't think you can you can actually do not bore it without gails but it's very slow yeah it's it's you just waste just get the gails there's so much slower about gales so um the startup section of yugo hideout we don't have to do that you can just click through the back here um and open the door and hey we're fighting gogo it's funny because it's actually the easiest clip in the whole game almost i know yeah i didn't want to say that you know but since you brought up uh can i chime in for a second oh yeah go ahead yeah okay yeah i just want to say welcome again everyone to summer games done quick 2021 online powered by twitch uh don't forget we're here supporting doctors without borders um we have about thirty thousand dollars to go until we hit that next bonus game for the my my finale so please make sure you're directing your donations there uh and choosing maimei as your incentive uh and also i just want to say we've been having a blast all week so make sure that you click in to the channel and drop us a follow we've been going for what five days now six days now we still have a whole nother day tomorrow of these shenanigans um so yeah join us have fun summer games done quick [Music] so hey you remember that rail plate i'm all we picked up before this is what we're using it for uh so we need a high damage weapon to be able to take out kogo as fast as possible his health is a bit weird um he's kind of i don't even understand it myself so i might just not try and explain it because i'll probably get it wrong oh well i read it not too long ago something about like yeah he doesn't have a lot of hp but he has like so much yeah but a lot of damage you saw jenny run up to go go and like turn around and start spinning what happens is when you turn around and then spin with a 200 weapon you can hit them twice like as it makes contact it just instantly hits them again if you can run up fast enough and get every single double hit possible in one stamina wheel on koga you can one cycle phase one which then he missed by like one hit which is kind of unlucky really but the rest of the fight is it's pretty simple you just hit him with arrows hit him a few times hit him with the magnet the magnesius thing and he got any donations because it's cutscene time yeah uh you want me to go for a minute i got a couple big ones uh yeah sure yep how about this ten thousand dollars from fangamer can we get a bunch of claps in the chat for fangamer they say hey everybody fangamer here we've received a lot of orders this past week for our gdq merch lineup those purchases make donations like this one possible so we want to thank everyone who has placed an order 100 of the profits from sales of the fangamer sgdq 2021 collection goes directly to msf we'd like to remind everyone that you have until the end of the event to get your orders in at forward slash gdq you can also help msf with a direct donation at forward slash donate let's get a five dollar donation hype train going yeah fan gamer i'd love to see that what about a five dollar hype train at 50 minutes does that sound good to you chad how about you guys sounds great to me five dollars in 50 minutes let's see it happen we also have a 20 donation from cartridge blowers fellow gdq host they say hey johnny this is a great run so far my nephew alex loves breath of the wild and watching this is blowing his mind perhaps you're inspiring a blossoming 13 year old speedrunner shout outs to the couch the crew and mello who is bringing hosting to an all-new power level and now a haiku my my finale you have to unlock the run the rhythm don't stop thank you cardi b m m donates 250 they say the legend of zelda franchise is what led me to finding speed runs and gdq so of course i had to donate during breath of the wild shout outs to my sister who got me hooked on video games yeah sister love and better be watching this incredible run this goes to the my my finale bonus game we're so close guys let's get that gold med we did break 30 000 by the way we have 29 400 i don't know 61 i can't do math until we hit my mind and five dollar donation trained at 50 minutes nice real close so um as you saw we run back into the yuga height out there we need to pick up a few more rupees and the mighty bananas because they there's just a million there for easy attack up food that helps us just delete the bites later um there's something else worth to mention but i forgot rupees grab well we grab a lot of force and rupees and you had to which basically lets us get enough rupees to buy arrows here and to buy the flame breaker armor at coron city yeah and um these the electric arrows here uh huge because that allows us to skip the part at um the main where you have to fight the lionel you don't have to fight him if you have 20 shark arrows already well you don't have to fight him anyway you can just pick up the shark arrows but we can easily get third here and then just skip all that so here's the cooking of the bananas to get the attack up food don't need gonna be cooking um two four times bananas a short duration but three times up attack food and then one five times and uh that'll cover thunder blight uh water boy and then the last one the five times bananas will cover fire blight and ganon that allows us to cut down on uh cooking a million bananas and allows us to keep some for food backups [Music] we we have a bunch of cutscenes here as well maybe like two minutes okay yeah i can read some more donations yep we have a 500 donation from the hardcom they say this has been my favorite time of year since 2013. keep up the amazing work everyone thank you so much how about this uh manchelina bro lee donates fifty dollars they say as a professional dancer and dance teacher i just have to donate for the dance rush stardom run so excited to see my two favorite things combined good luck on the run thank you so much for drs that played a little bit earlier today uh mr zeno donates 25 they say give me my my finale give me my my finale uh necco machines donates ten dollars they say if we can't watch the my my stream i will cry do you guys want necco machines to cry i don't uh mademizer donates 250 wow thank you so much they say had to donate during my favorite entry in the favorite game series of all time legend of zelda holds a special place in my heart and watching runners absolutely tear the games to shreds always puts a smile on my face thanks to the runners and crew for helping make gdq such an amazing event every year let's see those my my uh marble man donates 50 and they say here's to link from the man screaming in the wind bombs let's get more gdq go my my so this this segment coming up is probably one of the most difficult ones uh i'm gonna be doing i don't really get it very often um but it saves 20 seconds over just using the seal yeah this is very new as well like johnny's only just started doing this and also pretty much only johnny has just started doing this because this is johnny hey that was decent first one that was a bad one uh-oh yeah this this is why it might not be the smartest thing to do this yet in a run it looks looks pretty cool looks pretty cool i mean hey you still got it okay this is not good uh yeah uh well [Music] so that could have gone cleaner but you know i'll take it hey you got it we're in the boris so to explain a little bit what johnny just did and why you just immediately abandoned the seal um what you did was called a shield jump cancel um that allows you to get into bullet time from like a standing position just on flat ground and what you have to do is you have to get on your shield jump and then within like one what is it the frame before you leave the ground something like that uh yeah yeah yeah you have to the last possible frame you're still like grounded i think you can hold a well hold a material that kind of lets you cancel the shield jump and you can then get into bullet time obviously when we get into bullet time we can win so when you can do that you can just say bye bye seal i am going to do this on my own yeah there's a lot of different little things you need to know about this because also when richer tells you if you want to keep fighting it also refills your stamina for some reason so it's also really nice but then if you touch like if you get too close to the boris and he starts aiming at you you can't be on the ground or you'll get that cut scene you know stuff like that it's just it's very hard to pull off so this is why we talked about uh the valley scale being pretty important it allows us to immediately go to this and then from this one we can easily access all the others which is just the fastest route by far bruno boris so what johnny's doing here is he's painting one of those conduit things that crystal or whatever it is which i don't know into place and then he's going to shoot the other one with shock arrows with a duplex bow those double heads allow it to activate just uh briefly enough for it to start raising once the head gets to the top it's immediately going to start going back down because it's not got a constant flow of electricity like it should so if you can activate the terminal before it gets to the top and then jump out you're fine and then from there he's going to drop out of it and wind on and starts making his way through the boris activating terminals in the next room below as well is a super important um metal gale as it allows you to skip like the ball puzzle with the electricity the two separate rooms like on either side of there i don't remember it too well i don't play this game casually anymore yeah if i were to do this dungeon casually i'd be stuck in here for at least an hour so after getting this terminal uh junior will actually get the map for this device basically because there is no way to get the second terminal uh without the map you can actually clip into the place where the last terminal is you can do an extended chill clip but unfortunately uh the terminal is upside down so you can't activate it no matter what you need the map unfortunate i mean it's timeless this is a pretty long cutscene yeah it'd be like 40 seconds maybe something like that if we could uh skip this yeah which is kind of gigantic really but we just cannot interact with this terminal while it's tilted on the side can i ask you all a quick question um have you ever heard of uh oh oh yeah prime gaming have you heard of prime gaming i don't think can you explain prime gaming i think if you have a subscription to amazon prime and you link it to your twitch account you can actually get a free sub with prime to a channel of your choosing every month but you have to you have to reactivate it yourself so right now like theoretically with all these people here if you have prime you could use it here and you're telling me that's free that's free this does insane good good enough to fight um go on slowly he's got one of two attacks to start off with you know lightning balls are you all like so which you can block with the pot lid if you had a metallic shield actually that's that's very unfortunate before he does that especially if you get head shots yeah so normally the damage kind of caps to harvey's health bar because phase one take two 50 50. but what is it there's a way to push it past that if you're doing something specific i don't remember what it is it's not easy to do but you can accidentally do it sometimes i'm going to say johnny did it on purpose because you stick yeah yeah but yeah normally you should stop at the halfway point but it just didn't wow i've i've never done [Music] nope nope super either so correct me if i'm wrong but the way um arrow damage works is that it takes the base damage from the ball right then bone arrows at a plus 20 damage like a modifier and then that gets multiplied by two when you get a headshot and that's why you hit thunderblite for so much basically because you probably got like a triple headshot right yeah something like that like like a lot i'm just gonna believe it [Music] it's pretty crazy because standard blight has a very tiny head so getting like a triple headshot is right here yeah i think his head was angled in just the right position or something because i've never gotten that much damage in in two shots only even oh yeah that was only two shots that was crazy that was i've not really seen that before well i'll take it all right so another one here it's not a really tricky btp here coming up you're welcome thanks yeah by the way vivo is is the one who comes up with all these or most of these crazy btvs i'm surprised that worked good yeah that's great so again another very hard btb odd dungeon is basically just ridiculously hard btbs to get as far as you can with uh as little stamina as possible and as you saw in that one we actually pushed the vocal when he was frozen then he had to walk at him at a certain angle at a certain speed to push him to the right place which he nailed it's pretty easy to join and then it lets you just fly all the way to the wetlands here which is about halfway to zurich maine which is where we're going next hey about halfway through from a btb let's just do another one to go the whole way so that's the first lizard for speed tv um and again as you saw very similar to what we've seen rosa's hitbox is uh the best place to hit them is on their back like at their tail which is why we run behind him instead of like that crayola block there so jamie was going to be a bit low there on the cliff and you can do from the vtv if you remember when we did that little bounce of a wind bomb when we went back to great plateau you can do that with a btv2 but it's a lot easier and you go a lot higher but the cliff needs to be a ramp and johnny was not going to get that so he cancelled it and went bond over actually i just remembered my durability it's probably really low so do you think it does take up a lot of durability on your shield because like you're cancelling your shield you play upwards like the surf you're doing when you beat tv you cancel that and then fly outwards and if we've done his shield too so um i hope you like cut scenes and about six minutes of washing which might be a great time for donations donations i love donations how about this anonymous anonymous donates 50 and they say i'll take 10 tickets to the my my train um they are referencing that humongous five dollar we had two five dollar trains happen in the last 15 minutes uh so i'm just gonna try to go through them quickly thank you to carly hb shatters cyril the wolf angela and moose moose for all donating donating five dollars and saying five dollar train let's go my my train i can't resist the hype train choo choo friends link jump on enemies go zoom choo choo hype train five dollar train for my my choo choo i just love when a train pulls off you know it's so it's so great when you actually get one to work and you see the total like flying up anyway we're 25 under 25 000 from hitting my my finale as our next bonus game don't y'all want more gdq i do don't y'all want to hear marforia as your next host i do there's so much to look forward to please if you're donating make sure that you've selected my my finale as your incentive at least for now how about this one we have an anonymous 500 donation they purchased 100 tickets and they just said love y'all that's very much my style thank you so much and then sam donates no comment one thousand dollars thank you so much sam for that i have a lot more time right yeah yeah like four more minutes sure yeah okay uh pittman lions zero four one six donates 250 they say loving this breath of the wild run we tune in every marathon and are never disappointed shout out to the whole jdq crew who makes such an awesome event run so smoothly looking forward to attending a live event again in the near future absolutely i share that sentiment with you i can't wait till the next in person gdq to have fun and spread love and joy with all the rest of you and then cat likes donates 25 they say my boyfriend introduced me to gdp and now it's a tradition that we share from watching the runs together to waking each other up in the middle of the night so we don't miss a particular run breath of the wild is his absolute favorite game so we are so excited to watch it this year [Music] and then rounding us out here we have a five dollar donation from fra who says forget the hype train this is the vive train i like that too oh it's still got like another minute or two if you've got any more okay yes i mean this is a lot of drama i definitely have donations uh shanghai oh my donates 150 they say i haven't been able to watch live much this year but i can't wait to see all of these vods in the upcoming weeks shout outs to the hollow tones os discord and here's hoping we can meet the mymy incentive well shanghai your hopes are high and your hopes are in the right area because i believe we can do it 24 thousand dollars less than 50 minutes or actually less than uh an hour i should say and we'll hit that goal i believe that's an hour i've seen us do greater things than that another person nah donates five dollars and they say i don't even know what my my is but i need to see it [Music] oh wow um we have a 1 000 donation from link to the future they say absolutely love the legend of zelda series i always love watching these awesome runs and donating to an awesome cause thank you so much for that 1 000 donation ah okay finally you say finally but i don't still talking all right it's over another 16 minutes left of cutscene oh god i know we are we're out we're out we're immediately going to jump on the statue of mifa you know this nice statue we used to remember in our room that was spooky so we got this a little bit of intro with uh getting into the assault on router because this is like the uh divine piece you're meant to do at the start where they like guide you and give you all the cut scenes about it and stuff and uh we're using these when you use these shark arrows who will like normal when you do it casually you're meant to work each waterfall shoots thing um but johnny's going to try to go and get every single one of them in one waterfall which is incredibly difficult he needs to land a difficult first shot but it saves a lot of time and get them all in just one waterfall it's very fast [Music] so immediately shoot down these fireworks should be good yep yeah nice that shot is very difficult it's uh pretty precise on when you shoot it and how you uh and where you shoot and not just that when you go up there as well because we only have one wheel of stamina you have to instantly hit your shots on the other three remaining uh switches yeah like if you hit that first one too early sidon's not gonna swim towards the waterfall anymore because you hit one so he's just gonna back off so you need to like time it very well and then you end up getting more cryo blocks and spikes to deal with it just gets annoying if you shoot early yeah i think it also helps with the uh the angle you can shoot the thing at um you know if you if you break them earlier silence gonna swim to the waterfall at a different angle oh yeah true yeah basically very risky very hard so pretty nice divine beast this one uh probably my second favorite to broom um this is another one though we need the map terminal because you have to [Music] move the trunk to get the you can actually interact with the terminal on it um revise gail used to be huge here because it let you go to the top and then work your way down which is the fastest route but um johnny's actually so fast from the boris where he last used the gaels that they're not back yeah but luckily with win bombs we can make our own uh valley scale did i get a vocal part yeah i did right you did yeah um so one thing to note about router the final terminal is on a cycle so it's import is it possible to make like the one is the earliest one we can get you can't get the one before it by like using motion controls to make that uh spin faster or anything like that but you have you want to get this one because it takes like 10 15 seconds for it to rotate around again the next cycle so johnny's trying to do stuff as fast as he can in there to get to that first cycle because the terminal is constantly rotating around and as you've seen it needs to be upright for ubl activated oh he's immediately lifting that trunk up to a set position to make the turret the terminal interactable and to start the cycle on the second to last terminal which is unlike the big wheel in the middle because we're also manipulating that thing's position so that you can basically just run in and grab it straight away didn't run into the fire absolutely yeah [Music] oh i forgot to turn as you can see i was talking about the cycles and the trunk movement is set to open a place where you could just instantly walk in and then it was interactable and here's the final terminal you can see he's made the cycle he's a little bit early if i it would be nice if i get my gales back here but i guess i'm just too fast what a shame yeah normally i'd use a gale here but i don't know i don't know so another easy blight flight well i won't say easy but it's a lot more straightforward yep and he jumps off to the left there to be stood on these four platforms that raised from the uh the water that rises i'm pretty much going to grab it before i block again as soon as possible so just by preparing yourself and standing swimming on top of one of the platforms so you saw johnny was switching arrows a bit as well you we need to preserve some bomb arrows and we have a lot of uh electric arrows that do pretty comparable damage so we can use them while he's down and wait for him to stand back up so he can get easy head shots on it again and we're also using those electrics because when he's down it's very hard to hit the head sometimes because they can crumple in strange positions when they get back up it's predictable you can tell where the head will be another interesting thing is that johnny only needs a couple of bone barrels basically because we won't be able to use them uh in gorham city inside gorham city which is coming up basically because if you pull your bow uh with bone marrows on they blow up and you take a lot of damage so bone marrows will be useless for current city and that's we are for divine beast done [Music] and we're out of cutscene center thank god yep so we're gonna use that um dora's chess piece now to immediately climb this big waterfall up to the top of the zora highlands there are other ones one of them uh oakland's around that's what it is and this all settles up like a clear path towards eldon which you might be able to guess how we're going to fly towards elder i have no idea you're gonna you're gonna run right yeah yeah catch myself a horse yeah get super that's right good nice nice so obviously another btb and another a pretty precise setup where we're using arrows in certain ways and positioning and so on you know the drill by now and that allows us to go pretty much all the way to guarantee it's hard to go the entire way from there because there's a lot of mountain in the way but we can get one wimbom away which is pretty good what you're going to see johnny do a lot in eldon as well is obviously wooden equipment that's on fire and album when you pull out your bow though like if it's on your back just tap the r [Music] and it won't break his bow um and fire damage doesn't work like cumulative damage it's not going to add up there's just a burn timer on the bow if the timer hits say 30 seconds good buy a great eagle bow but if jenny pulls it out it resets this time it does go on in some cut scenes so if your bow is burning before you get into the cut scene like that one there you've always gone by the time you get out of that cut scene because it was burning the whole time it's also why you took off his portlet as well still needs that shield i didn't need it that part just basically is good for the whole run so you need to you need to take good care of it or uh for a reason yeah i don't know how to dodge these rocks by the way no one does those rocks are actually kind of rng like not just where they fall i mean um but like if they even happen at all or when they happen yeah sometimes they just don't fall and you're just completely fine i don't know why um [Music] kind of annoying but i think it can even happen twice can have twice like three times yeah it's it's not much fun well that boco piece uh that material johnny picked up like ages ago at the start of the run just at the plateau we're finally using that with a what are those things called one of those lizards you picked up fireproof something it gives you a fireproof like so oh god this is not good he needs that to be able to survive in this area um one kind of unlucky thing though was johnny had to pause and um use the elixir when he was already in this zone what he was trying to do was get here so fast that the rocks in front of yanobo aren't loaded you can just run straight in but because he had to pause and use the elixir it kind of gave the game a chance to load so he just clipped to the side instead stop no okay okay we're good oh yeah you can see how like little food johnny has left now and how tight on food this run gets nice small small struggles but it's fine we're good i'm good [Music] and as you saw that was all like that quick little flick johnny did just to pull out his bow for like half a second then put it back this puts out the fire yeah because if it was burning here it would be gone and that's kind of renault was not run over you just reload but it's pb although [Music] i think you're a lot of time loss because of how auto saves work in this game if you're always coming around with wing bombs they can spawn you in very weird places so hope doesn't meet you again these ones are always nice though oh no please don't they're actually usually horrible to me really yeah it's usually those ones that always get me oh we're just making the way to you know though and the amazing escort section nice i don't know why johnny does that but i don't know johnny just says he always has to do it but oh kind it back no really [Music] he threw the hammer through you know about to hit that switch and turn the cannon and i hope you like seeing that because we've got it a few times so uh coming into the escort i'll explain a few things about it now and then i'll just let you take it away for donations because there's not a lot going on with it um it is an auto scroller kind of you can make it faster you can't have a whistle in this because then it makes your noble stop we need him to constantly move so we can do what i mentioned before right at the start of the room um first printing um which lets us do this but as you can see it's not as efficient as whistle's been in um we need to keep your noble like on the edge of our mini-map further than the edge and he's going to stop following us because he loses sight of us and we want to kill these uh guardian scouts like in the fastest way possible without using up too many resources because we still do need we have to have a lot left and we still need to fight fire by and gunning so johnny's going to use in like magnesius on boxes to hit them and kill them we're using a bose's fiore to kill a couple he's going to be shooting a few and then we're going to be standing in certain places to make you know jump into the cannon as fast as possible just small things like that you're going to see but other than that these we get to watch you know run after us for a bit so donations uh yeah absolutely let me know when you want to take it back we have 25 from zelkies who says hi johnny good luck on your run it's been insane watching you run this game from where you started and quickly get almost every world record one by one looking forward to your e10 run for so long from zelkies swiffy mikey apple player five majestic razzin mules to peer jordan and your gamer buddy norman also let's go my my finale thank you zokies and thank you basically like most of the community that you mentioned um how about leona wilde donates 100 they say go johnny take out ganon when we have a 5 donation from grant they say i would love to hear the host's best well excuse me princess there you go um rahid greyhorn donates 500 and they say i quite like this hype train is it yeah you purchased yourself 100 tickets to that high train thank you very much pork stomp donates thousand dollars and they just say go fast massive donation wow thank you so much [Music] that's seemingly from an individual too i'll uh i'll try i'll try to go fast oh my god how about this tt donates 100 they say good luck with the run mr johnny gamer man sly song and vevo uh much love from the breath of the wild community uh joe dunn donates 25 they say hey johnny it's joe just letting you know all the peeps are watching and discord cheering you on yes and that means papa pair too good luck friend yes okay well fifty dollars from brutal's mom yes that is my mother they say great cause doctors love partners thanks mom thanks gdq from kalis angeline nya easton and zara we love you cousin melo oh i love you too my beautiful cousins ruined lands donates fifty dollars they say link is looking adorable we are so lucky to have the johnny boomer showing off his skills shout outs to the whole breath of the wild community who i miss dearly you're all amazing wonderful people cheers johnny and cheers vivo thank you ryan i love this one anonymous donates a hundred dollars they say remember to check if your employer matches donations if they do they can as much as double what msf gets thank you that is a great call out newborn insulted i'm not even gonna ask where that username comes from they say good luck on the run johnny gamer thank you for making the breath of the wild community proud thanks again to the host and the all-star commentary team thank you newborn thank you we also have an anonymous 2 500 donation no comment that's big oh my gosh i also want to say we are just over 15 000 away from the my my bonus game my my finale fifteen thousand dollars and we have how much longer would you say in the run another half hour or so fifteen minutes maybe yeah fifteen fifty minutes okay wow 15 minutes 15 ish 20 minutes 15 000 chat i beg i plead i'm on my knees please my my finale i want to see it so bad let's make it happen somebody make my dreams come true how about basil bulbasaurus donates one thousand dollars doctors shrine of resurrection handshaking over ignoring borders let's go uh anonymous donates 500 had to donate during my favorite game of all time breath of the wild thanks to everyone who makes this event so great good luck to johnny and the rest of the runners uh radical emmy donates one thousand dollars and their comment is yeah nice uh problem like what'd you say sorry go ahead okay a problem patcher donates 250 thank you they say i remember buying a switch in breath of the wild with tip money best thing ever to save up for thank you for showing me even more cool things to do with the game all right time for one more i think okay uh elizabeth deanna morris lakes donates 25 my four and a half year old was completely baffled watching this run why he flying why he's so high why that robot burn evil maybe he's got commentating in his future a plus run now let's calamity gannon ah you should be on there instead of me that sounds better so um this dungeon's pretty fun when you learn it it feels uh nice to do this starting section um crazy thing about johnny that people probably don't know is that he can just see perfectly in the dark um yeah so he's just like we're gonna be a bit blind here we don't know what's going on too much but johnny can actually just see everything no i can't actually oh i'm picking you up and you're doing this lost my power so um while we're in this dark area johnny's using a few cues about that you can see like the torch light and throwing that bomb to light up and he's going to be doing specific things to set himself up for later and also make his way to the map terminal there he used the duplex ball to light the bow like the arrow sorry shoot both the guardian in the eye and light the torch behind him which is uh it looks pretty good i'm a big fan of that in this dungeon and he's shooting those uh malice eyes along the way to allow him to get like terminals in a minute but we immediately get the map in the rudania because we need to start tilting him about straight away and why is it so immediately johnny's about to do a trick shot put that in the montage later please um so you like that uh arrow there you have about two more seconds longer than johnny uh it tony was about two seconds slower that would have gone out you have to wait over to that where johnny was without sprinting otherwise it puts the uh ball away and you have to bank the arrow off that back wall while it's still lit to wipe the target there that's not trying to take it up to the top of the torch or anything and you can immediately just put this ball in that hole [Music] where am i oh and you can actually just crouch through that nothing fancy about that you can just fill it on the side and crunch oh that wasn't looking good [Music] so we broke this box out of this jail before like at the start when johnny uh felt some arrows in the dark okay fire blight might be a little bit a bit tricky than uh isn't that a theory you can hear the flame resistance like until confident you'll kill him if you want i uh i should have one heart left if i cancel the fire [Music] he will actually start taking a higher damage as soon as the fight starts with the fight starts but well he's fighting uh fired light yeah because this is a place where you need to flame resistance um level two flame resistance the damage ticks very quickly there is a way to cancel this damage by uh spinning with a two hundred weapon the problem is you reignite very quickly here and start taking damage again very quickly phase one is great because you can immediately just push him into phase two and taking no damage but phase two you have to wait a little bit i have any food left i don't think i do i'm not sure i think i have a one banana you can see that where you cancelled like the flames [Music] oh i have to do this a taco huh do you have any attack up food no no i don't but it's it's fine it should still work it's just going to take 10 seconds longer fair enough but yeah normally yeah all right go on normally i wouldn't eat any of the flame resist there but i just kind of messed up too much during the run didn't have fairies left or food but yeah that that's why this run is so difficult uh you have nothing or basically no backups at all wait did you still have graves no i didn't see when you used it so and hey this is uh right here is the reason that italian is faster it's actually slower than french and german up until this point but this one cut scene here where zelda says good job it's way faster in italian where it ends up being two seconds faster overall from now um i think that was uh too much lag from guantanamo okay last btb probably one of the harder ones too [Music] [Music] okay i okay nice you're free so kenny said that's probably the highest btb i would say it's absolutely the hardest baby tv it's the final btb in the whole run and as you can see you're going over corrupt forest and you can easily void out even going at this speed sometimes the game says i don't care that you're going a million miles per hour you're in clark forest get out goodbye and it voids you out back to either where you started the btv from or to the start of correct forest that takes ages when you do it for a vpb because it has to lower it as well and that's just a hard bcb and now weapons because he wants the castle cutscene to load he's just he's just indecisive he don't know if he wants the hammer or other sword so uh we need this cutscene to happen before we go into the ganon fight and swapping weapons like that kind of forces a load so you saw johnny did some kind of specific movement with climbing the wall and side hop in and then standing still and aiming at a certain place um let's see if he's got it and then i'll explain it rage also uh volume awning slightly not super loud but it's not not nice but so far so good ah [Music] it's gonna take normally it would be dead now but it's gonna take a little bit longer that's it so um is dead johnny just he did that setup to shoot the arrows and work into the cutscene so that those bomb arrows he fired in a step position as the cut scene starts so those arrows freeze wherever like wherever they are when johnny walked into the cutscene and if you freeze them on top of gannon his actor like still is there at the top of sanctum so it's just constantly hitting him like over and over he's stunlocked by barnardo's at the top once he gets hit enough times he's dead uh because he didn't have attack up that took a bit longer than normal but because johnny did it right he was he couldn't move he was stuck he was going to die eventually no matter what that's pretty fast in order when we don't have very many things to kill him quickly like we're out with bomb arrows now the great evil ball is running low on durability the attack up is running out when you can do that either now uh this fight is an auto scroller you just shoot the things when they appear there's we we've got enough in for this you just shoot the things as fast as they ever but time will be coming up when you shoot the eye like as soon as the the health bar drops and you hit the eye this time go on jenna yeah this is pretty much when you know you've won you can kind of kind of relax especially after such a stressful run um mellow i think you have something you want to do have something to say we hit my mind in the chat can i see a heart please and thank you and how about this i'm gonna steal the words of my wonderful host friend iggy zigg with an anonymous 7 000 donation to button it up and their comment is just yes is this a good run i don't even know uh it didn't feel that bad it's pretty good is uh well it's already a time that like only two three other people could even get so pretty good yeah all right [Music] i'm happy with that uh as soon as you should decide it's time good for a marathon like it's a one i don't know i thought you won something that's like amazing that was no one could even get near that for a long time nice good yeah okay i wanted sub 145 so i'm happy with this i need to smash that yep i almost almost didn't make it with my food but watched it we did it yeah we did it yeah wait all of us together uh yeah yeah that's it this cutscene is loud uh shout out uh shout outs to the whole breath of wild community very nice i definitely would if you're interested in running this game uh i would definitely join the discord breath of the wild speed on discord there are always very nice people there who will help you any time of the day uh shout outs to my commentators of course thank you for for uh explaining everything while i do it because i can't talk and play so thank you for that and thank you for cheating oh thank you thank you thank you for the gdq and all the donators for the incredible amount of money you've donated it's absolutely insane uh thank you so much and also thank you for having me uh that that's it probably thank you so much johnny boomer and everyone for that incredible showcase of the legend of zelda breath of the wild chat did you have fun there was a lot of energy there that was a really really great run to watch i'm just so excited my hype levels right now this is the roof you can't see my hands this is my hype levels i put my hands way higher way higher i promise um let's see i just want to get through a couple more donations here we have a thousand dollar anonymous donation i know that helped push us to my mind thank you so much we also have a thousand dollars from new muhuku maki aki aya thank you so much for that no comment 500 from anonymous with a heart thank you so much and kage donates 100 they say oh my my these games are getting uh done so quick thank you to all the runners commentators and hosts another amazing gdq now we have uh a few words from msf doctors without borders we'll be back shortly hi everyone aziz here joining you from beirut lebanon i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is making a difference by participating in summer games done quick my work as a mental health activity manager with doctors.borders wouldn't be possible without your support thank you for tuning in and thank you for helping us deliver life-saving care to millions of people around the world welcome back everyone this uh this this donation came uh relatively late in the run it's from your friend zalp they donate 25 and they say i hadn't gotten the glider yet by this time um anonymous donates oh this is one of my favorite questions okay chat i need your involvement with this one through the work through the form or through the medium of donations uh 555 from anonymous they say how many chagas before the choo choo i like four now me personally melo i'm a six kind of guy right because i think it's like chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo but if you disagree with me donate and we'll let mars see what she thinks about that also uh link without borders donates a hundred dollars and they say sending this towards my my well you got it link without borders thank you so much for contributing to that uh i'm a sock donates 250 they say always happy to donate for msf breath of the wild is one of my favorite entries in the zelda series my newly adopted baby kittens were named mifa and grace after best girl in her special ability of course thank you for all that you do in these events both in person and online from behind the scenes to the runner's hard work and practice there are highlights among the rough times wow i'm a sock thank you so much joshua s donates 100 and they say go my my go we're gonna take a real quick break but don't go anywhere uh shortly afterward we'll be back with more gdq welcome back once again everyone um i want to read a few more donations here we have mickey donates 250. they say hey everyone it's my birthday today and it has been amazing first time donating and my amazing friend is going to hopefully be playing some maimai hope everyone is having a great day and thank you everyone for setting up such great events every year hype hopefully right your best friend or your friend is absolutely going to be playing maimai in just a few minutes cody m donates 1 000 breath of the wild helped my wife and i stay sane over the last year with everything going on it was also her first 3d game and she loved this run great job i agree great job indeed thank you so much okra winfrey donates 25 they say thanks moderator person for all the hard work may your dreams be full of hope and wonder yes thank you to the mods cute mods all right my friends it's my time to depart it's been so fun i've been looking forward to this all week i love every moment i get to spend with you all um i'll be back tomorrow for the souls block how lucky am i breath of the wild and then the souls block come on anyway once again i've been your host brutal mellow but for now i am going to give you over to the mystical prize dungeon with scent oh thank you so much melo sorry i'm just uh getting the last thing set up here just got to bring one more prize onto the screen um yeah let's just not talk about that that's perfectly fine hello uh everyone welcome back to uh summer games done quick 2021 my name is sen and of course i'm here to tell you about some of the amazing prizes that you can win by donating to the event now all the prizes i'm gonna talk about are opening right now this is a brand new prize block so if you donate between my my and x2 there's a ton of great stuff you can win by donating get in a 25 donation to get into everything specific to this block get enough 50 donation if you haven't already gotten in a 50 donation today for some of our great daily prizes and of course get in a 250 donation if you haven't this week so you can get entered into our amazing grand prizes let's start talking about some of them they are super cool from hey pizza king we have uh one of the just like silliest but most awesome things i've seen a gdq zine uh just you know kind of like a fan made magazine of gdq moments and artwork throughout the years it is super cool the cover's absolutely beautiful and uh you know let's just flip to a random page and uh look at some stuff we go oh yeah we got hollow knight at sgdq 2020 uh we of course have uh final fantasy vi there on the other side it's it's great how could you not love this it's full of absolutely amazing and unique artwork and it's only a ten dollar minimum donation so thank you so much to hey pizza king for sending that out to us now also for a 10 minute donation is the first of several three houses themed prizes we have fire emblem three houses speedrun coming up a little bit later tonight and as a reminder there is an incentive to choose which routes the runners are going to be taking for that i believe that right now we are looking at a war between of course the uh the black eagles and the golden deer uh but from aja's story we have these lovely three houses key chains featuring you know the heads of the three houses right there there are of course only three houses silver snow is not a real route just putting that out there thank you so much to aja story there are 10 minimum donation until the end of x2 uh now let's talk about some stuff from ethazon we of course have a beautiful pin set we have all three of the houses insignias we've got the blue lions insignia here the golden deer you got to fear the deer and of course the black eagles they are absolutely amazing uh these are so great it is on really just every time every time i see one of their submissions i think there's no way this pin is going to be cooler than the last pin they submitted and i am absolutely wrong because every time their pins are incredible you get the full set of three 15 minimum donation thank you so much and to complete that trilogy from the frostworks we have a series of pin boards featuring cloth art of the insignias of the three different houses so of course we have the golden deer don't fear the deer revere the deer it is the only way the black eagles and last and certainly not least the blue lions these are 25 minimum donation make sure to get those donations in before the end of x2 but especially make sure to get those donations in as soon as possible because we have just opened up another great incentive as part of that my my bonus run if we meet it then star rod kirby is going to play some of the utagae tracks and the utagae tracks are really interesting they're not necessarily the hardest charts in the game but they are incredibly interesting charts charts with gimmicks that you won't see elsewhere in the game like tap notes suddenly becoming slide notes songs composed of entirely slide notes with incredibly awkward and difficult timings or even just charts that are meant to be played as kind of like multiplayer charts that kirby's going to play in single-player it is a super super cool mode we're already about two thousand dollars to the twenty thousand we need to make that happen let's make it happen because i'm gonna let you in on a secret there might be one more pretty intense uh incentive if that gets met uh now for mountain goth mom we have i've been playing with these all week a pair of absolutely adorable crocheted lamps do you need more gdq lamp in your life you can have more gdq lamp in your life if you donate at least 15 and win this pair of adorable crochet gdq lamps that's right they're going together as a pair because at the end of the day every lamp needs a friend that's what it's all about thank you so much to mountain goth mom for making them and sending them out like i said i've just been having so much fun with them all week from meredith frederick we have this absolutely beautiful pen here it comes with uh you know a nice it's a functional pen you can write with it it has a refillable ink cartridges that just uses standard ink cartridges and on the end here you can see there is an hourglass this hourglass is time to a minute the pen itself is in the gdq blue colors it looks great thank you so much to meredith for sending this out to us i i love this it's such a unique thing i don't think anyone has ever created pens for us before much less somehow speed running adjacent pens absolutely amazing make sure to get that 20 donation in as soon as you can now from sky berkson there any bloodborne fans out there in the chat we have one of skye's absolutely ridiculous models this is of esophagus clinic from bloodborne and it'll be a little bit hard to see here but the windows on the top and the door actually light up um probably gonna have a hard time seeing it under the very bright studio lights that we're under right now but it has a nine volt battery in the base um and it just has a little switch on the back they light up it's beautiful skye skye's work is incredible like the level of detail and texture in every single part of this miniature is off the charts from the texturing of the molding around the door to the small crack in the window to just the texture of the concrete wall behind the door itself all of it is perfect you could not ask for a better made mini 25 minimum donation thank you so much to skye for sending that out to us and uh you know there might be one more prize uh this block i'm not entirely sure right i should i should just take it out let's uh stop with the stall in here this is indeed just a box however it is representative of a lot more because we do indeed have a playstation 5 available for you to win by donating it's a 25 minimum donation from now until the end of x2 i mean if you've been trying to get a ps5 lately you know how impossible it is to get a ps5 lately so 25 going to charity you might wind up with a ps5 at the end of it it's a great console it's got some great games on it it's impossible to find right now it's only a 25 donation what more could you want and that 25 is of course going towards the amazing cause that is doctors without borders now if you have not donated at least 50 in a single donation today let me tell you about our two amazing day prizes both of them are going to be a 50 minimum donation at any point today which is going to be heads run from earlier this morning to mega man x2 coming up here in a few runs uh we have this hand-drawn peach uh by lara pai um seriously this is not a print this is not a painting this is done with colored pencils i i cannot stress how ridiculous that is as our cameraman zooms in on it and as i zoom a little bit closer to it you can see the pencil scratchings on everything from the rays coming off the sun to the blue background to peach's face and dress itself every part of this picture is done with colored pencil and that is a monumental task and it is a beautiful finished product so huge shout outs to lara pie for sending that out to us if you haven't gotten fifty dollars in already get fifty dollars in already maybe you could win this painting i hope you do because it's absolutely amazing now also for a 50 minimum donation over here on the shelf behind me we have this absolutely samus helmet sent to us by mavmade it is an incredible replica of samus's helmet from the metroid series and it comes with its own stand that is shaped like the screw attack icon from said series it's absolutely beautiful the detail in it is immaculate the paint job in it is great it's wearable you could just put that on your head and see through the visor pretend to be samus all you want i absolutely love it don't worry if you got a big head i've got a massive one it still somehow fits me thank you so much to mad mabe for sending that out to us now of course we also have two absolutely wonderful grand prizes to talk about both of them are 250 minimum donation but that is cumulative throughout the entire marathon so get 25 in right now get 50 in right now if you haven't gotten 50 in today in a single donation and guess what you're gonna be on your way to getting entered into both of these amazing prizes now from our friends over at heroic replicas we have your choice of one of 18 amazing unique heroic replicas this is the light scale trident there's the goddess sword uh there's the fierce deity sword from majora's mask you know that cool twin helix blue and green blade uh there's ike's ragnal from fire emblem there's the sword from shadow of colossus wanderer sword like the options are limitless are you not a sword person you can get the megaton hammer you can get the hylian shield there are a ton of great options and there is a beautiful album of all of the choices available at click on the link for prizes check it out i promise you you won't be disappointed and thank you so much heroic replicas for making that possible to us and of course our other amazing grand prize which is right here behind my head we have a skytech gaming mark 9 custom gaming pc this thing is an absolute beast it's got a 5800 x cpu it's got a 30 70 ti gpu it's got everything you need to have a top of the line a gaming rig right now with parts that you just frankly can't find anywhere on your own but a 250 cumulative donation could get you this pre-built amazing pc seriously my favorite part about this and i know it's running under a light load obviously it's not running any programs is that i'm sitting like a foot away from it at most and this thing is just completely quiet i can't hear anything i can hear fans from all of the equipment we have running in the studio i can put my ear up to that thing and nothing it is incredible huge shout outs to skytech gaming for sending that out to us all right everyone well i think that's going to just about do it for all of the time i have but if i'm not around and you have some questions about prizes or anything else about the event you can head over to check out all the links above the stream because that's going to give you all the info you could ever need it's going to tell you about the upcoming speed runs and showcases that we have in the marathon like our upcoming my my finale showcase don't go anywhere you don't want to miss this run if even if you don't know what maimai is just stay put i guarantee you 15 minutes from now you are going to only need the edge of your seat because you're not going to want to sit down anymore you're going to want to get up and find your nearest arcade that has a cab it's going to show you all of the amazing incentives that you can put your donations towards because remember you don't have to donate specifically for the prizes you can put your donations towards a ton of our great incentives like bonus games like the my my run was or challenge incentives like getting that utage mode song uh chart their song list i should say into the marathon there are some real interesting charts in there you want to see it and of course all the information on the amazing prizes that you can win by donating to summer games done quick marforia why don't you get everyone excited and get everyone ready for my my finale you
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 233,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Competitive Gaming, Fast Gaming, Fast Run, Hasty Play, Legend of Zelda, Mario, Mega Man, SGDQ2021, Speed, Speedrun, Super Mario 64, Swesome Games Done Quick 2021, Video Games, Zelda, eSports
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 29sec (7589 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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